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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me I would again direct you to Psalm 46 reading the first clause of verse 10 Psalm 46 verse 10 of the first clause Be still and know that I am God Be still and know that I am God It will be a wonderful thing my friends if this word is given to some poor soul this afternoon It is a well known word to us we are very familiar with it but oh my friends how many of us know the depths and the truths of it for my friends to know something of this word we've got to know something of what it is to be tossed to and fro otherwise there will be no need for this blessed word be still still so my friends don't be surprised if you find that this is your condition now that you're greatly tossed and trying in some pathway some experience it may be my friends that you in that pathway where you fear lest the grace of God is not in your heart lest you may have been deceived you're tossed to and fro the word says be still you say how can I be still when I'm tossed to and fro my friends the answer is in the chapter we read by faith looking unto Jesus this is the secret of his people this is the secret of their peace and quietness looking unto Jesus the dear Redeemer be still and know that I am God let us look at this word know and know that I am God let us look for a little at the power of God his mighty power he spake and it was done he created the earth there was nothing here it was void it was space he spake the word and it was done the earth was created there was light and there was darkness there was the sun the moon the stars all created by our God and we have the the evidence of it we are witnesses of it we see it day by day in our lives his power we see his power in preserving his people we have those evidences in the word of God we see that [4:29] Daniel was cast in the den of lions but he was preserved preserved by the power of God the lions mouths were shut they could not touch him I know there are many in these solemn days that deny the power of God and they say that these accounts are ridiculous and untrue and imaginary but my dear friends do we believe in God or not why should it be impossible with our God my friends it is terrible it is to to suggest that our God is not able to do these things nothing is impossible with our God and so [5:41] I believe my friends we in our various pathways and experiences here and there have proved something of the power of God we have seen it why my friends the wonder working hand of God and the mysterious way he works look how he dealt with Abraham he told Abraham that he was got to go and slay his son offer him up for sacrifice and the same God my friends had promised Abraham that he should have this promised son and that there should be multitude come forth come forth from him and now my friends he's put to the task the same [6:52] God tells him to go and sacrifice this son what a trial all but my friends the dear man obeyed all faith he had in the midst then my friends let us not be tempted to think that Abraham wasn't tempted Abraham was a man of like passions he was a man that feared God therefore his great enemy was the devil and you can be sure the devil tempted him as he does all his people and even the Lord Jesus himself and so my friends Abraham is faithful faithful to the word of God he obeyed but how our God this great [8:03] God worked he knew the end from the beginning he kept him from slaying Isaac and he caused that there should be a ram caught in the thicket and Abraham sacrificed that instead of his son be still and know that I am God this great God whose ways are past finding out we cannot understand them but have we got a little of this faith that Abraham had in our pathways in these solemn days amidst the buffer of life and the many sorrows afflictions trials all my friends he's the same [9:17] God he has the same power be still and know that I am God how often my friends do we see his guiding hand in providence oh I believe my friends there are many in these solemn days that are guilty of leaving providential things aside we realize that the things of salvation spiritual things must come from God but my friends why should we not take the providential things there those of old did and the [10:21] Lord commanded them in the way that they should go as we looked this morning he told them when they should go forward and when they should not he gave the cloudy pillar and the fiery pillar how many seek it to die why would my friends that this might be a word in season to many of us I feel to need it myself my friends we we need to look unto our God we need to call upon him to direct our feet in his path for we know not what is best for ourselves be still and know that [11:21] I am God that I am able to do all things you know friends we don't half understand and realise the power of God we limit his power sometimes the Lord is pleased to give to us a word and it is sweet and blessing and then we are brought into paths of various trials now what about his word be still and know that I am God that I change not that I have promised shall [12:21] I not do it oh my friends we limit his power his faithfulness oh that we might trust in him not only for the things of this life and in the path of providence but in the things of eternity we still know that I am God why my friends as we hasten toward eternity there are many times are not with us when we say in our hearts well however shall I get to heaven can it be possible that I shall ever reach that blessed place [13:22] I'm so full of sin and uncleanness and wretchedness we still know that I am God all things are possible with him he hath the words of eternal life oh my friends the dear redeemer came here below to redeem his people be still and know that I am God that I have made a way that poor sinners might be redeemed that they might come unto God why many of his dear people are afraid to go to God because of their sins their darkness their blackness but my dear friends look unto [14:30] Jesus that's a blessed word I believe it's in the 12th of Hebrews where it speaks of the cloud of witnesses and the way that his people went and the following of the Lord Jesus cross that we might look unto him how often we take our eyes off of him and then what do we find we find like Peter on the water we begin to sink down he went because he took his eyes off Jesus and how many many times have we proved the same that when we take our eyes off of him it's confusion it's sorrow it's complexity you see you and [15:41] I have need of patience we look on the outward things we examine them we look at them we watch them but my friends be still and know that thou art God be still oh if this word is conveyed a little to you and I this day my friends it will be a blessed day there'll be a little sweet peace that will come over our souls there'll be a sweet calm in our minds amidst the storms you may be in those storms I know not what you may be in today but the Lord does and I don't believe this my friends that the Lord has led me into this word for nothing [16:43] I believe there are those here that are in it they're in this wild storm of confusion this wild pathway of dismay and not knowing the way not knowing what to do they still know that I am God in the midst of all these things I'm still I still look upon them and guide and lead he leads his people my friends step by step be still and know that I am God that I'm still in heaven I'm still looking upon the earth [17:46] I'm still controlling in the things here that I control the devil that he is a chain foe that he can only come as far as permitted be still and know that I am God he is a vile tempter he is my friend and you and I know something of him if we are being taught by him by the blessed spirit we should know something of this tempting devil and oh my friend he will deceive us if he can he will set our feet in the wrong path he will bring us into confusion and trouble so my friends how needful it is to bring our paths our concerns unto Jesus be still and know the wrong God all those many many things whatever they are that you and I are in take them to the [18:54] Lord lay them there as I try to speak of this morning seek his his guiding hands seek to have the fleece wet and dry all my friends it will be so much easier for you and I to press forward with a word of the Lord when we can say the Lord told me to do this he said this is the way walk ye in in it we my friends we so often say and fear and think that we the Lord never speaks anything like this into our hearts but some of us are about to prove this my friends that when we've gone and ventured forward in paths without a word he's brought into confusion and I would bless his name for it but my friends this is the hard way and had we sought a word from the [20:20] Lord and waited for it we would have been saved from that awful trial so you see my friends these paths these things that we come into are often the fruits of our sin it is often because we haven't laid the matter before him committed it into his hand and watched and waited for his direction how can we my friends expect to profit expect to be blessed in the way of his not sentence it is so my friends in the ministry there are many that over the years and even at the present that have that desire in their heart to preach the word of God but if they are not sent of [21:33] God there will be no profit my friends these are solemn things the Lord prepares his people for the path that they are to walk in he chooses the way you might say well if he chooses the way surely it will be peaceful and calm not necessarily in fact my dear friends mostly at times with all there are those times when it is the very opposite when the Lord has led his people into paths they've come into storms and immediately they've cried out to the Lord and they have feared that they have made a mistake be still and know that I'm [22:39] God I change now I'm still in it did I not say be not dismayed did I not say I would be with thee fear not my friends the Lord does not give these words to his people for nothing it is because they are going to come into these paths all they are in them be still and know that I am God that I do all things well I know my friends when we're tried and tempted we cannot always say that that he does all things well we do not feel to be still and calm but when the [23:42] Lord comes and visits our troubled breath then all is well and everything is calm and he hasn't made any mistakes I would my friends that we were more often in that posture I've been there and it's a blessed place it's a place we cannot bring ourselves be still and know that I am God that even in the storms I can make a calm you see the disciples in the ship they were tossed with a stormy wind Jesus was in the ship asleep he was with them but still they feared why because they took their eyes off him because they their unbelief was so great they thought well he's asleep he will not know it will be too late never my friends never without [25:12] God he know it's all things he know it's the end from the beginning he never slumbers or sleeps he never comes too late for his dear people be still and know that I am God remember that although you cannot hear his voice you perhaps cry and shout just one of all dear Joe he went backward and forward he couldn't find his Lord he was in the midst of deep troubles trials losses affliction but his God was still his God the Lord still watched over him Satan was a chain foe ah my friends be still and know that [26:23] I am God Job remember that I change not and although he came into those great paths of affliction yet my friends he proved after all that this great God was his dear redeemer so did Thomas remember doubting Thomas when he was told that the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead he couldn't believe anything the unbelief of his heart was so great he could not believe that the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead and yet my friends it must be so the dear [27:33] Messiah must die and be crucified and rise again that his people might be redeemed and that they might rise again all my friends be still and know that I am God this great God this great redeemer he has come he has died he has suffered for his people and although it's often with us it seems that we're overwhelmed by sin and Satan the violent temptations and the weaknesses of our flesh and we often feel overwhelmed and we have to say can ever God dwell here be still be still and know that I am [28:36] God that I have conquered the devil that I have redeemed you all my friends this great God be still and know that I am God that I am not like you and me and even in the midst of these violent storms I'm still the same God the same redeemer my love is still the same oh that we might have eyes to look to him that we might be more that we might have more of that face that we read off in the 11th of Hebrews that all these were saved by faith they all looked unto the dear redeemer they all waited for him they all trusted in him he the [29:54] Lord my friends will never never forsake he will never deny those that trust in him that would that wait to be cleansed in the blood of Christ if that's your open mind my dear friends we shall never be ashamed of our hope for he is faithful be still and know that I am God I have come to say that which was lost that which was ready to perish oh my friends may we be unable to look up underneath to him to trust in him to seek his face to wait upon him for the work of salvation is his we fail we cannot keep his law we break all his commandments we have those weaknesses in our heart and we find that we fall again and again we often say within our heart well [31:26] I'm going to walk nearer the Lord but oh alas how quickly we fall but be still and know that I am God be still and know that I love with an everlasting love and though you fail and are utter failure I am the dear redeemer I have come to save that which was lost and ruined be still and know that I am God and all my friends in the path of prayer we need to be still and know that he is God that he hears and answers prayer we look again on the outward things we say within our hearts well [32:32] I cried and shouted and he shut it out my prayer does he my friends because we haven't got the sweet blessed evidence that he has answered our prayer we are ready to despair we are ready to say he shut out my prayer he hasn't heard it my friends be still and know that thou art God this great God he hears all prayer he hears every thought and desire of the heart so he hears what you and I cry unto him what we ask him for well you might say how is it then that he does not come well my friends the [33:34] Lord has a set time when he will reveal himself to his people when he will come to their need and their health and give them a portion we still know that I am God our time is ever ready ever ready we don't want to wait five minutes but sometimes my dear friends his people have to wait years I don't wouldn't discourage any poor soul but that is so some things a poor soul has to wait years for you say well surely will I not get nothing in between times in between the time of asking him and the time of receiving yes my friends the [34:41] Lord will revive the exercise again and again he will he will give that faith to be still at times and know that he is God there will be those blessed times when you will in your heart and experience have a sweet realisation that he has heard your prayer you will be persuaded in your heart that what you have asked for he knows you will know he knows and my friends it's then it's then my friends when you'll be able to walk in this text and be still and know that he is God it's then my friends when we realise that he knows just where we are what we're in what we want what we're waiting for it's then that we'll be able to be still and we'll be able to leave the issue with him and we should be found watching and waiting be still and know that [35:55] I am God my friends I would that we might have more of this faith that we might be enabled to bring our varied concerns unto him and trust in him there's such a lot my friends of temptation there are many many temptations and it is with some more than others there are some people that are ever ready to move forward that are ever ready to take fresh path there are others that are very timid and fearful and fear to presume but my friends each one needs the [36:59] Lord to guide each one needs to commit their way unto the Lord they need to lay it before him be still and know that I am God all my friends I would try and may the Lord convey it to you and I that we are to take these things to him and lay them before him and to watch and wait for his appearing we are not to give up we are not to sink into unbelief and say well he won't come he won't give me a word ah my friends the Lord watches his people he'll have them go forth by the right way and if he has designed that you and [38:12] I should go in a certain pathway at a certain time then he'll work we still know that I am God that I can bring it about that I have all the hearts of men in my hands the cattle upon a thousand hills is mine all my friends be still and know that I am God that nothing is impossible with him that he is able to do all things oh my friends how the devil would deceive you and I and say well it's no good it's no good waiting you'll never get something go forward go forward oh he loves my friends to to lead his people astray and make them dishonour our [39:12] God why is it that the house of God that the children of God today are in such a low place because of unbelief wretched unbelief my friends we dishonour our God be still and know that I am God that I make no mistakes that I am able able to do all things look the dear Lord Jesus he came upon this earth he wrought many many miracles of all sorts he cured the sick the lame the blind the deaf the lepers he commanded and the loaves of bread and the fishes they was enough to feed thousands oh how he was we still know that I am [40:34] God I am still the same God still able to do these wonderful things things he told the apostle to go and cast a hook and the first fish that he drew up on the hook there would be a coin some money enough to pay the tax that was asked for we still know that I am God he's still the same God my friends let us not lose sight of that we have these blessed accounts in the word of God we see his power we think well what a wonder working God that's one side we seem to set our own pathway on another side we don't seem to we seem to limit God's power and say well that was that pathway that won't happen to me [41:39] I know it I thought it my friends there have been those times when I said in my own heart well the Lord has done many wonderful things and I seen him do this and that for the people of God but I thought no he'll never do it for me he'll never come to me but it has there have been those things that the Lord has done and I can say to his honour and glory that he is a great and almighty God and when we see his wonder hand work in hand and think and meditate upon it my friends it will help our faith it will help us to be still and know that he is God well [42:40] I hope that this word might be made of some use to some poor soul I fail to ramble along that the Lord knows what you and I are in may bless his word for his name sake Amen