Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Epistle to the Ephesians, chapter 2 and the 20th and 21st verses. [0:21] And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord. [0:45] Chapter 2, the Epistle to the Ephesians, and verses 20 and 21. [0:57] This word is a great word to contemplate. [1:10] The subject is to do with building. And the builder is God. The Apostle Paul uses the same illustration to the church at Corinth. [1:30] You are God's building. And godly David gives a word of warning. Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. [1:46] And now this building referred to in this beautiful scripture is the Church of Christ. See my soul a structure rising from the wreck of Adam's race. [2:01] And now sometimes that is to be seen by the eyes of faith. That in the midst of all earth's chaos and confusion and the wickedness and woe of they that dwell on the earth, there is yet a building being raised by God. [2:26] According to his own pattern, his design. And that building will go on until it is completed. [2:42] And a wonderful mercy, if it can be said of you and me, as the Apostle Paul sums up this beautiful scripture, in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. [3:09] Ye also. And now I want, as the Lord shall help me, to look at the subject from two or three viewpoints. And I want to look just a little at the setting of it, for this epistle was penned to the godly Ephesians. [3:30] And I have many times thought how the Apostle Paul must have felt, when he was inspired of God, to pen this epistle to them. [3:44] As you read in the Acts of the Apostles, in his journeyings to preach the gospel, as he felt led by the Spirit of God to do so, he came first of all to Ephesus, and he found a little church there, and the membership of it was twelve. [4:08] And he began to ask them questions. I have no doubt whatever that his intentions were wonderfully kind, if he could, by the grace of God, do them some good. [4:22] And he found that, while they were right at heart, all they did possess the root of the matter, but as yet they were not well established in the faith. [4:37] And so, he was helped of God to give them instruction. And, he did not set them aside, and condemn them, because of their ignorance, when he said to them, have ye received the Holy Ghost, since ye believed? [4:58] And they gave the answer, we have not so much as heard, whether there be any Holy Ghost. Oh, he did not cut them off, but, he was inspired of God, and helped to show unto them the way of God, more perfectly. [5:19] And I turn aside to make a comment, I wish, even nowadays, that there was much more of that, attended to, by people who were taught of God, when they come into contact with people, among whom it can be, of whom it can be said, as it was of Jehoshaphat, there are some good things in thee, but there are other things, that you do not approve of. [5:45] And instead of cutting them off, and condemning, to show them, from the word of God, wherein is the good, and right way, if so be, they may be brought out, more clear cut, in the things of God, and brought down four square, on the foundation, upon which, the Church of Christ, is built. [6:12] I am sure, it is that which would, be honoring, to the Lord, if people, more often, sought to behave like that, than to let prejudice work, and suspicion, and perhaps, set people aside, as not knowing much, if anything at all, of the things of God. [6:35] And now, the Apostle Paul, I have said sometimes, was such a large hearted man, and, he was glad, to find this little church, at Ephesus, and the Lord, helped him to stay there a while, and it was, built up, and remember, the wee church, at the first, the, with the twelve members, therein, on the church roll, was the nucleus of it. [7:05] The little one, as it were, began to, set out, to become a thousand, and, you find, that as the Apostle Paul, was preaching there, as you read, in the Acts of the Apostles, this was the, blessed effect. [7:22] And many that believed, came, and confessed, and showed, their deeds. Many of them also, which used curious arts, brought their books together, and burned them, before all men. [7:37] And they counted, the price of them, and found it, fifty thousand pieces, of silver, so mightily grew, the word of God, and, prevailed. [7:51] Yes. And then soon after that, there came that, mighty happening, in the Ephesus, marketplace, when the Apostle Paul, was in great danger, but the Lord, appeared on his behalf, on his behalf, when they cried out, great is Diana, of the Ephesians, for two hours. [8:15] Try to imagine it. It was indeed a riot. And yet, the Lord was watching, over the Apostle Paul, and, in due time, he went on, his way, and, did the work of God, ordained for him to do, elsewhere. [8:35] And then, there came the, word of the Lord, to him, to pen this epistle, to the Ephesians. [8:47] And I do like the opening words, of this chapter, where the subject is, and you, Patty Kiffin, who were dead, in trespasses, and sin. [9:00] You find, the Apostle Paul, as he went about, preaching the gospel, he did not lose hope, regarding the preaching of it, because he knew, it was the power of God, unto salvation, to everyone, which, believe it. [9:22] And he had, evidence upon evidence, in the success, that attended his, labors, so that, you can well, understand, how he used this, word, unto him, that is able, to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask, or, think, according to the power, that worketh, in us. [9:51] And so, the Apostle Paul, as he penned this, opening word, and you, hath he quickened, who were dead, in trespasses, and sins, I am sure, in my own mind, that he went back, to the Ephesus marketplace, and that which God, had done, in the little church, at Ephesus, before. [10:11] And he, thought of, these, people, godless, Gentiles, wrought on, by the spirit of God, and, the good work, begun in them, was carried on, I say this, with great reverence, very speedily, because, when the, epistle to the Ephesians, was penned, to the church, at Ephesus, the church, at Ephesus, was not even then, very old, yet, you find, in the opening chapter, here, there, are the deep things, of God, and there is no doubt, whatever, that they, obtained help, from God, to enter into, the, teaching, set forth, by the apostle, in this, beautiful, epistle, and yet, there were some scriptures, in this opening chapter, that some of us, who have been preaching, the gospel, a long time, would need God, to give us, [11:18] I say this, with great reverence, extra special aid, to preach from it, because, there is a deep, that couches, beneath, and you dare not, take subjects, unless, you have the help of God, to unfold, the heavenly mysteries, therein, and now, the apostle Paul, reminds, these godly, Ephesians, of the, mercy, which God, had shown, to them, and, then, he goes on, to encourage them, and, in our context, he says, now, therefore, ye, are no more, strangers, and foreigners, but fellow citizens, with the saints, and of the household, of God, and in this chapter, he unfolds, that mystery, whereby, the Gentiles, were ordained, of God, to enjoy, the same mercy, that, he had bestowed, upon the Jews, as a nation, even, the Israel, of God, and he speaks, about them, both, being, made, one, in Christ Jesus, and he says, but now, in Christ Jesus, ye, who sometimes, were far off, are made nigh, by the blood of Christ, for he is our peace, who hath made, both one, and hath broken down, the middle wall, of partition, between us, meaning, that, the way is open, for poor sinners, whatever their nationality, [13:19] Jew or Gentile, to draw near to God, and it is a word, proclaimed, to every, kindred, tribe, and tongue, let us therefore, come boldly, unto the throne of grace, to obtain mercy, and find grace, to help, in time of need, and now I come, to this subject, and are built, upon, the foundation, of the apostles, and prophets, Jesus Christ himself, being, the chief, corner, stone, and now you find, as you look, through the old testament, and, search into, what the prophets, had to say, you will find, that they were, inspired of God, to set forth, Jesus Christ, as the one foundation, of that church, which was being, built up, even in old testament, times, although, there is not, so much said about it, in old testament, times, although it is, referred to, as the church, in the, wilderness, when Israel, were journeying there, in their wanderings, for 40, years, but, if you can, follow this along, you remember, that, [14:52] Moses, was given instructions, from God, in building the tabernacle, see that thou make, all things, according to the pattern, shown to thee, in the mount, and when, long years afterwards, Solomon, was raised up, by God, to build the temple, then, God, gave to his, godly father, David, the pattern of it, and David, was, helped of God, to give Solomon, all the instruction, as to how that temple, was to be built, and he declares, that he had it, by revelation, by the spirit of God, being upon him, and now, that is to teach us, what this word, brings, before us, in whom, all the building, fitly framed together, groweth, unto unholy temple, in the Lord, the meaning is, the church of Christ, from Adam's day, to this, every jot and tittle, of it, has been, that which, [16:02] God, has brought to pass, according to, his own, eternal purposes, and his own, divine, pattern, and therefore, when you, by faith, can see it, you, view it, as fitly, framed, together, it is a wonderful, building, the building, of God, the church, of Christ, and Jesus Christ, declared, upon this rock, I will build, my church, and the gates, of hell, shall not prevail, against it, and dear friends, especially you, dear young people, as you live out, your lives, and you, are taught of God, as I humbly hope, some of you are, if not all, you will find, as you, go on, in, your life's journey, and darker days, than these, come upon the world, and maybe, days, when, of a truth, it will seem, as if hell itself, is more than ever, let loose, on the earth, you will find, being taught, of God, that, it will be, a wonderful help, to you, to contemplate, in the word, of God, that while, hell itself, is let loose, [17:26] God is at work, I will work, and who shall let it, and this building, of God, is going on, every day, all day, every night, all night, there is a wonderful, continuation, in it, and the Lord, added, unto the church, daily, such as should be saved, and so, the foundation, having been laid, and also, well laid, the spirit of God, is working, north, south, east, and west, worldwide, building, building up, this church, people, of every kindred, tribe, and tongue, according, to, eternal purposes, as you read, as many, as were ordained, to eternal life, believed, and all, who were helped, to do so, are laid, upon this, blessed foundation, the foundation, of the apostles, and prophets, [18:35] Jesus Christ, himself, being the chief, cornerstone, you do not need, the preacher, to tell you, who the foundation, is, the apostle, Paul said, regarding, his own ministry, I determine, to know, nothing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him, crucified, and if you go, through the prophets, you might find that, wonderfully helpful, and instructive, if you have got time, and you might try to, make time, to do it, go through the prophets, begin at Isaiah, and you see, how much there is recorded, in Isaiah, to do with Jesus Christ, and where he is set, he is set forth, as the, foundation, yay, Isaiah, definitely, uses, that same, illustration, that I am trying, to preach from, at this time, therefore, thus saith the Lord God, behold, [19:39] I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious, cornerstone, a sure foundation, he that believeth, shall not, make haste, and many other, beautiful scriptures, setting forth, the gospel, according to, Isaiah, and you will find, some of the same, character, in Jeremiah, and in Ezekiel, and in, Micah, and in Joel, and, you might find, something to do, with this foundation, in all the prophets, recorded, in the, Old Testament, scripture, in whom, all the building, fitly framed, together, groweth unto, an holy temple, in the Lord, and, here is a thought, I do not want, to lose, therefore, I put it, into words, do let this, encourage you, every day, this building, is growing, remembering, remember that, you look round, the world, as it is, you look round, the, so called, professing church, of Christ, and, it is indeed, in a very sorry plight, honeycomb, with heresy, and hypocrisy, and you cannot, always discern, the true, church, of Christ, that the spirit, of God, is building up, but, here a little, there a little, again, and again, you get a glimpse, of it, and glad you are, to see, that it is, being fitly framed, together, and, it is ever growing, the church, of Christ, can only know, that change, till time, shall cease, to be, and the work, of God, is, completed, regarding, the church, which he has, designed, to build, and which he, inhabits, [21:48] Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, blessed, Trinity, only no one, changing, that is, to increase, so, that you, need not, be over much, cast down, when you, may see, causes, of truth, decaying, and dying out, and, when you see, how little God, seems to be regarded, and worshipped, here, and there, but, somewhere, the Spirit of God, is fulfilling, eternal, purposes, and, he is at work, blessed be his name, building up, this church, although, you and I, may never see, where he is building, yet, we, can humbly, thank God, that we know, he is at work, and that he will not fail, to fulfill, his purposes, I will work, and who shall, let it, and now, this foundation, the prophets, proclaimed it, and, alas, how few there were, who seemed to have ears, to hear, what they proclaimed, and the apostles, as they were sent forth, to preach, from, [23:16] Pentecostal, days, onward, they delighted, as God enabled them, to, set forth, Jesus Christ, as the church's, one foundation, other foundation, can no man lay, than that is laid, which is, Jesus Christ, yes, neither is there salvation, in any other, there is given unto heaven, among men, none other name, whereby, we can be, saved, and now, I say a little, about this, foundation, creation, and that is, first of all, it was laid, in eternal purposes, it is a wonderful, consideration, that God, had it in his mind, that heaven, should be filled, with sinners, saved by grace, and that, being in his, eternal mind, in the beginning, [24:25] God created, the heavens, and the earth, and that the earth, should be his workshop, and that this building, even the church of Christ, should rise, and all those, ordained to life eternal, by God the Father, as time goes on, what do you sing about it, the appointed time, rolls on a pace, not to propose, but call by grace, to change the heart, renew the will, and turn the feet, to Zion's hill, and God has been doing that, all for thousands of years, it would not seem, according to what you read, in the early pages, of the word of God, that for a while, there were very many additions, made, to the church, of Christ then, but that, is not for us, to inquire about, but we, can believe that, there were many more, than you and I, may, understand, all, the Father, ordained to life eternal, in any age, the Spirit of God, will deal with them, as he alone, can do, and how does he deal, with them, this opening verse, [25:55] I read again, and that will tell you, in you hath he quickened, who were dead, in trespasses, and sins, yes, yes, then this foundation, while it was, laid in eternal purposes, those eternal purposes, in their fruition, were, that in the fullness of time, God, would send forth, his own son, made of a woman, made under the law, and that, he would, do love's redeeming work, as verily man, he came down, into this world, to save sinners, and that, being verily man, he might live under the law, and keep it, and thereby, work out a righteousness, for poor sinners, who otherwise, would have none of their own, wherein to, appear, before God, so he lived, his wonderful life, and then he went up, [27:09] Calvary's hill, and died, and what did he say, ere he died, it is finished, cried the Lord, in his dying minute, Holy Ghost, repeat the word, full salvation, in it, then, the foundation, was actually laid, it was a, blessed, reality, and all the Old Testament, saints, who had been, wrought on, by the Spirit of God, and gone, to heaven, on the credit, of what Christ Jesus, would come down, into the world, to do, could rejoice, that love's redeeming work, was done, yes, and are built, upon the foundation, of the apostles, and prophets, [28:10] Jesus Christ himself, being the chief cornerstone, I can only, give you hints, about it, and now, this foundation, being laid, in that, which was done, on Calvary's cross, and in the life, that Jesus lived, and in the blessed, fact, that he is now, at God the Father's, right hand, for sinners, interceding, all whom God, ordains, to preach, delight, to lay that foundation, in their ministry, as grace, is given, we preach, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord, and ourselves, your servants, for Jesus' sake, it is, delightful work, when the Spirit of God, helps, men, ordained to preach, to do what their soul, delights in, of a truth, he shall be exalted, and extolled, and be, very high, yes, buried, says, [29:24] I try, and try again, to publish, Jesus' worth, and fain I would, but never can, set half his riches forth, but you will find, every sinner, taught of God, delights to hear, those whom God, has sent forth, to preach, set forth, Jesus Christ, as the church's, one foundation, and they are on the stretch, if so be, they can have, some evidence, that they are, being built upon it, and that their religion, is that, which, God is the author of, and that it would do, to live by, and to die by, much might be said, along that, line of thought, but then there is just another, viewpoint of this foundation, it will be, always laid, in the affections, of a sinner, when he is born, again, because, he will know, as the spirit of God, begins to lead him, into the truth, if ever my poor soul, is saved, tis Christ, must be, the way, and, he will know, not the labor, of my hands, can fulfill, the law's demands, and he will be like, the wise builder, who dig deep, if so be, he could get down, to assure foundation, for his hope of heaven, to be founded, upon it, and that means this, wherefore, the rather, brethren, give diligence, to make your calling, and your election, sure, power, and now, there is another, another viewpoint, of this foundation, let us look, a little, at the superstructure, for that, must be, in accordance, with the nature, of the, foundation, and, built upon, the foundation, of the, apostles, and prophets, [31:42] Jesus Christ, himself, being, the chief, corner, stone, and now, you find, the apostle Peter, as a word, parallel, to this scripture, ye also, as lively stones, are built up, a spiritual house, and now, do mark, that adjective, spiritual, there you see, the nature, of the church, of Christ, it is irrespective, of any, denominational label, whatever, it is a, spiritual house, it is not, to do, with this church, order, or that, he that is, joined to the Lord, is, one spirit, there is a, knitting, of the spirit, among, all, who are found, in the church, of Christ, as they come, in contact, with each other, and learn, of the dealings, of God, with each other, as they tell, them out, there is a, dovetailing in, in their soul's, experience, there is a, flowing together, to the goodness, of, the Lord, and, this word, here, is helpful, in whom, all the building, fitly framed, together, groweth, and so, you find that, in your soul's, affections, there is, there is a, growing together, a, flowing together, much, might be said, under, that heading, but, [33:24] I want, just to look at it, from this viewpoint, the subject, is very great, and the time, is running on, and now, in this being, built upon, the foundation, the lively, stones, must be made, manifest, and, first of all, they are only, storms, they are, in nature's, quarry, and you find, a word there, which is helpful, in, the book of, Isaiah, where he says, hearken to me, ye that follow, after righteousness, ye that seek, the Lord, look unto the rock, whence ye are hewn, and to the hole, of the pit, whence ye, are, digged, and now, you do not need, any preacher, to tell you, that the stone, cannot move, out of the quarry, where it is, on its own volition, its own initiative, the thing is impossible, and it is just madness, to suggest, that any stone, can do so, if you appeal to them, to come forth, from where they, have long laid, oh that, is an impossibility, the stone, must be made, a lively stone, and that, brings you, to the starting point, ye must be, born again, the spirit, of God, sometimes, he uses, terrible things, in righteousness, sometimes, he only uses, gentle methods, in his dealings, like Lydia, whose heart, the Lord, opened, and it says, she heard us, dare I judge, the dealings, of the spirit, of God, were gentle, but whether gentle, or more severe, the stone, is brought forth, dug up, out of nature's, quarry, separated, from, the world, yes, and given, a new nature, and that, stone, a sinner, born again, becomes, a lively stone, in his apprehensions, that he is, a sinner, with a never dying soul, and that he is, journeying, to an eternal, destiny, either to heaven, or hell, he is made, lively, with solemn, convictions, of his state, before God, with whom, he has to do, yes, and sometimes, made lively, with sighs, and cries, and groans, all, along, this line, of thought, [36:21] God, be merciful, to me, a sinner, say unto my soul, I am thy, salvation, and he is made, lively, that, it is only, as God, in his mercy, makes, known, that he is, one, for whom, Jesus Christ, died, on Calvary's cross, that he has, any hope, whatever, of belonging, to, the church, of Christ, and his sighs, and cries, are like, the psalmist, when, he said, say unto my soul, I am thy, salvation, you can remember, some of you, when, no more, being a stone, and in the world, and of it, as you were born, and living accordingly, you, felt, something, living, and moving, in your breast, and that you had, an aching void, which this world, could not fill, and the things, of God, became, attractive, to you, yea, they were made, a reality, and, from that time, it could be said of you, behold, he prayeth, behold, she prayeth, yes, and your great concern, was, to be found, as a lively stone, in the church, of Christ, glad you were, to sing, what the hymn writer says, may I be found, a living stone, in Salem's house above, and help to sing, before the throne, free grace, and die in, love, there is another thought, about these lively stones, all of them, are squared, squared, under God's law, stripped of all their, fancied meekness, to approach, the dread, [38:26] I am, you find, although, people, people cannot always, talk about, a law work, and sometimes, those who preach, set up to, rigid a standard, as to what a law work, really is, the spirit of God, is a sovereign, and he works, as, he pleases, and, by the law, is, the knowledge, of sin, so that, all who are taught, of God, all these lively stones, built upon this, blessed foundation, belonging to the church, of Christ, being built, for eternity, each one, every one, is made to, realize, if thou, Lord, shouldest mark, iniquity, O Lord, who shall stand, if my soul, is sent to hell, thy righteous law, approves it, well, and they know, that it is, an utter impossibility, for them, to have any hope, in God, from the doings, of the great eye, because, the axe, is laid, to the root, of it, and they are, brought down, four square, on this, blessed foundation, which God, has laid, in Zion, and then, you find, in this wonderful, church of Christ, that, there is, what is set forth, in this epistle, it is a beautiful subject, to, the unity, of the spirit, these stones, lively stones, and not only, built, sure, and firm, and lasting, on the foundation, [40:25] Jesus Christ, himself, but they are, united to each other, by a blessed, a wondrous cement, and that is, the cement, of love, oh, the, Savior, said, by this, shall all men, know, that ye are, my disciples, if ye have, love, one to, another, and that may be, one of the earliest, evidences, that some of you, will find, that God, is at work, in you, when you look on, people, taught of God, and feel, toward them, different, than you ever felt, before, and find, in your heart, a concern, with them, numbered, I would be, now, and in, eternity, it is that, blessed, unity of the spirit, the spirit, of God, is at work, producing, that wondrous feeling, within, and it says, he that loveth, is, born, of, [41:29] God, there is just, another thought, about these, lively stones, that is very, important, and, built upon, the foundation, of the apostles, and prophets, Jesus Christ himself, being the chief, cornerstone, and then it says, do listen, I know you do, but I say that, to emphasize, what I want to say next, in whom, all the building, fitly, framed together, and now, that is to teach us, that every one, of these lively, stones, in the church, of Christ, is placed, where God, has ordained, them to be, you might, remember that, and it might, help you, to be content, where you are, and to be content, with such things, as ye have, and to remember, he should choose, our inheritance, for us, and these, lively stones, are not all, the same size, oh no, my old pastor, at West Street, [42:41] Croydon, used to speak about, little filling in, stones, to fill up, what appeared, to be, a gap, yet it was essential, for the unity, of the building, and the strength, of it, and so, there is a word, like this, even so, it is not, the will of, your father, in heaven, that one of these, little ones, should perish, yes, whatever the size, of the lively stones, they are framed together, to a beautiful, divine, pattern, a perfect, a perfect, pattern, and just as, God would have it to be, and it may be, it will help you, to feel, that if you were, where God would have you, to be, then he can help you, to be content, to be there, grant you grace, however difficult, it may be, to remain, where you are, much might be said, along that line of thought, but I was coming, to this viewpoint, of these stones, and now everyone, whatever its size, is fashioned, fashioned, according to, a beautiful scripture, be ye conformed, to the image, of his son, and now you will see, the spirit of God, in this building, as it is framed together, maybe at first, as the stones, are placed therein, they are just rough, and need quite a deal, of fashioning, well, the spirit of God, as they, live out their lives, where he has ordained, they should be, as his own graving tools, and he may use, the graving tool, of affliction, or he may use, the graving tool, of adversity, or he may use, the graving tool, of bereavement, or it may be, the graving tool, of persecution, the spirit of God, is at no loss, for graving tools, to use, according to that purpose, he designs, for every lively stone, to be fashioned, that they might, reflect, the spirit of Christ, in their lips, and life, yes, and be like you sing, sometimes, as the image, in the glass, answers the beholder's face, thus unto my heart, appear, print, thy own, resemblance, there, what is it makes, the people of God, to be attracted, to you, think of Barnabas, when he came to Antioch, and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and now the grace of God, is an abstract principle, you cannot see it, actually, but you can see, the fruits and effects, of it, and you can, see how people, are living, and take knowledge, that they have been, with Jesus, and that is, how lively stones, should be living, remember that, but I must come along, to the Amen, and are built upon, the foundation, of the apostles, and prophets, [46:24] Jesus Christ himself, being the chief cornerstone, you see dear friends, these lively stones, as it were, by the graven tool, they are fashioned, and they are polished, and they are made, to reflect, whose they are, and whom, they serve, and I like this word, in whom all the building, fitly framed together, how wonderful, this is to contemplate, and now think, here are you and I, under Union Chapel roof, we hope, quite a few of us, we would like it, to be all of us, the lively stones, we hope, God is framing us together, into the church of Christ, and now, think, not only of what is being done, in the land, you and I are living in, think how the spirit of God, is at work, north, south, east, and west, even to earth, remotest bounds, and every, sinner, born again, has got a niche to fill, in this, wonderful, church, of Christ, and God has ordained, that niche, thus it is said, in whom all the building, fitly, framed together, you see, it is fit, that you should be, where you are, [47:54] God, has framed it, in his purposes, that you should be, where you are, and what you are, by his grace, but look at this word, in whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth, unto an holy temple, in the Lord, and now, you will not find, any church of Christ, that is of a truth, made up of, lively stones, and framed together, by God, you will not find, any church of Christ, anywhere, but what, when you hear them, in their prayers, whether it be, in private, or public, they are praying, along this line, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven, great God, thy kingdom come, with reverence, we would pray, may the eternal, three in one, his sovereign, scepter sway, and how glad, you are sometimes, to hear good news, about it, that here, and there, and yonder, the church of Christ, is growing, by godly additions, and church fellowships, are being built up, oh, it is good tidings, to some of us, and we should like, to have, some more evidence, of it, under Union Chapel roof, and remember, regarding, this church of Christ, of which I have said, only a little, not all that I should like, to have said, think of this, concluding, summary, of the apostle Paul, in whom, ye also, are builded together, for inhabitation, of God, through the spirit, ye also, is it ye also, let your consciences, tell you, blessed be God, it is true, of many of you, [50:06] God grant it, might be the truth, concerning every, one of you, in whom, ye also, are builded together, for inhabitation, of God, through, the spirit, Amen.