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[0:00] the 42nd chapter in the prophecy of Isaiah and the 16th verse the 42nd chapter in the prophecy of Isaiah and the 16th verse and I will bring the blind by a way that they do not I will lead them in paths that they have not known I will make darkness light before them and crooked things straight these things will I do unto them and not forsake them there is only one who is able to make such a promise so often men may say I will do this [1:04] I will do the other and they have every intention of doing that which they say they will do but are prevented through various means God is the only one who is able to say I will and whatever he wills shall be performed so here we see the wonders of God whatever ability whatever gifts whatever wealth a man may have he is unable to say that he will do anything because nothing is within his control every breath he is dependent upon God for but here we have this promise of God and I will bring the blind by a way that they do not if it were not so there would be no hope for any of us because we are blind we are born blind to the ways of God and this I am sure of that if the ungodly knew if their eyes were not blinded with regard to their future and their solemn eternal state they would never have a moment's peace upon the earth or for the rest of their days but their eyes are blinded and our eyes are blinded and they were blinded until the Lord favoured us with light and showed us the awful state we were in by nature what an unspeakable mercy if the Lord has touched our eyes if the Lord has given us some sight with regard to ourselves and our need if he has shown us something of the evils of our heart and what we are by nature only God is able to do this and he says he will do it but this is not to all and sundry it is to his people it is to spiritual Israel that these words are addressed is it a concern to us as to whether we see things are right there are so many various religions in the world today there was a man that we worked with years ago and he told us that he had read of so many different religions it ran into hundreds that there is only one true God there is only one way to heaven there is only one way of being saved and that is through the way of salvation spoken of in scripture this way where the Lord will bring there is something very sweet in this the Lord will bring them whatever obstacles may be in the way whatever may be the cause of their blindness you see there are various causes of blindness one we could be brought up under the sound of the truth and blind to the knowledge that we are the same as those who are in the world who know nothing of the way of salvation we could be blind because of our ignorance and our lack of understanding of God's word but whatever the cause of this blindness [5:05] God says I will bring thee blind by a way that they knew not when a sinner is brought to know themselves as sinners when their eyes are opened and how in that hymn it's very seldom if ever I've heard it sung and yet how it describes the state of a sinner when they are brought to have their eyes opened the 306th hymn oh the pangs by Christians felt when their eyes are open when they see the gulfs of guilt they must wade and grope in when the hell appears within causing bitter anguish and the loathsome stench of sin makes the spirit languish now the heart disclosed betrays all its head disorders enmity to [6:06] God's right ways blasphemies and murders malice envy lust and pride thoughts obscene and filthy sores corrupt and beautified no part sound or healthy and so that dear man Joseph Hart goes on to describe what a sinner sees when his eyes are opened and how it brings one into that position where they feel they are even beyond power of almighty God for salvation seldom do we hear today of men and women being brought to realize those hidden evils within their heart but unless we know something of them in some shape or form of various degrees our eyes have never been opened if we are satisfied with our religion if we have never been brought into doubt if we know nothing of a conflict within our eyes have never been opened but I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not how many are there today that know these bloody evils are in their hearts how many have been taught by the holy spirit to see these things and then if we see them what effect they have [7:31] I will lead them in paths they have not known you see it will lead you into a path that you've never known before you'll see the reality of what you are by nature you'll see your fallen state you'll see your helpless condition and then the Lord will not leave you there if the Lord has opened your eyes well then he's going to lead you into that way into that path that they have not known it's a path it's not a motor way it's that which has to be trodden out it's that path that no fowl knoweth that the vultures eye hath not seen but it's a path which has been trodden by the Lord himself upon this earth a pathway which will lead to glory a strange mysterious pathway but it will lead you to heaven and that path is a path that will bring you on your bended knees before a just and holy God there you will confess before this [8:50] God your sin there you will plead with him for mercy I don't believe for a moment that there is a single soul in heaven but what has pleaded for mercy that is a path that all the Lord's people are brought into where they have to come and plead with the Lord for mercy God be merciful to me a sinner and not only once but how this prayer is a constant prayer I believe throughout the whole of their spiritual life whilst upon earth because there is this fresh guilt but as they go along this pathway so their eyes are opened more and more to the snares to the traps of Satan to the awful condition that they're in and also to those things which are around them paths that they have not known yes perhaps as you come to God's house you meet with the Lord's people and you look upon them and you think yes they're wonderful folk you see the Lord's servants and perhaps you envy them for those things which you believe the Lord has shown them but how often perhaps we're led in those paths we have not known we're brought to see their weaknesses their frailties so that we cannot trust in them where we cannot perhaps envy them as we did at one time we know on some occasions we've looked at some of the [10:38] Lord's people and envied them and then as they've been brought into sad and solemn trials and tribulations we've never envied them then but how we need to be taught by the Holy Spirit and led in the paths that they have not known and there is that path which is not known to any of the Lord's people until it's revealed by the Holy Spirit and that is that path of escape although all these solemn things are brought to their view although they know beyond all doubt their sinnership although they are well and truly convinced of their sin yet as yet they have no knowledge whatever of salvation they may have heard the gospel but strangely enough as they are blind so their ears are deaf many a sermon did we hear we regard the gospel but little did we understand it or know it until it was revealed to us but when a Christ is set before us and when the gospel is opened up oh what a path that is the path of righteousness where one is seeking the following paths that they have not known a path of righteousness which is strange to them how they try to fulfill the law how they try to do this try to do the other but the [12:19] Lord leads them into that path paths they have not known where they have to give up their own righteousness where they are not satisfied with the denomination that they are connected with they cannot rest upon that where they cannot rest upon the articles of faith or the doctrines of grace where they cannot rest upon what the minister may say about them although there may be many things which the minister may say that enters into their case yet they cannot take satisfaction from it why because it is not spoken with power to their hearts they find portions of scripture and in that pathway they find certain scriptures which are so applicable and yet they have to prove this that if it's not applied however applicable it may be it's of no comfort and these are paths they have not known because they thought that the scriptures were for the comfort of the lord's people and that these very portions which are so applicable would have an effect upon them but they don't have an effect upon them and then they're led into another path that they have not known that's how the lord is able to bring them to another portion of his word which does not appear to be applicable to their case but as the lord opens it up to their understanding there's not another portion in god's word which is more applicable i will lead them in paths they have not known and the various paths in which the lord leads his people he doesn't chase them he doesn't threaten them he doesn't push them he leads them and as he leads them into these various paths the lord is with them he can't lead his people unless he's with them can he and this indicates that the lord is with them in these various pathways he leads them and as he leads his people he's with them they may not realise it you who perhaps are being led at this very time under the law the lord is leading you to see a little of what is within and he's leading you away from all the props which satan would bring the lord is with you in it the lord is teaching you the lord is bringing you into the knowledge of these things paths that they have not known no because there is that path which is natural to us natural to all men well of course we're as good as anybody else and if we try and do our best we can't do more than that can we and that is the pathway of a natural man but god tells us there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the ways the end thereof are the ways of death but oh to be led into that true and that living way path that they have not known that path which follows the lord jesus as we just sung to know my jesus crucified by far himself all things beside it's a strange path isn't it to be brought there to have nothing upon this earth that you desire more than to be right with his god oh i know my wretched heart how he's taken up with this how he's taken up with the other but deep down i can honestly say at this very moment before god that there's something that will never satisfy me more than the knowledge that christ is my redeemer to be brought into that to know my jesus crucified crucified for myself to know to know him as my jesus you say well of course if you don't you know right to stand up and speak but you go to these things that may well be i couldn't agree with you more but there are those times you know when the lord so works within the heart of sinful man and although we had no thought no idea of mentioning this at this particular time how the lord 22 years ago on the past evening how the lord led us into that path of the ministry a path we had not known a way in which we never expect in and how the lord has helped us throughout the years and all we can say is this we stand amazed but at the same time we have to wonder what profit there's been to it paths they have not known and you see we do not know what the lord's way is the lord's purpose is in these things but this we believe that if the lord has led us rightly into the ministry well then the lord has a purpose in it and it's a path that we know not we know not what the lord has done and how he's used us and perhaps if we did we would be filled with pride on the other hand we'd be almost near despair and so the lord is a sovereign in these things he's the best judge not us the paths that they have not known and the future is hidden from us isn't it we don't know what the future may hold but the lord does and the lord leads his people these things do not come suddenly upon the lord's people and the lord is surprised at the way in which they're brought into these things the lord knows exactly what the future holds for you he knows exactly what the future holds for me as he said to his disciples of old i go to prepare a place for you he knew that this place must be prepared for them and also there is a path that leads to that place he knew everything about it and he told his disciples but they couldn't believe it they weren't able to accept it and even as this very thing the very things which were being fulfilled that he had told them about they couldn't understand it and there are those things which the lord speaks to his people he opens their eyes he shows them certain things and they are brought to believe it and then how the lord at times seems to remove these very things from our memory and perhaps for some years and then when the fulfilment of those promises takes place or that word again comes upon our mind we can see the reason for it we can see how the lord has appeared for us although that may have been many years lapsed in between [19:51] I will lead them in paths that they have not known and these paths sometimes are painful paths and they're paths where we should need those shoes of iron and brass iron and brass these are warfare metals metals used for warfare and how we need those shoes sometimes because of the roughness of the way how the lord takes care of his people how he makes provision for them for the very path they walk in and there is a path that's very very sweet that's very very blessed and that is the path of prayer when the lord leads his people into the path of prayer have you known it have you known the sweetness of it have you known the reality of it not just saying a few words in prayer but to be brought to realise to have that faith that there is a god and that we're able to talk to him and tell him more so than we would any earthly friend of those things that are heavy upon us and to have that faith to believe and you young friends remember this that this god he's able to do those things that he brings and he will lead them in paths that they have not known and this path of prayer is unknown to the ungodly it's unknown to the lord's people until the lord leads them into it and it's the most blessed and most sweet and most wonderful experience to be brought into the path of prayer secret prayer not to stand up in public not to meet as it were around the family altar in prayer it's good when we can but how often do we find true prayer how often do we find our heart go out to the lord and yet it's a wonderful path to be led into to have as it were sweet communion with the lord to speak to him as one would speak to a friend and to have that hope within the lord is listening yet it's more than a hope it's a reality that God is listening and that he will answer our petitions paths that they have not known that path of prayer is a wonderful path to be led into especially when one is pleading for their soul when they're pleading for a word from the lord and how the lord does from time to time not only bring us into that path of prayer where we ask not only where we ask but even while we're asking he answers those petitions recently we were brought into a very similar experience while we were praying to the lord so the answer came the answer to our petition paths that they had not known i will make darkness light before them the whole of god's word is darkness we cannot possibly understand a word of it and how man today he will try to alter god's word he will try to amend those things which men were so inspired in days past to write the very scriptures and how they as it were reveal their wretchedness by taking the beauty from the scriptures there are those things which are in the scripture which man cannot see it's so dark his mind is so blinded and you'll find if you know anything by experience of god's word and the sweetness of it how some of those precious portions which the lord may have led you into and those paths which at one time you knew not but the lord has led you and given you a proper understanding of his word and then you come to these particular portions which man has so altered he's taken the very beauty away he's altered words and put in modern words which have no meaning and no right understanding but regard the scripture rest assured of this that god's word can be understood by the smallest child god has power he has that ability and he will even the smallest child he will lead from blindness into light from darkness into light and i will make darkness light before them and so there is much darkness with regard to god's word how we see men groping about sometimes i suppose it may be wrong it may be right we must leave that with the lord but how difficult it is sometimes for a minister to listen to another minister when perhaps a word has been opened up to our understanding and another minister will take the same portion and he's led to open it up in a different way how you see the lord says he will bring make darkness light before them and how he will lead one of his servants one way he'll lead another of his servants another way it's the same portion but it's the way in which the lord shines the light upon him and you can notice this with in a natural way with jewellery you get light shining in one direction and then perhaps in the opposite direction you have such a different idea of it don't you and it seems to put a different value on it doesn't it but because the lord is lord and because he says i will the lord can shine upon a word in such a way and this may be of help to some here the lord may have shone upon a word and you've seen it as never before and perhaps you're troubled because someone else has seen it in another light does it matter if the lord has shone upon a portion of his word if he's applied that to your heart rest assured of this that was for you and we must leave it there because whatever the lord does is good is right and is perfect i will make darkness light before them and then as we're brought into certain paths some of them are in the valley and there's no light some of them are on the mountain top where there's much light some are paths which are warm comforting others are very cold and bleak but how the lord will lead in these various paths and there are those paths which are dark and how we need to take much more care when the pathway is dark than when it's light may we not stumble and seek to carry on because it's dark may we not try and wrestle with god's word and i think this is very solemn with regard to those of us who have to go forth in the name of the lord to take a portion of god's word that we've had no light upon is far better and i feel perhaps more right at times than to take a word that we've spoken from many a time rather than to seek to take a word which the lord hasn't given us that we've had no light upon and then from time to time how the lord even with his own servants will give a word and give light upon it in a different way but if the lord gives light you'll know the same as in that path of prayer the lord has given it i will make darkness light before them and crooked things straight this light we need upon our pathway to lead us to glory wasn't it christian that saw that bright light that directed him and the brightness of glory the brightness of the son of god the brightness of the gospel or how it will spurn on a child in the darkness as he goes on with the burden of sin although he cannot see his way although it seems impossible the lord can look upon him because he's in the dark but so often we're in the dark we've already gone to god's ways we can't understand we can't see the purposes of god in our pathway everything seems to be so confused and we seem to feel our way along at times but how the lord sometimes as we come out of that darkness we can see as we look back the necessity of it and then again darkness sometimes as a time of rest during the dark seasons there is not the life around us is there or in the spring and the early mornings when we hear the birds singing what a difference there is as the light appears to the dark night when there is no sound whatever what a beauty there is in spiritual life when light breaks forth upon our spirit and when the singing of birds is heard the turtle is heard in our land i will make darkness light before thee and crooked things straight there are those today that have such a wonderful religion that from earth the glory is a straight road no difficulties no turnings no going back but you look at the history of the children of israel the way in which they journeyed more often than not they were going the opposite direction and it's sad you know when we come to consider so many today they seem to be on this straight road to glory they have no hindrances nothing to stop them but the speed in which they travel when they get to the end of that journey that would be a terrible jolt to them won't it to find that the speed in which they travelled has brought them to hell we were speaking to one of our friends the other day and he pointed out something to us which we'd never realised about a farmer who wanted to straighten out a certain brook on his land and the water board wouldn't allow it because by doing that the water would run more freely and quickly into the [31:34] Thames well we never seen anything like that before and never realised that these twists and turns in the rivers had a purpose there's so much that we cannot understand in nature isn't there much more with regard to spiritual things these crooked things there's a purpose for them there's a delay in action they hold us up we're not able to go at the speed with which we would go because if we did it would be disaster and therefore the Lord has seen fit to place in our path where these crooked things to delay our progress to cause us to stop to meditate to think as to whether we're going the right way and also you see to think of him in these crooked places we meditate is this the right way is this dear Lord the way the way in which thy people go is this the lot divine elect [32:42] I will make darkness light before them and crooked things straight into straightness or how things appear so crooked at times don't they in our lives in our path nothing seems to be straight nothing seems to be plain does it everything seems to be so confused so crooked and we can't compare ourselves with some of the Lord's people and some of those who have such a wonderful religion and ours doesn't seem to add up at all it seems that our Bible reading is unprofitable our prayers are unprofitable our life is unprofitable our preaching is unprofitable everything is unprofitable the whole lot seems so crooked doesn't it but when the Lord makes it straight we can see the reason for it then it will drive us to the Lord he alone is able to make these crooked things straight and there are those things which come into our experience painful things things which we never expected and things which come into the church at times things which come into the denomination things which come into the family things which come into the business and they're so crooked they don't lie straight as it were with the things of [34:10] God you try to compare them with God's word everything seems to be so contrary doesn't it until the Lord comes and the Lord shines upon it and it may be years afterwards you can see the purpose of the Lord in it there was a need to be for that crook in the land there was a need to be why the Lord made that particular path so crooked so awkward so difficult to negotiate and how the Lord helped you with it and now you can see that it was a straight pathway now he says these things will I do unto them and the Lord does it and if he says he's going to do it you can't stop him and this sometimes brings us to another path the path of submission submission to the Lord's will that's a wonderful path to be brought in there's some difficult paths there's crooked paths but the path of submission when we're able to say nevertheless not my will but thine be done whatever the [35:22] Lord sees fit to bring into our path to know that the Lord is in it to know that this God is our God to know that he's saying this to us I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not Lord if I'm one of thine bring me into that pathway bring me into this crooked way bring me into the darkness so that I might know true light and then to be brought into this final path where we're brought to submit these things will I do unto them knowing this that the Lord will not forsake us and not forsake them there's something great something wonderful in this so that the Lord is leading them all the time the Lord is going with them in all these various paths and even in that path of submission as the Lord Jesus himself was brought to that he was brought contrary to his father's will although he said if it be possible let this cup pass from me he was not rebelling against his father's will but I believe the weight and the reality of what was before him was so heavy so great upon him in his humanity he saw the tremendous sacrifice that it meant he realised the suffering that was before him and then he was brought into this nevertheless not my will but thine be done and when we're brought as he was to see that which is before us the great suffering that we may have to be brought into the great sacrifice that we may have to make and yet in spite of it all to be brought in submission to [37:13] God's will knowing this that whatever we're brought into this God will not forsake us this is a blessed a wonderful thought as we look back this God has not forsaken us has he ever forsaken you there may be times when things have been crooked when things have been dark that you felt this God forsaken you but can you honestly say you who hope the Lord has opened your blind eyes can you truly say that this God has ever forsaken you solemn if you have but looking back surely we thought these things we felt perhaps inwardly in our flesh that the Lord had forsaken us but here is his promise these things will I do unto them and not forsake them if the [38:15] Lord had forsaken us in this path in the path of prayer the Lord had forsaken us where would we be when those things were crooked when the rough places that we walked if we had no shoes of iron and brass if the Lord was not leading us if he'd forsaken us where would we have been we could have gone a single step we'd have been there now wouldn't we we could never have got out of those crooked places we could never have traversed those rough paths could we of course we couldn't and therefore looking back we can see the Lord has never forsaken and the Lord never will forsake his people this brings us to another point with regard to the future that path which is hidden from us that path which is still dark which we have no light upon the Lord will not forsake his people and therefore we can look to him and trust him that in the future this God will go before us things may not be as we expected them to be things may be totally different to what we expected but if this [39:29] God is our God rest assured of this he will not forsake us and then we will come to the end how often we may feel then how will it be will this God forsake us then will he forsake us in the article of death and then in that resurrection morning will he forsake us then if this God has forsaken us here he'll forsake us in death in that resurrection more but if you and I can look back and say the Lord has opened our eyes that now we can look back and see the way in which he has gone before us the way in which he has led us made the crooked thing straight and rough places plain where he has opened doors for us where he has shut doors where this Lord has done everything where we can see perfection in all his dealings once in all his dealings wise and good uniform though various though they seem by reason viewed cross or quite contrarious yet to look back and see the wisdom and the wonders of God in it and that this God has not forsaken us then he will not forsake us in death he will not forsake us in that day of the resurrection we've thought much of that especially this last few days with regard to that resurrection morn we speak of sudden death sudden glory don't we well of course the dead know not anything and therefore [41:13] I firmly believe that when one departs this life whether the resurrection may be hundreds of years it is but a moment and there will be that sudden resurrection the spirit will go to God that gave it but those things which are dark and hidden from us we should not delve into but this we do know that there will be a resurrection we do believe that this corruption will be raised and it will be raised in corruption or it will be raised in it will be raised in glory what a mercy to be able to believe that this God will not forsake us that this mortal must put on immortality that this corruption will put on incorruption these things will I do unto them oh blessed be the name of the [42:16] Lord he's the author he's the finisher and he that has begun a good work in you will perform it if the Lord has opened your eyes if he has shown you a little of what you are by nature if he is causing you to plead with him at the throne of grace these things he will do and he will not forsake you until his work is finished well may this God the God of Israel the God of his people be your God my God because of his he will not forsake his people we must leave it may the Lord have his blessing Amen