Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] If the Lord will help me, I will speak from the 12th chapter of the book of Exodus, the first part of the 13th verse. [0:20] The whole verse reads, And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are. [0:35] And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the pain shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt. [0:53] The part of the verse that I will speak from throughout this evening is done. And the blood shall be to you for a token. [1:07] And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. That was a night to be remembered by the children of Israel to all their generations. [1:24] Then the Lord brought them out to that long and grievous bondage in the land of Egypt. For as we read, with a strong arm and a mighty hand, and a strong arm brought he them out of it. [1:46] It would have seemed impossible. Human diseases, such a defensive and oppressed people, could ever be brought out of that bondage. [1:59] But it was the Lord's doing, and it was marvellous in their eyes. And it was a night of destruction, a terrible night, to the children of Israel, to the Egyptians. [2:18] For that night, the Lord destroyed the firstborn of every house and of all cattle. And of course, that was no more than a just recompense upon the Egyptians for their destroying, not the firstborn of the homes and families of the Israelites, but every male child. [2:45] How true that word was last night, and how true it is, and will be proved to be, vengeance is mine, test the Lord. [2:58] It would not have become the children of Israel, even if they had been the position to do it, to have destroyed the firstborn of the Egyptians and taken vengeance on them. [3:11] It was the Lord's authority to do that. Vengeance, he has said, is mine. I will repay you. It is always far better if there is any real injury or injustice to leave the map in the Lord's hands. [3:34] He can deal with it. And he will, as he will, in his time and ways. But it was a night of great danger for the children of Israel themselves. [3:48] For the Lord said that he would pass through the whole of the land of Egypt, and have destroyed the firstborn of every house. [4:00] And so to preserve the children of Israel from the destroying hands of the angels, God appointed this way and means for their faith, of which we read just now. [4:20] And I need not go over the particular details that were recorded. And so the Lord said, When I see the blood that is sprinkled on the lintels and side posts of the houses, I will pass over you. [5:03] But it wasn't only, as I understand this, that this would be the Lord's way to preserve the children of Israel from the destroying angels, which it was, but it was to be a type. [5:23] It was most evidently a type. The whole Passover, in every picture of it was, of a greater deliverance, from a greater destruction, and by far more precious blood than that which was sprinkled on the houses that night. [5:41] And so, without any further ado, may the Lord help me, for a short time this evening, to preach the old, wonderful, blessed, glorious, gospel of salvation through the sprinkled blood of Jesus Christ. [6:01] The condition, and the condition, of the children of Israel, in the land of Egypt, was analogous, to the condition, of the whole spiritual Israel of God, the election of his grace, in their natural, all and pain. [6:28] There is an analogy, for one thing, it is very evident, that the children of Israel, have become, very much, estranged, from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, during that long period, of their oppression in Egypt. [6:49] They were so ignorant, that Moses, when he was commissioned, to go to them, to speak in the Lord's name, said in the text, what names are given, because they don't know anything, about the Lord God. [7:05] Neither did they, they quite lost that knowledge. And, it is evident, from other scriptures, one passage, I think, especially in Ezekiel, is they have very much, fallen into the idolatrous, ways, of the Egyptians themselves. [7:23] for that, they were in that way, very much, in the same case, as the, spiritual Israel of God, are, in their natural, state and condition, far off, from God. [7:42] And our reason, of their, falling into the ways, that sin, at all have done, as much, exposed, in regard, of their, their, condition, to the judgment, of God, as are the world, themselves. [8:01] Notwithstanding, that God, has purpose, has purposes, of love, and grace, towards, his, spiritual Israel, but, considering them, in their, sinful condition, they're exposed, to condemnation. [8:17] And, that they shall be, delivered, from that, dreadful danger, of that, destroying, rope, that will come, upon an ungodly, world at last, there is a way, for, salvation, and, haste, provided for them, to give in, the blood of God. [8:47] And, so now, to this, column, and, very, thankful, subject, which, I feel, will, lead us, in our meditation, into the very, heart of the gospel. [9:09] because, if I know anything, and understand anything, and, if I ever, experience anything, of the gospel, I can say this, that in the very, heart of the gospel, there is the blood of Christ. [9:27] And, the gospel, without, that, that, that, of the blood, is no gospel, for sinners. Let us then, take it, of the, building this land. [9:42] And, the blood, shall be, for the soul. I will speak, very briefly, first, at the gospel's time, on, the precious blood of Christ. [9:56] Though there is no, thing, so solemn, so holy, so blessed, as the precious, blood, of Jesus Christ. [10:11] If that blood, is not being made, precious, to any of you, old or young, I do hope, it will be. I do hope, it will be. And, may the Holy Spirit, make it so, by his design, teaching, in the heart, for, whatever else, accompanies, and much else, does accompany, the teaching, of the Holy Spirit, is bound, to make the blood, of Christ's presence. [10:44] It's, awesome, and, the more clear, that teaching is, and the more, deeply, it enters, into the heart, the more, precious, the blood of Christ, itself, to be. [10:59] Not more, precious, in itself, that can, never be, but it can be, more precious, to us, than it is, I wish it was. You must, take them, this point, first, of the blood of Christ, as, the blood of Christ's, head, the blood, that he changed, for the blood, to be sprinkled, it could not be, otherwise, sprinkled, neither, would it have, availed, blood have been, taken from the land, and the land, not dying, and its life, not being given, that would have, been possible, of course, blood should have, been taken, from the enemy, and sprinkled, on the side, post, and rental, of the houses, that would have, been no protection, in the sea, blood, that meant, dead, and so, when we speak, of the blood of Christ, we must, consider, solemnly, office, as, having been, head, in, dead, very solemn, these words, now, that I'm speaking, [12:22] I realize, the Lord, granted, I may speak, with much, reverence, and much, and much, feeling, about it, it would have, been possible, no doubt, for the Lord, Jesus Christ, who had given, his blood, without dying, but, who would have, not availed, for, sin required, to sacrifice, and, there can be, no sacrifice, equal to, atone to sin, but, by the death, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, his example, is good, it's a beautiful, example, he has left, us an example, that we should, follow in his test, but, don't think, there is enough, to follow his example, to, not see his blood, his death, and we know, that his doctrine, was wonderful, doctrine, and teaching, and never, man, spake like that, man, did, speak, never, never, did, such, holiness, speak, such, holy things, that it, is death, to be, just, trying to save, him, and, salvation, comes, not, from, the, mount, and the, sermon, on the, mount, but, from, cow, it, and the, blood, of his, came, there, for, this, is the, an ultimate, word of God, that without the shedding of blood, there is no, in the, and, that word is so, waiting, that it, should silence, all arguments, about God, being able, to forgive, him, on the ground, of his mercy, and compassion, [14:34] God knows that, that, to, pardon, and, forgive, him, in the fear, sacrifice, that no, sacrifice, could be equal, to such a purpose, but the sacrifice, of his own, dear son, and the blood, of Christ, his, blood, Jesus, Jesus, also, that he might, sanctify, the people, with his own, blood, suffered, without the being, his shed, blood, really, means, his life, given, in death, as a sacrifice, of him. [15:24] Then, there is a blood, wrinkled, in state, great note, and careful, consideration of that, and, the blood, shall be, to you, for a token, not only, a shame, but, its wrinkles, and, it may be, that, more than one, listen to me, at this moment, it may be, that, to your mind, would come, those, applicable lines, all wrinkles, on me, thy precious love, unless we, face, thy dying line, a very good prayer. [16:17] So, how are we, to understand, this, that, these, people, like, were to sprinkle, the blood, upon their, their, and, that it was to be, sprinkled, with, hither. [16:33] It might seem, as though, that's, a quite, unimportant, matter, for that, blood, with sprinkled, what matters, it, by what means, it was sprinkled, by the prescription, of hither. [16:47] Wouldn't it have been, the same, without the, hither, if it was a good love? Now, my friend, the rich, truth, in every point, here, it must be, sprinkled, by, and with hither, a bunch of hither, is the way. [17:05] Now, for a long time, I've pondered over, the, symbolism, of the hither. [17:17] The carpet, appears, in, many, places, in the old, testament. But, why the hither? For instance, when the, pin-off ring, was, being burned, there was to be, cast into it, garland, wool, and hither. [17:39] Why must hither, be cast into the burnt, offering? Why must hither, be used, to sprinkle, the blood, of the lamb? Well, I came to this, conclusion, that, hither, in the usage of it, is representative, of the faith, in the exercise of it. [18:05] And, not very long ago, in my reading, I came upon that very point. I can't think, for the moment, who it was, but it was one of the good old, sound authors, possibly Owen, or Goodman, or one of those, and I found, exactly that, that hither, was, symbolic of faith, and the usage of it, of the exercise of faith. [18:36] I felt, that was very, concerning. Dear mind, I know that, with regard, to the application, of the blood of Christ, is actually, in our conscience, that's the work, of the Holy Spirit. [18:57] But, I feel, that, faith, in the precious blood, of Christ, and the exercise of it, in the soul, is the same, as the hyphics, used to sprinkle the blood, on the lint, and side posts, of the heritage, of the Israelites. [19:23] Faith is the gift, of God, in the principle of it, and also, in the exercise of it. It needs, the Holy Spirit's help, but, remember this, the leading, is the exercise, of the believer's heart, how big, the principle, is the gift, of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, assists, a believer, and yet, the size, in his faith. [19:53] But the Holy Spirit, does not do, the believer's heart, it's the heart, does the believer's heart. He shall believe it, with all thine heart. [20:06] Now, the believer, with all our heart, is the same, as using the hyphic, and the hyphic, must sprinkle the blood, and faith, must believe, in the blood. [20:22] If there's no faith, in the blood, there's nothing, in the faith, that can avail, at all. Now, when you exercise, this faith, in the blood, of Jesus Christ, by a believing heart, to please it, trust it, lead to it, and stealth it, behind it, you get the sprinkling, of the blood, that is exactly, and, when it's a matter, of experience, and, the, solemn, and, blessed impression, of the blood, of Christ, that's the Holy Spirit, that we think. [21:13] And, I feel, that, the, solemn, truth, as I'm setting, before, you, call for, solemn, careful, consideration. [21:26] May the Holy Spirit, give us, understanding therein. There are, two things, of patience. The exercise, of faith, in the blood, of Jesus, and, the application, of virtue, of that precious, blood, in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit. [21:49] But, where there is, an exercise, of faith, in the precious, blood, of Christ, that is, like the sprinkling, of the blood, by the Israelite, with their, bunch of, sickness. [22:04] For every, believer, in the size, of God, that is, every, believer, in the precious, blood, of his, dear, son, appears, in the size, of God, as sprinkled with it, by the, believing, of the heart, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, I think, hardly, any, uninspired, expression, has conveyed, more, to my, mind, and has been, more confirming, than, a brief word, by that, godly, writer, from whom, I did, receive, much instruction, in the past, Dr. Owens, now Dr. Owens, said, that it is, an essential, principle, of the gospel, that whatsoever, the heart, believes in, it has an interest, therein, by virtue, of believing, mind, [23:14] I know that, first, and primarily, whoever has, an interest, in Jesus Christ, Christ, and his, precious blood, has that, by the, sovereign, purpose, of God, but how can, he know that, he has an interest, by the, sovereign, purpose, of God, but by God, giving him, faith, to believe, it comes, into evidence, that way, now, I must come to, what, is more particularly, on my mind, and the, flood, shall be, to you, for, a token, the, present, flood, of Christ, sprinkled, by the exercise, of faith, and the, fly, by the, holy, gold, is a token, it is a token, upon every heart, and the size, of God, where what I set, before you tonight, really, has been, [24:18] Lord, the blood, shall be, for you, for a token, and what, shall the blood, be, for you, for a token, of, for a token, implies something, a token, is not just, some, object, as it stands, but that object, implies something, it's a token, of something, somebody, open this, then, if I may, be, directly, to begin, with, of course, the blood, shall be, for a token, of, spiritual, nationality, it was, certainly, a token, for the children, of Israel, that night, of their nationality, it was seen, by that blood, on the, houses, that they were, Israelites there, and not Egyptians, it was, a distinguishing, mark, between, the Israelites, and the Egyptians, it was the mark, that God appointed, to distinguish them, now, there's no doubt, of what, there were, many distinguishing, marks, that show, the difference, between, the houses, of the Israelites, and the houses, of the Egyptians, for one thing, of course, they were more, assembled, in the land, of Gautam, there was, a local distinction, but then, when, we consider, that the Egyptians, were rich, and oppressed, and the Egyptians, were oppressed, their very dwellings, would show, their humble, and lowly, and oppressed, conditions, it was, probably, quite, clear, that the Israelites, were dwelling, that wasn't, the point, that wasn't, to be the token, it was, to be the plan, now, consider, my friends, that there should be, many indications, to carry, try, the people, of God, and, the distinction, between them, and, this world, and, if there's nothing, about their life, and their conduct, and their spirit, different, from the life, and spirit, and conduct, of this world, it's very foreshowing, very, that that is not, to be, it is, the thing, which is not, in the size, of God, it's not, where they dwell, nor, nor, where they are standing, nor, what language, they use, nor, what manner, of life, they live, it's, the blood, it's, the blood, must be the token, of that, spiritual, nationality, really, really, and, this can be said, with absolute truth, and certainty, that, where the blood of Christ, is not regarded, and, is not believed in, and not sheltered, under, that person, is no spiritual, is he not, no matter, what he believes, he's not, is he not, the token, is not there, and, if it should be, a question, of anyone, wherever I have, the real faith, in Jesus Christ, that will make it, that his precious blood, is a token, well, you know, how you feel, or faith, has a very, feeling side to it, a very, feeling side to it, now, [28:57] I cannot tell you, whether, the precious blood, of Christ, is sprinkled on you, or not, whether your faith, is that faith, that shall sprinkle, believing, with that fact, of blood, that I can tell you, there, if your heart, feels like this, nothing in my hand, I bring, simply to thy cross, I clean, if you feel, sometimes, especially, that it is in your heart, to breathe, the most precious, blood of Christ, and if you find, your heart, breathing to it, then, I feel quite sure, that, that faith in your heart, that faith in your heart, and if you cannot, feel it so, may the Lord, show you this, and confirm it so, with confirmation, with more satisfying, than my testimony, than I, you know, [30:03] I believe, my testimony, is true, for all of that, the blood, shall be, to you, for the token, of your spiritual, unity, with the household, of God, with us, holy nations, for there are, other considerations, and the blood, shall be, due to the token, of a substitution, of a substitution, the lamb, was a substitute, that night, really, typically, to the substitute, of the death, of the firstborn, because, as I said, just now, the children, of Israel, were in such, a condition, as to be, themselves, exposed, to the judgment, of God, because, they are all, mixed up, with the idolatrous, ways, of the Egyptians, they weren't, the oppressive, but still, the kind of God, they were, in a faith, of his, well now, the lamb, was a substitute, of the death, of the firstborn, putting it very, simply, the water's soul, is that blood, could speak, and the blood, of Christ, does speak, and speak, of better things, than that of Abel, but if the blood, of that lamb, could speak, it would say, there's been a death, in this house, already, and there must not, be two deaths, in one house, it was the lamb, or the firstborn, and the blood, sprinkled on the lint, and sides, both, for the token, that had been a death, that the lamb, had been slain, as a substitute, for the firstborn, through the token, a substitution, solution. [32:07] My friends, that wonderful word, in the meaning of it, is I feel sure, the real, ritual, and solemn, key to the whole, mystery of hell, was Jesus, in the thinnest place. [32:28] Not Jesus, there alone, but Jesus, in the thinnest place. For it is written, he has made him, to be sinned, for us, that is a sin bearer, by imputation, who knew no sin himself, God made himself. [32:54] Man flew him, at the cross, God made him, an offering to sin, a sin bearer. [33:07] Substitution, at the heart of the matter. Referring again, to that solid word, which is so true, which, in God's sake, that without the shedding of blood, there is no emission, and that other word, the soul that's finished, it shall die. [33:35] That's the voice of the Lord. God speaking in the Lord. That God speaking in the Gospel, says this, yes, yes, that cannot be awful, that another may die in his face. [33:54] I regard substitution, as a saving clause, in that solemn word, the soul that benefits, shall die. Substitution, is a saving clause, that God has put there, man, be an option, but another may die in his face. [34:17] That is substitution. But then, doctrinal principles, of this nature, raise, sometimes, and they should do, solemn questions, in your mind. [34:35] But did he die in his face? Are you my substitute? Did he die in my room and place instead? [34:48] Brethren, the blood must be a token of us. The blood must be a token of us. The blood shall be a token of substitution. [35:01] For there cannot be two deaths in one soul. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the death of the soul as well. [35:19] And the blood shall be a token of us. For it's been a test. The death of God's message comes. Wonderful. Wonderful. [35:33] See the world's worst, while we're seeing quiet, haunting old with the human. May the Lord grant these recent Solomon's precious things may sink down into our hearts. [35:53] Now, time gives me faith. Now, it's a great deal and hope. And the blood shall be to you for a token. Now, the sprinkled blood is a token of redemption. [36:10] For it was a real redemption that night. The Lord redeemed his people out of the land of Egypt. Redemption is by Christ and by power. [36:25] Christ is the favorite precious blood. For the power is the power of the Holy Spirit acting through the virtue of that precious blood. [36:40] You consider redemption by price in this passage. Redemption is by price. As the Apostle Paul would the blood of Christ. [36:52] For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by position from your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ. [37:11] The blood of Christ is redeeming blood. Sinner, delivering blood. justice, that is dying blood is the blood of you. [37:28] And some of you is feeling or if I only knew that Christ has been paid for my redemption. [37:41] Well, the blood is a token of its blood. The blood is a token of it. And so, to mention some conclusions other considerations as well, the blood shall be a token of justification. [38:03] Being justified freely by his blood, we have peace with God. It's justification by his blood. Justification means, of course, the clearance of the soul from guilt and condemnation through the merit of another, the merit of a savior's blood. [38:31] Moreover, the blood shall be to you for a token of sanctification. Sanctification has different meanings in the scripture. [38:44] Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, but it without the blame. I come to conclude just one word and I'll finish tonight. [39:02] When I see the blood, I will pass over you. I feel that the solemn day of judgment is anticipated typically in this world. [39:17] There's a day coming when the judgment of God will fall on an ungodly world, when a more destructive choice will pass through this world. [39:31] And the day of judgment will never pass through the land of into that night. And there will be no safety but have sprinkled with that special blood. [39:48] And we may draw this final feeling and consideration that in that day God will look to the blood and see the blood. [40:12] And when he does see the blood he will pass over the soul. I will pass over you. it was many years ago when these truths were first amazed through in my own heart to believe them and measure to understand them. [40:40] I said sometimes and I may take difficulty to repeat it tonight that the first gospel truth that ever entered into my heart and the first ray of gospel light that ever entered into my heart is through this very test. [41:02] When I see the blood I will pass over you. and my heart responded to it and it responded to it not only with these feelings but I think very much in these words. [41:19] Go ye that rest upon the Lord and cry and seek salvation there look to the flame that Moses taught and strength and tremble and despair that I retire beneath the cross and failure as thy dear feet are lying and the team taught that justice draws a name and they shall pass me by. [42:01] So we know the tips to you have to go. The children of Israel were instructed to not the rest of their houses till the morning. [42:14] In the morning they must leave go out of their houses. The antitarch goes farther that you have been brought to shelter behind the sprinkled flood and never go to that face shelter never never to the Lord may help you you must live there and you must die there help of faith there are the Ö And いる Mr. Buck will preach on Thursday evening. [43:07] Mr. Philip Mercer, next Lord's Day. Prayer meeting tomorrow evening. Collections next Lord's Day after the Bethesda Hotel. [43:21] Let us now close with hymn 534. The 534 hymn, tune Providence 490. [43:34] Mercy speaks by Jesus' love. Hear and sing these songs of God. Justice satisfied indeed. [43:45] Christ has full atonement made. Jesus' blood speaks loud and sweet. Hear all deity to me. And without a jar in voice, welcome Zion to the joy. [44:01] Thyme 34.van- Inner Thank you. [44:38] Thank you. [45:08] Thank you. [45:38] Thank you. [46:08] Thank you. [46:38] Thank you. [47:08] Thank you.