Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] By the help of God, let us read our text this evening in Psalm 119, the latter clause of verse 175. [0:18] Psalm 119, reading from verse 175. [0:30] And let thy judgments help me. The scene is drawn against the most solemn, majestic, and glorious, and in some ways beautiful background. [0:59] And that background, I said in some ways it is altogether so, is the being of Jehovah in his trinity of persons, co-equal and co-eternal in person, work, and glory. [1:26] The Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit. And there emerges the great and glorious and wondrous character of God manifested in all his supreme perfections and attributes. [1:57] Now then, the scene is always drawn against that background. The whole creation. [2:10] Every human being from Adam to the last. All human behavior. All events. And the issue. [2:22] The last judgment. Every moment of our life. Every circumstance. Every act. [2:33] Every thought. Everything we perpetrate is against that background. We must come to judgment. [2:46] Come away. How little many think of this. Or have any perception of it. [2:58] And our perception is slight and probably very inadequate. Now this evening, against that background of the being of God and his great and glorious character and the doctrine of the four last things, heaven and hell, death and the last judgment, I want to draw your attention to the subject that is before us of human behavior. [3:40] And the very subject of the Lord's judgments, and there are several facets of exposition here, but how will you understand primarily the term judgments? [4:06] It will surely mean this. The Lord exercising his perfections in that context, in a way of judgment. [4:24] Why should he exercise his perfections in that manner? Because of the behavior of mankind, of nations, of peoples, of individuals, of sinners, of the wicked, and, as it is within the scope of the text, the behavior of even his own dear people on this planet. [5:01] God will always manifest his character in the earth. [5:11] He must always vindicate his character amongst the human race and on this earth and throughout eternity. [5:25] God will always manifest his character in the earth and on this earth and on this earth and on this earth. There must be the perfect and complete vindication of his character. Just as there was when the sins of the elect were imputed to his dear Son incarnate, there was the perfect vindication of God's character. [5:49] He spared not his own Son that delivered him up for us all, so that justice must be satisfied and God's character vindicated. [6:07] He spared not his own sin, sin-punishing, sin-punishing God. [6:18] He must do that because sin is contrary to himself, to his being and character. So how wonderful if we stand in a surety, our Lord Jesus Christ. [6:39] But let me now take up this theme against the background of the being of God and his character and the doctrine of the four last things, human behavior. [6:51] And the amazing wisdom given to the psalmist here to pray that the Lord's judgments might help him. [7:12] It will be necessary then to distinguish two categories of judgments, at least. [7:25] That is, broadly speaking. First, the Lord's judgments executed upon and against the wicked. [7:39] Nations, peoples, individuals that are outside of the covenant of grace. [7:51] And down through the centuries, those judgments have fallen on sections of the human race, on cities and countries and people. [8:11] And they have not helped them. Because those judgments have been an exercise of God's righteous anger and displeasure against sin. [8:28] Outside of the covenant of grace. Those persons and peoples he has not loved. And so he has manifested his vindictive anger and exercised penal wrath. [8:51] Now that is one category. You have in the book of God solemnly notable examples of this. [9:06] The two cities of the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lord raining fire and brimstone from heaven upon them. [9:18] And their smoke went up as the smoke of a furnace. There was no help there. [9:31] No help there. And you have the great inundation, the flood. When the Lord drowned the earth. [9:44] The first destruction by the element water. And there was help. Help for Noah and his fill. [9:59] That not for those outside of that covenant. I have often contemplated the terror of those people. [10:10] If you look at a mountain or even the hills. And you can imagine the water rising. And then the escape to the hills. [10:21] And to the highest parts of the earth. That the water covered it all. Judgments. No mercy in those judgments. [10:32] Distraction. And so down through the ages. God has exercised his displeasure and wrath. [10:45] Against sinners and peoples. Empires have crumbled. And slid. Under the sea. [10:57] And people have been cut down. In their rebellion. They have died. And some have gone straight. [11:10] As we read. Concerning those who rebelled. The earth opened and swallowed them up. Oh what a dreadful. [11:21] Somber scene this is. The first category. Of judgments. And. Let me put this to you. [11:34] Are you amazed. Concerning your own case. Concerning your own case. That sudden vengeance. [11:44] Did not seize your breath. Well do I remember the days. When I anticipated. That any moment. Vengeance would seize. [11:57] My breath. And I pronounced him just in that. So how wonderful. [12:09] That. Vengeance has not seized upon us. That we are not in the pit. And in subsequent days. [12:21] How amazing. That the Lord has not entered into judgment with us. That is in a way of vengeance. Since we have known him. [12:36] And have sinned against light. Knowledge. Love. Love. The truth. Well. [12:47] I have named the first. Category. And. In that category. Something awaits. This earth. [13:00] And many who will be upon it. The second. Destruction. By the element. Fire. [13:12] Too terrible really. To contemplate. And yet. Anyone. Who has the slightest. Knowledge. That is scientific. [13:27] You will appreciate. The very elements. That are activated. And how. Soon. The Lord. Can accomplish. This destruction. [13:37] By fire. Well. I am not here. To preach the sermon. Really. On that first category. The second. Is this category. [13:49] Judgements. That relate. To those. In the covenant. Those who are loved. With an everlasting love. [14:00] By God. Those he has chosen. Redeemed. Blessed. Who are in Christ. Judgements. [14:12] That affect them. Now here. There. The basic meaning. Of the term. Is different. Judgements. [14:24] Then. Are synonymous. With. Chastenings. Corrections. And. [14:35] This undoubtedly. Is the meaning. Of the term. Judgements. In our text. Let. [14:46] Thy. Judgements. And now. He says. Help me. Help me. The judgments. That we have named. In category. [14:57] I. Do not help. They're destructive. They're overwhelming. With anger. There's no mercy. [15:10] No love. No compassion. No way of escape. No deliverance. In category B. [15:23] Mercy. Love. All join. In these corrections. To help. The people. [15:33] Of God. Now. Do you see. The wonder of it. Let. By. Judgements. Help me. [15:46] You have already. Had. Before you. A wonderful. Sermon. Really. On this. Text. [15:56] In the hymn. The second hymn. Judgment. But. I must. I must. Fulfill. My pledge. God willing. And by his grace. To work this out. [16:08] With you a little. In this evening. Service. As. This relates. To. The living. Family. Of. God. [16:19] Now. Here again. The very. Term. Judgments. Or. As this means. Divine. [16:31] Corrections. Or. Chastenings. For. I want. To give. The term. That is. The term. Of coverage. For. Every. [16:41] Part. Of this. In the covenant. Of grace. Namely. Divine. Discipline. About. Here. There is. [16:53] Of course. A. Definite. And very. Distinct. Relationship. Between. This. And. Behavior. Human. Behavior. Our. [17:03] Behavior. How. We. Act. To. Christ. In. The. Omniscient. View. Of. God. Who. [17:14] Sees. The. Heart. Who. Knows. The. Motive. Who. Can. Read. Our. Thoughts. And. [17:24] Hear. Every. Word. And. Perceive. Every. Perpetration. This. Has. Direct. Reference. [17:35] To. The. Pattern. Of. Our. Behavior. And. It. Will. Be. Very. Clear. To. Those. Who. [17:45] Fear. God. How. That. In. The. Journey. To. Heaven. And. I'm. Sure. You. Will. Often. Bewail. [17:55] This. And. Mourn. Over. It. I. Can. Do. No. Better. Than. The. Quote. From. The. Hymnal. Prone. To. Wonder. Lord. [18:07] I. Feel. It. Prone. To. Leave. The. God. I. Love. Now. That. Wandering. Is. Not. Necessarily. [18:19] Visible. Externally. It. Is. Something. That. The. Lord. Sees. In. Our. Affections. Or. Motive. Or. [18:29] Spirit. Something. That. Is. Internal. That. He. Perceives. It. Now. Just. A. Word. Before. We. Then. [18:40] Embark. Upon. The. Dilation. On. This. Subject. Just. A. Word. On. The. Blessings. Of. Sonship. [18:52] In. The. Covenant. Of. Grace. They. Are. Numerous. And. I. Trust. That. We. Enjoy. Them. Divine. [19:03] Life. Is. One. Think. Of. It. And. How. Is. It. Possible. For. Us. To. Be. Brought. [19:14] Into. Union. And. Oneness. And. Communion. With. The. Son. Of. God. Or. With. God. Himself. [19:26] Let. Me. Call. Over. With. You. The. Doctrine. Divine. It. Is. Possible. Because. Of. [19:36] The. Incarnation. Of. The. Son. Of. God. And. As. He. Partook. Of. [19:48] Likewise. Of. The. Same. That. Is. Of. Flesh. And. Blood. Holy. Spotless. Impeccable. Humanity. [19:59] Think. Of. That. How. Impeccable. The. Sacred. Humanity. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Was. But. [20:10] The. Point. Is. As. He. Partook. Of. Holy. Humanity. For. He. Was. Conceived. Of. [20:21] The. Holy. Ghost. And. Born. Of. The. Virgin. As. He. Therefore. Partook. Of. A. Holy. Humanity. [20:33] He. Made. It. Possible. For. Us. To. Partake. In. Regeneration. Of. His. Divine. [20:43] Nature. And. Every. Quickened. Sinner. In. Regeneration. Partakes. Of. The. Principle. Of. Holiness. [20:54] Which. Is. Life. And. Becomes. A. Partaker. Of. The. Divine. Nature. Of. Christ. Which. Is. Especially. Manifested. To. Your. Understanding. [21:06] When. As. I. Touch. That. Grand. Truth. This. Morning. Jesus. Christ. Is. Made. A. Living. Bright. Reality. To. You. You. [21:17] Partake. Of. His. Divine. Nature. And. Consequently. You. Have. Life. Union. Oneness. Fellowship. With. [21:27] Him. The. Grand. Blessing. Of. Sonship. Heirs. Of. God. Joint. Heirs. With. Christ. Now. [21:38] Let me name. To you. A few. The blessings. Of. Sonship. Then. Are. Life. Divine. Life. Eternal. Life. [21:51] Spiritual. Life. Everlasting. It is. To know. That you. Live. In. Him. And. He. Lives. [22:01] In. You. To have. The grand. Mystery. Of. The kingdom. Christ. Dwelling. In. Your. Hearts. By. Faith. [22:13] No. One. Can. Ever. Fathom. That. According. To. Human. Sagacity. But. I. Want. To. Call. Over. [22:23] The. Table. With. You. Then. There. Is. Divine. Protection. You. Under. The shadow. Of. His. [22:34] Wings. You. Are. In. The. The. Clefts. Of. The. Rock. You. Are. In. The. Secret. Place. Of. The. Stairs. Divine. [22:44] Protection. Oh. The. Safe. Day. That. The. Lord. The. Dear. Saints. Enjoy. In. Him. Do. [22:55] Hope. That. Word. Is. Applicable. To. You. Oh. My. Do. Thou. Art. In. The. Clefts. Of. The. Rock. In. [23:06] The. Secret. Places. Of. The. Stairs. We. Have. A. Shore. Abiding. There. And. Of. Covenant. Mercy. [23:17] Same. Then. You. Have. Divine. Provision. In. The. First. You. Have. Spelled. Out. [23:28] The. Absolute. Safety. And. Security. Of. Your. Person. In. Christ. I. Said. Person. Soul. [23:40] Father. Security. In. Christ. Safety. And. Security. But. I. Must. Not. Stay. To. Dilate. [23:51] Further. On. That. Point. Then. You. Have. Divine. Provision. My. God. Shall. Supply. All. Your. Need. According. [24:03] To. His. Riches. In. Glory. By. Christ. Jesus. All. The. Need. Of. Your. Body. And. The. [24:13] Infinitely. Greater. Needs. Of. Your. Soul. Divine. Provision. How. Wonderful. It. Is. To. See. The. [24:23] Lord's. Hand. Providing. For. You. Then. You. Have. The. [24:34] Forgiveness. Of. Sins. The. Title. To. Bliss. The. Title. To. That. Glorious. Inheritance. And. [24:45] You. Have. Divine. Discipline. Which. Is. My. Subject. Really. I. Think. That. Really. [24:56] Most. People. Intelligent. People. At least. People. Who. Think. Very. Deeply. Realize. [25:07] That. Discipline. Is. Of. Tremendous. Value. To. Human. Beings. [25:19] You. Take. For instance. Children. That. Are. Undisciplined. They. Don't. Know. Anything. About. Obedience. At. All. They're. Not. Disciplined. [25:31] And. They. Grow. Up. Like. It. And. It. Goes. Through. Life. With. Them. They're. Undisciplined. People. Unreliable. Now. You. Take. A. Man. Who. [25:42] As. A. Boy. Was. Disciplined. And. That. Discipline. Goes. Right. Through. Life. That. Man. Exercises. [25:52] A. Discipline. Upon. Himself. Upon. His. Conduct. His. Methods. He. Is. Methodical. There's. This. Discipline. And. [26:03] How. Very. Necessary. It. Is. Because. We. Are. So. Wayward. We. Are. Fractious. And. Refractory. [26:16] So. We. Need. Discipline. Now. What. A. Wonderful. Mercy. It is. To have. Divine. Discipline. It. [26:27] Will. Be. Necessary. To. Expound. The. Term. Discipline. What. Is. Meant. By. Divine. Discipline. It. Is. A. Complete. System. [26:39] It. Includes. Divine. Teaching. Exhortation. Dehortation. Warning. Rebuke. Rebuke. [26:51] Reproof. Chastening. Judgment. I'm using that term as it stands before us here in the context of love. [27:02] And. What is the Lord's purpose in this privilege and blessing of sonship, divine discipline? [27:13] Surely. At least two things I may name. One is. To make us. [27:25] Fruitful. In the church of God below. To conform us to Christ. In our spirit. [27:38] In our obedience. In our behavior. In our behavior. And. In the long run. Ultimately. It is to fit us. [27:50] For heaven itself. That is the. Divine purpose of. The privilege of sonship. Divine discipline. [28:01] It is to train up the child in the way that he should go. Spiritually. It is. Consequently. To work it out a little further. [28:12] A method. A method by which the Lord. The Lord discovers to us. All our. Ill manners. Everything that is grieving to the spirit. [28:25] And inimical to. Our. Soul. Prophet. And health. And peace. And. That is inimical to his name and glory. [28:37] He discovers it to us. And gives us repentance and amendment of life. And teaches us to live near him. And to be close followers and not follow him afar off. [28:51] As Peter did. Prior to his. Thrice. Denial of his blessed Lord. Now then. You will at once. [29:03] I am sure. Lift up a thankful heart. To God. For this complete system. Of divine discipline. And. The important thing about it is. [29:17] That it is in love. In love I correct thee. Thy soul to refine. [29:28] Make thee at length. In thy likeness to shine. It is in love. Will it not. [29:40] You could never ask God. In prayer. Let thy judgments help me. It would be impossible. For these things to help you. [29:53] If they were not sent in love. For these things to help you. For these things to help you. I don't know how many of you. Feel a little. Of the reality of this. In your soul. And in your path. [30:05] I just want to stop for a moment. To. Shall I say. Give somewhat of a personal note. To this subject. Are you not favoured. [30:18] With a retrospective view. And as you look back. Are you not able to see. How the Lord has. Chastened and corrected you. [30:30] All through your journey. I'm going to bring this out. And show you. In how many ways. And forms. The Lord disciplines us. [30:41] But cannot you see. How that he has been doing this. Over your life. Especially from the time. That you commence to know him. Those afflictions. [30:53] Those afflictions. Those trials. That cross. Those losses. Those painful things. And all that you have come into. [31:04] And. What is a word of summary. My father's hand. Prepares the cup. [31:16] What he wills is best. There's something so exact about it. So definite. So purposeful. [31:28] My father's hand. This is a part of the. System of divine. Discipline. Now. [31:38] I want to. Take another step. How does the Lord. Discipline us. If we are his. Or. [31:49] If I use the term. Here. Judgment. How does he give us. To know. His judgments. Judgments. In what way. [32:00] Does he give us. To know his judgments. Well. If we are the Lord's people. In a certain sense. We shall continually. [32:12] Be brought to judgment. Can you go before me now. You answer it. Constantly. [32:23] We shall be brought to judgment. Every word. Every motive. Everything is brought to judgment. If you are tender in the fear of God. And here. [32:35] There is a particular meaning. To the word judgment. And it means. This. So that things may be tried. And determined. As to whether they are of God. [32:48] Or whether they are of man. Things are determined. And. But. But. How is the Lord. Continually. [32:59] Bringing his people. To judgment. What have I. In front of me. His eternal truth. Now he will. [33:12] Continually. Bring you to judgment. By bringing you to this. Blessed book. His word. Everything. Everything. In your life. Every motive. [33:24] Every word. Every action. Everything. He'll bring you to the judgment. Of this book. Am I speaking the truth? You will not be allowed. [33:35] If I use this. This cliche. To get away with it. If you fear God. He'll bring you. [33:46] Back to this book. And there. The thing will be determined. Now he brings you. To judgment. There. Now if he brings you. To judgment. [33:59] There are two things. To be said. I named. All things. If he brings you. To judgment. There are two thorns. [34:10] Of judgment. One is the judgment. Of condemnation. The other. The judgment. Of justification. Now if he brings you. [34:22] To judgment. Everything is brought. To this book. His word. You'll have. From that word. Either his. Frown. His disapproval. [34:35] Or you'll have his smile. What about it? Because these are some of the deepest things. In spiritual experience. He brings you to judgment. [34:47] In the same. Branch of divine truth. We have the. Sacred ordinance. Of the ministry. Of the everlasting gospel. [34:59] Now. The ministry. Of the spirit. Of the spirit. Will bring you to judgment. Some. [35:11] Personal. Testimonies. I have received. To this effect. Amongst my own people. I will take. [35:23] I will take. A classical. Sort of example. We will say. A businessman. Has a project. Or. It doesn't matter. [35:33] What it is. A professional person. You have something. In your mind. That you think. Well. I rather feel. I will do that. I will embark on it. And so on. [35:44] But. Let me spread it. Before the Lord. And let me go up. Now. To the sanctuary. And listen. And see what the Lord says. [35:55] And under the ministry. Of the spirit. The thing is brought. To judgment. Now. Some have. Given to me. [36:05] This testimony. They have said. Well now. You knew nothing. Of it. Although. I have passed it. Obviously. I knew nothing. Of it. But they have said. [36:16] Well now. The spirit. Led you into it. And it was overturned. Completely overturned. Well that's being brought. To judgment. Whereas. If you have something. [36:28] In your spirit. That is of God. This is brought. To judgment. And it's confirmed. But it comes. To judgment. Now. [36:39] I'm sure. You'll be able. To think this over. After the service. Now. That's the first thing. He brings you. Then. To judgment. To his. Eternal. [36:49] Truth. And this includes. Of course. The ministry. Of the. Everlasting. Gospel. As his. Holy ordinance. Then. [37:03] He will bring you. To judgment. By bringing you. To the. Book of. Conscience. That is. I am of course. Supposing. That you are. [37:14] Tender. In the fear of God. And therefore. Have an operative. Conscience. I will bring you. To judgment. By bringing you. [37:24] To the book. Of conscience. If. A person. Is tender. In the fear of God. You can always. Touch them. On that point. [37:36] If they say. Well. You know. The rules. Are too rigid. And all this sort of thing. Why not. Just. Have a little enjoyment. [37:47] Here or there. And so on. I admit. That it's. Exceedingly difficult. For young people. With families. [37:58] But. The. Way you can always. Touch a child of God. Is this. If you say. Well. Look. The answer is. [38:09] Let conscience. Speak. That is. Judging. That conscience. Is. Operating. The filial fear of God. [38:21] Let conscience. Speak. Now. Bring you to judgment there. What about it. Is this so. And if so. Do his judgments. [38:32] Help you. Remember. That. There is. Complete. Correspondence. Between. [38:42] And we believe. That the book of conscience. Will be proved. At the last. Day. To be. As it were. A replica. Of the book of God's. [38:54] Omniscience. Because. We shall all come. To the last judgment. And everything. Will be published. There will be. [39:07] This grand. Distinction. With. The saints. Of God. Coming. To the last. Judgment. It will be. The publishing. [39:19] Of everything. But it will be. Published. As forgiven. And it will be. The judgment. Of justification. [39:32] With the wicked. The publishing. Of everything. As unforgiven. And. The judgment. Of. Damnation. [39:44] Now. Does he bring you. To judgment. You think of it. His word. Ministry. Your conscience. [39:55] His character. His character. Is reflected there. In this blessed book. His will. His character. His being. [40:06] And in your conscience. Does he bring you. To judgment. His character. I have felt. Particular. Liberty. [40:17] In this. Subject. With you. This evening. It is something. Of vital importance. Now. Another step. [40:31] Judgments. Or as we have said. Divine. Corrections. Are therefore. Sent in love. And being sent. [40:41] In love. They will. Help. You. And. The Holy Spirit. Will. Enable you. [40:53] To lift up. Your soul. To God. And pray. That they may. Help. You. You will not say. When you come into. Troubles. And distresses. [41:04] Lord. Get me out of this. Quick glory. You will say. Lord. Sanctified. Let thy judgments. Help. May they. [41:14] Help me. To understand. My errors. May they. Help me. To confess. My sin. And may there be. [41:25] An amendment. Of life. May they. Help me. To humble. Myself. Under thy. Mighty. Hand. [41:35] End. Now this is a remarkable thing. Isn't it? Let thy judgments. Help me. Let us take just a. A view here. [41:47] For a moment. Of. The biblical character. In our lesson. This evening. Naomi. I cannot believe. That Naomi. [41:57] Ever wished. To leave Bethlehem. I am persuaded. That being under the lordship. Of her husband. She could not refuse. [42:09] I am sure. That it was against. Her very conscience. To go to. The land. That had upon it. A curse. Noah. [42:21] It is quite clear. That although the lord. Brought good. Out of evil. It is quite clear. That it was a retrograde step. [42:31] That journey. To that. Idolatrous land. And in one decade. The lord. Completely. Stripped her. [42:44] Let thy judgments. Help me. Did they? Obviously. She was off home. In ten years. Going back. [42:57] And acknowledge. The hand of God. Very. It was very bitter. To her. But she was off. She was going home. His judgments. [43:08] Helped her. Thank you.