Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Revelation, chapter 14 and the 13th verse. [0:19] And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. [0:36] Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them. [0:46] Chapter 14, the book of Revelation, and the 13th verse. [1:01] You and I must have an interest in this declaration, or we shall be lost. [1:16] Every sinner born again, however long he or she may live, as they journey on through life and reach the close, they come into this blessedness the text tells us about. [1:37] Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. And now I want to look at this subject, as grace is given, from just two or three viewpoints of it. [1:56] And I should like to set you all thinking, if the Lord will grant that privilege in preaching, that you might be more than ever concerned, to live in the Lord, which you must do. [2:11] If this mercy is to befall you at the end of life's journey, to die in the Lord. Maybe some of you do not think much about dying. [2:23] It does not come into your thoughts because you are living your everyday lives, and there is much to do, and your time and your thoughts are taken up. [2:36] But it is well to remember, only this frail and fleeting breath preserves me from the jaws of death. Soon as it fails, at once I am gone and plunged into a world unknown. [2:53] And now first of all, I will say just a little about what the word of God says about dying. [3:07] I mean the death of the righteous. And it does say, say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him. [3:19] And blessed be God it is, in every state secure, kept as Jehovah's eye, it is well with him, while life endure, and well when called to die. [3:34] But, in infinite wisdom, the Holy Spirit has given in the word of his grace varied characteristics of what it is to die in the Lord. [3:54] And you do not find much in the sacred pages about a dying testimony. I sometimes have thought, too much stress has been put upon a dying testimony. [4:10] You must judge people as a rule by how they lived. And that will tell the truth. [4:22] Wherefore, by their fruits, ye shall know them. And now, it says, concerning some, the righteous hath hope in his death. [4:40] It is good when you can feel there is hope. I can assure you, from a pastor's viewpoint, in standing by a grave, that it is a wonderful mercy when you can feel there is hope. [4:58] Oh, when you have no evidence at all, that there is hope, the one to be laid in the grave, was one who followed on to know the Lord. [5:11] It is a very sad, it is a very painful experience, to see people die without God, and without hope. [5:22] But here is this character, and that is one characteristic of dying in the Lord. The righteous hath hope in his death. [5:33] Then you read, in the epistle to the Hebrews, and that is very helpful, these all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers, and pilgrims on the earth. [6:03] There are those in God's family, you have known them, and so have I, who have been following on to know the Lord, you're in, you're out, and then they come down to die, and as far as you can judge, they have not received the promise, in the sense that they did desire, before they died, to see Jesus, and see in him all their salvation, and all their desire. [6:37] And now it says, of such characters, these all died in faith, and you can be assured, that they got what they wanted, when in Jordan's swelling, and they found the bottom, to be good, for the feet of their faith, to tread upon, because, it is said, the desire of the righteous, shall be granted, and that is the desire, of the righteous, to live right, and at the last, to die right, and now you find another, setting forth, of dying in the Lord, mark the perfect man, behold the upright, for the end of that man, is peace, and that, is a good ending, to following on, to know the Lord, but there is one, which you would like, to know, is your experience, when you come down, to die, and yet, the man, who recorded it, the word of God, does not record, that he did die like it, but I have no doubt, whatever, that he did, and now the apostle Paul, said, that I might finish, my course, with joy, but how did the apostle Paul, finish his course, one morning, he was taken out, from his prison, and he laid his head, on the headsman's block, and there he died, he did finish his course, with joy, there is no doubt, whatever about it, but the word of God, does not give us, the record, of it, and then, the psalmist tells us, precious in the sight, of the Lord, is the death, of his saints, and now you read, that scripture, and maybe, you think, but little about it, but what a great, declaration, that is, because dear friends, all over the world, saints, are dying, are dying, every day, and the means, whereby they come down, to die, are multitudinous, buried, buried would be, the causes, whereby they come down, to die, but it tells us, precious in the sight, of the Lord, is the death, of his saints, his eye, is upon them, when they die, where they die, and he gives them, a welcome, come ye, blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom, prepared for you, from before the foundation, of the world, there is just, another thought, here, [9:57] I want to emphasize, you read, in the book of Job, speak to the earth, and it should teach thee, and now, you live, in the world, at large, and go about, in the earth, and what do you, discern to be, the teaching of it, think of Job's word, speak to the earth, and it should teach thee, and now, the teaching of the earth, is just this, all flesh, is grass, and the glory of man, is as the flower, of grass, the grass withereth, the flower, fadeth, and it simply, teaches us, that man, is born, to die, all beneath the sun, is passing, and perishing, and if a man, should live, to be as old, as Methuselah, nine hundred, and sixty, and nine years, it is still recorded, and he died, what then, and now, that is what you, and I, should be concerned about, what, then, how stands the case, my soul, with thee, for heaven, and thy credentials, clear, and now, [11:30] I want to look, at this subject, from another viewpoint, and I heard, a voice, from heaven, how highly favored, godly John, was, have you heard, a voice from heaven, it is possible, to hear it, but, you must be, in a proper frame, of mind, your ear, must be, attent, to what, God has got, to say, to you, and you, must be, a sinner, born again, to have, such a great, privilege, afforded you, and I heard, a voice, from heaven, saying, unto, me, write, blessed are the dead, which die, in the Lord, from, hence, forth, and now, I said, if you are, to die, in the Lord, [12:32] God grant you, that mercy, then it means, you must be, a sinner, born again, and you, must live, in the Lord, and now, what does that mean, to live, in the Lord, means, that you are, in union, with the Lord, and that, before the world, was built, a time, was born, it was ordained, that you should, be born, into the world, to be born again, and the life, that you should live, where, you should, live, and, the sphere, that you should fill, to the honor, and glory, of God, and remember, the word of God, makes this, very plain, it speaks, in our subject, that they rest, from their labors, and their works, do follow them, but, it says, of, those, to whom, this, word, refers, blessed, are the dead, which die, in the Lord, that, you read, of it, in the epistle, to the, [13:55] Ephesians, and, it needs, thinking about, because, it will give you, an understanding, of what good works, are, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, unto good works, do listen, which God hath before ordained, that we should, walk, in them, and now, they that live in the Lord, have the great mercy, to be in union, with the Lord, like you sing, in union, with the Lamb, from condemnation, free, the saints, from everlasting, were, and shall, forever be, and to, live in the Lord, also means, to live in, oneness, with Jesus Christ, and, oneness, with his people, wherever God, ordains, your lot to be, it is a mystical, union, and you realize it, when you feel, we know that we have passed, from death unto life, because we love the brethren, he that loveth, is born of God, by this, shall all men, know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love, one to, another, and now, that is the doctrine, of what it is, to live in the Lord, but, doctrine alone, will not suffice, it must be reduced, to practice, and now, what does that mean, to live in the Lord, means, that you live, dependent upon him, and now, that needs thinking about, the apostle Paul, tells, how you can, live in the Lord, the life, [16:05] I now live, I live, by faith, upon the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself, for me, do think, these things over, as the Lord, to help you, you must live, such a life, dependent, on the Lord, remember, a sermon, or so ago, what you heard, who is this, that cometh up, out of the wilderness, leaning, upon her, beloved, depending, on him, leaning, moves, along, and that is, what it is, to live, in the Lord, like Joseph Hart, tells you, ever on thy, captain calling, make thy, worst condition, known, he shall hold thee up, when falling, or shall, lift thee up, when down, and now, you may say, alas, [17:07] I fear, I do not know, very much, about the line of things, the pastor is, setting forth, from the pulpit, but the great thing is, have you got it, deep down in your heart, to live, unto the Lord, is not that, your concern, with many of you, in your everyday life, although you cannot say, much as yet, about the deep things, of God, or climb, the heavenly heights, yet, your everyday concern, is that you might, show in your life, whose you are, and whom, you serve, you do desire, to make it manifest, that you are on, the Lord's side, however much, you feel at the end of the day, that you come short, in all you would be, and do, yet, you can appeal, to God, [18:07] I would do good, but evil, is present, with me, to live in the Lord, I say, is to live dependent, upon him, and it means, not only, to live in the Lord, think this over, it means, to live, for the Lord, this prayer, and this ambition, mine, living, and dying, to be, dying, to have, God, uppermost, in your thoughts, as you journey, on, through life, that you may, live unto him, live, for him, and to live, such a life, it will be, a life of prayer, you will need, every day, to find, the grace of supplication, in gracious exercise, that you may, be like the woman, in the gospel, when she fell down, at Jesus feet, and told him, all the truth, and that is the life, that you will have to live, when you, seek to, live, as you desire, live, unto God, live, for God, you will have to, tell him, all the truth, and remember, in doing that, you will get, sweet relief, if we confess, our sins, he is faithful, and just, to forgive us, our sins, and to cleanse us, from all, on, righteousness, and do remember, such a life, as I am describing, to live, unto the Lord, is not only, a life of prayer, and by that, [20:09] I mean, not only, by words, well put together, but it means, those feeble desires, and wishes, so we, tis Jesus inspires, and bids you, still see, but it is, a life of, faith, you press on, you have, that feeling, that Bunyan's, pilgrim had, there is no, discouragement, to make him, once relent, his first, avowed intent, to be, a pilgrim, you find, everyday life, is very exacting, but you will find, in your heart, deep down, there is a concern, only to go forward, and never, never, to give up, and go back, and now that, is how faith, lives and moves, in a sinner's, breast, and, if the question is put, will ye also, go away, you can, supply, an answer, as grace, is given, we believe, and assure, thou art, the Christ, the son, of the living God, [21:28] Lord, to whom, can we go, thou, hast the words, of eternal, life, and, whoever, whoever, whoever, cast down, you may be, whoever, tempted, and tried, you will still desire, to press on, as grace, is given, although, like Peter, of old, you feel, that you follow, afar, off, then, to live, such a life, to live, in the Lord, means, that, you will find, hope, and now, hope, is a wonderful grace, a sweet grace, but sometimes, it is, assurance, of hope, but sometimes, you sink, very low, and then, you can only hope, against hope, but the hymn writer, tells us, and what he tells us, is a beautiful truth, all through the wilderness, below, good hope, expects, more good to know, and thus, is kept alive, the soul, you think, when you were born again, go back to it, if you can, round about the time, when you hope, you were, and, hope was born, in your, breast, and you had that feeling, my soul, looks back, to see the burdens, [23:02] Christ did bear, when hanging on, the accursed tree, and hopes, her guilt, was there, and from that day, to this, you have had, hope, in God, it has not always been, a thrice, comfortable hope, not always, according to how, you have felt, even a good hope, you have been, very troubled, about it, and needed God, to grant you, further confirmation, that it was, a well grounded hope, but you have been, no longer, without God, and without hope, no, then this life, that I am describing, to live in the Lord, means, that you live, in the love, of the truth, do weigh that up, the religion, of Jesus Christ, is a religion, of love, [24:04] I have thought, often, along my, ministerial life, of how Paul, puts it, in order, in the Galatians, epistle, he says, the fruit of the spirit, is love, and so, you will find, that, to live, unto the Lord, there will be, love, to the Lord, and, you will have, this feeling, I can only give you, hints, because of the time, everything, that's dear to him, to me, is also, dear, you will find, as you live, unto the Lord, there are others about, who feel, just like you do, and you, will be glad, to meet them, learn, how they feel, in their souls, exercises, and bid them, Godspeed, and wish them, well, count them, a brother, a sister, and be like, [25:06] Barnabas, who when he, came to Antioch, and saw, the grace of God, he was, glad, yes, there must be, this love, I read to you, from the Corinthians, epistle, the love of Christ, constraineth us, what brought you here, to worship God, this Sabbath afternoon, hope brought you, I am sure, from one viewpoint, because you felt, I seek, and hope to find, a portion, from my soul, but was it not, love also, that brought you, along, because, you could say, we love the place, O God, wherein thine honor dwells, the joy of thine abode, all earthly joy, excels, oh, much might be said, as to what it is, to live, in, the Lord, there is just one other thought, and that you will discern, in all who do, live in the Lord, as you have, opportunities, to observe, how they, live, you will find, they, each one, every one, desire to live, in separation, from the world, they are not, in the world, and of it, no, they live, no longer, as they were born, after the flesh, the things of the flesh, but you find, that as they journey, on through life, their great concern, is to have matters, made right, between their soul, and God, the things of God, are the element, in which they, live and move, they that are after the flesh, do mind the things, of the flesh, they that are after the spirit, the things of, the spirit, so the word of God, makes the great, dividing line, and you find, all that live in the Lord, are after the spirit, the things of, the spirit, and that is very evident, in how they come up, to worship God, for they do not want, simply to go through, the routine, of whatever the order, of the worship of God, may be, no, or they want, to get in touch, with God, and, come into that scripture, unto you therefore, which believe, he is precious, and they want, to enter into, another scripture, if so be, ye have tasted, that the Lord, is gracious, they want, to get in touch, with him, whose house, it is, what is the house, to me, unless the master, [28:10] I can see, and so dear friends, there must be, such a life, as you live it, if you are, to have this great mercy, at the end of it, blessed are the dead, which, die in, the Lord, and now, godly John, goes on, and I look at the subject, from another viewpoint, yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest, from their, labors, and their works, do follow them, what are these labors, they must be viewed, from, a twofold, viewpoint, there is a word, in the book, of proverbs, the labor, of the righteous, tendeth, to life, and that is, one viewpoint, of it, this labor, is a spiritual labor, it is a labor, that once a sinner, is born again, it may be, said to be, soul travail, it is a labor, to have matters right, between your soul, and God, the spiritual, viewpoint, of this labor, means, that, you are, laboring against, things within, and things without, there is what you are, by nature, and that is, an everyday, concern, that you may, have grace, super abounding, over it, how sad, our state, by nature, is, and, it can often, churn you up, with conflicting, emotions, and hinder you, in your progress, in living, in the Lord, so that you have, guilt on your conscience, and feel, to be driven, to the, ends of the earth, because you have, fallen a prey, to what you are, by nature, and now, there is, this labor, which is to sigh, and cry, and groan, for grace, to help, in every time, of need, against it, that it may not, overcome you, and work mischief, in your soul's, experience, experience, it is a labor, also, against the world, without, that you may not, be overcome, by the world, the spirit of it, it is very solemn, nowadays, especially, with the world, as it is, so evidently, lying in wickedness, as never before, to the same, degree, that as you go about, in it, you feel the atmosphere, of it, is poisonous, it spells havoc, in your soul's, experience, and you need, grace, to be separated, from the spirit of it, and to be in the world, therefore, and not, of it, labor, it means, what it says, labor, there is no, easy going, religion, that will take you, to heaven, dear friends, it will always be, labor, and the Savior, suggested that, come on to me, all ye that, labor, and are heavy, laden, and I will give you, rest, and so, you will find it, to be a labor, to be right, a labor, that you might, live the life, of the righteous, and produce, corresponding fruits, that others may see, in the life you live, that you, have been, with, [32:22] Jesus, and then, if your name, is on a church roll, there will be a labor, to do, with it being there, because, you will want, to endure, in your profession, of Jesus name, and show the world, how Christians, live, and there is, another labor too, and that is, very heavy, labor, at times, a labor, to carry the cross, that God has ordained, for us, whatever, its nature, what you are, by nature, may resent it, rebel, against it, you may feel, inclined, to argue, with God, concerning the choice, of it, no, no, if you are, living, in the Lord, you will know, this labor, to accept, the cross, which God, has given, and you will, sometimes, be able, to declare, [33:27] Lord, I would, indeed, submit, gladly, yield my all, to thee, what thy wisdom, sees most fit, must be, surely best, for me, it is a labor, as long as you live, from the time, you were born again, it is a labor, unto life, as I said, according to the word, in Proverbs, the labor, of the righteous, tendeth unto, life, you remember, Bunyan, makes his pilgrim, to set out, on his pilgrimage, when, his name, was put down, to be a pilgrim, then he sets out, and he started running, saying, life, life, eternal life, and that was his labor, and it was a long way, from where he was then, to the gates, of the celestial city, and so it is, with these people, who live, in the Lord, and it is a labor, that they may, so live, that at the last, they may, die, in, the Lord, oh, how glad they are, to join the hymn, writer, and sing, prepare me, gracious God, to stand before thy face, thy spirit, must the work perform, for it is, all of grace, and now it says also, in our text, yea, saith the spirit, that they may, rest from their labors, and their works, do follow them, and now, do listen, their works, do not go before them, there is no merit, whatever, in their works, you can ask, anyone, who is living, in the Lord, who desires, at last, to die, in the Lord, to tell you, his confession, of faith, and he will, always preface it, with this, by the grace, of God, [35:42] I am, what, I am, and now it says, their works, do follow them, they do not, go before, no, and so, you find, those you have known, and loved, and esteemed, whom you do believe, have lived in the Lord, whom we know, have died in the Lord, you think, of them, by their works, what they were, and that is how, we feel, regarding our dear, friend, whom we know, mourn, whose familiar, figure, we shall see, no more, among us, we think of him, as he, delighted, to fill his office, as singing, leader, and that was a work, in which he took delight, and I do believe, he was exercised, before God, that he might do it, to his honour, his glory, [36:45] I believe it is essential, that you should have, an exercised preacher, an exercised clerk, and an exercised, singing leader, these three, go together, well, and then, the people, get the good of it, you want, out of the abundance, of the heart, for the mouth, to speak, and, I might say, just a little, to you, about our departed, friend, such as I said, at the funeral, on Tuesday, last, regarding, what was his, spiritual, standing, I dare not, take up the time, to say, much, but, concerning, that which is most important, is spiritual life, it could be said of him, blessed are your ears, for they, hear, hear, he was a, concerned, hearer, a, comforted, hearer, a, confirmed, hearer, his desire, was to be a, discerning, hearer, not a, critical, hearer, do remember, as a rule, critical, hearers, the least, spiritually, minded, people, in the house, of prayer, listening, to the word, of God, being, proclaimed, it was our, departed friends, concerned, to hear, what God, the Lord, would say, for his soul's, encouragement, and to worship, [38:20] God, aright, and it can be said of him, he was a, faithful man, there are things, that are done, dear friends, behind the scenes, in carrying on, a cause of truth, that half the people, in the pew, know nothing, whatever about, there are trustees, of a cause of truth, and our, dear departed friend, was a very faithful man, as a trustee, of Union Chapel, and he was also, a trustee, of our cause of truth, at Grafty Green, and trustees, have to keep their eyes open, as regards, the chapel, being kept in good trim, habitable, there are things, that need attention, their eyes must, be open to see, whatever the need is, and that it shall be, attended to, that the people, coming up to worship God, shall have all the comfort, possible, in doing so, and so it was, with our dear friend, especially, with our cause of truth, at Grafty Green, he watched over it, and he has left it, in good trim, and, in that viewpoint, his works, do, follow him, he, he was indeed, a faithful man, [39:45] I often think of him, and I knew him, for fifty years, and we, never had a misword, in fifty years, friendship between us, times, but, I heard him say, I dare not begin, to tell you, how many times, whenever he spoke, in public prayer, he had got, one expression, which I listened for, and it always pleased me, and he, invariably, asked the Lord, to give him, right words, to ask for, right things, and now, that is what, these labors, mean, that when you, try to draw near to God, you desire to do so, as, grace is given, and not just to put words together, but, you want, to worship God, a right, you want, right words, to ask for, right things, and how often, he was given, those right words, he asked for, and how often, you could say, amen, to the right things, he pleaded, before God, that he might know, and others might know, on whose behalf, he was, pleading, he was faithful, in the worship of God, he was faithful, too, as a husband, a father, a grandfather, ever desiring, the true welfare, of those he loved, and may his prayers, for all in his family circle, yet be answered in full, and how faithful he was, as I said, in the worship of God, in remembering, the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, and he could indeed say, [41:38] Lord, I have loved the habitation, of thine house, and the place, wherein, thine honor, dwelleth, and coming to, his, journey's end, God saw fit, to bring him down, by a long, wearing, and wearisome, affliction, being a patient, in Ashford hospital, round about, three months, he was indeed, brought low, but he was enabled, to endure to the end, and await God's time, for his redeemed spirit, to enter into, the rest, that remaineth, for, the people, of God, he lamented, at times, his cast down state, and desired, another token, for good, I was much touched, when I visited him, on one occasion, as he feebly told me, what I want, is this, thy presence, on my journey shine, and crown, my journey's end, there you see, there was this, labor, he wanted, to realize, in his light, to see light, and to be assured, living and dying, it shall be, well, then there was, another occasion, when his nephew, [43:04] Jabez Buss, visited him, and he quoted, some lines, to him, which he remembered, from his early days, father, the way, is rough, and dark, the storm clouds, gather fast, put my hand, in thine, and lead me, upward, onward, upward, onward, gently lead me, up, to light, and thee, he felt, like the psalmist, long ago, when he said, oh, send out thy light, and thy truth, let them lead me, let them bring me, to thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles, and a little, before he went, into hospital, the words, were made, a comfort, to him, thy love, in times past, forbids me, to think, thou would leave me, at last, in trouble, to sin, and when in the hospital, he referred to this, three or four, times, and those, who were present, at the prayer meeting, when he spoke, in public prayer, for the last time, under Union Chapel, room, many of them, will remember, the sweet reality, there was, in his petitions, and that it was, indeed, out of the abundance, of the heart, the mouth, was speaking, but what, most of all, enabled him, to face his dying, hour, with good courage, and good hope, was a remarkable, dream, [44:33] God gave him, in the early morning, following, he spoke of it, to the nurse, waiting upon him, and later, she passed on, the details, when her friend, was no longer, able to engage, in much conversation, he told the nurse, about his dream, and said, I have looked, across death's river, and I have seen, what is on the other side, and I want, to be there, and not long, after this, he was there, so he bringeth them, to the haven, where they, would be, his sufferings, were all in love, ordained of God, and he now, thinks of them, as being, but for a moment, measured according, to the happiness, he now enjoys, his redeemed spirit, is forever, with the Lord, he has come, into the fullness, of the blessedness, of this text, blessed are the dead, which die, in the Lord, from henceforth, yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest, from their labors, and their works, do follow them, you will remember, our dear friend, most of all, for what he was, not so much, for what, he said, but, we do believe, he desired, to live in the Lord, and we are confident, that he did, die in the Lord, and that his redeemed spirit, has now entered, into the rest, that remaineth, for, the people, of God, it only remains, to say, happy is the people, that is in such a case, yea, happy is that people, whose God, is, the Lord, and be this religion, yours dear friends, and mine, [46:38] Amen.