Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] To the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 46, reading the last verse, verse 28. Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, that the Lord, for I am with thee, for I will make a full end of all the nations, whither I have driven thee, but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure, yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished. [0:43] We have been reading about the conquest of Egypt, and how Jacob, whose name should no longer be Jacob and Israel, that they should be comforted. [0:58] And oh, we would bless God that as these precious promises in God's word are applied to his people, in spite of all their fears, often seem to be in such captivity by these temple things. [1:19] And I believe that we know a little of this by experience, and we are led so much in captivity of the things of this time and sense, necessary things, useful things for the maintenance of our life here below. [1:40] And oh, how little seems to be the life of the Spirit within us. And yet, we trust in mercy, the Lord has not utterly forsaken us, or forgotten to be gracious unto us. [1:58] We dare, we dare not deny of the Lord's goodness in our pathway. And I believe that those of you here can speak of that, and those that are listening in. [2:12] Through mercy, we have to say, hitherto, that is, when we are in our right minds, hitherto has the Lord helped us. And though there may be many snares that you feel to be besetting you in your path, as the hymn writer says, beset with snares in every hand. [2:35] And we are beset with snares in every hand. What language do we read in the hymn book, and how real it is and true it is to our lives. [2:49] Beset with snares in every hand in life's uncertain path, we say. And I don't suppose that for many years there's been such an uncertain path for people to live in, even those in the world. [3:06] There seems to be so much instability in things here below, and it becomes more and more manifest as the years go by. And so fears arise in the hearts of you, in your concerns for your families, your loved ones. [3:24] You may look for grace in their hearts and see it not, and you may have a desire in your soul for them, that they might know the truth, that they might yet recognise and acknowledge the Lord's day. [3:39] And you seem to go on crying and shouting, and there seems to be no response from God in answers to those things that concern you and your offspring and your family. [3:54] But, and these fears arise, and you often wonder, oh, can God dwell in my heart? Is he not answering my prayers because of my sins? [4:07] And am I also to be found out of a secret? And shall I be found one that is cast into outer darkness at last with those wicked of this present evil world? [4:22] And made more conscious of your own wicked hearts and these snares that you'll be set with on every hand. Or you pray this way, Saviour Divine, diffuse thy life, and guide my doubtful footsteps right. [4:39] Now you see, in all these things, that the Lord had spoken, as the Lord spake unto Jeremiah's prophet, and oh, how here this word came, but fear not thou, O my servant Jacob. [4:59] And be not dismayed, O Israel, for behold, I will save thee from afar. What a mercy that the Lord may seem to be so far off from you and me for the most part, yet his eye is upon you. [5:18] And he is an omnipresent God in spite of our many doubts and fears and much unbelief within us. And especially when it seems we have these cross-handed providences before us, and all these things at times seem to be against us. [5:38] And I am with thee. And I am with thee. And I am with thee. And I am with thee. And I am with thee. This precious word recorded much through the word of God. I am with thee. [5:50] The great I am. And as the Lord said to Moses, tell them that I am a sent man. I am a sent man. [6:01] The father of light, in whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. He that performs those things that are appointed for his own dear people, yes, and performs those things appointed for the wicked. [6:16] And though we cannot throw stones, and never would throw stones at the wicked and unregenerate, we have to ponder in our own hearts the solemnity of the death of the wicked. [6:30] But oh, what a mercy, dear friends, that by grace sinners shall be saved from that rot to come. And though they have many fears, the Lord says, Fear thou not, O Jacob, my servant, said the Lord, for I am with thee, and will save thee from afar. [6:52] This then will be the exercise of you and me in prayer at times. Lord, deliver me from thy fears. Lord, do tell me that I am the seed of Jacob, that thou hast in thy sovereign mercy have been mindful of me from all eternity, before I was of any substance. [7:15] Thou hast appointed me to be born of a woman, yes, to be born into this world. And though born in sin and shape and iniquity, it was appointed of thee, O God, to save my soul for thy mercy's sake. [7:31] And to undertake for me also in this present evil world. For he said, I will make a full end of all the nations, whether I have driven them. [7:43] And these nations referred to, refers often in the word of God, to the people of the world. And though how we have to confess and realize that we, by nature, have rubbed shoulders and have entered into the entertainment of the world. [8:02] And who could withdraw us from those entertainments. And all who could exercise us concerning the welfare of our souls. But the Lord Jesus himself, who has by that blessed work and power of the Holy Spirit, which pastors have arrested us and made us more and more conscious of our need of him. [8:28] For I will make a full end of all the nations, whether I have driven me. But I will not make a full end of thee. For what a mercy, dear friends. [8:39] Though the Lord seem at times to slay you and cast you down and drive, or permit Satan to drive in. I should say permit Satan, because it is Satan that causes all the world by reason of driving in the wedge of unbelief. [8:55] And so as we are of the earth, earthy, so we need the Lord to grant us that spiritual mind. That spiritual life in our souls. [9:07] That in all our afflictions we sweetly feel he was afflicted. And the angels of his presence saved him. For I will make a full end of all the nations. [9:19] All the people, dear friends, that repent not and believe not. Whither I have driven thee. And you know, we do seem to be driven to great lengths at times, don't we, in our dealings with the world. [9:32] Or you say, oh what shall I do and whither shall I flee to escape the wrath that is due to me. But I will not make a full end of this. The darkness that envelopes your poor mind and mine. [9:47] And all the afflictions that seem to arise. The burdens that we have suddenly come upon us. And we wonder, how can we ever escape from this or that trial and this or that affliction. [10:01] But I will not make a full end of thee. But correctly in measure. You see the Lord's correcting hand. [10:12] The Lord's chastening hand. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore and repent. These things then in your life and mind. [10:26] That are such an exercise with you. Or we get so careful and troubled. About so many things. That Lord do grant me in these times of trial when I have many fears. [10:43] The fear of man. And all we're exhorted to cease from man. That bringeth a snare. Help us, O God, to commit our way unto thee. [10:55] And trust also in thee. As thou wast with Jacob of old. We know what Jacob did in the deception. To receive the blessing. [11:06] He was a supplanter. Or as he twice seemed to steal the blessing from Esau, his brother. And how he feared Esau. [11:18] When he was given instruction of God to return to his own kindred. And how he feared meeting Esau, his brother. [11:30] And oh, how God appeased the wrath of Esau over those years. And oh, how he found grace. That is natural grace or natural favor in the sight of Esau, his brother. [11:47] And so what a mercy, dear friends, if we are not only find grace in the sight that is the favor of those perhaps of the world where we've had to make a stand against them. [12:00] But much more to find grace in the sight of the Lord who is the sovereign God. And to prove that all my times and all events at his command. [12:13] Times of sorrow. Times of grief. Times of tempest of power to prove. Times to taste the Savior's love. All must come and last. [12:25] And then as you'll please. Oh, as the Lord in his sovereign mercy comes and drives out. Drives out the buyers and the sellers of your heart and mine. [12:40] And brings us under the sound of the blessed truth as we hear with new ears and new hearts. These precious promises to poor afflicted sinners. [12:54] For I will make the full end of all the nations whether I have driven them. You see, the law permits Satan. [13:06] Doesn't need to, as it were, drive you into the things of the world. And all how they are are such a burden to you. And yet the Lord in the midst of these sorrows of the way. [13:20] Exercises you to seek a hiding place, a refuge. In other words, causes you to cry daily unto your God. Lord, deliver me from my fear. [13:32] Do tell me that I am thy servant. But with my mind I serve the law of God. You see, with your flesh you'll serve the law of sin. [13:46] As in the flesh of all men they serve the law of sin. But if by the grace of God you've been quickened, then that new heart given you with your mind you serve the law of God. [14:00] You desire to keep his commandments, live honestly and uprightly in this present evil world. And you become more and more conscious of your need of the Lord Jesus Christ and that sin-atoning blood to prepare you for those prepared mansions in the sky. [14:18] And so he corrects things. He corrects you in measure. He causes you to pass under the rod. He causes you under the rod to repent. [14:33] And he gives you faith to believe that these things that he causes to fall upon you are not in anger, but in his be a covenant law, correcting thee in a measure. [14:45] Yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished? That the Lord will cause his dear people to feel a measure of that punishment for their sins. [15:00] And all you won't deny, will you, that there's a need before it, is correcting hands. And the hand of God upon you that causes you perhaps bodily affliction or causes you trials in your circumstances, in your family or in those around you. [15:25] Because afflictions do not spring from the dark, but God causes it to come for correction and for his land and in his mercy. [15:38] Where should we have been in our experiences had it not been under his afflicting hands? Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all. [15:51] And so in your trials, they work together for your good. In your afflictions, they cause you to cry out unto God for his healing charge. [16:04] And we prove the Lord will never leave nor forsake his dear people. And so you see, correcting thee in measure, yet will I not leave thee wholly or unpunish. [16:19] And he will not utterly cut thee off. You fear sometimes the Lord has turned a deaf ear to you that all these things seem to cry out as Jacob did, they're against me. [16:35] All things are against me. As there was the seeming loss of Joseph and then wanted to take Benjamin down to Egypt where there was corn in Egypt. [16:50] You see, the Lord was dealing with Jacob. Measure of punishment, doubtless, for the sins that he had committed. You see, there's no perfection in the plan that Jacob was a chosen vessel. [17:07] Oh, and this is all according to the sovereign will of God that is the people and the vilest people sometimes and the most arrogant wretches of the earth are brought to repentance and humble before Almighty God that they might be exhorted in due time. [17:28] Well, we need that grace of humility to humble ourselves before Almighty God. When we consider the Lord Jesus Christ became of no reputation, and how he was that holy, harmless Son of God separate from sinners, yet being found in the fashion of a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross. [18:01] And so these things that you and I pass under, when we're brought under the mighty hand of God, and so you see in it, it is crucifying you and me to the world and the world unto us. [18:17] The world will not have such a great hold on you when the Lord corrects you as it once did, although how soon we can drift back in our thoughts and our minds to these time things. [18:31] But the Lord has said, fear thou not. this personal application of the fear not to the Lord's dear people. My presence, the eternal God, your refuge, underneath those everlasting arms to support you and to sustain you, to hold up your going in his path that your footsteps live now. [18:56] In and of our natures we are headstrong, we're determined to do this and do that. When the Lord so softens your heart by due degrees and makes your spirit meet, so it is that that is working together for your soul's good and makes you more meet for your master's good. [19:19] And so you see, the Lord in his sovereign mercy may cause you to pass through some darkened path. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee. [19:36] And through the flood they shall not overflow thee. And through the fire they shall not hurt thee. But the Lord knows how to deal with his dear people as he leads them forth by the right way. [19:55] In your eyes and mine it seems a peculiar way, a strange and a hard way in his dealings with you. But all through mercy the Lord knows what is best. [20:09] And all we do need much grace, one, the speaker feels it. Lord, give me more grace, give me more humility, give me more submission and resignation to thy will concerning the steps I take to this world. [20:26] but all do assure me that I am of the seed of Jacob, that I am a chosen vessel that I shall be found at last an Israelite indeed in whom there is found no guile. [20:40] And I am sure some of you feel this. All to feel more of that Christ-like spirit, that grace of humility, that love in your heart shed abroad there by the Holy Ghost. [20:53] and know that the Lord, though he corrects you, though he chastens you, though he makes you mourn sore like the dove, yet to prove his presence with you in this fiery trial in these deep waters. [21:13] And he says, does he not in that 43rd of Isaiah fear not for I have redeemed you? you know, if we are to get to heaven, we should have a measure of fellowship with the sufferings of Christ. [21:31] Nothing to compare with his sufferings, but the felt sense of fellowship with his suffering, to consider his suffering, to consider what it costs him to open up that new and living way to heaven. [21:48] fear. Now we have many fears often of, we are creatures of fear and drag along and fear where often no fear is. [22:00] Because when we come to that point that we are so fearful of, maybe an appointment, maybe something in your lives, you get very fearful within. [22:12] Have I made the right decision? Am I taking the right step in life and you're very fearful? And all you have to cry out, Lord, deliver me from these fears. [22:25] Some are more fearful than others, aren't they, of the circumstances that confront them. But if the Lord so speaks to you, we often find that we are as creatures of fear, we drag along and fear where no fear is. [22:42] When we come to that point of time, the Lord takes away our fear. And so, oh, there's a calmness, blessed moments where the Lord so calms your troubled breath, or you've been so fearful and now he puts your mind at rest. [23:06] And you say within your heart, oh, what a fool I've been to doubt my God who has been so mindful and merciful to me. the preceding days and hours before that set time of an appointment comes, whatever form or shape it may take, always cause you so much turmoil within. [23:30] And then you have to realise, don't you, afterwards, oh, what little faith you had in what God has revealed in his word to you. And so like it was with Jacob, Jacob, all the fears that this man had. [23:49] And oh, how we read through Genesis of the pathway of Jacob, and oh, how when it came to him in his old grey hairs, there was his brethren, his children came back to say that he was caught in Egypt and that he was to go down there for Joseph was yet alive. [24:10] And he needed a confirmation, it was when the wagons, when he saw the wagons and he believed, and he went there, all but the fears he had preceding that time. [24:22] And so you and I have these examples in scripture of those that had many fears, and yet when the time came, you see the word of the Lord is tried, we read of concerning David. [24:40] You see, until the word of the Lord came, the word of the Lord was tried, the fulfilling of the word. Oh, what doubting, fearful creatures we are, and oh, how Satan seems to stir up that unbelief in your heart and mine, but I am with them. [25:00] What more can we ask for, dear friends, then, that this blessing of the Lord to enrich you, I am with them, I will be with them, my presence shall go with them, certainly I will be with them, and this shall be a token unto them. [25:19] When the Lord so takes a word and applies it, oh, how comforting that is to your poor heart, and oh, you blush often and ashamed to think that you've had so many doubts in your heart arise, when God has been so merciful and good to you only the years. [25:38] This is the pathway, isn't it? It is through much tribulation, and as believers, when you trust, you become more and more exercised in those early days as a seeker, and you're still a seeker, ere you die, I believe, but in those early days of seeking, like I think, I don't know, quoted it Wednesday, maybe, or bear with me if I repeat often, but oh, it was like when the poor and needy seek water, you may feel your poverty in Providence in early days, or how you have those many concerns as to the future, how you're going to maintain, how you're going to be able to provide for a family as early days, yet how you've had to come through life groaning, being burdened with this and that prior, and through mercy, you see, you've had to look to the [26:48] Lord alone for your health, now in the world you should have tribulation, trials must and will before, but with love inscribed upon them all, Lord inscribe love upon these trials there, love inscribed upon them all, this is happiness, for as happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God, now he will make a full end of the nations of the peoples of the world, but he will not make a full end of these, setting out on life's journey, or many things before you, great mountains, disappointment, dashed hope, sorrows and grief, but I am the Lord that healeth earth, I am the Lord that provided for thee, that supply thy need according to those riches in glory, spoke of it from Wednesday, didn't we? [27:52] Now, I will make a, I will not make a full end of earth, we hear solemn events in the world, don't we, in the earth, even in this nation, solemn events, that take place, of those cut down in the midst of the years, oh and sin is the cause of it, we cannot judge their souls and do not intend to, even those that we've known, what a mercy when the correcting hand of God has been upon you in measure, not to destroy, you see he doesn't intend to destroy, then you pray, Lord, destroy it not, for there's a blessing yet in it, so the Lord will not destroy you, but he will correct you in measure, you see, their sorrows and the skulls, he weighs and measures out their pain, he measures them out, oh what a mercy dear friend, that there is this friend that sticketh closer than the brother, and he's a friend at all time, friends in the earth, sometimes, their friendship weakens, something may arise between them, knowing how fickle and feeble nature is, full of change, ready, isn't it, to have something different, that here's a friend that sticketh closer than the brother at all times, and all you say in your own heart, [29:34] Lord, that I could feel that, that union, that communion, that contact, that heart, persuasion, you see, dear Paul said, I am persuaded that nothing, nothing shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, shall tribulation, shall persecution, now in all these things, we shall be more than conquerors through him, that has loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own precious blood, fear thou not, fear not the unknown way, for my presence shall go with thee, or it'll be a tried pathway, whatever you and I have to pass through, but he's their refuge and their strength, he's a present help, he has all men's hearts in his hands, he's able, dear friends, to give the physician wisdom, the surgeon wisdom, he guides the night, doesn't he, he does all things, and though you may be weakened in your strength in the world, the Lord, you know, is very mindful of your steps and mine, they'll be ordered by the [31:00] Lord, nothing happens by chance, all but your fear sometimes, as you hear the word speak, the world, the world speaks of fortune, luck and chance, the trinity of Satan, the devil, as our old pastor used to say, and I believe it, and yet we're prone to carry it away with it, aren't we, but all things are appointed by God, and so he says, fear thou are, we look around in the world, we have many fears, the changes that come about, don't they, in the earth, amongst men, different opinions, bringing different laws into force, different things that you might feel affect you perhaps, personally, in the future, by reason of the government that make, sometimes seem to be strange and mysterious decisions, and it seems also that they promote sin, encourage the sinful activities of men and women, that are contrary to the teaching of God's word, and you wonder sometimes how it's going to affect you, but the Lord says, [32:23] I will make a full end of all nations with where I have driven them, but I will not make a full end of theirs, because they are mine, they are mine, I have bought thee with a pride, I've loved thee with an everlasting love, but in measure I'm going to correct me, you know, it's taking you and me from the quarry of nature, isn't it, that we might be fashioned as dear friends, like unto him, yet still having sin in this corrupt body, that this corruption one day should put on incorruption and the resurrection more, if we are lying in the grave, but if we are still in the earth of his second coming, then the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we shall be caught up with them in the air, and with him in the air, and then to be forever with the [33:26] Lord, what a prospect, our natures can't arise unto that sense, can we have the presence with Christ in all his holiness and majesty and glory, we want to go on living in the earth, in our natural minds, don't we, when the Lord so comes, oh, take away, I believe, all your lust of the flesh and pride of life, I believe, from you and me, and we don't deny that we are prone to it, aren't we, but all to be brought here as a newborn soul, quickened in the life and much trial of faith in your life and mine, but to feel that he is with you, correcting you, yes, he's with you, and causing you to be found a real mourner in Zion, but desiring to love the [34:26] Lord, and coming to him and not, though you might be offended in the things at times that he speaks to you through his word, offended in what you hear, yet, you're brought there to realize that you cannot go away, because the Lord, in causing you to feel corrected under his almighty hand, as I believe once he permitted the devil to so correct me, oh, and the devil seemed to come like this, though I weighed in the balance and found wanting, what an exercise of soul that was, for a little time, but you know, where the word of a king is, there is power, full power, more powerful than Satan, who we know is the prince of the power, the air, may tell you, Satan may be permitted to tell you, that you're weighed in the balance, and found wanting and will be, but with the [35:37] Lord's promise is these, fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I will save thee, salvation is all of grace, isn't it, it is all the work of the spirit, and all we mourn, don't we, that we not feel more life in our soul, Lord grant me to meditate more upon these holy things, sweet moments, I know they are very rare, very precious, as though the Lord's correcting them, you see, he hedges up your way and mine, that you might strive to enter in at that straight gate, it's pressing toward the mark, through the crowds of doubts and fears and unbelief, to touch the hem of his garment, pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, that you might have your credentials clear to those mansions in the sky, [36:38] Lord reveal thy love to me, thou hast spoken to me, thou hast caused me to pass under the branches, thou hast caused me I trust to repent and believe, but let me not murmur nor repine under these trying strokes of thine, but while I walk the warmth of road, to be still and know that thou art God, yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished. [37:08] You see, we receive punishment for our sins this side of the grave, but not afterwards like the wicked. It's eternal punishment for them, isn't it? [37:21] Out of darkness, weeping and gnashing of days, or is there a desire in your soul's hearing? Is there a seeking of the Lord, in spite of all the opposition you might meet, even with those that you love naturally, because they have not the work of grace in their hearts, and yet you love them naturally, the Lord has caused that love to dwell between you, and all you say, all that I knew, that the Lord would bless me indeed, and though tried and tempted as I am, that thou would favor me to hear thy voice. [38:07] You see, there can be a voice in these afflictions, a voice in these trials, a voice in these difficulties. Lord, hold up my going, keep my faith, watch over me to protect, preserve, and keep me, but all that thou would hear my poor petition, and speak some word of promise to my soul, and assure me that I am one of thy chosen ones, and not be left to be cast out at last. [38:42] Though Job, as I said before, though the Lord slay me, yet will I trust in him. It's living faith, isn't it, again, in exercising your soul that still causes you to seek the Lord while he may be found, calling upon him while he is near, and asking your way to Zion, that he might keep you unspotted in this present evil world. [39:11] But outwardly you might be kept. You know what the warfare is in your own soul of being very much of the earth, earthy, but all shed above all thy love in my heart, Lord, speak some word of comfort and assurance to me, and draw me the application of the promises, these fear not, fear not little flock, you see, it's not a great multitude that shall be saved, a remnant, fear not little flock, for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. [39:50] Lord, what a mercy it is, though, a place in the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God's suffering, violence, and the violence taken by force touches the burden of your trial and your affliction, that you cry to the Lord under his correcting hand. [40:13] You see, he corrects you in love, not in anger. And so in your life, you see, you'll find that the Lord is better to you than all your fears. [40:31] And all he removes those stones of stumbling and rocks of offense out of the way, that you might cross the river telling the triumph of your king. [40:43] You see, he makes that way for you where there seems to be no way. Speak to the children of Israel when they come to the Red Sea, surrounded by the Egyptians, their enemy. [40:57] And yet, speak to the children of Israel that they go forward. It's pressing forward, pressing toward the mark, pleading with the Lord that his presence might go with you, that you go in the strength of the Lord as he gives power to your feigned heart when you're ready to faint. [41:22] And when you have no might, he increases your strength. Oh, what a mighty God he is, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. this God that shall be our God, will be our guide even unto death. [41:37] Lord, speak the word over me. Give me a word, give me something to meditate on, a crumb that may fall from thy table, all the sermons that you may have heard or read. [41:51] Lord, that I might have the understanding of my mind enlightened, open the eyes of my understanding that I might understand the scripture, to hear that precious, fear thou not, O Jacob, my son, or the seed of Jacob, for Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated. [42:14] The sovereignty of God is prerogative to choose whom he were and cast out whom he were. What a mercy then if the Lord has so favoured you and me to feel that comfort. [42:29] And he says, I will not leave you comfort there. I will come to you. Now you won't be offended, will you? When the Lord searches you, it will be your prayer. [42:39] Search me, O God, and know my heart. Cry me, and know my thoughts, and seest there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way of a last thing. Oh, what a God he is. [42:52] And what a mercy if at times we have a little access into his presence. And it's by grace and grace alone shall you be saved. And he says, fear thou not, O Jacob, my servant, saith the Lord, for I am with thee, for I will make a full end of all the nations where they have driven thee, but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure. [43:19] Yet will I not leave thee wholly unhung, but I see the time is gone. may the Lord bless his own word and forgive all the miss and our poor ram. [43:31] Amen. Amen. Amen.