Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24 and verse 32. [0:18] And they said, one to another, did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way, while he opened to us the Scriptures, the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, verse 32. [0:48] This is a word which stands in connection with a wonderful narrative with which you may, all of you, be somewhat familiar. [1:05] And I desire to look at it as the Lord shall help me from three or four viewpoints which might be helpful and profitable to you. [1:20] You all know that this is a word in connection with the two cast down disciples journeying along the Emmaus road. [1:39] And it is very striking how ignorant they seem to be and how they had not profited and learned the truth even though it was put before them by Jesus Christ who is the truth. [2:03] And behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs. [2:17] And they talked together of all these things which had happened. And it came to pass that while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. [2:34] And now the first point I want to bring before you is that disciples as these were, they were sinners, born again, and they had the root of the matter. [2:52] Even as the eleven were of the disciples of Jesus Christ. But when Jesus Christ was before Pilate, it is very solemn reading that his own disciples all forsook him and fled. [3:15] Often preachers refer to Peter and his denial of the Lord Jesus. But it must not be overlooked that the others forsook him and fled also. [3:31] And now these two disciples are talking together and they are in such a cast down state about the things which had happened. [3:43] And yet the things which had happened were full of blessed teaching and reality and an unfolding of the purposes of God. [3:58] And Jesus drew near. And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these which ye have one to another as ye walk into sad? [4:13] This shows to us, dear friends, How prone we are to fall a prey, To view in the dealings of God, Thinking our own thoughts, And reasoning. [4:29] And these disciples were reasoning together. And their thoughts were all being built on a foundation of misunderstanding and misapprehension. [4:46] It is very noticeable in you, dear young people, As you studied the Gospels and read therein, Keep in your mind that the disciples Had in their minds, That the kingdom of God would be coming on the earth, And that Jesus Christ was going to establish it, And that they would occupy leading positions therein. [5:14] A kingdom that their eyes could see, Being built up on the earth. But this was only their own supposition. [5:26] If they had listened to what Jesus said, Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world. And he said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. [5:40] The kingdom of God, Margin reading, Is not outside show. The kingdom of God is within you. [5:52] Jesus Christ came down, Not to establish a kingdom in this world, But to do love's redeeming work, And that a door of mercy might be opened in heaven. [6:05] But these two disciples, Had this other thought in their breast, And therefore they reasoned. And as they thought that Jesus Christ, Was now put to death, Crucified, And laid in the grave, As to his holy humanity, They had no hope, As to what was now going to, Be made known. [6:34] And yet, I want you to remember this, That the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, Will answer all questions, And meet all difficulties, And demands of poor sinners, When you dear young people, Sometimes look round the world, And see, That hell itself, Is let loose in it, And you think your own thoughts, And you may reason, Whatever will become of us, And ours, Especially if you have, Your dear little children, Growing up around you, What has the future, In store, For us, And ours, Do remember, The resurrection of Jesus Christ, From the dead, On that Easter morn, Long ago, Will answer, All your questions, Silence, All your, [7:35] Reasonings, And will help you, If you wait on God, To, Realize, A good hope, Through grace, That whatever the future, Holds in store, For the world at large, It shall be well, With them that fear God, And that his word, Will not fail to be, Fulfilled, Upon this rock, I will build my church, And the gates of hell, Shall not prevail, Against it, The cause of Christ, May seem to be, At a very low ebb, I said seem to be, It is often better, Than you and I can see, It really is, But we see, Much that is amiss, Much opposition, From earth and hell, Against it, But, The Lord, Has guaranteed, That the church of Christ, Shall be built up, And let it be, [8:36] Your chief concern, To be found, In, That living, In that living structure, Of which the hymn writer says, See my soul, A structure rising, From the wreck, From the wreck, Of human race, May it be, Your concern, To be a living stone, Therein, And when you think, Sometimes the cause, Of Christ, Seems buried, In the earth, And you can hardly, And you can hardly see, Any signs, Of what you believe, Is the church of Christ, Militant, Seeing matters, Are so overrun, In the world at large, By earth and hell, Alight, Do remember, That the cause of Christ, Will rise from the dead, For when Jesus Christ, Rose from the dead, That was a guarantee, That, His purposes, Would not fail, To be brought to pass, And he shall see, [9:38] Of the travail of his soul, And shall be satisfied, The cause of Christ, At the present time, Seems buried, Under the scoffs, And jars, And the enmity, Of the world at large, But as Jesus Christ, Rose from the dead, So the cause of Christ, Will rise again, In the world at large, And this kingdom, Will come, And it will, Be done in earth, As it is in heaven, And now, When Jesus drew near, To these two disciples, On the Emmaus road, What communications, Are these that ye have, One to another, As ye walk, And are sad, One of them, Whose name was Cleopas, Answering, Said unto him, Art thou only a stranger, In Jerusalem, And hast not known, The things which are come, To pass there, In these days? [10:37] Do listen, To how they answered, And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, Which was a prophet, Mighty indeed, And word, Before God, And all the people, And how the chief priests, And our rulers, Delivered him to be condemned, To death, And have crucified him, But we, Trusted, That it had been he, Which should have redeemed Israel, Set up the kingdom of Israel, On a new basis, That is what they had in their minds, As I said earlier on, And beside all this, Today is the third day, Since these things were done, And now Jesus Christ, Had warned them about all this, Before his crucifixion, But, They were indeed, [11:38] Dull of hearing, And duller still, In their apprehensions, And you and I, Dare not fling a stone, At these sad hearted disciples, Because you and I, Have too often, Misjudged the dealings of God, Misunderstood the why, And the wherefore, And when we have said, Jacob like, All these things are against me, We have had to eat our words, Reverse our consideration of it, And say, Whoso is wise, And will observe these things, Even they shall understand, The loving kindness of the Lord, This is the section I like, In this beautiful chapter, Then he said unto them, O fools, And slow of heart, To believe all that the prophets have spoken, Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, [12:40] And to enter into his glory? And beginning that Moses, And all the prophets, He expounded unto them, In all the scriptures, The things concerning himself, O how often, In my long ministerial life, Have I wished that the Holy Spirit, Had been pleased to record, That exposition, That Jesus Christ, Gave to these two sad hearted, Disciples, What a help it would have been to us, In preaching the gospel, Think of it, Beginning at Moses, The first five books, In the word of God, The Pentateuch, And then all the prophets, He expounded unto them, In all the scriptures, And that includes the Psalms, The things concerning himself, What a wonderful exposition it was, [13:44] And they drew nigh unto the village, Whither they went, And he made as though he would have gone, Further, But they constrained him, Saying unto him, Abide with us, For it is toward evening, And the day is far spent, And he went in to tarry with them, And here is a wonderful thing, All the while, He who is, The incarnate word, Was unfolding to them, The written word, On the Emmaus road, They did not realize, Who he really was, That he was Jesus Christ, Risen from the dead, The resurrection, And the life, And it came to pass, As he sat at meat with them, He took bread, And blessed it, And break it, And gave to them, And their eyes were opened, And they knew him, [14:47] And he vanished from their sight, Then comes our subject, And they said, One to another, Did not our heart burn within us, While he talked with us, By the way, While he opened to us, The scriptures, And now, This is a beautiful, And blessed experience, Which is still to be known, I have said, How glad I should have been, Had this exposition, Of the dear saviors, Being recorded, In black and white, That poor preachers, Could often read it, And get further instruction, And have their own understandings, Enlightened to, In the reading, But God in his infinite wisdom, Has not permitted that to be, But it can still be, That Jesus Christ, Can talk with us, By the way, And when he does, It will always be, [15:48] As he opens to us, The scriptures, As he makes known to us, What saith, The scriptures, And you will always find, The same effect, When he is pleased to do it, Did not our heart, Burn within us, While he taught with us, By, The way, And now that is, As it were, The setting of the subject, And now, I want to make this, Plain, That it is so, Noticeable, With people taught of God, Though they, Are indeed, Well taught of God, And have long, Followed on, To know the Lord, Yet they are guilty, You and I are guilty, If we are taught of God, As I hope many of us are, We are guilty, Of judging by appearances, These two disciples, On the Emmaus road, They thought, [16:49] All had come to naught, With the death of Jesus Christ, But, It was essential, That Jesus Christ, Should die, And that he should suffer, In the stead of poor sinners, Like you, And me, And that the foundation, Of the church of Christ, Should be, Guaranteed, By, His life, His death, His resurrection, And there is another thing, Wherein, People taught of God, Are guilty, Not only in thinking, Their own thoughts, About his dealings, And reasoning, But in, Listening to what Satan, May suggest, As to the why, And wherefore of matters, And, We are most of all, Guilty, In what Jesus Christ said, To these two disciples, On the Emmaus road, Oh fools, [17:52] And slow, Of heart, To believe, All that the prophets, Have spoken, What seth the scriptures, That is our guarantee, As to how matters, Will fall out for us, As we journey on, Along life's way, And I want to come to, That viewpoint, Of the subject, There is this scripture, A beautiful scripture, And you remember it, When you search, The scriptures, On your own behalf, In the volume, Of the book, It is written, Of me, And that is how it is, Your heart will burn, Within you, When Jesus Christ himself, Draws near to you, And opens up, The scriptures, It is the incarnate word, Unfolding, The written word, The scriptures, And the Lord, Bear one tremendous name, [18:54] The written, And the incarnate word, In all things, Are the same, And I will show you, As the Lord, To help me, In what way, The scriptures, Are opened, To us, But I must make this play, Not go on too fast, And too far, Before I do it, This is for disciples, Only, Not the dead, Not the world, At large, Not those, Who just, Look on the word of God, As an ordinary book, But those, Who believe it to be, What it really is, All scripture is given, By inspiration, Of God, And these two disciples said, While he opened to us, The scriptures, And now, When you become a disciple, The scriptures, At that time, Become to you, A blessed reality, [19:55] And you know, It is the holy bible, Book divine, And you want to read it, For your own soul's profit, And peace, And find it to be, What the psalmist said, Thy word, Is a lamp unto my feet, A light, Unto my path, I turn aside, To ask this question, How many of you, Dear friends, Young and old, Do day by day, Look into the sacred pages, To get help by the way, And light, On the dealings of God, With you, And yours, And most of all, That you might get, Bread to eat, Such bread, As Jesus Christ said, I am the bread of life, And he that eateth of this bread, Shall live, Forever, All the scriptures, [20:57] Are of wonderful mercy, More than any preacher's words, Can tell in setting forth, The wonder of the mercy, And the greatness of it, But, When a sinner is born again, When his eyes are opened, And he knows he has to do with God, He turns to the word of God, That he might be instructed, And built up, In our most holy faith, While he opened, To us, The scriptures, It is a very striking, Word in, While he opened, To us, You, And I, As a rule, We read the scriptures, And sometimes, We read chapter after chapter, And nothing seems to, Light in our soul's experience, To, [21:58] Do us good, Or to make our heart burn, And sometimes, We read it again, And we hang about, A word or two, Which is opened up to us, By the Holy Spirit, Who is the author, Of the word of God, In its entirety, And our heart, Begins to burn, And we find, Our souls, Are instructed, In the things of God, And while we are in such a frame, Before the word of God, We can indeed say, Lord, It is good for us, To be here, You can say, Did not our heart burn, Within us, While he taught with us, By the way, While he opened to us, The scriptures, And now to come back, Back to this, Opening up, Of the scriptures, First of all, You will find, The scriptures are opened up to you, [22:59] In their authority, You will realize, In searching the sacred pages, Whatever, Godless critics may have said, And you may have heard them say it, In school, Or college, Where you have scripture lessons, All that will, Have to go, And you will realize, God spake, All these words, The scriptures, Will be opened up, I say, In their authority, And you will see, That, He who in the beginning, Of the world, Said, Let there be light, And there was light, He, Says in the word of his grace, The same, In how he leads, Poor sinners, Into, The truth, In the beginning, God created, The heavens, And the earth, And he said, Let there be light, [24:00] And there, Was light, And when he opens up to you, The scriptures, Whatever scripture, It may be, And it may be, Some word, And will be, A word, Most apposite, To your case, Your circumstances, You will realize, The authority of it, Because it will be, Thus saith the Lord, And you will understand, The word in Ezekiel, Which you know, I often quote, And Ezekiel said, The word of the Lord, Came expressly to me, So it will come, To you, As you, Search the sacred pages, That in, Heaven's own light, You may, Find light, On the dealings of God, And be, Led forth, In the way, Wherein you, Should go, The scriptures, Will be opened up, In their authority, And then, They will be opened up to, [25:02] In their solemnity, You read, Ordinary books, Written by man, And you may, Find mistakes therein, And errors, And you will do, In thousands, Millions now, That are published, But, When it comes, To the word of God, You will, Feel the solemnity, Of it, And when, A word is lodged, In your heart, And it makes, Your heart burn, That it should come, To such a poor sinner, As you are, You will realize, Not only the authority, Of it, But the solemnity, Of it, That God, Should condescend, To lodge a word, In your heart, A word of which, He is the author, To instruct you, To help you, To comfort you, To confirm you, And to give you light, Upon the way, [26:04] That you, Should go, It is a beautiful, And blessed, Experience, Some of us, Have known, Just a little of it, We should like, To have known, Much more, Than we have known, In journeying along, But we are not, All together, Strangers, To it, While he opened, To us, The scriptures, In their authority, And in their, Solemnity, And then it will, Always be, In their, Suitability, There is a word, In Jeremiah, Where a question, Is asked, Is there any word, From the Lord, It was put to Jeremiah, And he said, Yes, There is, And now, Whatever your case, May be, You dear young people, Listen, Whatever your circumstances, May be, You may have many, Duties to do, [27:04] And difficulties to face, And life's responsibilities, May increase upon you, As you journey on, And sometimes, You will be, Like the disciples, On the Emmaus road, You will think, Your own thoughts, And the more you think, The more you will be, Sad, Like they were, And then, When you, Are helped to, Look into the word of God, There you will find, As the scriptures, Are open to you, What is so suitable, To your case, Or your circumstances, And it is, A word in season, A word in, Beautiful suitability, Which instructs you, In the way, Wherein, You, Should go, And when you, And when you, Get a word, To help you, With regard to things, [28:05] In the future, You have this authority, Then, Before the throne of grace, Remember the word, Unto thy servant, Upon which, Thou hast caused me, To hope, So the scriptures, Are opened up, And you find, They are beautifully, And blessedly, Suitable, To your soul's, Feelings, When they are, And, You will find, Your heart, Burn within you, And you will feel, That God, Has to do with you, While you, Have to do, With, God, And then, The scriptures, Are opened up, Also, In their blessedness, And in their, Comfort, Because, There are, Words of comfort, In the scriptures, Which no preacher, Can really open up, And unfold, As they should be, But, The comfort, Is a blessed reality, [29:07] And I might tell you this, And it might help you, If you are, A disciple in D, You will want comfort, That comes from, The word of God, Which a man, Cannot receive, Except it be given him, From heaven, Remember what, God's name is declared to be, The God of all comfort, God that comforteth, Them, That are cast down, So you will find at times, The scriptures, Will be opened up to you, And will be, A word of comfort, A word of comfort, A word of help, A word to confirm you, That you are, Disciples indeed, But then, Most important of all, As the scriptures, Are opened, Up to you, You will find it to be, As it was, With these disciples, On the Emmaus road, [30:08] I read the word again, And do listen, Beginning at Moses, And all the prophets, He expounded unto them, In all the scriptures, The things concerning himself, Not only the written word, And what the Holy Spirit designed, To make known, In recording it, It will bring you, To Jesus Christ himself, Unto you therefore, Which believe, He is precious, And you will be able to say, Remember the word, Unto thy servant, Upon which, Thou hast caused me, To hope, And sometimes, You will find, The scriptures opened up, And they will be to you, A word of life, Some books you read, Make no impression, Upon you at all, Because there is, [31:10] Nothing worthwhile, In what you read, To do so, But whenever you read, The word of God, Wherever you read, There is, In what you read, The life of God, To be known and felt, The words I speak, Unto you, They are spirit, And they are, Life, But, Let me tell you this, And you remember it, Power belongeth unto God, And that means, Sometimes you can read a psalm, And it will be unto you, Comfort, Peace, Bring you sweet relief, Another day, When you are sad hearted, You read the same psalm again, Because it did you good, Before, But you get nothing at all then, Because, There is, The life, Lacking, And the power, Is not communicated, And you may say, [32:11] I wonder why that is, I will tell you, I will be inquired of by you, O house of Israel, To do these things, Just one more thought here, And, He opened to us, The scriptures, They will always be, Opened up, Whatever the characteristic, Whereby they are open, To meet your soul's case, And to help you, In your circumstances, In their supremacy, It must always come to this, What saith the scriptures, And what saith the scriptures, To you, It is your concern, Before God, Whose you are, And whom you serve, To do, Make me to walk, In thy commands, Tis a delightful road, Nor let my head, Or heart, [33:12] Or hands, Offend, Against, My God, While he opened to us, The scriptures, And now, Looking at the subject, From another viewpoint, Where will he open up, To you, The scriptures, Not always as you were, Before the word of God, Reading the sacred pages, He will unfold, The heavenly mysteries, Where he has promised, To do so, In all places, Where I record my name, There will I come, And bless thee, And this day, As you have gathered together, To worship God, You have desired, That you might have, The scriptures opened up, To you, And that Jesus Christ, Might say, A word of help, And hope, To you, And that you might know, What it is, For your hearts, To burn, Within you, Burn with love, [34:13] To him, You had that feeling, What is the house to me, Unless the master, I can see, But, While he opened to us, The scriptures, And now, Sometimes, Sometimes, Jesus Christ, May take, Quite a while, Speaking with great reverence, In doing it, You might, You might, Be viewing his dealings, And going back a moment, To Jacob, You might, Think, Like Jacob did, All these things, Are against me, And that was how, He reasoned, Joseph is not, Oh, He feared, Joseph, Was dead, Simeon is not, He is in prison, Will you take, Benjamin also, All these things, Are against me, And now, [35:14] Jacob was a godly man, Although, What he was by nature, Was not at all lovable, But what he was by grace, Was good to see, From time to time, Made manifest, And, Think of Joseph, Being down in Egypt, Which Jacob, Did not, Realize that he was, Because, His sons, When they went down, To buy corn, At the first time, Did not realize, They had to do with Joseph, But they did, And it was, Twenty years after, Joseph, Was sold as a slave, Taken out of the pit, And carried down to Egypt, And sold for a slave, All these things, Are against me, Says Jacob, He was reasoning, Thinking his own thoughts, Like you and I do, But when, The matter was opened up, [36:15] And later on, His own sons, Returned to tell, The wonderful news, That Joseph was alive, And that he was, The governor of Egypt, And then, When they, Asked him, To search out, And look at the wagons, That Joseph had sent, To take him, And his, Down into Egypt, What did Jacob say then, How unwise I was, To say what I did, All these things, Are against me, And he went, Farther back than that, I say that, With great reverence, I believe he went, Back to that time, When Joseph was only, Seventeen years old, And he, When Joseph, Told his dreams, His father said, Do you mean to say, That we are all, Going to bow down, To you, Later on, And he, As it were, Rebuked him, [37:16] But it does say, A verse or two, Later on, In the record, Jacob observed, The saying, As I said, He was a godly man, And he might have thought, That God was in it, Although he could not see, How it could be possible, That it would come to pass, But it did come to pass, In every jot and tittle of it, The scripture, Was opened up to him, In how God dealt with him, In his providence, And through the famine, They had to go down to Egypt, To buy corn, And then, Joseph, Was found to be alive, And Jacob went down, To see his son, Ere, Died, He opened to us, The scriptures, Not to think our own thoughts, Not to reason, Why should this be, Why should that be, Let us ever remember, To everything, There is a time, And a purpose, Under the heaven, God moves, [38:18] In a mysterious way, His wonders to perform, He plants his footsteps, In the sea, And rides upon, The storm, Who can judge, What dear Jacob felt, When he saw the wagons, And he said, It is enough, The scriptures, Were opened up then, And I reckon, He did not sleep that night, But he went back, Over his life, And saw how the scriptures, Had been opened up, And surely his heart, Burned within him, As he saw, How the goodness of God, Had followed him along, This can be known, By you, I hope it is known, By me, Happy is he, That at the God of Jacob, For his help, Whose hope, Is in, The Lord is God, Did not our heart, Burn within us, While he talked with us, By the way, While he opened to us, [39:20] The scriptures, And now, I said, God uses, The means of grace, I have already hinted, How we opened up, The scriptures to Jacob, In his providential, Dealings, You may say, What scripture, Did he open up, The scripture, That was given him, When he was found, At the ladders foot, And he saw, The angels of God, Ascending, And descending it, The top of it, Reached heaven itself, And the Lord stood above it, And he said, Behold, I am with thee, And will keep thee, In all places, Whither thou goest, And I will not leave thee, Until I have done, All these things, That I have spoken to thee, Of, And that scripture, Was yet more opened up, When Jacob at length, Went down to meet, Joseph in Egypt, But the scriptures, [40:20] Are also opened up, And you realize, Your heart burn at times, While the gospel, Of the grace of God, Is preached, Because, It is the word of God, That is unfolded, By men ordained of God, To preach, And sometimes, You see light, In heaven's own light, And you may have come up, To worship God, And felt like, Like these disciples, Very sad, Because of matters, To do with you, And yours, And you were reasoning, And then in the worship, Of God, And the unfolding, Of the gospel, It comes to you, As good tidings, Of great joy, And, You begin to see things, Clearly, As to the why and wherefore, Of the dealings of God, And hope begins to burn bright, That yet, You will be able to say, It is well, The watchmen, [41:22] That go about the city, They found me, You read in Solomon's song, And when they do, The scriptures are opened up, And your heart burns, Knowing, Brethren, Beloved, Your election of God, For our gospel, Came not unto you, In word only, But also in power, Oh, It is the power, That you want, I wish I could feel more of it, In preaching to you, I wish you could feel more of it, In listening, To the gospel, That is preached to you, But, It is to do with, You and God, I will be inquired of, By you, Or else of Israel, To do, These things, The scriptures are opened up to, In, Godly conversation, When they, That speak often, One to another, Speak about, The dealings of God, You have felt it, Some of you, I am sure, [42:24] And I can tell you, When you have felt it, Not once or twice, 20 times, And twice 20 times, When you have been, In the church, Listening to someone, Before the church, Desiring to be added, To the church fellowship, Telling of the dealings of God, With their soul, And as, You have listened, And discerned, It was indeed, According to what, Seth the scriptures, And that, They were being led, By the spirit of God, In the way they were, Going along, You have felt the unity, Of the spirit, And your heart has, Burned within you, And you have been able, To say, Come in thou, Blessed of the Lord, Wherefore standest thou, Without, The scriptures are opened up, Like that sometimes, In the dealings of God, With us, As we have journeyed, Along, And then, [43:26] He opened, He opened to us, The scriptures, They are open to us too, In prayer, You will find sometimes, If you help to pray, That words of scripture, Will come to you, To emphasize, What you are praying about, You will plead the word, Of the Lord, And, When you realize, Where the spirit of the Lord is, There is liberty, I have read, Regarding William Huntington, I wish I could do it, His public prayers, Were simply, Scriptures, Strung together, In beautiful harmony, He hardly ever went, Into details, Of anything, That was happening, But simply, Pleaded, The word of God itself, And he was, Mighty in the scriptures, Because he was, Mighty in, [44:27] Prayer, And, The scriptures are opened up to you, When you wait on God, And wait for God, Lead me into thy truth, And teach me, Give me to know its power, And its preciousness, And sometimes, You find your heart burned, And whenever you do find it burned like that, And you are before God, Do remember this, Open thy mouth wide, And I will fill it, And remember what you sing, And only half reduced to practice, Maybe only a quarter, Thou art coming to a king, Large petitions with thee bring, For his grace and power such, None can ever ask, Too much, Oh, We are so limited often, In our attempts to pray, But I must come to the Amen, Although I must tell you, Sometimes the scriptures will be opened up to you, When you not only try to pray, [45:29] But try to praise, You may say, I cannot say much about praise, And thanksgiving, I seem to come so short, But whatever you do, Do not leave off trying to praise, Because it may be, When you are doing it, At some time, You will find what Eliezer did, I being in the way, The Lord met with me, And brought me to the house, Of my master's brethren, And you will find, In trying to pray, And trying to praise, Sometimes your heart, Will begin to burn within you, The scriptures will be opened up to you, Then you will say, Lord, It is good, For us to be here, It is good for me, To draw near, Unto God, And in remembering the way, That God has led you, As you look back over the way, You have come along, You will sometimes see, [46:31] He has opened up to you, The scriptures, And maybe, He will make one word, Stand out in his dealings, With you, I hope he will, I am the Lord thy God, Which teacheth thee to profit, And which leadeth thee, In the way, In which thou shouldest go, And he will open up the scriptures, To you, As you gather together, As you are, This Sabbath afternoon, Because he has guaranteed, To do it in worship, Where two or three, Are gathered together in my name, There am I, In the midst of them, And sometimes, You feel the world is shut out, And you are shut in, With God, And glad to feel, As you do, In the worship of his holy majesty, Where the spirit of the Lord is, There is liberty, [47:32] Did not our hearts, Burn within us, While he taught with us, By the way, While he opened to us, The scriptures, And I am going to keep you a minute, And you are not to grumble, As I want to say, One thing more, You find that, In this beautiful record, And they told, What things were done in the way, And how he was known of them, In breaking of bread, And, There are scriptures to be opened up, If you are concerned, To be what you ought to be, Some of you, Obedient children, If ye love me, Keep my commandments, Then they that gladly received his word, Were baptized, And now, Those scriptures will be opened up to you, And if you, Do what the word of God says, [48:33] It is what says the scriptures, That you ought to do, To follow him, Whose you are, And whom you desire to serve, You will find in doing it, Did not our hearts burn within us, While he taught with us by the way, While he opened to us the scriptures, In following on to know the Lord, In the way that Jesus Christ went himself, As verily man, In the keeping of his commandments, Not for keeping, In keeping his commandments, There is great reward, O that you dear people, Some of you, Who have known much of the goodness of God, Who wait upon him day by day, To help you every day, And yet, You do not obey, What says the scriptures, As regards what Jesus Christ, Has said, [49:34] You should be doing, Oh that you might, Oh that you might, Ponder the matter, Wait up before God, And not, Lie on your deathbed, Later on, And regret, That while you had the opportunity, To follow Jesus, In the way he trod, With his own holy footsteps, You failed, To do it, Suffer the word of exhortation, And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, While he taught with us by the way, While he opened to us the scriptures, And now, Think of this word going home, And they told what things were done in the way, Where should these things be told, Not only to each other, As you seek to hold fellowship, And speak one to another, About the things of God, They should be told, Before the church of Christ, [50:35] The church of Christ, Is a divine institution, And our church, Has long been a church, A hundred and sixty odd years, It was founded on a right foundation, It has been built upon that foundation, From that day, To this, And, We want to realize, Another heart burning, With pleasure, We behold, Emmanuel's offspring come, The sheep are gathered to the fold, And left no more to roam, Amen.