Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] He said, the utmost cost returns triumphant all in 140 years. And I'll stay in your heart分 saying, the utmost costots to win you. [0:53] GLAVE Delelaş Rossmann CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [2:23] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS The heaven of God has seen the flood Is still the white and white That aumented the Г hairdryers Is still the white and white [3:34] Amen. I've made my eyes and faces of pueden Ta vara. CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [4:41] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [5:45] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS St. Luke's Gospel, the second chapter and the twelfth verse. [6:27] And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. [6:41] And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. [7:02] Well, may we say, great is the mystery of godliness. God manifests in the flesh. [7:15] It is a mystery. And these mysteries are nevertheless opened and revealed. [7:26] But the revelation of these mysteries alone cometh from God, the Holy Ghost. [7:37] And we find in connection with the birth of our Lord, and likewise with the resurrection of our Lord, that this revelation is made and given unto certain individuals. [7:59] It is not given unto all. The shepherds told many of that which they had heard and seen. And they marveled. [8:11] But there are those who are like Mary. They keep these things, and they ponder them in their hearts. [8:23] They are not, as it were, a nine days wonder. But they are a continual marvel in the realization of them who have sought after him, and yet have found him. [8:40] And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. [8:56] Here are these shepherds. To them this day at the commencement was a day like any other day. Little did they know the revelation which was going to be given to them from on high. [9:16] They entered into that which was relative unto their employment. They are found busy at their task of minding the sheep. [9:29] And in the midst of their own earthly employment, there is suddenly the breaking forth of that glory which cometh from above. [9:41] That which calleth them away from the task in which they were then employed, that they may seek after those things which they had heard of God through the angels, concerning a wondrous troop, that demanded and commanded their investigation. [10:06] Yes, we think of those shepherds. And we think of them as it were, that night, minding their sheep. How little would their thoughts be directed unto those things which were yet to be made manifest unto them. [10:27] And how oft times God comes and is pleased so to reveal himself in Jesus Christ unto us. [10:38] When your mind and your thoughts may be entirely on other things, there is a breaking in. There is a communication made. [10:51] And the whole scene of life is changed. I am sure it was never the same to those shepherds. After this wonderful day, in which they had so seen for themselves the sign which had been given to them of the truth of that which had been declared unto them, I am sure that unto them life was completely transformed in consequence. [11:24] For we are told concerning them that when they returned, they glorified and they praised God for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them. [11:39] Yes, revelation. As it was told unto them. And I want to ask myself this question as well as you. [11:54] What do I know of this? We may hear the word. We may read the word. But have we gone further? [12:07] And have we entered into the secret of the Lord? Have we entered into those blessed mysteries of his divine love and grace and mercy, wherein our souls have indeed glorified him? [12:24] What a poor religion it is that simply leave it us, as it were, in the possession of the word without knowing him who is the revelation in and of the word. [12:44] Heaven and hell lie in those two things. For I may know all that relates unto the word as it is recorded from the first chapter in Genesis to the twenty-second chapter in the Revelation. [13:02] And yet, not having that revealed unto me by the Holy Ghost, concerning that which is alone spiritually discerned, I die in my natural condition, alienated, separated from him who is the revelation of the word of God. [13:32] Well, these disciples, these shepherds, as they are so found, minding their sheep, have an unexpected visitation. [13:43] There is suddenly a realization of the glory which makes them tremble. It shakes them from the crown of their head to the sole of their feet. [14:03] The visitation is of such a nature that there is a power in it that there is that which so shapes the whole individual in the realization of the holiness and the purity of that which is thus being made manifest. [14:26] For what is declared concerning it, the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them. [14:39] Have you ever trembled in the realization of some light which may have been imparted even unto your conscience? that which is not simply of a natural origin, but that which arises through the word of God so coming and entering into your heart that you are disturbed, you are shaken by it, you tremble at it. [15:09] Why? Because when the light comes and the glory of God is revealed, then we realize what we are in our souls. [15:21] And those shepherds undoubtedly realized by reason of the purity and the holiness of the presence of those angels that wherein there was a sad lack in themselves concerning that holiness and that purity. [15:41] And when we are confronted with the impact of the divine holiness, then we are made to tremble. Have I one here this morning that knows somewhat of this? [15:54] Then listen to what God declares unto such. He says, Fear not. Fear not. If you have been brought into that condition and state, then you have nothing to fear. [16:11] Because there is to be an unfolding and an opening up unto you of the glory of one who was born at Bethlehem. [16:23] The one who lay in the manger. There is to be the making known unto you that unto you this day is born in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord is unto you who are trembling who are shaking yea fear not for that which is relative unto all the holiness that you may ever require is to be found in him who is made manifest in the flesh. [17:00] The holy and the sinless one. Yes, this shall be a sign unto you ye shall find the babe wrapped in swatting clothes lying in a manger so near to you or the close vicinity that wherein you may have access that wherein instruction is now given unto you as to your procedure relative to the wonder of that news that is conveyed unto you yea to confirm it there shall indeed be found the gathering of the angelic ones so declaring that which is a mystery to them for this is one of the things that the angels desire to look into undoubtedly the angelic beings had wonderful capacities for that which related unto knowledge what we may turn intellectual undoubtedly was with them in wisdom and yet that holy one before whom they had been indeed worshipping and adoring behold the wonder and the mystery of it unto them that he should lay that glory by that he should condescend to be found as a babe in Bethlehem oh it was a wonder to the heavens it was that which became the constant theme even to this day as they surround his throne and speak of the worthiness of the [18:59] Lamb of God ah mighty hearers if we know anything of these things they will be a growing wonder unto us the more light that there is imparted the more the marvel of the whole fact becomes unto us the more shall we go on to know the Lord for there will be a stretching out and a pressing toward the mark for the praise of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus and here is God through the angels so calling unto these shepherds so to obey his bidding and so to go forth and to behold these things which had been proclaimed unto them that they should indeed be witnesses unto him we can't witness what we haven't seen we can't witness to those things of which we are entirely ignorant and so the Lord took not entirely leave as it were the wonder of the message as it was but he bids them so go and behold its wonder yes we hear the word of God we hear its proclamation but what is the voice that cometh to us the instruction that is given to us thereby it is that we are to go seeking after him yea and so to find him so I have in my text instruction given secondly [21:10] I have the evidence supplied and thirdly we have the assurance that is given ye shall find first the instruction that is given it was a matter of great moment it demanded and commanded their supreme attention the things of life have got to be laid aside the things that were relative unto their very employment at that time must be forsaken their heart and their soul must be engaged in that wherein the word of the Lord has so spoken unto them through those heavenly messengers if we know anything of the word of the Lord coming to us we shall know what it is not only to receive the word in faith but we shall know the obedience of faith [22:19] I don't find that these shepherds as it were tarried no they made haste they spake one to the other and said let us go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which has come to pass which the Lord hath made known unto us oh yes the Lord has made known some things unto us and if he's made known these things unto us they've got to be put into effect they've got to be of a practical value unto us in our lives we've got to walk out that which is in accordance with the word which has been spoken unto us and these shepherds were not disobedient it was a matter that could their attention how many there are this day that are entirely ignorant of that which is relative unto the coming of the birth of [23:25] Christ how many are there who really desire to thank him in that wherein the scriptures to so set him forth in all his honor and his glory no there is no reception notwithstanding all that which is relative to the veneer which man so puts over this day you take all the trappings and the tinsels down and there must be the coming to the reality it is not something simply which a natural man may celebrate it is that wherein the heart is engaged in the truth that is spoken unto the heart by the Lord there is an exercise according to the word which hath been spoken and they went it demanded their attention and in all that which relates unto this day which we may indeed celebrate nevertheless is he the chief object of our attention is he the one that is so set before us that we cannot rest until we are indeed walking according to his word unto the promise of that wherein we shall find oh my dear hearer how we need to be exercised more and more in these things that the word of [25:12] God may effectually work within us well they came and they found Mary and Joseph and the baby in a manger yes even according to the sign that was given unto them so they found the truth of those things which were spoken by the angels but notice do we find any pomp or magnificence surrounding that baby enter into the atmosphere as it were that outer house and as you go into it and as you view Joseph and Mary and the babe are you not consciousness of an atmosphere of love see with what care with what attention [26:23] Mary ministers unto the needs of the babe see the love which is so manifested in all her actions surely this was a wonder unto her in view of the message that had been so given concerning his conception that he should be conceived of God the Holy Ghost and therefore that holy thing that holy thing that blessed nature in all its sinlessness and purity and holiness that holy thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God ah with what love does Mary therefore so attend unto the needs of that babe we behold the babe and we say what a picture of weakness what a picture of helplessness love but in its needs there is a love that is going to suffice and when we remember that in that babe there drought in him the fullness of the [27:51] Godhead bodily that he was the one by whom all things were created that he was the one who upheld heaven and earth that all things were from him and by him and for him is there any love within your heart unto the wonder the condescension the magnanimous grace which is revealed in that this glorious one should so come to this earth and die for your sake that he should be found even as that babe in the arms of Mary yes what condescension behold the wonder of it the marvel of it we should see a little of that in a moment but is this not then in the instruction which is given to these shepherds that which was a matter for their contemplation that they should indeed think upon these things that they should not only hear and see but that they should be continually turning over in their hearts and in their minds the wonder that this was their savior that this was their lord that he had been born unto them to be such or how they would contemplate the wonder of it looking upon the babe remembering that which had been foretold by the angels concerning him how it would engross their very hearts and souls as they so saw the sign the evidence before them yes it is a continual matter for our contemplation we want to think much upon the babe of [30:13] Bethlehem we want to contemplate the wonder that wherein he so condescended to come for our sakes and to be found as that infant in the manger and not only so it is not only a matter of contemplation but if we look at that little group here is Joseph here is Mary here are the shepherds what is it that is holding them what is it that is indeed as it were completely putting out of their minds and hearts everything else save one thing is it not in that wherein that they is the center of attraction they can't help as it were gazing upon him they can't help looking at him and when [31:21] I saw that little company in my mind so gathered round attracted unto the presence of that faith did I not hear another voice speaking look unto me and be ye saved are ye ends of here that I am God and there is none else and so we pass along to the evidence that is supplied this shall be a sign unto you we say no we cannot go to Bethlehem even if we could we should not have the beholding that those shepherds had no it is not like that with us we argue nevertheless what does it mean to us this sign that is given ye shall find him wrapped in swatting clothes yes here is the white linen he is girded with it the two binders are attached what is its significance why doth it so emphasize the fact of the swatting clothes let us think for a moment have we not here that wherein there is a setting forth of him who is enveloped in the scriptures he that is here in these swatting clothes is the one who has come in accordance with what [33:19] God had declared should be in ages past the scriptures have spoken of him they have testified of him such the scriptures the savior said for in them ye think ye shall find eternal life it is in the scriptures that there is the unfolding of this base of that which is so foretold concerning him and the blessings that are going to result from his coming and not only is he enveloped in the scriptures but here you have the setting forth of how that he is enclosed in the promises that which had been so declared by God should be here is the evidence yes thou let obey he is enclosed where shall we find him my dear hear you find him in the scriptures and folded in the scriptures in the swaddling clothes you find him too so in the promises that that which [34:49] God hath spoken hath come to pass that not with standing all that related unto the world in its fallen condition that which was relative to his promise concerning the coming seed has been brought into evidence his very coming is that wherein he was enclosed in the promises but from whence come the swaddling clothes surely there has been a prepared preparation by Mary for that which was relative unto the expected coming of this one so you find him in the encircling of the prepared provision God will provide he showed that unto Abraham unto faith when he was on that mount [35:51] Moriah and Abraham saw his day and he was glad yes do we know what it is then in the encircling of that wherein the previous preparation and provision has been made known in the scriptures that wherein we would indeed desire to embrace and to enfold unto every heart that which is a reality unto him who is revealed therein swatting clothes yes secured in very humble beginnings ah yes there is no grandeur here there is no costly garment whereby he shall be arrayed it's the simplest of all it is that which is general unto the birth and yet with him there is that glorious and that special meaning the sign the sign ye shall find the bay in swaddling clothes are is this that wherein we are found so engaged humble beginnings does it not speak to your own heart ah when [37:29] God showed thee what a sin of our work when he showed thee how fast shalt thou came of the glory of God did he not begin his work within your heart when ye were found in all humility laid low before him was he not then born by the Holy Spirit in that wherein your own soul was made receptive of the truth of the scriptures concerning him other promises contained in him did you not then come to him did you not find in him that wherein your soul's longings alone could be satisfied and the hunger and the thirst dissuaged ye shall find him repented in swaddling clothes encompassed by divine truth yes he has a humble beginning within our experiences he doesn't as it were shine forth in all his glory in our souls we have to start as beginners we have to gradually learn how to articulate how to form those words wherein he is indeed honored and glorified oh we had to start at the beginning in all that wherein he had shown us that we are indeed humbled under the mighty hand of [39:15] God that he may exhort us in due season yes encompassed by divine truth and now let us briefly notice the assurance that is given what is the assurance ye shall find ye shall find to whom is the assurance given to the ardent and the longing seeker here are these shepherds there's no delay they are eager to know the truth of these things which have been spoken they made haste until they came to the place they were ardent in their seeking after him and what was the result an eventual manifestation given unto them of him they got the message of [40:27] God ringing in their ears and in their hearts they have found him lying in the manger they have found him of whom God had spoken unto them which the Lord hath made known unto us are you an ardent seeker then my dear hearer if you are there will be the eventual manifestation of himself unto thee you may have as it were very limited very restricted views of that which is relative to him in all his glory and yet gradually there will be the instruction of the Holy Spirit into that wherein Christ is all and in all and you shall thereby grow in knowledge and in understanding oh [41:31] I think as those shepherds went away they must have gone away more humble than they came humbled in the realization of the great mystery that has thus been evidenced unto them yes it is to the believing quest you not only seek but you seek in faith and the authority of that which God has spoken unto you in his word concerning his son Jesus Christ you believe it and believing you seek after the evidence of it the sign which he has given unto you and have you never had an unexpected revelation of him has there never been some sweet unfolding to you of his excellency of his glory yes you have seen in that babe such glory as none ever could have made known unto you save the [42:47] Lord alone you have seen God manifest in the flesh so we will conclude our meditation this morning with this am I one of those who are indeed finder do I know what it is no not to take him up in your arms like Simeon did and said behold mine eyes are seen thy salvation but have you looked upon him in his word have you seen him in his promises have you beheld him in the gracious provision that God hath made for you in him if you do you will come humbled you will come eager you will come in all your zeal that you may find him and you will know the meaning of that word unto you is born this day in the city of [44:07] David a savior which is Christ the Lord and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger who is it the savior the Lord what is the effect of it what does it mean unto me is it not that I receive him in that wherein God has so unfolded his word unto me and has made it to me my joy and my joy rejoicing in my saving yes and my soul duff magnify the [45:11] Lord for I have the witness I have the testimony unto you unto you who hear and seek and find amen shall we now sing together hymn number 37 let earth and heaven combine angels and men is the great the great in souls divine the incarnate vehicle our God contracted towards Spanish and comprehensively made man and Jesus heaven heaven and of moon and singers and would bure th dan i or do of [46:28] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [47:30] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [48:48] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS And the love of God the Father and the communion of God the Holy Ghost be with us each. [49:34] Amen.