Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Amen. Amen. [1:00] Amen. Amen. [2:00] Amen. Amen. [3:00] Amen. Amen. [4:00] Amen. Amen. [5:00] Amen. Amen. Amen. Depending upon the Lord, I direct you again to the text which we had this morning, which is to be found in Isaiah chapter 30 and verses 20 and 21. [5:35] Isaiah chapter 30 verses 20 and 21. And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers, and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way. [6:18] Walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. [6:31] And when ye turn to the left. And when ye turn to the left. you remember, we have two people, but all will be taken from Others, as thou looks away, and also I work. Amen. Let's pray. Good tosa tavs. Jayon, verse 20 and 24, through 10. [6:44] We say, A referendum is in this language. Amen. To whom yeaw- behaviour. Hear, The scroll of days'hearted. He Christ, Thothless scabat, Amen. Shall Kamerah. [6:56] God you have turned to the right hand, and God's glory to the left. You remember we tried to speak concerning those that the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction this morning. [7:13] And how the Lord brings you, really what he's doing, you know, what he did in that trial which we attempted to speak of this morning. [7:27] He's bringing you to his will, to his mind, to his will. You remember that we touched on this where you have this double eye in you but now you come in the trial to the single eye. [7:51] And where you came to that place where your hope, the Lord revealed to you that it was through him, through the Lord, working in your heart. [8:07] These trials bringing you to that one place, that one spot where you came to see and to realize that it was by his own hand that he brought you there. [8:26] And brought you to show, to show to you that he is the Lord of all. [8:38] And that he does bring his children to that place where they acknowledge him in it. And where they sing his praises. [8:52] You will find this, that that trial through which you passed, it becomes, and the Lord opens your eyes and you see that that trial was your teacher. [9:09] To bring you to that spot and that place where the Lord would speak comfortably to your soul. [9:20] Now if we can go on from there. If the Lord will help us. Now when you come to that place, poor soul, when you come into that place where the Lord speaks comfortably to you, he lays his will into your heart. [9:50] And you see, you're whereas before you may have had your own will, your own determination to walk in the various paths which you desire to walk. [10:08] Now you come humbly before him, desiring to do his will and to be where he will have you be. [10:24] A change in your heart. You see how the trial has brought you to that place to lay passive in his hand and know no will but his. [10:39] Can you say that? Can you look back to a place where you hope the Lord brought you, by these various means, brought you to a place where you hope that he spoke into your heart and made you willing. [11:02] Willing to do his will. Willing for all things in this life. And I may say this to you. [11:16] When the Lord lays in your heart, his mind, his purpose, his will, on earth, what you are to do, your occupation, all of these things, whatever it may be, in providence, in the church, or everything, the Lord, every move that a child of grace makes, everything that comes into their lot, they inquire of the Lord. [12:07] Now, what have you got in your heart? What is there, poor soul? What is it? Now, I find, you will find this, that what the Lord lays in your heart, even, although you may receive it, you receive it in the day of his power, that life which he places before you, the path which he places before you in this life, even though you may be young in years, that path which you choose, in the day of his power, you choose in his will, it may be to you as an hand's breath, between there, the commencement, and heaven, your eternal home. [13:15] just a hand's breath, and you are willing, to walk in that path. [13:28] But you see, here, you desire, a word from the Lord. And when you see the difference, you see the difference between, the child of grace, where they were before, and I spoke to you, the rebellious child, how you went down to Pharaoh, and the Egyptians help invade, and all of these things, but now you come willing, before him, to do his will. [14:08] I read that chapter in Genesis, I hesitated, I thought I would cut out a path here, and cut out a path there, because it's a long chapter, but as I read it through, it's the very path of a child of grace, walking in obedience, to their Lord. [14:39] And you will notice here, how, in that, when we read it, you see, he was in, the Lord's command. [14:51] Now are you in the Lord's command, in your heart? You see, whether you are at the commencement, whether you've had the will of the Lord, laid in your heart, and when you have the will of the Lord, laid in your heart, however rough, however rugged, that path may be, and it will be rough and rugged, however it may be, you receive it willingly, at his hands. [15:37] If it is a path of persecution, in the flesh, whatever it is, you will choose it. [15:52] Choose thou the way, but still lead on. And when we read, you know, you read in Hebrews, and you're well acquainted with the, with the chapter 11, in Hebrews, the times that, I've gone to this chapter, in Hebrews, you see, and it says here, others had trial, of cruel mockings, scourgings, yea, moreover, of bonds, and imprisonment, they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, they wandered about, in sheepskins, and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom, now this is it, of whom the world, was not worthy, followers of Christ, followers of Jesus, they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens, and caves of the earth, now these all, having obtained a good report, through faith, receive not the promise, [17:17] God having provided, some better thing for us, that they, without us, should not be made perfect, now, whatever the Lord, lays in your heart, I can tell you, you may see it, as a path, which is rugged, a path, of persecution, a path, of torment, being tormented, a path, of going through deserts, and all, of these things, but you, will receive it, in the day, of his power, and you, will receive it, in love, if it's a path, where you, have to deny, yourself, a path, where you, may calm, the very, natural, desires, of your heart, and you, may have to, you, may have, something, come, before you, which, this, which is, before you, something, pleasing, to the flesh, something, your very, nature, desires, something, your nature, craves for, and, you, have to, and it's there, right there, in front of you, the opportunity, is there, but, you, have to, sacrifice, that, for the love, of Christ, and, when, you, sacrifice, that, you, may, grieve, in, the flesh, [19:29] Satan, may, come, to you, and, he, may, say, to you, look, all, that, you've, got, in, your, life, all, of, these, things, you, know, how, Jesus, came, into, the wilderness, and, Satan, said, all, of, these, things, he, showed, him, all, the cities, of, the, of, the, world, all, and, he, told, Jesus, that, it, would, be, his, if, he, would, fall, down, and, worship, him, and, that's, the, temptation, which, you, got, in, your, before, you, in, measure, poor, soul, everything, pleasing, if, you, will, worship, the, things, of, this, life, but, you, come, in, your, heart, and, you, bow, and, it's, a, struggle, in, your, soul, a, great, struggle, which, you, may, feel, in, your, heart, you, see, these, things, a, child, of, grace, they, do, not, come, in, it's, not, easy, it's, not, an, easy, path, to, choose, in, the, will, of, the, [20:46] Lord, a, path, where, you, have, to, deny, yourself, a, path, where, you, have, to, deny, all, those, things, feel, is, your, right, and, there, is, a, battle, that, goes, on, within, and, Satan, will, add, argument, upon, argument, and, one, of, the, great, arguments, which, he, may, place, before, you, is, this, there, is, nothing, in, it, in, this, which, you, turn, aside, from, the, world, to, seek, after, Jesus, was, a, man, nothing, there, at, all, there, is, and, he, may, agree, with, you, that, there, is, a, God, but, he, will, put, argument, upon, argument, why, you, should, not, follow, in, this, way, and, there, is, this, battleground, the, battleground, within, your, soul, whether, you, will, choose, to, follow, [22:04] Christ, that's, what, it, means, whether, you, will, choose, to, follow, your, savior, in, his, the, path, that, he, walked, through, this, world, to, be, despised, and, rejected, of, man, or, to, walk, in, this, what, broad, way, with, all, the, allurements, of, the, world, with, all, the, things, that, Satan, promises, you, that, you, will, receive, if, you, but, sell, Christ, that, if, you, but, sell, your, savior, for, the, things, of, this, life, but, he, won't, say, to, you, sell, Jesus, he, will, so, allure, you, and, so, will, bring you, to, bring you, to your desires, and, he'll, bring you, right, to the very, fulfillment, of it, I, know, what I'm, talking, about, [23:07] I've, walked it, my friends, and, to, bring you, to the very, brink, bringing you, to sacrifice, everything, when I say, sacrifice, I don't mean, a right sacrifice, all, of those, things, that you, love, in Jesus, in following, your Lord, bring you, to sell them all, that's a better word, to follow, for a few, fleeting years, the pleasures, of this life, bring you, to the very, boring, can you, stand there, and you, may even, to your, feelings, fall, and there, you are, and, do you, remember, you can, read, Bunyan, when he, came to that, place, where, he, he felt, [24:12] I believe, he said, he saw, Christ, I believe, it said, the devil, followed him, day in, and day out, night in, and night out, sell him, sell him, sell him, sell him, I believe, that was the word, he used, and you see, you may come, into such a path, as this poor soul, I realize this, that's extreme cases, but some of God's people, have to come through, these extreme cases, and some of these, God's people, they may, in a very, simple thing, come in their measure, in the same way, and here we are, you're at the stand, but, you see, whether you come, into that path, whether you come, into feeling, that you've sold Christ, [25:15] I'll just touch this, for a moment, if there is one in here, that knows, what it is, to come, into that path, where you come, into black despair, darkness, itself, within your soul, because, you have sold, Christ, for a thing, of this world, world, but, the Lord, does not, leave that soul, there, he brings, him, or her, to his, will, you see, the Lord, has laid, in your heart, his, will, and, you see, he, is, determined, that, you, will, walk, in that way, with, all, your, backsliding, with, everything, what you are, is, determined, to bring you, to, walk, in that way, poor soul, and, you see, he, brings, he, brings you, into the text, thine ears, shall hear, a word, behind thee, saying, this, is, the way, walk, in it, when ye, turn, to the right, hand, and, when ye, turn, to the left, you, can you see, you see, how the soul, may turn, to the right, they may, turn, to the left, but, the Lord, says, this, is, the way, you may, and you see, you see, what, this, [27:21] Abraham's servant, had in his heart, you see, he had the will, the will of Abraham, his master, and you, have the will of God, in your heart, and you watch, and you wait, don't you, poor soul, and you see, you come here, you come here, with it, desiring, a confirmation, now, watch that point, you see, when the Lord, has laid, his will, in your heart, you watch, the ministry, and you watch, in prayer, and you watch, in the word, of God, God, you see, you have, and you feel this, at times, do you really, know, what is, the will of the Lord, you see, you come, you see, when you were, in that love, you knew, what it was, didn't you, when you had, that love, shed abroad, in your heart, you knew, what that was, you knew, what that path, was, which you would, have to walk, and you chose, it freely, before, at all, but now, you come, when you walk, in these paths, of temptation, when you walk, in these paths, of darkness, you don't know, whether you know, the will of the Lord, or not, you may say, how do I know, the will of the Lord, love, you hear, love spoken of, in these days, and you may hear, all manner of comments, on love, but I can tell you this, this love, which you feel, in your heart, is not an earthly love, love, it's a love, which you cannot, describe, it's a love, to Christ, through, his love, to you, because, you feel, you see, you feel, the love of Christ, working, within your soul, just for a moment, and your heart, responds, in love, take my all, [30:13] Lord, this worthless, heart of mine, take my all, and do with me, as thou, does, please, and you see, this is, your, your will, as your, the Lord's will, has become, your will, take me, to thyself, whatever, I may, have to suffer, Lord, I've, willingly, accepted, whatever, I have to sell, whatever, I have to, part with, in this life, for the love of Christ, I freely, surrender, my all, that's not free will, that's free grace, that is, through the power, of Christ, working in your heart, bringing you, to choose, freely, his ways, and when, the power, is gone, poor soul, now, you are, in the wilderness, aren't you, you see, this man, this servant, he had to go, on a long journey, and you, have to go, on a long journey, through desert lands, through places, you see, where there is, no water, and you, may feel, you see, there's no, your soul, craves, the water, of life, and yet, you're, in this, dry, and, barren land, and, here you are, you see, you've, forsaken, all, to follow, him, and, in this, dry land, you come, you come, at times, you see, in the, heat of the day, and, in the, frost at night, in the, boiling heat, and, the, intense, cold, can you not, see, your life, in it, and, can you not, see, your life, in these, natural things, when, you come, and, you have, to walk, across, sandy deserts, where, the sand, stings you, and, where you, have, to walk, through, rocky lands, where, your feet, are cut, and, blistered, all, of these, things, the child, comes, and, you see, when, you come, to a well, of water, on your journey, and, you see, the Lord, the Lord, has said, in here, that, thou, shalt hear, a word, behind thee, now, the Lord, supports, this soul, you, come, from, time, to, time, in this, path, through which, you are, passing, you, come, to these, wells, of water, you, come, you see, you, come, to a place, where, you say, to the Lord, thou, knowest, my desire, my whole desire, my vow, was, that I, should, follow thee, in thy will, in that path, which thou, hast laid, within, my heart, you see, this soul, this one, they, haven't, taken it, up, yet, you, see, they're, in the way, [34:15] I, being, in, the way, the Lord, led me, to, my, master's, brethren, you see, I, being, in the way, now, you, seek, a token, don't you, in your heart, you see, sometimes, you may, sit, and, muse, over, these things, you, may, go, alone, and, you, may, think, upon, Jesus, the love, of Christ, and, you, may, feel, this, you, may, feel, such, love, to, him, love, to, his, ways, love, to, his, people, love, to, the, house, of, God, love, to, his, aged, saints, willing, to, do, all, you, can, for, the, aged, saints, some, of, those, where, you, hope, you, seen, the, love, of, [35:19] Christ, shine, in, them, they, are, your, people, and, in, this, love, you, see, you, sit, and, you, desire, to, be, with, them, that's, your, desire, you, desire, to, dwell, in, the, courts, of, the, house, of, the, Lord, and, you, see, I, remember, that, one, who, said, I'd, rather, be, a, doorkeeper, in, the, house, of, my, God, than, to, dwell, in, the, tents, of, wickedness, you, see, you, you, would, rather, be, amongst, God's, people, wouldn't you, but, you, see, here, you, want a token from him that he has spoken to you. [36:11] You, see, in the, where you've come into these desert lands and where you've come, you see, in the night season looking for a guide, you, see, to see the stars in the heaven looking for a star to guide you on your journey, looking for a token from him. [36:36] Art thou with me, Lord? Behold, I stand by this well and you see, you may pray that the Lord would grant you a visible token of his love to you, grant you a visible token that he is with you, that he is going with you for you. [37:07] You want to know whether your way is prosperous or not. You see, this child, this one, they've got their whole heart. [37:22] the Lord, the Lord, the Lord has won them, you know. Even, he's, he's allured them into the wilderness where he will speak comfortably to them. [37:38] And here they are, you see, they've got this single eye before the Lord for his glory. but you may say to me, what about my sins? [37:51] This is it. This is what the child of grace grieves over. He grieves, they grieve over the fact that they haven't this love to Christ always in their heart. [38:07] They grieve over their backslidings and they grieve because they feel that they've grieved their Lord. [38:20] But you see, you still have to press on. You still have to go on this journey, poor soul. You still have to go on this pilgrimage. [38:32] And when you turn to the left hand or turn to the right hand, you come from time to time that this voice, now this voice, it's love. [38:49] It's an inner persuasion, an inner conviction within your heart that what you believe is real. [39:03] You see, you come, you see, you may be harassed, you may be tormented, and all of these things. But when you are put to the test, poor soul, and put to the test you will be, you come to say that I did not this for the fear of the Lord. [39:30] You see, how the Lord brings you, how this love of Christ is stronger than death. It's stronger than all the powers of the world put together. [39:47] You may come into a path where you see now you have this love in your heart, the love of Christ in your soul. [39:59] let's put it right, the love of Christ in your soul, which you may not be able even to say it's the love of Christ in your soul, but you may be able to say this, I desire to be with the people of God. [40:22] God and I told you that Satan may harass you, he may put things before you, but he may come in a more subtle way. [40:38] You see, you come through that trial, you come through that testing time, and you see, you come willing to follow, to serve your Lord in whatever way he commands you. [40:59] And now Satan may come in a more subtle form. He may not say to you, he may not come like a roaring lion, but he may just whisper into your heart something. [41:23] And you may, you may look at this, you see, and you may examine it, but it may not seem quite right. [41:35] You see, you may, you may be tempted to go into a lighter path, into a lighter religion, or whatever it may be, and you see this path, which seems pleasing to you. [41:55] You see, these characters, you may feel, you may look at them, and they're always singing of joy, always in praise. [42:08] And you see, this path, which you're passing through, they may turn to you, and say, why do you live in this path? [42:22] Why do you live in this sorrowful veil? Why do you walk in such things? Surely the word of God is full of promises, and it is full of promises. [42:37] You agree with them, it is full of promises. Then why do you doubt? You see, all of these arguments, and you may say in your heart, yes, that my way which I walk can't be right. [42:57] Here are these, they live in the joy, and praise to their Lord every day of the week. and whereas I, I live in the shadows. [43:11] Can my path be right? Isn't this path right? And you see, you see how it is, how the allurements to bring you away from the path. [43:25] But, there is this, now they do not know anything about what we spoke this morning. It says, where it comes and know the Lord. [43:41] You see, the Lord, the Lord, give you the bread of adversity, the Lord himself. And that's a promise from the Lord. [43:56] And the water of affliction that comes from the Lord, and where the child of grace, they come to see that in this very thing, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers. [44:22] You speak to one that lives in this other path with all the joy and all these things. [44:35] You ask them, if they know what it is to come into this, that thine eyes shall see thy teachers. [44:46] You see the path, the path of bringing you know you've got a secret in your heart. You desire Christ above everything else, because he has made himself precious to you. [45:09] He's made himself precious to your soul. love. And that love which he laid in your heart is only to be known by those that walked into the other path, walked in the path before. [45:33] And you will find this, that all of this joy which is proclaimed, you will suddenly have your eyes opened and see that it is a joy in the flesh. [45:54] There is a joy. There is a joy in Christ. And that joy no one can take from you. but it's a sacred joy. [46:08] It's a joy which no one else knows but the soul that receives it. And this joy, the joy as we read in Hebrews 12, for the joy that was set before him, now you in measure, you will have this joy. [46:35] This joy in your heart of an anticipation of what lies before you. Now this joy is heaven. [46:49] But heaven begun below are these foretastes of heaven. Now if I can rightly divide that, what I mean is this, this very, from the very first beginning, this is the way walk in it, this which you had right in the beginning, that love, you will find it increases. [47:21] And the greater the adversity, the greater the trial, the greater the affliction, you will find this, that greater is the joy. [47:41] You may weep and sing at the same time. You may weep over your sins and sing praises to Jesus for his love to you. [48:00] You see, in the forgiveness of your sins, you may say to me, but that's the very thing that I desire to know. That is it, that is the secret, I desire to know whether my sins are forgiven me. [48:24] That is the very exercise of my soul. And as you walk in this path, poor soul, it will come again and again in greater measure, until it becomes an all-consuming desire within you to know that he has died for you. [48:52] You see, you're not satisfied with a Christ that died for others. You believe it, you believe it for the saints of God, but did he die for me? [49:08] You see, all of these things, that's why I say whatever the Lord has laid in your path to go after. And you will know, you will feel in your heart that love to him, and it will go out in the direction of his will. [49:33] You may come here, poor soul, you may not have a single word, but you may have a love come down from heaven into your soul, a heavenly love, and as that love comes down into your soul, it goes in the path which the Lord will have you go, instantaneously, love, and as you feel that love come in, you will embrace it, and when you come out of the vision, out of the revelation, out of the experience, and come back to yourself, to your natural self, you may look upon it, and you may say it is impossible, you may, you see, you come into this within each soul, within each [50:48] Christian, two armies are seen, you see, and this is the two armies, you see, the new man of grace, and the old man of sin, and you see, you may come into the experience, where Esau, the old man of sin, the carnal mind, not Ishmael is going to say, Ishmael and Isaac, you see, where Ishmael may ridicule you, you see, this thing which you've had, this holy thing, this holy experience, which you've had, and it is a holy experience, because it's come from the Lord, through Jesus Christ, you see, this love come into your heart, a holy revelation, and then to come to be, not to believe him, because you see, nothing outside, according to sense and reason, there's nothing in it, but you see now, this is the way, the voice behind you, this is the way, walk in it, and walk in it, you will, because it is in the power of God, the power of the [52:32] Holy Spirit laying in your heart, and you see, you'll follow me here, when you turn to the left hand, or when you turn to the right, when you turn to other ways, you will find this, that you've got to come back, the Lord will bring you back, bring you back into his ways, and he will bring that to fulfillment, which he has laid in your heart, for the times, God, Amen. [53:09] Amen. to be 95. [53:38] Be still, my heart, these anxious cares to thee, our burdens thorns are still. They cast dishonor on the Lord and conquered him. [53:50] His gracious Lord, all safety by his hand thus far, why does there now keep place the fear? How does that walk? If he provides walk, who's not right? [54:02] We're such a God. Hymn number 961. Hymn number 961. Hymn number 961. [54:33] Be still, my heart, these anxious cares, to be what other anyhow they've been heard. [55:02] Transcription by CastingWords CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [56:32] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [57:58] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, O Lord, do help us to commit everything into thy hand. [58:56] All that has been spoken in thy name, pardon all that thy pure eyes have seen amiss since we've met together. [59:08] Lord, I do commit this people into thy hand. Bless them and go before them in all their untrodden steps, and as we separate, be with us each. [59:23] Grant unto us each journey in mercies, and surround us each with thy protecting arms. And O Lord, I would pray, be with me this night. [59:38] O, do grant a word from thyself. Lord, I need what we've just sung, Lord. He who has helped us hitherto. [59:51] Lord, I would plead with thee, be with us, Lord. And now may the grace of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the communion of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each, now and evermore. [60:14] Amen. Lord glory. [60:30] Our prayer meeting will be at 2 or 3 on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Next日, we'll say, we'll be at a reading service in the morning. What we, Mr. Pete Kingerman, will be with us now. [61:06] Thank you.