Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The End The End The End [1:29] The Gospel according to Matthew chapter 16 and verse 17. [1:40] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon by Jonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. [2:03] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon by Jonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. [2:23] In the general context, we find the activity of the natural mind in regard to the Lord Jesus Christ as to who he was. [2:41] And there were all sorts of suggestions which were wide of a mark. Why was it that those people could not see clearly what Peter saw and declare with the same forcefulness what Peter declared? [3:07] And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. I often feel it is a great and important point and a blessing indeed for us to have in our religion and in our confession and profession a positive strain. [3:32] The Apostle Paul says, I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. [3:44] It is on such firm foundations that the people of God continue day by day and press toward the mark that is set before them in the Gospel. [3:55] As the Lord may help this evening, I wish to draw your attention to the forcefulness of the truth that is brought to our attention by the Lord Jesus in this verse. [4:12] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon by Jonah. There was no entering into some questioning of Peter as to how he came to make such a clear and glorifying declaration concerning Jesus. [4:38] The Lord himself knew that Peter was able to do this because of a revelation which came from God himself. [4:49] The only way in which we can have a positive religion is to have that religion which comes from God himself. [5:01] And indeed, we should say in that connection, in relation to anyone, what the Lord Jesus said to Simon by Jonah, Blessed art thou, blessed art thou. [5:16] And these people with such a clear knowledge of the faith of God are indeed blessed indeed. [5:29] We find, going back to the book of the Chronicles, that Jabez said, Oh, that thou wilt bless me indeed. [5:40] And one of the aspects certainly concerning the expression of that desire is to be found in what we have before us, the revelation by the power of the Father and the Spirit of God in teaching us the truth. [6:00] Now, if we are blessed and favored with this great operation of the Spirit of God, then there will be several points whereby it will be established in our hearts and also in the hearts of others. [6:20] Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto me. This is true with everyone that is born of God. We find the very striking words of Paul the Apostle in the first chapter 2 of his Epistle to the Galatians, where he speaks so forcefully, And with all that background, And with all the intensity of study, Yet he was still ignorant that Jesus was the Christ. [7:19] And therefore he went about persecuting those who were full disciples of Jesus Christ, to whom the glorious person had been revealed to them in certain terms. [7:31] Blessed be God, Whatever our situation may be this evening, There is this experience that must be recognized in everyone whom God has chosen unto salvation. [7:45] We read in the 15th verse, But when it pleased God, Not before, And certainly not after. When it pleased God, Who separated me from my mother's womb, And called me by his grace, To reveal his son in me, That I might preach him among the heathen, Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood, And so he goes on. [8:11] But we should not consider this experience to be one That is exclusively reserved for the ministers of God, The apostles and prophets know, It is necessary for all who are called by God's grace, To come to this point, Where they have a revelation from God, And that revelation is of God, In them, In their own souls. [8:40] So, As the apostle himself speaks on, Speaks later on, In the same epistle, To the Galatians, For God forbid, That I should glory, Save in the cross, Of our Lord Jesus Christ, By whom the world is crucified unto me, And I unto the world, And also, As he further says, For I through the law am dead to the law, That I might live unto God, I am crucified with Christ, Nevertheless I live, Yet not I, But Christ liveth in me. [9:21] Now, Have we got that persuasion in our hearts, That Christ liveth in us. In other words, We have a nature, Which is quite distinct, From what we ever had at one time. [9:36] This is one of the distinctive creatures, Of the children of God. The world, They possess one nature. And, We born, Born into this world, Possess one nature. [9:52] But when we are called by the grace of God, Twickened by his spirit, And, Indeed, As we have it here, Nevertheless, I live, Yet not I, But Christ liveth in me, It is because, There is given, To this person, And that, Another nature. [10:10] So, There are two natures. Now, You see, Dear friends, Is it possible, That you can be the possessor, Of a new nature, And not be aware of it? Is it possible, Do you think, That you can have desires, And longings, After Christ, And that you may be praying, Continually, For further revelations, Of the glory of his person, And not be, A true disciple, Of Jesus Christ, Not, Not on your own, Belition, Or proceeding from yourself, But rather, It being the work of God, Chosen of God, Ere time began, I choose thee in return. [10:49] So the apostle goes on to say, Yet not I, But Christ liveth in me, And the life which I now live, A different life altogether, I now live, By the faith of the son of God, Not my faith, Not my natural faith, But by the faith of the son of God, Who loved me, And gave himself for me. [11:13] Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, As you look at these words, Of the general context, Can you say yourself, Yes, And he was blessed. [11:25] You know, You will remember, That when Balak was, Balam was sent by Balak, To curse Israel, He tried to do it, But he couldn't, The Lord hath given commandment, To bless, And he hath blessed, And I cannot reverse it. [11:44] Oh, How wonderful, That is. How shall I curse, Whom God hath not cursed? So, Subsequently, Balam goes on to, Make some tremendous, Declarations of truth, Concerning Israel, And God's, God's relationship with them, And his power to save, Unto the uttermost. [12:10] But the point before us, Just now is this, For flesh and blood, Hath not revealed it unto thee. First of all, It is not possible, For flesh and blood, To reveal it unto thee. [12:23] You care, It's not possible. People, May endeavor, To explain things, People, May go to colleges, And so on, And, May do a great deal of study, But they still, Miss this revelation. [12:41] Now, In saying, Making those remarks, I'm not speaking, Absolutely, Against a right study, And education, Even in the things of God, But, You know, Flesh and blood, Can never, Real heart, To, Never, Reveal to any person, The riches, That are in Christ Jesus. [13:02] You will remember, Perhaps, The apostle Paul said, That God spoke to him, And said, On one occasion, Unto you, Who invest in the least of all saints, Is this grace given, That you should preach among the Gentiles, The unsearchable riches in Christ. [13:18] And we cannot possibly begin to know, Anything of the riches that is in Christ Jesus, Without the revelation which comes from God alone. So, Sometimes, If we think, Perhaps, Maybe some of us have thought, We have, We have, Got things clear in our mind, We have been able to, Come to a clear conclusion, Yes, We know what the truth is, We know what the love of God is, And we know what the grace of God is, We know, What the favor of God is, And so on, And all of a sudden, We come into a situation, Where we find that we do not know anything at all. [13:58] All we know, Is that which flesh and blood have revealed to us, All we know, Is what we have heard from others, But we have not, We are not in possession of that true, Life of God in the soul, And the riches of it, And the glory which we see from it, And therefore, We are sadly lacking. [14:16] But blessed be God, That such a day of adversity, May also be a day, Of prosperity, Because here, Of God, When he opens our eyes, To see, That all our learning, Though valuable, Though it is in the eyes of men, And acceptable, As it is in the eyes of men, Yet it is not acceptable, In the sight of God. [14:42] You see, Sometimes, In our, In religion, And our natural mind, Will carry us along like this, I refer to, Joseph Hart, You know, If you have read his book, You will surely come to this, Where he was very keen, To have wonderful revelations, And, And, Wonderful experiences, Now where was he going to get, The revelations from? [15:15] And where was he going to get, The experiences from? Well, I think I am right, In saying, According to the general context, Of this particular incident, You will see, He was going to get them, From his own, Natural mind, And develop them, According to his own experience, But, Suddenly, God came to him, And you see, Dear friends, If God suddenly comes to you, He will show you, An entirely different thing, Different kind of things, So that the things, That you thought, Were revealed to you, And you knew so well, You were right off the wrong street, And now, What did the Lord say, To, To, Joseph Hart, Well he said, The Lord said, In so many words, Well now, Will you have these revelations, Will you have these dramatic experiences, So that you can boast about them, So that you can look down, Upon other poor sinners, And say, I have this, [16:15] I have experienced that, Or, Will you, Do you, Trust, In a despised, And crucified man, Now that's revelation, A despised, And crucified man, We go to the cross of Christ, And there we see, One, To whom, Christ was revealed, Who was that? [16:36] Why, One of the two thieves, Why, They were both, They were both, Speaking, Scorrilous things, In his ear, The Lord's ears, To start with, And then suddenly, There was a revelation, And you might have continued, On a certain course, You might have even, Been rebellious, You might have been, Altogether, Out of sorts, With Jesus Christ, You, You might have even, Gone so far as, Say, I don't want anything, To do with him, Or, If, Let him save me, If he will, But no, That is the wrong spirit, And, We find, That suddenly, There was that, Dying thief, Who opened, Whose eyes were opened, He didn't open his eyes, His own eyes, You know, Flesh and blood, Did not reveal, To that poor man, That Jesus Christ, Was the son of God, But, The spirit of God did, And what did he say, We indeed justly, For we receive, The due reward, Of our sins, But this man, [17:37] Hath done nothing amiss, Why is he here, Why is he numbered, With transgressions, Oh, Flesh and blood, Hath not revealed, These things, Unto any poor sinner, But, The spirit of God, The father himself, Sending his spirit, Has, Has shown, To, Every sinner, Saved by grace, That, The lord, The lord, Was on Calvary's cross, And, Do remember, Dear friends, That, What the lord did, By the way of atonement, He did, And not because, He had to, Although, Of course, It was necessary, But because, He loved to, The love of his heart, Was so great, That, He was willing, To lay down his life, He was willing, To suffer, The just, For the unjust, He was willing, To stand in their, Laud, Place and stead, And here, We find this man, So wicked, A character, [18:38] A disgraceful character, All the days, Of his life, Yet suddenly, There was a revelation, And it was not, Flesh and blood, That revealed Jesus Christ, But it was the spirit, Of the living God, That suddenly, Opened that man's eyes, And he saw, Here was a king, The king of kings, When thou comest, Into thy kingdom, Remember me, But this man, It has sometimes, Been said, That this was, One of the greatest, Miracle, That ever was seen, Upon this earth, That here was, The Lord Jesus Christ, Crowned with thorns, Split upon despised, Rejected by all men, And yet there is, This man, That looks upon, The Lord Jesus Christ, And he sees him, The king of heaven, Now revelation, Have you seen that, And if you have, Then blessed be God, Flesh and blood, Hath not revealed it unto you, But my father, Which is in heaven, And so in this capacity, The teaching of the spirit of God, [19:41] Will lead you into that portion, Which we have in verse of Peter, Unto you therefore, Which believe, He is precious, And that will be an indication, That you have a revelation, From God, And flesh and blood, Can never do anything, To make any person, To feel, That the Lord Jesus Christ, Is precious, But what can you say, Have you had a revelation, From God, Have you been instructed, By the father, Have you had, An enlightenment, That no person on earth, Could ever give you, But you can, Truly endorse, What Peter says, Unto you therefore, For which we believe, He is precious, Now he is precious, In a long, Quite a long list, Of his activities, And execution, Of his various offices, If we should consider ourselves, [20:43] First of all, As guilty men, And women, And children, If we should consider ourselves, To be the vilest of the vile, If we should consider ourselves, So filled with iniquity, And backsliding, And filth and wretchedness, That we cannot open our mouths, Before God, Yet unto you therefore, Which believe, He is precious, Because, There is, Here, We have a great high priest, Over the house of Israel, Oh, What an infinite benefit, And blessing that is, Sometimes, We may turn, And consider the words, In the epistle to the Hebrews, Where, We read, A searching word, For the word of God, Is quick and powerful, And sharper than any two-edged sword, Piercing human, To dividing asunder, Of soul and spirit, And of the joints and marrow, And is a discernment, Of the thoughts and intents of the heart, Neither is there any creature, That is not manifest in his sight, [21:44] But all things are naked, And opened unto the eyes of him, With whom we have to do, Now you'll see here, We are stripped of all our fancied meatness, To approach the Jedi, And but are led to see our fitness, Centering in the worthy lamb, And therefore, In this impossible case, Where we have been stripped, And we have been made bare, All that's inside, Has been brought to the top, The filth and the wretchedness, Is now swimming on the top, And we're ready to say, Oh wretched man that I am, How can I be delivered, Who would deliver me, From the body of this sin and death, Then we come to this point, In respect to the high priesthood of God, Seeing then, That we have a great high priest, Over the, Seeing then, That we have a great high priest, That is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, Let us behold fast our profession, For we have not an high priest, Which cannot be touched, With a feeling of our infirmities, [22:46] But was in all points, Tempted like us, We are yet without sin, So do you feel, That it's impossible for you, To come to the throne of grace, Because sin's at your mouth, Until you come to this point, And remember we have a great high priest, Let us therefore, Come boldly unto the throne of grace, That we may obtain mercy, And find grace to help, In time of need, Is that the way, In which you've been able to come, Sometimes to the throne of grace, Because, There is one of the great high priest, Who sits upon it, And if you cannot open your lips yet, He can, Remember the one, Of the works, Work, And offices, Of, The high priest, In the old testament, Was to, To, To pray for the person, And then to offer a sacrifice, What can we say, We say, When we come to consider, The glories and riches, Of our Lord Jesus Christ, To offer, To pray, Do you need, [23:47] God to pray, For you, To God to pray for you, Oh we do not, We do sight of some of these, Precious things sometimes, Or that we might think, More upon the riches, Of his grace, That he is willing, To pray for us, And not when we are in trouble, But before we are in trouble, As we have in the case, Of Peter, Under his temptation, I have prayed for thee, That thy faith fail not, And now, When thou art converted, Strengthen thy brethren, So then, Flesh and blood, Hath not revealed it unto you, But my Father, Which is in heaven, Regarding, Regarding the person of Christ, And, We begin with, Some of the opposite, Which he sustains, That he is the great high priest, That he is the one, That prays for his people, But the second point, In regard to the opposite, Of the great high priest, Is that he offers sacrifices, Now you'll see, When you come to think, Of the offering, [24:47] Of the sacrifices, Well, There are, Well, Many sacrifices, Which have been offered, Under the Old Testament dispensation, But, The, The sacrifice, Of our Lord Jesus, Was, Given, And performed, Once and for all, And every priest, Standeth daily, Ministering and offering, Oftentimes, The same sacrifices, Which can never take away sins, But, This man, After he had offered, One sacrifice, For sins forever, Sat down, On the right hand of God, From henceforth, Expecting, Till his enemies, To be made his footstool, For by one offering, Yet perfect, Perfected forever, Of them that are, Sanctified, Unto you, Therefore, Which believe, He is precious, And if he is precious, Is it not because, Precious blood hath not revealed it, [25:48] Unto you, But my Father, Which is in heaven, That this is Jesus, The Son of God, And, Therefore, There is a rejoicing in him, There's another point too, In regard to Jesus being, The Son of God, How essential it was, That he should be, The eternal Son of God, And not just, As some say, One by office, But the eternal Son of God, Why was that? [26:16] Have you ever considered, Why it is so necessary, And so important, For believers, To rejoice in this truth, That Jesus, Was the Son of God, From all eternity, He did not become, The Son of God, By office, As some say, But he was a Son of God, From all eternity, And why is that so essential? [26:37] Well, It is essential, Because, If, If the Lord was not, The Son of God, And, Was gathered, In that, Great, Unity, Of the Trinity, Before the world came into being, And because of his, Prophesience, That is, His looking, In every place, Is omniscience, To, Well, Now, We just pause here, To consider that point, Omniscience, What does it mean? [27:14] Do you remember, Dear friends, When you, When you consider it, Do you think about it, As God seeing all round about you? Or do you think, It refers to, The Lord seeing, From the beginning of the day, To the end of the day? [27:31] Is this your extent, Of understanding, Of God's omniscience, Of God's all seeing eye? But we take it much farther, And this makes it so important, That the Lord Jesus Christ, Uh, Was sure, Indeed, Be the Son of God, Uh, And that he ever lived, To make intercession for us, And not only so, Uh, But he himself, Uh, Knew, The cost, That was required of him, When he was made, In atonement for sin, If he had not been, Uh, The eternal Son of God, Then, Could it not have been, Very possible, Uh, That, Uh, Some of your sins, Would be, Completely overlooked, And you know, Dear friends, Unless, The, The, Uh, Person, Uh, Uh, Bringing about this atonement, Shedding his precious blood, Unless he knew, Exactly, The full talent, Of the whole debt, Then, Uh, There were, Must be some, Uh, That, Uh, Uh, [28:31] For whom, Uh, He died, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Would be lost, Because he hadn't paid the price, But this is not so, And this is why it is so essential, Necessary, That the Lord Jesus Christ, Uh, When he hung upon the cross at Calvary, Was certainly the eternal Son of God, He take, He took into union, Uh, With his, Uh, Divinity, Uh, His human nature, In order that he might suffer, But do remember this, Dear friends, When you look at your sins, Some of the things, Sins you didn't recognize, Some of the sins, Uh, That you had forgotten all about, Uh, But they all had to be counted, You see, When Christ died upon Calvary, It was absolutely essential, That every sin, Of every person, Whose names were written in heaven, Were not overlooked, Now you know, Of course, You and I, We were not born in those days, But the Lord himself, Would look forward, And he could tell you, The end from the beginning, The things that you would, [29:33] Commit, Now I believe, I, Some of you at least, Would be able to, Uh, Go along with me, When, Uh, I make this point, That, Uh, Uh, There are some sins, That we say, Oh, I would never do that, But you see, We do, We did, And therefore, When we did, Oh, If Christ, Uh, Looked at you, And me, And said, Oh, That's, I needn't die for that sin, Because they won't commit it, Ah, Then you would have been a lost person, But bless it be gone, Flesh and blood, Hath not revealed it unto thee, But my father, Which is in heaven, Heaven, That he knows, All the sins, That we will commit, The sins, Uh, Uh, Not just, The sins of what we call, Transgression, The breaking of the law, But also, The sins of our, Heart, The sins of our, Thinking, All our many thoughts, And, When we come to, Think of a scripture like this, The thought of foolishness of sin, [30:35] Is sin, Well then, Why are we going to have, Everything swept on, Uh, Uh, From under our feet, The thought of foolishness of sin, Is sin, And how many, Foolish thoughts, Belong to us, How many, Foolish ejaculations, Have we made, And other people have laughed, But ah, What have you felt sometimes, Have you felt distressed, Because of this weakness, Of your flesh, And, Has flesh and blood, Revealed to you, That Christ Jesus, Came into the world, To save sinners, Or has flesh and blood, Just laughed it up, And said, Well that sin, Well that's, That's my poor nature, Ah, But it had to be atoned for, And a thought or two, Has come to me recently, Uh, And that is, How many sins, We have, Uh, Been responsible for, That have eventually, Affected other people, And have caused them to sin, And, Uh, Shall we escape, Uh, Those sins, [31:36] Or must they be atoned for as well, Now you'll see, The great extent, And length, And breadth, Of the knowledge, Of every sin and sin, Was known to the Lord Jesus Christ, And therefore, He made a complete atonement, Bless you be God, The flesh and blood, Will never reveal these things unto you, Uh, But you'll see, Uh, The spirit of the living God, The Holy Father, Does sometimes, Uh, According to his will and purpose, Refill these things unto you, And then, Oh how glorious is the Lord himself, That he should have condescended, To men of low estate, He laid down his life, I lay down my life, And the greater love of no man of this, That a man lay down, His life for his friends, You know, Sometimes I've thought of the, Lines of the hymn, Uh, Uh, Which, Uh, Which, Uh, Uh, Uh, The wonderful mercy, Uh, Of God, I, [32:37] Beneath the sacred throne of God, I saw a river rise, The streams were peace and pardoning blood, Descending from the skies, I stood amazed, And wondered when or why this ocean rose, That waft salvation down to men, Who? [32:57] To his traitors, And his foes, Now does that describe you and me? Is it not true? Has it not been true? [33:07] Blessed be God, Uh, If, It is not true now, But even so, Uh, We have, Uh, Depraved nature, Which would still, Be treacherous to the Lord Jesus Christ, And be a foe to him, Thanks be unto God, For his victory, And, Uh, That we have, Uh, Been delivered, Uh, From, The power of sin, And, Uh, The evil of sin, And, Uh, The damning, Damning influence of sin, All because, Of the, Uh, Jesus Christ died upon, The cross at Calvary, Uh, As he engaged in this wonderful, Ex, Wonderful office, Of the high priest, Over the house of Israel, Blessed be, Blessed art thou, Simon by Jonah, For flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, But my father, Which is in heaven, Now, We come to another point, If any man sin, We have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous, [34:10] Do you need someone to speak for you, Uh, In heaven's high court above, Do you need someone to put, Uh, Your case, Well, And what is, What will the Lord Jesus do, When he put your case, In, Um, In our law courts today, Uh, You know, The barristers, Uh, Will, Attack on to, The smallest little, Uh, Incident, Uh, Uh, Say, Uh, Some little circumstance, That might indeed, Uh, Give an answer, An opportunity, To cast doubt, On the, On the prisoner's guilt, And here is a possibility, He may get free, But when it comes to, Uh, The advocacy, Of our Lord Jesus Christ, You know, There will be, There will, He will make no attempt, Uh, To, Try to get the prisoner off, By, By subtle, Uh, And, Uh, Dishonoring, Uh, Means, So what will he do, [35:11] Yes, He will say to his father, As he stands, Before him, As the advocate, Yes, This sinner, Is, Is, Absolutely, Uh, What he, What he, Uh, What he says he is, And what he appears, According to thy law, Is everything as bad as that, Uh, Oh, So what prospect is there, Of that poor sinner, Uh, Getting free, Uh, From, The power of sin, There, Surely, Oh, We can well say, With a hymn writer, Mine's indeed, A hopeless case, Such as had been, But for grace, We turn to him, Eight thirty seven, Which is quite a favorite of mine, Repent, Awaken souls, Repent, Hear the good tidings, God has sent, Of sinners saved, And sins forgiven, And beggars raised, To reign in heaven, God sent his son, To die for us, Die to redeem us, From the curse, [36:12] He took our weakness, Bought our load, And dearly brought us, Bought us with his blood, In guilt's dark dungeon, When we lay, Mercy cried, Spare, But justice, Slay, But Jesus answered, Set them free, And pardon them, And punish me, Now this is what the advocate, Is willing to do, To bear, The punishment, Instead, Salvation is of God alone, Life everlasting in his son, And he that gave his son to bleed, Will freely give us, All we need, Flesh and blood, Will not reveal that unto you, Dear friends, Now blessed be God, If the father, The father of our Lord, [37:13] Jesus Christ, Sent his spirit, To open your understanding, And to confirm in your soul, Yes, I've died for thee, Yes, Who loved me, And gave himself for me, He says, Paul the apostle, Can he have spoken to you, Uh, While as you might have been distressing, Uh, As you have been under circumstance, Certain circumstances, And if people know you, As you know yourself, Can you say that you wouldn't wish them, Wouldn't expect anybody to speak to you, But blessed be God, Uh, You'll see the Lord knows it all, And he's still willing, To look down upon you, Upon you, From the height of his sanctuary, From heaven itself, To hear, And behold your groanings, And, Uh, Your confessions, And your, Confessions of your wretchedness, And, And, Uh, Your own shortcomings, And, Your sins, And so many other things, And in drawing near to God, [38:13] In this capacity, Well, Is it something, That flesh and blood, Is not revealed unto thee, But my Father, Which is in heaven, Uh, Is Jesus Christ, Who is ready to receive you, You know, We have, Um, In, Uh, The gospel according to John, In chapter 6, Uh, Some very beautiful words, Concerning, Uh, The, Uh, Glory of the gospel, None can come unto me, Uh, Except the Father, Which hath sent him, Sent me, Uh, Uh, Of course, Give him the grace to come, No, And, Has God given you the grace to come, Has God, The Lord God, The eternal Father, Given you that power, Whereby you've come to Jesus, You know, It's not natural for anybody to come to Jesus, So, They say, People may say what they will, [39:15] About, Uh, Unless, Uh, The Spirit of God reveals, Uh, The, This truth to you, That Jesus, Is ready, If I ask him to receive me, Will he say me, Nay, Not on earth and heaven, And passed away, And so, Following this word, Uh, None can come unto me, Except the Father, Which hath sent me, Draw him, It is followed, By these words, And whoso cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out, I came to Jesus, As I was, Weary, And worn, And sad, And, Uh, The Lord made you glad, Uh, Well, Is that your experience, And what are you going to say, About that experience, Are you going to say, It's an experience, Wherein, You, Uh, Gained a revelation, Which you could not have gained, [40:16] Otherwise, Uh, We can read, In the scriptures, The Lord saying, To one of the disciples, I am the way, The truth, And the life, About to see, To come into the experience, Of it, To know, Uh, That Jesus is the way, Jesus is the way, To God, And, Uh, That through him, Uh, We might find access, And, Uh, Furthermore, That Jesus is the life, Is Jesus Christ the life, Fresh and blood, Hath not revealed it unto thee, Simon Bar-Jonah, Uh, About, Uh, My father, Which is in heaven, Where will you get life, Where will you get life, John Bar-Jonah, In his pilgrim's progress, You know, Uh, Christian, He fled, From the city of destruction, To be filled, To the city, The, The world, In which we live, Is a world, Of destruction, And thousands, [41:17] Upon thousands, Upon thousands, Are sinking into hell, Every day, Every hour, Then, How is it, How is it, That, You are found, Looking, Looking unto Jesus, The author, And finisher of your faith, Looking, How do you come to look, Is it, Because, There is a power, In the father's love, To your soul, That enables you, To look, I can, But perish, If I go, I am resolved, To try, For if I stay away, I know, I must forever die, Flesh, And blood, Hath not revealed it unto thee, But my father, Which is in heaven, So it is a good thing, If the life, That we now have, Is a result, Of the communication, Of that life, Eternal life, From God, Himself, Into our souls, And what is eternal life, As we have, It in the 17th of John, [42:19] And this is life eternal, That they might know thee, The only true God, And Jesus Christ, Whom thou hast sent, And so you see, Here is a revelation, The only true God, God the father, And God the son, And God the holy ghost, And Jesus Christ, The God man mediator, Whom God has sent, To be a propitiation for all, The sins of his people, And to do, To do all that, Was necessary, To bring them, Safe into glory, In the end, Fresh and blood, Hath not revealed it, Unto thee, But my father, Which is in heaven, Now, There is another, Point, There are many points, Doubtless, That we could bring, To your attention, As the spirit of God, May give us up, From this evening, But we think, Of this point, Fresh and blood, Hath not revealed it, Unto thee, But my father, Which is in heaven, [43:20] And that is, That there is a throne, Of grace, There is a throne, Of grace, What a blessing, That is, Let us therefore, Come boldly, Unto the throne, Of grace, That we may obtain, Mercy, Or if you turn, To the old testament, You will find there, It's, It's, It's, It's, The point of, The mercy seat, Oh, There will I commune, With thee, From above, The mercy seat, And, It was revealed this, There may have been those, In the, The old testament days, They saw the mercy seat, They didn't know anything, About it, They had some, In mind, In mind, In respect to, That it was the mercy seat, And God, Held communion, With his, His loved ones, From it, Yet, They didn't have the experience, Of it, Now you see, Dear friends, This, Is not just a revelation, [44:21] To the mind, It is a revelation, To the heart, It is a revelation, In the spirit, So, Though we discover, That, Jesus Christ, Is the son of God, The son of the, Living God, So, The ever living God, And we discover, That he, Is ready to hear, And answer prayer, At all times of the day, At all times of the night, And I'm sure, That some of you, Would have been in that situation, Sometimes, When even in the, Even in the dark hours, Of the night, You've called upon God, In the day of your trouble, Or else, You've praised God, For the knowledge, That he has communicated, To you, That he is the true God, And that he is ready, To hear, And ready to, To answer prayer, One of our hymns, Says that, Where a grief, I could not bear, Didst thou not hear, An answer prayer, But a prayer, Hearing, Answering God, Supports me, Under every load, Who revealed it to you, [45:23] I say, Who revealed it to you, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, Blessed art thou, Child of God, Blessed art thou, Those who, Are chosen unto salvation, By the love of the Father, Blessed art thou, Because, This is something, The value of prayer, The riches of prayer, The intercession of the, Of the Lord Jesus, At the right hand of God, Is something, That cannot be known, Cannot be revealed, Apart from, Coming from the Father himself, We cannot learn, God's truth, As schoolboys, Learn their tasks, Such knowledge, Is not proof, Against illusions, Blast, So then, May we go home, This evening, With the thanks, Giving in our hearts, As we, In all the humility, Say yes, The truth of God, It has been revealed to me, The wonder of God's love, It has been revealed to me, It was not just, Fresh and blood, It was not, [46:26] Fresh and blood, That could reveal it to me, What are we talking about, When we talk about, The love of God, We are talking about, The everlasting love of God, Now the natural mind, Knows nothing about, The everlasting love of God, The natural mind, Can go no further, Than speak about, The love of God, In a very, Limited way, That is in a natural way, Cannot proceed any further, Now of course, We know that, Even in natural love, There is a wonderful benefit, And great favor, Has been bestowed, Upon some people, But this is not comparable, To the everlasting love of God, Loved, Of my God, For him intends, For him, In intense, With my soul, Would burn, And the chosen of him, And time began, I choose thee, In return, And, Who, [47:27] Who did that, Who affected that, Who chose you, In the first place, How could you know, Flesh and blood, Couldn't tell you that, That God had chosen you, For salvation, No could he, Could he, But, Jesus Christ, The sinner's friend, Can communicate, These things, The spirit, Can communicate, These things, And assure you, Yes, Of the inheritance, Incorruptible, And undefiled, And that fatheth not away, Is that gift, Which is reserved for you, And, That in due time, You will enter into the, Fulness of joy, Well, The psalmist, On one occasion, He speaks of the, The wonderful, Experience, That he enjoyed, And also, As, As also, That he desired, To have, In due time, And look forward to, We have one, Verse, Which I just light upon, [48:28] As for me, I will behold, Thy face in righteousness, I shall be satisfied, When I awake, With thy, Likeness, Oh, What a blessing thing it is, To have, That, That desire, In our souls, And, Did he come forth, From pleasant, Blood, Did, The movement, Of the spirit, Of our spirit, Of our natural spirit, Induce us, To find, Something, Attractive, And beholding, The face, Of the Lord Jesus, In righteousness, Was there, That, That ever, Came before, Our mind, Before our eyes, So that we should say, I shall be satisfied, When I awake, With thy likeness, Now you see, Flesh, And blood, Can not possibly know, Anything about that, But blessed be God, The spirit, Of the living God, Can reveal, These things, And make Christ, [49:28] So precious, Under your soul, That from time, To time, You may desire, To, To look, After the things, Which, Are only God's, And, Let others, Stretch their arms, Like seas, And grasp in all the shore, Give me the visits, Of thy face, And I desire, No more, Now, You cannot come to that spot, Without revelation, Flesh and blood, Will never take you there, You may have a lot of religion, But it will never take you to that spot, Where you are willing to part with all, And to follow him, Because if you have Jesus Christ, You have everything, To know my Jesus crucified, By far excels, All things beside, All earthly, Bliss I can't, But lust, And triumph, In my Saviour's cross, And all because, Of what the, Peter experienced, As he was able to say, [50:29] There art the Christ, The son of the living God, There art indeed, God sent one, God's anointed one, And there art the son of the living God, Who came, To be my sacrifice, Who came to be, My intercessor, Who came to be, My all, Oh how wonderful it is, When we can enter in, As God the spirit may lead us, Not only with the words, I've already mentioned, And to you therefore, Which believe he is precious, But also, We have some other, Beautiful, Words, In the scriptures, Which direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, [51:30] Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention, Direct the attention,