Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Lord may help me and I'll show attention to the gospel as recorded by Matthew chapter 17 and I'll read verses 5 to 7. Matthew 17 and reading verses 5 to 7. [0:18] While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him. [0:39] And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face and were so afraid. And Jesus came and touched them and said, Arise and be not afraid. [0:58] A few days before the event, as described in these opening words, Jesus has said to his disciples, Verily, I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. [1:25] And there was most surely a fulfilling of what the Lord Jesus stated there as he took these three disciples, Peter, James and John, up into that mountain and was transfigured before them. [1:45] Oh, what a witness, what a testimony was given to them, and how they witnessed the very glory, both of the Lord Jesus himself and the very beginning, the unfolding of that glorious kingdom of our God and Saviour. [2:10] And it is very evident that what they experienced there in the mount remained subsequently with these disciples. [2:22] We find Peter himself as he comes towards the end of his life, even as he writes in his second epistle when he realised, as he said, the time was near when he must put on the earth. [2:40] And he says, the time was near when he was near to the end of his life, even as he said, the time was near the earth. And he said, the time was near the earth. And he's near he passed away. Yes. And it is considered this wonderful thing from the air is about right. And I read theIstide. things that he had preached and taught, what he and the others have borne witness and testimony unto, regard to the glorious person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that very gospel of his grace, that they had both received, known the power of for themselves, and had been sent forth as witnesses to the praise of the glory of the Lord's name. He could say we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his glory. And he refers to the very event, is described in these opening verses, of not only what they saw, but what they heard, of that voice, as he describes it, that spake, out of the excellent glory, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him. And let us not overlook this vital point, that what the disciples not only witnessed them, but also of what they heard, and this voice, the voice of our God, that spake to them, out of the thick cloud. Remember it is still the very testimony that is given, and what a mercy it is, through grace, to be brought, and not only to know, but to receive, and to receive believingly, the testimony that God hath given of his only begotten Son, indeed through grace, to believe on him, whom God has sent. Ah, is there not that wherein all the blessings of salvation for guilty, needy sinners are found? Is it not from this, that through this, that all the blessings of pardon, peace, and eternal life, that do flow, and through the riches of grace, are made manifest, even unto as many as the Lord our God shall call? And unquestionably, this is the work of God, the very work of God, the man of his sovereign, distinguishing grace, thus to bring a sinner, a sinner dead in trespasses and sins, a sinner in all the guilt and defilement of sin, thus to hear the voice of the Son of God, and not only to hear, but also to live. Remember what the Lord Jesus spoke to those Jews, through following his feeding of them, with five barley loaves and two small fishes. Yes, what a remarkable manifestation of his power and Godhead, was evident, was evident, was evident, in that miracle that was wrought. We find the next day, the multitude was seeking for him, that heard that he had passed over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, and ah, how eagerly they sought him. And yet, as the Lord Jesus said to them, he was well aware of why they were so eager in seeking after him. He says, [7:02] He said, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him, whom he has sent. Do friends particularly notice what is emphasized in those words of the Lord Jesus? [7:48] They are so often, sadly misapplied, as if what our Lord was saying, that this is the work that God requires of you, that ye believe on him, whom he has sent. That is not what the Lord Jesus said. [8:09] He says, this is the work of God. The implication being, it is God's work, but it is nothing less, as I've already hinted, but sovereign divine power that can ever bring a sinner dead in trespasses and sins, to live and to hear the voice of the Son of God. [8:37] Oh, surely cannot we who know anything of the living reality of the Lord's saving mercy towards us, bear witness and testimony unto this, saying, Was it the will of man that our souls knew heavenly birth began? [9:02] Say, was it we that began with the Lord? Or was it the Lord that began with us? Speaking for oneself, I can indeed testify of this. [9:17] Though I was brought up from my earliest days, under the sound of the truth, taken regularly to chapel, as no doubt many here also were, and sat under a good and a sound ministry, before right into my teenage years. [9:39] But I had no desire, I had no concern, for the things of the Lord. Ah, I only was waiting for the day when I would be able to get away from it all, and would have done so. [9:55] Apart from what? But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he hath loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses and sins. [10:09] But God, Ah, for it is surely, I say again, nothing less than the work of God, the work of God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, in his gracious ministry, of whom we have been set forth in the hymns, that we have sung already this evening, that alone does quicken, sinners dead, in trespasses and sins, convince of sin, and reveal, of Jesus Christ, in all the wonder, of redeeming love, and mercy. [10:51] And how wondrous is that grace. The point I just wanted, leading up to is this, as we see brought before us, in what the disciples witnessed, there, in that mount of transfiguration. [11:08] For there is much, I believe in the account, that is given us here, both for our instruction, and for our encouragement. [11:20] The great is the mercy, if we have that ear to hear, what the Holy Spirit, speaks and sets forth, here in this, a sacred, a word of our God. [11:35] We read, that as he took them up, into this high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them, his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment, was white as the light. [11:51] Oh, how they are surely, in what they witness, as it were, grateful, there in the reality, of his humanity, the very glory, and wonder, of his Godhead. [12:09] Do not, friends, overlook this vital truth. It is, as John reminds us, in this, the opening chapter of the gospel, as recorded by him, he says, the word, the eternal word, the word, by whom, all things were made, and without whom, there was nothing made, that was made. [12:33] The eternal word, was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory, as of the only begotten, of the Father, full, of grace, and truth, Godhead, ah, his Godhead, was there veiled, in human nature, but, friends, he did not cease, to be God, when he was truly, and really, man, as we see, the very testimony, that is given to us, here, in this record, of the gospel, ah, and there, on that mount, the very glory, of his Godhead, was most surely, manifest, there, to his, to these, three, favoured disciples, and also, speaking, to us still, and, but do not, overlook, this important fact, that, that, that what, the disciples, witness there, ah, he is, the same, still, oh, what was John, favoured with, years, afterwards, even as he came, towards the end, of his life, and, exiled, as he was, at that time, to that lonely, isle of Patmos, as that, revelation, that Jesus Christ, was given, to him, read again, that opening chapter, of the revelation, see, what John, testifies there, of those things, that he heard, and also, that he saw, what a description, he gives, of the glory, of the ascended, the risen, the ascended, and the glorified, [14:32] Redeemer, remember, he is, the same, Jesus still, there were, those words, that, the, the, the disciples, heard, of that, that, that time, when the Lord, following, his resurrection, and after, those, 40 days, wherein, from time, to time, he showed, himself, to his disciples, he was, he was, taken, he was, was taken up, into heaven, and they, saw him, no more, see what, remember, what Luke, records, of that event, he said, he left, led them out, as far, as Bethany, and it came, to pass, that he, lifted up, his hands, and blessed them, and, and while, he blessed them, he was, taken up, into heaven, and they, saw him, no more, two things, [15:34] I just want, briefly, to mention, regard, to that account, there, given us, by Luke, the close, of the gospel, as recorded, by him, and the opening, of the acts, of the apostles, the first, is this, look at the last, recorded, event, of our Lord, Jesus, before he, ascended up, into heaven, we are told, he lifted up, his hands, and blessed them, and as one, as well said, oh, his last, recorded event, was this, he was, he, he lifted up, his hands, and blessed, the blessing, of sinners, and oh, has he not, been blessing, sinners, ever since, and as, the disciples, were informed, as they stood, looking up, into heaven, for those, two, shining ones, that stood, beside them, ye men, of Galilee, why stand, ye gazing, up, into heaven, this, same, [16:41] Jesus, we have seen, taken up, from you, into heaven, will so, come, in like manner, oh, those words, have often, friends, been a source, of encouragement, to my own soul, this, same, Jesus, yes, the same, full of grace, full of truth, the same, Jesus, mighty, to same, as he is brought, before us here, the same, Jesus, as a one, mediator, between, God, and man, the same, Jesus, who receives, sinners, and eateth, with them, the same, that is able, to save, unto the uttermost, all that come, unto God, by him, seeing, he ever liveth, at a main, intercession, for them, and, and behold, there appeared, unto him, [17:43] Moses, and Elias, a talking, with him, now, in this, scene, that the, disciples, witness, Moses, and Elias, and, what are we, to understand, by, what is, before us, in, this, event, that, can we not, friends, draw from it, this important, and blessed, instruction, was not, Moses, representative, of the law, and Elijah, of the prophets, of, and, what do we, find, here, in there, thus, they appeared, and, as they, as recorded, in the other, the other gospels, that they, they spoke, to him, our Lord Jesus, has spoke, of, his decease, which should, be accomplished, at Jerusalem, what I, just, want, to, just, bring out, is, this, yes, [18:52] Moses, and Elijah, are, representative, of the law, and the prophets, and, yet, friends, all fulfilled, in, the person, and work, of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, and, not only, all fulfilled, both, all, that the law, demanded, all, that the prophets, bore witness to, were fulfilled, in the person, and work, of, the Lord, Jesus Christ, but, all, likewise, a sub, servant, to him, bear in mind, of what, the, Paul wrote, as he, there in his epistle, to the Hebrews, he says, God, what sundry times, and in divers manners, spake unto the fathers, by the prophets, hath in these last days, spoken unto us, by his Son, let us never forget, our Lord Jesus Christ, always does, and ever must, have the preeminence, yes, [20:08] Moses, was a faithful servant, so, so, was Elijah, but, oh, our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Son, over his own house, as Paul says, whose house, are we, as brought, through his graves, but to believe, in him, and indeed, to receive him, through the rich mercy, of our God, Moses, and Elias, Elias, our Peter, says, he says, Lord, it is good for us, to be here, let us make, three tabernacles, one for thee, one for Moses, and one for Elias, we are informed, in other, in other, of the gospels, that he, did not realize, fully, what he was saying, so, in a sense, overwhelmed, about what he has seen, and yet, let us not forget, this, was not Peter, making, a very, real mistake, when he, when he, not with, not with, not with Mary, saying, it was good, to be here, for undoubtedly, it was, ah, but when he, makes a suggestion, the three tabernacles, one for, the Lord, one for Moses, and one for Elias, as if, friends, [21:39] Moses, and Elias, were equal, with our Lord, Jesus Christ, oh, how soon, he was put, to write, in regard, to that matter, as I mentioned, already, how all, is, and ever, must be, a subservient, to Jesus Christ, the law, was fulfilled, by him, or the prophets, have spoken, that was, that their very, testimony, is found, and fulfilled, in the revelation, and manifestation, of our Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that all, that God, has spoken, but the mouth, of his holy prophets, oh, the glory, of his grace, as it is, shines forth, in the precious, truth, of the gospel, and as, we are, as, as those, disciples, there heard, and as the word, speaks, to us still, that, with that voice, as Peter, refers to it, that spake, to them, out of the, excellent glory, this, is my beloved son, in whom, [22:57] I am, well pleased, behold, while he spake, that is, Peter, behold, a bright cloud, overshadowed them, and a voice, out of the cloud, which said, this, is my beloved son, in whom, I am, well pleased, hear, at ye, him, ah, well, does it say, when the disciples, heard it, they fell, on their face, and were, sore afraid, yes, brought here, into the, very presence, of thee, a divine, majesty, even, of God, himself, ah, for it was, surely, the voice, of God, that spake, to them, out of, that, thick cloud, and remember, friends, what, what, always, that, that, when God, has spoken, when God, has revealed, of himself, is the effect, that it has, had, upon, upon those, that heard it, look at, [24:11] Moses, himself, ah, remember, when God, came down, upon, Mount Sinai, and, just notice, this, also, when God, spoke, there, on Mount Sinai, it is said, he spoke, out of, the thick, darkness, the people, trembled, and when they heard, Moses, himself, said, I exceedingly, fear, and quake, and, but, do not overlook, I say, the significance, of this, when on Sinai, the Lord God, spake, out of the thick, darkness, here, it is, the bright, cloud, that, overshadowed, that, reminding us, friends, I believe, of this, and how true, it is, regard, to the, to believers, through grace, to the true, church, of Jesus Christ, ye have not, come, to the mount, that might be touched, that burned, with fire, and blackness, and so terrible, was the sight, that Moses said, [25:24] I exceedingly, fear, and quake, but ye have come, unto Mount Zion, the church, of the living God, and so on, oh, see the great, contrast, between, the giving, of the law, and the revelation, of the gospel, that through the person, and work, of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, ah, that which comes, with all the solemn, and justly, condemning power, to guilty sinners, and that revelation, that is given us, the person, of Jesus Christ, has set forth, in the precious truth, of the gospel, that testifies, why, of God's salvation, to the end, of the earth, yes, that all, the condemning, power, of the law, is being met, in the finished work, of our Lord, [26:26] Jesus Christ, is brought in, everlasting righteousness, he has once, forever, put away, the sins, of his people, ah, but, let us attend, then, to what, the disciples, what this voice, that spoke to them, out of the thick cloud, this, is my, beloved son, in whom, I am well pleased, here, we see, as it were, Moses, and Elijah, were fading, into the background, the witness, is to the, glorious person, of our Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, this, is my, beloved son, in whom, I am, well pleased, ah, what a testimony, here, is given, and what friends, surely, has brought, not only to hear, but to heed, of the same, for the blessed, teaching of the Holy Spirit, is there, for needy, sinners still, for the sinner, brought, to flee, unto the Lord, [27:41] Jesus Christ, of a refuge, oh, what encouragement, what consolation, is found, here, even, in the very, words, the testimony, that was given, this, is my, beloved son, in whom, I am, well pleased, the Lord, Jesus Christ, has set forth, as he is, as God's, salvation, to the ends, of the earth, as it, as a word, blessedly, sets forth, there is, salvation, in none other, none other name, given, given unto heaven, amongst men, whereby, we must be saved, oh, friends, I ask, not what, we know of, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, no doubt, with met, with many of us, has been, brought up, and familiar, what the word, of God, sets forth, those things, from our earliest, days, but I ask, not, what we know of, of the Lord, [28:53] Jesus Christ, but, oh, are we brought, to know him, through grace, to receive, the testimony, that God, has given, of his beloved son, do these words, of God, have any, real, meaning, for us, are we brought, friends, to bless God, and for the same, are for Jesus Christ, in the realization, that, that, that, that this very person, and in him alone, is all, that, which, which, that, which, which does meet, the deepest needs, of your soul, and mine, and wherein, all our help, and our hope, both for time, and eternity, indeed, dissenter, and upon, which, all, is founded, this is my, beloved son, in whom, he says, [29:53] I am, well pleased, oh, the delight, of God, the father, in his, beloved son, but what I, just want, also, to emphasize, is this, you know, in that, manifesting, of our, Lord Jesus Christ, our, and, and, he can, he can, he can, never, be separated, from, those, whom his, father, have given him, the scripture, opens this up, to us, of our Lord Jesus Christ, as a great, and glorious, hand, of the church, he is indeed, both the, both, but, he is the very, substitute, he is, indeed, the very, representative, of all, that his, father, have given him, they, and he, are one, in an, indissoluble, union, and never, friends, can that, union, be, be, seven, it was so, from before, the foundation, the world, when they, were given, to him, in their, covenant, ordered, in all things, and sure, and in every, aspect, of his life, here, upon earth, our Lord Jesus, did not, merely, live and act, as an individual, but as the, great hand, a representative, of all, that his, father, had given him, so, as one says, one, that, that oneness, with him, one, one there, when, in his life, one, in his death, one, in his glorious, resurrection, one, with him, as even now, at the right hand, of the majesty, in the heavens, who also, maketh intercession, for us, so, that when, the voice, was heard, from the excellent, glory, this is my, beloved son, in whom, [32:12] I am well pleased, oh, see how, there, it is true, not only, of the Lord, himself, but of all, that his, father, hath given him, there, God's, pleasure, is manifest, his, delight, in all, that are found, thus one, through grace, with our Lord, Jesus Christ, what is the view, that God has, with respect, to his church, and people, through that, oneness, and union, which is theirs, through grace, with the Lord, Jesus Christ, our friends, he speaks, thus, the wonder, of it, with the Lord, the Holy Spirit, open it up more, seal its precious truth, to your soul, and mine, he says, thou art, all fair, my love, there is no, a spot in thee, [33:15] Paul underlines, or the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the apostle, underlines it, when he says, there is therefore, now, no condemnation, to them, that are in Christ, Jesus, who walk, not after the flesh, but after the spirit, well, what does the Lord speak, and speak still, to his church, and people, he says, hear him, he doesn't, friends, direct us, to hear, what Moses says, he directs us, to hear, what our Lord, Jesus Christ, has said, his people, as called, by his grace, has brought, to know, the saving power, of the wonder, of his salvation, for themselves, we're not, directed friends, to Mount Sinai, we're directed, to Zion, there, and, the authoritative, voice, as it concerns, the church, of Jesus Christ, is the voice, of our Lord, and Savior, over that grace, to not only hear, but to heed, what he has, to say unto us, are, but what John, further recalls, in his first epistle, he said, he has much, to say, to the people, of God, with regard, to the Lord, [34:58] Jesus Christ, the reality, of their relationship, to him through grace, and the exhortation, and encouragement, to hear him, he says, this is his commandment, remember what, he has spoken, that his word, is that, which is authoritative, still, within the church, this is his commandment, that ye believe, on him, whom he has sent, and that ye love, one another, as he gave us, a commandment, oh, for that grace, I say, to hear, and to heed, that what, our Lord Jesus, speaks, remember that, it seemed, there, in the upper room, shortly, before the Lord, went forth, to Gethsemane, and Calvary, when he washed, the disciples feet, when he says to them, [36:01] I get, you know, you know, he called me, Lord and Master, and you say, well, for so I am, if I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you are also to wash, one another's feet, I have given you, an example, that ye should, do, as I, have done unto you, and he underlines it, with what he describes there, as a new commandment, I give unto you, that ye love, one another, as I have loved you, that ye also, love one another, our friends, remember, the Lord, that demanded this, thou shalt love, thy neighbor, as thyself, the Lord, the commandment, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, oh, see what that, embodies, he doesn't merely say, love thy neighbor, as thyself, it is saying, that ye love, one another, as I, have loved you, oh, consider, friends, that, meditate, upon it, the wonder, of that love, of the Lord, [37:22] Jesus Christ, unto his people, and they, and are shed abroad, in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit, oh, the fullness, oh, the freeness, of it, our friends, that, and see, the unchangeable, nature of it, as the scripture, reminds us, well, might Paul, emphasize it, when he says, the love of Christ, constraineth us, because, with us, judge, one dying for all, then were all dead, that they, which live, should not henceforth, live unto themselves, but unto him, that died for them, and rose again, oh, do we, do we know, the reality, of the sanctifying, influence, of the love of Christ, as shed abroad, in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit, that our ears, are open to hear, what he says, and through grace, to give attendance, unto the same, he says, if you love me, keep, my commandments, but, [38:35] I just want, briefly, to touch upon this, we read, the fear, that they're overwhelmed, these disciples, that manifestation, of the divine, power, and glory, in that voice, that they heard, but, just notice this, the voice said, this is my beloved son, hear him, oh, and, what was the first, thing, they subsequently heard, after, that, that, that, that was their witness there, pass from there, we read, Jesus, came, and touched them, and said, arise, be not afraid, that is the first, thing, that they heard, arise, be not afraid, it is the voice, of my God, and your God, of my Father, and your Father, ah, it is the voice, of him, who, of whom, [39:42] I, they were reconciled, unto God, through the redemption, that is in Christ Jesus, yes, arise, be not afraid, and they, looking up, saw no man, save Jesus only, but I'll leave the remarks there, and may the Lord, add his blessing, Amen.