Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention again to the morning subject. [0:17] First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 2, and the 12th verse. [0:27] Now we have received not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. [0:50] Chapter 2, verse 12, First Epistle to the Corinthians. It is a wonderful consideration that if you and I are taught of God, then he who has taught us and led us into his truth, be it little or much which he has made known to us, he is the author of the Word of God in its entirety. [1:37] And it is his prerogative alone to lead poor sinners into the things of God and make them to be blessed realities in their soul's experience. [1:59] And the greatest mercy you and I can realize in journeying on through life is to be able to adopt this language and out of the abundance of the heart for the mouth to speak. [2:19] The Apostle Paul was addressing the godly Corinthians and he declared to them, now we have received not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God. [2:40] The Spirit of the Lord, we have received a number of two letters, yet in that little word of two letters, there is a number which no man can number, saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation, salvation, people of every kindred, tribe and tongue. [3:12] And they have their lives governed by the Spirit which is of God. [3:24] In looking at the subject from another viewpoint or two, I want to, as the Lord shall help me, to show you some of the things that are freely given to us of God. [3:46] And the emphasis you must remember is on the word freely given. You cannot earn, nor merit, nor buy an interest in the things of God. [4:08] It is that which is made known by revelation. And that revelation is governed by the sovereignty of God. [4:23] I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy. [4:35] And sometimes you will be amazed as your help to look round the world at large with all its mighty mass of mankind, and to think that God has singled out you. [4:55] That you should know just a little of the Spirit which is of God. It may be you cannot speak much about what you do know of it. [5:08] But there is just a little, blessed be God, that is known and felt. And there I would make a comment to encourage some of you. [5:25] And now in the chapter I read in John's Gospel as the lesson, the Savior said to His disciples concerning the Spirit of God, speaking of Him as the Spirit of Truth. [5:46] And He says, The world knoweth Him not, but ye know Him. And now I will tell you what worked in my subconscious mind, as I read that word to you. [6:07] Another scripture came alongside it, and they all forsook Him and fled. [6:21] Then it is very evident, the knowledge they possessed, while it was of the Spirit which is of God, it was but a very little. [6:33] Oh, those eleven disciples of a truth were disciples. But dear friends, the word disciple, as you all know, means learner. [6:45] Learner from this viewpoint. And they sit down at thy feet, and every one shall receive of thy words. [6:58] And you and I, although some of us have followed on to know the Lord, you're in, you're out, much of our lifetime. [7:09] Yet, we find the hymn writer's words are very solemnly true concerning us. When my faith is sharply tried, I find myself a learner yet, unskillful, weak, and apt to slight. [7:33] And now, it might help you to take courage, when it may be you are tempted and tried, because if you do know anything of the Spirit which is of God, it is such a very little. [7:49] Yet, so it was with those disciples. It was indeed a very little. But that little was real. [8:00] And there is this to encourage you. It is grace that makes men feel their need. [8:10] And cry to God for more. And remember what you sing sometimes. And that is a word which you should never, never let go. [8:28] The scripture on which it is built is, The desire of the righteous shall be granted. The soul that with sincere desires, seeks after Jesus' love, that soul the Holy Ghost inspires, with breathings from above. [8:48] It is that which the Spirit which is of God alone can enable you to feel in your soul's exercises. [9:00] And then, there is just another viewpoint. I am trying to help you to be like Manoah's wife, when she said, If the Lord were pleased to kill us, would he have shown us all these things? [9:18] And now remember this word, which I told you in the morning sermon, was indeed a foundation truth. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him. [9:39] Neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. And now do you, let your conscience tell you the truth, Do you receive the things of the Spirit of God? [10:00] Is it your concern, as you gather together to worship God, like you have been singing in the hymn before the sermon began, Show me some token, Lord, for good, some token of thy special love. [10:19] Show me that I am born of God, and that my treasure is above. This will be your great concern, if you are interested in the things of the Spirit of God. [10:37] You will find in your heart an aching void, which this world cannot fill. Whatever could be offered you, from the world at large, compared with a token for good, some sure evidence, unfailing, that you were numbered with the people of God, put on the other side of the scale, would weigh it down. [11:07] Yes, and you would say with the hymn writer, Let others after earth aspire, Christ is the treasure I desire. [11:21] Now, we have received, not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God. And now, to summarize that viewpoint of the subject, which I said just a little about, in the morning sermon, it means, that, your great concern is, not to live for this world, but that which is to come. [11:48] And now that needs thinking about, but it must, be, deep down in your heart, a concern like that. [12:01] Now, we have received, not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God. They that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. [12:22] Yes, to be to this world as dead, alive to that, which is to come. And now, there is another, viewpoint, of this subject, I want to make a comment on. [12:39] Then I will, open it up, as my mind, runs, to do. Now, we have received, not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God. [12:52] That we might know the things, that are freely given to us, of God. In the following chapter, do listen, there is a statement like this, for all things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollos, or Kephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's. [13:33] Dear friends, there is one great thing, I want you to remember, as long as you live. Whenever you read, that beautiful scripture, do, it is an amazing, consideration, for poor sinners, born again, to contemplate, for all things are yours. [13:57] But while it does say, all things, there is one thing, that is not yours. Do remember that, and that is yourself. [14:09] The word of God, makes that plain. It is no contradiction. All things are yours, except yourself. [14:24] What says the scripture, as we look at it? What? Know ye not, that your body, is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you? [14:40] Is not that equivalent, to our subject? The spirit, which is of God? Which ye have of God? [14:52] Listen, ye are not your own, for ye are bought, with a price. Therefore glorify God, in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. [15:09] ye belong, to the Lord Christ, ye serve the Lord Christ, the word of God, tells us. [15:24] now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit, which is of God. And that will make you concerned, as you journey on, like the hymn writer, words it, this prayer, and this ambition, mine, living and dying, again, to be, dying. [15:50] And now, I come to, the things, that are freely given to us, of God. And do mark that word again, freely given. [16:06] John says, in his gospel, of his fullness, have all we received, and grace, for grace. [16:17] And that is a great mercy, if any of us, under Union Chapel, roof, have received, of that, infinite, fullness, which is treasured up, in Jesus Christ, as the church's, living, head. [16:37] The things, that are freely given to us, of, God. And now, one of the, earliest things, which is given to us, is, a gracious illumination. [16:54] I have told you sometimes, that a godly man, or woman, youth or maid, is lighted up inside. And that light, comes from the light, of the world. [17:10] I have told you, in the Hebrews epistle, how the, apostle Paul, argues there, when they, should call to remembrance, the former days. [17:22] And he goes on, as it were, to say, and begin here, after, ye were, illuminated. And now, that, is the starting point. [17:36] As you read, in the word of God, itself, it is actually, set before us, in, how the word of God, begins. [17:48] And, you all know, how it does begin. In the beginning, God created, the heaven and the earth. And the earth, was without form, and void. [18:01] And darkness, was upon the face, of the deep. And the spirit of God, moved upon, the face, of the waters. And God said, let there be light. [18:15] And there, was light. The entrance, of thy word, giveth, light. In thy light, shall we, see, light. [18:29] In darkness, born, I went astray, and wandered, from the gospel way. And since, the saviour, gave me sight, I cannot see, without, his, light. [18:44] And now, that, is one, of these things, that are freely, given to us, of God. A gracious, illumination. And then, I can only, give you hints, because these things, are in the plural, and they are indeed, many to contemplate. [19:08] Do, weigh this matter up, as to whether, this thing, has been freely, given to you. Not only, what I have just, hinted at, illumination, from, him, who is, the light, of, the world, but, a good hope, through grace. [19:31] Oh, how wonderful, that is, to be the subject, of it. You are not here, many of you, in the attitude, of worship, without God, and, without hope. [19:44] You can, go back, over, the way, that you hope, God, has led you, and discern, when, hope, was born, in your breast, hope, in God, which, has been maintained, not always, at the same level, no, but, it is a reality, and, it was hope, that brought you up, to worship God, at, this time, I seek, and hope, to find, a portion, for my soul, and, now, the apostle Paul, said, to the godly, Romans, we are saved, by, hope, I know, it is very tried, at times, and, you find, some, who possessed, a wonderful hope, indeed, a thrice, comfortable hope, as the hymn writer, describes it, yet, they went down, to a very low level, [20:51] I like to think, of both Job, and Jeremiah, there, and Job said, as for my hope, who shall see it, my hope, hath he removed, like a tree, and a little while, before, he said, I know, that my redeemer, liveth, there you see, the fluctuations, in our souls, experience, yet, the things of God, remain, a, reality, and, Jeremiah said, my hope, is perished, from, the Lord, as to any, happiness, I feel, at the present time, in the possession, of it, in my soul's, experience, and yet, it was a hope, that God, was the author, of, and, it sprang up, again, and so it will, with everyone, who is taught, of God, and it never sinks, down, lower, than this, who can tell, but what God, will be gracious, unto me, though by my sins, deserving hell, are not despair, for who can tell, and now, hope then, good hope, through grace, is one of, these things, that are freely, given to us, of, [22:23] God, then, another thing, is what is termed, the spirit of adoption, and that is a beautiful, experience, when God is pleased, to communicate it, to you, the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father, did you ever, at any time, say, and in saying it, out of the abundance, of the heart, the mouth, could speak, our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed, be thy name, I know, there was, one occasion, in my life, when I said it, like that, and, I should like, to have, repeated experiences, of it, it is not, to be taken, on our lips, lightly, but, when you, realize, the spirit, which is of God, enlivening you, it is good, to realize, this spirit, of adoption, and until you, do realize it, it is good, to continue, to plead, my God, my Father, blissful name, oh, may I call thee mine, may I, with sweet assurance, claim, a portion, so, divine, your heavenly, [23:57] Father, knoweth, what things, ye have, need of, before, ye, ask him, the things, that are, freely given, to us, of God, and now, another thing, an all important, thing, some of you, would be so glad, to have it, wrought in your soul's, experience, experience, and that is, the forgiveness, of sins, or you cannot, treat that matter, lightly, it is a matter, of supreme, importance, in your soul's, experience, it will bring you, to what I might say, to the peak, of your soul's, experience, when you, when you, can see, Jesus, and see in him, all your salvation, and all, your, desire, when you, can, hear his word, [25:07] I will be, merciful, to your, unrighteousness, your sins, and your, iniquities, I will remember, no, more, through this man, there is preached, unto you, the, forgiveness, of sins, it seems, amazing, and yet, we dare not, make any comment, on it, as to why, it should be, only, in the sovereignty, of God, it is allowed, to be, the great majority, of people, taught of God, nowadays, go on, in life's journey, concerned, to know, the forgiveness, of sins, and yet, often do not get, what their souls, desire, until they come, to the end, of life's journey, and go down, into Jordan's, swelling, but, there may be, some lessons, to be learned, in God, allowing, this, so, to be, but, it is a matter, you and I, would do well, to be urgent, about, through this man, there is preached, unto you, the forgiveness, of sins, and if we, confess our sins, he is faithful, and just, to forgive us, our sins, and to cleanse us, from all, unrighteousness, oh, it is, a wondrous, mercy, to be the subject, of, forgiveness, of, sins, to see, [26:53] Jesus, and to be, able to feel, for me, oh, miracle of grace, for me, the Savior, bled, that, we might, know, the things, that are freely, given to us, of, God, God, then, there is another thing, which is all important, and that is, the righteousness, of God, which is, by, faith, in, Jesus, Christ, imputed, righteousness, which means, the efficacy, and the virtue, and the value, of the life, that Jesus lived, when he was made, of a woman, made under the law, and that he lived, that life, on your behalf, that you might, have a righteousness, wherein, to appear, before God, and be made, meet for the inheritance, of, the saints, in, light, oh, that is, indeed, one of the things, that are freely, given to us, of, [28:15] God, but it is, a blessed experience, and you cannot, meet with, many folk, nowadays, though you believe, they are, indeed, following on, to know the Lord, who can speak, with, definite, authority, about, the righteousness, of God, as being the robe, which they, have been, clothed with, by the spirit, of God, and yet, you and I, must be clothed in it, ere we die, or we shall be lost, you cannot get, through the gates of pearl, without it, no, righteousness, imputed, lest the shadow, of a spot, should on my soul, be found, he took the robe, the saviour, wrought, and spread it, all around, then there is, another thing, freely given to us, of God, and maybe, you can come in here, quite a few, of you, an interest, in the covenant, of grace, you may say, [29:34] I should like, to be sure, I had an interest, in the covenant, of grace, but how can I, be sure, how can I, know, beyond all questioning, such a favour, is for me, such a poor sinner, as I feel, to be, and now, the covenant, of grace, is declared, to be, ordered, in all things, and, sure, work, and now, as you look back, over life's journey, and remember the way, God has, led you, it may be, you have indeed, come through, many changing scenes, and many things, of which the memory, thereof, might cause you, to feel, sad, in thinking, about it, and yet, you can see, that in the way, that God has led you, all these things, have dovetailed in, and that you cannot, leave out, any of these things, as you watch, the working out, of these things, you find, there is an underlying, providence, that wisely, marshals, every circumstance, and you see, that these things, as I have said, dovetailed in, and the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and he, delighted, in, his, way, think how often, maybe in, earlier years, you have, had to say, [31:21] I was, brought low, but he, helped me, yes, and you, were never, brought low, without, sooner or later, the help, was forthcoming, you were not, allowed in, any trouble, to sing, to rise, no, more, and that, is one of the things, freely given to us, of God, an interest, in the, covenant, of, grace, and when you, can, enter into it, you can, realize, what the psalmist said, the secret, of the Lord, is with them, that fear him, he will show them, his, covenant, the margin reading, is beautiful, he will make them, to know, his, covenant, that is to say, he will make them, know that they're, in it, shut up, in it, interested, in it, so when you, remember the way, [32:28] God has led you, and see his, goodness, and mercy, and, think of the way marks, and the high heaps, you have raised, these, are the things, freely, given to us, of God, and you could not, know these things, only, as you are the subject, of the spirit, which is, of God, then, another thing, freely given, to us, of God, and maybe, some of you, will come in here, I would like, to bring in, as many of you, as I can, but I have to leave, that really, between the Lord, and you, the preacher, can only draw, a bow, at a venture, and now, if you were, such a character, as is set forth, in our subject, now we have received, not the spirit, of the world, but the spirit, which is, of God, that we might, know the things, that are freely, given to us, of God, one thing, you will know, is, that you were made, welcome, at the gospel table, and whenever, the gospel is preached, and you are there, to hear it, you will be listening, with a concern, to get good, for your soul, and you get it, not in every sermon, it may be, but even if you, should go, on your way, and say, there has been, nothing for me, under the gospel, this Sabbath, day, and that, tries you, even in that, very fact, that it, tries you, there is, evidence, that you are, wrought upon, by the spirit, which is, of God, because, it is not, what you are, by nature, that feels, disappointed, when you seem, to get, nothing special, in the worship, of God, [34:41] God, it is, what you are, by the, grace of God, it is, as you are, actuated, by the spirit, which is, of God, and dear friends, I am not, making, any reflections, on any of you, in what I am, going to say, but I am, going to say, it would be, a wonderful mercy, if you came up, to worship God, every time, concerned, to get some, good, for your soul, and to hear, what God, the Lord, would say, in the proclamation, of, the gospel, gospel, and maybe, if you paid, more attention, to what is said, in the gospel, as the preacher, has helped, to set it forth, you might get, more good, for your soul, than you have, already, obtained, and by that statement, I mean, if you reduce, to practice, what you hear, especially, when you, hear such words, as, if ye, love me, keep my, commandments, remember that, you must admit, you have been, made welcome, at the gospel table, oh, there have been, times, when you have felt, [36:06] Lord, it is good, for us, to be, here, you were found, there was room, made for you, in the sermon, and you could come in, here a little, there a little, and feel, the watchmen, that go about the city, they, found me, and I have told you, and you must remember, what I tell you, the watchmen, going, round, about the city, the city of God, go round about it, on the inside, and if they find you, you are, inside the city, walls, you are, an inhabitant, of, Zion, and that is, a mercy, to, prize, blessed, is the people, that know, the joyful sound, they shall walk, oh Lord, in, the light, of, thy, countenance, that we might, know, the things, that are freely, given to us, of God, and if you were, to weigh these things, up more than you do, say when you, got home, if you could, in a little leisure time, sit down, before God, and call, to remembrance, what the gospel, has been made, to you, as you have listened, to it, you're in, and you're out, and if sometimes, you have marked, in the Holy Bible, that you use, this text, and that, that you have heard, one preacher, and another, preach from, where you got, a little help, you would find, in weighing that matter, up, before God, you have got, a much better religion, than, you often, feel you have, or the devil, wants you to believe, that you possess, do remember that, the things, that are freely, given to us, of God, and now, there is one thing, and oh, how essential it is, the spirit itself, beareth witness, with our spirit, that we are, the children of God, oh, how many times, you have said, you cannot begin, to reckon them up, assure my conscience, of her part, in the Redeemer's blood, and bear the witness, with my heart, that I am born, of God, and you have had, that witness, again, and again, and again, but you still, want to be confirmed, in your soul, about it, and that is, that is the meaning, of that scripture, then shall we know, if we follow on, to know, the Lord, there is no place, along life's way, where you can, settle down, as it were, and take things, for granted, no, what do you sing, all through, the wilderness, below, good hope, expects, more good, to know, and thus, is kept alive, the soul, yes, they shall, ask the way, to Zion, with their faces, thither, warred, and the Savior, said, blessed are they, which, do hunger, and thirst, after righteousness, for, they shall be, filled, that we might, know, the things, that are freely, given to us, of, [40:04] God, then, another thing, given to us, although it may be, I shall hardly, be able, to get you, to believe it, but the Lord, can make you, believe it, and that is, grace to help, in time of need, and now, you may, often feel, and be troubled, as to how little, grace, you seem to possess, maybe your judgment, about the amount, of grace, you possess, is not to be, depended on, the hymn writer, said, marks of grace, I cannot show, all polluted, is my breast, yet I weary, am I know, and the weary, long, for rest, but then, God has guaranteed, this, my grace, is sufficient, for thee, sufficient, you and I, have got to learn, what that word, sufficient, means, means, and it really, means, this, as thy days, so, should thy strength, be, so that you will never, have tomorrow's grace, feelingly, in reserve, in your soul's, experience, today, but it will not be, until tomorrow dawns, that tomorrow's grace, will be made, sufficient, for you, here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon, precept, and if you, look at some of the scriptures, in the word of God, you will be surprised, it may be, if you ponder this matter, about grace, and grace being, sufficient, how about this, word of the apostle Paul's, as dying, and behold, we live, and Joseph Hart's, view of it, ever sinking, yet, to swim, you saying, can these dry bones, live, and yet, they do, and he which hath begun, the good work, in you, will perform it, until the day, of Jesus Christ, yes, this is one, of the things, that are freely given to us, of God, grace to help, in time of need, yet, maybe sometimes, you wake in the morn, and think of the day, and what it holds in store, and you wonder, how you will be able, to face the duties, and difficulties, awaiting you, therein, and you feel, you can hardly do it, and yet, you will do it, ever on thy captain calling, make thy worst condition known, he shall hold thee up, when falling, or shall lift thee up, when down, another thing, and I will soon come, to the amen, another thing, freely given to us, of God, is submission, to the will of God, and that is, much to be prized, you see, our will, is very turbulent, there is that about us, that we want our own way, but you know, everywhere you go now, you see a notice, give way, that is just what you have got to do, in living the life, of the righteous, it is not in man, that walketh, to direct his own steps, when God, speaks to you, this is the way, walk ye in it, you must give way, to whatever you have thought, you would be or do, and, remember, [44:26] Jesus Christ says, to each disciple, follow me, this is the way, walk ye in it, yes, and that is one of the things, freely given to us, of God, to have, sometimes, sweet submission, to his will, and to be able, to say, thy way, not mine, O Lord, however dark it be, lead me, by thy own hand, choose thou, my way, for me, then, there is just this thought, among the things, that are freely given, to us of God, is deliverance, in every trouble, that may befall us, as we journey on, the deliverance, may be delayed, but it will never be denied, the word of God, is sure, the Lord is good, a stronghold, in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them, that trust in him, the things, that are freely, given to us, of God, and you look back, over the way, you have come along, did ever trouble, yet befall, and God refuse, to hear, thy call, you have got, your way marks, your Ebeneezers, your high heaps, raised, where trouble, like a gloomy cloud, gathered thick, and thundered, loud, and now, there is just, one more thing, which I must name, the things, that are freely, given to us, of God, and now, that, is, peace, with God, the peace, of God, which passeth, all understanding, possessing, our hearts, and, minds, and that peace, is especially, known, when, when, all who are taught, of God, come down, to, die, and, none, who are taught, of God, will miss, that, peace, and, it is, beyond words, to, describe, peace, [46:58] I leave, with you, my peace, I give, unto you, not, as the world, giveth, give I, unto you, let, not, your heart, be, troubled, neither, let, it, be, afraid, oh, how many, petitions, people, taught, of God, have sent, up, concerning, that day, which is, to come, inevitably, a dying, day, and, they are, all, registered, in heaven, and, when your, dying, day, dawns, then, the answer, to those, many, fold, petitions, will, come, and, you, will, realize, as you, go down, into Jordan, swelling, this, wondrous, peace, for that, is, one, of the, things, guaranteed, to us, one, of the, things, freely, given, to us, of, God, mark, the, perfect, man, behold, the, upright, for the, end, of, that, man, is, peace, now, we, have, received, not, the, spirit, of, the, world, but, the, spirit, which, is, of, [48:15] God, that, we, might, know, the, things, that, are, freely, given, to, us, of, God, oh, my, dear, friends, young, and old, the, Lord, grant, that, you, and I, may, have, this, religion, set, forth, in, our, subject, for, this, religion, alone, will, help, us, to, live, right, and, at, the, last, to, die, right, Amen.