Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The verses 25 and 26 His disciples came to him and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us, we perish. [0:20] He said unto them, Why are you fearful? Oh, ye of little faith, then he arose and rebuke the wings of the sea, and was a great God. [0:37] 25th and 26th verses, the 8th chapter of Matthew. His disciples came to him and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us, we perish. [0:51] He said unto them, Why are you fearful? Oh, ye of little faith, and he arose and rebuked the wings of the sea, and there was a great God. [1:06] And many fearful ones here tonight, fearful ones with the same crying in their hearts that the disciples were wrong. [1:19] Say, Lord, we perish. It's real, friend. But there are not many who've got reality to die in the written. [1:34] Plenty of any knowledge. There is suddenly a time in this nation's history when there is a need to know the living God. [1:48] There is no other way, my friends, to know this God but through a precious promise. This God, the God of the whole earth, the living God, as can be, got something against men to die, a deep controversy against men. [2:18] And his justice and his judgment will ultimately be seen to the poor. We are at this time realizing what is remaining to be sure of things. [2:37] If this great God should deal with this man according to our saying, may I only need to look back into history and see what he hath done with many other nations. [2:57] Why shouldn't it come to us? My friends, because you and I are coming to the house of God week in and week out, it doesn't mean for one moment that we should not mourn of these things. [3:20] But it is an infinite mercy to know him as a God of mercy. For he still is the same as he ever was. [3:33] He hears the cries on the ground whose repose should call upon him in truth. He still has heaven and earth at his command. [3:47] He's still able to uphold whatever may be in the world. And my friends, this is true. [3:58] It is a certain thing. if you and I know this God in Christ, we shall never be left to black and stare. [4:12] We shall never fall into utter ruin. For if this God has given us a hope in Christ, it is because he loves us. [4:24] And that love is for time and for eternity. He will hold be a sucker and support and make a way you'll never leave nor forsake. [4:42] So we come hastily to the great matter. And it is a great matter continually with me, friends. Do I know the Lord in truth? [4:58] Have I any real evidence in my heart? Not just in my mouth. But still are those who can talk about things. [5:12] It's vastly different to walk them out. a time to end. Who ultimately in this life will know the same experience as the disciples of old age at this particular time, imputing the winds of the sea and the being of great time. [5:38] And the ultimate with the people of God will be he will rebuke the winds of death will be a great calm as they enter into the joy which prepared for their time began. [5:57] It's certain, friends. But in the time state that you and I have interest in this great work of salvation to cure the loan by a precious Christ, no man has any hand in it. [6:17] And none can obtain anything but that will take unto glory in his own strength and his own wisdom or ability. And comes in that word continually not by might nor by power but by my spirit set from all the hosts. [6:40] it's the only way of salvation the work of the living God. And what he does he's done forever. [6:52] And what he does in the sinner is perfect. If he's touched you and I it is indeed a great mercy for him he'll never retract. [7:05] No matter what our feelings may be from time to time no matter what power the adversary may have over us yea friends I dare go to this land no matter how far the enemy drives us into sin he'll never retract. [7:28] If the Lord has set his love upon us for while we will quickly say there is no license to enter anything like that if we fall under sin the Lord will reprove he'll chase him he'll bring us into trouble into darkness which will never be into death if the Lord has begun to work in us it is forever what we need again and again is to seek to find those enemies oh my friends the pathway here of these disciples as they're in the boat with the Lord Jesus will be the same pathway on parallel with it in the experience of the people of God to the end of time if the Lord hath brought you and me into that right road which leads to life and there will be winds of adversity and there will be great mountains great seas that threaten to swore us up from time to time but there still will be the same [8:47] Jesus and he'll give just the same power to you and me if we have found most of his people to call upon him and as in the case of the disciples in the boat he was asleep being a man he was naturally asleep but often in the experience of the children of God in the different places they come into the trials the dark places the fears he seems to be so far away as though he doesn't hear them but to have the same outcome ultimately he will rise he'll rebuke the winds and the seas there'll be a great come in time with all ways that certainty there's going to be the final power of the entrance into the Lord you are going to the [9:50] Lord first my friends again and again I have to set it forth man is utterly ruined through sin utterly ruined not just something small something that doesn't matter a casual sinner not to come into the place to say what others why all men are sin we know it so it is in the word we believe the word of God what do friends the children of God will be brought low laid low brought into a place of intensity of need God help me no chance work for the work of God his people will be taught knowledge not to come into a place clearing hear from someone else understanding what's natural ability by reading word [11:03] God having natural religion brought up in it the Lord will bring every one of his people to his feet God help me I'm a sinner Lord upon a sinner or some may say it is sent him I know it is my friends there will be no knowledge of Jesus and his love and his mercy and his great salvation until there be a power in love at his feet God be merciful all to me a sinner and the flesh will never come in our way unless the finger of God be laid upon it the flesh again and again comes into that place and it's proved in the experience of the children of [12:06] God as they proved they carry about with them above each sin and death I wouldn't have this move to me over me I will go my own way oh perhaps some of you here are not quite as deep as that in the way you walk but I'm not somebody else the Lord brings some of these people into extremely deep places but there will be a measure of it time to time the enemy who is a great enemy and has great power he'll play upon those things that belong to ruin nature and he'll prove your weakness not strength he'll bring you into places of desire at times it is all very well saying why [13:07] I'm a religious person I'm a Christian I believe in the Lord I seek to obey his holy law there would be no such word as this my friends were you able to stand in your own strength when the enemy comes in like a flood of the spirit of the Lord we let that will stand against him or from time to time you'll come with such power and lay in love and will destroy you that standard of a precious cross is all atoning you are now and that finished work that brings forth the almighty power of God to put his foot on the neck of sin but this character then will listen to your sin under the teaching of the living [14:13] God you know I'm giving it it makes you praise him perhaps one says we've heard you say it so many times I've proved it so many times friends there is a continuing need in the experience of a child of God to pray and that prayer to enter into the ears of the living God that something shall be done for a young man quite a young man I met some weeks ago in one of our chapels he was a stranger to us he'd come in the Lord had opened his eyes in very great nature though he didn't belong to us as a people he told me he knew what it was to try to like [15:16] Jacob did to wrestle with the living God he said he'd gone backwards and forwards in his room one night telling the Lord he must work for he couldn't go on him this is the way the Lord teaches his people he brings them into a place where they walk in the experience I can no deny the day why because it's complete for Jesus but and one yet answers this is the way the Lord brings his people man can teach and but what man said forth if he be only in her own strength it can be rubbed up and it will be but there are things that come about in time that the flesh cannot stand against but the [16:26] Lord teaches his people in their hearts and he brings them into their place of knowledge so that they're able to say in face of the enemy from time to time that this God is my God he is the living God and they have the evidence of it because they enter into the truth of man the word that Christ is God I can vouch for his people cares for I pray to him as such and he has added my prayers it's real religion for as the Lord brings his people then to the footstool of mercy convinces the Lord bless him he leads to Jesus God here's what the answer is here's how they attend mercy nothing in themselves to bring before this garden it is the just divine righteousness of [17:38] Christ oh what mercy that is here friend man unable to do any of this himself the Lord God has decreed this is the way they shall come and he gives them the power to wield that precious thing he gives them the power to wield through precious faith the atonement he brings them into that place where they won't give up until he answers their patience he know anything of this for him the Lord is sovereign the depth of this power is in his enemies some go exceedingly deep but all should know any of it will be an exercise before the Lord then save my passion knowledge and means knowledge those condemnation in this [18:45] God are less believe in the substance there can be mercy in all none others it's all in the marriage the righteousness and the precious blood of Jesus this is the way the character comes you come this way there will be some knowledge of acceptance again my friends isn't here saying or what he says in the word this poor man the property that the Lord heard you and delivered him out of all these troubles that won't do you need knowledge yourself and you will there be knowledge in the heart the Lord God hath heard you cry for he gave you a measure of peace gaining his sovereignty the ultimate end of it is in his hands that is the full knowledge of forgiveness so he gives that knowledge in early days others they go to their lives some near to the end but there are these evidences in the pathway evidences of grace and acceptance he shows them that he hears that prayer enables them to press on this character now is set on a pathway of war and battle and battles between sin and sin and flesh and there will be troubles in the way [20:51] Satan knows everyone whether there is a manifestation of the law of God or when the sinner prays Satan knows he's lost him he says Satan trembled when he sees the we of saint upon his knees because he knows the truth of God if God be for us who then can be against us he lost the battle but he will continue while like last to endeavor to prostrate the work of God so there will be though now walking with Jesus for here we have the disciples in the boat with Jesus yet in this great trouble arose as we fear the [21:56] Lord save us we perish this will be the part that we found look at these disciples they seen the Lord Jesus attend to that poor matter and came and said Lord if thou wilt help us make me clean and the Lord Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be there clean and immediately as that received his friends fear the disciples are in fear Jesus is in the world many of you have been able to do that in case of that person the sound applies two or three times in this chapter the sanctuary the Lord Jesus told him because of his faith he used to be well and so important there we have the account of this poor man possessed with devils coming out of the tomb exceedingly fierce the disciples saw these things in this particular one the account of the love comes before the man of the devil but they had seen these things before so quickly they forgot so it will be with you in your heart grateful sin though the [23:44] Lord bless thee today lift thee up deliver thee from a dark place and though he opened a door that was apparently no door come tomorrow in another trial blind underneath the short earth and scary working vain to the way to pray because there was someone he had to know he got a trial see how Jesus spoke to his disciples his love that was revealed he didn't believe them why are ye fearful oh ye of them faith so easy to speak this way from all that I know my friends but do you want to hear tonight in the valley of hell you know somebody there's not much comfort for someone to say [24:55] Jesus live what you need what it isn't much comfort to say the Lord God I never don't reign it isn't much comfort to say the Lord knows all about it and the son has said my time is in his hand it needs people to come and make application of him but he will hear his mercy friend if he has become a good work in you he will perform he will perfect him then perform the perfect in your life he will continue with you in all your trials in time and he will see to you that none of those trials will swallow you up but he will cause them to establish you deeper and deeper in your [26:01] God in Christ because there will be again and again deliverance from the dark place and the outcome of that deliverance will be with a new son in your mouth your ground unto that gracious ability to crown your Jesus Lord of all and bring you into a sweet night of union him and the case night the Lord Jesus said why are you fearful all you little faith then he arose and rebut the wings from the sea and there was a great time I give you the foundation of this my friends although I can't cause your trouble to fly the foundation of the certainty that your trouble will go if this trouble is your [27:10] God his name is you cannot deny yourself and how any of me would have rejoiced and let his disciples in that trouble get on with it you've seen so many things before I proved to you that I'm able to do these things here you are disputing the fear he doesn't speak that I find it he has recorded in his word that he remembers we are just and most of us so my friends whatever your case is you've got to take it to the Lord take it just the same way as the disciples did tell him you've come to the end of your wisdom you've got no ability to manage your case take it to him just the same way save me [28:24] Lord oh but you can speak to him in a right way save me Lord for unless they have you must perish for there's nobody else I can look there's nobody else who can help me all my hope is fixed in vain all my neighbor speaks such language then I tell you that though you can speak the deepest of cases though thou fearless no ever had such a case of loving that are able brought out to a heart before this God it is because he's given you done a bit of love the authority he gives to his people is because he has a purpose it satisfies the desire and that purpose is his own right power and law it is to bring his people again to that place of witness before men and men his people shall stand out as people loved with [29:44] God and passions and again and again men will know to see that their God is able to uphold them in spite of all the things that come against them your case a great case tonight to currently none to this love so perhaps that will you continually now shall go on is the annoying to the answer though my friends is that you do go on you have done so far and how do you go on if this case is so great it is because without a doubt underneath of the everlasting arms it is because the living [30:50] God supports you why does he love it is good to examine it it's because he loves you don't say he doesn't have there never been any times in your experience when you felt a love to him why did that come from for the Lord hath declared that man is utterly willing from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot nothing but wounds and bruises and putry fine sores and the word declares through his servant that the heart of man is deceitful of all things and desperately witty and that the curled heart is enmity against God now then where did this love come from you love to [31:52] God that you deny you've never had such a time you never gave the feeling of love to me prove my friends that I want you why you want me why Why me? Why me, O blessed God? Why such a wretch as me? [32:43] Why have you come to such a place as this? Why is the earth? Why does the Lord love you? Such a wretch as you, who can't stand in the right way for one moment. [32:59] And he falls under the power of the adversary and his temptation and his subtle suggestion. And you who know, have left to yourself eternally out of line. [33:20] Why is it? Why? Because God sent his own dear son into this world to seek and to save most of us. [33:33] Because he had an eternal purpose to save the people. Not that they ever would be worthy in themselves. [33:44] Not that they ever would be able to attain to his righteous law in order to walk it out and fulfill it. Because in his sovereign will, eternal purpose, he chose them in Christ. [34:04] And he knew that in his own dear son, there would be a satisfied action given to his infinite justice. But to heal the fullness of time to come into this lower world. [34:22] To be born of a woman under the law. Made flesh and blood, yet without sin. To fulfill that holy law in every judgment in his walking from there. [34:36] God, in a way to satisfy divine justice. In laying down with holy life on Calvin's tree. [34:49] And there to pay for the sins of his dignity. Yes, amazing things. And this being so, surely there is an end to your trouble, whatever it is. [35:10] And my expectations shall not be cut off. It is God's own word. So my friends, he will arise. [35:25] Reboot the winds and the sea. And there will be a great time. There will be deliverance from this time. You know what it is. [35:37] The Lord knows what it is. For he hath permitted it to come. But nothing comes by chance. All that there are greater. [35:51] The greater trials and time trials are. The children of God know what it is to have within them or wicked art. [36:06] Sometimes it brings them into their place. All that I am not a myself. You know what this is. Is this what some of you are tonight. [36:24] It isn't very often that I speak of myself. On Wednesday morning of this week. [36:35] It was the Lord, not me. It was the Lord, not me. And the place where I stayed, I was on my own for a while. [36:47] And I fell down before him with a real, real exercise of love. And it was to tell him that I had forsaken him. [37:00] That I had turned away from all those things that he had made dear to my heart. My thoughts were continually on the things of this life. [37:14] And oh, how I begged him to make it out of the night. Not very often, friends. I know what it is to be found in this place of darkness. [37:27] But oh, what mercy it is for the Lord to work and bring him into a place of willingness to be different. And he gave me such an exercise before him. [37:43] And throughout it all, but Lord, I will not let it go. And thou must have been on me on this dark place. And I can tell you now, friends, this is a long day, many a long day, since I have known what the last two days have been too late. [38:09] And I read not so much of his word. This again is in the hands of a sovereign God. [38:20] But oh, the sweetness I have found in reading some records of the sentence of all. The context, the communion, and the exercises that they had in days come by were better. [38:40] And how we opened it to their hearts of the preciousness of Christ. That's how I read in many of these accounts in the last two days. [38:53] Oh, what a sweetness that I have been in their testimony of Jesus. Precious, precious, precious Jesus. [39:06] All my salvation. It is the living God. You know, my friends. Only he can work for a place. [39:20] But he will. Ultimately, there will be a great come on. If there will be one here tonight in trouble. So will come. [39:32] If there will be one here tonight who knows the language expanse in the way of the psalmist, say unto my soul I am my salvation. [39:44] He will come. If it is not work. Man can't produce these things. And man will never enter into that holy place where Jesus waits to be gracious, except for spirit of God taking there. [40:03] But my friends, if the beat of exercise renew, that he will deliver you from this wretchedness of heart, the coldness, the hardness, the emptiness. [40:20] His spirit is here. And there will be an entrance into that holy place through a precious Christ well-wretched and a key possession of someone. [40:35] It's a massive, massive way, man. His disciples came to him in a walking stand, Lord, save us from the pain. [40:46] And as I was coming down tonight, I was under some temptation over this word. But it stood out to me, and I believe it to be true, in spite of the temptation of the atmosphere over it. [41:02] And this word records his disciples came to him, not anybody else. And it seemed to open up to me tonight, friends, as I came along with. [41:18] For the disciples of God are the only ones, and those who are led by the Spirit of God, who have ever come to Jesus, saying, Lord, save us from the pain. [41:32] And that being so, he brought you and me into that place from time to time, or perhaps tonight, an exercise before this God. [41:45] Now to doubt, although there may be a review, for at times he does review these people, he brings them into the place, that to feel shame in their hearts, that ever they did doubt this God, who has done so much for them, made so many ways for them, repel them and bless them, kept them in days of strength, he does review them at times, but he'll bring you in his own good time, into this place of deliverance. [42:30] He alone rebuke the means of the same, and there was a great calm. What is this great calm, in the calm state? [42:45] Part is something, but at times, there's more to be felt, than to be expressed. The presence of Jesus, and then at peace, the promise of the war on the same, the realization that he loved you, a certainty, felt in reality as redeeming you. [43:15] You know anything else? I'm not too great, these things, friends. I know what it is, to have an unbelieving heart. [43:26] I know what it is, to be cast down, and under the temptations, of the evil one, who says, you've lost the way, it is all me. You've got no real hope. [43:37] I know what it is, to have an unbelieving, this great calm, when Jesus comes. When he says, fear not, well, Jacob, I will help them. [43:56] And when by his almighty power, encourages me only to flame, when the darkness is turned into light, a little light, a great calm. [44:12] Some of you know something else. Well, then, my friends, may the Lord bless you, indeed, and encourage you to be missed, for the ways to be this great calm, at the end of the journey, without a doubt. [44:33] May fear death. Isn't that true? When you come to that great time of change, saying, Lord Satan, will have no unbelief, will you? [44:50] For Jesus waits, to take his people home. That's a really, just a moment. Oh, how I fear, continually, just to say things, for the sake of saying them, as we can find, the confirmation, the establishment, of these things, the certainty of them, in the word of God, for the joy, that was set before him, he ensured the cross, despising the shame, and is now set down, at the right hand, of the throne of God. [45:30] What for? He waits, against that day, when he shall gather, to gather his children, and he shall have them, around the throne of glory, chanting together, and individually, I look after the man, mighty, of all of my salvation. [45:59] Do you know how, a sinner? Do you know how many times, the enemy casts you down? There is to be a final day, to be a great time, when Jesus takes you, on an hour of time, into eternity. [46:24] But he said, I have not seen, Maria heard, nor have we entered, into the heart of man, nor have we entered, and then to love him. [46:36] We never know, what we shall be, but we know, we shall be like him. One day, if we pass, into a body, like unto his glorious heart, the body of the hotel, the small of nothing, the right. [46:54] forgetch. To love both, it does not apply to you, who have some years, passed over, and younger than you, ever. [47:11] Are you erect, and tired? The love of God, comes to us. You are young, and Daddy, you study, you're without Any knowledge that's a love about you, Lord Sweet then, sometimes I feel to be loud What your worries, Daddy, to obey A great day of resurrection When Jesus gathered together One glorious, triumphed church Swallowed up in heaven In everlasting love For ever and ever His disciples came to him and walked him [48:13] And he said, Lord, save us from the parish And leave with these ironing guns Children of God at times Are brought into that place Lord, help me I don't know how to go on And it seems as if he ignores what it was I'm quite sure what is for, friends Of this God with whom we have to do Will have us know right to the end of time What sin is What we are In our flesh What he has delivered us from He will bring us From tongue to tongue In the measure of knowledge Of what would cost the passage of Christ To deliver us He doesn't hand out his blessings [49:16] He doesn't hand out his hands Or without concern Sometimes his people have to wait Long before the answer He'll never come too late He will come It may well be then Because at times The children of God They hearken to the adversary They become rebellious And listen sometimes to him And accept his word The Lord has forgotten to be gracious His mercy has been done forever And the heavenly sometimes suggests To the latterly end of the land The Lord says Why are ye fearful [50:17] O ye little thing For I am the Lord I change not Therefore ye sons of Jacob Are not concerned You continue centering my strength You haven't been swallowed up By your sin You haven't been swallowed up By the enemy I am still your God For I will never leave You're not a saint And he will arise And rebuke the winds Those winds of rebellion Those winds of temptation And the winds of fear And be a great calm For when Jesus comes He comes again In his promise Yea, I have loved thee With an everlasting love [51:19] How sweet to be amongst His people For there is no change in you He waits for the grace of God Whatever the case is What is it all for? [51:37] It's to bring you in To enter conform To the sun of God And one day You'll be lightened Swallowed up in you But in the tombstone The heavenly potter Will be chiseling The day will begin To bring you into conformity With God Lord, I am blessed To bring you into conformity Please