Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Help me, I would direct your prayerful attention to the Gospel according to Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28. [0:21] Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [0:41] This word here is a very familiar text. We might say in some quarters a popular text. [0:52] But my friends, there are those needful qualifications for you and me to come. [1:03] And what is it? Why? To labour and be heavy laden. Christ will not be valued by you and me unless we know what sinners we are. [1:20] This is a faithful and acceptable saying that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. [1:32] Oh, many talk of sin. Many confess their sins with a lip. But all to fail. [1:42] Have you and I felt this conviction of sin? Has the Lord sanctified to you and me their distresses, their trials, their afflictions, and caused them, us to realise that sin is the cause of all our woe? [2:04] Woe is me. Woe is me, says one. I am undone. Job said, Behold, I am vile. [2:15] I believe, dear friends, I felt a little companionship to Philpott last night. It raised up a hope in my heart as I read one of his letters that in many years he was beginning to learn what a sinner he was, what a hypocrite he'd been, and how ashamed he was of his profession. [2:44] And I said, That's me. That's me. Ashamed. Ashamed. Not of Jesus. Ashamed of my sinfulness. [2:54] Ashamed of my profession. Ashamed of my sinfulness. Ashamed of my sinfulness. Oh, my friends, we have to realise as we journey on that the wretchedness of ourselves. [3:06] Oh, wretched man that I am. There's no room for pride of the flesh in our religion. And yet, my friends, the flesh will desire to have the preeminence, but Christ must have the preeminence. [3:24] And as you and I are taught how wretched we are, and as we see here, the Lord even says, as he upraised the cities, wherein most of the mighty works were done, because they repented not. [3:41] Now it is the divine appointment and will of God that those in the covenant shall repent. And what a mercy if he's caused you and me to have our hearts brought down. [3:57] He brings down your heart with labour that you might fall down. Oh, there's teaching in the 107th Psalm for those pilgrims that are cany and bound. [4:09] And oh, it's a painful experience. You see, the Lord then will bring you and me down. He's going to prostrate you and me in the dark. [4:21] And you'll feel that sentence of death in yourself. And you'll realise then what a mighty Saviour Jesus is. [4:32] You begin to learn a little. Oh, you do need him to bid you and me come to him. He'll strip you and me then of all their fancied meekness to approach the dread I am. [4:47] One in prayer said before the service, Great God, how infinite I am. What worthless worms are we. We have to walk it out. [4:57] I am a worm and no man who wants to be labelled a worm. Not you and me in our natural condition. But the Lord will teach you and me what wretched, dying worms we are and how we're in need of the Lord to deliver us, to save us, else we shall perish in our sins. [5:23] So the Lord in his mercy first will show you as he did these cities, Chorazin. Woe unto thee Chorazin, woe unto thee Bethesda, for if the mighty works which had done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago. [5:44] Oh, and so you see, my friends, though these trials sanctified to the Lord's people cause them to be brokenhearted, cause them to cry out, unclean, but create in me, O God, will be their prayer, a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. [6:05] Or you won't have a lip religion. Some today seem to be full of religion in the lip, full of the knowledge of the truth in the letter. [6:19] What good is it, friends? We can find a word of Scripture to support our arguments, but that will not profit you and me, dear friends. [6:31] The Lord, I believe, will silence you and me. I was done with silence. Some stroke will befall you and me. We shall be done with silence, because thou, Lord, didst it. [6:45] I may not have told you when the Lord struck down my brother. What a solemn experience it was to me. I believe I wept within for a week. [6:58] I truly mourned over him as I've never mourned before over another. You see, my friends, he seemed to keep away from me when he knew that I was in the ministry, would sit in his car outside and send his family in if he passed by, came to the house. [7:19] You see, my friends, what a solemn thing it is to have a name to live and be dead. He worshipped the music more than he did the God that roars on high and thunders, cuts us down in a moment. [7:35] Oh, how we need that grace then to come unto him as a heavy laden, burdened sinner for that rest. There'll be no easy passage for you and me into heaven, but the mercy is if you're found amongst those that are laboring at the throne of divine grace, laboring to enter into that rest that remaineth to the people of God. [8:01] Here's my heart, Lord, sinful as it is. Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it. Seal it from thy courts above that I might know thee, that I might feel that union and communion with thee, a wretched sinner. [8:18] You might realize a little that two opposites meet together in Christ as he hath appeased the wrath of God that is due unto you and me. [8:29] So here's your hope and mine. It is this precious name of Jesus. It is this rock, my friends, or that we might then know what it is as we search the scriptures. [8:45] And they might search you and me. Be that prayerful desire to be searched and tried to see if there's any wicked way in you and me and to be led in the way everlasting, to be found amongst those that truly repent. [9:04] There's a change of heart. There's a godly sorrow. There's a mourning. It isn't having long faces, is it, as the Pharisees do? [9:14] It isn't being desired to be seen of men in the streets. It is that hidden man, isn't it? The ornament of a meek and a quiet spirit within, a desire. [9:28] Lifting up your eyes unto the Lord, secret cryings and groanings before him that the Lord would make you right and keep you right, that you might through mercy be given this rest at last. [9:43] See, there's no peace saith my God for the wicked, but peace that the Lord hath procured for his dear people on that suffering and sorrowing experience he had on Calvary's tree. [10:00] But before he gets to Calvary's tree, there's that in the garden. He, being in an agony, prayed more earnestly when he sweat, as it were, great drops of blood fall into the ground. [10:14] What love, dear friends, what love there is of Christ to poor sinners and he bids sinners come. All this is that invitation of the gospel to those that are poor and needy, that seek water and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst. [10:36] He's given you a real thirst, dear friends, your tongue will fail for this thirst of the living God. You want him to come and bless your soul with that sweet assurance that he's got a favour towards you, that he will cause your transgressions to be covered covered and all your sins to be blotted out as a thick cloud that he might call you return unto me. [11:10] We can never come to Christ. As some might infer, we can never come to Christ unless he draws you and draws me. [11:22] Now the mercy is if he's drawn you by that sweet resistless grace and as we've been singing, they never think they're laid too low. [11:35] If Jesus on them pity shows, easy to say, isn't it? But it's walking it out, it's walking it out through this wearisome world. [11:47] He brings down then our hearts with labour. We fall down as none to hell. But Jesus, my friends, has bid sinners then come unto me. [11:59] All ye that labour and are heavy laden. Or may there be a little hope in your heart tonight and mine that he's bid you come. These invitations then in the gospel are for these broken-hearted and contrite-spirited sinners. [12:19] Those that are empty, those that are poverty-stricken, those that feel their need of him, those that are burdened with their sins. [12:31] Call upon me in the day of trouble. So here there's an invitation to the throne of divine grace as you're brought into deep affliction or sorrow. [12:45] So there's a Lord, help me. There's a Lord, I am oppressed. Undertake thou for me. And sometimes you feel to seem to cry and shout and he shuts out your prayer. [12:58] But he does regard, he's promised in his word to regard the prayer of the destitute. Oh how then the Lord teaches us and as we go from year to year as spared so we realise how little we know of Christ. [13:19] and we seem to get more and more emptied of self. And this is a good thing, a painful experience but a good thing to be emptied of self, to be brought to realise your nothingness and like the worm your nothingness. [13:39] What respect have you and I to the worm? How much less respect will the Lord have to you in your carnal condition yet my friends through mercy if he has a favour towards you then there be that quickening influence of the spirit you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins he saw you ruined in the fall yet love you not withstanding all and he bid such calm and so you are drawn to his mercy seat you are drawn to the throne of divine grace and you would be thankful that there yet is room there is yet room for you a poor worthless sinner that you might cry unto the Lord and the Lord hear you see the righteous cry those that he has implanted his fear within those whom he hath begun the work of grace within those whom he hath quickened change the heart so they know what it is to be one of these with that righteous desire within to serve the living [14:51] God to see Jesus to know him and that power of his resurrection that takes away your stony heart raises up a new hope in your heart and gives you that gift of living faith to believe that he is and is a rewarder of such that will diligently seek him but every step of the way will be dear friends with that crying and sighing unto the Lord you see my soul this is how a poor sinner speaks within my soul wait thou only upon God for my expectation is from him is from him and so you see the mercy is if your expectation is from him it won't be from man it won't be from an eloquent orator it won't be from a feeble sinner it will be dear friends by the blessed spirit of the Lord anointing you and though he uses the means of the preaching of the gospel to speak to sinners hearts yet my friends it won't be glorying in the flesh but it will be glorying in God in the face of [16:14] Christ Jesus as Christ is God manifested in the flesh the God man what a mercy then if your heart has been opened Lydia's heart opened to receive him here then is that privilege of the Lord's people have their hearts open there was a change what hath God wrought then in changing our hearts if we're not mistaken he's shown us our sinners ship the worldly knows nothing of real sin the worldly professor knows nothing of sin he might have that lip confession as we said earlier but those that those hearts are open will know then what it was to be like Job and that was to feel the vileness of their heart oh and every thought and act impure for the mercy is says the hymn writer the blood of [17:22] Christ thy soul can cure and so he bids poor sinners here's your hope to look unto Jesus look to Jesus you know Peter was brought there he was in a desperate situation the Lord bid him come but he began to sing you know when we look at ourselves and look at that great gulf that exists between you and Christ and we begin to sing we look at the troubled waters we look at the fires and we begin to sing how can I continue this deep affliction this sorrow this burden but you see it's looking to the trouble looking to those secondary things but it is mercy if your living faith looks to him and you'll know what it is to cry as a desperate thirsting sinner [18:25] Lord save me or I perish and the Lord reached forth and saved him oh is there mercy then to be found looking to him come unto man not coming to man it's coming and looking to this blessed saviour it is this saviour then who alone can lighten your darkness can break through the gloom and has he not promised that I will not leave you comfort less his disciples were tried as to his telling them that he was to leave then and as you search the scriptures you see how the Lord had told them that he must suffer bleed and die and they little understood and as you and I read the letter of the truth we shall little understand but then all the blessed mercy is those disciples on the Emmaus road a little comfort to you sometimes as you look therein and the [19:31] Lord opened the eyes of their understanding their hearts burned all blessed experience to have your heart burned when he talks with you by the way when he speaks to your troubled heart when he says unto you fear not little flock it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom you won't dear friends have many good pleasures here below but it'll be his good pleasure to give you the kingdom so as you labor and are heavy laden so your trials sanctified to you will bring you and me nearer to him and make you and me more dependent upon him cast his head on me thy care tis enough that I am nigh made nigh dear friends sinners are by that shed blood of Christ that alone can atone for your sins and mine because sin is the cause of all our woe all to see it more all to be delivered from this murmuring and complaining with our lot we're ready aren't we to bemoan our lot in this wilderness world but the wicked has his troubles the wicked has his afflictions and his trials but here is one who is able to save uttermost sinners one that is able dear friends to drive out the buyers and the sellers from your heart one that is able to whisper unto a heart heart peace be unto you my peace [21:14] I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so there's a heart burning there's a crumb of mercy there's a sip from the wells of salvation when Jesus draws near and goes with you when he speaks to your heart when he says unto your soul oh how we long to hear it we long to hear it that sweet assurance that Christ is ours that he's in the vessel that he's formed in our hearts as the hope of glory we're not without hope are we that he's in the vessel you'll smile then at the storm as he reveals himself to you when he says my presence shall go with there what are our troubles dear friends with the Lord Jesus to support them in there easy to say it isn't it when the trouble when [22:19] Satan enters like a flood or what a burden it is to you some trial arises but you see when the Lord squeezes prayer out of your heart that's a cry you sow in tears then it's a profitable prayer often I mourn over my night and morning devotions at home I mourn over my poor pulpit prayers I mourn over prayer because I feel to lack dear friends that feeling with it but I hope there are times when I felt to cry I reflect at this time upon one occasion when one of their family was in trouble I believe I knew what it was to cry before them as we gathered around the table you see my friends how soon trouble can be fall and only the [23:24] Lord can deliver but you see looking back at that time I believe the Lord and I don't want to boast of self God forbid those occasions in deep trial the Lord squeezes prayer out of your heart you're brought down you're in a low place you're cast down but you cry and the Lord hears and you look on and he delivers and you're blessing your heart truly weeps with praise to the goodness of God and you're unworthy there's some of these occasions that you might have experienced yourself very few very rare they've been real cries and they've been real answers as the Lord has bid you come he's drawn you to the mercy seed he's squeezed out prayer you've cried the Lord's heard he's delivered you've gone on your way for a few moments rejoicing this is the [24:24] Lord's doing it is marvelous in your eyes and then you have some great blessing given you and it seems dear friends to pass by as just another as a matter of fact or what wretched worms we are what guilty sinners we are before God you see but we have to realize this prove the painful lesson as we journey on without me ye can do nothing and we can do nothing dear friends in this pathway to serve God to please God to honor God without me ye can do nothing but you see he bid you and me come and poor sinners in that moment of great trial are led to the mercy seat to the throne of divine grace and that door of his mercy stands open all day to the poor and the needy that not by the way so we would bless [25:30] God if there had been those occasions when we have come laboring and heavy laden to the throne of grace seeking that the Lord would intercede for us that he would make intercession for us that he would plead before his father's throne that he would have compassion upon us and empty send us not away and I will give you rest so you see there's that right attitude there's that right way to come you come then when this we're brought here could the creature help or ease us seldom should we think of prayer few if any come to Jesus till reduce to self despair or how then the Lord has to deal with us as he takes us as stones from the quarry of nature to fashion us to wean us from the world and fashion us through mercy one day we hope like under his glorious body so there's a weaning work to be done as as as he quickens you by his spirit draws you to that mercy seat and you pour out your soul before [26:56] God and it'll be with that prayer of the publican no boasting of the proud Pharisee of what he had done but you come like that poor publican that and that with the desire that God would be merciful unto you a sinner so he bids you come and it's how everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come ye by wine and milk without money and without price you see this gift dear friends of grace is without money and that grace alone is sufficient for you and his strength is made perfect in your weakness so we would be found looking to him casting your cares and your burdens upon him that he might sustain you so as you pass through this veil of tears as you find it is a pathway of through much tribulation and yet the [28:14] Lord has said be of good cheer I have overcome the world and oh what a burden is the world to us thorns in the flesh daily to buffet us is it not though to keep you and me in our rightful place that we're not lifted up with that pride religious pride pride what an evil is religious pride and though so the Lord will bring you down it is thus that pride and self must fall that Jesus may be all and in all I will give you rest he says you see the mercy is if we get into that kingdom at last that kingdom of immense delight where pure enjoyment reigns there's the rest dear friends there's the perfection when you bear through mercy the image of the heavenly your toils here below will one day cease and through mercy you'll be given that abundant entrance into his everlasting kingdom there'll be nothing there to mar your joy as there is here below if the [29:34] Lord dear friends blesses you here then we need to be upon our watch tower have sometimes come out of God's house and Satan has pounced upon me and brought me down such as the sweetness may be we felt for a moment in the sanctuary maybe in the line of a hymn it's all gone we brought down to that sad lamentable state whereby the power of Satan seems to rest upon us or how we have to prove this is not our rest it is all polluted so we would be looking to Jesus that we might truly feel that union and communion with him that he might deliver us at last from this wicked world and grant that he might reveal to us that he hath gone to prepare a place for us and he will come again and receive us unto himself that where he is through mercy we may be also for there the wicked cease from troubling and the weary will be at rest the weary will be at rest what a prospect this is sinner though you have at times been blessed here below with those durable riches and solid joys yet my friends nothing compared to that everlasting joy in heaven above and so you would humbly hope through mercy that you'll overcome through the blood of the lamb you see a suitability in jesus your savior and to him you would lift up your eyes and see that he would draw you to calvary to behold that sacred scene that blessed scene see jesus suffering in your room place and stand to realize though you're guilty of breaking all ten commands your sins have defiled you your sins have separated you and your iniquities as it were have hidden his face from you yet when the lord shines through the gloom reveals to you what he's done then oh how sweet it is if such the sweetness of the streams as he reveals to the city of god these streams that flow out from the river of his love you prove him to be your refuge and your strength a very present help in trouble and what a mercy to know that in that he has suffered being tempted he's able to suffer you that are tempted and in due season make a way of his game oh it's coming to me oh may we not lose sight may we be favoured with that grace to to come to him that he might draw us to his mercy seat that we might pour out our souls before him that we might make our wants and our wishes known and have a sweet hope raised up in our heart that we shall overcome that we shall get the victory through the merits of [33:02] Jesus and love you see the bruised reed he will not break you'll be as a bruised reed you'll be a smoking flash but he'll bring forth judgment unto victory when his judgments are in the earth when he when he shows to you these afflictions are his judgments for sin my friends then you'll learn obedience like Christ your glorious leader your captain being found in in the flesh he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross cannot describe really how I've sometimes felt to see Christ in that light how he humbled himself he the son of God who amongst us wants to be humbled before man but think of him the only begotten son of [34:06] God who humbled himself humbled himself that he might be exalted in due time oh my friends what a savior what condescending love did Christ have to come into this world to save sinners this is a faithful and acceptable saying that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners he laid his glory by he veiled his glory he veiled it he is that glorious and faithful high priest who is in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly come unto me come boldly to the throne of grace that you might obtain mercy and find grace to help in your time of need now have we felt a time of need you know [35:10] I fear today there are not many know what it is to have a real felt time of need you see the psalmist says I am poor and needy yet he had faith to believe that the Lord had thoughts towards him of peace and not of evil I am poor and needy yet the Lord thinketh upon me it is a mercy if you have a hope in your heart that the Lord thinketh upon you how do we know that the Lord thinketh upon us why I believe when he reveals himself to us when he drops a word in season into our hearts when he speaks to our heart and have not some of you heard his voice a word from heaven it has been dear friends as dew all my doctrine shall drop as the rain my speech shall distill as the dew you felt such sweetness as these streams have flown out from the river of [36:21] God's love he spoken to your heart when he speaks to your heart by way of conviction then your heart will be brought down and be burdened but when through mercy comes and comforts your troubled heart then my friends how sweet it is as he speaks to your heart as he drops a word of promise as he comforts you as he whispers unto you peace be unto you as he says and this is what we long for to be pardoned of our sin for him to say son thy sins are forgiven thee daughter thy faith has saved thee go in peace something you'll plead dear friends Samuel had to be taught as a child and he had to learn this to come before the Lord and for to speak for the [37:24] Lord to speak to him and those things dear friends that were spoken to him were enough to make the ears of Israel tingle be things dear friends that the Lord speaks will try you tempt you and you begin to say there's no hope for me not a glimpse of hope for me only in Gethsemane but then through mercy the Lord doesn't leave you there but he must start right dear friends if your religion must be started right what God does is forever what he does is forever and if he's begun that good work in you he'll perform it until the day of Jesus Christ there won't be everyday blessings there won't be everyday promises there won't be maybe every year promises or every 10 or 20 years promises but there be dear friends a promise and the [38:33] Lord says I will never leave you nor forsake you so says Paul to the Hebrews I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we can boldly say the Lord is my helper now when is this boldness in the flesh no when you're in the spirit that holy boldness of the spirit where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty there's boldness there's boldness to come to the throne of grace though you can boldly say the Lord is my helper I not fear what man should do unto man for he hath hidden these things from the wise and the prudent you can't learn it in the letter it's in the spirit he has revealed these things unto babes all to be a babe in [40:56] Christ then the babes cry and your desire the sincere milk of the word that you might grow thereby and Paul says but grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ grow in grace so there's that desire that you might grow in grace and the further you go on the less and less you seem to possess of this vital gift of grace and this is an exercise to your soul and mine we don't get very far advanced do we in the things of God and why is that because the Lord is going to teach you and me what we are in his side and he's going to make you and me to cry mightily unto him and plead the merits of Jesus only for we shall only stand upon his merit is [41:57] Jesus only then is that way to God and yet the Lord has promised that he will pour upon the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and of supplication and when when you look at that in the right sense dear friends that's not a spirit of grace and of supplication on the world it isn't universal but it's dear friends it is upon the house of David and the city of Jerusalem it is the remnant according to the election of grace upon whom this spirit will be poured upon or to be favoured then to be amongst such characters that have been born of God created anew in [42:57] Christ and blessed with this needful grace to come as labouring souls heavy laden souls for this gift of eternal life the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ dear Lord there's no other way I am the way the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the father but by man but all that the father giveth man shall come to man the house of David and the city of Jerusalem all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast down are you coming sinner as he brought you down love have you mourned over your poverty have you mourned over the hardness of your heart have you been found in mourning over your sins sins oh it comes back again dear friends sinners convinced of sin sinners can say and only they how precious is a saviour oh we have to realise then as I said earlier as we journey on what wretched men we are in the sight of God and nothing dear friends our very best is tain and die we sin our all is nothing worth nothing shall we bring but it is as a wretched sinner and smiting upon your breast it's here within the burden lies and past offences pain my eyes you know you know the plague of your heart the [44:58] Lord seems to cause me to know more and more the plague of my heart there's no pride in religion friend no pride in preaching no pride in being the scene of man oh I could run away from it as easy as that you see the Lord has stripped me of any fancied meekness of any fancied ability to stand up in his name oh my friends what a painful path it is to be a follower of Christ a disciple of Christ oh it is though a mercy if there's something just hold you on something that you cling to some precious promise some hope in his mercy that though unworthy of his notice he will yet reveal his love to you that you might enter at last into that rest that remaineth to the people of [46:02] God you know we read that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repented rather than ninety nine that have no need of repentance oh there's plenty of self righteous zeal about today but that won't stand us in good stead will it it'll be dear friends in that grace given you and me in a dying hour that we shall overcome and that where souls might be as ransom of the Lord landed safe in those yonder shores of bliss then we shall rest then we shall rest in his love faith will be exchanged for vision and there from the rivers of his grace through mercy we shall drink endless pleasures in what must it be there to be with Christ it will be far better to live than his [47:03] Christ to die his gain may we know then this blessed gift of that rest that remaineth to the people of God come then unto me you'll find it nowhere else dear friends or to be led to Calvary or to consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be faint and weird in your minds and you are faint and weird in your minds if I know anything of the pathway yet the Lord is faithful that promise and he that hath begun that good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ what a saviour he is we cannot begin to comprehend this love of Christ what we believe this that he's rich and free fixed on his own eternal love and so you as a poor sinner will still hope in his mercy will still look to him and will still plead the merits of that shed blood that fountain open for sin and uncleanness see [48:22] I will pour upon the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and of supplication and they shall look upon him whom they have pierced whom they have pierced and they shall mourn over him as a man will mourn over his only begotten son oh what a mercy to be a mourner there mourning over your sins and after him that through mercy he might give you rest at last you know you'll be meek and because he says I am meek and lowly in heart he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto yourselves you see you and I may fear that we shall not get the victory raise thy downcast eyes and see numbers do his throne surround these were sinners once like thee but of full salvation no they have been favoured by the blood of the lamb to be amongst those whom he hath redeemed from the curse of the broken law or may the [49:50] Lord make us then through mercy real Christians washed in the dear redeemer's blood that we might be given at last that heavenly rest amen amen hymn ten hundred and seventy five during St. [50:44] Catherine seven hundred and ninety three well hidden love of God whose I whose deck unfathomed no man knows I say from fire thy beauteous light and in list of sigh for thy returns. My heart is pain, nor can it be at rest till I find rest in thee in 1075 to 793. [51:21] 793. 7 Mega advancement. [51:52] In the game of God is CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [53:02] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS The sound that strides with me My heart to show Not every day Rain and love [54:02] And every day Rehabilitation and Peace of my heart O help me free Winter's found It's done in me O mercy Thou are ye Sail that night [55:05] No more that light In me may be Hear, O my fire For your affection's light Now and the hate To the heart To the heart And the light In your heart In your heart In your heart I see Nothing Nothing [56:07] Dece But What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's [57:11] What's What's What's What's O love, give me, give all my soul, and all my doubts, my life, my soul. [57:51] Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen. [58:21] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. [58:31] Amen it is right. Amen. Thank you.