Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] A record of the word of the Lord token 섹 220. [0:26] Rooms ofalıgia Thank you. [1:26] Thank you. [1:56] Thank you. [2:26] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [2:38] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [2:50] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [3:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [3:14] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [3:26] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [3:38] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [3:50] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.smith we cannot in and of ourselves obtain to those things that we need Now we need the Lord to grant to us his good spirit to lead us into them. [4:18] That we may cast away those sins of alftimes. We are led away, left to ourselves. Now we get farther and farther away from the truth. [4:33] And he commences his chapter wherefore seeing we also are encompassed to bed. With so bright a cloud of witnesses. [4:45] You know are we witnesses. For those things that the Lord has enabled us. But through his mercy and his love enabled us to walk in. [5:03] Are we proving ourselves to be witnesses of those vital things which will take us to be with him. [5:16] Which is far better. Well Paul says seeing we also are encompassed about is so great. A cloud of witnesses. [5:28] Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us. And let us run with patience the grace that is set before us. [5:44] And what blessed graces they are. The graces of faith and of patience. [5:56] You know we have to look to ourselves. And how often we rise up against certain things that come in our pathway. [6:08] And we have to beg of the Lord. If you are anything like me. That he may grant to us that patience. That patience waiting upon him. [6:21] Oh may we send be possesses of it. Of those that through. [6:34] He said let us that lie aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us. Let us run with patience the grace that is set before us. [6:49] We read those that have with patience. Yes they endure. As seeing him who is invisible. [7:04] Have they endured. Ah the pathway that they are to walk. Have they needed the Lord to grant to them that true and living faith. [7:16] And that patience to endure. And we have these left upon record for our instruction. That we might be an eye-good and led by his spirit. [7:31] To look into these things. And to see how we are walking before him. But because we are in one way or the other. [7:43] We are either in that broad way that leads. To destruction or in that narrow way. There is no in between. [7:54] No. Not immersive we are. In that way whereby the Lord is leading us. Whereby we have to come to him for help and guidance. [8:08] Continually. Continually. That he may grant to us. That true and living faith. And that patience. [8:18] That we may endure. To the end. That we may not rise up against those things. That the Lord sees fit of times to bring. [8:30] Upon his people. We read further on in his chapter. He says. Now no chasing him for the present. Seemeth to be joyous but grievous. Nevertheless. [8:42] After all. It yieldeth the peaceable fruit. Of righteousness. Unto them. Which are exercised. Thereby. [8:53] Oh. Oh. What a mercy then. If we are. Being exercised. And taught. And led. Into those. Places. [9:04] Into those pathways. That have been left upon record. Oh. You take the case of Joseph. Oh. What. Faith he had. [9:17] That the Lord had shown to him. That. And granted. Those. Dreams that he had. That his brethren. [9:30] Would fall down. And worship him. And you know. Well you know the story. Where everything seemed to go against him. [9:40] Didn't it? And you know. Do you know. In your pathway. That half times. Things seemed to go against you. Yes. [9:53] And there are times. Perhaps. You're working. Doing things. Where. You may be. It may be said of you. Well. [10:04] You must take things easier. Although you're doing those things. That are right and lawful. Before the Lord. And now you have to seek. [10:16] That the Lord may grant to you. That faith. To look to him. To believe in him. And to trust in him. And being able to cast your burdens. [10:28] And all your concerns. Into his. Kind and gracious hands. And to be patient. In the working out of these things. [10:40] For you know. We're weak creatures. In and of ourselves. And if we are honest with ourselves. At our times. We rise up against these things. [10:51] And there we need the Lord. To subdue them within us. We cannot go. Too deep into those things. [11:04] Because. We need to come. Closer to our takes. Looking unto Jesus. The author. And finisher. Of our faith. [11:17] Looking unto Jesus. Where are we looking? Are we looking? Are we looking? Are we looking? Are we looking to ourselves? That we can. [11:28] Obtain to these things. In and of ourselves. Are we looking? To him. Who is the author. And finisher. Of our faith. [11:42] Who for the joy. That was set before him. Endured the cross. Despising the shame. When he sat down. At the right hand. Of the throne. [11:54] Of God. And what. An example. Did he set before his people. How he walked. [12:07] Humbly. Yes. What. What. Trials. [12:19] And temptations. Yes. He was. Laid. In the wilderness. Wasn't he? Forty days. Being tempted. [12:31] Of the devil. Yes. Now you tempted. Where do you look. When you come into those. [12:42] Paths of temptation. Do you. Look to him. And seek after him. That he may uphold you. [12:52] And strengthen you. For consider. Him. That one. That left his father's throne. [13:04] And came down. On this earth. To suffer. Bleed. And die. When we come to consider. [13:15] Harry. Harry. Kind. Yes. No room in the inn. No room in the inn. [13:29] Was there. No. His manger was a bed. And what about us. Ah. We. Have many benefits. [13:40] Some. And yet. They are. Half times. We. We. Rebound. Repine. When things. Do not. Seem to go. [13:51] As we. Wish they would. Ah. We. Should they. Then be brought to. For. [14:01] Consider. Him. And you know. We read. In Isaiah's prophecy. We. [14:11] Guard him. Yes. The ox. [14:28] Knoweth his owner. And the ass. His master's grip. But. Israel. Doth not know. My people. Doth not. [14:40] Consider. Are we. When led by his good spirit. Into these things. We realize. That we do not. [14:52] Consider these things. And often say. Our. Our love. If we are honest. Before God. [15:03] We do. How we need. To be brought in. For. Consider. Him. What. [15:15] He had to endure. Yes. When. It is declared. In one place. They all. Forsook him. And played. [15:27] No doubt. In a measure. We shall have to walk. In those paths. But not. So deep. As he did. And half times. [15:37] Fear to be alone. Alone. In this. World. Yet. will. All oleh. [15:48] ουμε. Every day. Indeed. They all forsook him. And played. Yet. He was a guy. High priest. They said. [15:58] Of their profession. Yes. Time. Into this world. To seek. And to sigh. There. that was lost that how he had to endure no tongue can tell yet how easy is our path when we are brought to look into it to the path that he had to walk yet as I have said half times we complain and how we do and we have no stones to throw against those that are left upon record when Jacob said all these things seem to be against do you know of those paths and does it grieve you do you mourn over your state before God when we are brought to realise the many benefits and mercies that we have we read of the Lord Jesus come foxes have owls and the birds of the Arab nest but the son of man has not where to lie his head and here we are many benefits do we prize these things are we brought humbly before him with thankful hearts for all his many benefits and blessings that he sees big to bestow upon such sinful worms of the earth we that have forsaken him days without number and forgotten him how we have neglected to do those things that are right and pleasing in his sight ah when we are brought to realise and know how we and the things that we have done are to be brought for to consider him the way that he walked yes how he endured how he was led as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shears was dug and he opened and knocked his mouth and what about us how often we grumbled and replied over many things yes we turn and look to ourselves instead of looking to him that he might lead us and then we expect the Lord to bless us [19:00] God we need that true humility to be humble before him that he might show to us their weaknesses and that he might grant to us more of his grace and that true and living faith to believe and to trust in him that we may be brought to consider him and the way that he walked although he was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords yes well we need then don't we to have that faith and that patience as I said regarding Joseph yes there he was everything seemed to be going against him cast into a pit sold into Egypt cast into prison yeah do we know anything of these things have you been cast into prison seemed to be shut up seemed to be no way everything seemed to be shut up around you and what have you done have you got rebellious have you turned to something or other to get deliverance instead of looking to him ah we need to examine ourselves to see the way that we are walking how [20:43] Christians should walk for consider him and Joseph you know was a lively type of the Lord Jesus yes there he was then shut up in prison everybody seemed to have forgotten him he says of him two four years and I was four years now dead ah he must have offered up many many prayers and oh what a mercy if we were brought there to offer up our prayers and our supplications unto him that he may deliver us and bring us to consider him the way that he walked that we may be led to walk in that part in a measure the way that he walked in that humble and to have that humble and that humble and that humble spirit he told his disciples regarding humility how they should be brought how he set that example to wash the disciples feet do we know anything of that humility to be brought there that we would be willing to wash their feet now what a mercy we are being led and guided in those ways whereby we are brought humbly to consider him that we might be led in that way humbly before him looking unto [22:47] Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith that he might grant to us that patience that patience waiting for the Lord yes waiting at his footstool for him to come and to deliver us and to lift us up above these things and that is the only place whereby the Lord will meet with his people when they are brought there to realize that they cannot in and of themselves do anything to out their selves but brought as helpless ruined sinners before him needing him to strengthen them needing him to grant to them that true living faith and that patience to wait to wait at his blessed feet and to seek him in all that they do and how he read on with regard in [23:57] Joseph how he was brought up out of the prison how he was exhorted and you know all the Lord's people those that are led by his good spirit will be exhorted in due time how they will what did he say to his disciples in my father's house are many mansions were it not so I would have told you and I go to prepare a place for you ah to have and to know that he has gone before us to prepare us a place ah but we must be brought in that true and living way for considering that in due such contradiction of sinners against himself yes though he were rich yet for your sight he became poor that you through his poverty might be made rich rich to all intents of bliss to know him as your redeemer as your saviour for consider him ah what you know those words are sermon in and of themselves they are what they are to me for consider him ah that will bring us away from ourselves oh it will and to fall humbly in his blessed hands and know no will but his ah that to be made submissive to his will blessed spirit submission to be brought humbly but his blessed thee as [26:23] Mary was she brought wasn't you there when she washed his feet with her tears and dried them with the ears of her what a blessed spot to be brought ah humbly it is thee knowing that he is the truth and the way no other way whereby we can be saved free is the way the truth and the life no other way no we don't want to be like those that are flying over the water no we want to be those that are led in that right way looking unto Jesus yes looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith so we need our eyes open yes we need our eyes open we need our ears unstuck to hear his voice yes this is the way to walk ye in it ah what a mercy the [27:42] Lord has said that to us that we may know but we are in that right way that way whereby he is leading us and guiding us whereby we shall receive those rich blessings that he blesses his people with in the evening if it's only a touch a touch of his love I would lift you up above your troubles and your concerns you will be able then to continue yes and he does he meets with his people and he still speaks he's still the same he has not changed but ah what changes we have sometimes hot sometimes golden sometimes indifferent for these things and we do need the Lord to chasten us yes and show to us where we are wrong yes and to be brought for consider him ah is he your chief concern is he your one desire to know him and the power of his resurrection you know those two of us on the road to him and they forgotten and we forget don't we half times yeah we forget these things years years years they had forgotten of those things that he had spoken to them years but when he drawed near to them and showed himself to them what affected his his his his his heart and his his heart to him by the way do you desire the [29:52] Lord to speak to you in that way that he is leading you ah there's various ways that the Lord leads and guides his people there's various ways we cannot compare one with another but how it all leads to the same place whereby we're brought for consider him to be brought to realize as the Imrager said his way was much rougher and darker than none did Christ my Lord suffer and shall I repound and we do all times don't we repound yes we do but I hope to be brought to realize and understand of what he endured for his people sake have he made that way whereby they can come to him in that new and living way poor consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be weary and faint in your minds he knew what weariness was no dead you do how times you get weary being wearied with his year and he said he sat thus on the well that he was weary yes consider him how we should then consider him to know that our path way is not in that way that he had to walk now we read only when he was upon the cross my [32:05] God my God why has forsaken me he knew what it was for his God to forsake him we shall in your measure after walking those pathways whereby we feel as though he has forsaken us grow to have that faith and patience to look to him and to seek him to be our God to be our God to be our shepherd to be brought as David was the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want ah what a mercy to be brought there to be led into those green pastures and beside those still waters ah then your heart will rejoice to know that you are in that living way that way whereby the [33:08] Lord has met with you we read of one don't we being in the way the Lord met with him and we don't want to be in that way whereby the Lord won't meet with us do the to be brought there to consider him to be on board to know that he has gone before he has walked in that way before and he has made that way for his people and it's own and through him shall we be saved, yes, through his one sacrifice, when he shed his precious blood on Calvary's tray. Ah, what a mercy, what a fiber, if we had been brought there to consider him. [34:15] That we might be brought to leave all things to part with all things and truly follow him, whatever it may cost us. It cost him his heart's blood, didn't it? And we have not. [34:35] We read, don't we, yet resisted unto blood? No, you have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. [34:46] Ah, but he shed his precious blood on Calvary's tree. How we should consider these things, that they may be made home to us, that we may be brought to remember what he endured, the way that he walked, although King of Kings and Lord of Lords. [35:18] Oh, consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be wearied and faint in your minds. [35:35] And oftentimes you will be. Yes, you'll feel weary of your journey, but I'll look to him. [35:46] Seek him that he may draw near to you and strengthen you and uphold you. For he will to those who call upon him in truth. [36:01] He turned none away when he was on this earth that came to him in their deep distress. Now he turned none away. [36:12] Now he will not turn you away. But how to be brought there to consider him? [36:24] Well, by the Lord, bless those few remarks for his name's sake. Amen. Amen. Amen. [37:05] Take years. Пока. Amen. Show him the thing. OK. Amen. How shall we say, we shall win? [37:17] Amen. Hell, we are the same. That we may claim. [37:31] a transition, to rid the国 a cross of Christ at His own how life reigns a prayer to free out love The Spirit of God As rain drops on the grave [38:37] The precious day in the heart of Christicias deIOH, high or near, When the pains and pains of task In the sleep of my body He in the Craig [39:38] I shall be loved, but I can tell you, I shall be loved, but I can tell you, To live upon His precious day, His heavenly life will provide, The hungry love, his heavenly grace, I shall be loved, but I can tell you, [40:39] He flesh剛剛. The Boosting Herren Thank you. [41:45] Thank you. [42:15] Thank you. Thank you. [42:47] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [42:59] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [43:11] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [43:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [43:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [43:47] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Thank you. Thank you. [43:59] The love of God the Father, the sweet communion of thy blessed Spirit, abide with us each, both now and forevermore. [44:12] Amen.