Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] In number 174, Judas Luton 363, Jesus is precious, says the word, what comforts us is proof of all, and those who in his name believe, with joy, this precious truth receive. [0:30] And then, he is more precious, Father, than I, and all his comforts are, more precious than their day, more precious than their father. [0:42] In number 174. Amen. [0:56] Amen. Amen. Amen. [1:28] Amen. Amen. Thank you. [2:02] Thank you. [2:32] Thank you. Thank you. [3:32] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [4:06] Thank you. Thank you. [4:36] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [4:48] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [5:00] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [5:12] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [5:24] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. where healing comes day. [5:40] In the glory days wake us a king. [5:50] Amen. Amen. [6:50] Amen. Amen. [7:50] Amen. Amen. [8:22] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [8:32] Amen. The Lord's help. [8:46] Turn with me to the second chapter in the first epistle of Peter and verse 7. Verse 7 in the second chapter in the first epistle of Peter. [9:03] Unto you therefore which believe he is precious. But unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner. [9:21] We sing some very beautiful and precious hymns and that one is one of the greatest on the preciousness of Christ. [9:36] And I'm very needy in my soul and spirit this morning before you, for here is a deep subject. [9:48] The apostle is speaking to believers, strangers and pilgrims, called upon, wrought upon by divine grace, called to believe, whereas others were left in their ignorance to be disobedient. [10:11] And believing in this part of the scriptures is connected to the disobedient in opposition. [10:25] Believers therefore are seen to be those that are through grace obedient. Believers therefore are seen to be disobedient. And I want to, if the Lord will help me come to this. [10:39] The foundation here is laying. Peter is laying the foundation of the faith of God's people in the gospel. The Lord says, behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. [11:01] And many of you I would feel are hanging upon Jesus Christ. That your poor soul in that day will not be confounded, your hope ashamed, and you cast out of his sight. [11:22] Your rejoicing is that he has laid in Zion a chief cornerstone. Men may lay their foundation, set up their religion upon different foundations, upon different doctrines. [11:37] Believe it, my friends, this morning and come to your own. Is this God your God that has laid in Zion a foundation stone, his only beloved son, elect, and in his sight, precious? [11:59] Incomparably precious. There is none so precious in God's sight as his only beloved son. [12:11] With the Holy Ghost that proceeded from the Father through the death and righteousness, exhortation of Jesus Christ. With whom then, says the Lord, shall I be equal? [12:30] Now the doctrine of the Trinity we love, which makes the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit equally revealed as divine, in divine perfection, and glorious, and loving, and gracious, and good. [12:57] And God reveals himself to whom then shall I be equal? You say there is no equal. There's no equal to God's. [13:11] False religions have their gods, have their cults, have their way of worship to please those deities, be they what they call the sun, the moon, the stars, and God's many. [13:28] The righteousness of God is revealed in the Scriptures against such, in contradiction to such, in distinction to such. [13:41] Is there a God beside me? I know not any. He reproved by those in that language, to whom then will he liken me. [13:53] Graven images, not to be compared to the Lord. Great is the Lord, and of great understanding. Well now, unto you therefore which believe, he is precious, there's a likeness, and a parallelism. [14:12] I'm preaching out of my heart this morning, believer. If Christ is precious, he's precious to his Father, he is the Christ of God. [14:24] He is divine, he is glorious, he has divine perfection, glory, beauty, grace, poured into his lips, flowing from his heart. [14:38] Believer, if Christ is precious to you, he is precious to his Father. Precious in himself. Precious in heaven above, and in earth beneath. [14:52] Precious. Or we might say, the incomparable Christ. If we say, in the greatest of terms, to whom then will we equal, and liken God, what will we say of Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Saviour, our Redeemer, our altogether lovely one. [15:25] Do you think many can say that he is my beloved? That he is altogether lovely? That he is fairer than the sons of men? [15:37] Do you really think that many, in a way of religion and cults, can say that? God. They will worship God. They will profess an understanding and judgment in their mind of God. [15:52] They will agree to certain doctrines and tenets of the scriptures. But ask them if they love God. Ask them by their life, and conversation, whether they love God. [16:06] And it will seem that, they can go morally, in a spiritual way. But when it comes to, the vital issues of love, very soon they are finding fault with God. [16:21] The ways of God. The judgments of God. They can't see this. They can't understand the other. Why has God permitted this? Why has God allowed this? Soon all those seeds of rebellion, kill all what they have of love to God. [16:38] To them God is an object of worship and of fear. Not a God of love. Child of God, is it so with you, or different with you? [16:51] You say, this God is the God I adore. I adore this glorious, this gracious God over grace, to love him more. [17:05] And nor is it a sentiment of love. The apostle bases this foundation upon that which God has laid. [17:17] That which cannot be revoked, that which cannot be altered. God that cannot lie. God that could swear by no greater, that swore by himself. He laid in Zion a foundation, stone, a rock, and a refuge he laid, for his people in Christ. [17:34] A cornerstone on which to build his church, to call his peculiar people, a nation, peculiar to himself. A royal priesthood, to be glorified in them. [17:49] There he's laid in Zion. You say, but the text speaks of believing. And believing always troubles me, to the extent that I so, feel so weak in believing. [18:05] And so often tried in my soul, with unbelief. And this speaks of believing. Now, if the Lord will help me for a moment, let us look simply, at our believing this morning. [18:21] Is it of the Holy Ghost? Is it of the Lord? By his blessed spirit then? Brought and produced in our hearts, by his sovereign grace to us, that began in a new and heavenly birth, quickening into spiritual life? [18:45] That which makes that grand and great distinction, between those that are born again, and those that are not? Now look at your believing, you say, it doesn't bear looking into. [19:00] I'm so troubled with unbelief, it discounts all my faith. If I can hardly believe, that before we come to these rash judgments, let us look at the nature, of believing. [19:14] Unto you therefore, which believe? It is a believing experience. They don't let any confusion, with arguments, about experience, being a wrong experience, or sinful experience, or an unbelieving experience, experimental truth. [19:36] Let's look, if we are able, just for a minute, simply, at what believing is. Well, believing makes Christ precious. That's the issue of it. [19:51] If Christ is not made precious, then that is no true believing. And how is Christ made precious? Take our own sinful lives. [20:02] Brought up, to attend, perhaps Sunday school, a place of worship, to hear the scriptures read, so regularly, hear them preached, so constantly, to have, in our mind, an understanding, of God, his nature, his love, to understand, a little of the gospel plan, of redemption, and see it, centered in, his own beloved son, whom he, put to death, at Calvary, by wicked hands, appointed it, that he should die, the sinful death, for cursed sinners. [20:40] Now you say, I know that. Yes? Look at your understanding then, that you may grasp, as you grow up. Look at it. Your judgment is, that there is a God. [20:55] However, imperfect your understanding, you have it, that God is good. That God is just, that God is holy. And however imperfect, you may understand, the plan of redemption, you can, in part, see it. [21:12] And as, discernment is given, and perhaps under the preaching, of the word, you can see it all, to be true. Yes, you say that, I do believe. [21:26] And I would believe. It gives me, some satisfaction, to believe, that these things, are true. But now take, a soul quickened, by the spirit, into life, and faith. [21:44] I could just, for a moment, draw aside, you know, we've been given, wonderful bodies, haven't we? Not bones, without flesh, and sinews. [21:59] Around, the skeleton, of our bodies, is provision, made for all, the living, active part, of what we call, our bodies. [22:10] function, in normal health, so wonderfully, and so beautifully. Is it otherwise, spiritually? When God, creates us, a living soul, God, who is a spirit, himself, who has made, Jesus Christ, in his own, glorious image, and likeness, given us, a living soul. [22:37] And cannot we feel, that that soul, is in the same way, that where there's life, there's the abounding, of that life. Spiritual life, is, in the same sense, like our bodies, clothed with, flesh. [22:56] Our religion, if it is of God, the life of our soul, then, has, bones, that is the, foundation, of our, souls, faith. [23:09] The faith, that God gives, to his people. Holy doctrine, we might consider it. And how does God, speak to a living soul, but by his word, and by his spirit, making that word, life and power. [23:24] How does he, convince us, of our sin? How does he, convince us, of our need, of our, of the preciousness, of Christ, the suitability, of Christ, for our souls, sin and guilt? [23:35] How? But by his word, by his truth, and by enlightening, our souls in it. And without enlightening, we shall never believe. [23:49] It's the spirit's work, to take of the things, of Jesus, in his word, and enlighten, our understanding, by faith, so that we believe, not only by our judgment, but by faith. [24:05] Does it stop there? No, my friend. No, it doesn't. That blessing, issues in a believing experience. Now, I'm being very simple, this morning, aren't I? [24:21] And I ask you, in all tenderness, do you know, a saving, and a believing experience, in your soul, and many of them, when what you believe, by your judgment, is revealed to you, by the spirit, to your understanding, by faith, that you can embrace it, and find that, in the embracing of it, with the Lord's help, there's the blessing, of salvation in it. [24:55] You say, I believe, I can trace, some of those, things in that way. There's many things, I couldn't understand, many things, I believed, many things, I was brought, to understand, and I can only believe, that was by the spirit, working it in my heart. [25:13] Faith to believe, in God, in Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, in the things, that belong to our peace. There was faith, given me, not to understand, for that we're never, called to, but to believe, and to embrace, by believing. [25:32] Now I ask you again, tenderly, have your souls, ever embraced, the God, of your salvation? Embrace, that great God, that Holy God, that glorious God, the upholder, of all things, omnipotent, and omniscient, and, of divine perfection, you say, I believe I have, I believe I can, come to my God, and say, oh, my, Father, I believe I can, embrace that God, I can't understand, I can't understand, his greatness, or his holiness, or his mind, or his counsels, altogether, but I would embrace, so, blessed are God. [26:21] Well, if the Lord's given you, to embrace, what you can't understand, of God, by precious faith, now take, the, final part, of believing, which is, to have a blessing, in that sacred experience, now does God, ever bless, out, of the, truths, of his word, does God, ever bless, out of holy doctrine, some may say, yes, he blesses me, in my way, as if we would say, well the Lord, blesses us, other than, by holy doctrine, blesses us, by error, blesses us, as we are walking, in carnal, and evil ways, never my friend, God, as it were, given, a skeleton, in spiritual life, he's clothed, that, with his own, precious truth, when we have eyes, to see it, and hearts, to believe, and embrace it, it's possessing, spiritual life, our souls, are eyes to us, and ears to us, and hearts, to understand, what God is, what he has revealed, to us, of his grace, and of his will, and of his goodness, and mercy, and he leads us, by his blessed spirit, to Christ, to look to him, by faith, to center, our souls, eye, and affections, there, and unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, he is seen, to be precious, in God's sight, he's seen, to be needful, and precious, in your sight, a sinner's sight, and he's seen, as by further, enlightening, of your soul, to be exceedingly, precious, so as to cast, yourselves, at his feet, and cast, yourselves, upon him, and hang, upon him, upon his word, and you might, say who believe, oh, but he is precious, oh, but when he speaks, [28:44] I know, he speaks truth, when he conveys, grace, I know I'm blessed, when he reproves, when he looks, I know I'm reproved, by the look, like that look, he gave to Peter, when he frowns, I know, he is displeased, I know he's chasing, but oh, how precious, is, our Jesus Christ, now, all experience, is, in believing, is not, a saving experience, as I've said, some believe, and are cast away, some believe, accordingly, outwardly, in their judgment, never, have that, believing, through precious faith, and never have, the blessing, that attends it, what you and I, want, is all parts, of this blessing, we want, God's, truth, in our judgment, we want, light, in our souls, by precious faith, and we want, the blessing of God, crowning that all, and with that, you can rest, blessed, with that, to feed upon, [29:57] Christ, and rejoice, in the glory, and goodness, of God, and without faith, in believing, as I've said before, men can believe, anything, oh, I'm weary, sometimes, with you, but what men, will believe, what foolishness, they will believe, what nonsense, what notions, that are nonsensical, that they will believe, left to themselves, in all sects, of religion, you'll see, something different, men's own imagination, gone riot, left to themselves, believer, you're not left, to yourself, you're directed, by the blessed spirit, into the word, of truth, it is, enlivened, in your minds, and a precious Christ, esteemed by faith, according to the light, of God's own revelation, in his own purpose, of grace, and all, to have a blessing, in that, [31:07] I don't know, I hear a good many, testaments, in my church life, and I'm, never more thankful, than when I feel, a young one, that you say, yes, he is a young one, ignorant, perhaps, of much, that belongs, to our sinful nature, ignorant, much, to belong, to the ways of life, but being led, by the spirit, into the, centre of the gospel, a sense of sin, a sense of need, a sense of the preciousness, of Christ, a sense of the peace, of God, which comes, for looking away, unto Jesus Christ, and knowing, the love of God, shed abroad, in the heart, you say, there are four things, that are absolutely, vital, and essential, they are, because Christ, is made precious, all that soul, is young, tender, in the fear of God, trusting simply, oh, you say, what they've got, to come into, what they've got, to learn, and unlearn, yes, but don't detract, from the work, of the spirit, which is, pure, and holy, and directing them, to centre upon, their beloved, and if they're granted, that believing experience, so, to find a blessing, in it, they'll never be, the same again, they'll never have eyes, for any other, than for Jesus Christ, all the days, of their life, you'll have conflict, you'll wonder, where the scene, will end, you'll be very tried, with your unbelieving, but the, miracle is wrought, you are brought, to Christ, to embrace him, by, a precious faith, that works, by love, and you'll never, be the same again, [33:11] I was speaking, last Lord's Day, at the Auden, oh my dove, that art in the test, of a rock, and we looked, at the nature, of a dove, that was true, to her mate, and mourned, for her mate, and only had eyes, for her mate, what a beautiful, characteristic, of those, that believe, into Jesus Christ, and he is precious, you've only eyes, now for him, oh that I knew, where I might find him, oh that I might, love and praise him, more, you've only eyes, really, if you hear, the preaching, of the word, we are, but ministers, of Christ, and your desire, is let me see Christ, let me, hear him, in his word, let my soul, be enlarged, to embrace, the Christ, that he set forth, in the preaching, let us take, believing again, in one sense, if that's the, truest sense of it, a true heartfelt, believing, and a sense, of blessing, from God Almighty, and don't belittle, the blessing, of God Almighty, if you were, to look abroad, and see, what disobedience, the opposite, has, in, its favour, and has, only to offer, for disobedience, and unbelief, has nothing to offer, except to a man, a false confidence, is there tenderness, with regard to sin, is there any deep concern, about unbelief, is there any real concern, to know the mind, and will of God, is there any real concern, to submit, to the ways of God, look my friends, let's take it blatantly, a man might say today, well I've, divorced my wife, and, [35:13] I know it's, forbidden for me, to marry again, but I'm going to marry again, and I still want, to feel, I'm a Christian, I commit sins, against men, immorally, and against, the laws of God's head, but I can still, be called a Christian, let's be, let's speak very plainly, on these things, they declare plainly, don't they, that there's no fear, of God, before their eyes, that they've never, believed, to find that, believing by faith, and Christ, precious with the blessing, of God attending it, they're prepared, to live, they don't mourn, for sin, they don't mourn, the approach of sin, sin is something, they can easily, come to terms with, fear of God, is something, they can easily, do without, they want to go, their own way, they're disobedient, from the beginning, their lot is appointed, you say, but I'm often, like that, [36:18] I often have, so much fear, and doubt, and so, little regard, to the fear of God, and sometimes, I'm tempted, with impious thought, and sometimes, I'm tempted, to unbelief, and to sin, and sometimes, I'm too often, overcome, now, happy, innit, child of God, you're not, you're not, happy, to be away, from the light, of his countenance, are you, you're not, happy, to be tempted, to disobedience, impious, and blasphemous, thoughts, and rebellious, you're not, happy, in these things, they're not, the life, of your spirit, they're death, unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, and shall I, from the pulpit, with many years, of experience, behind me, say, he becomes, more precious, without, giving a lie, into my own heart, the lie, in my heart, says, does it seem, as if he's, more precious, you're tempted, with deeper, abomination, you're tempted, with deeper, evil, you're seeing, greater evil, than you've, ever seen, surely, he can't, be more precious, surely, your heart, and, those, fears, and doubts, that you have, and those, unbelievers, and conflicts, that you have, discount, that Christ, is more precious, no, no, my friend, the way, gets darker, but the way, shines, more brighter, more, and more, unto the perfect, day, [38:05] Christ, is more, needful, Christ, is more, precious, so often, that cry, from my heart, Lord, thou knowest, all things, thou knowest, that I love, thee, in spite of all, that thou knowest, about me, thou knowest, that I love, thee, the heart, is settled, that Christ, is our true love, that, higher than, the sons, of the earth, that grace, is poured, into his lips, let him speak, let him look, let him kiss me, with the kisses, of his mouth, let him revive me, let him restore me, with his grace, let him be, once more to me, the incomparable, Christ, the son, amongst a thousand, stars, let him be, as he is, to me, God's only, beloved son, elect, and precious, my only, redeemer, and sovereign, [39:11] Lord of my heart, unto you, therefore, which believe, his precious, in our right minds, would we love, the ways of error, no, God forbid, the ways of sin, God forbid, the sweets of sin, God forbid, the vile things, that men rejoice in, God forbid, it, the nature of the dove, is to seek those things, that are pure, oh we may be tempted, we may be led aside, but we're not happy, in them, we can't go along, with so many, that profess, to have overcome, these, sinful things, in the flesh, pretend, to a confidence, and an assurance, which will fail them, in that great day, unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, by a deepening experience, then, of the things of God, is he more precious, you younger ones, the truth, of the word, of God, is this, it's line, upon line, and precept, upon precept, it was, in that way, and it has a fullness, of meaning, which I won't go into, but it's the same, in spiritual life, it's here a little, and there a little, do you see, all the doctrines, of grace, at once, no, no you don't, godly men, have never, and we've never, but to see, the gospel plan, you don't, find fault, with the gospel plan, if once, you've seen, a precious Christ, if ever, you've come, before Christ, as I did, in my early days, favoured, to see, a suffering, savor, to say, why me, why, why this suffering, [41:14] I couldn't, have an answer, I couldn't, find an answer, but it was, conveyed, to me, in the sense, that it was, the love of God, that was the answer, the love of God, to sinners, like me, now I was brought, to understand, that it must needs, be that Christ, be lifted up, at Calvary, there was a need, for Christ, to be lifted up, at Calvary, to suffer the just, for the unjust, to bring us, to God, look at all the, quarrels, there are, with the way, of redemption, God's way, look at all the error, that's come, from men, departing, from that way, of salvation, look at all, the blessedness, that's come, to men, who believe, in God, and in his son, Jesus Christ, and in the grace, revealed at Calvary, and in the love, that flowed, from his heart, and the compassion, that flowed, from his heart, when made known, to your soul, in a believing, experience, by setting up, a believing, experience, as the all, part of that all, my friend, [42:24] God has given us, his mind, and his will, in, a framework, then, in the plan, of the gospel, in which Christ, is glorified, and God glorified, and the Holy Spirit, glorified, and sinners brought, to glory, by means of faith, and through, the cross of Christ, and through, believing into Jesus Christ, wherever we go, in the gospel, we shall hear, the same language, he that believeth on me, shall never die, he that believeth on me, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up, at the last day, this is the will of God, wherever we go, in the scriptures, Christ reveals, the mind, and will of God, in salvation, which makes him, precious, to sinners, and God glorified, in and by him, and sinners brought, to God by him, and at peace, with him, and through him, at peace, by his precious, blood, and all the blessings, that God can give, to sinners, are in Christ, a fullness, resides, in Jesus, our head, and ever abides, to answer, every need, that you and I, might have, unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, can you agree, with me then, that we have, an incomparable, saviour, you wouldn't think, it would you, when men, make so much, adoration, of the Pope, and different, figureheads, in religion, in Islam, in Buddhism, you wouldn't, think, that Christ, was incomparable, to them, would you, but hold, the Virgin Mary, in veneration, the saints, in veneration, leave them, my friends, the incomparable, [44:31] Christ, bless God, you are, in, sitting under, the truth, bless God, in a simple way, I say this morning, that you are, closed, within this building, I know, we could wish, others, we could wish, that this place, abounded, where the inquiring, sinners, seeking, after Christ, that we are, not favoured, to see someone, but what a blessing, to be under the sound, of the gospel, week by week, what a blessing, to hear the truth, that it is, in Christ Jesus, will you ever hear, any exhortation, of our denomination, or of our ministers, or of our leaders, God forbid, I hope you will ever hear, a precious Christ, exalted, incomparable, in God's sight, incomparable, in the church's sight, and blessed be God, you say in your own, he is to me, the altogether lovely, the chiefest, among 10,000 light, [45:46] Peter, to whom can we go, bearish the words, of eternal, I cannot go to men, the greatest among, I cannot go to ideas, and to healing, therapies, I cannot, to whom can I go, for healing, of my soul, and all diseases, of the mind, and soul, and body, to whom can we go, and it's not desperation, is it, it's a blessed teaching, and enlightening, of the Holy Spirit, to know that, in a precious Christ, is everything, that poor sinners need, well, I haven't got very far, this morning, have I, is Christ precious, then, yes, you say, as God, and divine, I need a, a divine saviour, I shall never forget, being brought into, the liberty of the gospel, when I saw Christ, as Emmanuel, yes, [46:52] I believed in him, as my saviour, I felt, that through him, I had obtained, the pardon, of my sin, and peace with God, but my salvation, was rather like this, when I felt good, I felt, I was right for heaven, when I felt, tempted, and full of evil thoughts, I felt, there was no hope, for me, and that's how, I fluctuated, living upon my feelings, when child of God, we are called, to walk by faith, to rest upon, the precious things, of the everlasting gospel, the unchangeable love, of Christ, the sovereign grace, of God, the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, these are our foundations, to trust in, his righteousness, his obedience, and blood, his preciousness, his grace, and here was I, resting upon my own feeling, we sang that beautiful hymn, in my conflict, till God in human flesh, I see, my thoughts, no comfort find, the holy, just, and sacred, three of terrors, to my mind, but when Emmanuel's face appears, and Emmanuel's face, appeared to me, that morning, my fears, my hopes, his, his name, his name, forbids, my slavish fears, his grace, controls, my sins, and I was, favoured to see, that his grace, had controlled, my heart, and my life, and my sinful inclinations, and now often, overpowered, with sin, and unbelief, his grace, did reign, that sin, didn't have dominion, over me, and I saw, [48:39] Emmanuel's lovely face, and it brought me, into a wonderful, liberty of the gospel, my salvation, didn't rest, anymore, on my feeling, it rested, upon my beloved, Saviour, upon his righteousness, and obedience, and blood, my soul, rejoiced, in God, my Saviour, I saw, that he was God, divine, with all the perfections, of deity, and glory, and full of grace, and power, and compassion, what I saw, that day, I can't express, but I saw, to the liberating, of my soul, into the liberty, of the gospel, to rejoice, in Christ Jesus, unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, it was a saving, experience, out of, years, of believing, such believing, as I, trembled in, often doubted in, often condemned, myself in, was I a child, of God, was I right, was I not, deceived, altogether, shall I be right, at last, we don't want, these fears, do we, the dead, know not, these fears, they know not, anything, but the child, of God, knows these fears, to bring them, to faith, in Jesus Christ, and as I say, it doesn't all, come at once, to believe, that God, is the father, holy, just, omnipotent, omnipresent, is wonderful, to believe, that he has, a holy name, to stand, in awe, of that name, and then, of his son, [50:22] Jesus Christ, it is given, and of the Holy Spirit, that he has given, the descent, at the ascension, of Christ, his only beloved son, to believe, these things, spiritually, and under the Lord's blessing, is very wonderful, we don't live, in past blessing, we live, by faith, we live, as those blessings, are made life, and power to us, as Christ, is made precious, to us, his word precious, these promises, concerning Christ, are locked, in our hearts, can you say, that the Lord, is precious to you, this morning, in any of these things, it would be so easy, to say, yes, but I believe, in God, and I believe, in the gospel plan, but is it of God, your religion, has it ever, laid hold, upon your heart, has it ever, won your affection, how precious, said Newton, when he wrote, that beautiful hymn, grace, amazing grace, he said, how precious, did that grace appear, the hour, [51:35] I first believed, can you say that, an understanding, in your soul, of the preciousness, of that grace, the hour, you first believed, dates were, taken away, your fears removed, and you believed, in the Lord, with, a wonderful sense, of help, not from yourself, but from the Holy Spirit, enabling you, to believe, to cast your soul, a sense, of the constraining, love of Christ, of the grace, of Christ, how precious, is that, did that grace, appear, I can't express, what I felt, and neither can you, but you can rejoice, with me this morning, in it, can't you, how precious, did that grace, appear, the hour, I first believed, is it less precious, no, more precious, when I've got, [52:36] Jesus Christ, is precious, in himself, as divine, and as taking, a body like, our own, in his divine, compassion, in his loving, kindness, and tender mercy, he is in himself, he is in his love, he is in endearing, words of love, when I'm going, to leave it, may the Lord, keep it on our minds, and give us, to venture in it, again this afternoon, may the Lord, bless you, Amen. [53:10] Amen. We conclude this morning, by singing hymn number 99, the tune Ellingham 462, Blessed Jesus, they we sing, Thou of life, the eternal spring, Thou of worthy, Thou of love, Thou of the rock, and the cornerstone, here's from thee, salvation close, this is the ransom sinner now, Thou of Christ, thou of all his friends, when he sings, his poverty, hymn number 99, blessed hold, thou of your friend, bli, how is God, oath of love's life, [54:25] O send gives us the saints, from ourhay and the earth's UHVV, our Lord has killed them in their ghee, will throughout his廠 I mentioned the grace of this salvation world, is the man's such hate. [55:34] EXTREMUD想 The Ted Aaron Come and chill for the Hallelujah Thank you. [56:44] Thank you. [57:14] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [57:25] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [57:37] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [57:49] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [58:01] we ask for thy forgiving love and mercy we ask indeed for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the love of God the Holy Spirit we ask it for Jesus' sake Amen Amen