Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Depending upon the help of God, I would direct your minds this evening to a close you will find in the first verse of Psalm 33. [0:24] Psalm 33, the first part, Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous. [0:41] This may seem rather an unsuitable word for this particular season of the year. [0:52] When we think upon the Lord Jesus Christ in his suffering at Calvary. [1:03] But I feel this, dear friends, the people of God, chosen people, those who have been brought to know the truth and to be given grace in the heart. [1:27] They have, cannot we say we, have something to rejoice in. And no doubt each of us have in some measure today read of the Lord Jesus Christ and his suffering. [1:49] Meditated upon it, I trust, profitably. And also as song of him in the hymns. This evening may we be able to, by the grace of God, look even to Calvary and to see that we have something there to rejoice in. [2:17] But first, we notice the text is for the church of God. [2:34] There is no mention in our text. Nothing to refer to the ungodly, the wicked, nothing whatever. [2:49] Our text speaks to those who have been blessed of God. Rejoice, ye rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous. [3:04] But before we enter in, if one may be helped, to enter a little into this text this evening, are we not to speak of the unrighteous? [3:22] We sincerely hope each present here this evening may be numbered among the Lord's people. But often, where there's a congregation, there's a mixed congregation. [3:39] Some who have not been brought to know the Lord. I feel it is only right, and we are sent by the Lord, to proclaim the old counsel of God, whether man will hear or forbear. [4:02] To be outside of the text. To be outside of the text when we come to our dying bed, when we depart from this life. [4:15] How solemn. How solemn to know nothing of the text. Not in the experience of it. To rejoice. [4:27] We must remember there's nothing here in this poor perishing world to rejoice over. But only those things that are in providence, and also things that are of the earth. [4:46] How solemn then to leave this world, stand before the holy and just God, without any knowledge of him, of his truth, of his mercy, of his love. [5:00] And to enter into that place where there's no rejoicing, no joy, no peace, but to have to endure the wrath of God for eternity. [5:17] Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Where the soul hath ever lived, and the wrath of God ever experienced. [5:28] I sincerely hope each of us will not enter in that place. And if we are spared from that place, which we rightly, rightly, and richly deserve, because we are sinners, and we have sinned against light and knowledge, that if we are spared from that place, of torment, and of misery, it's only by the grace of God, and not of us. [6:05] By grace, so often, one has repeated that word, and it's a word of truth. By grace are ye safe through faith, that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. [6:22] Now, by the grace of God, we pass through the gate of regeneration. Every poor sinner, who has some knowledge, experimental knowledge, of the words of our text, has passed through the gate of regeneration. [6:47] There is no knowledge of God, that is in the text, or the experience of the text, that is rejoicing, unless we have been, by the grace of God, born again. [7:10] And you will remember, and you've read it many times, the words of the Lord Jesus, unto Nicodemus of old, ye must. [7:23] We must emphasize that word, must. We must be born again. As Christ said, ye must be born again, to enter into the kingdom of God. [7:37] These things that are spiritual, are hid from the wise and prudent. [7:49] There again, Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven, to his Father, and said, I thank thee, O Lord God of heaven and of earth, that thou hast hid these things, from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. [8:07] And dear friends, if we know anything, of our text, it's because, God, by his grace, has brought us down, to be babes, before him. [8:24] It's not those of ready talkers, dry doctrine, and so on, it's the babes in Christ, that will know something, of this joy, that flows, from God. [8:40] Rejoice, in the Lord. I've already hinted this evening, there's something to, rejoice over, if we have, a little sight, by faith, of this, blessed Son of God, Jesus Christ, making his way, in love, to Calvary. [9:10] Did you say, what a path he trod, what deep waters he entered into, how he was afflicted, cast down, true, he was, he was, but that's where, our joy is, dear friends. [9:30] If there had been, no Calvary, there had been, no joy, no shedding of the blood, no, uh, cleansing, no, uh, uh, entering into, those deep waters, no lying, in the sepulcher, there'd be no joy, there'd be no hell, no one. [9:56] So I feel, the Lord's people, have something, to rejoice in, soberly, sincerely, with the spirit, of humility, with the spirit, of love, when we are unable, to view, or to trace, by faith, this dear man, from the manger, to the cross, from Bethlehem, to, uh, Jerusalem, and see him there, uh, can I say it, bearing our sins, upon that cross, what he endured, no tongue can tell, to save our soul, from death, and from hell, something to rejoice in, perhaps. [10:49] I know, the Lord's people, have many days, of adversity, but there are days, of prosperity, they have many days, of darkness, but sometimes, there's a little light, shining, uh, from on high, within our poor hearts, there's the days, of bondage, but there's the days, of liberty, but may we, even tonight, have a little, view, by faith, which will cause, a rejoicing, in our hearts, that Jesus, the Son of God, came, willingly, lovingly, uh, and born of Mary, and came forth, from the manger, as it were, making his way, unto, the garden of Gethsemane, and from the garden, to Calvary, that poor sinners, wretched sinners, undone sinners, lost sinners, might be saved, and rejoice, in the gospel, [11:53] Christ, is the gospel, and the gospel, is Christ, rejoice, then, in the Lord, I know, but little, dear friends, but the little, I know, I believe, I've had, a little faith, view, of Jesus, on the cross, it only, lasted a few, moments, but, there was, a mingled feeling, there's sorrow, yet there's joy, there's that sorrow, to see, that dear man, suffering, and when we, and when we, we realize, our sins, he carried, he bore, willingly, lovingly, that we might, rejoice, in him, and if we've, had this faith, view, as I said, there will be, a mingled feeling, grief, yes, sorrow, yes, and death, joy, joy, oh, how it is conveyed, [13:01] I believe, by the spirit, at times, into the hearts, of the Lord's people, when having a, view, of our sins, our sins, like a mountain, and some of us, know this, it's been like a, mountain, and yet, we've seen him, that blessed man, enduring, bearing, our sins, in his body, in his heart, that weight, that none of us, could possibly carry, even to Calvary, and there, to bring joy, for his redeemed people, rejoice, then, in the Lord, rejoice, in the Lord, it's a certain character, before us, oh, ye righteous, just a few thoughts, here, because, some of you, may be thinking, well, it's for the righteous, and I'm, anything but righteous, [14:13] I'm a poor, ruined sinner, defiled, throughout by sin, what's in your heart, this evening, is there a prayer, is it this, remember me, oh Lord, with the favor, that thou bearest, unto thy people, oh, visit me, with thy salvation, now, that's the prayer, that's the desire, from the heart, of a righteous man, a righteous woman, oh, ye righteous, but as I said, there's nothing, in us, dear friends, that is, holy, that is, by nature, nothing, nothing, nothing, whatever, that the Lord, can take a poor sinner, in his hands, as it were, and mold him, and implant, into his heart, a seed, that is righteous, a seed, that is holy, and the poor sinner, comes, as it were, to be righteous, in the grace, and love, and mercy, of God, nothing, in the creature, all in God, and through his mercy, now, there's a principle, within the heart, of these, who are born, of God, holy, pure, there's the righteousness, my friend, it stands in God, not in us, it's the gift, of God, we read, at times, in the epistle of James, of the good gifts, and it also, speaks of, a perfect gift, this is one, of the perfect gifts, given by God, this principle, of divine grace, dropped, within our poor hearts, into our souls, that's righteous, holy, you say, have I got it, have I, that principle, within, well, some of you, have heard me say, before, in respect, of the apostle Paul, in the hate, of Romans, and he speaks, of a warfare, going on, within the heart, these people, who, have, this spark, of grace, righteousness, holiness, within the heart, this old nature, this new nature, cannot agree, how can two, walk together, unless they, be agreed, there's a warfare, within, do you find it so, is there something, day by day, that seems, contrary, one to another, is there something, dear friends, that bends, toward the world, is there something, that bends, toward, the Lord, is there something, there is, [17:14] I know, it's in your heart, and mine, we were born with it, a nature, that cleaves, to sin, and the things, that are of sin, isn't there, something, this divine, nature within, that would, turn, in the opposite direction, one, one is for the earth, and the other, is for heaven, and there's, something, that longs, for holiness, and righteousness, why you're, among the righteous, though you, feel to be anything, but righteous, and holy, I believe, our friend, quoted the verse, this afternoon, the vilest sinner, out of hell, who lives, to feel his need, is welcome, to the throne, of grace, thy, is precious blood, to plead, yes, if you're born, of God, if you're born, of God, you'll feel, to be a sinner, and know, you're a sinner, because you're, convinced of sin, by the spirit, the holy spirit, send that harrow, of conviction, right into the soul, and is wounded, it will bring forth, it will bring forth, it will bring forth, a knowledge of sin, and we feel, these festering, sores of sin, within our poor heart, that's the work, of divine grace, when a poor soul, is quickened, he'll realize, something, of the holiness, of God, and that will make, the poor sinner, tremble, you say, is this the experience, of the righteous, yes, yes, there's such a thing, of self-righteousness, satisfied, with self, satisfied, with your, good works, and so on, but these, poor souls, in that ex, they have to come down, they are poor, in spirit, stand in need, of mercy, forgiveness, pardon, oh, ye righteous, now, a few thoughts, this evening, rejoice, in the Lord, you will remember, in the gospel, of Luke, how, those disciples, of the Lord Jesus, returned, from preaching, and, how they, said, unto, their master, the Lord Jesus, notwithstanding, behold, [19:53] I give unto you, power, to tread upon serpents, and scorpions, and over all, the power, of the enemy, and nothing, shall, by any means, hurt you, notwithstanding, is this, in this, rejoice, not, that the spirits, are subject, unto you, but, rather, rejoice, because, your names, are written, in heaven, then, we start there, dear friends, this evening, rejoice, in the Lord, because, your names, are written, in heaven, and if they are written, in heaven, you are in the covenant, and if you and I, are in the covenant, because, of the choice, not of self, but of, God the Father, he chose us, he loved us, with an everlasting love, oh, how much there is, to rejoice, in the Lord, in this matter, when we, realize it, you say, when do we realize it, when we have, a touch from heaven, or a little of this, heavenly dew, upon our poor hearts, upon our spirits, then, we are brought, to some knowledge, of him, and enabled, in some measure, to rejoice, having her names, written, in heaven, that we are, in the covenant, of a divine grace, rejoice, in the Lord, and we read this, in that hour, [21:34] Jesus, Jesus, Jesus himself, rejoiced, rejoiced, in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven, and of earth, that thou hast, did these things, and the wise, and prudent, and hast revealed, them unto the nations, even so, Father, for so, it seemed good, in thy sight, rejoice, in the Lord, friends, to have this, sweet witness, sealed, by the spirit, in our hearts, I'm sure, it has brought us, to rejoice, in the Lord, that he has, looked upon us, from all eternity, chosen us, in the covenant, of grace, placed us, in Christ, and what, oh, the church of God, placed, in the heart, of Christ, to redeem them, oh, that blessed, unity, dear friends, between, the church of God, and Christ, why, he has condescended, to look upon, his people, his church, he has condescended, to say, he loved them, and he has loved them, and condescended, to call them, his bride, oh, that sweet, close relationship, the church of God, his bride, and he has condescended, to say, that he would be, the bridegroom, anything closer, than that, dear friends, oh, to rejoice, if we are a number, among his dear people, and that he has condescended, to say, he is, the bridegroom, rejoice, in the Lord, and did not, [23:39] David the psalmist, when he entered, into, the 23rd Psalm, the Lord, is my shepherd, I shall not want, there is a rejoicing, in the heart, of the psalmist, and friends, if we have, had a little view, of the Lord, Jesus, as our shepherd, our shepherd, oh, then there would be, a really rejoicing, and as you know, David, when he came, to the hen, what did he say, yea, though I pass, through the valley, of the shadow of death, I will fear, no evil, for thou, art with me, thy rod, and thy staff, comfort me, is the rejoicing, when we are, in his hands, and again, as David said, he leadeth me, beside the still waters, oh, how much we have, to thank the Lord, for especially, when we've been, in the rough waters, in the deep waters, in the deep waters, of election, trouble, trial, and feeling our sin, and then, but for the Lord, to come along, as it were, take us by his hand, and lead us, by the side, those still waters, we come into the test, rejoice, in the Lord, wonderful thing, for poor sinners, such as we, for we've all sinned, and come short, of the glory of God, a wonderful thing, that we should be raised, to a hope, rejoice, in the Lord, in the hope, our friend, quoted the verse, this afternoon, my hope, is built, on nothingness, than Jesus' blood, and righteousness, or something, to rejoice in, dear friends, if we can say, that our hope, is centered, in him, our standing, is firm, on the rock, [25:49] Christ Jesus, having our feet, there, our old soul, resting, upon Christ, his mercy, his blood, and his righteousness, oh, blessed experience, there's something, to rejoice in, having a garment, to shelter, us, from the wrath, of God, to have us, share, that, blessed robe, of righteousness, to clothe us, that we may stand, complete, before him, the judge, in that day, that is fast, approaching us, to stand, complete, in him, that blessed robe, something, to rejoice in, of love, and in the midst, of all your, difficulties, and troubles, and trials, there's a place, where you may run, that is, to, the hiding place, the place of refuge, where is it, in Christ, yes, you will not find, any other, place of refuge, you'll never find, any other place, of shelter, it's in Christ, oh, [27:04] I wish I could, exhort him, and lift him, I, why, this is where, the poor sinner, rejoices, when he, realises, he's had a standing, upon the rock, clothed, in his righteousness, sheltering, from the storms, of life, whatever the storm, may be, in, Jesus, Christ, the Lord, rejoice, in the Lord, oh, ye, are righteous, we have read, in the following psalm, let the eyes, of the Lord, upon the righteous, do we realize, that his eye, is upon us, day by day, wherever we may go, wherever we may, be found, his eye, are upon us, we read also, that, the righteous, have many afflictions, many are the afflictions, of the righteous, is it stopped, does it stop there, no, there's something, to rejoice in, that, the Lord, has finished, the sentence, the promise, it's this, that the Lord, delivereth them, out of them all, are you, dear friends, some of you, in deep waters, in afflictions, bodily, or otherwise, in soul experience, that here's, something to look forward to, something to rejoice, though you may be, in it even this evening, that the Lord, will eventually, bring you out, he doesn't say, one affliction, he says, all, all afflictions, all troubles, and you will remember, [29:06] Job said, man is born to trouble, as the sparks, fly up with many, but, this little word, out of them all, something to rejoice, in dear friends, and again, we have this, in this psalm, this poor man cried, and the Lord, heard him, and saved him, out of all his troubles, and again, the righteous cry, oh, wonderful thing, something to rejoice, in dear friends, that, God the Father, has brought, his dear beloved son, through all the trials, of his life, in this pilgrimage, and all his suffering, and brought him through, and given the strength, to bear, the burden, and satisfied, the law, as you know, and come forth, triumphant, over sin, death, and hell, he died, true, but he lives, did not Job say, [30:10] I know, that my redeemer, liveth, we ask something, to rejoice in, that dear man, in his love, continued, in his pilgrimage, amidst all, the difficulties, the uphill work, yea, far begun, what we can even imagine, the work, that he performed, to bring forth, this people, to rejoice, in him, how much we have, to rejoice in, that the father, brought him safely through, gave him strength, to endure it, and brought him, through, even death, he laid in the sepulcher, but he rose again, how much we have, to be thankful for, and to rejoice, to think, that, he, as, triumphed, over death, and now, we believe, on the right hand, of the father, in heaven, the mercy, to have a mediator, friends, could you, can I, can any poor sinner, approach God, who is this a consuming fire, only one way, only one way, of deliverance, only one path, to him, and that is, through, [31:41] Jesus Christ, the mediator, oh, how much we have, to be thankful, to God, the father, in bringing, his dear son, to that great office, as the mediator, and as one has said, to see, instead of us, to see, when we approach, to God, how much, we have, to thank God, and to rejoice in, that there's one there, that stands between, outside of Christ, God is a consuming fire, but friends, we're in Christ, father, looks down, upon his dear chosen seed, through Christ, in, and through his dear beloved son, his merits, and his righteousness, beholds the church, perfect, why, it seems unbelievable, that the church, yea, we, can be looked upon, by the father, in, and through his dear beloved son, see no sin, no sin, rejoice then, in the father, rejoice in the mediator, rejoice in this high priest, that shed his blood, and brought forth, a way of deliverance, rejoice, in, the Lord, [33:08] Jesus, speak unto those disciples, disciples a little, before he left them, in which we read, in the 14th of John, let not your heart, be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me, for in my father's house, are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare, a place for you, oh, there's something to joy, something to rejoice in, especially, especially as we know, and realize, what we deserve, his love, but, he is gone, yes, he says, let not your heart, be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me, for in my father's house, are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare, a place for you, and if I go, and prepare, a place for you, I will come again, something to rejoice in, yes, [34:12] I will come again, and receive you, oh, think of it, the evidence, why, we poor, wretched sinners, should have one to stand, in our room, place instead, should help us, succor us, deliver us, from the body, of sin and death, as the apostle Paul said, oh, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me, from this body, of sin and death, oh, think something, to joy about, something to rejoice over, to know that one, who is able, to deliver us, from this body, of sin and death, from a world of sin, from this, for crazy world, and take our spirits, washed in his precious blood, into the place, that he has prepared, which Christ has prepared, for his people, it's a prepared place, for a prepared people, you say, am I prepared, well, this is often my, concern, many concerns, [35:20] I believe, in the arms, of the Lord's people, am I, am I prepared, for that place, you can't prepare yourself, that's impossible, but God, by his Holy Spirit, will, and it may be, with some, you say, well, how are we prepared, well, the Lord, by his Holy Spirit, takes us in his hand, and he shows us, what we are, makes us feel it, neighboring a rod, upon us, but I'll tell you, one thing he will do, in some measure, he's sure to take you, into the furnace, that those, things that are, carnal, disgraceful, dishonoring to God, should be, somewhat consumed, in that furnace, Christ's furnace, God's furnace, not man's, should I be right, in saying, that furnace, that he brings, his dear people, into, is, eat it, by his love, to consume, that, which is, of the flesh, something, to rejoice in, and I believe, dear friends, there's been seasons, when you and I, have been, in the midst, of the furnace, yes, when it's been, well heated, and yet, by the sanctifying grace, we've been, enabled, to rejoice, in God, and, thank God, as a ceremony, did of old, that he had been, afflicted, rejoice, then, in, the Lord, [37:05] O, ye, righteous, well, I trust, we have a taste, of it here, there's been, I believe, times, when we have rejoiced, when the Lord, has visited us, when we've sat, in the pew, and heard his word, I believe, I'm sure, there's times, when the Lord's, servants rejoice, when they stand, in the pulpit, at times, when they felt, a little of his help, and presence, and love, though it may be, after a few hours, they're sorely, tried, and tempted, but there has been, a little rejoicing, in our hearts, when in the pew, in the pulpit, there's been, a little rejoicing, at the prayer meetings, when the Lord, has broken through, and given you, a little liberty, in calling upon him, spreading, as it were, your case, unboosom, those things, that are in thy heart, before him, and we, and having the spirit, yea, there's a little rejoicing, and when we're, in the spirit, there's a rejoicing, rejoice, in the Lord, not in the creature, but in the Lord, and these moments, dear friends, when the Lord, gives the promise, or manifests himself, or brings us into, this word, to joy in him, isn't that, a promise, of heaven, isn't that, a foretaste, of eternal joy, isn't it, something, [38:49] I've learned, unknown to the world, unknown to the world, but known, to these dear people, whom the Lord, has called, by divine grace, brought to a knowledge, of themselves, the malady, and brought to, of the remedy, which is, Christ Jesus, the Lord, rejoice, in the Lord, now just one, thought here, and, it reminds me, of the, word, of the apostle Paul, he said, rejoice, evermore, he didn't say, pray evermore, he said, pray without ceasing, but joy, joy, and that's the, promise, from heaven, to all, of these dear people, of God, that it will be, rejoicing, evermore, when we pass, through that gate, has it been your prayer, the prayer, as the thief of old, the one, who came to the cross, remember me, when thou comest, in thy kingdom, and God answered, his prayer, what did he say, this day, thou shalt be, with me, in paradise, that dear man, is now in heaven, friends, with his master, with his savior, with his redeemer, rejoicing, only the other evening, or rather, during the night season, when awake, [40:43] I was thinking, of this little cause, thinking of those, who were with us, last year, on this occasion, and others, over, a few, years, that one has known, this little cause, and how many, have been taken, how many, have been taken, and we believe, and trust, now in heaven, joining, with the, everlast, joining, with the, host of us, in that everlasting song, praising, the lamb, rejoicing, friends, what do we know, about this rejoice, it's a mercy, to know a little, that we do, sincerely, the hope, that we shall come, into the fullness, of it, when is that, when we see him, face to face, without a fire between, when we see him, as our seed, when we see him, as the M writer says, a man, a real man, with wounds, still gaping wide, there'll be, the rejoicing, to see the one, you've often sought for, prayed for, longed for, pounded for, and as the heart, parted after, the water brooks, so parted my soul, after thee, [42:05] O God, then to enter, into the face, there is peace, and happiness, dark, cannot be described, here below, but, we believe it, to be so, and hope, by the grace of God, we shall, eventually, enter in, and there, praise, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so e'er to never, ending, eternity, Amen.