Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Christ, sing this verse half a action , more dough unsteemed life, for Like FINRA's �ov allemaal,ール to noch einem還led? [0:34] Orhin Jesus' name,oys 그럼 융 VICTOR, Thank you. [1:15] Thank you. [1:45] Thank you. Thank you. The ninth verse in the seventh chapter of the prophet Micah. [2:19] I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me. [2:36] He will bring me forth to the light and I shall behold his righteousness. I will just say before I come to the text that those words that you read in the verse 8, I believe the Lord spoke those words to me. [3:00] Because we know we have many faults left to ourselves. [3:36] We are brought into the knowledge and the understanding of ourselves. [4:09] Knowing that we cannot produce anything that is acceptable to him, not of ourselves. [4:21] Well, we come to the tale of a bear, the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him. And what a favour it is to be brought there to realise and understand that we are sinners. [4:40] And that we have not anything that we can bring before God which is acceptable to him. [4:52] And to be brought to us. And to be brought to us. And to be brought to us. I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him. [5:07] To be brought, you know, like the prodigal son. Ah, he went out, didn't he? Full of himself. [5:18] Yes, could manage his own affairs as he thought. Ah, but he returned a different man. Yes, he returned. [5:31] And he had to confess, didn't he? That I have sinned and sinned against. Heaven and earth are not worthy to be called thy son. [5:43] Do we know anything of these things that we have been brought? Humbly before our God knowing that we justly deserve his rod and his rock. [6:01] I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him. To be brought to know that we are sinners and sinners of the deepest eye. [6:15] Yes, the dying thief was brought there, wasn't he? Yes, he said, this man has done nothing amiss. [6:27] But we justly deserve that condemnation which was his due. Oh, what a favour to be brought only before our God. [6:44] Pleading with him for mercy and forgiveness. Knowing that we justly deserve his indignation and his wrath because we have sinned. [6:59] And you know, we are oft times to our shame. We are pointing at others, aren't we, what they have done. And forgetting the things that we have done. [7:10] And we have oft times, you know, wandered from him and forgotten him. Days without number. Although there's many around about us do not attend the place of worship. [7:26] No, but we attend one. But how oft times do we come in that great need of him that he may rule and reign within our hearts. [7:41] That he may grant to us more of his grace. And that true and living faith to believe and to trust in him. [7:52] Knowing that we cannot do anything in and of ourselves. And that we are sinners and sinners of the deepest eye. Justly deserving to be cut off as cumbres of the ground. [8:11] And the prophet knew it. Well, the prophet knew it didn't he. He said, I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him. Until he plead my cause. [8:22] And how great our cause is. And how great our cause is. [8:37] Because life, eternal life rests upon it. Yes, eternal life. [8:48] It's either we are saved or we are lost. There's no place in between. Now we need one, don't we, to plead before our God. [9:02] Our cause. Until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me. [9:13] Ah, we all have got to come before the judgment seat of God. We shall stand before him. We shall stand before him. [9:25] Just as we are. Yes, just as we are. There will be no covering up of anything. Because his eye seeth us. [9:38] He knows the hearts of all men. There's nothing that can be it from him. Therefore, we need one, don't we, to plead our cause. [9:55] And to execute judgment for me. Yes, and for you. Ah, we need one. And there is one. [10:06] To whom are we looking? Are we looking to our own ways and our own doings? Looking to our own judgment. [10:17] Judging ourselves that we are different to others. Better than others perhaps. Ah, we got to be broad. To realize what we are in and of ourselves. [10:31] It's not those round about us. It's an individual thing. It is we got to stand before our God just as we are. [10:44] Yes. Seeking that he might plead our cause. And lead kind into this world. [10:58] To plead with his heavenly Father. For those to whom he had given to him. That number that no man can number. [11:11] No. Is it our concern that we are one of that number? [11:23] Because until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me. Plead. Plead our cause. [11:34] And we need him to plead for us, don't we? Yes. Plead. To his heavenly Father that we are. [11:45] Those to whom. His name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. [11:57] To know that he came into this world. To seek and to save. Those that are lost. Those that are lost in and of themselves. [12:10] Not those that are righteous in their own eyes. For he came not to call the righteous. Not sinners but sinners to repentance. And that the Lord may grant to us that godly repentance. [12:24] For all our sins. For he declared himself. When he was upon this earth. Unless ye repent and become as a little child. [12:35] You shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. For we need to come, don't we? Come here's a little child. Before him. [12:46] And what can a child do? Not a lot, can it? But one thing he can do. And that is cry. Cry, yes. [12:58] Cry unto him when you will. If you are one of his, your pride. You have a right. Continually to know how you stand. Before an holy God. [13:09] Whether you have those right. And those credentials within you. Which will take you to be with him. [13:23] Which will be far better. Until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me. [13:35] He will bring me forth to the light. Bring me forth to the light. Yes. We walk in darkness, don't we? When left to ourselves. [13:46] When left to ourselves. Yes. They that walk in darkness have seen a great light. We read in his word. [13:57] Have you seen that light? Has that been made manifest to you? That true light that shines into our hearts. [14:11] Grants to us that true understanding of these things. That we may be brought to realize and understand what we are before him. [14:23] Open up to us what we are in and of ourselves. And you will be brought to see prophet of old when he declared. [14:34] That the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. And when that true light shines it is shining to our hearts. And open up to us what we are. [14:46] He will bring me forth to the light. And bring us forth to that true light. [14:58] And here is that light. That true light. That shines into the hearts of his dear people. Yes. [15:09] And that will be your desire. And your longing that he may shine into your heart. That you may behold him. [15:20] That you may behold him. Not with their natural eyes but the eye of living faith. To believe in him and trust in him. [15:32] That you may be enabled to cast your cares. And your concerns into his kind and gracious hands. That you may know more and more of his presence. [15:46] That you may be enabled to walk with him. Yes. You know I often think of that hymn. [15:57] Which we sometimes sing. And what a blessed place it is. With him I daily love to walk. [16:10] Is that your concern to walk? Is that your concern to daily walk with him? To know that true light that shines into your heart. [16:23] That you may be possessor of those blessed promises that he has promised to his people. To those that sincerely look to him. [16:38] With him I daily love to walk. On him I so delight to talk. Now where? Where is our conversation of times? [16:49] Is it about him? Or is it in the world? Is it about worldly things? Or what we are going to do? [17:01] We can attain to this and that and the other. Ah the hymn writer of him I so delight to talk. [17:11] And that will be when that true light shines into your heart. And opens up to you that understanding. You will want to talk of him. [17:23] Of what he has done. And what he means to his poor and dejected people. Those that know that they are sinners. [17:35] And sinners of the deepest eye. Those that need to be washed. In that precious sinner tone in blood. That he shed on Calvary's tree. [17:48] And to be clothed in that spotless righteousness. That he wrought out. On him I cast my every care. [18:01] Like him one day. Like him one day. I shall appear. What a mercy we can say that. Like him one day. [18:12] I shall appear. We shall. If we are being led by his good spirit. Into those paths whereby he makes himself. [18:26] Known unto his people. When he smiles upon them. Grants to them more of his grace. That free favour of God. [18:38] And when we are brought to realise. Of what it costs him. To redeem his people. Now that. Will put you in your right place. [18:50] When you are brought. To realise. That righteousness. Then you will be made obedient. You will. [19:01] You will be able to sell good. From all things parted be. But never. Never. Lord from thee. You will be made a true follower. [19:14] Of the meek and lowly Jesus. You will be ashamed to own him. As your Lord and your master. Now you will be made. [19:27] Willing. To walk in his ways. Yes you will. You will. You will. You will. You will bring me forth. To the light. [19:38] And I shall behold. His righteousness. His righteousness. Not yours. For our righteousness is. As. [19:49] One says. As filthy rags. Behold. His righteousness. Yes. To be clothed. In that spotless. Robe of righteousness. Yes. To be clothed. In that spotless. [20:00] Robe of righteousness. And what. A cost it was. Wasn't it. What it cost him. [20:11] It cost him. His life's blood. What suffering. He undertook. To rescue. Ruined. [20:22] Sinners. Yes. Forsaken. Forsaken. Forsaken. Of his God. We. In our measure. [20:33] Shall have to walk. Of times. In those paths. Whereby. We feel. To be. Alone. But. [20:44] Not alone. I will bear. The indignation. To the Lord. Because. I have sinned. [20:55] Against him. Until he plead. My cause. And execute. Judgment. For me. He will bring me. Forth. To the light. For I shall behold. [21:07] His righteousness. Ah. To behold him. A man. There is a real man. With wounds. [21:18] Still gaping wide. New. Rich blood. Once ran. I can quite repeat it now. But. Amen. Amen. [21:29] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. new church. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [21:40] Amen. Aha. true. Amen. Now know, you know the him better than I do. but to behold that man. [22:01] Standing in our room place instead. Clothed in that spotless righteousness. [22:14] That sinners such as we. May go free. Free from that great debt which was ours. [22:26] We need to be clothed. We do. You know Adam and Eve. Before they fell they knew not. [22:38] That they was naked until they fell. Fell in sin because God said to them. Who told you you was naked. [22:51] We need to be brought there to realize that we are. Naked before him. Before him. And we need that spotless righteousness. [23:05] That road that he brought out for his people's sake. That they might go free. [23:15] Free from that wrath which is our due. You know if we have a view of him by precious faith. [23:30] Hanging upon that accursed tree. That will break your heart. That will break your heart. [23:42] We will. To see him there. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hang in. There is a spectacle. [23:55] anymore. Yes. So. But oh the Lord, when he declares forgive them for they know not what they do, does he mean anything to us? [24:12] Is he become the one thing needful? Are we, or do we, of times come to that place whereby Mary was? [24:29] After his resurrection when she went into the garden to find him, oh, how she wept, where they laid him? [24:42] Is that our desire to find him, to know where he is, to see him by precious faith as our God? [24:57] And oh the Lord, when he spoke to her when she at last met with him, he said, Go and tell my disciples and Peter, as he didn't forget Peter, although he denied him. [25:21] Oh the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. May he shed his love abroad in our hearts. [25:32] May we be found acceptable unto him, clothed in that spotless righteousness. And made acceptable unto his heavenly Father in and through him, and his only through him, through his suffering, his death and resurrection. [26:02] And there he is an exalted Savior, a Prince and a Savior, that great high priest above, of whom we can approach unto at any time. [26:14] Well, I see the time's gone just briefly over that, but there's such a depth in it, especially when we are brought to realize and understand more and more of what we deserve and what our Lord and Savior has undertook when he undertook to rescue ruined man. [26:47] For we are ruined in and of ourselves. Yet he undertook that cause and came down and took upon a body like our own. [26:59] Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty may be made rich. Ah, John, you know, on the Isle of Patmos, when one said to him, Who are these? [27:18] These are they that have come out of great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Ah, shall we be numbered with them? [27:32] Is it your desire to be numbered with them now and in eternity? It's my desire. Yes, and we, you know, this does not confine us to ourselves alone, but it will make or grant to us enlargement of those things that the Lord has shown to us, those blessings, those rich blessings that he has drawn near to us and showed himself through the lattice that he is ours. [28:13] You know it will. I have said, Grant to us enlargement. You'll want others brought into that same spot and place that they may behold him. [28:25] You will. Your prayer will not only be for yourselves, it will be for others also, that they may be brought there to rejoice in his dear name. [28:41] It will. May it be so in our midst that we may be built up, that others may know and hear his voice, speaking unto them, that they may be brought to know that righteousness which is his and his alone. [29:08] Well, may the Lord add his blessing to these few remarks. For his name's sake. Amen. Amen. My closing is one hundred and thirteen. [29:34] One hundred and thirteen. O wonder souls that's left to know How just and holy is the Lord Will to the cross of Christ repair And seek salvation over there And come to the soul that's left to know How just and holy is the Lord Will to the cross of Christ repair [30:37] And seek salvation on the end Jesus, my soul is compelled to heal How only is the Lord And comes to the Lord How I can cry My son of a man To the soul that is the Lord In his children Sing, when thou art the world [31:42] To see How great thy years And misery In every heart And the deep heart The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord Is my soul And your Day The Lord Will me The Lord Thank you. [32:54] Thank you. [33:24] Thank you. Thank you. [34:24] Thank you. Thank you. [34:56] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [35:08] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [35:20] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [35:32] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Thank you. Thank you. [35:44] Thank you. Thank you. [36:16] Thank you.