Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord may help, this evening I was going to direct your attention to the text we have before us this morning, which you will find in Psalm 89 and verse 15. [0:37] Psalm 89 and verse 15. The blessed is the people that know the joyful sound, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. [0:59] Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. [1:10] In the remarks made this morning, one was this, that the teaching he has blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. [1:33] Some may be deeply troubled as to even the certainty that they are the children of God. And others may be troubled of their deficiency in one way or another in regard to revealed truth and sanctified truth and truth which is applied. [1:57] But we can leave those particular points, though important in themselves, to look at one characteristic of the people that God has blessed. [2:11] And do remember that God does not bless the ungodly. He does not bless the heathen. Certainly not in a spiritual way. [2:24] So there is something in this world blessed said is the people that know the joyful sound. It is true to say that the people may hear the joyful sound and yet they do not know it. [2:46] And because they do not recognize it, they are not benefited from it. But it may well be a food for thought as to how you react when the joyful sound of the everlasting gospel is proclaimed. [3:11] Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. There is no particular restriction laid upon the people. [3:25] They may be rich, they may be poor. They may be educated, they may be illiterate. They may be masters, they may be servants. [3:38] They may be people that are taken notice of. They may be people that are, so to speak, cast to the wall. Just to mention a few differences that can be considered in regard to the people. [3:55] Now, perhaps some of us would be willing to confess themselves as nobodies, nobodies. [4:10] And yet, they could say that God by his grace has caused them to recognize the joyful sound. [4:20] And the joyful sound is set forth and is intended for certain characters. The fact that you may be in the congregation and at the time of worship does not necessarily mean that you would be included in those people that know the joyful sound. [4:47] Indeed. Indeed. And no doubt as many of us can go back to a time when, though we heard the joyful sound, we did not recognize the joyful sound. [5:04] It is because God has performed a miracle that a great change has been made. And God has performed a miracle that a great change had made. But I do not recognize them. And I do not recognize them. [5:15] I made a reference to my own case this morning in one incident. And that was when the servant of God preached from the words in the thirty-fifth psalm, which ends, And he will come, not the psalm, but the text, And he will come and save you! [5:35] you. Now, I did not say this morning, but I say it now, that was a turning, turning point in my life. [5:47] Therefore, I listened evidently to the joyful sound, but had never recognized it. But from that day on, that evening on, the joyful sound was a very different thing to me. And so, we are bound to have, in most congregations, those who hear the joyful sound, yet do not recognize it. But, blessed be God, if in all humility, we can say, yes, I recognize the joyful sound, and it has a deep effect upon me. My mind just goes to the son of Solomon. And here was, here is described to us, a person who knew and knows still the joyful sound. [6:45] It is described in the song of Solomon, chapter 2, the voice of my beloved. Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a royal a young heart. Behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, showing himself through the letters. And the voice of my beloved. And then, in the 10th verse, my beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. And it is very clear from the scripture account that the bride of Christ received it as a joyful sound. And certainly it must be, with all those who are included in the bride of Christ, will know his voice. [7:45] The work of God is very remarkable in bringing about the development of the natural body and faculties. And equally more, equally so, and more so, in regard to God's wonderful work in bringing about a sinner and causing that sinner to receive the benefit and blessing of the new birth. [8:22] And such people will rejoice in the joyful sound, but nothing, not more than, more than anything else, than to hear the voice of their beloved. Now, as we sit here, as we are here together this evening, as we want to hear the voice of our beloved. And if God should kind of send to speak, whether it is even a word of correction, a word of justice meant, a word that would us right, which are still, so to speak, that we can say that we are numbered amongst these people. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. [9:25] Now, there is nothing that can be conveyed to you from my lips that can produce that in your soul that will rejoice in this joyful sound. [9:44] It is God's work. And as I have already said, it will make a great change to your hearing. It will come to the house of God with a desire to worship God. [10:06] We read in the book of Leviticus and also Numbers about the sounding of the trumpets. The sounding of the trumpets. And the sounding of the trumpets in those days were used for several things. [10:27] Without any words being spoken, orders and directions were given. During my army days, there was one occasion I know, when there were no orders given. [10:47] But the trumpets blew. And according to what the trumpets, the way in which the trumpets blew, so, we knew whether to fall in line, or whether to go backward, or whether to halt, or without the sound of a human voice. [11:07] How much more so sometimes, if the gospel is sounded by trumpets, the trumpets. And we can say, that trumpet gives a certain sound. And because of it, you will recognize it. And you know it has a certain sound, because a certain sound will have an effect upon your soul. Equally so, an uncertain sound will also have an effect upon your soul. [11:40] And that blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. But we must not tarry on this point. I'd rather come to the second part of the verse. [11:53] They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. What a great truth is before us. [12:03] The people that are blessed to know the joyful sound, they shall. Mark really does not say there's a possibility that they will. [12:18] Or they may. But they shall. And it is all because, by the quickening spirit of God, that capability is given to hear the joyful sound. [12:35] And would you want to know what the voice says? Yes. We shall no longer be walking under our own instructions, or coming to our own conclusions. [12:52] But by the grace of God, shall commit our way unto the Lord every day, asking the Lord what we shall do, and what we shall say, and how we shall act in obeying circumstances. [13:13] We shall also ask, surely, that a sufficiency of strength and help may be given, and that when we come to the end of the day, it will be our privilege and benefit to join in the doxology. [13:29] Praise God for moon all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. [13:41] And they shall walk. And if the Lord is in our soul's experience, they shall walk. And it may be that you have been greatly troubled because of impediments. [14:00] And you've hobbled. And been troubled because you could not walk as you would. Of course, this is some people's religion. [14:14] They don't believe in anything more than hobbling. But the Word of God doesn't speak about it. The Word of God says they shall walk. Strengthen with might in Aaron and man. [14:29] They shall walk, O Lord. Whilst it is true that there are times when darkness seems to cover God's children in their pathway. [14:41] Yet even so, they shall walk. We haven't got to walk in the bright daylight. We may walk in the night time and do remember the moon shines. [14:55] And perhaps if you have been in the country and you have felt how valuable the moon has been. And it's God's light. [15:09] It's not the lights that have been produced by men. But it's God's light. They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. [15:21] So, it is light even so. Even though the light may not be the same as in the bright sunshine, the brightness of the day. [15:37] Yet, in the pathway of God's people, who know the joyful sound, there will be light light both in the daytime and in the night. [15:52] And if we should be concerned and troubled relative to the future sometimes and come at a great temptation and wonder when we get to the end of the journey that light will fail. [16:08] We have this assuring word from the scriptures. I think it is in the property of Zechariah. At evening time, it shall be light. [16:22] And to the people of God, all come to the end of their journey in the light. When I've heard people speak of dying in the dark, to my mind, that's impossible with the people of God. [16:43] And why do I say that? It is because I will, what is written in the scriptures, I will see you again and your heart to rejoice. [16:57] And so we have the words in the 14th of John, Let not your heart be troubled. If you believe in God, believe also in me. [17:11] And what is written concerning Jesus Christ? I am a light. I am a light. Therefore, he goes on to say, I go to prepare a place for you. [17:27] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. That where I am, there you may be also. And what he said resulted in his death. [17:42] But what is his testimony? And he being followed by the Holy Ghost, looked up stephously in heaven, and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said, Behold, I see heavens opened and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. [18:14] And the Lord Jesus says, I am the light. And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice and said, Lord, lay not this into their charge. [18:29] And when he had thus said, he fell asleep, but his eyes were enlightened. So, whatever fears you may have relative to your dying day, be sure, be assured that the Lord will come. [18:45] Whenever he comes, this is light. Oh, it is light. But we have here, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. [19:03] Our countenance, that is, our faces, are very reflective. And we can judge very often people's feelings by their faces. [19:22] If they are distressed, we can see it. And if they are encouraged, we can see it. And if they are blessed with a clear view of God that is leading them for by the right way, we can see it. [19:43] And so then, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. Now, let us not be conceived, confused, when we cannot perhaps sometimes see our way. [20:02] And why cannot we see our way? it is because we are looking for the light in our countenance. Whilst we are instructed here to walk in the light of God's countenance. [20:20] Look unto me and be saved for the ends of the earth. And how good that will be. [20:32] now they shall walk. It may well be that occasionally the Lord will say, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, that you may behold more clearly his glory. [20:50] And surely if his glory is revealed, you will see the light. They shall walk, however, stand still. And we are walking. [21:03] And if we are walking in the ways of God, very often we are not aware that we are walking in that way because we have another way in competition. [21:16] And that is the way of the flesh. flesh. But even though the way of the flesh may contest our walking, yet eventually they shall walk, despite all the hindrances from our flesh. [21:34] They shall walk, in other words, they shall put their trust in God. They shall hope in God. And especially if just a small light from God, will produce encouragement. [21:55] We read a word in the 119th Psalm, which no doubt is familiar to you. And that word is that thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. [22:18] a lamp and a light. The word of God. We do not necessarily mean that we should have a personal vision of the countenance of the Lord Jesus, but it is reflected in the word of God. [22:41] Now, have you sometimes felt, yes, God has shone upon your path because of the words that are recorded in the scriptures of truth. [22:55] And notice, they shall walk, God will, his purpose is that they shall walk, and the psalmist says elsewhere, that he may be guided by God's counsel, and afterwards received into glory. [23:17] Very often, if we are taking a walk naturally, we need an objective, otherwise we should just wander aimlessly. And certainly in regard to the walk of the people of God, God has set before them an object, a place to which they are pressing. [23:45] John Bunyan refers to his character, Christian, when he came out of the slough of the spond, and doubtless was very much discouraged that he should, he was asked whether he could see yon wicked gate, which was intended to mean the beginning of the way, and he said he couldn't. [24:10] Now here is something quite remarkable, because evangelist then says to Christian, can you see yon shining light? [24:24] That's at the end of the way. And if you keep that light in view, you won't miss the mark. Now, of course, so very often, perhaps in our Christian thinking, we keep looking at the beginning of the way. [24:43] And if we can't see it very clearly, then we are ready to be very despondent. But, neither could the Christian in the pilgrim's progress, but the counsel of God through evangelist's lips was, can you see the shining light? [25:02] light. And he said, we think so I do. Well, God knew that he did. And he knows, you, you can see the light if you can see it at all. [25:16] Young shining light. The shining light shines brightest in the darkness. And often, we may think of the words of the poet, why through darks and paths we go, we may know no reason, but we shall hereafter know, each of its due season. [25:44] Or how the light shines, when we see it of walking in darkness, as we look into the Word of God, and the light shines. [25:57] We may turn the page, open the book, as there are times when the light shines upon a particular verse, and it's been the light of God's countenance. [26:13] He has smiled, he has looked graciously upon us, he has been sympathetic towards us, and to accompany that indication of the light shining, I know you should hear a word behind me, saying, this is the way, walk in it, turn I the two right hand, and noah to the left, they shall walk. [26:44] Sometimes we forget that which the Apostle wrote to the church of Corinth, and he said, to them, ye are not your own, you bought me the price. [26:57] God's light, and therefore, we are to walk in our own light, and we do read in the publish of Isaiah, of those who walk in the sparks of their own kindling. [27:17] Eventually, those sparks will become dead and dark, but God's light will never go out. And why is that? Because the word of God declares that it shall be an everlasting light, an everlasting light. [27:38] And we may think about this point. Let us not say, it's not an everlasting light to me. Do not measure it by when you can see it, because God's light is still there when you can't see it. [28:02] We have some cloudy days sometimes, and we cannot see the sun. It's still there. And God's everlasting light and his countenance, his brightness, still there, light, even when clouds come along to interrupt. [28:26] Yes, it is so. They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. Now, as we are walking upon through life's pathway, with the objective of heaven itself, after perhaps years, some more, some less, of toiling. [28:52] Yet, nevertheless, again and again, God has shined beyond our natural sight, into our hearts. And we have felt that the light is within. [29:08] Instead of being restricted to being out front of us, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance, a light which is within, a light which, so to speak, shines out onto the pathway, so that you are guiding and directed. [29:31] However dark it may appear to others, however strange it may appear to you, it God's light shines. Now, perhaps, you can think upon this in regard to your own personal experiences. [29:48] Is it true that you have walked? And you have walked by the grace of God. And as you have walked, it has been in the light of God's countenance. [30:03] Among that aspect, it is to save you from pitfalls, to save you from snares. Although it is true to say, and seldom do we see the snare, but we feel the smart. [30:23] But we walk. And we do not walk in the darkness, although it may sometimes seem to be very dark. But God says here, they shall walk, O Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the light of thy countenance. [30:47] It is a wonderful thing and experience as we go forward in life to feel that we are not alone. [31:00] Remember, I think it is a testimony of the psalmist when he says, I am not alone, for God is with me. Well, if God is with you, you've got the light. [31:14] The sum of it is to be walking in darkness without any light at all, with whatever your natural feelings may be, if God is with you, then you've got the light by your side. [31:29] They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. Now, when God's children are conscious of this, it is a joyful sight, and it will also, so to speak, convey a joyful message. [31:49] You will have the witness that you are not alone, but the Lord is with you, and therefore, though you are walking in darkness in one sense, yet you are not walking in darkness in another. [32:04] I am with thee, Israel passing through the fire. And the Lord was with Israel in the wilderness, and they were guided. [32:16] And do you remember that in the daytime it was by a pillow of cloud, and in the nighttime by a pillow of fire. [32:27] fire, but it was, under each circumstance, that which was requisite and necessary as they walked along in life's journey. So, blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. [32:45] Sometimes, though not physically, life can be communicated by a voice. But you can imagine yourself suddenly lost in your pathway, speaking of the natural of the things. [33:08] And it is, a mist comes down and accomplishes you. You cannot say anything. well, what's a comforting weapon light if you hear a voice and you feel that someone is near? [33:29] And how much more so if you feel that the Lord is near? And especially if it should encourage you and strengthen your spirit by the light of his sentence falling upon those words, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. [33:52] And what follows in the Scriptures so that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper. I will not fear what men can do unto me. [34:07] They shall walk, O Lord, any day, night, and thy countenance. Now, these words, everything later addressed to the Lord himself, so it is a testimony. [34:24] Are we able to bear this testimony by reason of the experience that God has given us, and leading us by the right way that we might go to a city of invitation, let me just say, join with the voices of others, blessed is the people that know the joyful sound, and I dare say that there are those who could join together, who have heard the joyful sound, and could bear this testimony as the glory of God, blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. [35:03] And when we've heard the joyful sound, when we know about the faithfulness of God, and when we have perhaps even write down this particular psalm, and see the references which which were clear to God being with them. [35:25] For example, God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints and to be had in reverence of all them to the wealth here. All those God of hosts do us as strong law of life unto the being. [35:39] How are you going to prove it? You may not prove it if your light is just natural, but you will prove it if the light shines, and it is shining in the light of God's countenance. [35:56] All to thy faithfulness round about thee. Now who does the way you will see when the waves that of arise thou stillest then. And so we can follow a few verses until we come toward the end. [36:14] Now we are reading this morning anyway. And when the Lord speaks about his covenant. That's not enough to be said about God's covenant today, but the covenant covenant of God is stabilizing because it speaks to us of God's unchanging world. [36:41] And if that is so, God himself reveals that he is the same. Was it the light yesterday? Were you blessed with a little hope yesterday? [36:53] Just the same today? Whether you can see it or not. I know there are extreme cases which I refer to in the world of God. I think it is in Jeremiah where we read, my hope has perished from the Lord. [37:08] And I hadn't perished. If we should therefore come into what we would describe as a backsliding situation, then we perhaps wander into by past meadow. [37:26] And thinking that if we went that way it would be an easier part way, then this is God's word in that connection. [37:39] He shall cry unto me that my father my God and the rock of my salvation and I return to this point. If rich children recite my law and walk unto my judgments, if they break my statues and keep not my commandments, then will I visit their past pressure and with the rod and their iniquity with stripes. [38:12] And when this happens, he puts in experience, it is as though the light shines. It may be a red light of glory, but never will else it invite. [38:23] many people, perhaps even our friends might be ready to rise as old. And say, this man, the left woman began well, but now you see they're not lost it. [38:40] But what is cancer, and how risk it will be if you are troubled in this way, and you listen to what cancers, never the less will not be taken from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to pay him. [38:59] My covenant will I not break, and I alter the thing that has gone out of my lips. Once I spoil by my holiness, and that I will not lie unto David. [39:15] Now what is contained in the covenant he referred to. which will find the detail given to us in Jeremiah chapter 31. [39:33] Now this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days said the Lord I will put my law in their in the paths and rise it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people and remember this is an everlasting covenant a covenant that can never be broken because it's not made between God and man but it is made between the Father and the Son and watched over by the eternal spirits and they shall teach only every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying over the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them said the Lord Father forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more so they shall walk [40:37] O Lord in the light of thy countenance they shall walk and they may know the truth here in the fear of the Lord we have the exhortation in the scripture read out in the fear of the Lord all the day life and what a blessing it is if the fear of the Lord becomes to us the beginning of wisdom the fear of the Lord becomes to us that the morning to depart from evil the fear of the Lord is to be among those who are watching daily at his gates and desire to be directed by the light the light we read perhaps the unusual words in the first chapter of John's gospel where references made to the word of [41:39] God in the beginning was the world and the world was with God and the world was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made it was made in him was light and the light was the light of men and the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not but what a blessing for you and me even if the darkness is not capable of comprehending or being aware of its presence yet because God has granted you the feeling of the Lord you can see the light in the darkness and we do not always need to have a very strong light because we have to work by faith and if the light was ever so strong our natural heart would completely would soon be able to completely dispense with the light altogether so foolish we would say [42:51] I can manage so God is full of wisdom in the manner which he directs our steps when he says they shall walk on Lord in the light of thy countenance thy countenance have we ever seen the countenance of God now do remember this the second part of the verse is not to be separated from the first part so they shall walk on Lord in the light of thy countenance and how are you going to know who you are walking in the light of God's countenance the answer is in the first part blessed is it made for but know the joyful sound now this joyful sound may be so to speak an exclamation which comes forth from your heart and is the effect of what you have seen you have seen the glory of the Lord the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall stand together one of the great benefits as we go when we know what life pathway and surely this is the pathway of God's people they see the glory of the world appearing for them performing miracles for them and everything that God does if it's in the light of [44:38] God's countenance we shall see it is filled with loving kindness sometimes we may be afraid we say the Lord God reflected in his law so full of holiness and righteousness but have we also seen the face of Jesus reflected in the mirror of his grace and what does that mean well it means that I used to see myself so and Jesus smiling all the while perhaps we could not comprehend that but there it is they shall walk oh Lord in the light of thy countenance and sometimes that light of [45:40] God's countenance will shine in to our hearts to make us feel of bitterness and evil and then so to speak the search light will turn from us and fix itself upon the Lord Jesus Christ himself and as I have said I'm not used to see myself smile but Jesus smiling all the while all the while he sees us when we see not him and always hears our cry so they shall walk oh Lord in the light of thy countenance it is a blessing to to be amongst those who walk they shall walk with me in light for thou worthy which we are by which we understand they shall walk with me in the purity of my righteousness and they shall walk and how wonderful if the light shines upon your clothing which [46:56] God has given to you and especially if the light should also shine upon the efficacy and sufficiency of the blood of Jesus Christ do we think of Jesus the blood of Jesus Christ sometimes I myself I sometimes think that I do not think enough about it the blood of Jesus Christ if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and defends us from all unrighteousness the blood of Jesus Christ now if we feel our sins we shall surely want God's light to shine upon his wounds his shed bone his hands and his feet and his side all of which indicate salvation complete and absolutely completed he shall walk alone in light of thy countenance it may be but we cannot all see the blood well let us go back back to book exodus and there we find the day when the when the avenging angel was to go through [48:25] Egypt and destroy the first born of the Egyptians the before that took place the Israelites were instructed in what they should do that they should kill a lamb for each household or if the household was smaller then that man would be sufficient for both and that they wanted to take the blood very carefully and to put it upon the house the lintel and the side post of the door and then they were to go inside and the Lord didn't say when you put that blood there when you see the blood I pass over you he said no he said he said not that but he said this when [49:26] I see the blood I will pass over you and it may be that there are at times misguided by temptation that you cannot see the blood well we would not belittle it yet it's not necessary it's a very valuable blessing when we do see the blood but God said we not see the blood blood and the result was that the whole family was spared and the evangel angel went past and there was no death on that solemn night amongst the Israelites blessed is the people that know the joyful sound and those people they saw the joyful sound in the sacrifices that they were commanded to make the offerings according to [50:27] God's instruction at that time so then that was the way that they walked then but we walk in a different light and yet not unsimilar or dissimilar and so we read in the epistle of Paul to the Hebrews of these sacrifices then said I know I come to you know will God he take it away to the first that he may establish the second by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all he and after an after mention is made every priest and daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which never take away sins but this man is made and the light shines and pessey be [51:30] God if God's light should shine upon the sacred humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ but when you see him between the two thieves he was the son of God with power only faith could be holy but as he was the light of the world when he came into it so he was the light of the world when he went out of it and where the light was there was hope that this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool for by one offering he hath offered forever them that are sanctified and so may we be favored to be taken at hand now and led in this pathway that is said before us in this verse blessed is the people that know the joyful sound and you will not be able to be quiet if you know the joyful sound there must be a response they shall will with delight with pleasure o Lord in the light of thy cantilence and all the while as the light of God's cantilence shines so it will be shining upon the divine truth and you will be instructed as you go along in life's heart the Lord pardon all that has been amiss in my speaking today and seal home upon you this blessing that will bring forth joy joy which is singular to yourself though may be joined to others as well and that you are found walking in this way which leads to heaven in the end amen [53:38] Egyptians toution hands to but long let's do with him 158 to the tune Greta 154 M58 Blessed are the souls that hear and know the gospel's joyful sound. Peace shall attend. The path they go and light their steps surround. Their joy shall bear their spirits up through their Redeemer's name. [54:21] His righteousness exhausts their hope. Nor Satan dares condemn. Hymn 58 orthirds The End [55:39] The End The End The End [56:41] And now, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of His love, the fellowship and communion of the ever-blessed Spirit be with us. [57:07] Amen.