Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] I seek to direct your breath of attention to the ninth chapter of Romans and reading of 2 verses 15 and 16. Romans chapter 9 verses 15 and 16. For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. [0:55] So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runeth, but of God that showeth mercy. The fourteenth verse is very much on my mind also tonight, for it says, what shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. And how do we find these things in our own spirit? When we cannot, when we find a principle within that rises up against the truth of the gospel and rises up against the love of God. Men might say they like, they they want the love of God, but oh, they resist the love of God being given to others. Why should they receive the love of God when we know what they have been and what they are given to? Or how the rebuke is spoken here, yet comfort and encouragement to those who by the grace of God the Holy Spirit touched. Oh, I say with the power of that condemnation and given to them that power of regeneration, beginning again within us, working by his Holy Spirit. [3:06] For we read in those days, he'll take away the heart of stone and give to us a heart of flesh. [3:19] What a searching question it is for both speaker and hearer alike here tonight. And what has the Lord done for you and I? Has he taken away the stone of heart? Has he given to us a heart heart of flesh? A heart of flesh? Leading us in a completely different way, a different direction. [3:54] For surely this is the work of grace, is it not? When he begins in us and causes us to repent. [4:07] We are in bygone days, we were totally ignorant of repentance. We wanted our own way. We were determined to dictate to God and tell him what we would do and what we wouldn't do. Inadvertently, this may be so within us. Who art thou, O man, that thou shalt speak unto God in such a way that thou repliest against God? Oh, it is better, is it not, to be silent rather than to reply against against God. But if we are truly interested in these matters, listen, it will be a personal matter between me and my God. Between me and my God, you and your God. There will be that constant cry, will there not prepare me, greatest God, to stand before thy face. Thy spirit must the work perform, for it is all of grace. And so the apostle here, it makes it very clear of the sovereignty of God in calling people unto himself, quickening them by his spirit. So he reminds the Jews of their forebears, and how the Lord has spoken both to Abraham, Isaac, and to Jacob, how much they had to learn. And so we too. And their head declares, does he not, as he speaks to Rebekah concerning those two sons. [6:34] They were not just sons. They were twins. And it was seen and known before they were even born. Before they knew the difference between good and evil. Yes. Jacob have I loved. But Esau have I hated. [7:04] And if I say, we are of the same matter and substance as poor Esau, we shall not indeed be interested in spiritual things, but rather be full of our self-importance, and thus be rebelling against God. But you know what? It seems to have the carnal mind completely unreasonable. But you see, the carnal mind is faulty. [7:50] The carnal mind and wisdom is as madness with God. It is my thoughts are not your thoughts. And my ways are not your ways. [8:06] I created man. I created man. I gave salvation to man. And what I have decreed, it shall come to pass. [8:17] It doesn't rest, I say, with our decision. But a decision, I say, that was made before all eternity. [8:28] Yes, in the wondrous covenant of his grace. Oh, I say, how then clear it is spoken of here. [8:43] For he said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. And I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. [8:59] So we find that that great company that the Lord brought out of Egypt in a wonderful way. [9:11] Yet even many of those, they fell in the wilderness. Yes, why? Why? Because that fight and that spirit against almighty God. [9:27] I say, how many come so close to the truth. Yet as one of old said to Paul, that almost persuades me to be a Christian. [9:42] I say, how close and how near have we come to that point where we have become Christians. [9:57] Almost. The kind of mind and the old flesh is amazing how close we can come. How often we can come, I say, in conversation so accurate and so pure. [10:16] Yet the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. And it's quite able by nature to put on an open show. [10:29] Oh, the truth is this, is it not? Oh, that God will have mercy upon whom he will have mercy and compassion. [10:47] On whom I will have compassion. I say, do we come before him this night, pleading for mercy. [11:02] If we come, I say, this night, pleading for mercy, we come as poor and needy sinners, with the conviction of the Holy Spirit within us, showing us what we are and how far short we have come. [11:26] And all, even our own pride of heart, in what we've said in the past, shall surely come about. But I say what we've said and done in the past, do we not stand before Almighty God, and subject to his judgment and his hot displeasure. [11:52] And yet I say, how the Lord can pull a poor sinner as a brand out of the burning. Have you ever been there? [12:06] For indeed, God's terror, his law, lays hold upon you, what it is a light, it's working, it's effective. [12:18] Oh, I say, who can save me now? Who can put his hand in and save me as a brand from the burning? [12:30] None other than Almighty God. Friend, this deep conviction of sin is not the work of man, it's not of the ability of the preacher, but it is by the compassion and the mercy of God. [12:51] But when we come to that cry before the Almighty, God be merciful to be a sinner. [13:05] Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. Oh, I like those words. Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. [13:23] You say, it's too late then, it's too late then. Friend, God is never, never late in his works and ways. [13:34] And those whom he has loved from all eternity, he will surely save. And he will not spare any to fall into the depths of hell. [13:50] He'll save all, I say, from the flames of Tophet. He'll bring all, I say, as repentant sinners to his feet. [14:03] Acknowledge in this that by Jesus Christ, his precious blood, am I saved. He is my only resting place. [14:17] He is my only foundation. He alone can cleanse and part away all my sin. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. [14:36] I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. That soul who thinks that they are so successful in prayer and have been so fervent in prayer that they force the hand of the Almighty to hearken to them and for him to do the will. [15:04] I say how different that is from that of a child of God who comes before him guilty and condemned by the conviction of sin in his own heart. [15:20] He's come to the end of all things. Being brought down to bedrock bottom my friends it is that poor soul that needs compassion. [15:35] Yes oh as thou have a song with a fervent spirit compassion have up upon us Lord and send us not empty away compassion to fill us oh to fill us with that which is good to fill us that which is real oh to fill us to overflowing oh with his love and mercy friend he said he will have compassion therefore then he doesn't look down upon us as somebody who is able and indeed is worthy of compassion but rather compassion looking down upon the sinner but nothing but his love and mercy will save this poor soul from despair he will have compassion friends he lifts that poor sinner up he lifts him up and has compassion upon him he doesn't ridicule he doesn't indeed beat him he doesn't indeed make him feel so uncomfortable that he'll say [17:04] I should be glad to get out of his presence no friends compassion it brings that poor sinner closer and closer to him it will cause him to pray both night and day Lord though I'm so unworthy have compassion upon me by working with thy almighty power that we might prove and know that all things work together for God as it speaks in the previous chapter I can't lie to want it now but it runs like this we know that all things work together for good to them that love [18:08] God and I called according to his purpose does that put a bar against you coming to the throne of grace but does it rather bring you with confession to him and with confession are brought to praise his great and holy name that has done this for me Lord but not because I deserve it but that has done this for me Lord that thou might have mercy upon me that I may surely deliver oh compassion and the Lord will have compassion yes how many many times how the Lord [19:08] Jesus Christ reminded the scribes and Pharisees of God's compassion in the days of that dreadful famine of all the widows that were of Israel that such a woman as she was the Lord had compassion upon it must say that your religion would shut her out does our religion shut anybody out but my friend I believe this true religion will shut the poor sinner in religion As he said to Elijah, the barrel of meal will not waste or the clothes will fail. [20:11] He didn't give them a full barrel of meal to get on with and a large clothes of oil, but he had compassion upon them, friends. [20:24] But they came to the same spot day by day to look upon his faithfulness and upon his mercy. [20:37] He had compassion upon them. In keeping them close to him, are we murmuring, are we complaining that our Lord, when he's had compassion to us and tethers us to the throne of grace, brings us closer and nearer to him, and as the day fast approaches, time floating away, that we should be brought before the throne of God, yea, as all men will, to be separated the sheep from the goats. [21:23] I say, what compassion that will be, that will never drive that poor coming soul away. [21:37] No, this soul, the advocate will declare, I have paid, I have paid the redemption for this sinner, yea, and therefore they are mine. [21:55] There's no spot within them. They're clean, perfectly clean. They are washed, they're washed through the precious blood of Christ. [22:11] Good Peter, you know, in the first chapter, I think, is of his epistles, is it kept by the power of God through faith. [22:28] Have we not sometimes heard, have we not sometimes read of some fact concerning those we've known who've stumbled and fallen? [22:43] Others might be congratulating themselves if they've done better than that. But we've had to slink away in silence and praise his great and holy name that we've been kept, kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. [23:07] What a thing. Unto salvation. And what will that salvation be? Why will it be said, Amen forever with the Lord. [23:26] Amen so let it be. I a completely changed and renewed heart. And oh, here below the same spirit declares like the hymn writer, Begone unbelief, my saviour is near and for my relief will surely appear. [23:55] Amen He said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. [24:16] Just a quick thought here on this point again. remembering and considering Moses' position whom he got to go to Pharaoh, being told of the Lord to go and tell Pharaoh God's position with his people in Egypt. [24:41] Knowing before well that in that man's heart there will be no change, no softening but only determination to make them work harder and harder. [24:56] Friends, some would say useless and stay in great danger yourself to be put to death by the same cruel hand. [25:12] Friends, none will be put to death before the time that is allotted him and therefore he'll have to like Moses continue to the end of that submission and beyond. [25:29] My friend, how true it is our times are in his hand. There have been times that I can say oh what a favourite spot that is to feel that our times are in his hand. [25:50] I shall not forget the surgeon coming to me before a major operation. he said look your state and condition is very weak and very poor and there's less than 40% chance that you come through this operation and most likely you'll never walk again. [26:20] Friends, I couldn't say anything to him but there was a peace and a quietness which is contrary to my nature. [26:35] I would like to say it was yes. Always say a mercy to be in his hands. peace and peace and it is indeed good to lay pleasant to lay carefully in his hands and know no will but his yes to know indeed his will shall and will be done. [27:04] as the Lord might help me I come to the next verse which is so close to it. So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that showeth mercy. [27:29] This may seem so contrary to some but not of him that willeth or of him that runneth. [27:42] Undoubtedly many will to go forth and run. They run in what strength they have but they do not run in the strength of almighty God. [28:01] They go I say in the opposite way to which David went. The armor of Saul was offered him. [28:14] He had never known such an armor before and he never known such a weapon before but he put it on and it didn't fit him in heart. [28:31] He couldn't go with it. The Lord was not smiling upon it. But he go I say as he declared unto Goliath I have come to thee in the name of the Lord. [28:49] God so then it was not of his own ability or ingenuity I say that he went forth but I say it is not him that will it or him that run but of God that show his mercy. [29:13] What a comfort that is to any poor soul whom the Lord is guiding and directing what to do. [29:27] Oh the God that show his mercy. This man I say this woman I say the Lord shows mercy upon. [29:40] only to prove that they are more than conquerors through him that hath loved us suffered bled and died for us for it not him that will it nor of him that run it but I say those that will it they will only put on the best armour and choose the best sword imaginable to man's way of thinking only to prove him completely helpless and useless against the mighty power of God I say who had a better armour and had a better sword than Goliath for in days to come when swords David was in need of a sword they said there's only the sword of [30:45] Goliath here he said give it me for there's nothing like it nothing like it we knew we know what he meant my friend he cut off the Goliath head with it it wasn't it wasn't blunt it worked but what brought Goliath down my friend yes was the sword of the spirit as Paul speaks of it and David relied upon his God and those stones that we tread under foot one was used to hit Goliath in the forehead and he fell he fell friends with all the beautiful armour with all the power of the sword he had it did not prevail against [31:46] David or against David God let us remember that yes it's not of him that will or of him that run yes but of God that show us mercy he bringeth him under his care and under his protection how often fresh ways open up before us as good Leonard Broom used to say through the force of circumstance we could have no hand in our self but God rules in a mysterious way his wonders to perform and there's no way round it or past it it is the Lord's hand that is dealing with our matters for him but is it a greater matter we want him to deal with us for and that is to put his seal upon it that we are his children we are one of his elect chosen in him before the foundation of the world it's not because I willed it it's not because I deserved it or because [33:24] I ran in his way but surely it is the very opposite yea who came and met us and said thus far and no further the good hymn writer puts it like this the appointed time rolled on apace not to propose but to call by grace can you make propositions to God concern your soul salvation can you say to him if they'll save my soul I'll serve thee better all the days of my life if they'll add more days to my life I won't sin anymore my friend or some think that but when the lord leads us and teaches us what we are by nature all we know our absolute dependence upon him and it's he and he alone that can save us excuse me a moment so that is not of him that will is nor of him that run is but of God that show his mercy does the lord weaken us by the way that we feel that we have no will oh [35:19] I say hell I remember going to the prayer meeting before I joined the church and I feared for some unknown reason of mine that I be called on to pray oh I felt so ill I feared and trembled I wrestled over the matter I was sure it was Satan's work trying to stop me going to the prayer meeting and I got there late and standing in the vestibule I heard the pastor praying that he might send somebody in to engage in prayer with them that night he is not a hymn that will is or a hymn that one is but I say his irresistible grace and love it draws the poor sinner and [36:26] I went in when he was still in prayer he gave out a hymn and then he said no we won't sing this hymn but he asked me to give out a hymn and engage in prayer oh friend there was some who said afterwards how well I got on but no friends it comes in the bounds of the text it is not of him that well is or him that brought it but God that show is mercy always say how we need to be careful of those who puff us up with big talk I've heard of my men when I'm going to preach and people will say oh but it was alright to start with but they're now puffed up rather bloately and crudely [37:43] I've answered that may be so but who puffed them up how we need grace to speak to those who are young in the way lest we should puff them up that they should think there's something which they are not and we need indeed to encourage young people to are not against that but oh to remember this word is not him that will us nor him that run us but a God that show us more say I should never forget they go into a certain service and the it was [38:45] Mr. Tyler in actual fact and he spoke to those who exercised about the ministry and I was amazed how many heads popped up and can practically please themselves but this poor sinner I could not lift my head up I didn't want anybody to see me or look at me oh friends it's not him that will is or of him that run is that goes into the ministry but it him the Lord has mercy upon and sends him with his word to guide him and direct him in the right way oh I say there's so much to this text that comes into our worship and our practice and behaviour in the church of [39:57] God to die friends I feel most honestly that we've needed and sadly we've greatly departed from it yes I'm not criticising anybody or fitting caps on but I feel sure of times the Lord is not smiling upon us no it is not we say we live in a day of small things but who really wants a day of better things when the word of God comes to you like a hammer and breaks your heart to pieces who wants the word of God presented to you like a sharp to its sword separating the precious from the vial vial oh the precious from the vial [40:59] Jesus is precious vial is the poor man the poor sinner but I say his word it will separate the precious from the vial and maybe one here this night feeling that they are vial and the word of God you say will there be anything left my friend what is precious is his blessed word and the power that he has laid in your heart wherein now you become nothing and Jesus becomes all in all I must leave it here but may the Lord and his blessing to these words not for my sake not for your sake but for his great name sake [42:06] Amen Amen yes Thank you. [42:40] Thank you. [43:10] Jesus, having loved his own, will love them to the end. In number 1059. [43:21] Thank you. [43:51] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [44:05] Thank you. Thank you. [44:19] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [44:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [44:46] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [44:57] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [45:08] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [45:19] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [45:32] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [45:43] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [45:57] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [46:08] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. while I day and day I will watch and gel I under And I shall I part today I never theme song ¶ I give to my virtuous cheer. [47:29] ¶ ¶ I show to them all good. All I did were, all we wanted So just grace us our day In this soil O Lord, take us now into thy hands and keep us. [48:24] O Lord, take us into thy hands, O Lord, and so breathe prayer and light and love to thee day by day. [48:37] O Lord, take us into thy hands and love to thee.