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[0:00] The 55th Psalm and the 22nd verse Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved Whether it's profitable to tell you this or not I leave to you but early Monday morning I lay awake thinking of this place thinking of the present and the future as we pass from year to year we don't lay the burden down and it grows in intensity and weight like a mountain before us and I was going through the various people in my mind who worship here and some of their pathways and it seemed like a catalogue of great need and then very quietly this word was brought to my mind and thinking about it I felt well if the Lord spares us to meet tonight we try to speak a few words from it because it is good instruction and it is also accompanied with a promise and so we may be spared to go from year to year or from week to week or from month to month come to that this instruction is really the best instruction that we could possibly have you might look at various things through the word of God but here is a word that you can be thankful for a word that was written so many years ago but so applicable today and tonight [2:22] David was the writer I suppose we could say that his burdens were so far different from ours the Psalm 55 we believe is referring especially to that man Ahithophel who when Absalom was attempting to overthrow David and his kingdom Ahithophel went to take the part of Absalom Ahithophel was David's counsellor so he turned as a counsellor to Absalom but David had to say concerning Ahithophel in his prayer to the Lord that he will bring to nothing the council of Ahithophel so it was and the man went out and hung himself it's very solemn you read this chapter [3:28] Psalm rather it's very solemn it speaks about what Ahithophel was to David for it was not an enemy that reproached me then I could have borne it neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me then I would have hid myself from him but it was now a man my equal my guide and my acquaintance we took sweet counsel together and walked unto the house of God in company so it was a lesson to learn that well rehearsed word of late comes to mind cease from man whose breath is in his nostril so we learnt a little from this painful part the story of Absalom you could find in the word of God and how he was overthrown and so on that the word that the blessing the teaching and the mercy and the blessing that came from this was that he could record in his psalm to the church of Christ cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee well as we go from year to year we don't leave the burden behind you can look at your life and I can look at mine and I've looked at it very closely [5:09] I don't know if it would be profitable or not to look back on some of these years that were past but whatever it is it is accompanied by a burden if God gives you a path to walk it will be a burden to you because it will be a burden a God given burden but it will be one you can't manage in the church of Christ there are those who carry burdens those who fear the Lord carry a burden but it is a burden that they cannot manage I thought and it came to my mind about the Lord Jesus Christ and looking back on the way in which that we have been led we have these words I have trodden the winepress alone and of the people there there was none with me for I will tread them in mine anger and trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my raiment and this word and I looked and there was none to help and I wondered that there was none to uphold therefore my own arm brought salvation unto me and my fury it upheld me what a vast difference of course between the Lord's people and the Lord Jesus Christ in this respect but there is a similarity in that this was the similarity as far as I was concerned and I looked and there was none to help and that's how it seems to me to be and that's how we should go from year to year and this is the suitability of this text as there is none to help and the Lord sees fit that there's none to help then the word must be a word in season cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee [7:26] I thought to those familiar words too that the Lord spoke to the apostle perhaps in a different way but yet the word in itself is sufficient or suitable and the word was this and he said unto me my grace is sufficient those burdens therefore that we carry from year to year and we've known sometimes in the year or put it another way around we've felt many times in the year that's almost gone how could we continue with the burden because it grows in intensity the word says cast thy burden upon the Lord and often it is a pathway where the child of God seems to be alone in it and I believe you know though it's so contrary to nature that's how the Lord would have it be so cast thy burden upon the Lord [8:39] I refrain from whatever burden it be because we each have different burdens there are of course common burdens to the child of God but the pathway that they are led and directed and in that pathway they have that burden to carry the poet said whatever cross lies at thy door it cometh from the Lord and I've never yet found a cross that's comfortable and I know this my friends that the Lord prepares a cross for his people which is irksome enough that they don't settle under that cross but rather cry out under it cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee which means to me at least if I've got the word of God right that it doesn't speak about it being taken away but rather the promise is he shall sustain thee under the burden and as we said just now the way in which the Lord will sustain his people under these burdens is to to them that all sufficient grace that they shall go [10:11] I've had to learn this you don't you will not go in your own strength if it was it wouldn't be a burden if you could manage it in your own strength and your own wisdom it's not a burden to you but if it is of the Lord this burden then you will be you will find a need to cry unto him that he will support you and sustain you and he will do so by his grace there is a mercy here that must never be lost sight of and that is every child of grace everyone that fears the Lord has in Christ Jesus a burden bearer poet said cast on me he said thy care it is enough that I am nigh I will all thy burdens bear I will all thy needs supply this this is this is the nearest you will get to laying it down we would lay it down [11:14] I would time and time again I would have been willing to lay it down but that's the nearest you will get to laying it down cast thy burden upon the Lord lay it at his feet that he will deal with it that he will give grace sufficient grace to continue under that burden and he shall sustain thee now there is other ways in which I believe the Lord's people shall feel upheld in the carrying of a burden not only his grace because it is only by his grace that we shall ever do anything or ever know anything of the spiritual pathway but then I came to this his way was much rougher much darker than mine did Christ my Lord suffer and shall [12:16] I repine and I do believe my friends I stand on that the Lord so bless one's soul when they are in this state of the felt weight of a burden it will make the burden light it will make the burden light come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest you know my friends if one's enabled to do so in faith resting upon the promises of Christ that will take the weight of that burden it doesn't take the burden away but it takes the weight off of it and he shall sustain thee that will be how he shall sustain there again if you are led to his pathway if you have a view by faith of his pathway then you will live aside for a while of your own you know when those in the early church was persecuted for their faith they deemed it my friend a privilege to suffer for the name and cause of [13:39] Christ they felt it was remarkable I would feel that they were worthy of that opposition as they were dealt with so sadly for the name and calls of Christ that they carried cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain me and again great and precious promises are found in the word of God which one must never take to themselves unless the Holy Spirit is pleased to come and speak and to speak such promises again while it is so many and so blessedly applicable to the burden bearers in the church of Christ or the child of grace in general for each shall have a burden and they are very precious those promises and they are the means in [14:42] God's hands to make them feel supported under it thy shoes shall be iron and brass and as thy days so shall thy strength be and you read throughout the word of God of the promises which begin with fear not you know when the Lord applies such promises I've often thought of those saints of God in the Old Testament and I have a great love for them but all the blessings that they knew in the trials that they walked Joshua comes to mind of course because as indeed so did Moses when Moses was spoken to in the wilderness when he went to see the burning bush the Lord spoke to him through the burning bush and he spoke about his future pathway of 40 years much resistance and much argument was found on the lips of [15:57] Moses why he wouldn't do it and continually he was reminded of the promises of God continually the Lord spoke great things to his soul that would indicate his help and his presence and his support you know when it came down to even speaking to Pharaoh well he couldn't do that he had an impediment in his speech and that was sufficient to put up another argument against even speaking yet the Lord says that he should go now therefore go and I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say the ways then in which the Lord is pleased to sustain his people in the pathway where lies their burden cast thy burden upon the [17:01] Lord and there isn't anywhere else to cast it and I wish I had that grace to do it more frequent and to do it more early you know you will find many a person seem to be able to make their way through life the child of God never will without that the help of God is granted often there's many fears you don't know the fears that lie in the hearts of those who have to preach you can't enter into them they're indescribable and quite often they're groundless but they're very real for all that and such concerns are so great and so impossible there are impossible burdens then to the Lord's people I thought to that word that we read or just referred to concerning walking the pathway alone [18:09] I looked and there was none to help and I thought back in this house of God and there's been many a time when there's been none to help I was going to say it is so now there's none to help we can't rely on anyone my friends but blessed be God he hasn't changed I told you the story I remember walking up the street one Wednesday afternoon and I suppose thinking of the prayer meeting with no one to speak in prayer and the words of Christ dropped in but I have prayed for thee that was all it was and I thought well I can continue then it seemed to take away the solemnity of doing this or standing here week after week on one's own my friends he took the burden of that prayer meeting away with those words but I have prayed for thee and such that know the path of then this path of where there's no help [19:24] I know what you're thinking I know you're saying but you know there's such a weapon as secret prayer I know there is and I bless God that there is so but you know you can get tired my friends of doing everything this cause of truth has seen it year after year after year I don't know how many years it was in I suppose I could work it out but the dear pastor when we came here had many years years when he was on his own we came here in 81 and he died in 91 so he had something like 15 years and then of course when I went out to preach he then was back in the same position he was on his own I start the seventh year on Friday and it was only just under two years we had somebody to give the hymns out and after that we were on our own so we know it we knew what a little of what the pastor felt like but this is the promise this is the blessing this is the encouragement that is found in the word of God well of course we will alter it if we could but we can't we can't alter it we'd do so if we could but it wouldn't be the right way to alter it the Lord must appear and the [21:00] Lord must provide and then there would be something else that would be a burden but nevertheless the promise is true and it's been through this year 52 weeks and all the times that we've been together around the word of God both Sunday and week night there's been this sustained hasn't he shall sustain not he may do you know what seems so wonderful when you know the depths of your own wretched heart and the snare of unbelief that rises so great the word still remains he shall sustain thee it seems a miracle to me but then of course everything the Lord does for his people is a wonder of wonders when you compare the mercy in relationship to the sin of his people and to the sin of the heart cast cast a burden upon the [22:06] Lord that he shall sustain thee so the coming days only the Lord knows what the coming days shall bring word just comes to my mind in Paul's epistle to Timothy what grace is needed to heed the words it's alright to read them you know and it's alright to quote them and many of us do the third chapter of the second epistle to Timothy he talks about the perilous times and he speaks about traitors he speaks about those who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof and he speaks about the persecutions and afflictions which he himself suffered at Antioch at Iconium and Lystra what persecutions [23:09] I endure but out of them all the Lord delivered me yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived that continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them and hast them it's very easy to read those words it needs much grace to abide by them so your pathway and mine this is this is this is this is the word that will take you into 1999 if so be that our lives are spared cast thy burden upon the lord and he shall sustain thee he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved the mercy here then is that he and he alone can be depended on and no one else no one else vain is the help of man my friends never look to the help of man to support you in your burdens the lord grants you grace and faith to look to the lord because he changeth not amen the close of hymn 259 oh lord my best desire fulfill and help me to resign life health and comfort to thy will and make thy pleasure nigh why should [25:22] I shrink at thy command whose love forbids my fears or tremble at the gracious hand that wipes away my tears hymn 259 there learn in back down to Every time I will tell my prayer And when my prayer shall cry I shall walk away my太 sins [26:50] But my Gades have Lee on this forum. [27:01] Thank you. [27:31] Thank you. [28:01] Thank you. Thank you. [29:01] Thank you. Thank you. [30:01] Thank you. Thank you.