Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The words I would venture to try and make a few remarks from you will find in the 81st Psalm, verse 10. The 81st Psalm, verse 10. [0:16] I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt. Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. [0:33] One has felt very undecided as to taking these words by way of a text, though they have rested from one's mind for one or two days. [0:46] There are times, you know, when we come into that path that we need God to make a special decision in our minds as to a portion of God's word to speak from. [1:04] And then sometimes we find there is a tendency to waver, especially as we may witness the hymns that are given out from time to time, which may seem to coincide with another portion other than I've been read. [1:26] Well, we venture. God alone knows the issue, and therefore, as we look into these words, we need the leading of the Holy Ghost to open them up to us, that we may be given understanding hearts, and that we may know something of the truth that is set forth here as it is made applicable unto our own cases. [2:09] For you know, God alone knows the individual cases of the hearers. And as we know it not, neither do they know ours personally. [2:25] Yet all is known unto God. And he alone is that one that can convey the word with power. [2:37] For if there is no power, there is no profit. For if there is no profit, there is no profit. For if there is no profit, no power, there is no profit. [2:57] We may speak many words, preach many sermons. From the beginning to the year to the end, there is no power, there is no profit. [3:11] Or how we feel to lack in these days wherein we live. Power. Someone said to me on one occasion, there didn't see so much power in the preaching in these days as there was in days past. [3:32] Well, we're not judges. What I did answer was, is there any power in the few? So that you see, it is either one or the other that we need both power in the pulpit and power in the few. [3:52] And then there will be something accomplished in our hearts that shall endure, not only through time, but through eternity. [4:06] So then, in these words here before us, he says, I am the Lord by God. [4:22] Well, you've been singing of him, all his greatness and his beauty. You have been singing of him in his power and might. [4:36] And wonderful words they are. But we want to experience them in our hearts, in the witnessing of them, by his spirit. [4:51] I wonder if that window out there is open. I wonder if one of you would mind going just seeing if it's open at the back. You'll find out if you don't mind. [5:02] I think the noise will be shut out a little. Please. I am the Lord thy God. [5:18] He is the Lord who heareth us in all our desires and in all our troubles. He is indeed. So that he being the Lord, he is omnipotent and preeminent over all things. [5:38] And he does cause his people to walk a path that shall bring them into that knowledge that he is, that one that hath accomplished all things for them. [5:56] Well, he says, I am. That is to say, there is none else. There is no other God but him. [6:09] There are many who have a God. Some we read all who make a God of many things here on earth. [6:21] But you know, God will bring us a world from all other gods. We shall never be left to make a God of mammon. [6:33] We shall never be left to make a God of our possessions or anything that we have given us here on earth. [6:46] And while many are lent to worship a false god, having a religion that is destitute of the power and are satisfied with it, and will ultimately find that worship a false god. [7:08] So that he is then the Lord, who is omnipotent in power and might. [7:22] Well, he's, I am the Lord thy God. What a mercy it is if we can say he's our God. Well, we should be able to say it in those times when he comes with his delivering hand and delivers us from some particular trial or sorrow. [7:48] But one wanted to come to that time when he was proved to be the Lord our God when he delivered us out of the land of Egypt. [8:04] Well, we all know here, I should hope, that we were bondmen in Egypt. [8:19] Indeed, to be a bondman in Egypt is to be held by the power of sin and to find that we have a taskmaster over us, even Satan, that would hold us by his power and would hold us in his clutches forever and ever. [8:56] well, there are some that are held here and will be held there forever, never delivered from the power of sin and his damning power. [9:18] I'll be left in that solemn condition where there'll be no hope of ever beholding God in heaven and worshipping him throughout eternity. [9:47] But there are those who God in his covenant love and mercy have delivered from the bondage of Egypt and that have been in and through and by his own mighty power as he did the children of Israel when he delivered them out of the hand of Egyptian bondage it was by an almighty and outstretched arm when he did terrible things that they were not for. [10:37] When he did those wonderful acts that astonished those who beheld it. [10:49] Nevertheless, he fulfilled all his counsel he fulfilled all his mind and his will toward them. [11:02] And what is most wonderful to me oft times as we look upon it how he was long suffering with them though they rebelled against him even in Egypt. [11:22] when he was determined to deliver them are from the power of heaven. So you know it is I believe in some cases at least more manifest though I'll try and come in a moment or two I'll almost come another way that is to say by the law but there are some who I believe experience if I may explain myself more clearly experience more of that power of being delivered out of Egypt than another in that some are left to go into great lengths of sin and abomination. [12:16] there may be some here who have not gone into those things well some of us know a path where had not stopped us in our medical year how we should have perished in Egypt dost thou remember sinner when thou wast abondent in Egypt held fast by the fetters of sin held fast by that great Leviathan that would have held thee with his mighty power but God being stronger he being almighty having made with thy soul an eternal everlasting covenant ordered in all things ensure so that the day the day came when he caused that great mighty enemy to give up the prey from the mighty take the prey so he did and in his great love and mercy he brings forth out of the land of Egypt well there are those who may not have come quite into that same depth of experience but there will be and must be of a necessity being brought forth out of Egypt and I may say this at this particular point when once we are brought forth out of [14:21] Egypt there will be no return oh no there will be no return into Egypt if God have brought us forth out of it we shall have our faces sent Zion ward to the heavenly Canaan we shall have our thoughts heaven ward from day to day I don't mean it will always be an exercise I wish it was how I thought in the past week how cold we get how lifeless how forgetful of the God of our mercies and yet you see there must be a living spark within that rises from time to time and brings into exercise our condition and then it causes us which is our mercy to trace our pathway through this wilderness and to see if we can find anywhere where God has dealt with us and also that he does bring as he hath promised to our remembrance the way he hath brought us these many years in the wilderness so he brings to our remembrance the beginning it's most important is the beginning we've got have not begun with us it be fruitless there are those we read in the word that are compassed about by sparks of their own kindling as an awful religion as compassed about by sparks of their own kindling [16:29] I've been tried on this point especially I've laid as to what my religion is so then what we experience in our exercises we declare upon the house as he's told us that others might derive some benefit some exercise some searching of heart therefore I say these things are brought upon us that we may be have brought into our remembrance those things he hath done for us for I am sure that none can extract themselves from the powers of hell that hold them fast when he the mighty king of grace comes with that mighty voice and as I said just now from the mighty takes the brain then he delivers them from the powers of hell and of [17:46] Satan though you will prove this be your case you will prove day by day that sin will wrinkle in your members you will indeed you'll find that the more grace you receive I believe the more hideous will sin come to be to you and yet you will find that you cannot flee from it neither can you in any wise trembling and under thy feet but it is your mercy and mine if it is subdued that it does not break forth as once it did oh you've heard me say before how God can tame lions he can indeed oh what a blessed truth that he humbleth and bring it down high looks and he does indeed by various means chastise and bring a sinner into that place where he may willing to move an act according under the dictation of the spirit [19:13] I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt no other power could do it many have tried to do it in their own power many that are today may be trying to step out may I say reverently out of the land of Egypt into the land of Canaan but it's not so easy as that it is by the leading and teaching of the spirit and by being brought into that condition where God will teach us that he alone can do these things for us I'm sure of that point as I should have never been here before you this morning had he not had with all his mighty power plucked this poor sinner as a brand from hell [20:29] I shall never forget if I may just mention this here when my father was at Hilberton and there was a hymn being sung as we were gathered together there one evening and that was the hymn he plucked me as a brand from hell my Jesus has done all things well we remember these spots you know they are those places where we are to gather up the stones you know and to see these places where we hold there have been evidences though that time one was done could not speak of it but it's that inward witness within and that inward work that none know who are around us may look upon us perhaps and not and think that there's nothing moving or happening there but that's just often where it is no big words of ready talkers no dry doctrine will suffice contrite hearts and humble walkers these are dear in Jesus eyes oh my friends [21:50] I'm not carried away with ready talkers it is that we might come into contact with those who can lisp out a few words of what the Lord has done for the never dying soul and that with a tender spirit and with tears of contrition oh that is I say precious union it is indeed we hope we've experienced a little of it and know it as we travel hither than there so then he is that one alone who have accomplished these things and brought us out of the land of Egypt so that though we find off times that we are troubled with sin and those things that transpire within us yet he in his love and compassion holds us fast it is according to his word that it is a mercy that I change not therefore ye sons of [23:09] Jacob are not consumed I'm sure he to consume us if he look as strict to a mark iniquity for we are vile and sinners and sin day by day we do indeed for the thought of foolishness sin and that's very very close isn't it the word of God and the word of God is close sharper than he to its sword even to the divining of soul and spirit to show mercy in mine if we can bear this truth and to acknowledge it before God and bow before him as penitent sinners from day to day or how we have to cry wash me oh Lord purge me with us wash me and I shall be whiter than snow oh to be cleansed then daily cleansed from our sin lest we may be in that place should he come and require our souls and at least find us in that condition but look but you know though these things are our exercises it cannot be with God's people for they are seen in Christ perfect and holy and undefiled though they feel these things day by day [24:51] I am the Lord then by God which brought me out of the land of Egypt and then he says open thy mouth wide and I will fill it oh else we rejoice our hearts if some poor sinner was enabled to open their mouth wide that we might hear from their tongue what the Lord had done for their never dying immortal souls our friend in the past week here mentioned with regards to the ordinances of God's house well if there's one of you here offering a window round this path my eyes say open thy mouth wide God will fill it never mind about the obstacles never mind about what the arch enemy of souls may be doing to hinder you he'll never tell you to come he hates that path but [26:04] I say whatever hindrance it may be God can and he does I am a witness to that remove every obstacle and he'll compel you to come may you then I say even in that path prove that if you are unable to open your mouth wide he will fill it he will indeed and fill it with right things he will indeed and then too I believe how this is made known unto God's people as they come before him in prayer it's a wonderful thing to be able to come in prayer and open one's mouth wide and he fills it and you'll find for the most part that when your mouth is open in prayer it will be very disjointed oft times for [27:12] Lord I am oppressed undertake for me Lord I feel so far off bring me nigh Lord I am such a sinner for thy blood atones for all those that come unto thee in penitence thus when one's mouth is open at the throne of grace they are unable to pour out their complaint before him and if you are unable to open your mouth before him thus he will fill it that will be indicted prayer prayer indicted from above he hears it's a wonderful thing to have prayer indicted [28:12] I believe there is a knowing that difference because you know there is a time when we come in prayer and the heavens are as brass mule iron and though we open our mouth we find that our wounds do not ascend to heaven some might say well is that prayer well it's venturing in prayer but prayer indicted is real prayer how that enters into heaven and will be answered in God's own time and way and it will be answered according unto his divine purpose toward us it will indeed or how many of us have had to prove that we wait have to wait many years sometimes for the answer of prayer it is not always that he answers at once he didn't answer that dear woman at once when she came to him and so was that you see he said unto her it is not meet to take the children bread and cast it to dogs so that if as any one of you here praying unto [29:52] God are for any particular thing if there is a good Lord you will have to continue to pray for he will not leave you until you have cried unto him until the appointed time I will always be one that hath been very definite upon God's appointments because they have been so definite in my own case and I believe it is by divine appointment that all things are in our path and where we are even now is by his appointment I've tried to alter this in my poor puny mind say well what about this place and that place you have been was that [31:06] God's appointment all of witted arguments that Satan will bring to try and overthrow the counsels of God and his word how we have to watch in our pathway how he hath led us here and there in Providence and as I stand here I oft times have to think of those words as a poet God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform he plants his footsteps in the sea and winds upon the storm deep in unfathomable mind to never fail his skill he treasures up his bright designs and rules his sovereign rule therefore our steps are ordered by the [32:17] Lord our pathway is ordered by him trials afflictions and sorrows all by his divine appointment as we have the proofs of it in God's word those who pass through this time state as it is left upon record of David and Jacob and others look at dear Jacob oh my friends how he you see right from the time that he left his father's house was he under the tuition of God and led hither and hither why look at how unreasonable to car the reason it was that he should be compelled to work 14 years for the one he wanted to wife deceived by his uncle and how he speaks of it how many times he had his wages changed but did [33:37] God leave him no so it is my friend though you may feel that God is going to leave you sometimes in your experience you'll find that he will make these mysteries known unto you in due time he will indeed like he did to dear Jacob you now know how time came when he so dealt with those things that dear Jacob had all those things in providence given unto him that once belonged to Laban and that by miraculous way you know the without dwelling upon it to take up the valuable time you know the narrative how he had all those cattle and so on through a miraculous way all by the power of [34:40] God but you know his trials hadn't finished oh no he had those things come upon him that seemed as though they were going to destroy and when he came to the book Jabok you know how there he said now are become two bands and he began to fear and quake do you know anything of the past sinner in some humble measure I mean where you come into these various dispensations and various seasons and then you know how it was that he wrestled oh yes he wrestled with the angel till the break of day so will you sinner have to wrestle until the break of day it may be a dark night with him but there will be a wrestling with him in the dark nights and like dear [35:43] Jacob you'll prevail ultimately as you wrestle ah you see and how it was with him that he received his request but you know how it's recorded that God touched him in the hollow of his thigh so he went limping along he was lame after that you know you won't make a lot of strides in religion if you got a real one God will see that if so deal with you my friends you'll get less and less and less religion I'm sure of it my religion today has got into a very small compass I can tell you that sometimes I feel I've got none I woke up this morning I thought well have I got any religion at all and that's how we go from time to time and so that [36:44] God will overturn overturn he will only a week and hour strength from the wise and he bring down everything that is of the flesh and he'll teach us by terrible things sometimes in righteousness that he is the Lord that has brought us out of the land of Egypt and that it is by these things we are unable to open our mouth wide and and I prove that he feels that well I felt this felt and need this sometimes in the ministering of his word when I come as I came here this morning feeling so empty and seemed to have no matter not to know what to speak or what to say and yet how he proves to us even his servants that when they are able to open their mouth he fills it and fills it [37:49] I hope we can say with right things not with something that will gratify the flesh not with something that will bolster up people on the sandy foundation but with those things that shall be honouring to him for he's worthy of all praise and honor worthy of all that which he deserves it is indeed I you've been singing of it this morning what a beautiful hymn of praise that is dear Watts how he puts it so wonderful in all those blessed offices that Jesus bears you know none can preach a sermon really so blessedly sometimes I feel as there is in some of our beautiful hymns as a servant complete in that hymn there there is indeed so that you see how God in his love and mercy teaches us that without him we can do nothing we can't speak we can't hear yea we can do nothing right only only as he in his condescending love teaches us and leadeth us into those paths which are according unto his divine appointment and determined will oh how we do design to exalt him above all other well then just here for a moment as it's just coming to one's mind as they are brought out of the land of [39:43] Egypt as Moses was the leader of the children of Israel so he being a lively type of Christ Christ is the leader of these people and as he had brought them out of the land of Egypt he will lead them up their signs road the weary we can faint for they shall never lose their God nor God may lose a second so they will lead them in a way that they knew not so I'll bring them into a path they knew not and lead them in a way they knew not and into paths they had not known I'll make darkness light before them and crooked things straight these things will I do unto them or for them and will not forsake them oh is there one saying [40:53] I feel forsaken and alone I hear the lion war well he says he'll never forsake thee never mind what Satan may be saying in thy poor conscience and soul oh may you be able to answer him we are not always able to do it but now and then there have been times when we hope we have been able to answer him may I say to our dear young friends may you follow on after these glorious things for they are those things that shall endure throughout the campers ages of eternity when all things else decay seek after the best gift strive to enter in at the straight gate the straight is the gate and narrow is the way that lead unto eternal life and few there be that find it may God grant that you may be among the few with his dear people that shall enter into that road alone which leadeth to eternal bliss well then he leads them he leads them here into those places where they shall prove he hath that provision for them he will lead them as it says in the hundred and seventh star he leads them into green pastures even the green pastures of his holy word he will indeed and he leads them by the still waters of his heavenly love oh what a mercy it is to find these leading us into those things which we have prayed for and asked for and pent as the heart panted after the water brooks so panted my soul after thee oh god is the one here panting after god longing for a revelation of god longing her to hear his voice longing to see him in in the sanctuary well if you are longing i may say this unto you the world don't long for him professors of the world don't professors of religion don't long for him they say they've already got him and believe he dwells in them there i want to be right here and that they never have any more doubt upon it but you know there ever will be with god's people are desiring that they may know more of him and i am sure according to it speaks in the psalms when we read that the psalmist asks for his return he says here we beseech the old god of who look down from heaven and behold so that there is that exercises those exercises in the hearts of god's people that he will return unto them again does he seem to have left you sinner do you feel forsaken and alone really in that you miss his presence and miss his countenance well you know he will again lift up the light of his countenance upon you why [45:02] I have passed through many dark seasons when it has been as dark and gloomy as beamless night and I have known in that dark night I speak in this now for the comfort of any that might come there while there and in that dark night have been on the verge of hell itself and been on the verge of despair blessings on his holy name he arose again with the sweet beams of his life the glorious light shone once more the Lord God is a sun and shield no good thief will he withhold from them that walk upright lane some might say well I don't seem to walk upright lane well you not looking at yourself [46:03] I hope not looking at the flesh those that walk upright are those that are made upright in the upright walk of Christ and are in possession of the road of everlasting righteousness the new man of grace that is distinct from the old man of sin two dwelling in one house at enmity one with the other have you got it two at enmity one with the other can two walk together except they be agreed no these two cannot agree one with the other the old man is at enmity against the new and the new man says the old shall unrain and therefore there's the warfare blessed warfare some might say yes because everybody hasn't got it if you've got a warfare sinner you've got true religion nobody else got it so mercy never warfare either one straining against the other and by [47:23] God's grace is alone you will find that the old man will have to give place and the new man of grace that's in Christ will be made made powerful in Christ and the dying will come when the new man shall reign forever and ever in heaven above well my friends I feel I must give over may the Lord be pleased to add his blessing to his few remarks amen