Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me this afternoon, we will turn again to the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 8, verse 35. [0:22] Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus. [0:35] The thirty-fifth verse of the eighth chapter of the Acts. Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus. [0:53] As most of you know, we seem to ramble around somewhat of this verse this morning, speaking a little of Philip and the eunuch who was baptized, following the Lord in the waters of baptism. [1:17] And how this man, Philip, was instructed, we can say, by God and constrained by God, God to enter into the chariot and to preach. [1:33] The preacher, Jesus, unto a poor man, a needy soul, a longing we believe he had in his heart for the living realities of the truth and the gospel. [1:54] And he preached unto him Jesus. We tried to trace it out a little of the experience of these people who were first called by divine grace and how they had been led along here a little and there a little to know more of the way that leads, shall I say, unto Christ and leads deeper into the truth. [2:24] And having these things revealed unto them in their heart, things that they have handled and tasted and felt. First a knowledge of themselves and then a little leading from the pathway of grief and sorrow, respecting sin and their unbelief, and then into the mercy of God. [2:54] The Lord Jesus Christ. And we made a few remarks, how these people have been spoken to by the Lord in the effect that they has made upon them, and also brought to some hope in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing a little of his mercy that you have now been singing of. [3:25] Let us try and go a little further, if I may be helped, this afternoon. Though in our closing remarks I believe we mentioned of the Lord Jesus Christ as being the mediator, the one that is between God the Father and his church. [3:50] And this is a wonderful sight when we are enabled to view it by faith with a believing heart, that Jesus stands between the two. That is, as I've said, his Father, full of holiness and righteousness, and cannot look upon sin with any degree of allowance. [4:11] And then Jesus is here to represent, shall I say, the church of God. And the church of God are all those whom the Lord Jesus died for on the cross at Calvary. [4:30] I believe then we made a few remarks, my memory seems to fail me, of the Lord Jesus being the heavenly physician, that he is the one who can so mercifully heal wounds, afflictions. [4:52] I believe we spoke of one or two recorded in the gospel, how the Lord visited them and healed their afflictions. [5:06] What a great God and merciful God we have. Well, this is the same Jesus that Philip tried to preach, and no doubt he did preach for one who made this remark again this morning. [5:21] One would have enjoyed, as it were, the sermon deathless, what he preached before the eunuch. [5:34] And he preached unto him Jesus. And that, I'm sure, is our desire, dear friends, as you come to the house of God. [5:46] And I can assure you, it is so little and so little of him. But a little that the righteous man had is better than the riches of many. [6:03] And preached unto him Jesus. Now, there are deeper things, I believe, than what we ever mentioned this morning. [6:17] This morning was the speaking of the sinner being brought, by the grace of God, to Jesus. To Jesus. [6:29] Now, this afternoon, I want to point out a little what he has done for the people. For the people. And no doubt Philip preached Jesus of what he had done and what he would do further. [6:46] For we know that his work is not yet finished. It will continue unto the end of time. That is, in looking upon sinners and remembering them and blessing them and by the Holy Spirit's help applying the mercy unto them and preached unto him Jesus. [7:15] No need for us, dear friends, to go back to the commencement of Jesus' life. For we all know that in a mysterious way he came to earth. [7:28] A very mysterious, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, born as a babe, babe from the womb of Mary, laid in the manger, yes, as a babe, like an ordinary babe, apart from one thing. [7:47] The difference was this. We all born in sin and shaped in iniquity, having a nature in us that is carnal, same as all other babes. But Jesus was holy and spotless. [8:01] Nothing of sin in him. He never had that nature, that sinful nature, that you and I have. We are troubled with it. He was the holy, holy child of God, the Son of God, that we can but just lightly speak upon, but the depth of it, the mystery of it, is so, so great, that we read that he preached unto him Jesus. [8:34] Well, this is the babe in the manger that we would desire to speak of. That is, going forth from the manger. [8:45] As a child, we are to remember, and we are thankful it's left on record, that when so young in years, it was manifest, the wisdom of God in him. [8:59] Do we not read how Mary and Joseph seem to be, or rather, most of the child, this babe spoken of, for a little season. [9:15] And eventually they returned unto Jerusalem and found him in the temple. And there was round him doctors, men of wisdom, natural and understanding, and they, they were amazed at his understanding and the wisdom and the answers he gave, though so young in years, I believe twelve years of age. [9:43] And this is the one we desire to speak of. And Jesus grew to be a man, and we read of him as being the carpenter. [9:54] What does that describe to us? What does it reveal to us? Isn't it this? That, that dear man, he labored for the bread that perished in a natural way. [10:08] He was a carpenter. Dear friends, as we trace the life of the Lord Jesus, how we prove, he walked in many paths that his dear people have walked in, and still are walking in. [10:21] And I believe it's for this purpose to sympathise with us in those pathways of trials and difficulties, even as we mentioned this morning, as Jesus went down into the wilderness to be tempted of Satan. [10:38] Those many days, forty days, and forty nights in the wilderness. Yes. Well, this Jesus then, as a carpenter, but still there was a work for him to do, and the work was this, to preach the gospel. [11:01] And it was his own gospel that he preached unto this eunuch, Jesus. [11:13] And this is the very desires, I believe, of every man taught and sent to the Lord to preach Jesus. That Jesus, he preached his own gospel. [11:28] And I've been amazed at times as I've read some of the discourses of the Lord Jesus, such as the fifth chapter of Matthew, and also in the gospel of John. [11:44] How simple, how simple was his preaching. It wasn't of, it wasn't of history. [11:59] It was experimental truths. And I believe it is the experimental truths that we try to preach in these days is by the blessing of God, food for the hungry, and living waters flow from that same direction that will give satisfaction to the spiritual thirst. [12:26] Well, Jesus preached himself. blessed, blessed, he says, blessed are they that mourn, they shall be comforted, blessed are they that hunger and thirst, and so on, all that simple language, the evidence, dropped from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ. [12:52] Or, it's preaching, that he would preach his own gospel unto, in many cases, his own people. And yet, as he preached, there was others that heard him, having no understanding of it, nor any desire for him, or for the gospel. [13:13] And as it is so today, there's a preaching sometimes, and the ear is deaf to it, having no desire to hear it, was so in the days of the Lord Jesus. [13:26] others. But there were a few there that heard, and heard the prophet, and they welcomed the very words that dropped from the lips of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. [13:44] So he preached when he was here on earth. Yes, a little, I believe, over three years, he set forth the riches of the gospel unto the poor and the needy who came to him, seeking him, desiring to hear him, desiring to see him, and to be blessed with those blessings of the gospel. [14:13] But here again, we must go a little further, and preached unto him, Jesus. else. Oh, friends, there's something very deep again. [14:27] We mentioned this morning how Philip must have preached deep things unto the eunuch in respect of the Lord Jesus Christ. [14:42] Well, he came to do work, and he did, yet nothing left undone, but what did he pass through the everest? [14:53] Oh, it's well to remember them, it's well to speak of them. We would, I speak with all reverence, it's good to wet our memories sometimes of the things that Jesus had to pass through that we might be saved with an everlasting salvation. [15:15] Jesus will as Jesus passed along through his pilgrimage the day came, the appointed day. [15:28] There was a day appointed by God the Father from all eternity for his dear beloved son to enter in to those deep things for the salvation of poor sinners. [15:42] others. He went about on this earth in favor of them, in love to them, to remember them, and do all that was necessary for them in providence and in soul experience. [16:00] But there's something to be done, and this work that he was about to do was for a people, not all, not all. [16:12] Jesus came and died on Calvary's cross for all that the Father had given him to redeem. But there was others, others who had no knowledge of him or desired any knowledge. [16:31] They was in their own wisdom, and often they said, away with him, away with him, crucify him. But the work he came to do was for a people. [16:42] I believe it's spoken of in the Holy Scriptures, a holy people, a royal nation, a peculiar people, and so on. [16:57] He came to do what? Why? To redeem them. And how was it to be done? Couldn't it have been done without Jesus? It was the way the Father had designed for his dear Son and for the salvation of his chosen people. [17:19] The way was this, in and through Jesus Christ. There's no other way. Dear friends, have you looked at it at times? You know there's not a soul-glorified spirit in heaven. [17:34] For what has known Jesus and arrives safely through Jesus Christ and him only, through his righteousness and through his blood and so on. [17:49] No way into heaven, I am the way. And that way, dear friends, is from the wilderness to Hacanian, from the depth of the fall to the realms of eternal bliss. [18:05] So the Father had designed that his dear son should walk this path and it wasn't an easy path. It wasn't a comfortable path, dear friends. [18:22] Oh, how often people cast it aside and say, well, Jesus died for me, so what more have I got to worry about? That's not the language of Zion, that's the language of the dead professor. [18:36] The language of Zion is this, take me by faith that I might have some knowledge of what they'll pass through that I might live. That's the language I believe of a child of God. [18:50] Though it is a painful experience, deep waters entering into, yet it is the desire of the living to know more of what Jesus passed through, that they had been saved with an everlasting salvation. [19:10] So we preach Jesus. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Dear Apostle Paul, I know I've repeated these words in your hearing perhaps a number of times, but often comes to my mind what the Apostle said. [19:29] I'm determined as this not to know anything about you. Save Jesus Christ and him crucified. He's put in all the glory, as it were, upon Jesus and that wonderful work of salvation in the Garden and on Calvary's cross. [19:49] He didn't want to hear anything else but the one he wanted to hear and to read and to preach, the one that had in his great mercy and love redeemed his soul from death and from hell. [20:08] So we preach unto you, Jesus. Jesus. It wasn't an easy path for our Lord Jesus to enter into in the garden and how his disciples, those three disciples, fell asleep. [20:34] Was it so with Jesus? No, no. Oh, the death. Why, he experienced hell at the approach. [20:49] I was going to say a little of hell, far from it. He experienced hell. And by him experiencing such deep things, deep waters in that garden of Gethsemane, he's opened the way. [21:10] As we have led, as you have sung, Jesus is the way. And by that way he has opened the channel of mercy and opened the way whereby sinners such as you and I may escape from the lost and enter heaven. [21:30] Preach unto him Jesus the sufferings. That wonderful discourse sermon or sermon if you like to so call it of the Lord Jesus in I believe the 16th of John and how he is speaking to his disciples and telling them he spoke right into their hearts. [21:55] He knew the troubles and he said unto them ye now have sorrow but I will see you again. He was informing them that he was leaving them for a time for a short period. [22:08] Little did they know what he was going to enter into and endure in bodies and in soul. He said I will see you again and true oh how he fulfilled that promise that he gave to those disciples. [22:28] Ye now have sorrow but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you. I've often thought friends how kind the Lord in that how he instructed his dear disciples those whom he loved and how he was concerned respecting them their sorrow of heart yet think what was he about to enter into? [22:57] Sorrow of heart yes and pain in body grief yes and even to agony yet he remembered his dear disciples and how he how it manifests his love well they preach unto him Jesus Jesus in the garden as well upon the cross that dear man hung upon the cross they nailed him upon the cross they took his life no no no he gave we preach unto Jesus how he so willingly lovingly bore the sins every sin of his chosen people sins past sins present sins to come he bore upon that accursed tree we preach unto you [24:03] Jesus and his love manifested in that upon that cross well who can describe it and then they think dear friends that he took your sins did he him took us some evidence within your poor heart this afternoon that he took your sins called them his own bore them in his own body on the cross in agony that you might go free dear friends if he did not bear your sins and mine on that cross what hope we of seeing him as he is in his glory but we have that hope that we pass through some of those things we spoke of this morning that he did die on [25:05] Calvary's cross that we might be saved not only the dying but also how he has provided even the Calvary all that is necessary for a poor sinner to enter heaven if we know what we are by nature in our sin dear friends do we not feel the need of cleansing there's the cleansing on Calvary's cross oh that precious blood I wish I could speak of it wish I could preach it precious blood cleansing blood loving blood you know this blood of the Lord Jesus can remove everything that is in the spirit in our souls everything that is of sin nothing else can do now you have got it and so have [26:13] I defiled throughout by sin Jesus says the remedy as I said in your hearing the malady is in us but the remedy is in Christ the remedy is in him the precious blood dear friends the deeper we are taught by the spirit not just in the letter of it not in the reading of it but by the spirit the deeper we are taught the more we shall feel our need of that precious blood I believe the more we shall earnestly desire it and pray for it and long for it if we really know what sin is within us and what sin has cost the Lord [27:17] Jesus Christ the Son of God oh well might be then preach Jesus Jesus the only way has to be said of salvation the only way to be delivered the apostle Paul felt it when he said oh rest his man who shall deliver me from this body of sin and of death he was weary of the journey weary of the way weary of himself weary of sin and so on yes I preached and he did by the grace of God he preached to many hundreds of people he preached unto them Jesus Jesus have we got an heart this afternoon dear friends can we say a little soften by his love to receive him can you go with your arms stretch wide at times and earnestly take hold of him by faith take hold of him grasp it in the hands of in your arms of faith preach unto him [28:42] Jesus precious Jesus Jesus and here again we would just notice the wonderful love and compassion that he has still has he hasn't changed he's the same as he went to Calvary he's the same today same as he is in heaven and the poet has said a man a real man with wounds still gating wide Calvary would not be forgotten throughout eternity no the song will be unto the land that died on Calvary's cross preached unto him Jesus Jesus oh that blessed fountain I wish I could speak of it that blessed fountain flowing dear friends even at this time flowing forth freely lovingly to meet the poor of this people the poor the sinner who needs to be cleansed wants cleansing fear he cannot do without it knowing for the application of it in Jesus [29:59] Jesus only he preached unto him oh Jesus now this Jesus as we mentioned this morning he is still living he is still living what a mercy not a dead Christ oh I speak with relevance no he is a living saviour a living redeemer a living priest high priest at that yes he has been called the apostle apostle who preached the high priest who shed his blood yes the mediator who is in heaven on the right hand of his father oh to preach also the resurrection dear priest resurrection power think of it do you know a little of it [31:04] I trust we know a little of this resurrection power within our own hearts you say when do I have this sweet experience sometimes when we are at prayer pleading his name when the Holy Spirit come when there's a felt sense of his help and mercy why then we can say he's risen Christ is risen those dear disciples such as John and others oh how they proved he's risen as he went and there's other miracles performed after his resurrection and then that a later day to see he took those disciples as it were and lifted up his hands and blessed them and then was parted from them we preached [32:06] Jesus Jesus from the manger to the cross and from the cross to that time when he was seen ascending in the clouds and what returning unto his father we little know the of us yet we would preach it little that we do know of that pathway that he drawed from the time he came to the time he returned unto his father and now in heaven is he to be preached he hears and I believe the Lord is still having his prophets and minister preach Jesus Jesus he is the one thing needful as I said this morning he is the one thing needful I without him perish must though he is in heaven though the work he came for is accomplished everything to perfection his father is satisfied and now he is returned yet he is to be preached and the way he trod also to be brought forth the poor sinners yea as the lambs are brought into the fold and brought to acknowledge of themselves and quickened by divine grace a long to ever ear to ear of [33:48] Jesus yes where there is a real concern even amongst the lambs as well as the sheep in the fold of God there is this desire to hear of Jesus and preached unto him Jesus and dear friends throughout eternity it will be Jesus the song will flow in that direction to Jesus Jesus Jesus yes we can't explain it but sometimes there is this longing desire to be amongst them that shall praise him throughout eternity and to crown him and to enter into the song into that blessed song as it were with all the redeemed in heaven in glory to praise father son and holy spirit i feel i must leave it for this afternoon as we have they ordered us to attend to the lord forgive what has been spoken of this what has been right in his sight may he bless it unto you amen i you