Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] In number 1040, Tunis Guno, 699. [0:24] When we died in sin polluted, Wretched and undone we were. All we saw and heard was suited only to produce despair. There is a fear to hold this place, Such it has been, above the price. [0:41] As we lay exposed and friendless, Needing what no hand would give, Then the Lord, whose praise be ended, Passed by and blessed him. This was hell, in time of me. [0:54] This was grace. It was grace indeed. In number 1040. Here we go. Here we go. The End The End [2:02] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End Thank you. [3:28] Thank you. [3:58] Thank you. [4:28] Thank you. Thank you. [5:28] Thank you. Thank you. [6:28] Thank you. Thank you. [7:00] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [7:12] Thank you. [7:44] Thank you. [8:16] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [8:28] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [8:40] That hymn. with the understanding also, to know what it is to be brought out of that solemn, awful state by nature, when we lie in sin polluted, lost and ruined by the fall. [9:00] Then there will be that faith in the heart, and that faith brought into gracious exercise. See, by these very means the Lord exercises his people, that they should not put any confidence in the flesh, but that they should trust alone in him. [9:26] And too, therefore I will look unto the Lord. It's a wonderful, unspeakable blessing, my friends, when troubles, tribulations and trials come, and they are the means in the hand of God, to bring forth an exercise of faith, that to look unto the Lord. [9:51] Now see, there is that, not only a view, but there is a virtue here, that none but the saints of God ever know. [10:08] If you have had a glimpse of the Lord Jesus Christ, you could speak in measure of the blessed result of it in your soul, the virtue that was there. [10:26] For if I might turn for a moment to the children of Israel, when they were stung by those fiery flying serpents, and Moses made unto that a serpent like them, raised it up upon that pole, and those bitten ones, when they looked, they were healed. [10:49] It is one thing, my friends, to confess we are looking unto Jesus, but why are we looking? Is it in a dire necessity, in a dire need, that we may have that virtue into our souls, that the Lord will cause that holy virtue strength, because he saith this, they shall look unto me, whom they have pierced. [11:21] And in the Psalms we have, they looked unto the Lord, and were enlightened. There is a blessing flows down, there wherein a soul is strengthened, he can leave all in the hands of his God, he waits upon him. [11:42] And the sea, in this time, and of the solemnity, and my friends, we know it so in our day. But are we looking unto the Lord? [11:56] We know that everyone seeketh to do, as he saith, that they may do evil with both hands earnestly. The prince asketh, and the judge asketh for reward, and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire, and so they wrap it up. [12:15] And again we go on, for the son dishonoreth the father, the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, a man's enemies are the men of his own house. [12:27] The solemnity of the times, does it bring us? Is there not a holy joy, my friends here, that in the sweet confidence of faith, because there is the promise of God, my people shall never be ashamed. [12:50] They won't be ashamed, they'll never be brought to confusion. No, or as the prophet of all said, hadn't it not been that the Lord had been on my side, they would have swallowed me up. [13:05] My friends, we got no strength in self, and no help in self. It's when every refuge has been taken down, and we're brought into the two lie, entirely upon the merits of Christ, looking unto him. [13:25] You need eyes then. And say, the eye of faith looks to him, look unto the Lord. And there is that, when the Lord appears, see the blessed effect of it. [13:41] I am sure, my friends, of one thing, that if the Lord should so thus favor you, those that are about you will take knowledge of you, that you have been with Jesus. [13:54] Why be by your very conduct, conversation and walk. You will. Thus all he'll know that broken heart and a contrite spirit. [14:09] Did one say in vain, why did Jesus show to me the smilings of his face? Why to my soul did he convey the riches of his grace? [14:21] Therefore I will look unto the Lord. Faith ever looks up, my friends, to him. There are two things, there's a looking and there's a waiting upon the God of my salvation. [14:38] So he was not destitute of hope. No. But he, neither was he of a doubtful mind. Neither the church, if you call it collectively. [14:53] My friends, the word of God is very clear. He that cometh unto God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. [15:08] Therefore I will look unto the Lord, not to look upon all the troubles and tribulations which are overwhelming and distressing, you know not how to bear it, but looking unto the Lord, for the Lord to appear, for the Lord to undertake, and see, the Lord is merciful and slow to anger and of great kindness. [15:36] Yes, he is to these souls. One said, Blessed is the man, O God, whose mind is stayed on thee, who waits for thy salvation, Lord, shall thy salvation see. [15:50] It is a most blessing, my friends, too, we don't, our old nature don't want trouble. [16:01] It don't want distresses, it doesn't want afflictions, does it? It would flee from it. By nature, we want a smooth and comfortable place, and if the Lord was to leave us, where should we be found? [16:17] Fold in our arms. Lord, sitting back in carnal security and carnal ease, it's a mercy, my friends, the Lord said, I will stir up as an eagle stirreth up her nest and fluttereth over the young, so the Lord will stir up his people. [16:40] Yes, and often the enemies are ready to say that, ah, the Lord hath forsaken them, let us pursue and take them. [16:53] Thou in not, my friends, the secret, therefore I will look unto the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation. [17:06] Look up this bonding heart on Jesus' aid rely. He sees us when we see not him and always hears our cry. [17:18] Yes, see, though the Lord hides himself, like when Job said, oh, that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his seat. [17:33] My friends, it's not something that's fleshly, not something that we do in and of ourself. If it is, it's an abomination in the sight of God. I am speaking of the exercise of living faith and nothing short of this because no flesh or glory in his presence the work is his. [17:55] He is alpha and omega. Yes, see, it's not something my friends that it belongs to our carnal and sinful nature. The Lord has given grace and that grace of faith and he'll try it and he'll exercise it. [18:13] Yes, he will. And see, that faith that was bestowed upon Job, though he could not find him, he'd look at his grief and his sorrow and the anguish that he passed through. [18:29] And yet, in the midst of it, he says this, he knoweth the way that I take. When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. This is looking unto the Lord. And, my friends, it's looking unto the Lord under the dispensation of the heavy hand of God upon you personally. [18:53] It's not merely looking upon because of the, perhaps, persecution or because of the hardness and roughness of the way. It is a looking, my friends, upon, to the Lord for divine compassion and pardon and mercy and forgiveness that there is forgiveness with the Lord that he may be feared. [19:16] See, I would go on just for a moment. He says, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. [19:29] But this is the point. I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him until he plead my cause. [19:41] How many of you have come this evening under a felt sense of your guilt and sin against God? You know how you feel whether you are. [19:58] It is one thing to say we are sinners. All are sinners in God's sight but few there are so in their own. When the Holy Spirit convinces the soul of his sin and we are daily sinners. [20:13] sinners. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves. And you feel the just. God would be perfectly just if he never looked down in compassion upon you. [20:30] And yet you would cry I cannot bear that piercing thought. What if my name should be left out when thou for them shall call. Here is a hoping against hope. [20:42] Here is a looking through obscurity. Yes. And yet in blessed confidence I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed into his hands against that day. [21:02] Therefore I will look unto the Lord. Lord. When Peter said unto the Lord if it be thou bid me come and my friends when he looked upon Jesus he could walk on the sea. [21:18] Now we can we shall be more than conquerors here as we look unto the Lord. Yes. Not to look my friends to any arm of flesh. [21:33] There is another point that you will come to in this and that is this the poet he comes to the point he says no help in self I find and yet have sought it well the native treasure of my mind is sin and death and hell where can the poor sinner look then but to a precious Christ one who is able to save unto the uttermost who saith look unto me be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else and he will I say he will never be ashamed no the Lord says my people shall not be ashamed they shall not be ashamed that wait for me and whenever you look to him there will be a waiting yes await what [22:35] I will wait for the God of my salvation and see in the fullness of it the blessing my friends for his dear saints that should follow on after that faith should lay hold upon these precious truths see in the blessed confidence of my God will hear me however dark it is however distressing it is and however barren you may feel to be yet see if you have that faith in God to look to him then it's looking in confidence it's a looking in trusting it is a looking in believing that like the leper when he said if thou wilt thou canst make me clean or we would go to that dear woman in the gospel having an issue of blood twelve years see she had to be emptied of everything and so will you for sin you all be emptied of everything other refuge have [23:51] I none hangs my helpless soul on thee leave me not alone still support and comfort me she spent all she had on physicians was nothing better and then see that faith implanted in her heart to believe not only that the Lord was able but she viewed the fullness in him and said within herself if I may but touch a hem of his garment I shall be made whole now see faith never says no friends faith believes it and expects it and is assured that the blessing will follow yes it will why well my friends because your faith would lay her hands on that dear head of thine while like a penitent [24:57] I stand and there confess my sins therefore I will look unto the Lord wait said one my soul submissive wait prostrate before his awful seat and midst the terrors of his rod trust in a wise and gracious God the unchanging God a faithful yes to his word therefore I will look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my salvation some of you say but how long have we got to wait my friends we know the Lord declares this that the Lord will wait that he may be gracious unto you if I want to speak reverently here my friends the Lord doesn't throw his blessings about he prepares the heart for it and first he empties before he fills he bringeth down he lifteth up there's an emptying yes and there is a bringing down and that's a painful thing to be brought down to that place where you have nothing of my own [26:25] I bring nothing in my hand I bring simply to thy cross I cling naked look to thee for dress helpless look to thee for grace black eye to the fountain fly wash me saviour or I die see no other refuge no other one to whom else can we go nowhere else to look to therefore I will look unto the Lord and my friends see the Lord will look too yes he will he looks upon he hath not despised nor bored the afflictions of the afflicted he hasn't despised his people that are looking to him never will no he won't well what do you say oh for a stronger faith to look within the veil to credit what my saviour said whose words can never fail see my friends all the promises are in [27:32] Christ Jesus are yea and amen in him there is no night with him a faithful and unchanging God supports them under every load all that men would praise the Lord said David for his wonderful works to the children of men the wonders of redeeming love the wonders of salvation my friends that God should ever condescend to look down in compassion upon sinners and that he should bless them with grace to look to him yes the thought comes into my mind my friends is this to behold the royalty our beloved queen of a multitude that thronged the roots that they might have a glimpse of her rightly so and yet how much more a poor sinful dust a poor helpless worm of the earth should be so favored with that grace of faith to look unto the king of kings and lord of lords that rules and reigns and governs and controls all things great [29:05] God how infinite art thou what worthless worms are we and yet they are blessed one said they are blessed on earth for tis by grace they seek and know his lovely face blessed mourners they shall shortly rise to a bright kingdom in the skies therefore I will look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my salvation your need my friends patience here you'll need that grace of patience to enable you to wait it's a hard thing to wait it's a hard thing to be still it's a hard and the longer you have to wait the more grace will you need to keep you David said I waited patiently for the Lord you will find my friends this that as the [30:09] Lord tarries so your patience seems to end you need him to come and to give you that patience didn't one of old prove it when he said I fancied patience would be brought you hear some talk about waiting for the Lord my friends as though it's something they sit down and fold their arms and they just sit and wait for him there's nothing hard about it poor mortals solemn characters if the Lord delies his coming as the poet said he tarries off till men are faint and comes at evening light you will prove what that dear man speaks of when he said I fancied patience would be brought before my troubles rose and by such granted help I thought to triumph or my foes but [31:10] God has cleared my misty sight and tis by grace I find that tribulations working right produce a patient mind I will wait for the God of my salvation I will wait till the Lord appears for ye the Lord will not leave me oh you see my friends how faith anchors upon the faithfulness of God of his unchangeability it anchors there upon the dear redeemer and does say there is there waiting for the God of my salvation you wait there ah you say but how often I am so fretful yes another thing too how many cries at the throne of grace go out from your heart how often do you come before the [32:14] Lord and cry how how long oh Lord how long deliverance must I see and fight with foes so very strong myself so very weak you won't be a stranger my friends to David's prayer I believe it was when he said pluck out thine arm out of thy bosom and come and save us you want that salvation you want the Lord to come and save your never dying soul you want him to undertake for you in the trials and tribulations and afflictions of the wilderness ah see with the Lord should look down from the height of his sanctuary even from heaven to behold the groanings of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed unto death see the Lord will arise yes he will that time will come when that soul that's looking unto him the Lord will appear yes he will and you will say this is our [33:28] God when I have waited for him he had turned my friends the darkness to light yes he will he will arise for the defense and the deliverance of his people oh he will he saith in another scripture this now he has an eternal now my friends we can't hasten the Lord no he has a set time to favor his people a set time when he is eternal now will be fulfilled will I arise saith the Lord and set him in safety from him that patheth at him there I know there is the fullness of looking there is the fullness of this way from the God of my salvation my friends that there is a look therefore [34:31] I will look unto the Lord we know not whether we shall still be on the earth when the Lord comes are we looking for him and are we waiting for him so that will he when he comes will we be able to say this is our God we have waited for him but see in the trials and tribulations of the wilderness my friends there the blessings of God see when that soul has just a glimpse now see faith will ever look for they if I may reverently speak the smallest object of the Lord's appearing will embrace it or perhaps to explain it think of that of [35:37] Elijah when he said unto his servant go up to the mount and look toward the sea and he went up and looked and came back and said there is nothing he said go again seven times the seventh time he returned he said there is a cloud the size of a man's hand nothing very big is it to water the earth three years and six months without rain and now a cloud the size of man's hand get thee up go and tell Ahab what to prepare his chariot and get down for there is a sound of an abundance of rain I will look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my salvation my God will hear me here is the exercise of faith here is a walking out of faith it is by faith and not by sight that Christians yield obedience while we walk through this desert land [36:44] God's promise shall be our stay the Lord will make his goodness pass before us in the way when we look to him and wait up wholly upon him see the goodness of the Lord the mercy of the Lord what can harm these souls none why he saith he will keep them as the apple of his eye whosoever toucheth thee toucheth the apple of mine eye therefore now see the exercise of faith one thing to read my friends in James and in Peter concerning the trial of faith but see when you're called to walk out that trial yes when the Lord tarries to you after your faint and comes at evening light sometimes you'll verily feel that the [37:47] Lord will be too light must I wait how long before the Lord will appear ah my friends you sound in that opening him blind unbelief is sure to her and scan his work in vain God is his own interpreter and he will make it plain if he will oh there sometimes are for a little season when there is such sweet heavenly peace in my soul when to lay hold my friends upon that precious word in the hundred and seventh psalm for he commandeth and riseth the stormy winds which lifteth up the waves thereof they mount up to the heavens they go down again to the depths their soul is melted because of trouble but look the [38:54] Lord commandeth it he raised up Pharaoh for this purpose that he might show his mighty works in him do we not read he will have compassion on whom he will have compassion and whom he will he harden if he hardens my friends a soul and that soul is one of the greatest persecutors of the children of God remember this it's in the Lord's end therefore I will look unto the Lord now what a comfort my friends there is here because see it is his exhortation look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God there is none else I say then the virtue that flows now when Christ is revealed ah my friends in even in the sweet hope of it see he saith rejoice not against me [40:03] O mine enemy when I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me David he says this why art thou cast down O my soul why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him you think you've come to the end of everything perhaps the end of all things you cannot see a ray of light can you you don't know a way to take look unto the Lord and wait for the God of your salvation yes my God will hear me here is the confidence of faith yes here is the exercise of faith my faith holds the day yes when the Lord will appear when he will revive his people when he will undertake for them yes now say then as the [41:10] Lord exercises his faith and see he keeps his people waiting yeah how many years have you walked in it how long have you been waiting for the Lord to appear as he brought you down to this place yet where now you have got no other unless the Lord appears for you then you will sink now friends until you come to that where you are nothing and have nothing before the Lord will undertake and deliver you I know it sounds perhaps unbearable but my friends see the Lord will bring you he will empty you by these very means he will bring you down to fall before him yes in this in the blessedness not my will but thine be done willing to spend the rest of your days here if it be his will now that's where the [42:24] Lord will appear I will wait for the God of my salvation I had fainted unless I had believed to see the Lord in the land of the living I will wait for the God of my salvation a third of that one said for on their Lord they're waiting they seek him night and day his aid they're supplicating in his appointed ways you say well surely this isn't the right way well I come to you here does sight and suggest sometimes you're completely out of the secret if you was a child of God he wouldn't have come into this place you wouldn't come into this trial or it might come with you this but if you had faith you wouldn't be filled so full of fear see my friends the devil is well acquainted with the exercise of our souls he's well acquainted with us more than we're acquainted with ourselves because he watches every opportunity when he may strike and [43:57] I don't speak lightly this because my friends I know it solemnly before God what it is to be left as it were for a moment and for the devil to come you ever need the Lord to uphold you and to keep you yes you will therefore I will look unto the Lord my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name but look at the comfort and the consolation here my God will hear me I realize you prayers will immediately say ah I can oh could [44:57] I rise so I to say my God if the Lord has enlightened the eyes of your understanding in giving you faith to believe in the Son of God then say you will say my God will hear me now what a blessed confidence amidst all unbelief all doubts and fears amidst all the darkness and the dispensation you're in my friends to believe the day will come when the Lord will deliver you and bring you out of it my God will hear me what a mercy it is nothing doubtful is nothing wavering no my friends does not the Lord declare blow ye the trumpet in Zion sound my alarm in my holy mountain what if the gospel trumpet is to be sounded with an uncertain sound who would take warning there's nothing uncertain here my friends nothing whatsoever if you look to the [46:14] Lord and wait upon him he will not leave you to sink whatever the trouble is whatever the trial is whatever dispensation you've brought into or turn just for a moment to that word they that go down to the sea in ships that do business in great waters this soul is doing business in great waters he's trading with the talent God has given him and he won't return a single talent to the Lord but he'll have an increase the old area are the five talents that thou has given me I have gained other five with it well done thou good and faithful servant blessed is the soul that can say who waits for thy salvation Lord shall thy salvation see my God will hear me now my friends these are the days of darkness and yet there is a blessing in it yes it is poor and afflicted [47:26] Lord of thine among the great unfit to shine but though the world may think it strange they would not with the world exchange no they wouldn't I say the cries the groans the tears that go out and the errands to the throne of Christ and your heart will go up unto the Lord the secret of the closet won't be a strange place to you no it won't this will go on between your soul and God pouring out your heart before the Lord telling him of your grief and your sorrow and the need for his appearing and to say my God will hear me you may say but I fear sometimes that he doth not hear me he will not answer me I will tell you to another scripture concerning faith he that cometh unto [48:32] God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him now see that isn't himself that's faith and faith is the gift of God and that's not in our hands to keep alive or to exercise God who is the author of it as Paul says being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ I will wait for the God of my salvation my God will hear me remember when Jacob blessing his sons and in the midst of it he says I have waited for thy salvation oh Lord I will wait for the God of my salvation my only hope for heaven is upon this [49:38] God this precious redeemer this is my only hope is in thy blood remember me oh Lord for good yes now see here my friends is the blessings oh that faith lays hold upon you have here the path the Lord led his Israel of old in now the way to heaven hasn't changed no it hasn't I know we live in a day when the gospel is sought to be diluted down you have to be careful that you don't stir up too much yes unless you offend but my friends if the righteous scarcely be safe where shall the sinner and the ungodly appear it's these souls that are brought down nothing in themselves but everything in [50:43] Christ therefore I will look unto the Lord whatever it all has come now whatever things do whatever distress is yes I will wait for the God of my salvation my God will hear me here is the comfort yes the day will come when say the Lord will answer when he will cause you to hear his voice when he will perform his will yes he will say the Lord as Imreiter said he works in a mysterious way his wonders to perform yes how long you may have to wait that is in the Lord's hand my friends sometimes the Lord's dear people have to walk years in a trial before ever they're delivered out of it not a day or week or month [51:49] I've never found my friends these deep waters to be short periods no why because it takes so much to humble us so much to bring us down and to empty us and to crucify old self this is why say self must fall that Jesus may be all in all now when he is there then he will appear yes he will therefore I will look unto the Lord is his work work in me Lord both will and do my way to Zion to pursue I will wait for the God of my salvation my God will hear me if you turn to the canticles you have a word concerning this my [52:49] God will hear me thou that art in the cleft of the stairs let me hear thy voice nothing my friends pleasing more to God to our blessed saviour than to hear the bleating of the ewes and the bleating of the lambs i say nothing rejoices his heart more no it don't he hears ask what i shall give thee see and ye shall find i say then this so see how he is a real beggar at the door of god's mercy entreat in the lord's favour like jacob of old feeling so utterly unworthy of the least of his mercies not that there is anything in us my friends why the lord should ever condescend to undertake for us or to have mercy upon us no it's all of his free and sovereign grace it's the amazing grace and that is all through his own a sacrifice of himself and the shedding of his own precious blood this is the channel where the blessing comes all through what christ has done does not the word declare and the lord visits his people and they are brought to rejoice in him in the fullness of it say it is this come and hear all ye that fear [54:38] God and I will declare unto you what the lord has done not what I have done no what the lord has done for my soul here and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger forever because he delighteth in mercy he will turn again he will have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea here is faith all for faith this choice to make and endure for [56:24] Jesus sake for my friend salvation is of the lord and on his head the crown will place a sinner saved by sovereign grace the lord and his blessing amen to service by singing hymn number 1056 the tomb ashton 286 see of course in a dearest woman whose soul encouraged by life that mercy's good store would remain and there would look and look again ah bring a wretched wanderer home and my foot store let me and tell you all my grief and wait and look and look again hymn number 1056 hymn hymn hymn hymn hymn hymn hymn hymn h hymn of [58:07] Thank you. [58:37] Thank you. [59:07] Thank you. Thank you. [60:07] Thank you. Thank you. [61:07] Thank you. Thank you. [61:39] Thank you. Thank you. Amen. The Lord grant us grace to serve thee right, and to wait and trust thee where we cannot trace thee often, and lead us to our journey's end. [62:08] May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit the Comforter, rest and abide with us each, both now and evermore. [62:25] Amen.