Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Thank you. [0:30] Thank you. [1:00] Thank you. [1:30] Thank you. Thank you. [2:30] Thank you. Thank you. [3:30] Look upon Zion. And who is to look upon Zion? [3:46] Why those who love her and who count her, hear her, have all things beside. [4:03] We love the place, O Lord, where in Thine honor dwells. [4:23] The joy of Thine above all earthly joy exists. These look upon Zion. [4:39] Why? Why? Because it has the chief place in their affections. They prefer it above their chief joy. [4:55] And in looking upon Zion, their hearts go up to the Lord in earnest supplication that he will look upon Zion. [5:17] O Lord, do look upon Zion. Do have mercy upon her, that the time to favor her, for said time may come. [5:44] Lord, thou great king of Zion. Look upon Zion. [5:55] Look upon Zion. Look upon Zion. Why Zion is to be understood first, the whole, complete church of God. [6:16] God. That people love from everlasting, freely loved. [6:31] That people for whom Christ in the covenant engage to come and be loved. [6:45] And to save. And to save. He might purify them unto himself, a peculiar people. [7:00] Sion, the church of the living God. [7:13] Dead stones. Dead stones. Quickened by the Holy Ghost into life. Taken from the quarry of fallen human nature. [7:30] And built by God's almighty power of grace into the church of God. [7:45] Great mercy to be found amongst these stones. Great mercy to be found amongst these stones. To be present when there is much crying and shouting in heaven. [8:04] They shall bring forth the top stone thereof. They shall bring forth the top stone thereof. Crying grace, grace unto it. [8:15] The wonderful mercy to be found amongst God's living people. [8:28] The stone of which I speak. The stone of which I speak. The stone of which I speak. Ye also as lively stones are built together. Spiritual habitation. [8:43] The temple of God. God. And on this mighty structure. [8:55] Beneath this sacred building. There is the chief cornerstone. Which God the Father laid in Zion. [9:08] The chief cornerstone. Elect precious. [9:21] Whoso believeth in him. Shall not be confounded. Never be ashamed. [9:35] Never be disappointed. It shall be well with them. Forever and ever. There are those present. [9:49] Who have been brought by divine grace. To build upon Christ. The cornerstone of his church. [10:04] All their hope is in his righteousness. In his perfect obedience. [10:16] In his sufferings and death. His resurrection and ascension. [10:27] All their hope is fixed in him. In themselves. Very poor. [10:40] Really poor. Truly poor. And destitute. Before God. God. [10:51] Having nothing of their own. To commend them to God. But all their hope. [11:02] Is fixed in Jesus Christ. The cornerstone. God laid. The stone. God laid. In Zion. [11:13] In Zion. Zion. In Zion. Zion. May also. Set forth. The church of Christ. Upon earth. [11:24] Wherever. His people. Are found. Wherever. His people. Are found. That the last. That we gather. Out of all nations. From the east. And from the west. [11:35] From the north. And from the south. They come to this. Zion. May set forth. A particular. Little church. Of God. And it is in the interest. Of that. Church. [11:46] Particularly. The church. Of God. And it is in the interest. Of that. Church. Particularly. That we are gathered. To�en driving. Toactually. [11:58] In the great. Because. Wow. Come along. Touish. For the time. To praise God. And come APPLAUSE. Our own tram. Very male. [12:09] That we gather. It is. Our world. The Lord. Our sun. So come. To. The God. In the entry. Of that. [12:20] It is. And 바�ulness. over a hundred years and we entreat that he will still bless them and increase them the wall of fire well developed them and the glory in the midst here are their tased believers poor humble gracious people resting upon Christ for salvation resting in his love resting in his covenant and hoping that when they cease to worship a triune [13:29] God below they shall forever worship in heaven where congregations near break up where Sabbaths have no end these people having the same hope the same love the same favors of God united together in love as they're united unto Christ and these look to the Lord and say Lord look upon Zion every blessing every good that we have need of must come alone from thee the vanities of the Gentiles cannot cause rain it's rain we want [14:49] Lord the reviving showers of thy grace the vanities of the Gentiles cannot cause rain neither can the heavens give showers not even the appointed means of grace give those showers art thou not he O Lord our God therefore will we wait upon thee for thou hast made all reasons if you're taught of God if you love Zion that's how matters will stand with you you'll say Lord it's not by might nor by power but by thy spirit [15:55] O Lord of hosts thou only can supply our need do look upon Zion look upon us in all our want and need that out of thy fullness we may all receive and grace for grace if then these blessings can come alone from God then these people will lift their heart to God for them in secret as well as in public prayer God God has encouraged them to it for these things I will be inquired of by the house of [16:59] Israel to do them for them I ground some of us come far short in these things sometimes on my knees in my little study I ask him Lord to give me more of the spirit of prayer to incline my heart to pray for by nature I have a heart of thirst the prayer Lord pour out the spirit of grace and of suffocation help me to plead with thee so it will be that those who love [18:12] Zion will do as the world enjoys for these thieves I will be inquired of to do them for then again in the psalms God says open thy mouth wide and I will fill it sometimes I venture that word in secret prayer sometimes when I go forth to speak God's name I try to open my mouth wide but he says for these things I will be inquired of to do them for these godly people though they have much to pray about without themselves and their circumstances they pray for [19:26] Zion God will look in much mercy for his people and a few of them gathered together together in his name for the people themselves will look upon Zion because as I say it is for them dearest of all places where the Lord is present where his gospel is proclaimed where his people meet together and abide in union and pray that they may abide in union with each other and the Lord possess in sweet communion joys which earth cannot afford so they say one to another look upon [20:36] Zion how do you know that it's these godly people why because they only and none beside them shall see Jerusalem of a quiet habitation do not see how God speaks of the prospect these people have when their tribulation is over their sorrows brought to an end when they come to that place where there are no more fears and above all no more sin thine eyes thine eyes shall see Jerusalem of quiet habitation that's why I'm sure the people of God have spoken of in my names look upon [21:41] Zion great mercy to have a desire to be found with God's people amongst God's children given a godly goodly heritage great thing if the heart is searched and tried oh Lord do I bear the marks of thy sheep have I the evidence of a living heart within me that I am born again that thou has brought me to repentance and brought me to a hope in [22:42] Jesus alone great mercy to have these exercises this fervent plea with God is secret Lord do confirm it to me that I have a true place in Zion I notice how David concludes that 23rd Psalm surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever he had my dear friends a sweet confidence that God had given him an eternal dwelling in his house an eternal dwelling there that it was well with him and so these people look upon [23:55] Zion they look with a little comfort and joy and the Lord is pleased to bless and to help increase them give success the preaching of the gospel and there's a sweet union felt one with another they find a little comfort and sacred joy and I'm sure they do when God blesses the word to them and makes this the city of their solemnity place and they have in their hearts the sweet harbinger of heaven the foretaste of eternal bliss and God directs his servants to come right into their very path cast out the stumbling blocks the stones to lift up a standard for them and show them that it is the [25:30] Lord's own work in them and that having begun their good work he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ oh I could never tell you all I feel about the solemn things that happen inside many most blessed things look upon Zion they look upon those things the Lord is pleased and manifest in Zion when he manifests his presence makes his word of blessing helps his helpless servants don't be offended at my remark in calling them helpless because Christ himself said without me ye can do nothing we have this treasure the treasure of the preaching of the gospel in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of [26:55] God and not of us and here in Zion God blesses the preaching of the gospel these look upon these things and see the joy they've often had we have often had in seeing one and another constrained by the love of Christ to come forward and testify what he has done for their souls good sight good things to look upon to say here my best friends my kindred well here God my savior praise find the word life and power to your souls to find yourself singing at least with the heart and praising [28:21] God inside and some of you have much to praise him for for God has given you according to his word a double portion and that for your sins that is to say notwithstanding your sins the eternal God has given you a double portion for your sins ye shall have double for confusion they shall rejoice in his name they shall rejoice in Christ double portion does never grieve you you can praise him so little you hope to come to that heaven where all is praise the praises of God ceaselessly going up through all eternity don't you wish your hard heart to praise him more [29:47] I do praise him for those blessings of his saving grace as well as to praise him for the mercies of his kind province first we are to enter into God's course with thanksgiving to come in at his gates with praise I want to do this I want grace to serve him acceptably to the reverence of godly fear this is Zion look upon Zion where god's presence is the place where he has placed his name where he has chosen to dwell oh may [30:57] I love that Zion more and more until the lord takes me to his glory above and the word goes on the city of our celebrities where god's presence is even when there are but two or three who love and fear his name he left this world to their consolation and comfort where two or three that gather together in my name there am I in the midst of sacred solemn place there is no place like it upon earth when you come to a right mind you say not even my own home know there is no place comparable to [32:13] Zion to the house of god look upon Zion the city of our solemnities where the gospel is preached where some because of the goodness of that gospel explain how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good timings that publisheth peace so however despised they are by some however hated there are those that esteem their feet beautiful by reason of the message they bring that message is Christ crucified Paul says [33:16] I am determined to know nothing amongst me save Jesus Christ and him crucified that is to be the great theme of the preaching now if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me he was lifted up in crucifixion on Calvary's Mount God's sent servants lift him up in the gospel and proclaim that precious gospel the faithfulness of God the sureness of his promises and the cleansing power of [34:23] Christ's atoning God nothing else to be preached that glorious gospel of the blessed God those whom God from everlasting ordained to preach it desire to preach nothing but that the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ these solemn sounds go forth in Zion the place where the word of God is missed you say look upon [35:24] Zion then you say Lord do make the word of thy grace more effectual if it be thy holy will let power be in the ministry let life let there be ocean let blessing attend it oh Lord look upon Zion how glad you will be when he's looking upon Zion see the Lord's blessing on it how sorrowful you will be when you look upon those things in Zion which cause sadness and grief look upon Zion as there is no place like [36:26] Zion these people that is where they look not only find things which comfort and encourage them in Zion those things also they have to take the Lord in prayer and beg of him to help them and appear for them many times I think of that word that he is a wall of fire round about his people round about Zion and the glory in the midst he will defend he will uphold he will care for his Zion and he himself will be the glory the only glory in the midst of [37:27] Zion thine eye shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation all that is the quiet God no more persecution outwardly no more terrible conflict inwardly certainly no more season no more differences what a love Paul had particularly to their church of Philippi treating them to cleave together in the bonds of the love of Christ there were two women there who didn't just see eye to eye and his great concern for the good of the church said [38:42] I beseech you oh yes and beseech seem to be that they be of one mind in the Lord by and by thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation with yours thine eyes oh how very such sometimes look at that word in the ecclesiastes peace and so I saw the wicked buried who had come and gone from the place of the holy they were forgotten in that city where they sowed down this also is vanity and something we found constantly attending the house of [39:53] God to know nothing of the sweet power of the gospel and give a fortune to seven and also to eight and maybe one in God's house this morning that those nothing of Christ nothing of his precious gospel but a solemn thing to live and to die in that state how different the burials that lay before people in these farms just now godly faithful ministers who long preach the gospel of [41:01] Jesus Christ their hearts go up to God for their loved ones and also the causes over which they were foster of their bereaved friends what a mercy to have that hope spoken of in my case that thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation you shall come into those realms of endless and uninterrupted peace there shall I bathe my weary soul in seas of heavenly rest another wave of trouble roll across my peaceful breath it's a good hope not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed from any of the cause thereof be broken the glance the little history of this place published today being circulated reminds us over the hundred years and more stakes have been removed and caused broken but thou remainest [42:50] Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today forever they were brought to love the Lord brought to true repentance brought to a hope in God's mercy they gathered numbers of them in this house of prayer and some of them have gone long since into the presence immediate presence of the Lord may it please God strengthen and increase his people here for the increase of God peace and I would drop this word to ask for the whole past where is a good way to walk in peace no innovations no seeking to conform with the times for the wishes of calm minds asking for the old past good way and walking there being and ever looking upon [44:35] Zion and entreating the Lord to look upon Zion and praying for his blessing shall that time come when your eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation and no more stakes nor cord shall ever be loosened or removed but the one redeemed evil of God redeemed with the precious love of Christ shall worship love and adore and adore him forever and ever in glory shall see him whom absent they love whom not having seen their Lord love and leave the word and his blessing to thank you and the 377th page the tune 625 is only above on the rock of ages bounding what can shake thy short repose with salvation's wars surrounding their last smile at all thy bones [46:48] Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen The End [48:01] The End The End The End [49:31] The End The End The End The End [51:03] The End The End The End The End The End