Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Thank you. [0:30] Thank you. [1:00] Thank you. Thank you. [1:32] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [1:44] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [1:56] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We will turn to the second epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verse 5. [2:12] The second epistle to the Thessalonians, the third chapter and the fifth verse. And the Lord directs your hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ. [2:39] The second epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verse 5. If it doth please the Holy Spirit to direct our hearts into the love of God, we have an inexhaustible thing for you and I to ever stand amazed at. [3:13] For we know that, as Paul says, that we may be able to comprehend the height, the depth, the length, and the breadth of the love of Christ. [3:28] What an unspeakable mercy, dear friends, that the Lord ever has set his love on such fallen creatures as you and I from all eternity. [3:43] That was, of course, before the worlds were made and the hills were scattered. It is an everlasting love. [3:55] And we need, dear friends, the help, the light, and the teaching of the Holy Spirit to direct or to lead our hearts, as Paul speaks to this church at Thessalonica, to direct your hearts into the love of God and in the patient waiting for Christ. [4:21] He had, in the concluding verses of this epistle, in that first verse, in this chapter, he says, Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified even as it is with you. [4:45] Then he comes, my dear friends, to see the union, the concord between the apostle and this church, which we do design, you may see and I may see and many others may see in this dark and cloudy day. [5:11] And where there are few poor sinners that pray that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified as it is with you. [5:23] And also, those who desire to minister and who have been set forth on the walls of Zion, that the Lord may direct the hearts of the hearers into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ. [5:45] What a wonderful mercy it would be, my dear friends, if these singers appeared more and more in our churches and by our congregations. [6:00] There wouldn't be, dear friends, half those singers that we constantly and continually are cast down with. If there was this spirit of prayer and also this wonderful desire that the Lord would direct the hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ. [6:27] Let's then just, as it were, venture on the edge of this mighty ocean, the love of God. [6:39] And first then, I would just briefly say to you, here is the source, the foundation and the fountain where all mercies spring from, the love of God. [7:00] You may perhaps, as I very often are concerned with, that there seems to be so little real love unto the Lord or to the Lord Jesus or to the Holy Spirit or to the Father. [7:21] But, dear friends, if you and I can trace the mercy of the Lord, the every mercy, dear friends, that comes, those covenant mercies, and that flow to the church and to his dear people in that church, and they flow from the love of God. [7:45] And that love of God, dear friends, the wonderful effects of that love of God is no less than Christ. [7:58] Because Zacharias, as you know, when his tongue was unloosed, amongst several, many things that he spake, he spake concerning Christ as the mercy promised. [8:16] That mercy that was promised in the Garden of Eden and when sin entered into the world, that was in the eternal mind of God from all eternity, the love of God. [8:30] And you know how the dear apostle, writing to the Romans, he says this, God commended his love toward us. [8:42] What? When we reformed ourselves, when we got a little better, no, my dear friends. God commended, and it's an amazing thing, God commended his love toward us while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. [9:07] Could, my dear friends, there have been a greater example of the love of Christ, that Christ died for his dear people, and here we see it flowed from this one and great mighty channel, that love, whereof the streams make glad the city of God. [9:34] All that those streams, my dear friends, of love, the love of God, that may be realized and known, flowing a little, with all their virtue, and all their wonder, into such hearts as you and I. [9:51] Now, the dear apostle, he would seek for the very best of blessings, and to this church, and he says, the Lord direct your hearts, mark it, he doesn't say direct your head, he said direct your hearts, into the love of God. [10:13] God, you know, what an unspeakable mercy, and that we trace every new covenant, blessing of mercy, flowing from the love of God, which is an everlasting love. [10:28] Yea, he hath appeared unto me of old, saying, Yea, I have loved thee, as I just mentioned in prayer, a personal love, I have loved thee. [10:42] What a wonderful thing it would be, if this word was so sweetly applied, to one or another of us, here this evening, that the Lord had loved you, loved me, who deserve, and such, such a way, whereby, he hath not dealt with us, as our sins deserve, but he hath dealt with us, in a way of mercy, again, my dear friends, flowing from the love of God. [11:16] And so we can see the importance, of the church of God, and you and I, you and I entrust in, that we are amongst the members, of that church, the necessity, and for that Holy Spirit, for our comfort, our help, and in the midst of, all our disappointments, all our troubles, all our afflictions, and all our persecutions, is there a greater remedy, dear friends, to comfort our hearts, if that blessed, glorious spirit, which is his, his special office, that he has in the church, to direct, the Lord's people, into, the love of God, it is my dear friends, in this way, he directs them, unto, the Lord Jesus, and where we see, the fullness, and the meridian blaze, of, of the love of God, [12:17] Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now there is, in, in, in one instance here, there, there is, there is perhaps, a way, that, that is set before us, in, in this, in this prayer, and that, that the apostle prays, for this church, he said, and the Lord direct your hearts, into, the love of God, there is of course, the three persons, of the Trinity, mentioned, in, in this text, and there is, as I've already hinted in, the Holy Spirit, is, is, is that one, that direct souls, into, the love of the Father, and the, and the, and the love of, of Jesus Christ, then he sets before us, my dear friends, that, that, that, that way, that God appointed way, is not the appointment of man, you know, sometimes, we may, we, we, maybe perhaps, overwhelmed, overwhelmed, with, the way of man, but here, here is the way, that God has set forth, and whereby the Spirit, will direct the hearts, of, of, of his dear people, into the love of God, and that is, into the patient, waiting for Christ, who is of course, the, and that, and that great object, of, of love, and mercy, that has, that has been set up, from everlasting, in the church, one unspeakable mercy, if you and I, are, are, are brought to, to, to wait for, for, that patient's, waiting, for Christ, one would perhaps, say this, perhaps in, in perhaps, almost, if not, every case, and when the dear Lord, perhaps we cannot discover it, at the time, but I believe there will be, something that, that we'll know, when, when the, when the, when the Lord, and then, reveals himself, to this, this soul, that had been waiting, for Christ, there will be, [14:28] I believe, an ingredient, in, in his revelation, of the love of Christ, to, to, to souls, such as you and I, and so, and so, it is, it is not only, as it, as it were, a, a prayer, but there is, a direction, in this word, and into the patient, waiting, of, of Christ, and where, and where, I, I believe we should experience, a little, of the love of God, in our poor souls, may the dear Lord, grant men, and that we may, we may be brought to, into that place, and where we, where we, patiently, wait for Christ, you see, the offenders, I expect, we all know, something of, impatience, I do, I'm, I would say, I'm the most, impatient one, in this gathering, this, this, this evening, we, we, we soon get disturbed, we soon get, troubled, we soon, we soon murmur, and repine, and yet, my dear friends, we are, we are exalted, to, to wait, for Christ, for we know this, it will be, of course, that, that right time, when he had, when he, when the, when there is that set time, to favour Zion, let's, let's then just look, very briefly, at the, at the, that love of God, which, which I trust, that I try and attempt, to speak of this, inexhaustible, subject to you, one, one feels, their own, inability, but one feels, it is, it is one of, the greatest things, that, that will help us, in, in, in our, in our, in our journey, in, in that, in that pilgrimage, where we trust, unto, unto Canaan's happy shores, the love of God, now, now, now, the offenders, and that, that, that love, and that the Father, hath made known, and how, how hath he made it known, he hath made it known, in, in, in this way, whereby, we, we read, [16:47] God so loved the world, God, that is, I believe, more particularly, applies to the Father, where God, God the Father, so loved the world, and, and, and, and God the Father, so loving the world, he doesn't mean, of course, and, and the, that those sinners, and that, that, that are unbelievers, or that rebel against him, or turn their backs upon him, he, I, I believe the meaning, is there, and that there will be, those sinners, throughout the whole world, and which we'll know, something of, of the love of, the love of God the Father, and that love of God the Father, and that, whereby, he gave his, only begotten son, now, I want then, just, very briefly, to, to, exalt, and the, the glorious trinity, in that love, that they have made known, and, and, and, towards such sinners, as you and I, [17:59] I just refer you, and to, and to the, to the, the dear old saint, and, and Abraham, and, and of course, we are, we are, we are all familiar, in that, in, in, in, in, in, account, and where, where, where God spake to Abraham, and, and, and we, and we read, it came to pass, after those things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham, and he said, behold, here am I, and he said, take now thy son, thine only son, you see, you see, and dear Abraham, had waited, a long time, for that son, and, and now, and now, now the, the Lord said unto him, now Abraham, take thy, take, take now thy son, thine only son, and, at whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there, for a burnt offering, upon one, of the mountains, which I will tell thee of. [19:12] Well, how did Abraham, react to, to that which the Lord, to that which the Lord, spake unto him, we read, Abraham, rose up early in the morning, saddled his ass, and took two of his young men, with him, and Isaac, his son, and claimed the wood, for the burnt offering, and rose up, and, and went into the place, of which God, had, had told him, all the, the wonder, of the faith, of the Abraham, who had waited, so long, for that son, and now the Lord, had commanded him, to take that son, and to offer him, as a burnt offering, upon that, the Mount Moriah, now, if you, if you just look at that, don't think I'm going to minimize, the faith of the Abraham, I am not, but what I am going to say, my dear friends, Abraham, obeyed, and it was, the spirit, of obedience, he obeyed, the command, of the Lord, although it cost him, such, a great deal, undoubtedly, to offer, his only begotten son, but he obeyed, the command, of the Lord, now, when God, gave his, own son, and, and, [20:40] Paul, Paul tells us, and that, he who, loved me, and gave himself, for me, you see, the father gave, and the son gave, the father, gave the son, and, and the son, gave himself, as, as that, a turning sacrifice, and for the redemption, of his, dear people, now, I believe this, dear friends, Abraham, acted, under the spirit, of obedience, we admire him, my dear friends, and we, and we wish that, that there, we were in that same place, but the father, and the son, acted, in the spirit, of love, how, there's a vast difference, you see, between, Abraham, so, and don't think, again, I want to impress this, that I'm, minimising, and that faith, that Abraham, had, when, when he, he rose up early, that's always amazed me, didn't hang about, he rose up early, and, and he went to that place, that the Lord, told him of, he acted, in the spirit, of obedience, but, dear friends, [21:56] I feel, we can see, such, such wonders, in that, but there's a, greater wonder, and when we, when we are unable, to see, the father, giving his, only begotten son, who laid in the bosom, of the father, from all eternity, and the, and the, and the dear son, equal with the father, he gave himself, in the spirit, of love, love, my dear friends, what, to friends, while we were yet, enemies, and Christ, died, or gave, himself, for us, you see, you see, we can see, the vast difference, not, as again, I would not minimize, and the, the act of Abraham, in one iota, but I would exalt, the love, of the father, and the son, and where, whereby they acted, in, in, in that spirit, of love, what for, who was the object, of the, of that love, were they, four angels, no mighty offense, the objects, of that love, and that spirit, of love, that is so, miraculously displayed, the object, of that love, is sinners, such as, you and I, one unspeakable mercy, and, and, and that love, my dear friends, was, was, was made manifest, you, you know, in that part, that we read, we, we, read together, and dear John, how, how he dwelt, and, and he, he came, he came to that, that wonderful, truth, where, where, where he says, [23:43] God, is love, a common expression, I know, we often see it, on, but, one wonders, whether, and there is, a real, um, appreciation, or, or whether, where there is, a real, a real knowledge, of, of that love, made known, in the hearts, but, but, the, the, the dear, the dear apostle John, he said, he says, here in his love, or, here in his love, it seems as though, he sets aside, every, every other love, and, and, and, and he says, and he says, here, here, here in his love, and that is, that, that wonderful love, and where, where the, where, where, where we read, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, this is, here in, here in his, is that love, whereby, whereby the Lord, manifests himself, to take away, our sins, one unspeakable mercy, dear friends, whereby, we, we know, and we know that, that love, and was so great, and, and, and, and so wonderful, and whereby, whereby he sets it before us, as that only love, really, uh, worth considering, considering, as, we gather together, and this, this evening to, to, for the dear Lord, to direct our hearts, into, the, into the love of God, here in his love, not that we love God, look at the, look at this comparison, my dear friends, not that we love God, in spite of what we do, we, what we are, [25:33] God loved us, I, I believe I, I believe I've said this here, and I very often say it, to my people at home, there are those things, that go far, far beyond, our little comprehension, but, we, what we want, what we desire, my dear friends, although we cannot, hardly begin, to comprehend them, we, we would seek, the dear Lord, that we may, have faith, to believe them, the Lord, did not love us, for what we are, but in spite of, what we are, here in his love, not that we love God, but that he loved us, and sent his son, to be the propitiation, for our sins, well, there's a, there's a wonderful lot, of course, in the scriptures, and that, and that sets forth, the love of God, greater love, hath no man, than this, that a man, should lay down, his life, for his friends, now, let's just define, very briefly, and the, the, [26:50] I was going to say, the difference, but there is, there is, there is this difference, between, the father's love, and the son's love, and the holy ghost love, all on parallel, my dear friends, and, and, and we can say this, that, that there is a unity, in these things, and, and, and perhaps, it is not right, for you and I, to, particularly, separate them, but in the word of God, it is laid before us, very often, whereby, the father, in love, chose his dear people, in the Lord Jesus Christ, he is elect in love, the offenders, whereby, he elected a people, that, that, that should, and dwell, dwell with him, and for endless eternity, every, the Lord, direct our hearts, into the electing love, of God, oh, that wondrous love, and then there is, the redeeming love, of, of the, of the son, who went forth, to, in love, to, redeem his dear people, and from that awful state, that by nature, you, you and I are in, and, and, and he paid, paid that price, the price of his own heart's blood, in love, to his dear people, and, and, and how, how he, how he, manifest that love, by laying down, down his life, and there was, those wicked hand, as that came, and, but it was the determined counsel, and full knowledge, of God the Father, and that, that, that he should, that his son, should offer himself, as I believe, [28:39] I said in prayer again, he that spared, not his own son, but delivered him up, for us all, how shall he not, with him, give us, all things, freely, the redeeming love, of, of the Lord Jesus, and where, and whereby, he paid that full ransom price, appeased the wrath, and the anger, of the offended father, and brought, and brought, brought in, life and liberty, or as the dear apostle Paul says, abolished death, and brought in, life and immortality, and, and, and immortality, immortality, and by the death, of his dear son, there, my dear friends, there is an astounding, manifestation, the Lord, direct your hearts, I know, my dear friends, there will be, a sweetness, there will be, there will be, a sacredness, there will be, peace, there will be, comfort, there will be, heaven, when, when the soul, is directed, into the love, of the father, and the love, of the son, that redeeming love, and then very briefly, there is the sanctifying love, of the Holy Spirit, that's where he, sanctifies, that sinner, and, and, and he implants, in that heart, and that soul, that new heart, and that new spirit, and that grace, of sanctification, sanctification, whereby, they are prepared, for eternal glory, they are meet, meet for, the inheritance, of the saints, in life, all the love, dear friends, and that blessed, spirit directing, you see, how dear Paul says, he says, those that are led, by the spirit, they are the sons, of God, he leads, his dear people, and, and, and, and, and, and, our text says, directs their hearts, into the love of God, now, now, the nature, of that love, the offenders, is, everlasting, [30:54] I cannot go into it, of course, but undoubtedly, you've heard, and much, of the everlasting, love, of God, there, there, there is, there is, not only the everlasting, love, which, which begun, in eternity past, runs right through time, and will run right through, a never ending eternity, there, there, there, there is also, the, the, the unchanging, um, love, dear friends, of, of God, he changes not, I am the Lord, I change not, um, whom, whom once he loves, he never leaves, but loves that soul, unto the end, and, and, it is unchanging love, and it is a love, my dear, dear friends, which, which will, um, and carry that soul, through, all the trials, of, of this life, and then that soul, in, in eternity, that's the wonderful nature, of that love, but I just want to, leave with you, something of the, characteristics, of this love, now, the characteristics, of the Lord, direct you, that we, that you may see, the, this, this hand of direction, [32:16] I was going to say, almost, in your, daily lives, in the, in the powers of providence, and also, more particularly, perhaps, in the way of grace, and the first thing, I would just suggest, to you, this evening, how the Lord, directs, and the hearts, of his dear people, into the love of God, is, and where, where he makes, his nearness known, you know, my dear friends, could the Lord, have, have made himself, any nearer, and, and, to his dear people, than, than he hath, made himself, he says, in the, in the, in the, in the epistle, to the, to the Hebrews, he says, before as much then, as the children are partakers, of flesh and blood, he also himself, likewise, took part of the same, that through death, he might destroy him, that the power of death, that is the devil, that, you see, you know, undoubtedly, all know, in some measure, a little of, a natural love, it would be a poor, natural love, dear friends, if, if, if, if the two persons, were, quite contented, to be parted, for any length of time, it wouldn't, it would be a poor, a poor show of love, you know, that love, that goes far, beyond any, any natural love, the Lord, hath made, his nearness known, in so many ways, he became partaker, of our flesh and blood, he could not, he could not have, got any nearer, and he, he became, our elder brother, to redeem, his dear people, could he have got, any nearer, just, just think, just think of, of another part, of the nearness, of the Lord Jesus, unto his dear people, [34:27] I have betrothed thee, unto me, that marriage, my dear friends, where, where, where the dear Lord, is the glorious, the glorious bridegroom, and the bride, is, is his dear church, he's betrothed them, unto, unto himself, in loving kindness, in mercy, in faithfulness, and in truth, the Lord, direct your heart, into the love of God, the nearness, my dear friends, and not only the nearness, I've got to be brief, not only the nearness, but, the willingness, to give, you see, again, if we look, just look at the natural love, it would be a poor affair, if, if, if, if that natural love, was not, willing to give, to that one, whom they, they, they said they loved, now, my dear Lord, as I've already said, he gave himself, the Lord, direct your heart, into, the love of God, the, not only the nearness, but also, the willingness, to give, and also, the willingness, to suffer, bleed, and die, oh, dear friends, if the Lord, would direct, our poor hearts, even, if he, if he sees, not fit this evening, that there may be, perhaps dear friend, you may wake up, in the, in the, in the night season, and I trust that, that this, these words, these words, may be brought, to our minds, and that the Lord, would direct you, in the silent watches, of the night, into the, love of God, you will never, have a better bed, to sleep on, my dear friends, than, the love of God, shall we, and, and to fall, into those, arms of love, who, who, have the power, to save us, from, sin, sin, death, and hell, the love of God, what a wonderful thing, dear friends, if, if we know, just a little, of this, love of God, shall abroad, in our hearts, through, the Holy Spirit, but then he goes on, to say, and in the patient, waiting, for Christ, you know, this is one, of the wonders, of his grace, we, we, we, we sung in that second hymn, surpassing, human thought, to know, where this abyss, of love, shall flow, it flows, to the objects, and that he, his mind, was set upon, from all eternity, to lost, ruin, guilty, sinners, and, and, and, and that love, my dear friends, is set upon, that soul, and, and, and dear Paul says, who shall separate us, from the love of God, that is, in Christ Jesus, he enumerates, those things, which have, had the effect, of, of separating, that, we, that soul, whom once the Lord, the Lord love, is shed abroad, in his heart, that love, will never depart, as I've already said, it's an unchanging love, and that love, dear friends, will bring that soul, into eternal bliss, and now, there we are, we are exalted, that, and into the patient, waiting for Christ, that, that, that, that whereby, [38:08] Christ is set forth, as that mercy promised, and that, and, and through the love, of, of, of God, and where, now we, you and I, as sinners, are exalted, exalted to, to, to wait, wait for Christ, for his appearing, one, and speak of all, you see, the Old Testament saints, they waited, and for, the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, that the Old Testament, is full, of those expressions, where, where, where his dear people, are waiting, for, the coming of the Lord, should not we, my dear friends, and be, be set upon this, as enabled, by, the teaching, and the Holy Spirit, to wait for Christ, we've got to wait, for him, but also, as you will notice, perhaps, in the, in the margin, it also, and renders it, in this way, and into, the patience, of Christ, now of course, this is a, vast subject, if you know, dear friends, something, of your sinful ways, of your wicked heart, your depraved spirit, and, and how the Lord, have exercised, his long suffering, and patience, toward, such sinners, as you and I, we shall sink, in the dust, of self-abasement, not only waiting, for Christ, but, but, but, direct our hearts, into, the patience, of Christ, look at the patience, he had, while he was, on this earth, look at the patience, he had, with all those, that ill used him, and, and treated him, so cruelly, that, pay, if, [40:06] I could call, upon my father, and he would send, he would send, legions, to deliver me, the patience, of Christ, now, look at ourselves, I've sometimes, undoubtedly, you have, been amazed, at the patience, of Christ, that he hasn't, cut you and I, completely off, but we still, are kept, on praying grounds, waiting, for Christ, and I trust, we, we admire, and extol, that patience, that the dear Lord, exercises, toward us, he knows, our fame, he knows, that we are, but dust, and he has, so much, patience, with us, in his teaching, my dear friend, he, he, he, he has, so much, patience, with us, in our rebellions, and in our murmuring, and, and all those things, which you are, conversant with, we, we recognize, the patience, of Christ, well, [41:12] I have to close, but it is my desire, we know not, dear friends, what a day, may bring forth, but what I desire, to leave, amongst, you friends here, is that same, as the dear apostle, and left with his church, the, the Thessalonians, and the Lord, direct your hearts, into the love of God, and into the patient, waiting, for Christ, there I will leave, those remarks, may the Lord, add his blessing, Amen. [41:51] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [42:02] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [42:14] Let's close this evening, by singing hymn number 409, the tune is Adoration, 528. Hymn number 409 To him that chose us first Before the world began To him that bore the curse To save rebellious man To him that formed our hearts anew His endless praise and glory due Hymn number 409 To him that số [43:22] Use a message out of God At him that apostle Come on for says Tourance God bless you. [44:04] Thank you. [44:34] Thank you. [45:04] Thank you. Thank you. [46:04] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [46:16] Thank you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be with us now and forever and ever. Amen. [46:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [46:47] Thank you. Thank you.