Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The first book of Samuel and the third chapter and the 18th verse. [0:13] And Samuel told him every wince and hid nothing from him. And he said, it is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good. [0:37] You will find these words in the first book of Samuel, the third chapter and the 18th verse. [0:50] I want to speak more particularly upon the last part of the text, which are the words of Eli. [1:04] And he said, it is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good. [1:15] You will see in these words which were uttered by Eli at this particular time, that there was a falling into the hand of the Lord. [1:34] There was a submission to the will of God. And these words came upon my mind when I heard of the sad thoughts that our dear aged friends have sustained in the sudden death of their elder Lord. [2:00] These words seemed to come upon my mind. Though I felt I must venture to speak from them this morning. [2:12] All that they and each one of us may know the truth of them. Because none of us here know what lies before us. [2:27] What we may be called to pass through. Things come very suddenly at times. As it was in the case of their dear daughter. [2:42] I cannot speak as having known their departed friends. Because I cannot remember that I have ever seen. But what a comfort it is when loved ones are taken to know that it is well in them. [3:06] You see, in the case of Eli, when his sons were taken, it was just obvious. It was not well with them. [3:17] They were sons of Bilead. They were wicked men. Although they were in the priesthood. [3:29] They were priests. Like their father. As you know, under the Levitical dispensation, and the house of Eli were descendants of the house of Levi. [3:47] That the sons followed the father in the office of the priest. But these young men, the sons of Eli, they were, the word of God says, sons of evil. [4:06] They were wicked men. Although they were engaged in the solemnity of the priesthood. [4:17] In offering sacrifice. How solemn it is to have a profession of religion. And to be engaged in the profession of holiness. [4:32] And yet, to know nothing, savingly or graciously. But before I come more immediately to these words, I want to just speak a little concerning the context. [4:51] This chapter is no doubt well known to most others. We have here in this chapter concerning Samuel. The child Samuel, he ministered unto the Lord before Eve. [5:09] He was that child that was given to Hannah. We read in the first chapter of this book, how that Hannah went up in the temple to pray. [5:25] And she was in bitterness of soul. She was weighed down. That she brought her trouble to the only one that could help her. [5:38] And give relief. [5:56] And Hannah's trouble, that was her barrenness. It brought her to the Lord. She entreated the Lord. [6:08] That he would look upon her. And remember her reproach. For it was considered a reproach. In those days. For women to be married. [6:23] And she was in bitterness of soul. And you remember how she was pouring out her complaints. Before the Lord. In the temple. And Eli was there. [6:34] And Eli saw her. And he said to her. Put away thy wine from thee. He thought. That she was overcome with wine. [6:49] Because when she prayed. Her voice was not heard. But her lips moved. But she was praying from the heart. My friends. And the Lord hears. [7:00] And the Lord hears. The prayers that come from the heart. When her voice is not heard. And the Lord heard. The prayer of Hannah. [7:13] Did he not? And then. You remember what Hannah said to him. She said. Count not thine handmaid. [7:24] A daughter of Elia. But out of the abundance. Of my heart. And my grief. Have I spoken. It it it. She had spoken. [7:35] Out of the abundance. Of her grief and sorrow. She had spread. Her case. Before the Lord. For Eli. Must have wounded her. [7:46] When he spoke. After her. But afterwards. He said. Go in peace. And the Lord. Give thee. That petition. That thou hast asked of him. We read. [7:56] Hannah went away. And her countenance. Was no more sad. And in due course. Hannah. Boressa. And called his name. [8:10] Samuel. Which means. Ask. Of the Lord. And she brought this child. Up to the temple. [8:20] And she said. For this child. I pray. I pray. Oh. Samuel must have been very dear to Hannah. [8:31] her. She was in answer. She was in answer. To our prayer. Those things. That the Lord has given us. In answer to prayer. Are they not precious to us? [8:45] Dear to us? When we feel. That for this thing. This matter. We pray. We pray. We pray. We pray. We pray. And the Lord has answered our prayer. [8:58] And now it humbles one at times. If. We can testify. That the Lord has heard our. Poor petition. This poor man cried. [9:10] And the Lord heard. Oh it won't lift you up with pride. My friends. When the Lord answers your prayer. It will humble you. To think. [9:20] That the Lord. Has looked upon you. And heard your prayer. He forgetteth not. The cry of the humble. That's a wonderful word I feel. [9:32] He forgetteth not. The cry of the humble. But the proud. He knoweth. A foul. But he hears. The cry of the humble. The humble poor. [9:44] We are not despised. And so. This child. Samuel. Was given to the Lord. You remember. [9:54] Ohana made a vow. That she would give him. To the Lord. All the days of his life. And she fulfilled that vow. [10:05] She brought up Samuel. And he was in the temple. And Samuel. Although he was a man of like passions. As we are. [10:17] He was a sinful man. But. He. Was. A great prophet of the Lord. The Lord. Had a great work. For him to do. [10:29] In his days. And generations. And. It. All Israel. We read. From Dan. Even to Beersheba. And he knew. That Samuel. [10:40] Was established. To be a prophet. Of the Lord. He was a true prophet. Of the Lord. He was anointed. [10:51] Of the Lord. For. The work. That he had to do. That work. Which. Was. Commenced. [11:02] In the temple. As we read. In this chapter. He ministered. Unto the Lord. Before him. And on this. [11:13] Particular. In the evening. Night. We read. Here the lamp. Of God. Went out. In the temple. Of God. Where the ark. Of God. [11:24] Was. And Samuel. Was laid down. To sleep. And we read. How the Lord. Called Samuel. He called him. [11:36] Three times. Or rather. Four times. Because on three occasions. When he called. He went in to Eli. [11:48] And said. Here am I. For thou. Ditch call me. But. Eli said. I call thee not. [12:01] My son. Now. Down. And then. The third time. When. The Lord. Called Samuel. He went in to Eli. [12:13] Eli. Perceived. That. The Lord. Had called. The Lord. Had called. The Lord. God. And so. [12:30] He said. To Samuel. When. If the Lord. If he called again. You speak. You say. Speak Lord. [12:41] For thy servant here. And he did call again. The fourth time. The Lord. Called. Sam. And Samuel. Answered. [12:52] Speak Lord. For thy servant here. And then. As you remember. He told Samuel. The thing. [13:03] That he was about to do. To the house. Of Eli. To the sons. Of Eli. The judgment. [13:14] That was to come upon him. Because. Of their sins. Although. Of his sons. Of his sons. Although. He and I. Had spoken to his sons. [13:26] Concerning their evil ways. He had reproved them. But we read. He did not restrain them. Not in the way that he ought. [13:39] I do feel. What responsibility. Rests upon those. Of us. Who are parents. Those of us. [13:50] Who are parents. What responsibility. Rests upon us. In bringing up. Our family. Is it not. In setting before them. [14:02] A right example. In warning them. From things. Which are. Not according. To the scripture. Oh there's a solemn responsibility. [14:15] Upon those. That are parents. And I know. In the day. In which we live. That responsibility. Is very great. Because. [14:25] We're living in a day. When there is much. To draw away the young. Things. Have. Altered. [14:36] To such a great extent. Say. For instance. 50 years ago. 50 years ago. Or. Or more. People in general. [14:48] Were more contented. Than they are today. Were they not? But now. There are so many attractions. For the youth. And so many. [14:59] Various religions. All. All. All. All. How we do need. To war. Do we not. And to estrain. I speak to myself. [15:12] It's sad. I feel. When many of the young people. Leave our little denomination. And go into. What we feel is lighter things. [15:23] We realize. That our denomination. Is not without its. Failing. But I do feel. That as a little denomination. We do. Desire to contend. [15:35] To afford the truth. As far as. We feel it is. Right in the sight of God. All you dear young people. Do not forsake the old past. [15:48] Do not forsake. The good way. The way of your father. And your grandfather. But as enabled. Seek. [16:00] To inquire. And ask. For the old past. And seek grace. To walk there. To walk there. But Eli. [16:11] You see. He did not restrain. His son. Although he did in measure. Worn. And so. [16:23] We read. How that. In the second chapter. There was a man of God. Sent to Eli. And told him. What was the judgment. That would come upon his hand. How that there would not be an old man. [16:38] In his hand. They would die in the flower. Of their. New age. And so on. Oh it was a solemn. [16:49] Word. That Eli. That this man of God. Spoke to Eli. And Eli knew. That this was coming. And when. [17:01] Samuel went into him. On the morning. Samuel. He. Feared to. To show Eli. The vision. He was afraid. What effect. It might have upon him. [17:12] But. He. He said. What is the thing. The Lord has said to thee. I pray thee. Hide it not from me. God. Do so to thee. [17:23] And more also. If thou. Hide anything from me. All the things. Things that he said unto thee. And Samuel. Told him everything. He didn't. Hide anything from me. [17:35] He told him. Every whit. Or all the things. Or. Or all the words. As a margin. Book. He told him. Every whit. [17:47] And. This is the effect. It had upon Eli. And Samuel. Told him. Every whit. And hid nothing from him. And he said. It is a. [17:58] It is a. He acknowledged. It was the Lord. Let him do. What seemed. In. Him good. Although. [18:08] Eli. He had. An ungodly son. I believe. He was a godly man. And. What grace. Was given. To him. At this time. [18:20] To fall. Unreservedly. Into the hands. Of the Lord. And to acknowledge. It is the Lord. Let him do. What seemeth. [18:32] Him good. It is the Lord. Enthroned in life. Whose claims. Are all designed. Who has an undisputed right. [18:43] To govern. Me. And I. Have you been brought. To that point. At times. My friends. I may have mentioned. This once before. [18:54] Just forgive me. Mentioning it again. If I should have. Mentioned it before. I remember. The early days. Of my preaching. It must have been. [19:07] Over 30 years ago. Before ever. I came to Hanover. I remember. On one Sunday. I went to Tombridge. To preach. [19:19] And on the Monday. I was unwell. In fact. I had. The children. Had also the mums. And I had it also. [19:31] And. I had a temperature. With it. I felt. Quite ill. With it. And I remember. How my wife. Who did want me. [19:42] To have the doctor. And I wouldn't. Consent to her. I felt so hard. And so rebellious. Concerning. I say to my shame. [19:54] I do indeed. Rebellion. Rebellion. Is a. Great sin. There wasn't a falling. In the hand of God. Regarding it. But I. [20:05] Well remember. The next day. How. Different. I felt. And that. That hymn. In our hymn book. 261. [20:17] Was made. So sweet. In the hand. And I read it. In bed. Again. And again. With tears. Running down. My face. It is the Lord. [20:28] Enthroned in life. Who is playing. The all divine. Who has an undisputed. Right. To govern me. And mine. I felt. I was in the hand. Of the Lord. [20:39] And I remember. Saying to my wife. I don't mind. Whether you have. The doctor. Or not. I knew. The complaint. Would have its. Cause. I don't think. [20:51] I had the doctor. At that time. I forget. Whether we did. Or not. But I should never. Forget. The effect. That hymn. Had upon me. Though I felt. A falling. Into the hands. [21:02] Of the Lord. It is the Lord. Enthroned in life. Whose claims. Are all divine. Who has an undisputed. Right. To govern me. And mine. And he has. [21:12] My friend. He has an undisputed. Right. To govern. Me. And mine. And you. And yours. He is Lord. Over all. [21:24] Blessed forevermore. He has a sovereign. Right. To give. And to take away. Yes he has. What did Job say. [21:37] In the midst of all. Is. A desolation. A bereavement. He said. The Lord came. And the Lord. Hath taken away. Blessed. [21:48] Be the name. Of the Lord. You see. In the case of Job. There was a falling. Into the hand. Of the Lord. Wasn't there? Although Job. [21:59] Had much to pass from him. Oh. Think of. How heavy. The chasing hand. Of God. Was upon him. All his substance. Taken. [22:11] His camel. His cattle. And not only so. But all his family. Taken. Taken at a stroke. As it were. [22:23] He was. Bereaved. As it were. Suddenly. And he could say. Amidst it all. The Lord came. And the Lord. Has taken away. [22:34] Blessed. In the name of the Lord. And we read. In all this. Job. Sin. Sin. Sin. Nor. Judge. God. Who. Although we know. [22:44] Afterwards. He had to pass through. Some very. Trying things. Did he not. Not only. Lost in his family. But also. [22:57] Affliction. In his body. And he was also. Under. The hiding. Of. The face of God. Oh. [23:08] He was indeed. He mourned. God's absence. And he said. All that I knew. Where I might find him. That I might come. Even. [23:19] To his seat. There was a time. When he cursed his day. He cursed. The day. That he had ever been born. Poor man. [23:33] It is the Lord. Let him do. What seemeth him good. The reason why. I read that chapter. In Job. The thirty-seven. [23:44] Chapter. Was because. More particularly. Because of. The thirteen. Verse. You remember. That Job. Three friends. [23:57] Wrote to him. In his affliction. But. Neither of them. Has spoke the thing. That was right. God says. [24:08] As his servant Job. Did. Although much of. What they said. Was wise. Counsel. And instruction. I believe. They were men of God. [24:18] God. But there was. A younger man. Raised up. Toward the end. Whose name was Elijah. And he was raised up. [24:30] To speak. On God behalf. He was afraid. To speak. To speak. Before. Because he was younger. And the others were older. [24:43] But. You see. He had to speak. The word that God had given. And what did he say. In that thirty-first. He causes it to come. Whether for correction. [24:56] Or for his land. Or. But. He causes it to come. There is no trial. My friends. In your life and mine. [25:06] No affliction. No bereavement. For what. He causes it to come. It is in his hand. His sovereign hand. [25:17] His gracious hand. His merciful hand. He causes it to come. It is the Lord. Yes. It is the Lord. And so Eli. [25:28] You said to Job. He calls it to come. It doesn't come by chance. Men speak about. Luck and chance. [25:39] And so on. I know. You may say. But we read in the scriptures. About time and chance. That happened to all. I believe that word. Chance. There means purpose. [25:51] Time and purpose. Or happen to all. Not chance. In the way that. People look at it. And talk of things. In such a. Careless way. [26:03] No. My friends. The child of God. Feels. That all things. Are appointed of God. That our life. My mutest circumstance. Is subject. [26:14] To God's heart. That he causes it to come. It is the Lord. When you come into. Afflictions pathway. When the Lord lays his hand. [26:25] Upon you. It is the Lord. Didn't come. By force or charge. No. The Lord so rules. [26:38] By his command. No good nor ill. Can stir a hand. Unless he send them to you. All is in his hand. It is the Lord. If not in your hand. [26:49] Or mine. But in the hand of God. Oh I do pray. That our dear friend. In this time of. [27:01] Loth and sorrow. May feel. As Eli did. It is. The Lord. And let him do. [27:12] What seeming. There are times. When. When. Carnal reason. Begins to work. And we think sometimes. If this hadn't happened. [27:24] Or that hadn't happened. Things would have been different. But my friends. That's wrong of us. To reason that. But. It is for us. [27:36] To seek grace. To bow. To the will of God. And to be unable to say. Not my will. But thine. [27:47] Be down. You may say. It's all very well. For you to talk like that. But. We need grace to do it. I know we do. We only are. [27:57] To God resign. As he. The grace. In part. But he can give grace. He does give grace. James says. And I think that is a wonderful word. [28:09] He give it. More grace. Yes. He give it. More grace. Grace. To bow to his sovereign will. Grace. To bear the affliction. [28:22] Grace. To bear the load. You know. The case of. The apostle Paul. We've often mentioned before. When he had that thing. That thorn in the flesh. [28:34] That messenger. From Satan. To battle him. It is the law. That was given him. Of the law. He had. Wonderful revelation. [28:45] Freebust to that. He was caught up. Into the third heaven. And heard things that. It was. Not lawful to utter. He was wonderfully favored. [28:57] Wonderfully blessed. But we read. Let he should be exalted. About measure. By the abundance. Of the revelation. The Lord gave him. [29:09] Yes. He causes it to come. The Lord gave him. A messenger. A thorn in the flesh. A messenger. From Satan. To buffet. You know. [29:21] A thorn. Is something. That's very grieving. Isn't it? Even if we get. A little thorn. In our. Hand. Or finger. It's very. Threatful. Till we remove it. [29:32] Sometimes. It might even. Cause a lot. Of trouble. But. This thorn. In the flesh. That Paul had. This. It was a messenger. Satan. To buffet him. [29:43] It was very. Grieving. To him. And Paul. Saw. That it might. Be removed. We read. He sought. To rise. That the Lord. Might remove it. [29:55] But we don't read. The Lord. Removed it. But he said. He said unto me. My grace. Is sufficient. My grace. [30:05] Is sufficient. And when the Lord. Said that. There was. You see. On the part of Paul. A falling into the hand. Of the Lord. In other words. [30:16] He said. It is the Lord. Let him do. What seemeth him good. But the words. That he actually said. Were. Most gladly. Therefore. Will I glory. [30:28] In my infirmity. That the power. Of Christ. May rest upon. There was a falling. Into the hand of God. For he said. In his weakness. He proved the Lord. [30:39] Strength. Perfect. My grace. Is sufficient. Of him. And it is sufficient. My grace. Right down. To the journey. Then. It is the Lord. [30:50] For. There are many things. That the Lord. Permits. To come. Which we cannot. Understand. And it isn't for us. [31:01] To reason. The why. And wherefore. Of them. Because we read. In Job. He giveth not account. To any of his matters. Why the Lord. [31:11] Should permit this. Or that. Why some. Should be so afflicted. And others. Blessed with health. And strength. It is all in his sovereign hands. [31:22] It is not for us. To question. The why and where. It is. But rather. To seek grace. To bow. To his sovereign will. [31:36] Knowing. That all our times. Are in his hands. All events. Please come on. There is no event. In your life. In your life. In your life. But what is in his hands. [31:51] This was a comfort of David. Wasn't it? In that thirty-first psalm. He committed himself. To the Lord. Didn't he? He said in the first part. [32:02] Of that psalm. Into thy hands. I commit my spirit. And then he speaks about. His enemies. How that. [32:13] He heard the slander of many. Fear was on every side. They took. Counter together. Against me. They devised to take away. My knife. And so on. But he said. [32:26] I trusted in thee. Oh Lord. But. My times. In thy hands. All we felt. Resigned. To the will of God. [32:37] My times. In thy hands. They are not in the hand of men. They are not in the hand of my enemies. They are not in the hand. Of Ahithophus. Or Absalom. [32:48] Or any of those who rose up against him. Or saw. But in the hand of his God. For we often sing that in. Sovereign ruler. [32:59] Of the sky. Ever gracious. Ever wise. All my times. All my times. In my hands. All events. At his command. Yes. [33:10] Every event. Even the smallest event. Is at his command. Is at his control. Is it not? Why the Lord Jesus said. [33:20] To his disciples. Didn't he. The very hairs of your head. Are all numbered. They're all numbered. Now you're not. More. [33:31] Much. More valuable. Than many spirals. Not one of those spirals. Will fall to the ground. Without my father's lead. I often think. [33:42] When we see a dead spiral. Along the roadside. Which is quite a common thing. He didn't fall to the ground. Without the Lord. The Lord permitted it. Did he? No. It is the Lord. [33:56] It is the Lord. When trouble like a gloomy cloud. It is the Lord. Gather sick and soundless loud. It is the Lord. It is the Lord. [34:07] Who raiseth the stormy wind. We read in the 100th Psalm. About the stormy wind. And it is the Lord. [34:20] Also. Who maketh. The stormy cloud. All is in his sovereign hand. He raises the stormy wind. And he also. [34:31] Makes. The stormy cloud. He brings down. And he lifts up. He makes. Sore. [34:42] And he binds up. He wounds. And he heals. It is the Lord. It is the Lord. That can do all these things. Yes. [34:54] Take the case of. Of Lazarus. And the two sisters. We might say. Regarding that soul. That came upon. Those two sisters. [35:05] It is the Lord. It is the Lord. The message was sent to the Lord. That he whom thou lovest. Is sick. And still he abode. [35:17] In the same flame. He seemed unconcerned. About it. He knew all about the sickness. And. That. Afterward. [35:29] He said. Lazarus is dead. But I go. That I may awake him out of his sleep. He said. This sickness. [35:40] Is not under death. But for the glory of God. It is the Lord. Jesus. That. Oh. My friends. How he sympathized. [35:51] With those two sisters. Did he not? I often feel thankful. That that is left on record. That Jesus. [36:01] Jesus wept. Jesus wept. Why. Does it show. It's sympathy. Towards his people. In their sorrow. [36:13] Jesus wept. When he saw those two sisters. Weeping. And the people gathered together. Mourning. On the. Count of the death of. [36:25] Lazarus. Jesus wept. His heart. Of tenderness and love. Towards them. Caused him to weep. [36:36] Jesus wept. Think of him. Is he not touched. With the feeling of our infirmity. Does he not feel. For his people. [36:47] In their. Troubles and sorrows. He wept. He wept. It is the Lord. He permitted the death. Of Lazarus. [36:57] He could have prevented it. Had it been his will. He could have prevented the death of Lazarus. He could have raised him up. [37:09] From his bed of affliction. But no. He permitted the death of Lazarus. In order that he might be glorified. In raising him from the dead. [37:20] It is the Lord. Let him do. What sineth him. Oh for grace. To be unable to say. In all the Lord's dealings with us. [37:32] It is the Lord. And when we come down. To the swelling of Jordan. None of us know. When that will be. What means may be used. [37:44] To bring about our end. Some are taken very suddenly. They may go out. For a journey. And they meet. [37:56] With a so called accident. Not that there is any accident. Really. It is all known to God. But some go out. Do they not? [38:07] I don't say this in a discouraging way. But it is possible. People may go out on a journey. And they meet with calamity. And they are taken. [38:19] From time. Into eternity. Suddenly. Oh. We have heard of. Read of many such cases. Haven't we? They are suddenly taken. [38:29] From time. Into eternity. It is a law. But oh. When a child of God. [38:40] Is suddenly taken. I believe our dear friends. Have a good hope. Concerning their daughter. And in such cases. Sudden death. [38:52] Is sudden glory. For thou solemn. Not to be prepared. How solemn. For to be taken. So suddenly. [39:03] And yet. Not to be ready for it. Because. You see. There is no time to think about. The end. Is there. When anyone is suddenly taken. No. [39:16] Oh. May. The Lord. Prepare us each. For our end. It is the Lord. All the events of our. Life. [39:27] And all the events of our death. Are in the hands of God. What we may have to pass through. Before we come to the end of the journey. None of us know. What trials. [39:39] We may have to come in. What losses. We may have to sustain. What sorrows. We may have to bear. But oh. [39:49] For grace. To be enabled to say. With Eli. It is. The Lord. You see. [40:00] There was no question. Eli wasn't left to question. The why and wherefore. No. But he said. It is the Lord. Let him do. [40:11] What seem it in. And then if you read. The fourth chapter. You read there. Some very solemn things. How that. Israel went out. [40:23] Against the Philistines. And. The Philistines. Defeated that. And the ark of God. Was taken. [40:36] And Eli. He was sitting there. We read. And Eli. [40:46] And Eli was ninety and eight years old. And his eyes were dim. And he could not see. And there came one. Who told him. How that Israel fled. From before the Philistines. [40:58] And that the ark of God. And that his two sons. Were slain. And the ark of God. Was taken. I believe Eli. Was concerned. [41:09] Regarding the ark of God. Because the ark of God. Set forth. The glory of the Lord. And the presence of the Lord. And he was concerned. [41:19] For the glory of God. Being a man of God. He trembled for the ark. And when he heard. That the ark of God. Was taken. It came to pass. [41:31] When he made mention. Of the ark of God. That he fell. From off the seat. Backward. By the side of it. Of the gate. And his neck went. And he died. He died. [41:42] At the age of 90. He died. For he was an old man. And heavy. And he had judged his way. Forty. It is the Lord. [41:55] Let him do. What. Seemeth him good. The Lord forgave. Anything that's been a mess. [42:05] And bless. His own. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. God willing. [42:23] Mr. Message. For the freaks this evening. Mr. Crowther. Thursday evening. Mr. S. Dells. Next Lord's Day. Evening. Reading in the morning. [42:34] Prayer meeting tomorrow evening. We thank the friends. And the present. For their kind help. The collection. Of last. Monday's services. [42:45] Amounting to. A hundred and twelve pounds. Twenty eight. After this evening. Service. The ordinance. The Lord's Supper. Will be attended to. When members. [42:56] Of other churches. Of the same faith. In order. Are welcome. To commune with us. By giving their names. To the deacons. Mr. Message. Will address. The Sunday school. This afternoon. [43:08] Our concluding hymn. Ten hundred and eighty five. June blissful home. Three hundred and two. Hence. [43:20] Vain intruding. World depart. No more allure. Nor vex my heart. Let every vanity be gone. I would be peaceful. [43:31] And alone. Ten hundred and eighty five. I would be chilly. [44:09] Second. Thank you. [44:41] Thank you. [45:11] Thank you. [45:41] Thank you. [46:11] Thank you. [46:41] Thank you. [47:11] Thank you. [47:41] Thank you. [48:11] Thank you. [48:41] Thank you. Thank you.