Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] I will read this morning from the 1st epistle of John chapter 3. 1st epistle of John chapter 3 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. [0:22] Therefore the world knoweth not, because it knew him not. Behold, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. [0:45] And every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure. So, whoso hath committed sin, transgresseth also the law, for sin is the transgression of the law. [1:07] And you know that he would manifest it to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not, whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. [1:23] Little children, let no man deceive you, he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committed sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. [1:40] For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. [1:58] In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. [2:14] For this is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother, and wherefore slew he him, because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. [2:36] Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. We know that we are passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in him. [2:50] Whosoever hated his brother is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer had eternal life abiding in him. [3:02] Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. For whosoever hath this world's good, and see it his brother have need, and shut it up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? [3:25] My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed, and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. [3:41] For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God, and whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and to do those things that are pleasing in his sight. [4:07] And this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. [4:18] And he that keepeth his commandments, dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us by the Spirit which he hath given us. [4:33] May the Lord bless his word and help us now in prayer. May the Lord do enable us each to pour out our souls before thee, whether secret or audible. [4:54] We do pray, Lord, for thy presence and thy help. As we have been enabled to gather here in the sanctuary of Ryde, and also our friends, Lord, at Adelaide, and also elsewhere on the relay, we trust our deacon, Lord, will be there. [5:18] And also remember Connie too in her pathway, and would acknowledge, Lord, another anniversary in her birth. Lord, we do realise that year by year we are pressing on in life's journey. [5:38] We need, Lord, that grace to enable us to endure unto the end and know something of this great salvation. Lord, here a little and there a little, line upon line, that living faith, Lord, to believe that thou hast made a way for us and that thou wouldest truly reveal to us these evidences of thy love. [6:09] Because, Lord, we want to be delivered, Lord, from that enmity that dwells in our hearts. We know, Lord, and acknowledge we are sinners in thy sight, for thou knewest no sin. [6:25] and so thou art the object, Lord, of a seeking soul's desire that we might know him, the power of his resurrection. [6:38] We reflect upon our lives, some of the older ones and some younger ones too, maybe, Lord, of their past offences, of how, Lord, we have offended God, how we would not have him over us to rule our lives. [6:56] Lord, thy grace is more powerful than their own lusts of the flesh and pride of life. And we do humbly hope that hath brought us, Lord, to thy feet. [7:12] Whom's feet we cannot see, but yet by faith believe, Lord, that thou hast trod in this sin-stained world and gone to the end of the law and magnified it by keeping the whole of God because thou couldst never sin. [7:32] And thou hast not let sin that have dominion over us that were not under the law but under thy grace. Lord, have our hearts open to receive, Lord, those tokens that I love. [7:46] we do pray, Lord, for preservation and keeping. We've been reading about the evil of sinners, Lord. We've been also reading about the love of Christ. [7:59] And though we want to know, Lord, that we are subject for that love, that we're pressing on toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, not only have the reading of sons of God by blessed adoption, but also, Lord, the doubt of Adam, Lord, as a man and though to bring woman into being, as a help meet for him. [8:28] And so, Lord, that though we may not all have the help meets now in our lives, we do, Lord, look to thee as the Son of God and look to thee, Lord Jesus, that thou revealed thy love to us, that we might exalt thee from corporate and pure this day, that we might bless and praise thee for thy goodness and mercy that have followed us all the days of our lives, whereas there's a short life that's long. [8:58] Lord, that through mercy for those of us, Lord, that are well past the allotted space of time and still look to thee to grant us to feel the everlasting arms run underneath us to support and sustain us in our beliefs, in our beliefs, Lord, that sometimes seem to be so weak and the enemy of our souls, the devil, is so active and powerful, Lord, in our lives. [9:27] that we do bless thee, O Lord, for thy mercy promises, and have a sweet hope, Lord, that we shall get the victory at last through the merits of Jesus. [9:38] Lord, do go before us, each, Lord, in life's ungodly way and supply a need. Do give us grace and patience to run the race set before us, ever seeking the sight of Jesus to look unto me, said, or the ends of the earth and be saved, for beside me there is no Saviour. [10:03] We thank thee for thy word, we pray for the application, O Lord, to enlighten, enlighten, enliven our souls, for thou art the light of the world. And we do seek thee, Lord, to shine into our never-dying souls, to lighten our darkness, to confirm our souls. [10:23] Do be with us, Lord, and better person all our fears. Be with absent ones, Lord, we do pray for them, to pray also for our dear deacons, that we might yet see them again in thy thoughts, Lord. [10:37] They'll know us their condition, they'll know us their desires, and we do pray that we'll fulfil them. And bless the means of the relay to our friends, Lord, that I'm leaving Connie also. [10:51] And do remember, Lord, that all of our flock may gather together to thrive. Bless the young and uphold and support them, and I'll go and leave them, Lord, to leave the truth for a mass of potty to have run, and though they might be hated of all men, Lord, for thy sake, still, Lord, to seek the Lord while he may be found. [11:16] Bless the Lord, we do pray thee. Those, Lord, or Sue, and her family, Lord, will be going on holiday this, next week, next week, we do pray. [11:30] Give them journeys in mercy, thy presence to watch over them, and bring them safely back again in due time, we do beg of thee. Well, we do need thee to be with us, for the eldest, the youngest, my blessing, to watch over them, preserve and keep them from harm. [11:49] And oh, may the time come, when they have those evidences and confirmation confirming, Lord, promises that the Lord is mindful of them to bless them and uphold them. [12:01] And oh, may they be taught early to pray after thee in a time when they may be found to commit their way and they trust also in the Lord and find him bringing to pass those exercises of their souls to seek the Lord. [12:18] Oh, will they not come, Lord, and revive us, and revive their religion in this land? We seem to be in such darkness and bondage. The devil, Lord, is let loose and only thou, Lord, can destroy the devil. [12:32] But thou hast not seen yet to be so do that and he's still very active in the domain of the living though he's been cast out of heaven and his time will come when Jesus will come in righteousness to destroy the wicked and to gather the saints into heaven at last to be forever with him. [12:52] Oh, give us a sweet hope, Lord, that we're amongst our chosen people that thou hast eternally loved us. Do come to our aid today, Lord, thou knowest our means. [13:04] Thou knowest, Lord, how we do feel to lack wisdom. For thou, Lord, thou have said, if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God and give it liberally and afraid it not. [13:15] Do come to our aid, the friends, Lord, might be in a low state, might be, Lord, in darkness, might be in bondage, might be in afflictive dispensations. [13:26] Oh, do come and heal them and restore unto them the joy of salvation. How we wait upon thee, white Lord. We've been mindful of our families, or some of them, Lord, caused us a heartache. [13:41] Some of us called us, Lord, that spirit whereby we know not how to pray for them. We've solemnly been reading a claim this morning who was chosen, Lord, not to serve thee, but to follow the devil. [14:01] And, oh, Lord, he was not found amongst them. Oh, Lord, how close it can come, Lord, to us. And, Lord, we do pray for Zion. [14:12] Build us up, have mercy upon our families, bring back the prodigals, that we might have answers to prayer, and see, Lord, a little spiritual revival in this land, a true converse to Christ. [14:25] Don't leave us, Lord, to perish in our sins. We know we, the sorrow, thoroughly deserve it, but in rock, remember, in mercy. While there is life for his hope, leave us not all forsake us. [14:41] Do take control, Lord, of the government of this nation, and also of the state governments. Oh, how we do need to see, Lord, thy hand, raising up this and that one that fears God, that acknowledges the necessity of the knowledge of the truth, the commandments of God in his word. [15:02] Will thou not come, Lord, and have mercy upon the country? No, Lord, we ask thee to pardon our sin and come now to our aid as we ask in the name of Jesus and for his sake alone. [15:17] Amen. Amen. Let us further sing hymn number 25, the tune St. Peter 227. [15:35] Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with thy all-quickening powers, tingle a flame of sacred love in these cold paths of ours. [15:48] Look how we grovel here below, fond of these strifling toys. Our souls can neither fly nor go to reach eternal joys. [16:00] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [16:11] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.المopimeisgurri helev Todos Amen. [16:50] In the Soft Nutrients Lord, will değ errado pellets have souls can fight no good to teach me their own choice. [17:41] Give and push If ever, O Son, He may we strive to rise, h少 sin, to Son, Ho least。 Dear God, and shall be heavenly, and is all I diyeoba, Let us survey, [18:47] Hello to thee, And mine to us survey. [18:59] Let us survey, And mine to us survey, And mine to us survey, And our land to us survey, And our land to us, And our land to us survey. [19:36] Let us survey, And our land to us survey. As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I will direct you prayerfully To the first crystal of John, Chapter 3, And reading verse 1. [20:00] Behold, What manner of love the Father Hath bestowed upon us, That we should be called sons of God? [20:12] Therefore the world knoweth us not, Because it knew him not. All the reality, The truth of this word, For the very day and age that we live in, How solemn, To be a son of Belial. [20:34] And as Cain as we read of, Who was of that wicked one. And we realise that we have a heart, Deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked. [20:48] And we painfully learn, That without him we can do nothing. But what a mercy, If your heart and mine has ever been touched, With the thoughts of what we are, In the pure and holy eyes of God, The Father, Son, And Holy Ghost. [21:12] And to know this work of the Spirit, Which we tried, In our poor way, To bring forth in the week, The Spirit of the Lord. And anointed you and me, In that change of heart. [21:30] A new heart will I give you, A heart made tender. That we may know something, Of this blessed manner of love, That the Father has bestowed upon us. [21:46] That we should be called the sons of God. And this doesn't sing, Just single out, Dear friends, Man. But this also touches, Upon man, Woman and child. [22:02] That are in this covenant. And as he speaks of, As John does, The elect lady, That we speak of, In the second chapter. [22:16] In the second epistle of John. And that chapter there. And so we do need to look to the Lord, Don't we? [22:27] That we are sons and daughters of God, By blessed adoption. Some are opposed to adoption of children. [22:38] But when we see this, dear friend, What a favour if you are a son or a daughter of God, That has been adopted of God. Before you and I, Knew what it was to breathe. [22:54] To be a chosen vessel. A vessel to be found under, The glory and honour of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew. [23:06] He knew all those that are his. He knew, dear friends, Those that he was determined to save. He knew those that were, Become a childlike spirit. [23:20] And we shall be found, With a childlike spirit. That we love the Lord. Because, He has exhorted you and me, To, Feel that reciprocating love, That will flow back to the Lord Jesus. [23:40] For having loved his own that were in the world. He loved them, To eternal bliss. And we do need it. And we tell them. [23:52] He tells us here, The duty of loving one another. We can't love sin. And we can't love to see those, dear friends, That, Are living in sin, Walking in sin. [24:07] And speaking as it reads here, About, Whosoever hated his brother is a murderer, And that he know that no murderer, Hath eternal life abiding in him. [24:20] And don't we get evidences of this murder, These murders, And the donation with them. Killing, dear friends. For the lust, A lust of the pride, Of the flesh, Dear friends. [24:34] Killing. And that dear little babe, In the week, Was killed by his own mother. These things, dear friends, Are hard to understand. [24:47] But it's so God's sovereignty. God's sovereignty. And we want to be given grace, To seek to bear one another's burdens. [24:58] Because we, We're all capable, dear friends, Of hatred, One of the other. We all have those things, dear friends, That, The anger, Rises up in their heart. [25:13] And we're told that, Let not anger, Let not, Let not, Let not, Let your day end in anger, One to another. Oh, How we have many sins to confess, Dear friends. [25:27] What we are by nature. Sin entered the world, And death by sin. What a mercy the Lord has exercised your soul and mine. [25:38] About it. Our solemn reminder, The eye of the Lord is upon us. Is here open unto our cry. But he says here, Oh dear John, You know, He got such love in his latter days. [25:55] I'm not saying in the earlier days. And he was unable to walk closely with his Lord and Saviour. Because he was a chosen vessel. [26:06] And if you and I, dear friends, are favoured, Behold, Look and see, Search the scriptures. In them you think you have eternal heart. [26:17] And these are they that testify of me. There's no comparison of the love of man, To the love of God in Christ Jesus. And when it's poured in your soul. [26:30] You love the Lord because he has heard your voice. And your supplication. And you have that persuasion. You love the Lord. [26:42] Know that you and I could have clear views of him. It is by what he has revealed to you. Through his promises. Look and see. [26:53] Search the scriptures. And some of the blessed truths. Are when the anointing of the Spirit is upon you. You feel the Lord is teaching you. [27:05] And except become as little children. We shall be no wise enter into the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God. The kingdom of God suffereth violence. And the violence take it by force. [27:18] The exercise of your mind. The conviction of that sin. You won't deny the Lord Jesus. Because your hope is built. [27:29] And you look to have a greater hope. Built upon nothing less than Jesus. Blood and righteousness. Do not trust the sweetest frame. But wholly lean on Jesus name. [27:42] And so. We need to be born of God. You have it quickened. As we quote often times. The port of the Ephesians. [27:53] You have it quickened. Who were dead. We're born dead. Born dead. Yes. Life in the body. But dead dear friends. With regard to spiritual things. [28:05] And all to feel that mutual love to Christ. And. To know that we have passed from death unto life. Because we love the brethren. [28:18] That change of heart. That you and I reflect upon in our lives. We realize eternity before us. And to know that eternal God is our refuge and our strength. [28:30] Is something you and I will take to the throne of grace. Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning. For I lift up my soul unto thee. [28:42] We lift up our soul. We want the soul. To have evidence is that we've been redeemed from the curse of the broken Lord. We shall love the Lord. [28:54] And we feel to lack that love very often. To see if the Father's bestowed upon you. You'll know the love of Christ. It's rich and free. [29:06] Fixed on you and me eternally. You're pretty sometimes don't you. Those poor things that don't seem to feel their need of the love of Christ. Or you want a closer walk. [29:19] You want Anne Steele's religion. Heard you. Very concerned about the welfare of our soul. For through mercy we believe. See such is that one. [29:31] That has been redeemed from the curse of the Lord. Through this love of Christ. The love of the Father. The Son and the Holy Ghost. Be conveyed to you and me by the Spirit. [29:42] And this is what we want. A soul of sincere desire seeks after Jesus' love. That soul the Holy Ghost inspires. [29:53] With breathing stronger. When the Lord breathes life into your soul. You become a new person. A changed person. You renew the will. [30:04] And you return your feet to Zion's hill. And you pray Lord keep alive my soul. Give me a broken heart and a contrition of spirit. May I be a true mourner in Zion. [30:15] Over my sins and after thee. We want to know that we are the truth. You said well you should know it. And the truth shall make you and me free. [30:27] Oh do you mourn over your sins? Do you feel at times you're a wrecked sinner. Evil thoughts come into your mind and mine. We look upon those in the world that have done some dreadful acts. [30:43] Haven't they? One to another. And it seems to go on. And they all talk dear friends about domestic. Domestic problems that go on. [30:55] You know dear friends well I'm not sure if they were taught the truth. To be taught the Word of God. They will take it out of the schools there. schools there, the general school, dear friends. Governments want to take the Bible away, want to take the truth and all. But you know they won't take it away from any of the chosen people of God. We mourn over the acts and deeds, dear friends, of our parliamentarians, whatever persuasion you and I might be. Oh, what a dark day it is. And God will visit for these things. And we need to realise that he is the judge of the whole earth and shall you not do right. We look around the nations of the earth with their lack of religion. [31:52] Japan now, dear friends, feeling the effects of God's judgements, the earthquakes. We can't say, dear friends, of what they've done to prevent it or brought it on. It's God's anger. [32:06] And he's angry with the wicked every day. And we see the wicked devices and designs of men that have no religion, have a mock religion. And oh, how we want reality and oh, how we need the returning, dear friends, to the Lord in this country as we live. But oh, we come back, dear friends, to the chosen people. You have not chosen me, he says. But I have chosen thee and ordained that thou should go forth and bring forth fruit. And there will be an appointed time when you are born again, when you will bear fruit, to realise that thou God seeest me. Thou God seeest me. And seeest me and seeest the crooked path that I'm walking in. My arrogance, my pride, my determination to do my own will. That's no sign of love in [33:10] God. But what a mercy. When the Lord quickens your soul and you, and you're brought to feel that godly sorrow for your sin. You see, you've been brought there, but you want to know that you'll be called a son or daughter of God by blessed adoption. That he has chosen you in the furnace of affliction. In the furnace of your trials, dear friends. Even make amends in your learning days. We do need to know that the Lord watches upon us. Instead of bearing the knee before God at the throne of grace and saying, what will thou have me to do, Lord? Whatever age it is, not to run on the strength of the natural inclination of your mind, but to look to the Lord and to look to the Lord and to God, the Father of light in whom there's no virileness, neither shadow of turning. To know what manner of love. This is that true love. [34:26] It's more the notion. Something must be known and felt in your soul. And you feel your ignorance of the truth. But here teach you. When Jesus anoints you, here teach you. When he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth and he'll apply the truth. And you meditate upon these things. And you'll be here a little and there a little and nine upon nine and precept upon precept in your journey through life's journey. And you'll pray, Lord, deliver me from sin. Because he said here, whoso who abides in him sinneth not. These are the words of this dear John. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is his righteous, he that commiteth sin is of the devil. We see then these fruits of the devil, dear friends, in hell. And there's no, there's no commandments that are erected by man. Where are all our church leaders? Dumb mutes, dear friends. Because they are fearful of man that bringeth a snare. We need then to be brought to feel their great need of laying the matter before the Lord. Have mercy upon this once favoured land that acknowledged God, that remembered the Sabbath, that sought to keep it holy. And where are we now? [36:03] Departed from the ways of God. Here come, you judge us, and wherever be Japan, it might even be these nations, dear friends, and the earth. Where we have truly had the gospel and now denied it. With God and mercy there still be a remnant. And all we want to know that we're amongst this remnant. And you'll be very conscious. [36:29] Am I made a real Christian? Have I been washed in the dear Redeemer's blood? Have I been made union with him? Union with him? Union with the Lamb? And condemnation free. The saints of everlasting were and shall forever be. [36:45] Lord, quicken my soul and make me cry. Give me Christ, or else I die. I want to know that I'm a son of God. One that has that blessed adoption. One that has chosen me before the worlds were made to walk in life here. [37:01] And not only to love in word, but in tongue, but in deed and in truth. As he says here. Oh, what language we have before us. What a precious, precious epistle it is. [37:15] And it's not our only word of God that speaks of the love of God. But we want to know. We want to have, dear friends, imputed to us that royal robe of righteousness, to cover all our sins with the mantle of his forgiving love. [37:35] To behold. To see it. To see what the Lord has recorded in your soul. So it brought to light, dear friends. Because in darkness born you went astray and wandered from the gospel. [37:51] But since my Saviour came, gave me sight, I cannot walk out his light. He came as a light. He came as a light in the world. A light in the darkness. [38:03] Way back, dear friends, when the scriptures were recorded. He saw the willing to fall. Yeah. His people that he'd eternally loved. And will do to the end of time. [38:15] He'll love them. And he'll manifest that love to them. And they'll be led to Calvary to see what he has done. To redeem them from the curse of the broken law. [38:27] Jesus, my friend, that hung on the tree. That opened the channel of mercy to me. What a privilege. The channel of mercy. And it's the manner of love that the Father has bestowed upon us. [38:43] That we should be called the sons of God. And daughters. To bring the ladies in. The daughters of God. And we read of those, don't we? [38:55] The, um, those of women that followed Jesus. That ministered under his wants here below. What a saviour. [39:07] And he came amongst his own, we read. And his own received him not. But as many as received him, To then became, He became the sons of God. [39:19] By blessed adoption. Or we might know that we have been Among these sons and daughters of God. That he's adopted us for his own. That he's spoken. [39:31] That he's revealed his word to yourself. He said you should know the truth. How much truth do we know? If we examine ourselves in the light of Scripture. [39:43] How little do we know? What we want to know is the reality. The reality of his word. To know that he abideth in you. [39:55] And you in him. A union. A union. It says in union with the Lamb. And condemnation. The saints are never last and were. [40:07] And shall forever be. How does the case stand with you and me this morning? You come no doubt with the hunger and the thirst. I believe most of you. But to God all of you will hear his voice. [40:19] Repent and believe. And to seek grace to follow him. Trust him for his faithfulness. That we should be called the sons of God. [40:31] But you see you know the world knoweth not. The world knoweth us not. Because it knew him not. And still they don't. The Jews don't acknowledge him. [40:45] That his Messiah has come. Except for those that did receive him. You see a chosen people. Elect. Elect. Elect before the full. [40:57] Not a follow. Before the full knowledge of God. Elect. Chosen vessels. Oh what a mercy to be a chosen vessel. [41:08] Lord. I so often in tears. I ponder upon my poor, feeble petition. But do I come with an anxious care and concern. [41:20] To know him. The power of his resurrection. The fellowship of his suffering. We don't like the thought of suffering. We don't like the thought of affliction. [41:32] We don't like the thought of darkness and bondage. Through fear of death. That we shall realize eternities before us. [41:43] But to know the eternal God. He's ever there. He ever sits and wakes to answer prayer. Do you consider it in the troubles that approach you and me week by week. [41:58] Maybe hover around you. All these things you say are against me. But all these things are sanctified. And work together for yourselves good. [42:09] You pray continually. You give him no rest until he establish you and be appraising you. You will say unto my son. You want that you and the communion. [42:23] Between you and the Lord Jesus God. I may know him. I might be persuaded. Of the love of Christ. That the old boy can learn painful. [42:35] In spite of his sins against God. Against him reviling those that believe in the things that we now believe in. Says Paul. [42:46] Hiring men and women to prison. Yes. Or they might. You may feel that you are hiring men and women to prison. He knows you are coming to contact within the world. [42:59] But you see the Lord has appointed the path that you and me to walk in. We have to pray Lord keep me. Keep me from making shipwreck of faith. Keep my mind stayed upon God. [43:11] Help me O Lord to walk worthy of that desire. You say well I can't even get those desires fulfilled. He has a set time. [43:24] He is a sovereign God. He is a sovereign treasure. That he gives to you to have in your open vessel. The excellence of power may be of what are not of us. Or not on my sound too long he says. [43:39] Look to Jesus. Lord Jesus if only I could see thee as I see my brethren and my sisters. Or those fellow preachers if only I could see thee. [43:51] You wait till he reveals himself. He will show you. He may reveal himself to you hanging on at a cursed tree. Jesus. [44:02] Something in your room. This is not an imagination in my mind. This is something that we've handed, tasted and found. And so have you. [44:13] And the word of God. He's instructed you to torture the way. We don't need to go. You have many hindrances don't you? The old devil is very far. [44:24] He's very sown. The way he will allure you and draw you aside. Get you carried away. With the things that you are attending to. But you know you'll be brought here. [44:36] All this manner of love. The way he's performed it. The way he came into the world. And visited himself. [44:47] We know he's conferred sin, death and hell. For everyone in the covenant. And though we don't see him in that way that he was. But he's still able to have compassion. [44:59] And does compassionate our gaze. You see. We have to come to. To realize that. Sometimes you feel death written upon your religion. [45:11] And this has caused you some anxiety to come. And then to become boldly. And then to become boldly. The Father Grace. That you might have been mercy. [45:22] And find grace to help. In your time. And grace dear friends. Is supplied by the Lord. He says my grace is sufficient for thee. [45:33] My strength is made perfect in weakness. You've got to feel our weaknesses. Our helplessness. Our poverty. And look for the Lord. To fill you with joy and peace in believing. [45:47] And we look to him to bless. The gospel. To our soul's instruction and teaching. In the way we have us to go. To our wisdom. To know. [45:58] To know. To know. That we are. Sons and daughters of God. Bought with a price. Eternally loved. Because of that set time to favour you. [46:09] You're not as you once were. But there's a desire. That you might know what it is. For him. To visit yourself. [46:21] To revive you. To confirm you. For that appointed time. Where I was on a place. Not to propose. But call my grace. To change your heart. Renew your will. [46:32] To turn you off. Peter's answer. There's no arguments with the Bible. Because. You know. He does hear your prayers. [46:43] And that Jesus intercedes for you. At the throne of grace. Before his father. He. He. Purifies those prayers. [46:54] Of yours and mine. And. Presents them to the father. And the Holy Spirit. Dear friends. Will come. And confirm yourselves and mine. This is no imagination. [47:05] And he gives you grace. To cast down imagination. And bring it. Bring every thought. In the times and will be. Every thought. Into the obedience of Christ. [47:17] Give me grace Lord. And run with patience. The way he's set before me. Looking unto Jesus. Who for the joy that was set before me. And during the cross. Despised and the shame. And he sat down at the right hand of God. [47:28] There to intercede. What an intercessor we have. Jesus. The only begotten Son of God. Full of grace. Full of truth. His grace is sufficient. And though you feel to be ready to faint. Behold. Look and see. Go to the scriptures. [47:39] Pour out your soul. Lord. Open the eyes of my understanding. That I might understand the scriptures. The purposes of God. His purposes will ripen fast. Unfolding every hour. The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flower. [47:50] The more the bud hams bitter taste. Than you know what the bud is. Bitter tasting things in your life. That you feel to be ready to be a heart. The more the bud has a bitter taste. [48:02] And you know what the bud is. Bitter tasting things in your life. Dating things in your life. And you feel to be ready to faint. Lord. Poor the bud. The bad. How do you feel to be ready to faint. Behold. [48:13] to tasting things in your life to see the sweetness of the promise. My promise is to my people. The promises of God that are yea and I am in Christ and he will never leave you nor forsake you. [48:30] He's told us that. We can boldly say the Lord is my helper. I'll not fear what man should say to me but do Lord come me. Deliver me from this willful committing of sin. [48:45] The devil listening to him and all he can to destroy that little hope of righteousness in yourself but you cannot win. You cannot win the affections of the chosen people. [49:02] He can never break down defense. Never break down that resistance to sin. We know that they're born in sin, shavent iniquity, in sin in their mother's conceiver but their only hope is in the merits of Jesus and that manner of love. [49:25] He sent his dear son to suffer, plead and die. Suffer, dear friends. The just for the unjust that he might bring you to God. He commended his love to you while yet sinners Christ die for us. [49:39] that's a point in time when sin is revealed to you and you repent and mourn over your sin and after him. [49:52] Jesus, my friend, that hung on the tree that opened the channel and mercy for you and for me. Here's your hope, friends. Built upon nothing less than Jesus, the spirit of adoption where we cry, feelingly, Abba, Father, Ere, Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. [50:15] Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven. Forgive, Lord, all my trespasses as you forgive others that trespasses. [50:27] What a mercy. Forgiveness is a joyful sound to sinners doomed to die. Oh, is there any room in your heart to receive him? [50:38] It will be when it's open. Oh, you'll realise you mourn over your pathway. And he says here, if our God, if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things. [50:56] You see, once in him and in forever, thus the eternal covenant stand. He knoweth the way you take. He knoweth the way you take. Your last minute circumstance is subject to his worth. [51:14] Look to me and he says, my little children, let us not love in words and even tongue but in deed and in truth. Oh, how we need much grace to walk worthy of him, to resist the devil as grace is given, to be steadfast, to be unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. [51:37] Oh, what a mercy that we should be called the Son. I have chosen thee in the first of affliction and I have brought with him to the cross. [51:48] Come, follow me and we shall follow him. We may feel to be afar off. We want to feel the application and the ends of his worth to give his light and understanding to my poor simple soul. [52:04] We're born here even, but we're born after him and the revelation of himself. Show me, Lord, near thy way, lead me in thy path. [52:18] Oh, Lord, I feel to be so dark, so distant from thee, that there be my guardian, my guide, and keep me from evil, and fail me to know what it is to receive that righteousness of Christ that shall cover and mantle of all my sins, and I may be more than a conqueror through him that is lovely and washed me from my sins in his precious blood. [52:50] behold what man of love. Christ then, who has gone to the end of the law and magnified it, he's made it honorable, made amends for your sins and mine. [53:05] He covers with a mantle of forgiving love all your sins, all your transgressions, even down to the life and to the time of your death. [53:19] Jesus, the object of your soul's desire, Jesus crucified for you and me, this is the man of love. [53:31] As I said, he came much as I received but as many as he received, he gave them the power to believe in tribes, glorious gospel, good news of salvation, poorly presented, but what a mercy if he's applied in. [53:52] You take these things and the truth home and beat it out to realize the privilege of having an open Bible in your homes and the house of God. [54:04] May it ever be, my beloved, in these dark days. Behold, what manner of love the Father bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons upon. God, therefore the world knows us not. [54:16] We can't share these glories of God in the face of Christ Jesus with those of the world they know not. Unless the Lord sees fit to quicken them in answer to your prayers and mine, a time of love will surely come when they shall see, not only that he shed his blood, but he shall say, for me, Amen. [54:41] Amen. Let us conclude with hymn number 79, the tune is delight, number 25. [54:57] Behold, what wondrous grace the Father has bestowed on sinners of a mortal race to call them sons of God. It is no surprising thing that we should be unknown. [55:12] the Jewish world knew not their king, God's everlasting son. Amen. 79. [55:34] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [55:50] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [56:00] Amen. Amen. Your touch, your bWebE, your bold wTh �c呀. [56:18] Jesus' jog, Jesus' B now. [56:32] God bless you. [57:02] The end of the year, how great we must remain. [57:16] But when we sing the Savior's prayer, which shall we find our name? [57:37] The earth so much behind, may triumphs well endure. [57:56] O creation in Christ the rain, where the purity is pure. [58:17] If in my fallen trial I shall appeal to you. [58:39] Send them thy spirit like a lamb. Take grace upon my hand. [58:59] We would never often lie. [59:11] Thanks be to God, my friend. Let me tell the pressed лайком. [59:35] év oversee his heutAA такая Mmm manners May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest in the Bible as each. [59:59] Amen.