Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Let us be a humble defendant upon the Lord Again direct you to the book of Psalms Psalm 42 and verse 5 The 42nd Psalm And verse 5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? [0:39] And why art thou disquieted within inmost? Hold thou in God For I shall yet praise him For the health of his countenance There is this aura And I have no intention really of being repetitive That is to go back over the course of our discourse To start to move There is this aura Definition of a certain state of soul And that is clearly defined Concisely confined Defined [1:40] By these words Disquieted And that is the exact So I say diagnosis Of the spiritual state Of the psalmist at that time He was Tossed out And Disquieted And then And of course And of course If I stop there for a moment I would say this That as we Live in this dark world Which is Really to live in a hostile World And in a body of sin and death And These are the days of our Tribulation The days of our tears Our sorrows It is A veil of tears [2:41] It does really mean then That Every child of God Without any exception whatsoever Will often be In this State Before God I know Not that I am Very well acquainted with you As a people I Love and esteem you And some I have known For some Years now But There is a time of love There is a time of divine Blessing and favour And When you come into those days Of divine Blessing The time of love The time of your Exposals Well You are just Lifted above Really All the Sorrows And troubles Of this life In the Marry And you may feel [3:47] That when the Lord Blesses you And You follow him In the precious And sacred Ordinances Of the Church of God You may feel That you are going to Walk Walk with joy To heaven I am not at all Critical as that In fact In fact I would say To any of you That if you are Now living in a time Of spiritual Enjoyment Well certainly I would never do Anything To disrupt it Or to spoil Your sweet enjoyment But the fact That the fact That the Nine Path Of the Journey Of a child Of God Through this Life Is spent In Tribulation Passing Passing [4:48] Through the Water Through the Fire Knowing what Sorrow is And Sighing And Tears Take even the Word in the Redonation Concerning the Blessed Souls That are Glorious Eyes People Wipe away All Tears From their Eyes It shows You see The Sort of Life That a Child of God Must Have So What I'm Endeavoring to Say Briefly As we Begin this Evening Is this That really The life Of a Child of God Consists Very Very Much In a Feeling Of being Tossed Down And Disquiet I mean If I Just Know Enumerate A few Things And You Will Know This From Your Own Experience [5:48] You Know It From God's Blessed Word To One Thing You Got A Body Of Sin And Death The Bible Speaks Of Us As Corruptible And This Is A Vile Body Who Shall Change Our Vile Body In The Modernization Of The Modernization Of The Modernization Of Terms Used Of course You do not hear From the Anglicans the word vile used They use another form altogether But it doesn't make any difference So we shall change this vile body I know that it means carefully defining When you think that God is the architect of your body You see the wonderful skill and wisdom of God in the formation of the human body [6:52] What it means is Because of the total fall The absolute fall of man Vile body And What Corruption What Build What wickedness there is In the wicked heart of man I am not In favour And I am going to say this straight out I am never in favour of people in public prayer making a big display about their corruption The bedrooms were paid for that There are some people that almost seem to take some glory in giving a public exhibition in their confessions of their sins and so on It's within the four walls of your closet that's the place the secret place for that [7:53] But the point is It is a vile body Cloth Now how many of you know it? [8:06] My friend Do you know it? I know it Well The very fact of this Apart from anything else Means that you're often cast down You see you're very cast down You trade yourself a charm of God Can I Deem myself a child With this Silt of the Adamic fall Rising in me The honest man Before God Because I'm not God When I say man I don't really Don't really mean the vile I mean also the female You see the fact is we're poor I'm well aware of the fact that That there are degrees of knowledge in this That is to say some are very gently And they really don't know very much about the depths of their sinful heart and nature [9:11] But you will You will You'll know it You'll feel it because the spirit churches Jerusalem with candles You'll know it You'll know what a vile sinner you are my son Well now the very fact of this You're often feel charged down In fact if I gave to you If that was prudent If I gave to you A glimpse of how I felt on my journey to Abingdon today I felt that I was cast down because of my own sin Very much so So that will come to you And then This persistent Powerless Determine Obstinate Accuser of the brethren And seducer of the brethren [10:12] The devil You know what it is to be devil Handed Now you'll be cursed There not in there With what he impures into you And what he suggests to you And what he tells you And the picture that he paints before your view And so on He can allure you He can seduce you He can attract you And he can roar Like a lion And a hit of a serpent You'll say You'll often be Carved down You'll say My soul Cast down within me Lord And only thou can tell the sword So that what I'm [11:15] Endeavouring just to say Is this As we begin this evening It really means It really amounts For this That a tremendous amount Of your time As you journey through The wilderness It's a wilderness And yet even this I ought to stop and preach this There This ain't wilderness Beautiful creation Doesn't mean that It means this Man and his sin And the fruit of his sin In the world That's why it's a wilderness It doesn't mean the beautiful creation Yes Although the very creation Is affected By man's sin And the curse of God's sin I would think it's true To say there's nothing In creation That isn't affected by it But it does mean this [12:19] Then It's a wilderness It means your gate You'll often be cast down What was this vile virus This Cursed foe Now let me go on In this Category Now that I've made a start Although I want to come To the Pacific The renovate The therapy If you like What else Cush you down Well there's disquietude Two things together What's the disquietude Well really The meaning of the term Disquietude is this A lot of conflicting Influences Or forces Or voices Within You know Speaking To cross [13:20] Surferences All types Of voices I quite I quite expect And I don't know That you ever Think of such a thing Probably you never Think of it But I quite expect That It's so With God's ministry As I know I know I know it is With me Sometimes When I'm going To When I'm going To preach I'm a mess Of confusion With him Confusion And you men That stand In a prayer Meeting I expect Sometimes When you go You're a mess Of confusion And then And then The Lord Says Peace Peace To The great Now You see There's the voice Of the devil Disermen Is a great Blessing Because The devil Can roar And he can Have a very Soft voice To You want To know Who it is [14:21] Speaking he's puffing you up with pride is that a good prayer man he gave such a soft voice he didn't know it was a prayer another time he roars then he hisses there are all sorts of things the devil says and then there's the voice there's underly talking and then there's tonal reasons and then there's the advice of men and then there's the opposition of enemies and then there's the voice of pride and the voice of unbelief I have mentioned and what with all of it together well it's absolutely right and yet do you know one thing right in the middle of it the Lord can give you to hear the voice of sight and that is just what the speaking is a spoke to his own soul it's a so livable a freak to his own soul and this was living faith it's a boy out there he could hope in God this is the voice of faith and the still small voice of Jesus that's faith and the father so let us gather this up for a moment it doesn't matter who it is if they fear God it matters not who it is whether they're in Britain [16:24] South America India any part of the world it doesn't matter whether they're living in a bamboo hut or a wigwam or an ice house or whether they're living in some place in England it doesn't matter who it is my dear friend I'm saying this that God's children live very very much in this path where they get cast down and they know this described it but you see what I've done is I've just endeavoured to shall I say shoulder the worst of the malibate after all it's not any good minimising it's no good a man coming into that surgery with a malibate and the physician knows all the time all about it and he just glosses over the surface let's know the malibate let's know what it is let's see the worst of the thing and then hope to the therapy well can you understand this it doesn't matter whether it's the king on the throne or the beggar on the downhill the fierce the monarch the squire the neighbor woman and not as who it is that I fear God in various ways [18:17] I walk in the earth I cast down and I disliked now I go to another point now look there's no property or influence on the earth that can do anything for you apart from God if you possess the earth you could more for this you can go to your top men in London and pay a hundred guineas you do nothing at all with it unless God comes there's only one that can touch your face my brother or sister and that is the living God no one else can touch it and this is where you're going to prove it there's only one can touch it [19:31] I know don't misunderstand the Lord does and can use me and be thanking for what I mean is apart from God in his flesh no one can touch this only God now do you realize so that I would like to suggest in line of thought here this is one of the ways God has of tripping you of every thing but himself and everyone but himself and you'll know there's only this one blessed person that can do it Jonah down in the wild belly at the bottom of the mountains at the bottom of the sea he said [20:32] I remember the Lord there I was in this state but he said I remember the Lord there is one person one that can do this and so is he and so is he my prayer came in unto him unto his holy temple he was in this the Lord so I have briefly referred to what it is in this life mainly that causes this casting down I could of course give some subdivision and add somewhat to this list and I think that I will although it will be in prayer now you've got personal things that cast you there personal you've got [21:37] I'm speaking to the children and you've got your sins of course there's no getting away from one thing I'll tell you what it is it's a day I may say this to you because there are a number of young people here it's a day when they say that the modern age they're seeking to emancipate themselves from all the bombs and setters that cast those fire that is a sort of a general thesis now in saying now we've been held morally in every sort of way in the themselves we've been held in bombs over the centuries now we're beginning an emancipation for thought of freedom and I can do anything you like at all and that's the general concept of this age and you'll see how did it operate on all hands but this is a point [22:57] I want to make we must realize one thing that there's nothing to be compared for pain and agony to the remorse of guilt nothing to be compared and that is a flagrant disregard of God's law and God's law is a demonstration or manifestation of character that is what the Lord God is now disregard of that and the risks will be law and there's nothing on the earth that can remove it you can go from Britain to Australia people can go into pleasure they can go to night topics they can drown as they think all this by intoxication they can have a round of pleasure and underneath there's a word and if [24:29] God doesn't have mercy on that soul it's a word my friends that never God now you can't tell how dreadful that is that is a dreadful thing that is so let me come back to this point you may be cast down by a personal thing just then and I I feel just to say this to you in a very guarded way of course I occasionally come in contact with a person who fears God and they've got they've got something they've got something that's personal that's agonising their spirit expressing their minds burning within them and they could never tell anybody what it was now they're passed down now it's not once a week or once a month but occasionally you see we receive their confidence and when we receive their confidence we do it with the vow that this will never escape our list no one will ever know and they'll go in the grave and they'll never escape their confidence there's something in their life that's burning within them and that casts them down now I wonder if that meets any of you can have something you've never pulled a soul and it burns in you talk about a burning coal of the pit that's almost like that now there's something to cast one there and I can tell you something more it's a great blessing if God raises up for you one that in measure you can open your very heart and soul to you may have something that cast you down my friend that nowhere one has the slightest knowledge of course you you see cast down this quietly [27:41] I come in contact with this constantly young people as well as old people I've got a young person now and I can say this to you because you have the slightest knowledge as possibly a young lady beautiful young lady and she's just gone to a teller and really looks as if she's dying and there's something deep underneath all that you can go to the psychiatrist and the psychologist and all this sort of thing that's not the answer you see there's something there that poor soul made God something that cursed you well [28:43] I don't know why and it's not for me to inquire into that because God I'd just like to speak as I feel led that you've had this from me now because I I'm led into it now this is one of the deepest things that I find that you can have a young man or a young woman and they've got a sadness in their very personality you can never get out and they carry it through their life and they're cast down now you have God my young friend your only hope is in God and he can deliver you he can bring gladness joy to your spirit as one who is able to do it now you can see with any sort of ministry that glosses over the top of things never touches these things never come to anywhere near so what [29:58] I want to do and what I always decide to do is I want God to lead me down deep into the recession of your heart so the personal things may pass you down things that no one knows but the crucifions pass you after war if you're in I don't know what you know let you shall as God you probably walk a crucifixion you will be cast down and you may be cast down because as the hymn writer says though hosts of enemies rise up someone said to me recently they were remarking on a pastor a dear man a man of God a most wretched man and they were speaking about the favor he received and so on [31:01] I said well I fully agree with you I rejoiced he said he's seven years of plenty and I said if he spared he'll tell him seven years of time what I really meant by that was there will come a time when he's in trial so you prove my friend you all know what it is to have the favor of God but you will also know that the day of adversity is set over against the day of prosperity and when you come into that you will know what it is to heal God allow me that remark I mean this is a general line of proof but it too so there are things that no one knows there may be things that some think they know but when people think they know it's always like an iceberg there's an eighth of it that shows above the water line and seven eighth underneath and they see the one eighth above and the seven eighth underneath and they don't see it and you get cast down very often but not you you'll know what it is to rejoice the [32:40] Lord will say to you my friend because you're in tribulation and he will bless tribulation to your soul rather a personal thing and then there are family child I'm not on this not you I'm going to preface this with one word and it's this always be strictly loyal to your own family and even if you've got a trial in your family don't tell anyone don't you tell anyone if you've got a son or a daughter that's a trial to you if you've got any trial in your family never breathe a word to anyone about it that is to betray you never carry it before [33:45] God and don't carry it before people I've got no time to live whatever you walk the Lord enable you to carry this not before the preacher there was a dear old lady that I knew and man woman a few words widows or I think he was a widow for 50 years and when her husband died he said my dear I've got nothing to read me hands he said I commend you to the Lord I commit you to it but what I was telling to there there were two in the family a son and a daughter well the son well they were both shall I say handsome or exceedingly good looking and the young man with a quite good looking man beautiful appearance and as he grew up he'd only got one ambition and that was to be a film star and he got it you know he got the appearance of everything else most of that well the days went on and of course in the end he was out half the night three o'clock four o'clock in the morning now that dear old lady she never went to bed until he was in and I don't think she ever told anybody and she kept crying to the [35:47] Lord never went to bed until he got contained now to die is a most blessed ministry of the gospel that young man he's no longer now he's no longer now she kept her trials to herself and that's the thing that you do now when you keep it yourself what you want I know that you may come back to me and say you were speaking about a confident and that's true if you've got something burning within you God can give you that but what I mean is as a general principle keep your trials to yourself don't broadcast it all over the place and tell everyone what trials you've got in your family carry it as quietly as ever you can just just begging crying and you all be cast down and then you see there are those casting downs in the church of [37:15] God I this is not my province I mean I am standing in my brother's pulpit so I am not embarking on that in any way but let's take the church generally not a local church generally I know you'll be cast down about the church of God the various things that you may come in contact with I mean as a people little people and several of you here and other places and I would feel this generally as far as I know of you I would feel that you would say well we're in peace and loving you and I believe it and rejoice in it but taking the church generally oh how much there is that can't do that and dear old [38:17] England I'm I'm putting it like that in a simple way beer old and then it can't sit down and you want to go I know it's very difficult it is never travel at all but you want to go over the channel and cross the sea and all the other countries and think of what is anticipated and that is two thirds of the total population of worlds that will shortly be facing starvation that is the over analysis and expectation now when you begin to think of it over half of God game human race facing starvation [39:19] I can tell you this I don't know how to sit down and eat a full meal very often I feel downright ashamed to ever think of eating as very not that I do eat a lot but I'm thinking of these poor babies and children nothing only killing boats on the borders of the grass don't they cast you down there then well I spent a long time on this set day to change to me that all I can say for now is that Lord would heighten his coming I say that in middle of time I feel that in bed of the [40:19] Lord the heighten and scale of coming well now here's a casting down now David is now what is that he said why is this I hope I'm not unduly detaining you if I go on for a few minutes hope you won't leave a bus he said what now I want to make one point it's this the orientation of your spirit soul heart and mind it's a big factor here of course there's a complete volume of terms here I recognize that but I'm just on this one thing the orientation means which way your mind spirit heart soul is turning or looking now where are you looking and I will use a simple illustration to demonstrate it the disciples in the boat there are several narratives like that in the gospels that carry more or less the same type of things they were in the little boat one time the [41:58] Lord was with them another time he was on the mountain and walked on the sea but at any rate they came into a violent storm now why art thou cast down O disciples why destroy it it was because their orientation was wrong they were looking at the waves they were looking you can't see but as it were they were looking at the waves in their eyes and that's why you're so cast down because you're looking at your troubles and you're looking at the threat of the devil and you're looking at the things that kernel reason suggests to your mind and you're looking at yourself you see and all this sort of thing this is the trouble with you you're looking at the gloomy thing [43:00] Satan has put in front of you you're looking at your poor body you're looking at yourself pour not on thyself too long rest it sink thee lower look to Jesus this is the orientation why art thou cast out in Jesus tithae compassion is joined with infinite power now there's the secret of it all a few years ago not do I need this now don't think that I'm going back a few years and I don't need it now I need it very much now but I will just name this to you so that you will see how this affected me a few years ago [44:00] I was in a I came unexpectedly into a trial it seemed a very simple thing at first but it simply ramified and gathered and spread out and in the end it just surrounded me and threatened me and well I really won whatever the issue of law was I could see no way whatsoever it was what is tall and in thou bloody you can't see anyway and I preached and lived and laid it under that for I should think some weeks together and I looked at it all the time I slept with it I lived with it I kept looking at it I looked at the people the problems the difficulties the complications didn't matter which way I looked it was impossible I kept looking at it there's no way well [45:05] I was in it was in a new year actually I was preaching in Heathfield as I shall be short for new year services and I had a text given me to Heathfield I didn't feel much like preaching any special service I can tell you but I was preaching up there and in the middle of my text there was this word you'll know the scripture when I name this theory it was about temptation the Lord did not suffer you to be tempted above that and so on this was the word that God is faithful you see now as I went on in my preaching that seemed as if over the front of the gathering it seemed almost as if those words were written in letters of gold that [46:10] God is faithful now my orientation of spirit was changed instead of looking at the difficulties and the people and the problems and all this sort of thing I looked to God and his faithfulness then I hope thou in God I felt when I came out and brought out chapel I felt God is faithful I've got something to stand on and God will appear and say God so hope thou in God but it's all very well for someone to come along and say that to you they mean it well no doubt they might come along and say to you brother hope in God but the thing is for God to give it to you with divine terror to see the golden letters appear [47:27] God is faithful for now instead of sleeping and living with those overwhelming difficulties and sorrows as they were to me I slept and lived with a faithful God God is faithful hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance amen you will take a connection to your esteemed pastor closing hymn is the hymn number 420 for blessed the Lord of my souls let all within me join and I need of my tongue and the blessed is known these are divine are divine 420 and holy spirit one living and true [48:47] God blessed trinity we praise and adore thee and thank thee for the holy worship thou hast engaged thy spirit in and the gospel blessings diffused we now commend to thee in Christian esteem and love the dear pastor and the church officers and thy servants and thy dear children in this flock together with all our dear friends visiting us and we pray for those who are older those who are in middle life in all its strain and stress for those who are younger in years and for the little children we pray for thy divine blessing we pray for healing for those who are sick and for those who are condescension that thou wilt restore them to normality and health and vigour we pray that thou wilt bless the souls of thy people we pray that thou wilt quicken those who are now dead we pray that thou wilt go out into the streets and passages of [50:35] Abingdon and into the highways and hedges that they may be compelled to come in that thy house may be filled we pray for all we love we pray for those who travel that thou will keep us all in peace and we pray for those who work through the night for our comfort and good we pray for those in hospitals who are now on duty and who minister to the sick through the night watches we pray for the sailors of this land and of all lands in their perils on the beach we pray for all those who need special help and comfort and guidance at this hour we pray that thou would send food and protection and blessing and all this through [51:45] Jesus Christ pardon us be with us be with the lonely widow or widower be with us fatherless be with all blind children and people be with those who need thee in special cases of sorrow be with those who are dying be with those who are suffering from malignant diseases whose time on earth is short that thou will turn their hearts to thee to see thee bless the children of many prayers who have gone astride bring them back into thy fold bless us now for Jesus say and we pray that thou wilt raise up in this land as thou didst in the days of the reformation godly men in the universities and those who shall be leaders to this country and those who shall be made a blessing not only in the [53:13] British Commonwealth that in the whole earth that their mediation may be successful that war may cease and peace prevail the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all amen back has been here to you