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[0:00] The Gospel of John, Chapter 6, Verse 37 The Gospel of John, Chapter 6, Verse 37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me In that cometh to me, thy will in no wise cast out All that the Father giveth me shall come to me In that cometh to me, thy will in no wise cast out We began this morning to speak of the wondrous comfort and security to the people of God as this were And here it confirms those sacred doctrines which I trust we do believe [1:03] Even as there is a people whom the Lord has given unto Christ They belong to him And they never will be parted from him Hell can never put a division, Satan can never put a separation Between the Lord and his people We read in the Old Testament in the prophecy Your sin has separated you from your God But not eternally Oh how sometimes we have to mourn when he withdraws his help presence That the covenant is still secure This blessing word is the evidence of the covenant Which is sealed in the blood of Christ All that the Father giveth me shall come to me This working form of that mercy work of the Spirit That way of mercy and grace in New Birth in a new birth, in that grace, once imparted in the soul, can never be removed or overthrown, found in these people. They would not come. They would not come but for grace. [2:28] They would never seek Him. They would never be found in the way seeking. The word grace in the soul, grace of faith, the handmaidens of the Lord, bring a sinner unto Christ. [2:45] It goes together, my friends, and cannot be separated. All that Father giveth, they shall come to me. We spoke of the certainty of these things. It's one of God's shells, and they've spoken on behalf of the people of God, one of God's shells. And they shall come. And they shall come out of necessity. [3:14] That they shall be drawn by love. And they shall be led by grace. And this is the object of whom they shall come to. The Blessed, glorified, harmless, sinless, Son of the Father. [3:33] This is the person they shall come to. The one who was crucified and who is now glorified. The one who shows the marks of the nails. And his hands and his feet. And the sword mark. And his side. [3:50] This is the person they shall come to. He has presented by faith to them. My mind went in a split second there. To that account of Yeddy. A poor young man who was destitute of ability. [4:08] But we understand what ability is. He lived in a lot and slept on straw. He had a blessing that you all want if you got grace. He saw your lovely man. This is the person. My friends, can you calculate the mercy? Can you ever describe the better? [4:29] In a flash of a second. I would almost overcome with those words. I've seen your lovely man. This is the person. These are the person who come. All whom the Father giveth me shall come to me. The Blessed, glorified, life. [4:52] And my friends, there is this. That they will be drawn. They will be dead. They will have those appointed times. [5:04] In their spiritual life. They will come to me. Few but any come to Jesus till we do. To self despair. We quoted what's in the close of this chapter. [5:17] To whom else can we go? To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. My friends, if you were a sinner bad enough, you will hang on those words. [5:29] Because in those words is life eternal. In those words that he shall speak. Do you come to him to listen to his voice? I was sent in this day of... [5:43] Often you hear of people speaking about this minister and that minister. And in that sense of the word there is a sweet union between the people of God and between those of the Lord's servants that have gone to glory. [6:05] How they recollect or... How they recollect or... Is brought to their minds something that they preached when they were here on earth. And they conclude this verse and that verse at this time and that time. [6:21] When these ministers who have gone to glory have been made a blessing to them. They conclude this verse and that they were here on earth. My friends, what I feel is more important than any minister's words. [6:33] Gifted or gracious as he may be. That they may be. That we shall know and that each shall know. The words of Christ. [6:45] These are more important than any minister's words. Those things that have flowed... flowed from the lips of the Saviour. These things which he has communicated to you... [6:59] and to your soul when you've been brought to him. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. My friends, if you excuse the extintificity. [7:11] When you come, you don't come. But with your trials and your troubles, your sins and your iniquities. And the Holy Spirit will give you that grace and faith and pour them out before him. [7:23] These are the characters who come to the Saviour. Black sinners. Destitute sinners. Cast down sinners. Sinners that know. [7:34] That without the Saviour there's no comfort, nor hope, nor mercy. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. And my friends, I don't want to get into the pathway of these free willers. [7:48] But you know, thou blessedly welcome. Thou welcome. Come unto me, all ye that neighbour are heavy laden. And I will give you that. These that came to Christ in the days of his pressure. [8:02] Something to bring to him. They brought their burdens, their pears. They brought their trials and their troubles. And the wonder of it all is that the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, out with the Lord. [8:16] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. Have you brought, my friends, and I say this in the uttermost reverence I command. Have you brought your sins to him? [8:28] You come like a burdened sinner at the footstool of mercy. Nothing but sin I leave and give. Nothing but grace. Nothing but love shall I receive. [8:41] This is how you come. You know, all this coming to Christ that some people advertise. My friends, you'll creep beside him as a worm and see him die for you. [8:53] This is how you come. This is the glorious person that's now in heaven. That was crucified at Calvary. And they came to him from every quarter. [9:04] They brought their sins. They brought their troubles. And they were never sent away empty. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. [9:16] You know, the mountains which lie before us. You've gotten mountains. The mountains of difficulty. I was in the suddenly home last Monday. [9:29] I was talking to a dear old man, not a resident. Somebody had walked in to read to them. [9:40] And he was reminded me at the time under the ministry when the preaching, the preaching was on this text. Every valley shall be exalted. Every mountain and hill shall be made low. [9:54] And the crookers shall be made straight. And the rough basses plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. And all grass shall see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. [10:07] And he said that dear minister who preached said, What's your deepest valley? The valley of the shadow of death. [10:18] That's the deepest valley which is before us. Every valley shall be exalted. And then what is every mountain and hill? [10:30] What's the highest mountain that the child of God has before? Well, you know what it is, my friends, if you're sensible. Of sin, it's your iniquity, your transgression, and your sins. [10:44] And every mountain and hill shall be made low. Related to many one or two things, that be assumed, and God of Prince. But they remained with me. And it brought to my mind this, this word that we have today as a text. [11:01] These are the things that are laid before the station. The valleys and the mountains. The hills difficulties. [11:12] The untroddened steps which are full of trepidation, full of fear. Full of unbelief. My friends, what a blessed place it is to be found. [11:25] Come to him, all that the Father giveth me shall come to me. Where will be their repose? Where is the place, my friends, we will pray to know. [11:38] And long to be there and ask the Lord to put you there. Where Mary was found in the tenth of the... And Mary sat at his feet, here in his word. [11:52] Where the sinner in the Pharisee's house was found. Where the mad graderine was found. After restoration, healing, delivery. [12:04] And he was found sitting at the feet of Jesus. Clothed and in his right mind. This is the place, my friends, where the people of God will be found. He must increase. I must increase. [12:18] He shall be exhorted. And the Lord lay us in the right spirit and in the right place. Lower to his feet. This is how you come to him, my friends. [12:30] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. As a humble, contrite sinner. Listening to his voice. Hearing his word. [12:43] Longing to hear his voice. Longing that he might speak into your soul. Like the woman in the Pharisee's house. She came with her sins and she went home with salvation. [12:55] The Lord has spoken. And where the word of a king is, is power. And in that word there was forgiveness. And in that power there was pardon. And she went home from her house, from that house, with forgiveness. [13:11] And in that word there was no one. And the first book of Samuel we renewed Hannah. Who came into the temple of God with her living. [13:27] She was in bitterness of sorrow, prayed unto the Lord and wept sore. And her lips were marked by Eloy. [13:39] Or her mouth was marked. Now how she smake in her heart over her lips moved. That her voice was not her secret prayer. But leaving aside a moment of Eloy's indiscretion. [13:55] For he understood not the complaint or the burden. He spoke very comfortably. He said, Go in peace to the God of Israel. For I will be like the fish that thou hast asked of it. [14:10] So we read this. So the woman went away and did it. And her countenance was no more sad. That is the blessing I am when you are found at this blessed place. [14:25] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. That sweet place of comfort and consolation to one's soul. Where you can spread your matter before him. [14:38] Who turns no coming sinner away. And my friends there will be a time when you will come and you will take up your place. And you will go home with your countenance no more sad. [14:53] And you will come to me. And you will come to me. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. We said this morning the coming is believing. [15:04] We said also that such that come. They come as they are. You know there will be no dressing up to God my friend. [15:17] You will come just as you are. And that really is the way we must ever come to this blessed person. The Holy Spirit shall teach you to pray. [15:28] And you will come with your petitions and your supplications. And you will come plead in his name. We must get on. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. [15:41] So I read that 17th chapter. The cursive spoke speaks as it were in compliments of the word. As thou hast given him power over all flesh. [15:56] That he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. This is the blessing. You know that these that come. Come because they have life eternal. [16:08] Because they have that living work in the soul. Which is of the spirit of God. This is the people that shall possess. They'll come because they are in need. [16:22] And they'll come because they are living souls. Then we read this. There are other places in that 17th chapter. That you might find reference to those who thou hast given me. [16:37] This people that we try to speak of. Then this. Father I will that thou also have thou given me. [16:48] Be with me where I am. That thou may behold my glory. Which thou hast given me. For thou hast given me. For thou hast given me. For thou hast given me. [16:59] Before the foundation of the world. My friends. There will be a coming. And there will be no more. There will be no more to go out. That's the way. [17:10] In the name of God. In that lovely verse. In that 17th chapter. The Lord. Jesus Christ speaks of glory. He speaks of that place where he is. [17:22] He speaks of that. Gathering together where there's no separation. Father I will that they also and thou hast given me with me where I am. [17:36] I translate this with anticipation that is the prospect, that is the promise which the Lord Jesus Christ more than once has emphasised, calls to be written in his word. [17:51] I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I'll come again and receive you unto myself where I am thee, may be your son. This is come to him. [18:05] You will be an ease of course to pass through the valley of the shadow of death. You will be an ease day which you pass through that jewel of the death. [18:16] You enter into a blessing eternity of which the people of God shall possess forever and forever the person of Christ, the glory of Christ and the peace of Christ which they have never known, never felt so sufficient before in time. [18:38] Lord let the Father give us shall come to me. And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast it. [18:51] Do you feel that's a very sweet promise? Does it not encourage all sinners to pray? Does it not give you strength in this? [19:05] Is it a promise to pray? No, when the Lord gives a promise to his people, whether it's a personal promise upon their spirit, they can, and I say this very carefully, they can in all reverence remind the Lord of his promise. [19:24] You know that's the ground upon which a poor child of God can plead. Take with you words we read and these are the words which the Lord enable you to take. [19:37] You know there's an eternal difference also. I thought today of those words that in no wise cast hell. I pray for the word before blessing that there's a person who won't cast your hell. [19:52] In the 53rd chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah we have a word concerning Christ, of which the child of God can understand. [20:06] I think as we say, He is despised and rejected of men, the men of sorrows and the quiet of the grief, and with it as it were, our places from you was despised and the esteemed God. [20:19] Now that is His path. The path of the child of God is this, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast him. [20:31] As you know in the 8th of the Romans it speaks concerning me, forgive and pardon the sinner that there is no condemnation for them because they are in Christ Jesus. [20:46] This is the people that are his and they are in him. And he dies for them and took their sins upon himself upon the cross at Calvary. At the end of the chapter there is no separation. My friends, in the truth of these words, Him that cometh to me, I will with no wise cast down. [21:07] How often do we remember that in our petitions? How often are we to be reminded of these promises when we draw near to him? Draw near by faith as enabled. We might draw near by prayer at the mercy seat. [21:24] But be the same. However you come and in what condition you come. Those that feel the drawing of Christ come just as they are. [21:35] For they rest on this promise that I will not be cast out. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. In the promise to me, I will in no wise cast down. [21:50] Often they walk in pathways which they would have to freely admit they are cast down. This is the way, the tribulations of the pathway. This is what the effect of the trials are. [22:03] There is a casting down. My friends, sometimes you have to venture upon this promise. It seems to me as if that's the only argument you have. [22:15] When you creep, as it were, a venture to the throne of unchanging grace. In that cast down condition, the Lord so reminds you, the Lord so righted upon your spirit that He has promised that in no wise these coming sinners shall be in no wise cast down. [22:40] Now, my friends, I'm going to say why is it so that the Lord Jesus so emphasises this truth that they shall not be cast out? Because they are united to Christ, that's why. [22:53] They are of His flesh and of His bones. They are as the bride to the bridegroom. They are as Christ and His Church. My friends, they are eternally united. [23:06] And there is a hymn and one has to be very careful. And I'm just very, in the spirit of reverence, when you quote Henders in this degree it says something like this, He can't be in heaven and leave me behind. [23:26] Now that's strong language to a believer, to a seeker. My friends, there's no past in hell. For all that the Father gives me shall come to me, every one of them. [23:39] The poor and the needed, those that are blessed with strong faith and those that are blessed with weak faith. Every condition or spiritual experience that the dear child of God comes into. [23:56] Some seem to walk much stronger and much brighter, with more courage, more trust, more faith. Others know more of the temptations of Satan and their own wicked hands. [24:10] Some have troubles in the breath and some in the length and some in the height and some in the depths. Some know more of deep soul trouble than others. [24:22] But every pathway of the Lord's people will differ one from another, with one exception. every pathway will lead them unto his blessed person. [24:37] And it's no good trying to compare your light, the light that you had, to the light that others had. Or the blessing that you hope you had, with the blessings that other people had. [24:50] It's no good trying to compare the experience that you have experienced, the teaching that he's taught you. Those are going to what other people think that they have been taught and led. [25:02] My friends, it is as it were as if there was but one person. And one person alone, the Lord teaches and he teaches personally. Now in every way and every time and every condition, my friends, it comes all these things. [25:20] All that the Father gives me. And as we said this morning, they were given to him because they were sinners of the deepest night. They were ruined in sin by the other poor. [25:33] They inherited first of all from their first parents' sin. And they sinned by birth and they sinned by practice. And these are the currencies that form the Church of Christ that are given unto Christ. [25:49] Upon which he, by his substitutional death, took away their sin, suffered in their place, room instead, and provided for them the Atonement. [26:00] The time of washing. For all that the Father giveth me. Shall come to me. Shall come to me. [26:11] What love is there in the Trinity? What blessed love. My friends, this is the ground upon which they were given. They were loved of the Father and chosen. [26:25] They were given to the Son. To suffer and to bleed and to die for. And Jesus Christ in love to his people. [26:37] For not sake, as the Apostle writes to Philemon, for not sake. He laid his life down for them. Great the love. For not among the distant, but only down his life through strength. [26:51] My friends, these are the people, and they shall come. What a mercy, these words are written in I. And these are the words that we say. [27:02] But what a mercy, the Holy Spirit recalls these words. Many things which the Lord Jesus Christ did and said are obviously not written in this book. [27:13] There was a gap in his, in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ from the age of 12 to the age of 30. We know not what he did or where he went. [27:25] But amongst the things that are stored in the Holy Book of God by the Holy Spirit's teaching of holy men of oldies. [27:37] These promises, these precious words of which they, of which the Lord Jesus Christ has spoken concerning his people's church. From Adam's day to the end of time, the church of Christ is in this net. [27:52] And they shall come. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. And such is the teaching of the Spirit of Truth, that they will find no peace, no comfort, no mercy elsewhere. [28:11] No, the case, I said this morning, the case that they, the Father had brought a son to the disciples. And those words strike you know, but they could not heal him. [28:27] They had not the power to heal him. They were not given that power at that time to heal him. But he brought, he said to the Father, bring him unto me. [28:40] My friends, these are those that shall come to me. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. We read that one who was born of four. [28:52] You know, that case, how it was very solemnly shown as living faith. They came to Christ and couldn't get near to him because of the crowd, the multitude. [29:04] So he went on the roof and took the roof apart and brought him down from the rooftop to the, before the feet of Christ. And he dealt with that complaint and honoured the faith that was theirs, given to him, given to them. [29:23] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, my friends. The burdens that they come with. It may be the burdens of others. It may be the burdens of their own self. [29:35] It may be the burdens of their families, those near and dear to them. But they come to him. They come to him. I looked at him last night where he says, No help in self I find, but thou hast thought it well. [29:51] The latest treasure of my mind is sin and death and hell. They have to learn that, my friends. But they have one who they can come to. Who shall not cast them out. [30:02] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. And him that commens to me. And I'll come by faith. They'll be drawn, my friends. [30:15] That hymn strikes a note as if Jesus draws the chosen out. Thigh is sweet, resistless great. And I don't know, my friends, whether you understand this pathway. [30:28] But you know, even though we hope to be called and taught by grace, there seems to be such unbelief that rises in the heart, in the heart of those that are coming. [30:42] You know, there's many hindrances in the coming unto Christ. No hindrances from Christ. None at all. But hindrances that are formed in the natural spirit of man, or that it may be the temptations that Satan brings to the mind of the person who is seeking after Christ. [31:07] Everything and anything which will distress or which will distract. Or possibly if it could be prevent them coming. You know, what various hindrances we meet when coming to the mercy set. [31:22] My friends, and Satan puts those hindrances there. And one's old nature. This old heart that is rebellious, sinful above all things, and desperately wicked. [31:34] It'll put hindrances in the way. My friends, it's a hard way to come, but there's only one way to come. All that the Father given me shall come to me. [31:45] All they'll come, my friends, but they will be sometimes tempted to give up. The call of war on Jesus now. There will be a waiting for it. [31:57] It is, mate, I read, I'm wondering of it, I know. But I read somewhere recently, whether this is a poem, perhaps it was, of that case in this Gospel of the man who waited at the pool of Bethesda. [32:17] And Jesus knew that he was a long time in that case. Thirty-eight years he waited there for the blessing. I can't believe my friends, but it was in his heart of that evidence of life. [32:32] Thirty-eight years to wait for a blessing is a long season. Yet some have waited longer than thirty-eight years. But he did not wait in vain. [32:43] The blessing came not through the movement of the water, but from this precious person of Christ. All those blessings, my friends, all those mercies, of which the fullness of them are in Christ Jesus. [32:57] To go back for a moment, the hindrances that would detain you, would try to prevent you. That would cause you to go back and not seek this blessing first. [33:12] My friends, how troubled is the lot of the child of God by their own sinful heart, as well as Satan troubling them and trying them, pointing out their sins and their iniquities, pointing out the depths of their falls, pointing out to them that there's no mercy for such sins. [33:36] He doesn't say that here, my friends. He doesn't give conditions, you know. He doesn't give conditions to come in sinners. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. [33:48] The very coming is the evidence of life, and the very coming is the evidence of faith. You will not come, my friends, to this blessed person, not for the work of grace and faithfully. [34:01] But then, my friends, Satan may try to distress you by the enormity of the burden that you carry. [34:13] The impossibility of the trial or of the depths of iniquity that you sorrow over. And all that, my friends, is a hindrance to the Lord's dear people. [34:26] But he doesn't say that there. My friends, there is no condition set in this tent for coming sinners. How they come, they'll come by faith. [34:37] How they'll come, they'll be drawn. How they will reveal to them that their lives with Christ all they need. Unbelief may be very strong, it was so. [34:51] And it is so amongst God's people. That dear apostle of old, who was told of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, suffered with unbelief, and he said, except I see, for he came and he saw and believed, and in the cometh to me, hold him no might cast out. [35:12] Well, my friends, it's a blessed promise. The Lord, write it upon your heart. The Lord so enable you to plead it in these days before him at the mercy seat. [35:25] And, and again, as we've always said, as we come, my friends, to the close of these texts and of these services, there's a proving of the visitor. [35:36] You know, it's one thing, never be content with the letter of it. Blessed be God, there is the written word. And blessed be God for the Holy Spirit who has recorded these truths. [35:48] And many such, many such, there are in the word of God for the help of the people of God. My friends, but it's like all promises, it's the proving of them. [35:59] And this is where you rejoice in him. This is where you crown him with all the glory and the praise. It's the proving of them in the day of trial. [36:11] It's the proving of them at the end of the journey when you shall see him as he ends without a cloud between you. But it is the proving of it also in the pathway that you've troubled. [36:26] And him that cometh. Him that cometh as he ends. With all his burden and his care. Him that cometh. Here is the promise. Let it remain upon us. [36:37] I will in no wise cast out. Know as if the Lord Jesus could say, that there isn't a purpose in heaven above. [36:48] That is this casting out. Rather than as ever an encouragement. And every comfort in the word of God to come in sin. Well, my friends, tell him the promise. [37:00] Spread it before him. Remind him of it in your times of need. Blessed words they are. They are written to the people of God. They and you and I. [37:12] In walking out of it. Through the comfort and blessing of it. All that the Father giveth me. Shall come to me. And him that cometh to me. [37:23] I will in no wise cast out. The notices today are as follows. [37:36] God willing there will be a prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. And Mr Hadley will preach next Lord's day. The amount collected from the building fund box at the door. [37:51] For October was 105 pounds. 20 pence. I sing hymn 723. [38:07] group crabs on 3 Noah. come ye sinners poor and wretched weak and wounded sick and sore jesus ready stands to save you full of pity joined with power he is able he is willing doubt no more hymn 723 sin is poor and wretched weak and wounded sick and sore jesus ready stands to save you full of pity time will come he is able he is able he is able he is able he is able he is able [40:15] God, let conscience make you linger. [40:31] God, let conscience make you linger. [40:44] O delicious hayweed, Our Savior, our Savior Our Son, Our His Polsce I'm yea weary, have evaded [41:52] Blessed are you, unbathed upon I can't carry, tell your mercy Blessed are you, unbathed upon Mother righteous, Mother righteous Son has changed, Jesus came [42:56] The Lord is with us Fearless made around this table Do it with us in love, as we do it in obedience We are with Jesus there No one meets us there We are just instituting this for the next They'll just speak to those disciples Speak to us, dear Lord For those that listen Those who may have it in their heart A desire to be there The Lord hasten the day Let's speak to them And our blessed, thy known holy word We forgive Lord all that is blessed And the creature this day In this house of God [43:58] May it his grace And the Father's love Here in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit come from you Who remain with us Now and forever Amen