Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would ask your direction to Luke 22, verse 28. [0:23] Luke chapter 22, verse 28. Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. [0:39] Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. Luke 22, verse 28. [0:52] My friends, the Lord spoke these words to his disciples in that upper room. [1:10] They had walked with Jesus. And they had witnessed many things. [1:25] And they continued to walk with him. There's so many, my friends, that turned back. [1:39] There was in the day that the Lord Jesus was here below. There were many that turned back and walked no more with him. [1:52] Why? Because of the roughness of the way. Because they didn't like the trials and the tribulations. [2:05] Because they were hard and rebellious. Because they refused to have this man to reign over them. [2:15] My friends, if you and I are only any different, it's only grace that will make us differ. It's only the grace of God that will make us willing to walk in his paths and to serve him. [2:33] My friends, the question is, are we, have we been made willing? [2:47] You may well say within your heart, well, sometimes the Lord has made me willing. But other times I'm not willing. [3:00] That is a proof, my friends, that we still have the old man of sin within us. And that old man of sin is ever trying to reign within. [3:13] But blessed be God, he enters the hearts of his children. And he will overcome. He will conquer sin and Satan. [3:25] He will crucify our flesh. He will make us willing in the diary's power. Willing to serve him. [3:37] Willing to walk in his ways. Willing to suffer. My friends, that's one thing where the flesh kicks. [3:49] The flesh hates that pathway. It hates to suffer. That my friends, if we are the Lord's children, We shall be called to have fellowship with the Lord in his sufferings. [4:11] In some measure. You say, what? Will I have to be persecuted and hated and rejected and crucified? [4:25] My friends, we shall have to come in these paths in some measure if we are his. We will find that we are not exempt. [4:39] We will be hated. We will be rejected. We will be falsely accused. We will be crucified. How will we be crucified? [4:51] The old man of sin will be crucified. And it's needful. And my friends, I believe there are times when we have to pray for it. [5:05] And we need grace. We'll need grace, my friends, when the Lord does it. We will be baptized. We will be baptized. We will be baptized. We will be baptized. [5:16] We will be baptized. Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. My friends, I wonder what the Lord says this morning about you and I. [5:31] About our religion. About our walk. My friends, the Lord Jesus had much opposition. [5:48] He was greatly tempted. Tempted by the adversary, the devil. And my friends, we are told clearly in the word of God that our Lord Jesus was tempted in all points such as you and I. [6:09] My friends, I find my whole flesh wants to argue with that. But my friends, it is true. [6:20] It's true. And we, my friends, will be brought at times to realize that it is true. [6:35] Because if it were not so, how could our Lord enter into our paths? [6:46] How we come to him with our troubles, with our trials, with our temptations. [7:00] There are many things. The enemy is very busy. He's very busy in this day. He ever was busy. He was busy in the Garden of Eden. [7:12] And he's been busy ever since. He is the great enemy of the Lord. [7:24] And the great enemy of the Lord's people. And my friends, if you and I are his children, the Lord's children, then he's our enemy. [7:38] And we won't go far before we realize it and know it in the pathway of religion. [7:50] You might wonder. You might say, well, when does this begin? I'll tell you when it begins, my friends. [8:03] Particularly when the Lord begins. The work in our hearts. When he enters the heart. When we are born again. That's when it begins. [8:16] When there is a warfare. There the enemy is active. We have many cases in the Word of God where the Lord worked. [8:31] Where he blessed. Blessed his children. And oh, how active was the enemy. Look how active he was with Peter. [8:41] My friends. Oh, but what a mercy. That Jesus, our Lord, has prayed. [8:57] Prayed for his children. Prayed that their faith fail not. Did we not read where the Lord said, Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to have thee? [9:15] I believe we did. It's in the Word of God. And my friends, Satan desires to have every child of God. [9:29] Of course he cannot have them. Because the Lord says, They're mine. They're mine. [9:43] And he will deliver them out of the hand of the enemy. But my friends, They will be tried. [9:53] They will be tempted. There will be a pathway to walk out. A pathway of afflictions. [10:07] Tribulations. Jesus walked in this pathway. But, oh, he says of his disciples, That ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. [10:30] My friends, How is it with you and I? Does, can the Lord, Will he be able to save you and I, That we have continued with him in temptations? [10:49] My friends, My friends, Jesus passed through many things. He was falsely accused. He was rejected. [11:03] But, He walked in obedience to his Father. How is it with you and I? My friends, There will be a pathway to walk out. [11:14] And there will be the bitters and the sweets. The bitters and the sweets. There will be the blessed visits of the Lord. [11:29] But there will be the trials. There will be times when we are cast off. Cast off. Well, you say, I expect to be cast off by the enemy. [11:41] Yes, of course you do. But my friends, It goes deeper than that. Why, my friends, Think of it. [11:54] You and I, We like to think that We'll be exempt. We don't stop or pause to consider Why, That we should be Rejected sometimes By, Not only the world. [12:17] I say we expect that. But God's people. Professing people. But my friends, We only have to come to the word of God. [12:30] We only have to come there To see that Jesus Walked in this pathway. Where his own dear children All forsook him and fled In the hour of his trouble. [12:45] Yes, that's when, My friends, You'll find sometimes You have fellowship with Christ. When you're in trouble. When you're in trials. [12:58] When you're in tribulations. When you're misunderstood. When you're rejected. When you're hated. And my friends, It goes very, Very hard When it comes From those That walk And profess To believe The same things As you and I. [13:20] And here we have Peter Who walked with Jesus Who was amongst those That, Yes, That Have continued with me In my temptations. [13:40] Yes. But there was a time You see, With even with Peter When he drew back. He drew back. [13:52] He denied his Lord Three times. Then on another occasion He drew back. He said, I go a fishing. [14:03] I'm going back in my old paths. Yes. My friends, But he wasn't left there. No, His heart was troubled. [14:16] His heart was troubled. He had to repent. He had to plead for mercy. And he found mercy. Yes. [14:27] Peter suffered many things. But he had That old man of sin. And so have you and I, My friends. Ah, In this solemn, Troublesome day, My friends, There is great upheaval In the churches. [14:48] There are many Which are Casting stones At another. But my friends, We should look to the Lord. [15:04] We should go to him. We should Not Consider Man. [15:18] I say that in a right way. Because there are times, My friends, When we have to walk alone. In our religion. [15:31] In our profession. There are times when We are misunderstood. There are times when We are misjudged. [15:43] But my friends, These paths Are personal. They are individual. The Lord speaks To his children. If you and I are his children, He'll speak to you. [15:56] He'll speak to me. He'll show us his way. He'll lead us in his pathway. You say, Yes, I believe he has. [16:11] I believe he has led me. But there's been Such trials, Such tribulations, Such crosses, Such burdens. [16:24] I begin to question, Am I right? Why, If I'm right, Does not the Lord appear? My friends, We are to commit These things Into his hands. [16:46] The Lord has the hearts Of all men in his hands. The Lord says, This is the way, Walk ye in it. We're not to turn to The left hand And the right hand. [16:59] We're to keep our eyes Fixed upon him. It's a straight, It's a narrow pathway. We're told there will be trials, There will be tribulations, There will be persecutions. [17:18] But my friends, We are to follow the Lord. We're to follow him. We're to press forward. [17:34] Oh, my friends, The enemy is very, Very powerful. And God leads his children. [17:48] God separates his children. God weans his children from man. Yes, he does. David, the psalmist, Had to prove it. [18:01] He walked with us, Cisiphal. But my friends, Oh, How These things were tried. How bitterly He had to prove His mistakes. [18:21] My friends, We're to trust in God. We're to trust in God. But man looketh On the outward appearance. [18:34] The Lord looketh At the heart. He looks at your heart And mine. Man can't. He looks on the outward appearance. And oh, How solemnly He misjudges. [18:48] My friends, These are deep trials. They're deep temptations. They're paths, My friends, Where we're often tempted To turn our backs Upon religion. [19:03] Turn our backs Upon the people of God. But my friends, To whom else Can we go? [19:18] My friends, There are many religions In the world today. But who do we serve? You and I, Who do we serve? [19:30] Do we come to chapel To be seen? Do we come to chapel Because of the people That are there? Or do we come To hear God's voice? [19:45] To hear what He will say To our soul? You may often feel to be A sparrow alone On the house top. [19:55] Yes, In the, Not only in your life, Not only in your walk, But in the house of God. There may be times, There may be times, My friends, When you feel, Yes, Unlike His children. [20:12] There may be times, My friends, When you feel Everybody In the chapels Pointing their finger At you. But my friends, These, The Lord speaks Of these, Ye are they Which have continued With me In my temptations. [20:37] My friends, You may wonder Whether you will continue. You may feel Many times That you never Will continue. [20:51] You will never Hold out Unto the end. But the Lord Said On one occasion, What is that To thee? [21:03] Follow thou me. Follow thou me. You see, My friends, You and I Are so often Looking around. We're so often Looking at this one And that one. [21:13] We're so often Pointing the finger At another. We can see Other people's faults Much easier Than we can see Our own. But my friends, We're to follow Him. [21:30] We're to follow Him. When the Lord Comes, When he shines, My friends, When he searches Our hearts, My friends, We've got enough There to see, Enough to bear. [21:48] We won't be Pointing the finger Or casting a stone At another then. It will be, Lord, Lord, Have mercy upon me. Help me. [22:01] Undertake for me. Deliver me. Deliver me From this body Of sin and death. Deliver me From the enemy. I'm unclean. [22:14] My friends, It is a narrow Pathway. Ye are they Which have Continued With me In my Temptations. [22:28] You see, My friends, They said Many things About the Lord Jesus Christ. Many false Things. Why, My friends, In this Solemn evil Day that we Live in, There are many False things Said about God's children And others Look on And they hear it And they believe it And they Separate. [22:55] They cast off. Oh, My friends, Don't be surprised If you're On the receiving End, If you come There, If you're Alone, If you're Spurned upon, If you're Cast down, I, My friends, There are Growing numbers Of God's Children Today That are Being cast Down, That are Being forbidden To sit at The Lord's Table. [23:29] Many Solemn things Are happening In Zion Today. But my Friends, I believe This, That it Does not It does not Lay solemnly On those, On their Consciences, They would Be at the Lord's Table. [23:57] And the Lord knows, The Lord Sees, And he Knows why They're not, And he Knows those That have Cast them Out, And those That have Forbid. [24:08] Oh, And they Are solemn Things, My friends, Solemn Things, Things that Ought not To be. There's a Falling Away, There's a Falling Away in Our Denomination, There's a Going after Smoother, Lighter Things, There's a Lack of His Blessed Spirit, My friends, There is. [24:38] There's a Withholding Of His Blessed Power. Do you Know the Difference? When you Come into His house, When you Hear the Word preached, My friends, I believe If you and I are living Souls, We know The Difference, We know When His Blessed Spirit and Power is In the Preaching of The Word And we Know when It's Withheld, When He's Not there. [25:06] And my Friends, We know That when It is Withheld, Then there Is no Prophet, There's no Prophet, There's no Teaching, There's nothing That abides. [25:22] Oh, My friends, What solemn Days we Live in. We need A reviving. We need The Lord To come And quicken Us into Life, To stir Us up. [25:39] My friends, We need A spirit Of prayer. Oh, That there Might be That travail At the Throne of Grace, Not only Privately, But publicly, Publicly, From the Pulpits And the Prayer Meetings, That there Might be A reviving In our Midst, In the Midst of Our Denomination. [26:10] My friends, We wonder, We wonder, We feel Ofttimes That we're A dying Denomination, A dying Denomination. [26:26] We wonder Where the Scene Will end. Ah, My friends, All that We might Be Preserved, Kept, Kept By the Power Of God, All that We might Be made Willing To choose The old Paths And walk Therein. [26:50] That is The root Of the Trouble, My friends. It's the Spirit of The age Today To seek For new Paths, New Paths, Modern Ways, Easier Pathways, Smoother, More Pleasing. [27:10] But my Friends, This is Not God's Way. The Way of Salvation Hasn't Altered, And it Never Will Alter. Or May we Then, Being able To choose The old Paths And walk Therein. [27:30] Of course It will Cost us Something. It will Cost us Trials And tribulations And Moses Knew it. Moses Was in The palace, The king's Palace. [27:46] He had Everything he Wanted there. But my Friends, He realized That God Wasn't there. God Wasn't there. [27:59] He wanted To be Where God Was. He wanted To be With God's People. My Friends, And he He chose Rather to Suffer Affliction With the People of God Than to Enjoy the Pleasures Of sin For a Caesar. [28:21] Where do These things Find you And I, My Friends? Are we Are we Do we Desire To be Found in The house Of God On the Sabbath Day With his Children Where we Hope to Find his Blessed Presence? [28:48] Oh my Friends, The Lord Has promised To bless The preaching Of his Word. Oh my Friends, We want To see Those Evidences That he Is in The preaching Of the Word. [29:13] We want To see Those evidences Of that Blessed Anointing To preach The Word Of God. My Friends, Oh, It is Fear That there Are many In this Day That are Preaching The Word Of God Who are Not Sent, Not Sent of The Holy Ghost. [29:47] They are Blind leaders Of the Blind. Yes, They have Much religion, Some of them, Far more Than I have, Far more Knowledge Than I Have, But all My Friends, Where will The end Be? [30:02] But for Grace, But for The Holy Ghost, My friends, They will Never reach Heaven, Or that we Might have a Religion of The Holy Ghost, That we Might have A few Experiences, That we Might have A realization Of our State and Condition, And our Need of A Savior, Oh, My friends, How solemn It is To come Short In Real, In Religion, Well, There will Be a Cost, My friends, I know, The scripture Says, That Salvation Is without Money, Without Price, It cannot Be bought, It cannot Be earned, It cannot Be merited, But real Religion, My friends, If it Doesn't Cost you And I Anything, [31:03] It's Worthless, Let me Make myself Clear, When I Say, If it Doesn't Cost us Anything, I mean It will Cost us Pain and Suffering, My friends, That is The pattern Of the Word of God Throughout The ages, Real Religion Has Been, It has Cost The dear People of God Much In their Heart, Yes, Their hearts Of eight, Their hearts Of pain, They've Had to Travail, Yes, They've Had to Travail, Travailing Is not an Easy Pathway, [32:04] My friends, It's a Pathway, That requires Much Energy, It's a Pathway, That requires Faith, Faith, Jacob Had it, He wrestled With the Lord, He said, I will Not let Thee go Except Thou Bless Me, He Wrestled, He put Everything In he He got, All his Strength, You know How his Thigh Was put Out a Joint, Such Was the Power, Such was The Wrestling, Oh my Friends, How short We've Come in Our Life, In our Religion, In our Prayers, Oh my [33:05] Friends, We live In such A day, Oh I Wonder Sometimes Whether We've Got Anything Real, I speak For myself, Whether There's Anything Real, The Heart, My Friends, Is Deceitful And Desperately Wicked, Who Can Know It, My Friends, It's Only As The Lord Turns Us And Shines And Searches Our Hearts That We See See The Hidden Evil We Can't See It Otherwise Ye Are They Which Have Continued With Me In My Temptations [34:06] Oh My Friends How Does The Lord Look Upon You And I Have We Continued With Him Have We Continued With Him Through Thick And Thin Have We Will It Be Said Of Us That We Have Endured Unto The End Ah You Say That's My Concern Will I Endure Unto The End For The Word Of God Says He That Endureth Unto The End The Same Shall Be Saved Oh My Friends I Believe The Lord's Children Have Many Many Fears About Their Endurance And Left To Theirselves [35:06] They Know They Will Never Endure Unto The End But The Lord Keeps The Keeps His Children Myself I Cannot Keep We Have To Prove It Painfully Well My Friends The Lord Knows Your Pathway He Knows Mine He Knows The State Of Zion He Knows The Pathway That We That He Will Lead You And I In To Teach Us There Will Be Our Religion Will Be Tested And [36:06] Proved There Will Be Trials And Tribulations Are We Going To Endure Unto The End Or Are We Going To Turn Back And Walk No More With Him Well The Lord's Disciples They Didn't Turn Back But One Denied Him Very Solemn Case One Betrayed Him I Should Say My Friends Judas Iscariot Was Chosen Of The Lord To Preach The Word But He Wasn't [37:07] Chosen To Be One Of His Dear Children He Wasn't One That Was Redeemed He Was Lost What A Solemn Case My Friends He Was A Traitor He Betrayed His Lord Betrayed His Lord Oh My Friends All That You And I Might Be Kept All That We Might Be Delivered Delivered From Satan's Power Because If Satan Had His Way My Friends He Would Bring Us All Into A State Where We Should Be Cast [38:07] Off Forever He Would Bring Us To Betray Our Lord God But My Friends I Do Not Believe That Judas Iscariot Knew Anything Of The Love Of Christ In His Heart No Not In A Saving Way I Know He Preached Christ I Know That He Was Not Detected Any Different From The Others But My Friends What A Solom End Well May The Lord Help You And I Help Us To Follow Him And To Trust In Him Even Unto The End May The Lord Bless The Few Things For [39:07] His Name Sake Amen