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[0:00] which I have in mind and hope to be helped to make a few remarks upon will be found in Psalm 144 the last verse Psalm 144 verse 15 Happy is that people that is in such a case Yea, happy is that people whose God is the Lord At the outset while it's fresh in mind may each of us be brought by the mercy of God among these people here to dwell with them hereafter [1:03] Now I do not expect to be able to tell you that in this life they enjoy a great deal of happiness as we usually regard happiness I am not expecting to speak much about the happiness they feel a little if helped I hope to proceed along the lines of the general trend of the first clause Happy is that people that is in such a case to revise it only very slightly without spoiling it those people who are in a happy case means the same doesn't it and it seems a little clearer perhaps to our understanding in a happy case mercifully wonderfully dealt with a blessed people ah blessed by who blessed in a most wondrous way by God you will expect me in view of the reading to look a little at [2:31] God's chosen people Israel of old and the fact that they were blessed you will understand a little perhaps of why I read the chapter I did which is not very frequently read it is because of that verse which says Happy art thou O Israel who is like unto thee then the happy case of this people is unique they stand in a sense alone separated in a way from all others they will be they are separated unto God to receive his blessing his favor to come eventually experimentally so and be assured of this standing to come into his family and become his children what a happy case is theirs when they are called out of nature's darkness into God's marvelous light and begin to come under the instruction and discipline of the Holy Spirit they don't feel happy then in the original commencement of the Spirit's work within them because he is a revealer those of you in whose heart the Spirit has worked will know what he reveals and it isn't anything to make you feel happy and yet [4:23] I must insist you are now if you have begun to receive the Spirit's revelation and instruction you are in a happy case God grant this may be widely felt this evening some feeling in our hearts as we try to go along together in meditation this evening that we are not altogether strangers to that which made us feel very keenly exercised very depressed very humiliated but had this wondrous effect upon us and it is so essential so essential receiving this instruction we complied with the words Jesus has uttered when he was upon earth all that have heard of the [5:26] Father and learned of him cometh unto me he says cometh unto me I have seen this in my short ministry as being the most essential thing for a poor sinner to do failing this what hope have you failing this where can you go but for this there can be nothing but the wrath of God complying with this you have hope of salvation you are going to him who is salvation who is the surety for his people has borne the heavy load of their sins and the wrath of God against them in a word though you now feel it not perhaps often question it considerably know what it is to have many doubts on the matter [6:33] I hope there are prayers concerning it as well yet the fact remains that you are a liberated sinner and again I say if you have come to Jesus and do still come as you certainly will you are in a happy case the disaster today is that people don't seem to be aware of who Jesus is where they've heard of him it doesn't seem to have carried any information well how this proves doesn't it that this coming to Jesus isn't a matter of worldly wisdom or worldly will so many people seem to think it is but my friends they seem to forget one word of the Lord Jesus Christ it's essential to remember what Jesus said it's so important on all occasions to take notice of what he said no man can come to me except the father which has sent me draw him they're not my words they are the words of the [7:54] Lord Jesus Christ and again I say honour privilege how it stands out in the dealings of God with his people they are honoured they are wonderfully dealt with that the great God of heaven in all his holiness and purity should condescend to draw a poor sinner to the saviour yet he does there are of course certain complications which are beyond human reason faith is required in us to be to be stand so you see they are closely associated together in the work of salvation and the bringing of another sinner into the knowledge of his or her need of salvation and then applying the power and willing mind to go with their burden to the burden bearer now I would break off here and just ask my friends listening to me now whether you know what it is to take a burden to the burden bearer whether you know what it is to come away perhaps feeling well I haven't had all [9:19] I want I haven't received quite that clearance that I'd hoped for but I seem to have lost a great deal of the load what a mercy I believe I may say that this can be proved from my own small experience and I'm not going to deal with that only to say that I can say so from a certain amount of personal knowledge you can lose a great deal of the burden if you take it to the Lord Jesus Christ and pour out your heart before him I'm living to prove my friends that I was so wrong in early days so wrong I thought well now if I confess my sins and the Lord forgives my sins I shall go on then free of sin free of all burden shall know anything more about any more guilt oh my friends [10:21] I'm still asking for mercy still going to the Saviour still confessing and still feeling thankful when I leave the burden behind yes and yet I believe you know that I may say I'm among those who are in a happy case I wish we really appreciated the favour that God has bestowed upon us in appointing Jesus Christ the gift of God we read is eternal life through Jesus Christ he gave the highest of blessings when he gave his son and he gave him this was so mysterious to me he gave him for poor unworthy sinners and they remain so in and of themselves and yet you see they may still go oh I'm finding this is so encouraging and I'm trying to at times remind my friends that they can go with liberty at any time to him who has mercifully said come unto me but do take notice friends how these people come a number of scriptures are partially quoted and the rest is omitted or forgotten but in this case [12:02] I want to impress how these people will come all ye that labor and are heavy laden these are welcome I want to impress this upon you these are welcome they will be received the other promise of Jesus Christ in this respect as it concerns comers is in another gospel but it joins on so well and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out again my friends these comers are in happy case they've got someone to go to they've got someone to trust in to appeal to to rely upon they learn as they journey on at least [13:06] I hope you will that God accepts his son at all times we could not have a more suitable saviour than the one God has provided for us so suited to us and yet his work as well as his person is so effective full of efficacy with the father what a word to support that perhaps on at least two occasions this voice was heard from heaven this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased salvation is in that declaration God is satisfied with all that his son has done done for poor sinners done on their behalf may we hope done on our behalf [14:18] I hope so I hope so it will be well with us if we're included in the work of Jesus in his life and in his offering in his shed blood solemn are these things well worthy of our careful and prayerful attention we may well spend a minute or two forgetting the things that are without and considering carefully what it really means to be in a happy case a child of God redeemed by Jesus Christ saved with an everlasting salvation blessed with a gracious expectation you ever pondered over that word an expectation it's in the Proverbs that we read this for surely there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off oh if the Spirit speaks this to you it will open up a vista of heaven bliss awaiting you happiness to be your portion because you are now in a happy case it's a good word isn't it hope it'll encourage some of you encourage you to hold on press forward seek grace to endure [15:51] Satan's very busy I know trying to push the other way and he's powerful too powerful for us look to Jesus when Satan comes along with his insinuations and deliverments and enticements he's crafty powerful too too crafty for you and I too powerful as well but there's one that's mightier than he he is your saviour if you're in this case and my saviour the same if I'm in this case happy as that people that is in such a case they have a divine instructor they have one who is their guide through life they have one who reveals to them the merits of Jesus [16:52] Christ the efficacy of his life on their behalf we have to forget that we're lawbreakers we have to forget that we've come under the curse for disobedience that our lives are forfeit on that account unless mercifully dealt with oh the wonder of being led by the spirit into the privileges of God's people the privilege of finding your own experience recorded in the word of God how many of you in this house of prayer has God been pleased to bless from his word ah my friends it's the revelation of the mind and will of God a clear exposition throughout the scriptures of God's way of salvation of the stream that mercy flows through of the channel of the privileges of God the channel through which they receive them and then there is set before us the final blessing when life's journey here is ended it is just to begin a fuller because sinless life a life which is eternal and this is the expectation that for the moment [18:32] I forgot this is the expectation of the child of God it's contained in the words in prophecy also for verification for I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end the margin renders it an end an expectation do we possess it has the spirit wrought it it's no use trying to apply it to our own hearts no use at all but it doesn't prevent the children of God from asking him for the highest blessings always pleading for the answer to be given through Jesus Christ his wondrous merits his dear precious name have brought down blessings beyond number and beyond description to a numberless people favorite of [19:40] God in happy case yes they will be maintained they live to prove that God is a God of providence and that it is their wisdom to trust in his wisdom and his foreknowledge and his almighty power I find at times much comfort pondering over three words that Abraham gave utterance to the hymn writer borrowed these three words and I have followed in in doing the same the Lord will provide the Lord will provide his forewords that his [20:42] Lord will provide that is outstanding as you ponder over the immensity of his power to provide some of you I think I would rather say some of us I want to include myself in this have come during their lives to marvel over God's wonderful providence things he has provided in a most mysterious and unexpected way and how undeserved how undeserved the more we realize of what their deserves really are and are unable to compare them with the benefits we've received from the hand of God the more I believe we should be humbled before him and yet seek to adore him and if we really realize this and analyze it properly [21:46] God's provision for us even in providence is intended that we shall praise it why we're favored with it I can seldom get along for very long without having to quote this word again it shows me why God provided the way of salvation this people have I formed for myself what a mercy they shall show forth my praise this people in happy case are recipients of God's provision providence and then his greater provisions in grace spiritual blessings which flow to them so undeserved like all the others yet they are granted now they are granted that these recipients shall respond oh I believe that the children of God are in a happy case and feel to be when their heart is enlarged when it's warmed when it's softened and there is desire to sing to the praise of the mercies [23:21] I put the plural the mercies they have found and enjoyed ah you and I I believe do know at least some of us do what a wonder working miracle performing God of providence he has been to some of us and then we turn as he helps us to those wider and higher blessings that have been wrought within us do you know anything about an inner work feel that operation going on inside feel the effects of a divine principle within you which is not under your control but is controlling you that's the kind of religion I want to be favored with my friends not something that I dictate to and operate by myself I want a religion that operates me and operates within me and occasionally restrained as being so necessary do you agree [24:29] God's mercy sometimes said no and it's possible for a poor sinner left to his own nature to rebel against God for saying no I know something about this but it's a greater mercy when the poor sinner is led to see light in God's light might be years afterwards then that poor sinner will be found perhaps at the bedside bowing before God and thanking him most heartily for saying no do you know anything about this it's being in a happy case I haven't forgotten the subject one's in a happy case that's under the direct government of God under his guidance under his protection under his discipline yes I would fain see it in some near and dear and in others for whom I have great concern [25:32] I would fain see them coming under the spirit's discipline it'll be for their good all that the spirit does for a poor sinner is for that poor sinner's good not so long ago I was concerned with that word quite brief it is in Deuteronomy to do thee good at thy latter end this is the spirit's work this is what he accomplishes in the heart and experience of a child of God who is nonetheless a sinner yes it is to finally do him good but this is true you see of all the people of God and they are these people who are in a happy case now thinking of that word I read happy art thou O Israel let us consider them today as being spiritual [26:38] Israel the writings of the apostle Paul allow me to apply this description to the church of God the people of God they are spiritual Israel they are those who are spiritually taught and they are those who are proceeding through this life in happy case to a happy ending presently enter into eternal happiness happiness and then it will be true happy is that people well my friends a great deal of effort much time and attention is applied and taken up by many of us seeking a little happiness in this world but what do we find speaking for myself [27:40] I find that the happiness at best is exceedingly brief quite often it's entirely disappointing and quite often it eludes us all together you will say surely you are not unhappy in your present life with the companion you have been given no I'm not referring to that at all there is a certain enjoyment in companionship which can be experienced among the children of God one with another but this is the gift of God it isn't naturally acquired it isn't naturally obtained and I believe where there is real happiness true happiness between man and wife I'm going to say something now to clear what [28:42] I mean not so long ago for some strange reason I found myself saying to my friends how I wish that some of my friends who are husband and wife may yet become brother and sister I think they know what I mean I wonder if you do oh it's a wonderful thing when there's a walking together in the things of God as brother and sister you see God's children belong to a family they're in that happy case of being brethren and sisters in the Lord that's what I meant and you see there are some some husbands and some wives who are not brothers and sisters it's in either case one may be a brother and the other not a sister or vice versa but oh I do rejoice when there is clear evidence among the people of God that husband and wife are of one mind in natural things and one mind in the things of [30:03] God oh what a happy case is theirs you see it's one thing to speak as I have been speaking in a very general way about the people of God I like to come a little closer I like to see this taking place among my friends I like to see them coming along into a happy case and knowing what it is to be really united I'm sure you know what I mean and if there is in either of you this rather disappointing case prayers don't seem to be answered in this respect I would say oh do pray on beseech the Lord to constrain this loving partner to be joined with you in the bond of spiritual affection so that you may walk together in love double love such a mercy why I've been left to say this or led to say it [31:19] I just don't know it was not in my intentions at all yet I must say since it's my text happy are those people that are in such a case great mercy a great mercy I believe one's gratitude and thankfulness goes up to God when this is brought about there is a happiness felt for a little while I know there is you can feel the happiness it's yours your loved one feels the same as you is walking in the same path has the same hopes why because they now feel to have the same God come to it it's in my text happy is that people whose God is the Lord well there are many things which seem to come against us in a profession of his name and many of the trials which we have to pass through to test and try our faith which God has given and yet you see the trials and the difficulties and Satan himself will frequently be discovered as the means by which a poor sinner is further not only persuaded but compelled to go again to God [32:53] I have a word with me him writer knew what I'm trying to say he put it like this meanwhile that foe can't boast of much who makes us watch and pray well I'm coming as far as I'm helped this evening for a few minutes to how we discover to our soul's satisfaction that this God who is the Lord is our God and I've also got this word with me I came with it as well as this and I expected to conclude with it since it seems such a suitable word but I've got to speak it now the psalmist said this God is our God forever and ever he will be our guide even unto death do you have this hope within you that the matter comes personally to you have you been to him in trouble poured out your heart before him just like the psalmist says trust in him at all times ye people pour out your hearts before him [34:17] God is a refuge for us as though he would say that's how you'll prove it go to him pour out your heart cast your burdens upon him as he exhorts in his word feel relieved prove him to be yours because he hears your prayers and grants you gracious answers ah my friends in God and his in you can you say this because they are one if you go to God you go through Christ and some of us sometimes do make personal appeals to Christ I do anyway I feel I may he's the high priest and I may ask of him and I may ask him to do things for me and I do but I was coming to this that Christ is God [35:18] I can avouch and for his people cares for I pray to him as such and he has heard my prayers this is the way to discover from time to time that God is your God it's because whenever troubles assail or dangers of fright you go to him you're with the psalmist he said this too what time I am afraid I will trust in thee I flee unto thee to hide me that's David the valiant warrior but he knew where to go in trouble do you do I I believe we do and then you see there is this bold asking and I feel it is very bold at least it is with me to be oppressed as we so often are with a sense of air shortcomings failures mistakes and sins and guilt which occasionally lies heavy and yet we continue to ask him for the privileges of God's children and interest in the saviour's great salvation and to entreat the spirit's work may be made more apparent in us more effective and his grace more frequently bestowed now [36:55] I believe we may say that he is our provider it certainly begins to seem as if this is where our trust is doesn't it it is to him that we go upon him we call and on him depend I believe if we have hope of heaven it's in him it's in Christ too most certainly we look to him as having provided full satisfaction to God offered himself he could do no more and shed his blood that sin might be forgiven and guilt cleansed away and so I believe I may say that our trust is indeed in the great God of heaven and that we with boldness go to him and ask to be favoured with the privileges that he reserves and gives only to those who are near and dear to him his own children [38:02] I had a word come to mind before I left home and it's in a psalm quite close concerning these people who are in such a case and who realise by the spirit's internal witness that God is their God and it's a very short word but it describes the children of Israel a people near unto him something very sweet about this a people near unto him what does it involve well it means that God is near them nigh at hand just a word if I might venture to my friends who are the servants of God I encourage them to know that there are times when some of us go into the house of God and really do wonder whether he will be with us or not whether he has left us and we have to plead very earnestly at times for some revelation that he is still with us and will not fail us [39:19] I believe there are times when his servants feel to be so utterly unworthy that he should take the slightest notice of them and yet they are found going to him pleading with him to once more grant that sweet assurance that he is still their God and will be with them and supply their needs in his service however unfit unsuitable and empty they may feel well my friends you will say you must be a poor sort of a servant of God I've learned this very solemnly as I've journeyed on without me you can do nothing and so what a mercy it is to feel from time to time that it's very evident that he is with us still because he still maintains and still supplies and still pours in to a vessel that seems so empty sometimes and so [40:30] I venture to hope that in spite of all felt unworthiness and felt insufficiency one has clear evidence through mercy extended thus far that being among these people who are in such a happy case I have a certain right from experience to speak of the mercy of God to poor sinners and to point as I once said rather unaware of what I was giving the expression to then will I tell to sinners round what a dear saviour I have found I'll point to thy redeeming blood and say behold the way to God well my friends happy is that people whose God is the Lord [41:30] I may bring him before you in this last minute or two as he with whom nothing is impossible I did hope and really intended to make some reference to the condition we're in as a nation at the present time in all the uncertainty that is about us and the state that we're in generally because I did want to try to impress on you all the importance and blessedness of being among this people one of the greatest privileges that any poor sinner could have today in this world and in this country too to be among those who fear God with them it will be well wherever things appear now it will be well they're in happy case [42:30] God is still in his heaven and I sometimes feel this and I have sometimes said so to my people things seem to us to be all in chaos they seem to us to be in a tremendous muddle of uncertainty man as Jesus said it would be they know not what to do and are in fear of what is coming upon the earth and yet I feel persuaded that the purposes of God are going on undisturbed quite undisturbed everything's proceeding according to his mind and will and his purposes nothing's taking him by surprise presently we should discover if we're favored to trust in him to the end that all his purposes concerning his children will be brought to pass us we shall be favored to spend an eternity blessing him who ransomed us from the grave and saved us from hell favored us through Christ with eternal life such is the case of [43:49] God's people and happy is that people whose God is the Lord and who can say my trust is in the Lord God of Israel his word will stand forever and ever and I am one of those who have like the apostle Paul been privileged to commit to him all that is really worth committing you know the word I have in mind I'm trying to get it I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day what is it well it's your soul isn't it and the salvation of it and it's yourself isn't it you've committed yourself into the hands of God you couldn't have done better amen amen and how what a precious needful thing is the [45:11] Lord and Savior Zion is mercies seen and hence forth and ever In them a rich boy is well, and is freely given, nor unconscious Jesus fell, crooked things makes evil. [45:27] 564 What a precious needful thing is the Lord and Savior. [45:51] Zion shall be the city, nothing's full than heaven. [46:09] In them a rich boy is well, and is freely given, Though and conscious Jesus fell, crooked things makes evil. [46:46] GONG Free as any people If it stands for the foes O glory be ye God Still as incorruptions be Though they greatly need him [47:47] He has made out of his face From his true within name Amen