Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] As the Lord may graciously lead the receipt to direct your minds to a few words you will find in the portion we have read in the second epistle of Paul to Timothy at the second chapter and at verse 19. [0:19] Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord that knoweth them that are his. [0:37] The second chapter the second epistle to Timothy at verse 19. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his. [0:59] Briefly in the epistle to Timothy Paul is breathing out some solemn searching things to his young son in the fight. [1:17] Paul knew the need of this. Paul as we've read it I need to remind you again that Paul had to endure much on account of the gospel. [1:37] And he's warning his young son in the fight Timothy against it. Against the seducers. Against the enemies of the cross of Christ. [1:53] Yes. Oh what a solemn revelation too my dear friend. We've read it down so I needn't I needn't go over it again time will not permit in any case. [2:08] But there are some solemn things. Declared here. Oh it's very easy my dear friend. To turn around and say well that doesn't belong to me. [2:20] That belongs to somebody else. In the last days perilous times shall come. And who's going to deny it my dear friend that we're in them now. [2:34] Perilous times. There's no concern about it. One has to acknowledge that. No concern. [2:47] So easy my dear friend. To turn it aside. Men shall be lovers of themselves. [3:00] Isn't that today? Men shall be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God. Yes. Having a form of godliness. [3:14] Denying the power of the law. Paul knew what he was talking about my dear friend. Written a long long time ago. But it's written. And it applies today my dear friend. [3:28] You and I are amongst it. Beware my dear friend. Beware. Men are evil seducers. [3:41] We surround you with them. Paul is warning. His young son in the faith. Timothy against it all. Reminding him of what he's got to face. [3:54] And what he's got to expect. Is he going to be faithful? Yes. He didn't withhold it. He didn't change. [4:07] No. He put it faithfully before him. He put it faithfully before him. So we need the faithful presentation of the gospel. [4:17] Not heaping to our souls. Teachers having itching ears. That's the characteristic today. You mustn't offend anybody. [4:30] Oh no. You mustn't offend anybody. That's the characteristic today. My dear friend. The gospel will do its own work. [4:41] My dear friend. Under the anointings of the Spirit of God. And if that offends the poor sinner. It won't do him any harm. [4:52] My dear friend. It'll do him good. He's got to be brought to it. Yes. By grace. [5:02] Are ye signs through faith. And that not of your soul. This is the gift of God. Not of works. This many man should boast. [5:15] God knows the reactions of the carnal heart. The heart of every man. Not of works. This many man should boast. [5:27] We are his workmanship. And God will do his own work. In his own way. In his own time. Men are crying today. [5:39] God isn't working quick enough. We must do something to just put it all straight. And they're making things far worse. Far worse. [5:51] Oh my dear friend. Nevertheless. That's the beginning. Of the word. Of the text. Nevertheless. Nevertheless. [6:03] What a mercy man. That after all these awful things. That the apostle has to portray. And that Timothy has to listen to. [6:17] Paul is able to declare. Nevertheless. That's it. And in our day. And in our day. We want to be able to say equally. [6:28] Nevertheless. Nevertheless. The door is not completely shut. In all things. In all things. [6:41] He shall have the preeminence. And immediately. Immediately. The natural mind begins to run. Will he have preeminence in this and that and the other and all the rest of it. [6:57] He'll have the preeminence. That's what it says. There's no omission there. No. Just because. Just because man can't reconcile it with his consentions. [7:12] It must be wrong. Is it? Is it? Nevertheless. What a mercy I say. [7:24] What a mercy. Even in the day in which we live. When men's hearts are trembling with fear. When we're all saying. [7:35] We're all. We're all guilty. We've all said. Where's the daughter and the way? Nevertheless. That's it. That's the answer. The Lord reign it. [7:50] What a mercy, my dear friends. What a mercy. My thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are my ways all, they said the Lord. [8:04] And as far as the heaven is from the earth. So far. Is one removed from the earth. That's the distinction, my dear friends. [8:18] So that I say. After the apostle has faithfully set before his young son in the face. These terrible revelations. [8:29] Of appalling evils that were going to come to pass. And were coming to pass. Even then. He was able to shine. Never else. [8:41] Never else. And that's the blessedness today, my dear friends. You look around at the world today and there's chaos and strife everywhere. [8:54] In all the nations of fear. I don't think there's a nation without some. Nevertheless. [9:05] Nevertheless. Nevertheless. Oh, the consolation of it. The glorious reality of it. Nevertheless. [9:16] Nevertheless. That's the answer. Let it be God. He said it. Within his holy word. Right in the midst of this dark surrounding. [9:30] We've read it as I have said. You can read it again. It's your lesson. Read it carefully and prayerfully. Read it and examine it in relation to your own standing. [9:42] Both in relation to the present. And in relation to the future. What are your prospects, my dear friends? What are your prospects? [9:53] I don't mean temporarily. I mean, what are your prospects in the light of a past-facing eternity? Have you got a never, nevertheless? [10:07] Can you say, assure my conscience of the past? In the Redeemer's blood? It's the only thing that matters, my dear friends. I want to be able to say. [10:20] I do say sometimes. When the Lord enables me. I could from all things part of you. But never. Never the Lord from me. [10:32] There's only one thing that matters, my dear friends. Sooner or later. All these temple things. I'm not underestimating. [10:44] Nor the importance of them. Necessity of them. But they're all stamped to a time. And sooner or later they'll cease. [10:55] And what then? What then? Have you got a nevertheless, my dear? In prospect. I hope I have. [11:08] I hope I have. A prospect of eternal glory. When the morning shall dawn and I shall be translated and transformed. [11:22] Nevertheless. Nevertheless. That's my nevertheless, my dear. Nevertheless. The foundation of God. [11:35] God has a foundation. Other foundations. And no man lay. And then is laid. It's a foundation that's been a sail from the beginning. [11:48] Of time. Time hardly existed. But what the serpent came. [12:01] Very soon up. Very soon up. Terrible. Or tried to rip to upset him. Did his utmost. It's been going on ever since. [12:13] And it's been creaking in all directions. Do you mind about worldliness? I'm not talking so much about worldliness. Of course. That's distinct. [12:27] Distinct. I'm talking about professed religionism. The world's full of it, my dear friend. Where's the organ to end? [12:42] That's the question, friend. That's the vitally important matter. Where's it all going to end? Foundation of God. [12:56] God has a foundation, my dear friend. He knows that there are other so-called foundations. Man hasn't got a foundation. [13:07] He's trying to build one up. He's going round trying to encourage and entice people to join with them. [13:18] So as to make up their numbers. He's got no foundation. Because he can't have one. He's got no foundation. He's got no foundation. He's got no foundation. [13:28] He's got no foundation. The foundation of God. The eternal God has a foundation, my dear friend. Are you part of it? Am I part of it? [13:42] Does it concern you, my dear friend? Does it give you anxious thoughts of that? Assure my conscience of the past? [13:55] It's not a question of profession, my dear friend. It's a question of possession. Vital. Fundamental. Yes. [14:07] Many will say to me in that day. You've heard me say that, someone. Quote that word a good many times, even in this place. [14:19] It's true. It's in the book, my dear friend. Many. Many will say to me, and they're saying it already. In all directions. [14:31] Have we not prophesied in thy name? In thy name have cast out devils. In thy name have done many wonderful works. Man is doing wonderful things. [14:44] Yes. Then will I say unto them, I never knew you. Soren declaration, my dear friend. [14:56] Where do you and I stand? Where do we really stand? I've said it before, and I shall repeat it. Is my life is lengthened out? [15:08] Didn't the question even of denominational belief, or church membership, or anything else, am I in Christ? That's the rightful question. [15:21] Never will it be the foundation of God. God has a foundation. God has a foundation. This people have I fallen for myself. [15:36] They shall show forth my praise. That's the ultimate. For this people have I fallen for myself. I have loved them with an everlasting love. [15:50] He's got a foundation, my dear friend. He's working according to the foundation, not building up a foundation. He's building upon a foundation. [16:01] Nevertheless, the foundation of God, stand ashore. Yes. Oh, the blessedness of the truth of it, my dear friend. [16:16] But again, the solemn inquiry, where do you and I stand, my dear friend? I have to reveal, where do I stand? [16:28] Where do I stand in this life or not? Am I part of the foundation? I have a foundation to no man lay, no man that is laid, which is Christ Jesus, the Lord. [16:45] There's only one foundation, might be. The world is full of religion today. I don't know how many there are, actually. [16:57] They're increasing so rapidly. One's lost count. Ah, there's going to be, there's going to be a solemn awakening. [17:11] One day. There's going to be a solemn separation one day. Where will you and I stand then, my dear friend? [17:25] It won't be a question of having prophesied in his name or cast out devils or in his name done many wonderful things that will enter into the talk. [17:38] It's am I in Christ. That's the foundation. And he will say to the one on the right hand, come ye blessed of my Father. [17:53] Every one of them. 17th of John, those who now have given me, have I kept. Not one of them is lost. [18:06] Save the son of perdition, the foundation of God. Is this where you stand, my dear friend? You won't misunderstand me, surely you won't misinterpret my poor words. [18:21] It isn't a question whether you belong to this church or my church or any other church, my dear friend. Do you belong to Christ, my dear friend? I'm not underestimating church membership. [18:34] Far from it. Far from it. But am I in Christ? Aren't thou in Christ two souls of mine? [18:46] That's a vital question. God's foundation. I'm sorry, the apostle is saying, saying, coming, coming, immediately, immediately, following the previous verses, if I just turn to it for a moment, and there are shunned, profane, and vain babblings, for they will increase unto more ungodliness, than their word will eat us of the canker, of whom is Hymenius and Phileacus who concerning the truth of earth, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faintest son, nevertheless. [19:40] Son, and there are many today that are being overthrown, friend. May God preserve me from it, friend. Nothing in me to merit esteem. [19:54] I should have been, I should have been overthrown long, long ago, my dear friend. the subtlety of the great foes, the subtlety of the carnal heart. [20:08] Nothing in me to merit esteem or give thee the creator delight, to receive and so far that we ever must sting because it seemed good in thy sight. [20:20] The foundation, nevertheless, nevertheless, I say, coming after many had been drawn aside from the faith, nevertheless, the foundation of God stands sure. [20:44] I've said it a good many times that I should repeat it again. I expect it's fair. I have a gospel. I have a gospel, a sure gospel. [20:56] What I need is grace to set it forth. What I need is grace to explain it according to the mind and will and purpose of God. [21:07] I'm only a poor creature of the dust. Without him I can do nothing. But he has a foundation for that. Bless him. [21:18] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. And except, except, the Lord knoweth them that are his. [21:31] Every one of them. He knows where they are, who they are, what they are. Yes. [21:43] You want, you want this, you want to illustrate from the word of God? I was only looking at that atone just recently. In the Acts of the Apostle, the eunuch. [22:00] Yes, there's a man under the eunuch. He's been up to Jerusalem to worship. [22:11] He hasn't worshipped. Didn't know what true worship was. all he's been doing, following a Judaizing teacher. That's all. [22:24] He's on his way back. You know it. I mean, going to all the detail. He's sitting in his chariot. The Lord saw him. The Lord knew him. He calls his servant. [22:35] a foundation. And he is one of one that was part of the foundation. [22:47] And the Lord sends a Philip. Told him exactly where to go. Oh, yes. The Lord knows where to find his own children, my dear friend. [23:00] You can hide where you will. Under a bush, in a hedge, in any way you like, my dear friend. You can't get out of his sight. He knew. And he knew the unit was in the desert. [23:15] He knew exactly. And there he was. I mean, as I say, I needn't go into all the details. You're familiar with it. But God knew. [23:29] He sends a Philip. The man the man was following his custom. The custom is of his Judaizing teachers. [23:44] Very similar to Roman Catholicism. They'll only read what they're told. going to come. [23:54] I had a case of that in London some years ago now. I was traveling on the bus. And I looked in front of me, there's a man in front of me, with a Bible open. [24:08] I couldn't let that stand. So I just leaned over and I said, understand is thou what thou readest? He said, what did you say? [24:21] I said, understand is thou what thou readest? He said, what are you talking about? I needn't go into detail. He turned out to be a Roman Catholic. [24:35] He was reading the set portion. He mustn't read anymore. We didn't get very far, I must tell you. [24:46] Yes. And the unit was reading his set portion. Just at the very moment when Philip arrived. The Lord's never before his time. [25:03] He's never after his time. In the beginning of the same scripture he preached unto him Jesus. Honestly, faithfully, he preached unto him Jesus. [25:21] The issue what? The unit said, here is water. What does him do me? If thou believe this, will all lie in heart, thou may. [25:33] I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This was a Jew, remember? An Orthodox Jew, that was being trained from his youth to despise the very mention of Jesus. [25:53] Jesus. And he went to die. If you know, in the Orthodox Jew, a real Orthodox Jew, you mention the Lord Jesus Christ, and you spit on the ground in front of before your very eyes. [26:09] They do it today. Yes? They despise the very mention of the name. Here, the man has been brought upon by the power of the Spirit to be part of the foundation. [26:25] I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The chariot was stopped and they both went down to Philip baptize him. [26:36] And immediately he was baptized Philip was caught away and he saw him anymore. The work was done. The work was done. [26:50] Nevertheless, the foundation of God stand sure, the Lord having this seal, the Lord know it. [27:02] Oh, what a mercy, my dear friend. the Lord know it. You can go through the characters, the word of God. Take the very writer of this epistle, Saul of Carshish, ask him. [27:22] Yes. He never forgot the Damascus road. He never forgot the way he came into it, nor how he came out of it, either. [27:35] The Lord never. Oh, my dear friend, what a mercy it is. What a mercy. Salvation is of the Lord, in his control, in his government. [27:52] Yes. Every step, divinely ordained, my dear friend. trace your own life through, my dear friend, as I have to trace mine. [28:05] Things that I have planned to do, never was allowed to do. What's the Lord step to? I can give you a number of them. [28:20] Sovereignty. Sovereignty. The Lord knoweth. The Lord knoweth. them that are his. He knows where they are. [28:32] He knows who they are. He knows the appointed time that will run on the plate not to propose but to call by grace. [28:46] Sovereignty appointed. Sovereignty applied when he calls my sheep hear my voice and they follow me the Lord knoweth. [29:05] Them them that are here. I hope my dear friend when I was called out of the world to join the church I wasn't called by a man. [29:18] Here he was for means. He was certainly a mean but no more than a mean. Sovereignty I hope I hope I wasn't deluded nor deceived the translation and the transformation took place in that respect. [29:45] As he turned Peter when Peter inquired what shall this man do Lord what is that to thee to he carry till I come what is that to the following me. [30:04] That's all the Lord requires my dear friend. He'll do the calling his people will do the responding oh I like it in the right hands my dear friend. [30:23] I want it in the right power to the right end. The Lord knoweth him that he is there'll be no mistake my dear friend. [30:35] because the Lord knows them that are here. [31:04] No limitations. He didn't say he didn't say providing they haven't gone too far or providing anything else. [31:20] The appointed time runs on the pay paper not to propose but to call sovereignly defectually that's what we believe don't we denomination that effectual calling certainly effectual response to nevertheless the foundation of God to stand sure unauthorable it was fixed before time began my faith God doesn't accommodate himself to the whims and the fancies of men God doesn't bow to anything of man he calls sovereignly effectually he calls out of the ruin of the poor to himself the foundation of [32:36] God stand it sure might it say the only thing that does stand sure unauthorable all the powers of hell combine to never to never walk or vary or hinder the purpose of God I will work and who shall let it sovereign him I hope you believe it I hope you believe it in if you don't believe in it my dear friend then you believe in confusion the Lord know it them that are his they can be at the very ends of the earth I would say to the north give up and to the south keep not back bring my sons from far my daughters from the ends of the earth even everyone that is called by my name for [33:52] I created him for my glory the purpose of God and sure he has a very end of the earth calls him effectually eternally he doesn't call my dear friend today to drop you tomorrow effectually effectually call once in Christ in Christ forever thus the eternal covenant runs that's the covenant of God covenant of man do this do this providing you do this you'll get on alright if you don't if you don't you'll come all wrong I hear people saying this we're getting so confused with releasing that we don't know what to believe [35:01] I can quite understand it I know what I believe my difference I want to possess it that's it I want to possess it to know my Jesus crucified by par its peace all out beside if all matters sometimes I'm getting I'm getting rapidly near the end of the journey here below what's going to be laid up in store when the morning dawns and the shadows flee away will it be will it be to translate me to eternal glory or to consign me into an eternity of hell can be one of the others it causes me anxious concern [36:01] I can assure you my difference nevertheless nevertheless the Lord still reigns my dear friend the Lord still has the control and he's mighty to save in very deep the vile ex generadus hell that lives to feel his need is welcome at the throne of grace and save his love to please that's what he comes to the throne for not to present anything of himself but to save his love to present and please just oh it's all surviving and the exhortation of the word of God is come all things are now ready nevertheless foundation of God stand as sure for the [37:07] Lord knoweth them that are his and he'll never change his mind my difference he'll never change his mind be careful my difference that doesn't give you license that doesn't give you license to live anyhow to live anywhere anyhow my difference you need to be you need to examine your own heart whether you're in the place or not okay be careful my difference he'll never change his mind once in Christ in Christ forever last the eternal covenant stands but I want the assurance of it I want you to say as the psalmist say unto my soul [38:07] I am thy salvation this is the blessed truth nevertheless nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure having this healed yes it has healed my friends healed in heaven yes the father gave to the son the son took them to calvary's mouth to remove the bridge the engulfment to cleanse them from all things you can't understand it neither can I ask I hath not seen nor hear heard neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things that [39:14] God has prepared but how are you to know by the impartation of the spirit of God that's the way you'll know you won't know them any other one my dear I have not seen nor heard neither hath entered into the heart of man the natural heart receive is not the sins of God at all never will never desired nevertheless the foundation of God is sure having this field the Lord knowing them that are his and he has his own he has his own chosen in him before the foundation of the world that they should be holy that tells them that tells them [40:22] I don't want to detract from calvary that means that's where the fight was paid my dear that's the door of entrance as Jesus himself declared that I am the door by me if any man entering is to be saved into in and out of mine past and so on but that's the only way in that's the door no man comes under the father but by me the simplicity of the gospel my heaven but we need grace to receive it and an honest task to reduce it to practice slowly at his footstool the lord knoweth them that it is he knows he will maintain them he will ultimately gather them to eternal glory to love the hand person people over the earth and if I have the evidence with regards to their life [41:49] I try to lift them all his thoughts about he's not here he's with Christ which is far better gone home to glory of course there will be there will be a sense of loss of course there will be sorrow on the count of loss but there will be joy in heaven over one sinner that repented more than over 90 and 9 just because he need no repentance the Lord knows them that it is he saves them with an everlasting salvation cleanse them from all their sins I can only repeat it my friend you you won't be able to understand [42:51] I've been trying out for over 40 years to understand it I can't just pour more to mine I can't grasp the wonder of it to be fine cleansed in the blood of Christ I stand as though I have never sinned before I'm in the stand in the righteousness of Christ that's the effect of the blood of Christ shed for the remission of sin he cries to be finished to be finished he goes up he goes I have power to lay it down I have power to take it again this commandment have I received of my father he came to pay the price he's paying the price and now the spirit of the Lord is calling the children of God out of native darkness to be possessed it's his grace and when the last redeemed soul is gathered home mighty of him time will cease to be heaven and earth heaven and earth will pass away but my word including you here today my word shall not pass away except nevertheless found the foundation of God except except unauthorable having this feel the Lord know them that are his oh my dear friend [45:00] I put a question to you I don't know we may never meet again I hope that you'll be in glory when I'm gone but where do you stand friend where do I stand in the last light of a fast tasting eternity there's only one question my dear friend there's only one question to be asked is are thou in Christ who's sold of mine hast thou the proof within and I want the proof and I want the proof from the right source to the right end I want to be saved by wondrous grace I want to be saved by a precious Christ I want to be maintained by a precious Christ and I want to be ultimately called home by a precious [46:01] Christ to be translated and transformed into the image of Christ to dwell with Christ never more to go out from Christ never more to be separated from him all the powers of evil will have gone his carnal heart will have been done will have done the Lord nourished things that is and he's going he's going to ultimately called his redeemed home he said to his disciples I go to prepare a place for you the Lord prepare a place for you my dear friend and for me I can't answer for you my dear friend [47:03] I can only answer for myself but I long as the Lord to feel it upon my soul nothing else matters the old divine one said I could from all things parted be but never never all from me and here it is I say right in this background this dark background nevertheless foundation of God stands sure having this seat the Lord knoweth them the message pray pray that every one of us gathered near the sea may be granted the sweet abiding everything that we in Christ waiting for the morning to dawn to be gathered home to be with [48:07] Christ forevermore the Lord grant it for his name amen to the land of Christ home to week in his hands to long for a home on life and death to say would believe him and in your death room to gladly receive him but here to be him where he has may his and roll [49:54] No doubt it's anymore. [50:12] Hallelujah. so um I know there's any stage in this you are sections, and I will be静 on my side. [51:24] There's aartiень that can bunny against the rides because the trail has a little ambience. [51:37] There is also ane ideia that anиту Jackie conosėse under K marine apologise once there is no range of resistance, legacy here well so so Thank you. [52:57] Thank you. [53:27] Amen.