Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Hymn number 954, Julius Williams 436. [0:21] Save me, O God, my spirit cries, and on thy faithful word rejoice. Save me from sin. My desperate, O God, must fill my soul with every one. [0:35] Hymn number 954. Hymn number 954, L' softwarecribd, the free power tunes, and the mastersels dingy. [0:53] The End The End The End [1:58] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End [3:02] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End God of Ummul Lord of All God, Jesus Christ love him face Worshiping Way [4:13] God bless you. [4:43] God bless you. [5:13] God bless you. [5:43] God bless you. [6:13] God bless you. [6:43] But there was none. And for comforters. But I found none. This psalm. [7:03] What we might term a prophetic psalm. Written by the psalmist. [7:16] Under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. He relates the inward exercises of his own soul. [7:28] Those dark paths through which he is walking in the exercise on account of these things. [7:42] Surely further we can see here that spoken of concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. [7:56] He who knew what it was for the very waters to come into his soul. [8:10] He who knew the hidings of his father's face. He who expressed as he passed, walked into that garden. [8:27] Now is my soul troubled. Amen. June gerek. even unto death he who had indeed many enemies and knew that reproach thou hast known my reproach and my shame and my dishonor mine adversaries are all before thee reproach hath broken my heart the hymn you have just sung speaks of that deep desire of a living soul to be saved reveals those many enemies which are his to encounter enemies without enemies within more especially one's thought went to that verse which speaks thus save me from Satan's wiles and snares from all the malice which he bears against thy image work and grace against the visits of thy face reproach malice here David knew what it was to be convulsed about with many adversaries [10:12] Saul sought his life determined his overthrow went to great lengths on this account so that the dear man often feared that he would be taken by the hand of Saul he knew the threatenings the threatenings of this adversary those loud threatenings she accused him of this and that reproach hath broken my heart and strange though it may seem those were not possessed with the fear of the Lord those walking a path of ease who ride as it were from the crest of the way never go down into those depths never do business in deep waters these cannot comprehend such sayings as this such words as this about the living soul that one born of the spirit of God hath many enemies hath many that accuse him many that revile him many that scorn him [12:13] Satan is ever active seeking whom he may overthrow and to speak even during the week on those words my soul is among lions among lions not literally but that which is felt within the condition which this living soul realises can be expressed as being amongst those who are bent on their destruction who feel to come under the accusations of the adversary and so often feel guilty guilty guilty beneath these reproaches reproach hath broken my heart this is the effect it's the effect of these things in the pathway brings the soul down he makes them feel broken anguished spirit and aching heart under those accusations of the adversary as he points that finger of scorn as he scornfully accuses them of their condition did not [14:26] Joseph know somewhat of it the archers have sorely grieved him shot at him shot at him and hated him literally he felt this in his pathway and it had that effect upon his own soul he was caused as each are caused to wait the Lord's appearing seeking patience beneath these trying strokes the word of the Lord indeed his stride those persuasions those intimations the Lord doth give he will put these things into the furnace he will cause all manner of foes to rise up against them to try his word to prove that soul it is in this way he gives exercise to faith for faith will not lie dormant under such railings under such accusations one will know what it is to cry unto God would I commit my cause seeking relief at the throne of grace reproach hath broken my heart and I am full of heaviness before the Lamb of God he must need to go up unto [16:51] Jerusalem his disciples sought to dissuade him from that purpose peace oh it was according to the mind and will of God it was that that might be fulfilled which was which was purposed ere time began in that covenant of grace he must needs go up unto Jerusalem he knew what it was even as he returned unto his own went unto his own and they received him not reproach hath broken mine heart he cried on one occasion all faithless and perverse generation how long shall [18:04] I abide with thee reproach hath broken my heart many occasions did not the Pharisees and Sadducees seek to catch him in his speech did not they rail and hand against him bring all manner of accusation against him they rejected him rejected him clearly they said we will not have this man to reign over us went unto his own it hath its application surely concerning the Jewish people that nation which God had so blessed so favored wrought so for them in time's path these who looked for the promised [19:19] Messiah could and would not receive him he who came upon this earth born of the virgin by birth mysterious great indeed are the mysteries of godliness they rejected him those in authority sought take his life sought thus to bring to naught all that was spoken concerning him reproach hath broken my heart surely this hath a deeper meaning still as we come to that season when he must need lay down his life before sinners this one god man verity god and verity man entered into those very depths they all forsook him we read they all forsook him and fled he who bid them watch and pray [20:52] Peter James and John those three favored disciples who had been with him upon the mount who had beheld him in his glory these these slumbered and slept amidst that solemn sacred scene as the dear Lord Jesus Christ must need go a little further a stone cast further what he said could ye not watch with me one hour one hour such is the frailty of human nature oh such the effect of the fall in in the midst of the garden of [22:10] Gethsemane in that dark some place there there they slumbered and slept they apprehended him Judas by that kiss betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ or cannot we say reproach hath broken my heart consider him the apostle exclaims consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds reproach oh if any if any were subject to the malice the malice of sinful wicked men and the temptations of the adversary was it not the [23:32] Lord Jesus Christ we read that as he came forth from under those temptations of the adversary Satan left him for a season for a season but oh he returns again as it were we speak reverently of that last mighty fling against the Lord of life and glory returns with that great power oh indeed it was that day of darkness day of gross darkness day when the powers of hell seemed for a season to triumph as they abound him and led him to that cross reproach hath broken mine heart he was subjected to all the malice of sinful men they sawed that there might be those who should accuse him but these accusations were of necessity false they could find none that agreed in those accusations false accusers arose reproach hath broken mine heart beneath these railings beneath these accusations as he passed from those judgment halls he was silent silent when he was reviled he reviled not again persecuted he threatened not reproach reproach hath broken my heart like as a sheep is silent before her shearers dumb before her shearers so he openeth not his mouth reproach hath broken my heart [25:57] Satan abroad as it were before him all that lied upon him yea that weight of imputed sin justice accused him concerning that tolerable load beneath it he opened not his mouth a thought on this wife that Caesar as that laid upon him could he and would he as it were release himself from those accusations laid upon him was the iniquity of all the election of grace was the sins that bound him to that cross we read of him being bound bound to that cross oh doth it not signify that was the sins of his people which truly bound him to that cross of wood for there he was to suffer there he was to bear that malice of sinful wicked men there he was to bear that which justice demanded there he was to bear the wrath the unmitigated wrath of an holy [27:54] God against sin bore this upon the cross and amidst this distress his heart broken sighs and cries that go forth from his holy soul we have recorded in the word of God hearken unto that cry oh my God if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done reproach has broken my heart and I am full of heaviness the word reveals the inward condition of his holy soul that which he felt in those hours of darkness as all the powers of hell were as it were arrayed against him as wicked sinful men took it in their hands to smite him to scorn him to mock him yea to lay upon his head in the crown of thorns patiently he bore these buffetings murmuring not against that which was occasioned against him reproach hath broken my heart and [29:51] I am full of heaviness stooping stooping beneath this load he fell upon his face to the ground in the garden prostrate prostrate upon the ground his sweat was as it were great drops of blood reproach hath broken my heart the reproach of the wicked bearing that curse curse of sin he bore the curse he suffered the just for the unjust reproach hath broken my heart was the path the [30:51] Lord Jesus Christ himself walked in towards that path which led unto the cross towards that path which issued in that cry that cry of triumph that he was enabled to exclaim even with a loud voice not as one in the very throes of death would cry with a feeble voice but with a loud voice he exclaimed it is finished it is accomplished the work is done salvation is wrought deliverance deliverance for sinners from the powers the malice the spleen of the adversary he rose he rose triumphant all sin death and hell [31:51] I am he that liveth and was dead and am alive forever more he rose and now at the father's right hand he advocates the cause of his own he is that great high priest touched touched with the feeling of our infirmities oh how precious it is to realize this to be enabled to feel him draw nigh and go with us as such have to walk in their little measure in these paths for many many indeed are the reproaches of the wicked some of us know what it is in our daily calling amidst those that are of the world to know the scorn the scorn of those around us they cannot understand understand how it is that we would seek to worship as we seek to do they deride though are not such often subject unto those reproaches things to the sensitive soul are very keenly felt reproach hath broken my heart but oh these things of those without are nothing unto those wounds which are felt at seasons in amidst the people of [33:52] God one read that psalm we felt considering the length of the service perhaps we ought to read a shorter psalm and we read thus that portion again the dear psalmist speaks of that reproach which he felt it was not an enemy that reproached me then I could have borne it neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me then I would have hid myself from him but it was thou man mine equal my guide and mine acquaintance we took sweet counsel together and walked into the house of God in company reproach reproach has broken my heart this was his language this was the complaint of his soul this was the breathing which went forth unto his [35:05] God in heaven keenly he felt these sharp arrows as such shot against him railed against him one with whom he'd taken counsel even a hit of all one with whom he'd taken sweet counsel yea one with whom he'd walked to the house of God now turned against him reproach hath broken my heart there is a word a word in prophecy which speaks somewhat like this they said unto him what are these wounds in thine hands and he said those with which I was wounded in the hands in the house of my friends wounded in the house of my friends reproach wounds soul is sensitive keenly feels these accusations such cause a searching of spirit before an holy [36:34] God there is a questioning as to the cause of these things there is an inquiry and it behoves us to search our own hearts the psalm is sought to be searched we pray for a feeling religion we seek to be kept tender in the fear of the Lord is it not often in these ways the Lord answers those prayers or those cries in ways which one expresses nigh drive unto despair reproach hath broken my heart broken my heart is this altogether an unprofitable thing did not bring up out of a state of unconcern may be in that sleep of ease say is it altogether unprofitable the [38:01] Lord as it were we speak carefully employs these means to stir up the nest sweet as the illustration very very instructive concerning the eagle she stirreth up her nest there she hath a young they lie in the security of her nest she flutters o'er her young as that nest is stirred out she flutters o'er them she spreads forth as it were her wings shows forth her might her strength and she bids that one those young she bids them come forth unto her oh has it not a spiritual application concerning these souls who must need go forth venture forth by faith unto the [39:24] Lord Jesus Christ he spreads forth his wings reveals his love and his power flutters all them and bids them come forth as he occasions this in their nest reproach hath broken my heart bids that one look unto him bids that one fly unto him not the psalm is saying and he was subject to much affliction he he was subject to much reproach he was subject to many adversaries did he not say amidst all these I flee unto thee to hide me I flee unto thee to hide me thy name oh how could we prove these things were it not for these parts thy name is a strong tower that righteous runneth into it and is safe those guilty souls had to flee but provision was made for them in those cities of refuge guilty souls have a refuge in [40:45] Christ yea and he understands oh he has that great high priest he's touched he knows he feels for thee in thy distress reproach hath broken my heart for his language in prophecy oh again I utter it never never man walked verily God and verily man never one walked to such depth as he in this path of reproach as they rose up against him as they sought all manner of malice against him as they clearly said we will not have this man to reign over us that language of the Jews was away with him away with him crucify him crucify him sought that [41:48] Barabbas might be released unto them in a murderer in the place of the Lord the Lord of life and glory reproach has broken my heart and I am full of heaviness bowed down with grief afflicted a man of sorrows a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief truly can be said of him to that extent which none other can ever realize of sorrows and acquainted with grief conversant with these paths walking walking under the hidings of his holy father's face what must this have been to him who had been in the bosom of his holy father from all eternity now now to feel that come between even the wrath that unmitigated wrath of a holy [43:04] God against sin yea that laid upon him his sweat that we have spoken of sweat is caused by heat it was the heat of God's wrath against him that caused him to endure endure such darkness and such pain an agony of soul and spirit reproach hath broken mine heart tis towards his pathway towards that that he endured thus now oh behold him by faith may it be that lifting up the eye of faith that we might behold him now at the father's right hand our great high priest the high priest of old had to stand in the holiest of holies their work was not accomplished not finished it was a continual coming year by year this god man he endured he endured crucifixion bore the curse suffered the just for the unjust now he sat down sat down at the father's right hand yea there that revelation of a finished work accomplished indeed upon calvary's cross and now now in that office of priest and king he advocates advocates the cause of his people we often think of those words somewhat obscure in the word of god concerning lemuel he openeth his mouth for the dumb feel to be dumb beneath these bodies of the adversary they feel to know not what to do speaking to us it all comes concerning the course the disciples of [45:56] John took as one as he was beheaded they took his body we read and they buried him and they went and told Jesus they went and told Jesus grace all grace is needed much needed that such a course of action might be taken and that course alone they went and told Jesus told him all his ear is ever open under the cry of the destitute he will not despise their prayer his feeling heart goeth out for such all this is known as he grants some a portion for their souls in the dark hours he endured in the garden amidst that oppression upon his spirit alone with his holy father grappling with the powers of darkness conflict within his holy soul it is recorded an angel from heaven was sent to strengthen him an angel from heaven was sent to strengthen him cannot we humbly sigh no measure thy blessing the lord doth grant amidst these paths he sends his angel his messenger the holy spirit the trial may not obey the malice of the adversary may not cease but he draws nigh and he goes with him lends a helping hand what doth the adversary accuse thee of he's the father of lies doth he suggest thou art an hypocrite doth he point to those things in thy life and suggest thou art but hypocrite people of god come under these temptations these accusations this malice tis malice of the evil one for satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees that break thine heart yea to realize thy sins nailed the lord jesus christ to that cross of wood or doth he accuse thee thus but see what is thy salvation sinners christ came to call not the righteous t'was these these that felled oh [50:30] I do feel there's something there these that feel these things this signifies a broken heart a feeling heart one tender in the fear of God the worldly knoweth nothing of it maybe those seasons when natural remorse may overcome them but that will not last but that which is of the spirit of God that which hith implanted this tender fear that broken contrite heart oh this will mourn this will mourn all mourning him adversary may and death and all his malice accused shoot those arrows and warn thy soul but see oh see one went down from Jerusalem to Jericho note the path from [51:34] Jerusalem to Jericho down that way Christ musquites come up up unto Jerusalem we understand leave this six hours it was six hours journey and upward climb up unto Jerusalem oh the heaviness of his heart as he passed that way this one went down sinner sliding in his sin for curing this trouble unto itself oh then how how the sinner how satan reproaches that soul how that one is made to feel guilty he points the finger of scorn can ever God dwell there can't there be one to whom he hath an eternal favor the priest the [52:36] Levite passed by the other side nothing to do with such egregious but the Samaritan he drew nigh he drew nigh that one was stripped that one was left half dead full of reproach heaviness of spirit heaviness in the heart of man maketh it to stoop but see one came where he was one poured in that oil one bound up those wounds one took him upon that beast and placed him in the inn and made provision for him then and for that we should further be needed oh there's the gospel there's the gospel these that are broken in heart these that feel the reproach of the adversary these who mourn all their sad condition oh tis to such the gospel is preached tis the poor that have the gospel preached unto them the [53:59] Sadducees the Pharisees they had no ear for the truth they saw no beauty in Christ they saw no suitability to suitability in him for their needs but those poor needy sinners one that came up behind Christ weeping one who indeed was a sinner and Simon in his heart expressed itself but oh t'was the blessing was for her Simon reproached her and reproached Christ because of her but the blessing was for her oh what encouragement then what encouragement still to continue amidst the dark paths of the way tis that faith might be strengthened in Christ those times when he draws dine when the angel of God is sent to strengthen is there not is there not then a growth in grace and in the knowledge of the [55:10] Lord Jesus Christ his mercy endureth forever reproach hath broken my heart and I am full of heaviness Amenleye 135 service by singing a part of hymn number 1116 to his Sharon 663 Stricken smitten and afflicted See him dying on the tree Tis the Christ by man redeemed Yes my son [56:11] Tis he Tis the non-expected Christ David's son yet David's son prove thy city is a true and faithful word hymn number 1116 I mean singing verse 2 to the s' Thank you. [57:31] Thank you. [58:01] Thank you. Thank you. [59:01] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [59:13] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [59:25] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [59:37] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [60:17] Thank you. [60:47] Christ the Lord of the Nation He is the name of this tree Amen. [61:39] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [61:51] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [62:03] Amen. Amen. Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen. [62:28] Amen. Amen. Amen. God willing, our prayer meeting will be, as usual, on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. [62:44] Also, God willing, the minister for the next Lord's Day will be Mr. Jay Ralph. Thank you.