Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] 23rd verse For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. [0:30] You'll find these words in the 6th chapter of Romans and the 23rd verse For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. [0:53] There are two things in particular that stand out in these words and that is death and life. [1:12] The wages of sin is death. What a solemn truth it is. [1:26] Death is a solemn consequence of sin. The word of God declares it is appointed unto men once to die and after death the judgment. [1:47] Oh it's a solemn thing isn't it? After death the judgment. Many will tell us that death is the end but the word of God tells us after death the judgment. [2:06] The word of God tells us that this life is not the end. And what a mercy it is for those who fear God that this life is not the end. [2:24] that there is a life to come that there is a better life a better country a city which has foundations who is builder and maker of God. [2:46] For Paul says in writing to the Corinthians I think it is if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable but the Christian the true Christian that man and woman or child who fears God he has a hope beyond this life. [3:14] A sure and certain hope which enters into that which is within the file whether the forerunner even Jesus has for us in. [3:29] But I before I speak more along those lines I want to speak concerning the first part of our text the wages of sin is death. [3:45] The soul has sinned it should die. death is a result of sin. You remember when God created our first parents Adam and Eve they were sinless they were in a state of innocence sin. [4:07] They were favoured with communion with their creator. There was no sin to mar their communion. [4:20] Nothing came between them. They were placed in that beautiful God but it was on conditions that they did not partake of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil. [4:42] For God had said in the day that they partook of that fruit they should surely die. And as you know sin entered as the serpent beguiled Eve and she partook of the fruit and gave to her husband and so death entered the curse entered and so death passed upon all men for all her sins so that all the sons of Adam are born in sin and shapen in iniquity there's not a just man upon earth there was only one just man only one perfect man only one sinless man that ever trod this earth and that was the man [5:47] Christ Jesus I speak it reverently because he was real man and real God but he knew no sin he did no sin in him was no sin although he was made sin mysteriously he was made sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him but he was the only sinless man that ever trod this earth all the sons of Adam are born in sin for we like sheep of God astray we have turned everyone to his own wife how true it is do you believe it my friends that you are sin and come short of the glory of God it's a mercy if we are brought to feel it to feel the blessing in us if we have been truly convinced of it if we have been made sensible of it the wages of sin is there yes the wages of sin is there if there would have been no sin there would have been no death no disease but God permitted the fall it's a mystery the things of God are mysterious things we cannot begin to explain them nor can we begin to fully understand them we only know them in past and then as they revealed to us but God in his sovereignty he permitted the fall he permitted sin to enter but my friends think of the grace that abounds over sin is there would have been no sin there would have been no salvation because man would not have needed salvation these things are mysterious these things are solemn these things are blessings that's a wonderful word we read in the fifth chapter for where sin abounded grace did much more abound [8:37] I love these much more in Romans much more do you feel sometimes the abounding of sin within you and you fear that sometimes maybe that after all sin will have dominion over you you seem to such an easy praise of sin and to foolishness those of us who know a little of our own heart how we feel this but all to feel that although sin so much abounds in us grace does much more abound grace my friends is stronger than sin oh it is and the hymn writer says plentious grace with thee it is found grace to cover all my sins think of it the abounding grace of [9:40] God to cover all our sins although this first part of our text is solemnly true the second part is blessedly true the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord the wages of sin we have here wages wages is what we earn those of you many of you no doubt have been engaged in your labour during the week for which you have received wages but my friends we're told here the wages of sin is death is solemnly death death not only for your death not only natural death but if grace prevents not eternal death not only the death of the body but the death of the soul for I believe the lost they are continually dying we read where there is their fire is not quenched and their worms die is not think of it the second death and that's the wages of sin the wages of sin is death but our text also speaks about a gift there's a contrast between wages and a gift wages is what we earn it's a result of our labour but this gift is what is freely given a gift is a gift if you give anyone anything you don't expect them to pay for it [11:55] I've often said to people if I've given them anything they sometimes have said how much is it I said it's nothing a gift is a gift and so my friends we have a gift here the wages of sin is death but the gift of God the free gift of God the sovereign gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord think of it we have here in our text death and life we have the malady and the remedy we have sin salvation and these are the two things that we must preach yes these are two essential things [12:55] I remember hearing an old minister say once many years ago that another minister was giving advice to a younger one and he said to him you would preach the badness of man and the goodness of God and so it is my friends this is what we must preach we must preach sin and salvation we must preach the malady and the remedy it's no good preaching the malady and exclude the remedy is it what comfort would that be to poor sinners if we dwelt only on the malady and on the other hand how can we preach the remedy if we preach no malady because if we don't know the malady we should never value the remedy tell me what comfort can a saviour bring to those who never feel their woe it's those who feel their woe it's those who are sensible sinners who value salvation but let me come back to dwell a little longer upon the malady [14:12] I do not want to dwell on the malady to the exclusion of the remedy God forbid but we must speak of the malady the wages of sin is death death death is a solemn appointment following the fall what did Job say in that chate of ebay man that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble he cometh forth as a flower and is cut down he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not and that few days may be literally a few days or only a few hours perhaps in the case of some with some they go as it were from the womb to the tomb from the grave to the grave but with others they may die in childhood [15:16] I've often as I've looked upon the different grey stones I've noticed how many have died in childhood in youth perhaps not so much in these days in which we live but a few years passed a few generations passed and many there was that passed away in childhood and in youth many were cut down in the days of their youth that awful disease of consumption took away many I know there are other diseases now which are taking people away such as cancer and so on my friends it's all the result of sin oh it is the wages of sin is death death is a solemn reality oh it is indeed but how solemn it is if we're not prepared for it that's what makes it so solemn many think little of it they go on year after year and they think they will live forever at least they act as if they will and some who profess to fear [16:42] God I fear I fear sometimes they act in a way that they think they'll live forever but they won't what is our life said James it's but a vapor a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes away you see the mist in the morning and you look again perhaps and it's gone and that is our life we're like a morning mist we're like a vapor we're gone here today and gone to Mars we ought to say James says if the Lord if the Lord will we shall live and do this or that if the Lord will I do feel this more than ever with my increasing years and increasing weaknesses I feel more than ever we can only live as it were day at the time [17:46] I often say to my wife and we stand on life uncertain times we know not what a day may bring life is so uncertain death is so certain sometimes it comes without a moment's warning some are cut down to the stroke no warning whatever all that the Lord may give us grace that we may number our days as we read in the 90th psalm that psalm of Moses soul teacher to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom and what does it mean to number our days I take it one way in which we can number our days is to be concerned about the future to be made wise unto salvation that's a word in [18:56] Deuteronomy which the Lord says to his people Israel oh that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter ends you may say perhaps some of you especially you younger ones you may say it's a gloomy subject but my friends death and the grave are doleful things to finite more so soon to die they are but it may not be so if you have a concern about your end it's not because of gloomy things you may think it's right to have a concern to have a concern about your end to have a concern about death I believe when I was quite a boy I had a concern about death I do not say that it was grace but I was very concerned about death [19:59] I used to wonder if I should die in my boyhood days death was a solemn reality death I never used to hear others speak lightly of it although I cannot say definitely that I had a true concern then about myself but I had a fear of death oh death is a solemn reality and you and I are born to die born to die am I born to die to lay this body down and must my trembling spirit lie unto a world unknown it's true my friends your soul will spend eternity in one of two places either heaven or hell either eternal misery or eternal blessedness the [21:00] Lord Jesus Christ was ever infesting upon his hearers the worth of their soul he said what shall have proper the man if he gained the whole world and lose his own soul or what should he give his gains for his soul we are often very concerned about our bodies aren't we it's right to have a right concern I know but I sometimes think we're too much concerned as to what we should eat and what we should drink and what we should put on yes but are we concerned as much about our souls are we concerned as to where we should spend eternity when time with us will be no more when we shall be launched into that boundless eternity I say are we concerned as to where we should spend it for the wages of sin is there oh how solemn if a person goes on in their sin without any repentance or godless sorrow on account of it because to die in our sins means to die out of hope to die in our sins means to die without [22:28] God without Christ and to sink to that place where hope and mercy can never die because there is a place according to the scriptures where hope and mercy can never come where as I said just now there's weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth perhaps I didn't quote that verse but I quoted another one about where their soul fire is not quenched and their worm dies not or there is a place of endless woe the wages of sin is death eternal death if grace prevents us oh it's solemn isn't it death is a reality but all to be prepared for it all to be made ready but because we are told in the 90th psalm that our days on earth are like grass you know grass when it's cut down it withers it fades and so do we man cometh forth as Job says like a flower and it's cut down we see flowers in our garden they come out in bloom but they don't last long do they some last longer than others it's true but as soon they begin to fade especially some the petals begin to fall and that is like man we begin to fall we spend our years as a tale that is told and our mudward cottage begins to shake [24:14] I often have said I can truly say with a poet I feel my mudward cottage shake but I have to stop there the poet says I long to see it fall I believe the Lord does bring his people into those places when they can say I long to see fall when they long to be gone on a blessed place to be brought to with death and need long to be gone to depart and be with Christ to describe it because death will either be one thing or the other to us it will either be eternal loss or eternal gain think of it Paul said for me to live is Christ to die is gain and death will be one or the other to us those who fear not [25:18] God it will be eternal loss how often you hear the expression when someone dies especially if they've been a great sufferer people will say there's mercy in it or something like that they're better off and so on but are they better off if they die without God without Christ are they better off they're not suffering they'd better be in this life suffering than suffering eternal death or else solemnly if unprepared I know it's grace alone can prepare us or are you concerned about these things I don't know why I'm speaking quite on this train this morning I didn't know what to speak from today until yesterday afternoon I sat down in my chair at home and I think I must have had a little sleep and when [26:27] I awoke these words came upon my mind the wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord the wages of sin is death all think of it think of it what a solemn thing it is to die and yet each one of us every day are getting nearer our dying life we're getting nearer the end of the journey we're journeying we're journeying either towards endless bliss or endless woe we're journeying we're either in the broad way that leads us to destruction or in the narrow way that leads us unto life oh which way are we going are we in the narrow way the way of life straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads us unto life crisis and few there be the find us are you one of those who are in that narrow way to heaven or are you still in the broad way because that's the way that men by nature pursue that's the way that we by nature would pursue if we're left to ourselves the broad way the way of destruction the way that ends in eternal misery lack despair for the wages of sin is death death yes death is a solemn reality and our days on earth are like a shadow they're like smoke they consume away and Moses says in the 90th psalm we spend our years as a tale that is told a tale that is told and with some of us the tale will soon be finished that soon be finished we no doubt with some of us we're in the last chapter of our lives we are indeed yes our lives can be compared to a book yes to a book for the wages of sin is death death and what of that we do how sad it would be how solemn it would be if the first part of this text was true and it is true but if there wasn't no second fact how sad it would be if we knew the malady and there was no remedy how sad it is for those no doubt who are suffering from an incurable disease and they know that there's no remedy for them no cure but how blessed if they have a hope beyond but if they have no hope how sad it is yes it would be sad indeed if the first part of this text was true but there wasn't no second part but there is that what about this is that the gift of [30:00] God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord although the wages of sin is death but the gift of God the free gift of God the sovereign gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord not only life in this world but eternal life beyond this world in thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore thou would show me the path of life oh my friends there is life eternal life each one of us live and move in God do we not God is the fountain of our life we often repeat those words about in him we live and move and have our being our true it is [31:09] God is the creator of our natural being and if we have a spiritual being that is if we are born again if we are made new creatures in Christ Jesus it's in him that being lives and moves all the Lord is the fountain of life he's the fountain of life with him are the issues of life are the good but the gift of God is eternal life and this eternal life is through Jesus Christ our Lord without him there would be no life but he came to bring life he said in the tenth chapter of John in speaking of his sheep how that he came to lay down his life for them he said [32:17] I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly my friends eternal life is through Jesus Christ our Lord there's death elsewhere but there's life in him he that hath the son of God hath life he that hath not the son of God hath not life all there's death in every stream save in the well of Bethlehem but there's life there there's healing there there's salvation there the gift of God is eternal life how different to the wages of this what a contrast there is in these two things in our text death life all this life eternal life will never end forevermore no end to eternal life think of it to live forever we can't conceive it can we but the child of [33:39] God will live eternally they will indeed because I live Christ said ye shall live also all there's life in him then he came to bring life didn't he oh yes because you see sin brought death and by one man sin entered and death by sin death was the result of sin but by one man Jesus Christ the second Adam came life he came to bring life and immortality to life through the gospel death brought a barrier between God and man death made a great gulf or sin rather made a great gulf between [34:46] God and the sinner a great gulf you remember when Adam and Eve sinned they were driven from that lovely garden driven from it and so there was a great barrier of it but even although man had so sorely fallen there was a promise of hope given I read that chapter last evening the second chapter in Genesis where we read about the fall and about the promise given that the seed of a woman should bruise the serpent and Christ is that seed that promise seed the seed of a woman that should bruise the serpent and so you see in due time in God's time the appointed time he came he came to bring life eternal life and how does life come why he comes through his death yes he comes through his death he came into this world he was born obeyed by birth mysterious he was made under the law he was holy harmless undefiled that holy babe which was conceived in the virgin's womb was sinless no sin in him he knew no sin but he came my friend for the express purpose that he might die for sin die for sin he died he came to bring them life yes to bring them life he died that they might live oh think of it think of it we live because of his death there would have been no life for sinners no eternal life if Jesus hadn't died but he came he bridged that great gulf which sinners made that great gulf between the holy god and the guilty sinner he bridged that gulf and now there is a way back to god there is a way whereby poor sinners can draw nigh to god to the proche unto god the lord the lord jesus said i am the way the way to god the way to heaven the truth and the life he is a life yes he came to bring life to poor sinners the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and it's through his death it's through his resurrection and all that he accomplished when he was made flesh and dwelt among us he came to bring life all there is no life but in jesus christ he said to the jew he will not come unto me that he might have life and how true it is some may quote that in support of free will but it isn't he chose to me that man has no will to come he will not come unto me as he might have tried there is no desire to come no will to come but there is life in him but a poor sinner convinced of his sin made to feel what a hell deserving wreck he is he is made willing to come according to that word thy people shall be willing in the day of my power oh in the day of the lord's power a poor sinner is made willing to come to [39:14] Christ for life have you my friends do you feel there is death elsewhere but in Christ there is light in him eternal light there is all that you can need in him light he said I am come so they might have life he said if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink to drink of the water of life freely all the gospel my friends is to pour sinners and what a living gospel it is there is light in the gospel there is power in the gospel I read that chapter this morning because the text on the calendar was about the kingdom of God being not in word but in power for now too it is power and what is power but life life where there's power there's life eternal life it's all in Jesus [40:26] Christ it's all in him oh what a fullness there is in the gospel it's a full gospel to an empty sinner oh do you feel your emptiness your nothingness your worthlessness because such are we we've nothing to boast of we've nothing to bring we have nothing to recommend ourselves to God nothing but sin we seek and give but always the Lord requires nothing of us only a need of him all the fitness he requires is to feel your need of him this he gives you Jesus spirit writing you may have heard me quote that many but my friends it's true all the fitness the qualification for the gospel is to feel your need of Jesus for they that are whole have no need of a physician but they that are sick it's the sick that need the physician we don't go to an earthly physician when we're well and in health do we but it's when sickness comes when disease comes it's then we can solve the earthly physician and so it is spiritually it's when we're sin sick when we feel lost and undone condition it's then we feel to need a saint or do you feel to need him who came to say [42:11] I am come he said that they might have life I came not to call the writer referring to the self writer but sinners to repentance he came for the express purpose of saving sinners not good people but sinners sinners are high in his esteem and sinners highly value him the Lord Jesus Christ he hates sin with a perfect hatred but he loves sinners he loves sinners that is sensible sinners and he bids them welcome to the gospel feast come come he said come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest again those words of Isaiah come to mind oh every wonder thirst are you thirsting for life thirsting for Christ oh every wonder thirst come ye to the water he that has no money come ye buy and eat yea by wine and milk without money without [43:27] Christ oh every wonder thirst are you thirsty are you hungry you know it's those who are healthy that are thirsty and hungry it's a sign of health naturally isn't it when we're hungry and thirsty and so it is my friend spiritually where a soul is truly hungry and thirsty it's a sign of health it's a sign of life life the wages of sin is death but the gift of God the free gift of God God might have left the whole of the human race to perish but no in his grace and mercy he purposed to save a number which no man can number according to the scriptures there was a covenant made the covenant of grace and in that covenant [44:31] God purposed to save a vast multitude he chose them he loved them and Christ in due time redeemed them by his precious blood and the Holy Spirit regenerates them oh think of it my friends the wages of sin is death but the gift of God the free gift of God the sovereign gift of God sovereignly bestowed as I said God might have left the whole of the human race to perish but in his grace and mercy he chose the people he loved the people I like those words of Samuel Medley and with that I will close it seems to sum it up so wonderfully he saw me ruined in the fall yet loved me not withstanding all he saved me from my lost mistake his loving kindness oh and the [45:39] Lord now concluding hymn 605 to the tune Sarah 63 the just by faith shall live nor fear the powers of hell all blessings that a God can give in Christ most richly dwell by faith in Jesus blood the just shall live indeed shall have a settled peace with God and from their sins be free hymn 605 for my [46:58] Thank you. [47:28] Thank you. [47:58] Thank you. [48:28] Thank you. Thank you. [49:28] Thank you. Thank you. [50:28] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [51:06] And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us now and forever. Amen.