Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] THE END THE END THE END [1:30] THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END [2:32] THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END THE END FIRE [3:42] BRleness THE END THE END and praise the Lord. [4:00] Praise the Lord. Our dear friend, Mr. Morris, this morning, left me rather predicament beneath the same text that was laid on my mind. [4:35] I've been very tempted to turn from it. But as it still abides, I fear that I must venture to speak from it again. [4:48] Maybe the Lord has a purpose in it. Isaiah chapter 33 and the 23rd. [5:01] Look upon Zion, the city of a synonymity. Thy eyes shall see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down. [5:22] Not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the courts thereof be proved. [5:36] Isaiah chapter 33, verse 20. The services today to acknowledge the goodness of God through this call for a hundred years, not to celebrate the building, which is a hundred years old, although it's no small mercy to be provided among such a building, and the remarkable way in which the Lord provided it. [6:23] And although the Lord does not dwell in temples made with hands, yet there are some buildings which he has honoured and gathered his people together and blessed them. [6:41] But in reading the chapter in the Chronicles, I felt that in ascribing the praise and honour to the Lord for all his goodness, you could join with day. [7:00] Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine. [7:16] Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exhorted as head above all. and there was one thing that David emphasised. [7:34] He said, the house, the palace, the palace is not for man but for God. [7:45] Very significant there and it would be well if we realised that in our several phases of worship. [7:58] I have thought of that and also the responsibility that Moses dealt when he was to lead the people through the wilderness to the promised land. [8:14] it seemed presumptuous that he said unto the Lord consider that this nation is thy people that that that was the weight of the responsibility that rested upon Moses. [8:37] It wasn't the general public it was God's people whom he had formed Prince Elf. The children of the heavenly king in who was his kingdom great responsibility to lead such a people ministerially through the wilderness to heaven. [9:01] Now if we feel the weight of those two things it will make us very jealous of God's glory in the affairs of the church. [9:14] Namely that the palace is not for man but for God and consider that this nation is thy people. [9:28] look upon Zion the city of our solemnities and taking a glance back as we read that interesting account that you have handed to you presently I thought of that encouraging word of Paul to the Hebrews seeing therefore we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus and in looking back there is a great cloud of witnesses that have gone through this course the witnesses incorporate all the prophets all those that have gone before in the scriptures it includes also many who we have known and loved who are now among the spirits have just been made perfect and there are also living witnesses today as the [10:59] Lord said of his people ye are my witnesses said the Lord so as we look back upon the witnesses that have passed through this call maybe consider whether we are carrying on the witness in our lives look upon Zion the city of our solemnities Zion then represents the church of God the church of God is composed of the whole election of race the chosen of God ere time began and it has a foundation and the foundation stands pure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are here every individual he knows knows them personally and they're all predestinated to be called by sovereign race predestinated to be conformed to the sacred image of God's dear son [12:30] Zion the most sacred place look upon Zion the city of our solemnities or the city of our sacred things and it would seem that the prophet here is emphasizing the infinite and eternal difference between the things of this world and Zion and its solemnity so for faith as a look by faith upon the solemnities of Zion and the great solemnity or sacred thing in Zion is that it is the dwelling place of God God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved so that the church is impregnable the church occupies a unique position in the world and it is a mercy to come under [13:53] Zion according to the second chapter of this prophecy it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountain and shall be extorted above the hill that's above all principalities and powers and earthly kingdoms and many people shall go and say come ye let us go up let us go up a mercy if we have entered into the sanctuary under that spirit today let us go up we need the wings of faith we need the Holy Spirit to transform us by the renewal of our minds to deliver us from the influences of a carnal mind a body of sin and death and a world that might think wickedness and let us go up to the mountain of the [15:01] Lord to the house of the Lord our God look upon Zion the city of our synem the kids so that really Zion and its synem the kids is the whole church of God and the provision that God has made in that church it takes in the whole of the work of the Holy Ghost in individual parts in leading people about bringing them under a sense of their sinnership conviction of sin giving them to feel their need of salvation and then for a life of faith to begin by seeking they shall ask their way to Zion with their faces visible saying come let us join ourselves unto the [16:09] Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten oh blessed people that are thus influenced and drawn and led by the Holy Spirit by faith realizing that there is that enzyme in the church of God which can never be found anywhere else perhaps some of you remember the time you first began to be in one when there was first an aching void made in your heart that the world can never fill when you began to hunger and thirst after righteousness when you could say there is nothing here can satisfy nor gold nor house nor land when you could say from your very heart oh that [17:11] I knew where I might find him don't mind what else I don't find him and then so the Lord gathers his people together gathers them under the influence of the spirit by making this world a complete wilderness to them has this world been made a wilderness to us do we see it in the true light as God sees it is it a place of death destruction despair stamped with vanity and vexation of spirit do we feel that there's nothing here that can satisfy it what do you can happen there You shall gnith that seemed to spontaneously arise in my heart, simple words. [18:18] I want God. Look where you will. Possess what you may. There's an aching voice which only God himself can fill. [18:29] And it is iron. And oh, with joy they hasten to the place where their Saviour opt of me. [18:41] Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities. And these solemnities of Zion constitute also the work of salvation in sinners' hearts through the ministry of the Gospel. [19:06] The preaching of the Gospel is the main office in the Church. It's a very solemn office. [19:19] And we should magnify our office, not magnify ourselves. We couldn't if we know ourselves. But the Lord has joined together the preaching of the Gospel and the salvation of men. [19:37] That through the foolishness of preaching that has saved those that believe. and he's gathered his feet. And so we read in that 50th Psalm or it starts with the majesty of the Holy Spirit. [19:59] out of Zion. Out of Zion. The perfection of beauty. The perfection of beauty is unknown in Zion. [20:11] And that perfection of beauty is the Lord Jesus. He dwells there. The temple was a type of the Church and of the Lord Jesus Christ in his human nature. [20:33] And it's very blessed that it could be a type of those. Because the union is so intimate, so close, as is the head to the body. [20:49] And this is set out to us at the conclusion of the first chapter to the Ephesians concerning the Lord Jesus. [21:03] That he was raised up far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church which is his body. [21:27] The fullness of him that Philip called him for. So that the Church is the fullness of Christ. That is to say that the fullness that if at least the Father should dwell in Christ and bodily is a fullness that is emptied into the Church. [21:53] It is of the same dimensions as the needs of the whole Church. All the life and power and light and grace and holiness and righteousness that the Church should ever need is in Christ Jesus. [22:13] is a very a very important word the Church which is Christ's body the fullness of him that Philip all in all. [22:27] Now that makes up the solemnities of Zion. All the eternal purposes and counsel of Jehovah in the covenant of faith are accomplished in Zion in Sinister's power. [22:47] look upon Zion the city of our solemnity. Well it is a wonderful sight that Zion is from above. [23:07] We have a description of it for the Hebrews. Paul says if ye are come unto Mount Zion a mountain for its stability its impregnable position a mountain for its height is higher than the earth the city of the living God the living God dwells in Zion the heavenly Jerusalem all its people are born from above. [23:47] The doctrines are heavenly doctrines and everything that we are occupied with in Zion has to do with heaven. [23:59] It is a kingdom which is none of this world. And another thing is this in the solemnities of Zion they are all eternal. [24:10] the church is built upon the everlasting rock of ages and everything that we are occupied with in our most holy religion in Zion is eternal imperishable can never fade it concerns eternity and that blessed solemnity this can be said of nothing else and sometimes you will feel it when the Holy Ghost is present you will feel a vital atmosphere a solemnizing humbling atmosphere of the Lord's presence a mighty work is wrote in the hearts of his people through the means of his appointed means of grace a work which is greater than all the works of creation oh to come to it [25:25] Paul says yeah come to it ultimately that would be heaven but his people come to it here and there are sometimes when the Lord rings the heavens and comes down when you are so transformed by the renewing of your mind that you are changed into the same image from glory to glory your soul is like under the chariot of amenity translated from things that are perishing into the very land of the living look upon Zion the city of our solemnities solemnities sacred solemnities they found nowhere else and it all comes down nothing nothing comes up from this world it's all from heaven and it comes down because the [26:37] Lord Jesus in love to his church came down he brought everything with him the father gave everything in him he that spared he that spared not his own son but freely delivered him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things all things are given in him look look upon Zion the city of errors and lend it I wish I could speak of them you can feel them ah there are some times when you wish you'd never to go out of the chapel never to join the world again is a vital reality my friends in real religion to the city of eric and them that is thine eyes shall see [27:55] Jerusalem a quiet vacation and what is this quiet well we heard read this morning in that psalm the Lord Jesus said this is my this is my rest forever here when I dwell for I have desired it and his people rest where he rests everything in the gospel has rest in it because it is a perfect law of liberty wherever the gospel comes whenever the precious sin atoning blood of [29:08] Christ reaches the conscience it brings peace and rest and not only so that rest and peace in Zion is this that all the streams from the river of God terminate in the church it's reached its terminus as for instance the precious blood of the Lord Jesus shed upon Calvary stream with respect to individuals when that precious blood by the Spirit has reached the conscience of a poor sinner it's reached its terminus and there will be rest and peace and holy quietness and this quietness too is by a fulfilled and honoured law all the loud thunder of the law in a sinner convinced of his sin but says all the [30:31] Hebrews you are not coming from Mount Zion you are coming from Mount Zion to the blood of spring thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation quiet habitation a finished work a fulfilled a satisfied law the law of God whose glory is condemnation the law cannot give life it cannot show mercy but what the law could not do God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh did do but now the law can smile for a sinner oh the [31:43] Lord Jesus said I have not come to destroy the law and the prophets I came not to destroy but to fulfill the Lord oh haven't you sometimes felt it in your very experience like a destroyed law would be no salvation perish the thought you would not have the law destroyed but oh to see the law fulfilled on your behalf I have blessed a substitute the substitutionary work of the Lord Jesus brings that rest and peace and quietness to his people and upon that ground we have this word in the preceding chapter my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and in short weddings and in quiet resting places some of you have known of those places peaceable habitation peace of God he left that legacy with his people and when he departed he said in the world he shall have tribulation these things have [33:18] I spoken unto you that in me he shall have peace in the world he shall have tribulation that be of good cheer I have overcome the world oh to see an overcome world by the mighty conqueror and to behold it in Zion his wonderful works when he is set forth by the holy spirit as he was to the Galatians evidently crucified among you look upon Zion the city of Erex and them the kids thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation is the same eyes as spoken of in the 17th verse thine eyes that shall see the king in his beauty they shall behold the land that is very powerful and there are some eyes that see these the [34:29] Lord said to his disciples let sit in your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear we might well consider as we read the word of God whether we have any evidence of possessing this grace and these graces of the spirit oh how precious it makes the Lord Jesus how precious it makes Zion and and it is precious when you deny it I remember many years ago driving from South Hampton to water and as I came toward this warmer park where the sanctuary began seeing my heart I love her gates [35:32] I love the road the church adorned with grace stands like a temple built for God to show his milder face look upon Zion look on all the things of God look on the whole of the work of salvation the whole of the blessed gospel look upon him coming the sacredness of his virgin birth denied men to die but if his birth was not a virgin birth then he would be a sinner oh the importance the beauty the glory there is in the immaculate birth of the son of [36:38] God he never contracted the least taint of Adam's sin a sacred holy humanity is what the thought comes into my mind and I feel I feel hesitate to express it but you know he sweat as it were great lots of blood my dear friend he couldn't spread anything out the Lord Jesus couldn't possibly perspire his sacred humanity was so pure perspiration and impurity he could only spread great rocks of blood oh who can imagine the sacred the mystery of the sinless humanity of God's dear son and in that he is a substitute for his people the life that he lived in that humanity was substitutionary and his dear people that died in him will die in that life that sinless life blessed then are the dead which died in the [38:17] Lord these are some of the solemnities of Zion and the blessed solemnities of the work of the Holy Ghost began and carried on and completed in this people between the cradle and the grave look upon Zion the city of her solemnity bright eyes that shall see Jerusalem and the quiet habitation a tabernacle that shall not be taken down of course there are physical churches and causes and buildings that are heightened out with many of them afloat but this is spoken of as the invisible church of God it's eternal it's eternal because of union with him who is eternal yet another blessed solemnity the whole of salvation and the gospel is what it is because [39:31] Christ is who and what he is grace is invincible grace because Christ is invincible salvation is an eternal salvation because he is eternal now if these things my friends are brought into our hearts not into our heads into our hearts as our work and experience oh the sacredness of it a child of God to wonder some people in this congregation doubtless are walking about with the kingdom of God in their hearts predestinated and to eternal life formed this people have I formed for myself they shall show forth my frame there's nothing else worth looking at oh what a poor noisy crazy world this is when you get a little glimpse and breathe the heavenly atmosphere the wind of the church of God the assemblies of his saints are made to you the house of God and the gate of heaven bring you very near to heaven it is an earnest of heaven the most that you'll ever enjoy here of heaven and he partakes of heaven won't be different there only here we have this treasure in the four earthen vessels but there we shall be among the spirits of just men made perfect and serve him day and night in his temple look upon [41:31] Zion the city of earth and them it is thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation tabernacle to never be taken down not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed now these stakes are his people the ministers of the gospel and his people not one of them will ever be removed it's a simple and yet a very true line we say whom once he loves he never leaves but loves them to the end and he will and he will perform it under the day of [42:34] Jesus Christ there's not a single one of his people that can ever be removed from him they fear they will and the devil attempts attempts it Satan daily strives to quench the sacred flame that he never will a child of God is as invincible as Christ himself because the government is upon his shoulder the responsibility of the safe arrival in heaven of every one of his people is upon Christ he's accountable for their safe passage through the wilderness and entrance into the city of habitation and he said this is the will of him that sent me that all those whom thou hast given me [43:45] I have lost nothing look upon Zion the city of earth and them it is thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a taranacle that shall not be taken down not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed oh how often we fear we shall I fear many many times lest in somehow of sore temptation I might fall and yielding to the tempest power faithless may prove and give up all not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken where the cords are attached to the stakes that holds up the tent and these cords are the divine perfections of [45:01] Jehovah they are the cords of his everlasting immutable love they are the cords of his divine omnipotence the cords of his immutability oh the cords of strength there is the poor changing sinners in a world change and decay all around I see oh thou who changes not abide with me and there is the core of divine faithfulness and Jeremiah attributed his sustaining mercy he said it is of the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is his faithfulness not one of the cords thereof shall be broken look at the security of his people not a stake shall be removed not a cord shall be broken oh those of you that fear fear and look at this world may the [46:36] Lord give it a look at time to see the King the Lord of hosts and I have thought a sight of Zion and her celebrities is very beautiful in the second psalm there's a kind of a word of irony in that psalm why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a lame thing what's the matter with them these grasshoppers for the inhabitants of the world earth and grass offers to him the kings of the earth set themselves the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from exactly what they're doing today what we're doing in the nation casting the cords casting the word of [47:41] God behind them but he that sitteth in the heaven shall laugh the Lord shall have them indivision yet that I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion and when you're there with him when the Lord gathers you up to Mount Zion blesses your soul then you can look down from that pipe, look at the world and say why do they heathen rage oh you look upon Zion, its security mark ye where her bulwarks consider her palaces these people have got everything to rejoice in my friends and heaven at last, heaven at last but we must leave oh may the Lord help us to live nearer to him give us such a sight of Zion and its solemnities that will wean us from the world and give us to see first the kingdom of God and his righteousness the collection today for the poor in number 118 [49:24] June Hymn 141 141 Hymn 118 Hymn 118 141 Thou dear Redeemer dying land we love to hear of thee no music like thy drowning name nor heart so sweet can be this hymn thou indian as those want us to hear of thee thunder declineek'sizethethe bowlingjes's [50:52] The End