Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Lord, you be pleased to help me. I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in Psalm 100. [0:12] Verse 4. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. [0:26] Be thankful unto him and bless his name. Psalm 100 and the fourth verse. [0:45] The subject is thanksgiving. And it should be one that will cause every sinner born again some searchings of heart. [1:06] Because every one of us who has that mercy to be born again will honestly own that our thanksgiving is not what it really ought to be. [1:20] When we are helped at times to remember the way God has led us, when we do begin to count our blessings, it is very evident that our thanksgiving is very scanty compared with what it should be. [1:47] The word of God tells us, This people have I formed for myself. [1:58] They shall. They shall. Mark the word shall. Jehovah shall. They shall show forth my praise. [2:11] And again you read, A peculiar people, That ye should show forth the praises of him, Who hath called you, Out of darkness, Into his marvellous light. [2:31] Does it ever come over you, Along life's way, The magnitude of the mercy, That you and I, We do humbly hope, Many of us, Have been made to differ from the world at large. [2:52] And God, Has made known his mercy to us, And it can be said, And you, Who were dead in trespasses and sins, Hath he quickened, Oh the magnitude of that mercy, Surely it should overwhelm us, That out of the mighty mass of mankind, Hundreds of millions, Of poor sinners, Bound for an eternal destiny, Heaven or hell, God has set our feet, In the way of life, With, As we humbly hope, Heaven awaiting us at the end of it. [3:41] And now, I want as the Lord, To help me, To look at this subject, From two or three, Viewpoints, Of it. [3:53] It is said to be, A psalm of praise, And there are, Many psalms of praise, And the psalmist, Whoever he was, The spirit of God, Has not recorded his name, But the line of things, He was inspired to pen, In the little psalm, You and I should lay to heart, Make a joyful noise, Unto the Lord, All ye lands, Serve the Lord, With gladness, Come before his presence, With singing, Do think of that word, Dear friends, I will read it again, Serve the Lord, With gladness, Come before his presence, With singing, And now that, Should be the attitude, Of worship, As you gather together, To worship God, [4:54] In the house, Of prayer, In our worship, You should not be, You should not be just, Sitting churned up, With all your miseries, And ready to say, I am the man, That has seen affliction, As though no one else, Taught of God, But got such affliction, As God has laid upon you, Whatever the nature of it may be, There should be in our worship, Some gladness, Serve the Lord, With gladness, Come before his presence, With singing, I have often wondered, I do have many thoughts, Journeying on, And I have often wondered, That in our denominational life, We always announce, A prayer meeting, And now why not, [5:55] A praise meeting, Praise, Should become us, When we consider, It is of the Lord's mercies, That we are not consumed, And because his compassions, Fail not, Oh there should be, Some gladness, In our worship, And however miserable, I am not fitting any caps on, I am only telling you the truth, However miserable, You may feel, In the attitude of worship, Things could be worse, Than they are, And that is one thing, You should be glad about, And say thank you to God, I have already told you, It is of the Lord's mercies, That we are not consumed, And because his compassions, Fail not, I am the Lord, [6:55] I change not, Therefore ye sons of Jacob, Are not consumed, You may say, Oh I often come miserable, Dwelling on my case, What you are doing, Is to descend, Into your own heart, As it were, And view matters there, Forgetting what, The hymn writer says, Pour not on thyself, Too long, Lest it sink thee lower, And you may say, I come miserable, And in the worship of God, I do not always get, What I should like to get, I certainly do not feel to get, Much gladness, And sometimes, I go on my way, Miserable, And now, Let us get down to bedrock, About that, What is it in you, That makes you, Have such an experience, [7:57] And that such feelings, Well up in your breast, Do they spring, From what you are by nature, The thing is impossible, The natural man, Receiveth not the things, Of the spirit of God, Neither can he know them, For they are spiritually discerned, And even that, Experience, Wherein you feel miserable, Regarding your interest, In the things of God, You could not feel that, Unless you were born again, Therefore, You should have a little gladness, Coming into your, Heart, Also, That God has made you, What you are, And where you are, And, When you come to what, Sets the scriptures, There is the prospect, Of better days for you, As your help, To wait on God, You might think of this word, [8:59] Dear friends, Serve the Lord with gladness, Come before his presence, With singing, We do that, But then, There is this to be considered, Sing ye praises, With understanding, Making melody, In your heart, Unto, The Lord, And then, This dear psalmist, Goes on, Know ye, That the Lord, He is God, It is he, That hath made us, And not we ourselves, We are his people, And the sheep of his pasture, You will say, I know what your objection will be, If I could be sure, I was one of his people, If I could be sure, I was, One of the sheep, I could then, Offer gladness, [10:00] But, I just want to be made sure, About that, We are his people, And the sheep of his pasture, And now, Looking at the subject, Enter, Into his gates, With thanksgiving, And into his courts, With praise, Be thankful unto him, And bless his name, First of all, I want to look at these gates, What these gates are, In a gospel interpretation, Because, The psalmist, Is referring to, The church of Christ, And, In the church of Christ, There are gates, And, Sinners born again, Are welcome, To enter into those gates, And to do so, With thanksgiving, [11:01] That they are opened, For them to enter in, You find, In Isaiah, A word, And, A good word, It is, Where, It says, In that day, Shall this song, Be sung, In the land of Judah, We have a strong city, Salvation will God appoint, For walls and bulwarks, Open ye the gates, This is addressed to, Those ordained to preach the gospel, Open ye the gates, That the righteous nation, Which keepeth the truth, May enter in, This should be, Your concern, Not so often, In your approaches to God, To be dwelling, On your miseries, But, Recording your mercies, [12:02] Do suffer that word, Of exhortation, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And now, There is one gate, If you were concerned, To do this, To enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, There is one gate, You have already entered, Otherwise, You would not feel, As you do, And that gate, Is the straight gate, The saviour said, Enter ye in, At the straight gate, Narrow is the way, That leadeth unto life, And few there be, That find it, And now, It is good, That you should be concerned, To be amongst that few, That enter in, Oh, What a great mercy, It is to be born again, And I can tell you, Another thing, What a great mercy, [13:04] It is, A very great mercy, To want to be born again, And that might help, Some of you, Dear young people, Who may sometimes, Feel that, The preacher goes down, Too deep for you, Or, The things are, That which you cannot, Altogether enter into, As you would like to, And do not fully, Understand them, And you hardly know, What you are, Or where you are, But I say again, It is a very great mercy, To want to be born again, Because it denotes, That you are, The soul, That with sincere desires, Seeks after Jesus' love, That soul, The Holy Ghost inspires, With breathings from, Above, You remember, The prodigal, Long ago, And he began, To be in want, And it may be, Quite a few of you, Know what that want is, [14:07] And what would satisfy it, Nothing else, Can satisfy, Give me Christ, Or else I die, Oh that is a wonderful want, To be the subject of, And only, Those who have entered in, Through the straight gate, Are the subjects of it, Therefore, Enter into his gates, With, Thanks giving, And then, The psalmist speaks about, The gate of righteousness, Open to me, The gate of righteousness, I will enter, Therein, And you and I, Must enter through, That gate too, Or we shall never, Never, Enter the gates of pearl, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, You and I, Must be made righteous, [15:09] Before God, And that righteousness, Alone, Must be the, Righteousness of God, Which is by faith, In Jesus Christ, How do poor sinners, Enter in, The hymn writer, Does give you encouragement, If guilt, Disturb thy peace, Or satan harass thee, Behold, The saviour's righteousness, Which sets the guilty, Free, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, The gates of righteousness, There is another gate, And you must admit, I want as the Lord, Should help me, To get right down, As low as the gospel, Allows me to do, That even the little ones, Might get a little help, [16:10] By the way, And now, You must admit, That you have entered, Into this gate, Notwithstanding, All your, Misery at times, That you dwell upon, Altogether too much, And too long, Forgetting, The manifold mercies, God has bestowed upon you, Which encourage you, To hope in God, That he will still, Show you, Yet more, Of his favour, Than he has already, Been pleased to do, And now this gate, Is what I like to call, The beautiful gate, Of the temple, The gate of communion, In other words, When you try to pray, And whatever your thoughts are, About your condition, Before God, And your soul's experience, And I might tell you, [17:11] There is a great danger, You may fall into, And that is to belittle it, And the devil will help you, In that sad business, Calling into question, What evidences, You hope God has given you, And seeking to aid you, In belittling the same, Oh, James will tell you here, My brethren, These things ought not so to be, If God has done, Ever such a little, For your soul, You should treasure it up, Prize it, Ask God for more, And do not fall afraid, To what your own, Evil heart of unbelief, May suggest about it, And question it, But enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And now, This gate of communion, [18:14] Do you mean to tell me, You who try to pray, That you cannot say, At times, It is good for me, To draw near to God, You say, I hope I do know, What that is, Blessed be God, Sometimes, Alas the times, A few and far between, This is the point, If you know what that is, You are inside the gate, You are in the city, Yes, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, The gates of communion, What a wonderful thing, It is, That man can commune, With God, And what a bigger wonder, Still it is, That God can commune, With man, Sweet communion, Which charms the soul, And gives true peace, [19:14] And joy, This beautiful gate, Of the temple, That you read about, In the Acts of the Apostles, Where the lame man, Was found, And when Peter, Looked upon him, And helped him, And granted him, Healing in the name, Of the Lord, It was, A gate, Whereby only Jews, Could enter, No Gentile, Could enter it, On that beautiful gate, There was a notice, No stranger, Must pass this gate, Under pain of death, And not even, The Jewish women, Were allowed to, Enter it, And worship, Remember that, So while it was, A beautiful gate, To look at, As being man's workmanship, [20:16] It does not, Altogether set forth, This beautiful gate, Of communion, I am dwelling on, No, No, Jesus said, Him that cometh unto me, Be ye Jew, Or Gentile, Whatever nationality, Whatever colour is skin, Him that cometh unto me, I will in no ways, Cast out, You dwell on that word, No ways, It will help you, You may have, Varied objections, That rise up in your mind, And the devil will, Blow with his bellows, On them, Like the fire, And fan them into a flame, Till you, Are ready to conclude, God will have, Nothing whatever to do, With such a sinner, As you are, Oh these thoughts, [21:17] Are very God dishonouring, You should let God, Speak for himself, Dear friends, And you should believe, What God has to say about it, Search and see, In the dealings of God, No sinner was ever, Yet, Empty sent back, Who came seeking mercy, For Jesus you say, And God will not begin, With you, As one, Who is sent back, Therefore, Come boldly, Unto the throne of grace, To obtain mercy, And find grace to help, In time of need, And do remember, What you sing about, The vilest sinner, Out of hell, Who lives to feel, His need, He is welcome to, The throne of grace, The saviour's blood, To plead, Yes, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, [22:18] Oh, The gates of communion, When you can, Draw near to God, And pour out, Your sighs, And cries, And groans, And find sweet relief, In doing so, Then you can say, Blessed be God, For he hath heard my prayer, Now turned away, His mercy, From, Me, But then there is another gate, And I mean the gate of worship, I have already hinted at it, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, Don't you think, There should be thanksgiving, That you have got a cause of truth, To enter into, And gather together, As a little family, Before God, And many of you, To feel, One with God, And one with each other, [23:19] In worship, Realizing the unity of the spirit, In the bond of peace, We should not forget, What our forefathers did, A hundred and sixty odd years ago, When our cause of truth, Was built, It was a small beginning, But it has grown, Since then, And under Union Chapel roof, There has always been, A people, Desiring to serve God, And there are many, Oh, How many God only knows, In the realms of bliss, Who when they dwelt on earth, Used to worship God aright, In our cause of truth, And we think of them, Where they are, The memory of the just, Is blessed, Aye, But here the thanksgiving, Should come in, Particularly, Are we not, [24:22] We humbly hope, Followers of them, Who through faith, And patience, Inherit, The promises, Enter into his gates, Gates of, Worship, Not only, To go through, The routine, Of whatever the service, May be, But to get down, To the reality, Of it, Remembering, What is the house, To me, Unless, The master, I can see, And remember, This will be, As long, As time shall be, There will be, No alteration, In God's order, Of worship, For he has said, Verily, My Sabbaths, Ye shall keep, And ye shall reverence, My sanctuary, It is not for folk, To be sitting at home, Looking at television, Or hearing, [25:24] Radio, Religion, And think they can enter, Into, The gates of the city, Of God, With thanksgiving, On that basis, No, No, Forsake not, The assembling, Of yourselves together, As the manner, Of some is, And so much, The more, As ye see, The day, Approaching, Enter into his gates, Gates of worship, With thanksgiving, And you might think, In gathering together, To worship God, How you came to be here, At all, I mean, To call to mind, Is, Always providence, That has ordered, Your steps, To be under union, Chapel roof, When, In your earlier life, [26:24] You had, No thought, Whatever, Of being, Where you are, At the present time, You are not, To take these things, For granted, It is nothing, Whatever to do, With chance, Or uphazard, The steps, Of a good man, Are ordered, By the Lord, And he delighteth, In his way, Yes, Think how I, As the pastor, Was a Berkshire man, And, Having to live, Most of my life, Biggest part of it, In Kent, With no thought, In my youthful mind, As a teenager, That I should, Ever be moved, From the county, Where I was born, But live therein, And die there, No, No, The sovereignty of God, Overrules, And the cloud, Moves, And you follow it, And when you, Are brought to where, The cloud moves you, [27:26] And that is where, The manna falls, In the worship of God, You should enter, Into his gates, With thanksgiving, That you are, Where you are, And what you are, God has, Granted you, A spiritual, Home, Where you can gather, With his dear people, And meet in his courts, Week in, Week out, And dwell together, In unity, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And I like to think, About the gates, Of remembrance, I know you talk, About bad memories, But I do not, Receive it, And the word of God, Confirms me, In what I feel, About that, Because, The spirit of God, Who inspired, The word of God, Has said, [28:26] He shall bring, All things to your remembrance, He will help you, To bring, Back into your mind, As it were, What you have forgotten, Helps and hopes, That you had, In the early dealings, Of God with you, Oh, It is good to remember, The way, The Lord thy God, Has led thee, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, The psalmist said, My meditation of him, Should be sweet, I will be glad, In the Lord, It is good, When you get, A little meditation, I hope, Sometimes some of you, Do get a little of it, Prize it, When you do, And when you find, The spirit of God, Helping you, To call to remembrance, The former days, Do dwell on it, Make the most of it, [29:29] And at the end of it, Say thank you to God, Enter into his gates, Gates of remembrance, With thanksgiving, You say, I wish I could, Do it, Do it, But alas, I cannot call much, To remembrance, But then, God can help you, And if you wait on him, And enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, He will give you, Yet more than ever, You have had before, To remember, How his goodness, And mercy, Have followed you, Along, Have you no words, Oh, Think again, Words flow apace, When you complain, And fill your fellow creatures here, With this sad tale, Of all your care, Where half the breath, Thus vainly spent, To heaven, [30:29] In supplication, Sent, Your grateful song, Would oftener be, Hear, What the Lord, Hath done, For me, And how glad, Other people thought of God, Would be, To hear it, And you flow together, To the goodness, Of the Lord, And it helps, Brotherly love, To continue, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, There is also, The gate of testimony, That follows on, Entering into the gate, Of remembrance, What you are helped, To remember, You should tell out, To people, With ears to hear it, Especially, The father, To the children, Shall make known, Thy truth, As Ezekiah said, And, The psalmist declares, [31:29] Tell it to the generation, Following, Do you realize, That a godly father, And a godly mother, Can, As grace is given, Tell the children, In the family circle, Somewhat, Of the dealings, Of God, And although, It may be, They do not, Seem to show much attention, In listening to it, Who can tell, Who can tell, Bread, Cast upon the water, Shall be found again, After many days, Oh, There is the gate, Of testimony, Come and hear, All ye that fear God, I will tell you, What he hath done, For my soul, You can enter through, That gate, And do it with thanksgiving, Before the church of Christ too, And, And make known, To his dear people, Therein, The dealings of God, With you, And when you were helped, [32:30] To do that, There is only one, Welcome you will get, Come in thou blessed, Of the Lord, Wherefore standest thou, Without, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And as I pondered this subject, I thought of another gate, I am going to call it, Inspiration gate, Do you know, Do you know, What gate that is, Think of the word of God, Think how God, Spake all these words, And when, You get a little help, From God, To search the scriptures, And they are opened up to you, You can enter in, To varied experiences, Set forth in the sacred pages, And, Encourage your soul, In God, And what you get, [33:31] From the word of God, As you enter in, Through inspiration gate, Enter into, The scriptures, With a living interest, Therein, Will abide, For time, And, Eternity, Too, And in days to come, When you may be tried, And tempted, You can call that to mind, And plead it before God, Remember the word, Unto thy servant, Upon which thou hast caused me to hold, Yes, Godly David said, I rejoice in thy word, As one that findeth great spoil, And then, Think of the gospel, And what a wonderful gate, That is, Sometimes, In listening to it, When the power of God, Accompanyes it, And it sets forth, What you have tasted, Handled, And felt, Of the good word of life, You enter into, [34:33] The gates of the gospel, And you can say, The watchmen that go about the city, They found me, And you see, You are inside the city, When they find you, We do not go round about, Outside the city, No, We are prepared to preach the gospel, To every creature, But to preach the gospel, We have got to delineate the characters, Who will hear the gospel, And prize it, And get everlasting benefit from it, Which is not, The man in the street, As he is born, No, No, It is poor sinners born again, Who alone will, Enter into the gospel, And realize its power and preciousness, And it is said of them, Blessed is the people, That know the joyful sound, [35:34] They shall walk, O Lord, In the light of thy countenance, You must admit, Some of you, Remember what I said earlier, Do not belittle your religion, And you must remember, Some of you, Helps you have got, Under the gospel, Whoever the preacher was, It does not matter, No, And they saw no man, Save Jesus only, But, The gospel was made to you, Effectual, At the time you heard it, And it touched a chord, In your soul's feelings, And you could, Feel as you, Wanted to feel, And you were confirmed then, That you were, One who possessed, An ear to hear, And a heart to receive, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And remember, You should say thank you to God, [36:35] For the gospel itself, And you should say thank you to God, That he still, Raises up men, And sends them to preach it, Because wherever he does send men, To preach it, He is going to, Make the gospel, Effectual to poor sinners, Wherever he ordains, They shall preach, I do love that, Declaration, In the gospels, Where it is said, That Jesus, Sent forth the seventy, Two by two, To preach, In all places, Wither he himself, Would come, And you can be sure, If God ordains, A man to preach, He has got, A work for that man to do, And he will live to do it, And God will bless him, Bless his labors, To his own honor, And glory, As the church's living head, [37:38] Or we should prize the gospel, More than we do, Tis the gospel's joyful tidings, Points to heaven, And shows the road, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And now, There is the gate of fellowship, There is not only communion, With God, The church of England folks say, Not that they know much about it, That say it, I believe in the communion of saints, You and I do too, In a right way, When we get in touch, With a brother or sister, Who can tell out, The dealings of God, There is, The unity of the spirit, Known and felt, What is called, The fellowship of, The saints, And you enter into it, Through that gate, Then they that feared the Lord, [38:39] Spake often, One to another, And they should do it, A great deal more than they do, Yes, How often do you do it, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And into his courts, With praise, And I might just say one word, About another gate, And that is, In the Proverbs, You read of wisdom's gates, And now in everyday life, As you come into difficulties, And there are matters, On which you need, Heavenly light, There is this gate, Of wisdom, Awaiting you, You are welcome, To enter into it, If any man, Lack wisdom, Let him ask of God, Who giveth to all men, Liberally, And afraideth not, And it shall be given him, [39:42] Commit thy way, Unto the Lord, Trust also in him, And he shall bring it to pass, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And now I read to you, In the revelations, Of that beautiful vision, Which was given to, Godly John, And there it says, Concerning that, New Jerusalem, Holy city, That the gates, Into it, Every several gate, Was one pearl, You must not just think, That is figurative language, I know that it is, But, It is there with a purpose, And now, Every several gate, Was one pearl, And that is to draw, Our thoughts to the pearl, Of great price, And that brings us, [40:42] Back to all these gates, Whichever gate, I have tried to say, Just a little on, And that is, As you enter, Into these gates, You must enter there in, With a desire, Whatsoever ye do, Do all to the glory, Of God, And remember, All these gates, Are open, Through what Jesus Christ is, As the sinner's friend, And what he has done, In love's redeeming work, And what he is still doing, As he reigns, On the throne of grace, On high, And that, Means, That in entering into these gates, You must seek to exhibit, The spirit of Christ, Think of that word, I wish it could be, More often thought on, In our denominational life, If any man have not, [41:44] The spirit of Christ, He is none of his, But the word of God says, Whatsoever ye do, Do all, To the glory, Of God, Yes, And here, This word goes on, Although I have no time, To open it up, As I should like to do, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And into his courts, With praise, And now, Be thankful unto him, And bless his name, And one thing, Impressed me, As I thought on this subject, And God help you, To think on it, To purpose, Whatever, Your case may be, Whatever your circumstances are, As you think of Jesus Christ, You will find, [42:48] He has a name, Recorded in the word of God, Exactly to meet, Your case, Your circumstances, You as a poor sinner, Desiring to know, Your own, Interest in Calvary's cross, And what was done thereon, Bless his name, His name shall be called Jesus, For he shall save his people, From their sins, When you walk in darkness, And have no light, Bless his name, For it is said, Unto you, That fear my name, Shall the son of righteousness, Arise, With healing, In his wings, And when, You feel in need, Of a saviour, And as Isaiah declares, A saviour of quick understanding, [43:51] Bless his name, Because it is declared, His name, Shall be called, Emmanuel, God, With, Us, When storms, Beat upon you, From within, And from without, Bless his name, As that refuge for sinners, Which the gospel, Makes known, And when you, Desiring to be numbered, With his sheep, Or among his lambs, Bless his name, Inasmuch as he has declared, I am the good shepherd, My sheep hear my voice, I know them, And they follow me, And when sometimes, You look within, And look so long, That your sins rise, [44:51] Mountains high, And you say, Depth of mercy, Can there be, Mercy for a wretch like me, Bless his name, For he is declared, To be a God, Ready to pardon, You can follow, That line of thought, In your meditations, But, In whatever, Name, You approach, The throne of grace, To plead, Remember, There is one name, That is outstanding, Over all, And that is, Jesus Christ the same, Yesterday, And today, And, Forever, What he has done, For poor sinners, Yesterday, The saviour, Is doing the same, Today, He will be doing it, [45:54] Tomorrow, And you, Can be thankful unto him, As you, Seek his divine aid, And remember, They who once, His kindness proved, Find it, Everlasting love, Be thankful unto him, And bless his name, And you might, Remember this, Bless God the Father, For sending his dear son, God so loved the world, That he gave his only begotten son, That whosoever believeth in him, Should not perish, But have everlasting life, Bless the dear son of God, For so willingly, Coming down, Into this poor, Troubled world, To do love's, Redeeming work, That there might be a door of mercy, Opened in heaven, And these gates, [46:55] Wherein you can enter, Into the church of Christ, As grace is given, And do not forget, To bless the Holy Spirit, For making these things, Known in the word of his grace, And making them known, In your own soul's experience, Enter into his gates, With thanksgiving, And into his courts, With praise, Be thankful unto him, And bless his name, And the psalmist sums it up like this, For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, And his truth endureth, To all generations, And under Union Chapel roof, There has been found, Five generations, To whom is true, [47:57] And dureth, The Lord help you, To think on these things, Amen. Amen. Amen. The Lord. [48:28] Tune. Tune. One twenty-five. Come, let us join our children's souls, with angels' line of crowns. [48:41] Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. Ten hundred and five. Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, with angels' line of crowns. [49:17] Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. [49:34] Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. [49:56] Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, with angels' line of crowns. [50:10] Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, with angels' line of crowns. [50:22] One twenty-five. Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, with angels' line of crowns. [50:33] Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, with angels' line of crowns. Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, with angels' line of crowns. [50:45] For the other mountains replied, for he was safe for us. [51:07] Jesus is the only truth we see. [51:21] Honor and forgiven, honor and part divine. [51:32] And death is more than we have given. [51:45] Be Lord forever, be Lord forever thine. [51:58] And death is more than we can give. Be Lord forever thine. [52:16] Let the devil shine. [52:30] And death and love and cease. [52:43] Come, come to live thy glorious light. [52:56] And speak thy endless praise. Come, come to live thy glorious light. [53:16] And speak thy endless praise. [53:27] The hope of creation, thy divine. [53:40] Who bless the sacred name. Who bless the sacred name. [53:55] Born in that chair. Upon the throne. [54:06] And to adore the land. [54:20] Born in that ship's upon the throne. Born in that ship's upon the throne. And to adore the land. [54:41] Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the love of God the Father. The communion of the Holy Spirit be upon us. [54:55] And upon all who love the truth. Everywhere. Amen. And amen.