Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The End The End The End [1:30] The End As the Lord may help this evening, I will direct your attention to the chapter that we read together. [1:53] The book of Job, chapter 23, reading verses 13 and 14. The book of Job, chapter 23, reading verses 13 and 14. [2:11] But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? [2:21] And what his soul desireth, even that he doeth. For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me, and many such things are with him. [2:36] But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? And what his soul desireth, even that he doeth. [2:50] For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me, and many such things are with him. How easily, in reading through the book of Job, Our attention may be more particularly drawn to Job's distress, his plight, his difficulties, his enemies, To the exclusion of the might and power and ability of God Almighty. [3:29] We find in this particular well-known chapter, that Job himself was in great difficulties. [3:39] Whatever his outward circumstances were, yet spiritually, he could not find God. It is not that we understood that God is not findable. [3:58] But we read in the prophecy of Isaiah, I am a God that hideth myself. And if God, in the experience of his children, hides himself, It is only that eventually he may make the riches of his grace known. [4:21] So, as we regard the earlier part of this chapter, We may almost apply the words, Mine's indeed a hopeless case. [4:36] But we have to continue. Such it should be, would be, but for grace. The description, which is given here of Job's plight, Surely gives us the impression that he is in a hopeless case. [4:58] He cries unto God, And God doesn't seem to take notice of him. And yet, All these opening verses describe to us a situation, Which is really preparatory to the blessing of Almighty God to come. [5:23] And it is encouraging, To read the steps upward, so to speak, That Job mounts gradually. We see him, Ninth verse, On the left hand, Where he doth work, but I cannot behold him. [5:42] He hided himself on the right hand, As I cannot see him. But then we find, That faith moves a little up the ladder, So to speak. But he knoweth the way that I take. [5:55] When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot hath held his steps, His way have I kept and not declined. [6:07] And this was all the result Of God's overruling power, And the communicating of grace, Sufficient for every occasion. [6:23] Neither have I gone back from the commandments of his lips, I have esteemed the words of his mouth more, Than my necessary food. [6:36] Now we may deduce from this, That whilst Job cries out on the one hand, Of his seeking God, And not seeming to find him, Yet, He says, Neither have I gone back from the commandments of his lips, I have esteemed the words of his mouth, More than my necessary food. [7:03] Is it so, That as you still have in mind, Should your path at the moment, We will in darkness, When God has given you, The necessary food. [7:17] Now, We read in the scripture of one who said, Thy words were found, And I did eat them, And they were unto me, The joy, And rejoicing of my heart. [7:29] So, Can we, In the midst of, The difficult pathways, Dark pathways, Pathways where, We haven't the joy and favor, Of the presence of God, As a reality in our souls, Yet we can still, Go back, To, To times that we have seen, And do remember, That what God has spoken, These are eternal words, They cannot be altered, If once, And by equally so, The experience that God gives, If once the love of Christ is felt, Upon the heart impressed, The mark of that celestial seal, The seal, Can never be erased. [8:17] So, We find Job saying, I have esteemed the words of his mouth, More than my necessary food. But now, In the words of our text, In Job's meditation, He looks, Upon the almighty God, It is good for, God's children, They may be surrounded, With many trials, And troubles, And anxieties, And fears, Yet, If God, The being causes them to think, Of God almighty, Remember, That the Lord said to Abraham, I am, God almighty, Walk before me, And be thou perfect, In consequence of which, Though, Abraham, Was to find, Sometimes his pathway trying, [9:19] Yet, God almighty, Was his divine support. So, We read several points, Concerning the almighty God. Do you ever think about God? [9:30] Do you ever go beyond, Looking down, And looking round about, And not looking up? The word of God, Makes it clear, What the, The children of God, Should do. [9:44] A time is spoken, Of great distress, By the Lord, In the gospel, According to Matthew, And then he says, Look up, When you see these things, That come to pass, Look up, For ye know, That your redemption, Draweth nigh. [10:03] If we look down, There will be no, Conservation, And if we look, Round about us, On the same level, We shall only see, The troubles and trials, Of this world, But we shall not see, The wonderful, And powerful God, Sitting upon his glorious throne, Controlling all things, And bringing to pass, His divine purposes, This, But in the midst, Of Job's trouble, He was brought, To think upon God, What a mercy it is, For us to think upon God, For he is in one mind, What a contrast, We have here, With men, And the human race, One thing, [11:04] Which is very, Very sad, And apparent, And we have to mourn over, Is we're not always, Of one mind, Certainly the world, In general, Flits from one thing, To another, And even God's people, May feel, That they're sometimes, Hot, Sometimes cold, Sometimes timid, Sometimes bold, But the Lord, Is in one mind, And if, You and I, Can get a glimpse, Of the almighty God, In the midst, Of all our troubles, Completely unperturbed, Completely undeterred, Oh, What a stabling influence, That will have, Especially, Especially, If, By that sight, Of his imperturbability, We should, Feel, The power of grace, Strength sufficient for the day, Help given, To be, Strangely and mysteriously, [12:07] Given to us, So, We can say, I can do all things, Through Christ, That strengtheneth me, It is a great thing, To find, Occasionally, A few people, That are of one mind, Especially, Especially, When we find, That they are pillars, In the house of God, And they are not moved, By the, Things that come, Into the world, Even into the church of God, Into their experience, They are in one mind, But, We are looking above, Their one mindedness, Because, If they are out of one mind, It is a result, Of God himself, Equipping them, And granting them, That great blessing, Of being one mind, I often feel, Very much, Cheered, [13:08] And strengthened, By, Well, What we find, Even, In, This chapter, That we have read, Where, Where Job says, I know, He knoweth the way, That I take, And, When he hath tried me, I shall come forth, As gold, Are you in one mind, About that, When hosts of enemies, Rise up, To fill us with dismay, His goodness, He will make to pass, Before us in the way, The way of God's people, Is often, Not seen by all, Not seen by any, The soul path, The soul path, Of God's people, About God knows, And, One of the strengthening features, Is, That he is in one mind, In this case, [14:10] Being in one mind, His plans, Are solid, And, Will come to pass, And, So, When Job said, He knoweth the way, That I take, He could see, That God was in one mind, Though Job, Himself, Couldn't understand, Some of the strange events, That took part, That took place, Some of the hard speeches, That is, So called friends, Gave to him, Yet God was in one mind, And we should not overlook the fact, That some of those things said, By his three friends, Were, Gracious, And, Call forth, Our meditation, But, May God help us, This evening, To look up, Above all these scenes, Of earth, And see something, [15:12] Someone, That will calm, Our troubled breast, And if we get a glimpse, Of God, And if we see, That, The Lord so rules, By his command, No good nor ill, Can stir the hand, Unless he set them forth, That that we see in him, Will be communicated, To ourselves, And will have a, A calming effect, Upon us, He is in one mind, Now, If God should so, Leave me this evening, I could look at, Some of the things, In which he is in one mind, And, Therefore, That, When our faith, May be encouraged, He is in one mind, Who once he loves, He never leaves, But loves them to the end, [16:14] Does Satan, Does Satan sometimes suggest, That, His love, Is now, Burnt out, Your sins, Have, So reacted, Upon him, That, He says, Uh, He, He say, He will say to them, I, Will have nothing more, To do with you, We find, You know, That, Jeremiah has something to say, About, God's, One mindedness, I refer you, Uh, I think it is, To the thirty first chapter, Uh, Where we read, Part way through, Of, Ephraim, I have surely heard, Ephraim, Bemoaning himself thus, Thou hast just done, Chastised, Me and I, Whilst chastised, As a bullard come accustomed, To the yoke, [17:16] Turn thou me, And I shall return, For thou, Art the Lord, My God, And we should notice, That, Uh, There is an answer from God, By action, Because, Ephraim goes on to say, Surely, After that I, Was turned, I repented, I think, One of the lines of a hymn is, I would, But can't repent, Well, Are you going to settle down there? [17:54] Because, It's an extremely dangerous place, To settle down in, Are you greatly troubled? Well, Well, We find here, Surely, After that I was turned, I repented, God came to me, And looked upon my hopeless case, And looked upon the situation, Where I, Myself, Could do nothing, But God could do everything, Surely, Surely, After that I was turned, I repented, And after that I was instructed, I, Smoked upon my thigh, I was ashamed, Yet even confounded, Because I did bear the reproach of my youth, And it is so, In the experience of God's people, Sometimes, And they go back, You remember, David says, Remember not against me, The sins of my youth, A youthful situation, Is a very slippery path, And it will be our mercy, If we should slip, [18:56] But God will still hold us up, But to continue, We hear what God is saying, We've heard what Ephraim is saying, Now what is God saying? [19:08] Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For since I speak against him, I do earnestly remember him still, And therefore my bowels are troubled for him, I will surely have mercy upon him, Saith the Lord. [19:28] Basically, There was no change, His love in time past, Forbids me to think, He will leave me at last, In trouble to think, Each wheat ever and easy I have in review, Confirms his good pleasure, To help me quite through. [19:46] Now, You see yourself, In the first of these two verses, Ephraim, Bemoaning himself, And does God, Wonderfully reveal to you, That he's not moved, His love is covenant love, And because of that, In his covenant engagements, He has done all that is necessary, To deal with your sin, And your lack of repentance, And your hardness of heart, And your rebellion of mind, All this, Has been accomplished, By covenant engagement, So, The Lord himself, Oh, how good it is, For us to look at the covenant, And see, That the Lord, Is the end of the law, For righteousness, To everyone that believeth, [20:47] Is Ephraim, My dear son, As God said to you, That you are my son, In the Proverbs, You know we have this, These two words, Mentioned more than once, My son, There are other passages, Where we read about, My daughter, And if God has spoken to you, Whatever temptations, You may subsequently have, Yet God does not change, According to the words, Of our text this evening, That he is in one mind, One mind, And, As it says here, Who can turn him, I just think of, The occasion, In the prophecy of Zechariah, Where we see Joshua, The high priest, [21:50] In the third chapter, He showed me Joshua, The high priest, Standing before the angel, Of the Lord, And Satan standing, At his right hand, To resist him, And the Lord said, Unto Satan, The Lord rebuke me, O Satan, Even the Lord, That hath chosen Jerusalem, Rebuked thee, Is not this a brand, Flucked out of the fire, Perhaps it is, With someone, Here this evening, That they need, God to rebuke, Satan, Now Joshua was clothed, With filthy garments, And stood before the angel, And he answered, And spake unto those, That stood by, Saying, Take away, The filthy garments, From him, And unto him, He said, Which enabled, Joshua, The high priest, To speak along, The lines of Job, [22:51] But he is in one mind, But unto him, He said, Behold, I have caused, Thine iniquity, To pass from thee, And I will clothe thee, With change of raiment, And I said, Let them set, A fair mitre, Upon his head, So they set, A fair mitre, Upon his head, And clothed him, With garments, And the angel, Of the Lord, Stood by, So we see, Here, Two different characters, In the word of God, That, So to speak, Backslided, From, Their original profession, But it didn't alter, God's mind, Now, Some of us have known, That about, That, Which, Was the beginning, Of our religious profession, And it may be, In temptation's hour, That, We have, [23:52] Engaged in things, And done things, And thought things, That we would not like to, Let anybody else know about, But you see, God, Is in one mind, And he knows, Exactly where you are, He knew exactly, That Peter would deny him, Exactly, And he went his way, And they, And rather, He turned, And looked upon, Peter, Did Jesus, And Peter went out, And wept bitterly, All, The while, Showing forth, That, That he is in one mind, And who can turn him, Who can overcome, Come, The Lord Jesus Christ, And, Do, Everything possible, To bring such a, Black list, Upon, Upon you, And before the Lord, [24:54] I think, It was, Martin Luther, Who had an experience, In his life, When, The devil, Came to him, And he showed him, A long list, Of all his sins, And, In, The, I dream, I suppose, It probably was, He said to, The, Satan, Now you sure, You've got, Everyone down, And, Then, Martin Luther says, Now, Right at the bottom, Of all your, Lists of my sins, The blood of Jesus Christ, Cleanseth from all, Sin, And in his experience, [25:55] He said, The devil flew away, And so, Though thy sins, May rise as mountains, Yet, There is this, Great truth, He is in one mind, Whom once he loves, He never leaves, But loves him, To the end, Now, Surely we have, Some witnesses here, This evening, Who could say, Well, His love to me, Was an everlasting love, And therefore, Was not, To, To be affected, By all the vagaries, Of time, No, My salvation, Was wrought, In the mind of God, Before I was born, And, What was done, In the covenant, Before the world, We began, And what was subsequently, [26:56] Accomplished, When the Lord Jesus Christ, Came upon this earth, To save sinners, From, Going down into the pit, It was, By the confirmation, And, There was no question, About it, He was in one mind, When Jesus Christ, Came into the world, The father, Sent him into the world, To save sinners, There was in, They were in one mind, There was no question, Of something, Something arising, Wherein, The holy God, Would have to say, Well, We overlook this, When Satan, Came into the garden, Of Eden, And, With the result, Of, With the result, And fall, And, The subsequent, Separation, Between Adam and Eve, And God himself, [27:57] God wasn't taken, By surprise, He knew, What was coming to pass, He was in one mind, He was in one mind, Before it came to pass, He was in one mind, After it came to pass, And that was, That the, That the, The, The, The, The Satan's head, Would be bruised, And his heel, The heel of Jesus, Would be dealt with too, There would be a feeling, In this great, Uh, Conflict, Between, Uh, The Lord and the devil, But he was in one mind, And that was victory in the end, Sometimes, Uh, The children of God, As they've gone along in life's journey, And they come down, To, Their dying moments, And, Have there not been some, Who have indicated, The truth of these words, [28:59] For he is in one mind, And they've cried out, Victory, Victory, Overcome, Through the blood of the Lamb, Oh, Victory, Now where shall we notice victory, We shall see it, If we are, By the grace of God, Looking up, And seeing, The Lord Jesus Christ, Is ruling, And is surrounding, His people, It may be, Uh, That the people of God, Don't, Uh, Sufficiently, Be aware, Of God's closeness to them, If, We are to know anything, Of God, It's got to be, That we live with him, And that he lives with us, And that's real religion, Do you live with him, Do you, [30:01] Have conversation with him, Every day, Do you confess your sins, Do you say, Have mercy upon me, Oh God, Do you say, Deliver me, From my foes, Do you say, Thou art the Lord, That heeth, And thou art a great, For this position, God, Will lead his people, In a variety of paths, In order, To bring out, Some, Of, His abilities, If I may put it like that, Uh, My meaning really, My meaning really is this, We speak of, Christ's offices, And what do we mean by that, Well I've just, Mentioned again, That he is a great physician, He is able to heal, But there's another, One of his offices, Which, To my mind, Is, Extremely, Needful, [31:03] That he is the great high priest, Over the house of Israel, Now the great high priest, In old testament days, Had, Uh, Two particular points, Uh, In which his, Uh, Ministry, Was contained, And the one was, That he had to pray, For the people, Now sometimes, Because of your sins, You cannot pray for yourself, But have you felt, That you've got a high priest, Who is ready, And willing, And aware, That you need his prayer, To pray for you, Father, Forgive them, For they know not, What they do, But another aspect, Of the work of the high priest, Is this, That he offers a sacrifice, In Hebrews 10, We read, About, [32:05] Uh, Uh, The, Sacrifices of boars and goats, Which could never take away sin, And then, The reference is made, To the satisfaction, Which the Lamb of God, Even Jesus Christ, Gave, This man, When he, He sat down once, And, He put away his sin, By the death of himself, He is in one mind, You know, There was only one thing, That occupied, The mind of Jesus Christ, When he was here, Upon the earth, And that was, The salvation of his people, And all the things, That he did, Uh, Healing the sick, Opening the eyes of the blind, Uh, Opening the deaf ears, And, And, And so on, They all represented, Spiritual experiences, Uh, Which, Uh, The people of God, [33:05] Pass through today, And he is in one mind, And, Uh, He will bring to pass, His purposes, And his purposes are fixed, Are fixed, Yes, Every son and daughter, Of the most high, Whose names are written in heaven, He will bring to glory, They may live a long time, In this world, Wrapped up in it, About, Uh, The time comes, Maybe, But a few days, Or a month, Before they die, The almighty comes, And breaks through the barrier, Because, All the time, That, Uh, He has, Uh, The Lord has been watching over, This man, Or woman, Or child, As the case may be, Until the time, When, He, He shows, [34:06] Uh, His will, And favor, Toward that person, And all the time, He has been in one mind, If God comes, And convinces you, Of your sin, And reveals to him, The great salvation, And, Uh, You say, Well, I didn't know this before, God's mind, Hasn't been changed, In respect to your salvation, And, What is more, God's mind, Is, Exactly the same, That was conveyed, To Jonah, Salvation, Is of the Lord, Now, The blessing is, Who can turn him, And what his soul desireth, Even that he doeth, Now, God is holy, And therefore, His desires are holy, And since his desires are holy, They are, Loving desires, [35:08] And they're not, Loving desires, That can, Uh, Can accept, Or receive, Any alteration, No, We read, In the well-known chapter, 31, In, Uh, In, Uh, Jeremiah, Yea, I was, I was said of old, I have loved thee, With an everlasting mind, I will, I have loved thee, With an everlasting love, Therefore, With loving kindness, Am I drawn thee, Now, There are some of God's people, That have had the application, Of those words, To their souls, He is in one mind, How are you going to know, That he is in one mind, Because, He is not only a God, That speaks forth, Of precious, And exceeding great, And precious promises, But he also, Confirms them, By the deeds, Which follow, And, [36:09] As God showed to you, That he loves you, Because, He's come to your assistance, He's laid down his life, For you, And your own experience, He is in one mind, And what his soul desireth, Even that he doeth, It's a great thing, For us to believe, And be fully persuaded, That God, Is the mighty God, We are referred to, By the apostle Paul, We are earthen vessels, Made meat for the master's use, Now of course, That won't appeal, To the natural mind at all, To be empty, They'd rather be full, And God be empty, But no, We are earthen vessels, Made meat for the master's use, What his soul desireth, [37:09] Even that he doeth, And God's children will know, As he empties them, From vessel to vessel, And fills them, With his own grace, And love, Mercy and favour, That he doeth, Whatsoever, His soul desireth, And everything that he does, Is, For the glory, Of the eternal God, If, You are born again, Of the spirit, You will begin to see this, In the early days, Of your experience, It's all, For the glory of God, Not unto us, Not unto us, But unto thy name, Give glory, For thy mercy, And for thy truth's sake, Now coming to the second verse, For he performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, It is God that worketh in you, [38:15] Both a will, And a do, Of his good pleasure, Now, We are required to pray, Without ceasing, And where is the Christian's vital breath, How is it to be performed, It is, It is, To be performed, Because, God breathes in, To living souls, That which they may breathe out, Unto God, And we know, That if we ask according to his will, And mind, That we shall receive answers of peace, And God, And God, Has so to speak, A complete, A view of things, It is not, For you to, Try and pray, And not be successful, The fact that sometimes, You labor, And you, [39:18] Dismiss your prayers, As being unavailing, Well, In themselves, They are, But, After we've uttered, Sighs and cries sometimes, And then, With a strong voice, We've concluded, For Jesus Christ's sake, The name of Jesus, Prevails, And therefore, He performeth the things, That is appointed for me, Not for my glory, But, Or, But for, My, No, Not for thy glory, But for my glory, And this is a wonderful, And blessed experience, Of God's children, That they are happy, That it is so, We shall join, In giving glory to God, [40:18] Have we done so, For he performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, We come to the point, Where, A very simple, Word is spoken, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, And thou shalt be saved, I think it's one of our hymns, Says, But could I but believe, Then all, Would easy be, But if it's a matter of life, And death with your soul, You will not be able, To sit down and say, Well, I can't believe, Because if you don't believe, That's one of the reasons, Why you'll go to hell, You may live a very upright, And honest life, But if you don't believe, You're, You're finished, So you must believe, Now we look at this, For he performeth the thing, [41:19] That is appointed for me, And if we are the people of God, You know, There is this, Appointed, That we should believe, And how blessed a thing it is, To believe, Believe that Christ Jesus, Came into the world, To save sinners, It is so to speak, If I might use the expression, A root, Truth, A root for truth, We find, In the first epistle of John, Beloved, Believe not every spirit, But try the spirit, Whether they are of God, Because many false prophets, Are gone out into the world, Hereby know ye the spirit of God, Every spirit that confesseth, That Jesus, A saviour, Christ, The sent one, Is come in the flesh, Is of God, And every spirit that confesseth, [42:21] Not that Jesus Christ, Is come in the flesh, Is not of God, And this is that spirit, Of Antichrist, Where often you have heard, That it should come, And even now already, Is it in the world? [42:36] Well, Two verses farther on, We read, We are of God, He that knoweth God, Heareth us, He that is not of God, Heareth not us, Hereby, Know ye the spirit of truth, And the spirit of error, Beloved, Let us love one another, For love is of God, And everyone that loveeth, Is born of God, And knoweth God, Now here is the work, Of the spirit of God, In the souls of God's people, They love, They love God, Now there is no grey area, Here you know, That you may say, Well I am not sure, Would I love God, Well if you are not sure, There is only one conclusion, That you hate God, And that is the, Basic truth, Concerning our cardinal mind, Is enmity against God, But do you, [43:36] Love God, Have you a little love for God, How can this be proved, Do you feel an extension, Of that love, Have you entered into, What William Gatsby says, In his well known hymn, Oh that my soul, Could praise and love him more, His beauty trace, His majesty adored, Living near his heart, Upon his bosom lean, Obey his voice, And all his will esteem, What a confirmation then, That we are of God, God, And you know, We don't want to be, In the don't know section, You are in a most dangerous situation, If you say, Well I don't know where I am, Supposing God was to take your breath, Within to all else, And you don't know where you are, You don't know whether you are on the way to heaven, Or on the way to hell, Well it's a very strange thing, If you don't know, [44:38] Because, When God gives you a new heart, So you have two hearts instead of one, To say, Well I don't know, Surely, If, Another, Another, Another, Part, Is added to our boners, We should be aware of it, Shouldn't we? [45:02] So then, But he is in one mind, And who can turn him, For he performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, He gives a new heart, Which is appointed for me, A God's appointment, Can you see in your lives, God's appointments, And certainly, He has appointed, That you should have, A new heart, And that that new heart, Should be capable, Of loving him, Of adoring him, And being willing, To forsake all, To follow him, Now such experiences, Can surely, Uh, Not be known, Without a person, Uh, Saying so, Surely they will not say, Well I don't know, You may well, Uh, Go home, And weep before God, Until you, And come before him, [46:04] And say, I must know, I must know, And God encourages you, So to do, For but he is in one mind, And who can turn him, For he performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, To know my Jesus crucified, By far excels all things beside, All earth again, I care but loss, And triumph, In my Saviour's cross, Is that so? [46:35] And you say you don't know? Something wrong, Isn't there? It doesn't add up, But bless him be God, He performeth the thing, That he's appointed for me, He gives me a heart, It's a gift from God, An appointment from God, That I might be able, To love him, I could from all things, Parted be, But never, Never lord from thee, Don Newton has written, In that well-known hymn, What thinking of Christ, Is the test, To try both your state, And your scheme, You cannot be right, In the rest, Unless you think rightly, Of him, He performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, The thing, Give me sight, You know, The poor blind, Bartimaeus, In that wonderful account, Where the Lord stood still, [47:38] And heard his cry, Above the noise, And shouting, Of the crowds, He stood still, And asked that this poor blind man, Should be brought to him, What will thou, That I should do unto thee, That I might receive my sight, It may not be our lot, To be blind, Naturally, But do we feel blind, Spiritually, Do we feel, That we need eyes to see, And, If we do, Then, It must be, The outworking of these words, For he performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, To give me sight, To give me sight, And that sight may well see, That we are, We are, As black, As any fiend, But to give us sight, [48:40] The glories and perfection, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, And to rejoice in this word, That he is able, To save, To the uttermost, All those that come, Unto, Unto Jesus Christ, By him, So, He performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, We might just spend, A moment or two, On these two words, For me, Personal religion, Personal religion, Is practical, Into thought, It requires, Personal experience, It would not do us, A great deal of good, If we re-read here, For he performeth the thing, That is appointed, For the people of God, Now would it? [49:35] But he performeth the thing, That is appointed for me, Now we have a personal religion, We've got something, Where God does something, And God does something, By divine appointment, Appointed time, Rolls on a pace, Not to propose, But call my grace, Looking, At your hope, What is it? [50:03] Is it that, God has appointed to you, Eternal life? Is it that, Because of this, The fullness of eternal life, Is experienced, 17th of John we read, And this is life eternal, That they might know thee, The only true God, And Jesus Christ, Whom thou hast sent, Now that's just it, We need eyes, Eyes of faith, To behold, The, Salvation, Which is sealed, At both ends, We cannot, Obtain it ourselves, We cannot produce it ourselves, But, Here, Is this word, Of encouragement, And truth, For he performeth, The thing that is appointed, For me, The thing that you cannot do, With all your diligence, You cannot do it, But God can do it, And there are many things, [51:05] In the realm of Christian experience, Which only God can do, Only God can speak, And say, That you are chosen, You have not chosen me, But I have chosen you, And ordained you, That you should go, And bring forth fruit, And that your fruit should remain, And that your fruit should not be made, And that your fruit should be made, Of compassion,ず Index with nis Tiago gold, And you will be with them, And TA-pe fed, And I will be with yourіт, And then help you, For me to Porque EAskuo兒, And here we will be with them, On these occasions, There we will be with the divine Aphrodite information, There we will be with you, And here we will be thrum razors, Here we will be pl jakiś, In this allein, In this case, In thisation, Here we aregestellt, And I will be close to the senjain radius, What I have chosen to agree with is, In this process, In this media launch, In this space, In this matière,