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[0:00] the book of Ecclesiastes and the first verse to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven to everything there is a season and time to every purpose under the heaven there is no mortal tongue can ever enter into the goddess before there was anything formed but time ever began to run it momently hourly weekly monthly and yearly there was a God a triune God and my friends since that first day there was something full and God had to do with that he'd come in a season appointed by him so that by the wise men [2:01] God gave him wisdom son of David even Solomon and as for God's wisdom that God gave him he was one of the wisest of men under the gift of God and his exercise he was one of the richest of men and was nothing but what he ever wanted what was supplied and yet he was only what God gave him he found in all that he possessed there was something stamped on it vanity he said it's good for the man to enjoy the fruit of all his libours matter who they are that belongeth to them that's their earthly portion he never declare the crowd as goodness to all and my friends here we see [3:40] Sam have the fruit of that wisdom in the chapter before you not a moment to the last day and that will never be known by men until it comes it will come as a faith in the night none of us will know when and then there will be no more days or nights and when that coming from the time the first ray of light came to show the day everything had a season to it and you know to dwell only briefly what these seasons will it was not [4:55] Satan the great foe of God that took from the tree of knowledge and good and evil and gave to weep he didn't do it he tempted and it was her hand that did it and when her hand touched the forbidden fruit she was a sinner and when for the doubt that the husband had to her under the same awful temptation they both partook of it that was a season that was a season and there was that thing happened and it happened in the sight of [5:57] God you found them you can never sin without he knows all about it either in thought our word our deed for he searcheth the arts like a candle light in a dark place and shows us what we are sin still live blessed be rest in ungod there was a time and a purpose as well as a season that there should be shown there would be a redeemer great thing we sing often what we cannot grasp but understand that there was given faith without it we can't hear the gospel we cannot believe in this [7:11] God we cannot walk or write we cannot talk or write but my friends that kind time when they had something to go to heaven with and that was the forgiveness of their sins now what is the secret between the two offerings of Cain and Abel following soon after that was a season and that was a time it was this there was no blood sacrificed in Cain and Cain's offering all that he offered to God was the earth and himself and his neighbors at all [8:17] God takes now notice of that in what was the secret that was made known to the parents as well as they were it was this the blood now sacrifice acceptable unto God God in all his holiness but the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ there lay forgiveness there lay one of the richest of God's blessings your sins sins it may have been revealed to you by the light of [9:23] God shining into your heart and giving a day you've never had before the day of regeneration and then come the day when your sorrow increased because of your guilt that the atoning blood of Christ is laid on your heart and you have forgiveness with God we poor finite minds cannot grasp it and if you have tasted forgiveness you cannot grasp the greatness the height and the depth it means this your sins which are many are forgiven how many and every year adds to them we have passed 1960 every moment every day is yielded sin we've carried it in our members and if it were possible for you and me to place them together which [10:55] God knows every one which would lie at our door if there was no atoning blend it would try you to the very Adamus child of good for it would bring you to say can ever God dwell here and you say what would you say was the sin without faith and I believe there's not a child of God living that can ever say they've gone every day have the years God has given them here without knowing that faith alone is the gift of God and it's our mercy then that there was a fountain filled with blood drawn from [12:00] Emmanuel's been and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all thou give'st him so able offering of the lamb was acceptable because faith gave him to know there must be blood and what is blood your very life their blood dried up returned to water we shouldn't be long here and water our sins blood sins deeper than you can have our can be thought God perfect with therefore by the faith given to [13:05] Abel he looked higher than the earth and he had to suffer because he believed in the blood of Christ his life was taken I thought sometimes when we look back upon how our privileges have been given us as a nation the blood of the martyrs would cry out today to see how England has gone wide away from God nest go through this chapel to a stake. Let it prove whether we have the life of God or not. That you see, whatever takes place, there's a season for it and a time. Let's go further. Because it has to do with the wicked, as it has to do with the those that are made, the children of God by matchless grace, where sin abound, grace much more abound. There come the flood, didn't there? They were just given in marriage as we are today. They were going about with all the pleasure of this life. And there came the flood. It had the warning. [15:14] But there's no fight to believe it. There was one who believed it. Because God had confirmed him too. It was never. And so they were going along very comfortable. And then there came the flood. And eternity with it. Eternity with it. Because they never lived to see the waters recede again. That was a season. And now it was a day back for somebody. And the wicked. And the wicked. You see, my friends, I shall be sent to hell with the nations that forget God. It's a deep solemnity. Now you see, there were thousands hidden. And God has given us the secret tool of salvation in the ark. And the only true worshippers was now when they offered a sacrifice on dry land once more. It never once did they go under the flood. Now, there we see judgment. [16:57] There we see a season. And there we see a time for a very great purpose. Now let's go further. [17:12] And we see a time for a poor man. Poor man. We are poor. You don't place your reason and wisdom before God. It's perfect foolishness. [17:27] And we see a time for a poor man. And he said, let us build a tower. And we'll get right up into the heaven. And if there's ever any flood comes again. And it was only Noah that knew that there would be no more water covered all earth. [17:52] And so he let us know. And so he let them build it. And let sinners who have now fed build this. He knew that there was a great sin against God. God knew that. [18:15] He knew that there was a great sin against God. God knew that there was a great sin against God. And he got so far with it. And he began to tumble. more than that there was something tumbled before they they all speak one language they could understand each other they had all the same wisdom and solemn when our wisdom leads us from God and that too God and my friends they couldn't go on any longer and that was a time of confusion there was a great purpose and it was under the heaven and there is this in it and I very solemn we must never go contrary to God or he will surely go contrary to us that I've had to prove how that it is by grace we are saved and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God as the purpose under him now you see in the gospel through the Lord Jesus Christ and by the inspiration of the holiness and the spirit [20:05] Isaiah was favored to speak of a language a turn unto them a pure language and that's the language you'll be given with and the singular part and the most solemn part of this language of being none can teach you it but the Holy Ghost and those that have never been taught it will never understand you never no more than bunion and when he passed those godly women and swore at them when they were speaking the language of grace the language of the Holy Spirit's teaching until the Lord smote him down and then he was glad to listen to them it's a pure language it's above every language in the world you know it's a mixed world with mixed languages and yet if you knew every language spoken in the world it would never give you this one may we each know it it's very simple there's nothing difficult about it don't want human learning to teach you it there are very many that gone to heaven with the richest of faith in their sorrows couldn't read nor write yet they were mothers and they were fathers in Israel and I knew that sacred language in the world because it made how poor my spirit upon them [22:39] I knew that very poor she lived in a poor little home she was a cripple for life she could not read any book could not read her son's letters and yet she could read her Bible God taught her to read her Bible and read his will and read his pleasure and read his seasons and read his times now as they grew in numbers with their solemn judgments about them he never left one day without a people that he loved as the one of the things of God it was a season and a time to manifest to the father loved who gave to his son of people and redeemed them by his blood and so we come to Abraham he was not to stay where he was he had to come out of the city where he was in and the country too and then God showed him a wonderful secret not only shrouded him but gave him faith to believe it you're never fine child of God you're a lack of faith till you have something come upon you that you can't manage yourself and oh you are said oh where's my faith where's my belief where's my quietness where's my leave in everything to thee who is able to perform all things for me as Job said in his darkest moments he performeth all things for me where is it well it's in the keeping of thy God and he's bringing you to seek for it that was right to do that yes we have many faiths among our peoples all kind of religion to denomination that there's only one faith and that is given by God by and through the precious Son in Jesus Christ and by the Holy Ghost he was shown what a whoreless seed should be and there's nothing small in what God gives you that's why you don't get it very often one jewel literally speaking may be precious exceeding all others he might be very small might be very small oddly perceptible and so are God's gifts by grace indeed and you are compelled to believe it and you can place your hand around the gift and say I have nothing at all to do with this that he gave you something the time and the season which had to do with it altogether and that was in the language he gave you to go before God with as I say this the most simple pressed out when you ask him for wisdom grace and understanding to do what and leaving it with him and that's the faith of God's people my friend yes he believed that he had no child [27:44] Sarah had no children how could it be that his seed should be like that speak in no doubt of the glories of all the redeemed you shall have a son he had more than one son he had one son born you see is it good that he would have been glad if God had blessed him but no my friend he had another son more than one son but this son was a special gift of God and if ever God blesses one of your sons are daughters it's a special thing of God my friend it is ah but there is something has borne and God has a season and a time to tell Sarah who asked her why she laughed that is she disbelieved and he said is my arm shortened that it cannot see my ear heavy can't hear now he says you take that son up to the top of the mound place him on the altar he called me that's all he told him do ah when he asks you to part with something you own most well what is it we old mouse who say you will you got strong wills you know stronger wills than perhaps you think you have or I have till it comes to the trial of it that will is to fall down to nothing and go step by step to the trial of it of your faith and my friends when that lad was laid on the altar and bound with a court and the knife was in the father's hand that was one of the seasons and one of the purposes [30:25] God appointed for his giant what for say you till now he had a Jehovah Jireh this was the secret his son never died until the appointed turned by God and he walked down the mountain with his father his father believed and given grace to step to that time of trial and you have to offer what he gives you on the altar to one further shall we why come to Moses the children still growl we come where they we know there's Egypt and Joseph and Jacob all between and Isaac and Jacob and God was with you he believed but presently the Gaussian was turned into a time of trouble the day of adversity had followed the day of prosperity what happened then well they cried from the ground under the burden and they come very heavy and much heavier impossible and that's when [32:02] God looked upon them and he saw the children of Israel's tears and he knew their burdens and he and he goes into Egypt where he preserved a being that lay in that little ark of bulrushes that little ark of bulrushes was a purpose and a time and a season hearted by God and if you have that given to you to meditate a little you will see that the nurse to that babe would be his own mother although it was doomed to death is a mighty God which we took into you but then I might know all this not known for myself [33:04] I hope I know a little yes he goes to stature something happens that he has to flee by his own hand he slid man fly in a wig from a furious peril for what he's done going to deliver my people I've appointed him that's a season and so he brings him close to him and he sees a bushfire that is never consumed and he saw the covenant of his God that brings you through many a fire and it's never consumed the love of God the love of Christ never consumed now you're to go for my people I can't speak [34:06] I'll give you heaven I'll give you that that you'll be my mouth I'll give you all hell what shall I say thou art I am that I am that's what you're saying I'm God that's his sovereignty how much of that sovereignty women know the little time we're spared through this coming year is in God's sense but where his sovereignty is to his war his people there's grace given as thy day thy strength shall be and my friend presently in the deep exercise and religions nothing without it a dead religion is if you have no exercise exercise proves prayer that you've got an exercise and a watching and a praying until that which you pray for will be given you and it will be given you when [35:24] God sees speak yes now he says I'm going to teach you something I've caused all these troubles to come on the Egyptians now my name will be now teach you as Jehovah I'm going to lead them is he leading you leading you when Paul should not know crooked ones rough ones too rough for your four feet to walk on them long ah my friend he says I'll lead them Jehovah Jehovah the same [36:26] God the same God as the other say when revealed to them is the same God now to all these people a season and a time to every purpose and heaven he could go on in good way throughout the old ten of God's early word in the chapter I read there's more than reading of it it takes one without any armor on it not much dress to cover him and yet he had something given him that he never forgot and it was God who delivered him from the poor the lion and the bear shall not this [37:27] God deliver me from thee to a giant that requires great grace when you got some giants about they seem to loom over you with all their armor as if they're going to destroy you bless his only name he takes this one from the field to you takes him down to the brook lets him gather up five stones a sling and a bag and that was the purpose of God to give him faith to believe him he was one of the bravest men that ever stood on this earth at that time he was a youth and if you were fired to sign no in time of temptation by the same grace and faith that shows there's something working in your faith takes a lot to say it sometimes temptations everywhere about it especially in the day in which we live well we need that what sealed that as a season and a time under the heaven is there not a course brethren never thought much of it they thought it was pride they didn't know the secret and though they reproached him had never altered what [39:13] God said oh no now if you walk amily for your God it don't matter all the reproaches you get they fall down like the army or the police times do and when you seem to get one come up against you above all the rest it may be circumstances of life may be adversity it may be made it may be that which you have no power you go and he sends you and gives you a portion there and then you can go if he gives you a word you can go and that word of prevail comes from heaven a hat one stone and one little spot in the forehead which all his armour never covered up and that's how [40:22] God he teaches you in some of his teachings with you where you thought the next thing happened would be for your arm perhaps ruin but there's a little stone and it cuts the giant down oh I do miss those old experimental people I was brought up with them they were my fathers in Israel they weren't afraid to tell you what they thought of you they wouldn't be afraid if they thought you was a bit proud to tell you you're full of pride but today you say there's not the death not the conflicts there will be in thy soul and mine still while we're here [41:25] I have found that many that spoke to me when I was yawning the way their words today as of God to my poor soul I haven't forgot some of them it was not putting one another right it was telling you where you were in the sight of God ah my friend there's a purpose under it and there's a purpose before I sit down with all that God has to deal with and there's a purpose in what we've entered this year with what is proposed we ought and believe in the fear of God we've only to go outside to see what it is is it a season is it a time is it when God will appear if your gabby has given you faith he'll try it let me tell you the gold and the silver and the cattle upon a thousand hills and the hearts of old men are in the Lord's hands in the Lord's hands if you ever took a sum of money in your hands and saw the Lord in it touch your heart that he should remember you a day of more plenty today [43:43] I remember the past five pound note put into my hand Guilford by Mr. Shillen for his only committee now you won't know this my dear wife wanted a hat and a dress I had enough money to get it out you mightn't have that trouble it was a time and a season the dress for St. St. Stramacock's was by no one that knew where we were she was going to place it just as it might for her and she had this ringing in her ears send this to Mrs. Hope she found out her address [44:48] God knew where we lived he knows the way you live while returning from Croydon to the past five pound note I ever held in the end someone threw a hat box in the carriage just as the train was going out with my name on it and there was the hat from a milliner's shop someone said did it fit well ever God gives you anything it's alright so we don't come before you what we read of other people no we come to tell you to everything there's a season and a time to every purpose hand of heaven and then there'll be a time when you'll gather up these particular places because they're never forgotten he'll bring yourself remember all the way the Lord thy God has led thee mine [46:07] I don't wish any of our young people to treat that best now God knows best for you what you should treat we had to treat it to be a college so that we've had to go among many people if they were all placed together and living there'd be a great congregation ah my friends there's a time and you might be passing through it now there is a time that we are now favored to enter the Christian of another year I have one message for you from my soul may God bless you Amen