Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] If you may help me, we'll turn to the Gospel as recorded by John, chapter 4 and verse 10. [0:12] The Gospel of John, chapter 4 and verse 10. Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. [0:39] We turn to this account given us here, an account regarding the Lord's dealings with this woman of Samaria, and of which we've turned to it numbers of times in the past. [0:52] But again, as we look at the things brought before us here this evening, I trust that under the Lord's blessing, it may be that which is both for our instruction, and also as well, that these things would truly speak to our hearts, and our indeed hearts and minds drawn, unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. [1:17] For oh, what things concerning himself, regard to his ways and dealings with sinful men and women, the wonder of his grace, of his goodness, of his almighty power, of his divine sovereignty, as evident here. [1:35] Ah, well, what cause do we have, surely, to give thanks, unto our God and Saviour, not only for what is evident, in what is brought before us, in this chapter, but also what still, the Lord is made known, in the hearts and lives, of all, that the Lord calls, by his grace. [2:00] The first point I would notice is this, we read, that he must needs, go through Samaria. Now I've commented in the past, that this route through Samaria, was not, not the usual way, that a Jew would travel, from Jerusalem, to Galilee. [2:21] But, but be that as it may, we find that the Lord takes this route, with his disciples, at this precise time, it says he must, needs, go through Samaria. [2:34] What an emphasis is there, upon that word, must, go through Samaria. It blessedly, sets before us, that in all the Lord's ways, and dealings, both when he was here, upon earth, and of which he concerns still, regard to all, pertains to his glory, within his kingdom, and his one church, regard to his dealings, with each one, of his own. [3:05] There is divine appointment, there is divine appointment, in all. Nothing, is left, to contingency. Nothing, is certainly not, by chance, or fortune. [3:19] There is a divine purpose, and we see, wonderfully, brought before us, the divine purpose, of our God, and Saviour, even in the instance, here, of this woman, of Samaria. [3:34] You know, this divine purpose, and appointment, is evident, in all the Lord's, ways and dealings, with each sinner, that he thus, calls, by his grace. [3:48] In the later chapter, in this gospel, as recorded by John, we read, the Lord saying, other sheep, I have, which are not, of this fold, them also, I must bring, there shall be, one fold, and one shepherd. [4:05] Oh, what cause, do we have surely, to bless, and praise, his great, and holy name, for these divine, appointments, this divine, purpose, surely, indeed, fulfilled, and accomplished, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name. [4:25] As I've expressed, numbers of times, oh, what none of the, vital importance of, but what calls, truly, for thankfulness, unto our God, and this is, surely is that, which will be realized, the very experience, of each sinner, taught of God, the Holy Spirit, and that is, well, that is, the shalls, and the wills, of Jehovah. [4:52] I will, he says, and they, shall. Remember, friends, nothing is left, in all that pertains, the blessings, of salvation, to the glory, of our God. [5:05] Nothing is left, dependent, upon the sinner. No, it is all on, and from our God. We little here, the days, in which we live, the emphasis, I feel, always should be, upon, the divine, appointments, and purposes, of our God, is shalls, and wills. [5:28] I will, they shall. And here, again, we notice this, he must need, go through Samaria, coming, to a city of Samaria, which is called, Sychar, near to the parcel of ground, that Jacob gave, to his son, Joseph. [5:46] Now, this particular spot, was that, which one of the first places, that Abraham, after his coming out, being brought out, of the Chaldeans, the first place, it were, where he, where he dwelt. [6:05] And later on, likewise, with Jacob, when he come there, outside the city, of Shechem, he gave, he bought a parcel, of land, as it said, and reminds us here, of which, there, before his death, he gave particularly, unto his son, Joseph. [6:28] And where Joseph's, bones were buried, when the children of Israel, carried, his bones, over, from that, from Egypt, and, of those years, in the wilderness, of the land of Canaan, and buried them, there, in this parcel of ground, that Jacob, had given, unto him. [6:50] And that, evidence, in as it did, not merely, Joseph's sentiment, that his bones, should be buried, in Canaan, but in, but, but, evidence is that, his faith, and trust, in his God, that what God, has spoken, what God, had promised, that he would, visit them, that they should be, brought up, out of Egypt, and brought into, possession of the land, of Canaan, as he had promised, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, would surely, be fulfilled. [7:26] And was, Joseph's faith, and trust, in his God, misplaced? No, what God, has spoken, what he has promised, is that, which most surely, he will perform, and that, to the praise, of the glory, of his name. [7:44] But what an insight, we have here, into the sacred, humanity, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that he was, truly a man, indeed, did partake, of our human condition, sin, accepted, unquestionably, he was God, manifest, in the flesh. [8:06] But, as the children, were partakers, of flesh and blood, he also, himself, likewise, we are told, partook, of the same. And we are told, likewise, was tempted, in all points, like as we are, yet, without sin. [8:24] he knew, friends, what it was, to hunger, he knew, what it was, to thirst. We see him here, likewise, weary, with his journey, as he sat, thus on the well. [8:38] He knew, what it was, to suffer. Did he lay down, his life, for his people? Oh, the point, I just make, in referring, to these things, is this, that here, the very person, of our Lord Jesus Christ, what gracious, encouragement, is this, for the living, family of God, not only, that he knows, all, the concerns, each and every, one of his people, but that, friends, there is no place, into which, they are found, which he has not, got, that were, gone, that they are, both with them, and indeed, does go, before them, and is able, as his word, blessedly, testifies, to minister, unto them, as one, not remote, from them, but who knows, from, that we might, put it this way, from personal experience, the very things, that are found, in the life, and path, of the living, family of God, he sat, thus on the well, weary, with his journey, we're told, also, it was about, the sixth hour, and that is around, midday, when, and which was, a most unusual, event, with respect, to this woman, of Samaria, coming, with a water pot, to draw water, that were, in the very, heat of the day, the most unusual, occurrence, there was not, the time, when water, was generally drawn, from that well, but, the point, [10:19] I just make, is this, is there anything, either in, the action, of our Lord Jesus, here, with regard, to this woman, coming, at this particular time, which is merely, of coincidence, no, here, we see again, the outworking, of divine appointments, the appointed time, of, road, of pace, not to propose, but call by grace, to change the heart, renew the will, and turn the feet, to Zion's hill, and oh, to the praise, of the glory, of our God, so it is, the case, of every sinner, whom the Lord, calls by his grace, there is, an appointed time, that, when the Lord, will and does, does manifest, himself, in saving grace, and mercy, as here, unto this woman, and looked at, from the human standpoint, not appear, to be most, an unlikely case, look at this woman, sinner that she was, sinner that the Lord, discovers, unto her sin, remember friends, nothing is hidden, from the Lord, though, apparently, a straight, she is, apparently, as she viewed it, this Jew, that sat, thus on the well, was a complete stranger, but ah, she was no stranger, to the Lord, of life, and glory, he not only, knew, all her circumstances, he knew, all that in her heart, to wear, unacquainted, with her sins, and her folly, and deed, and yet, and yet, friends, remember this, as it was, with this sinner here, so it is so, with each, and every one, whom the Lord, calls by his grace, he not only, knows, all about them, but ah, they were, in his heart, from before, the foundation, of the world, here, we see, the outworking, the very, even his dealings, with this sinful woman, the outworking, of his, of his, just of his grace, and mercy, and that manifesting, as it does, the great love, wherewith, he has loved his people, even when, they were dead, in trespasses, and sins, yes, [12:53] I say, humanly speaking, bethought, the most unlikeness, of character, that the Lord, should deal, with this woman, and here, ah, but what cause, surely, we're to be, thankful unto the Lord, it is, whatever friends, is the situation, and condition, whatever is the sins, even the deep, dying stains, of sin, that is found, in the hearts, and lives, of men, and women, ah, and no barrier, to the Lord, manifesting, is sovereign, and saving grace, according, to his own, to his own, appointment, the point, I'm emphasizing, is this, it is not, any ground, of desert, or even, of undeserving, and surely, concerns, each, and every sinner, none are deserving, none ever, will be deserving, of the Lord's mercy, and favor, no, it all is found, and rooted, in this, not what, the sinner, is, not what, the sinner, can do, but what, [14:02] God in Christ, has appointed, and provided, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, ah, oh, I say, the wonders, yes, of his mercy, here, to this sinner, of the very, reality, of the great love, wherewith, he has loved, his people, even, when, they were dead, in trespasses, and sins, bear in mind, there is no, overlooking, her sin, there is no, friends, excusing, her sin, it is brought, home to her, the very, real, and personal way, in the Lord's, dealings with her, but our, friends, of wonder, and wonder, is this, not that it is, the ignoring, or setting aside, of her sin, but in the glorious, person, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, our, it is, as he's, as he's, blessedly, set before us, in his, in his word, yes, this man, receiveth sinners, and eateth with them, and our, what he manifests, to this woman, here, is what, her sin, grievous indeed, that which calls forth, of the righteous, judgment of God, but here, in the person, of the saviour, there is that, which speaks, pardon and peace, to a guilty soul, founded, and grounds as it is, not only for her, every sinner, the Lord, caused by his grace, founded upon, what the Lord, [15:41] Jesus Christ, himself, has accomplished, indeed, what he is, as he comes forth, from the Father, that great end, and purpose, is most surely, accomplished, to save, his people, from their sins, oh, the wonder, and reality, of this, well, does John, testify, of the same, and friends, surely, if we're brought, under divine teaching, to know, anything, of ourselves, and ruin, and wretchedness, through, through sin, their own, actual transgressions, and what is still, found, in our heart, and lives, as it is, indeed, true, and with respect, to the people of God, even after the Lord, has called them, by his grace, oh, how a cause, do we have, to praise, and bless, his great, and holy name, that, as John, reminds us, the blood, of Jesus Christ, his son, cleanseth us, from all sin, and I just repeat, again, words, [16:51] I've often referred to, as after sin, my soul, assails thee, turn thy eyes, to Jesus blood, nothing, short of this, can heal thee, seal thy peace, or do thee good, seek no healing, but in Calvary, in Jesus, precious blood, oh, I say the wonders, redeeming love, and mercy, displayed here, to this woman, not only to her, but also, obviously, to many as well, in that city of Samaria, and this was, the outworking, of the Lord's, sovereign purposes, of love, and mercy, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, we just notice, one or two other thoughts, as well, and one is this, see here, that we see, in the Lord's, dealings with this woman, how personal, it was, is that not so, the Lord's, dealings with each, and every one, of his own, just always, frames, in a very personal, is the Lord's, dealings with that, and that through the, gracious, and wondrous, ministry, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, look at this, with the account, that he given us, in the record, of the gospels, so again, and again, we see this, evidence, in one, and another, in that, we brought, not only a personal, contact, with the Lord Jesus, but who he dealt with, in a very real, and personal way, yes, manifesting, yes, indeed, that in him, and through him, only, is there, is there found, that one, that can, and does, not only, minister unto, but meet, even the deepest needs, of needy sinners, and that to the praise, of the glory, of his name, oh, how it reminds us, of this, the Lord's, personal dealings, as he, of this woman, how precious, in his sight, is everyone, whom his father, hath given him, that is a tremendous, thought, friends, when we consider, the word, set before us, that of that, great company, before, that shall be gathered, finally, there before, the throne, of God on high, that described, as a number, which no man, can number, out of every nation, kindred, tribe, and tongue, from under heaven, yet wondrous, true, glorious, great, glorious, glorious, glorious indeed, that each, and every, one of them, are not only, known to the Lord, but they are precious, in his sight, he hath loved them, and he hath laid down, his life, for them, he hath risen again, descended into heaven, he hath the right hand, of the Father, ever living, to make intercession, for them, and thus, as his word assures us, able to save, to the uttermost, all that come, unto God, by him, but to come, more particularly, to this verse, that I have read, by my other text, the Lord, requests of her, a drink of water, and she is surprised, that he, a Jew, should ask of her, a woman of Samaria, a drink of water, she says, the Jews, have no dealings, with the Samaritans, remember friends, there's always, very real, bigoted, controversy, between the Jews, and the Samaritans, yes, it has its origin, in going back, many years before, remember how, after the, [21:03] Eser Haddon, had removed, the ten tribes, of Israel, and it brought, into their place, others, from various parts, of the Assyrian, and Syrian empire, that there was, mixed there, both Jews, and Jews, and these others, and a very, mongrel worship, had been established, there, upon Mount Gerizim, but, but very, bigoted, and bitter, and bitter, and bitter, but a controversy, was between, Jew, and Samaritan, ah, is it any, different today, with respect, to religious, bigotry, and the contentions, that have found, and arise, with regard, to it, that is always so, where Jesus Christ, is not the sum, and substance, religion, friends, as cause, and still causes, today, such bitter, enmity, between, between, not only individuals, but also, we see, between, between, nations as well, and within nations, oh, the true religion, we might put it that way, of Jesus Christ, never leads, to those things, it never leads, to bitterness, and bigotry, no, for surely, wherever, friends, the love of Christ, is shed abroad, in the heart, by the Holy Spirit, ah, that thus, as believers, through grace, they do not, not brought, to know, for themselves, the true mind, of Jesus Christ, ah, and a concern, and desire, is, not only, to know about him, but to know him, and truly, to follow him, and what an example, he's given us, the person, of our Lord, [22:59] Jesus Christ, Peter reminds us, of this, he says, concerning our Lord, Jesus Christ, who when he, was reviled, reviled, not again, when he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself, to him, that judgeth, righteously, ah, and, and he reminds us, as well, leaving us, an example, that we should, follow him, oh, for grace, to know, more and more, what it is, so to live, not unto ourselves, but unto him, who died for us, and rose again, but, she said, she is of surprise, that he should ask, water of her, as a woman, of Samaria, Jesus said unto her, if thou knewest, the gift of God, and who it is, that sayeth to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked, of him, and he, would have given thee, living water, [24:02] Jesus answered us, if thou knewest, the gift of God, ah, now, I mean, very important truth, is set before us here, if thou knewest, the gift of God, how friends, is such knowledge, attained unto, is it that, which can be imparted, by another, another, another, the fellow creature, is it that, which can be obtained, by all the efforts, and endeavours, of fallen men, and women, even if, they had as it were, a concern, and desire, to attain unto it, no, if thou knewest, the gift of God, it reminds us, of the vital importance, of this, that, and that is, of the divine teaching, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, Paul reminds us, when he says, no man can say, that Jesus, is the Christ, but by, the Holy Ghost, and oh, how vital is that, in every aspect, the concerns, are real, and the true, welfare, of the church, yes, the Lord, calls his servants, to preach, the gospel, to bear witness, and testimony, according, to the grace, and the gift, he imparts, unto them, but friends, never lose sight, of this, that though, the gospel, may be sounded, in the ears, of men, and women, it is, by divine, divine power, alone, there is, a hearing, a receiving, of that word, if thou, knewest, the gift, of God, the implication, is, that this, obviously, was not, known, by her, or she, would not be, she, would have asked, something, very different, than what she, said, and again, not obvious, that she, did not know, but the implication, as well, it is that, which could never, be known, by the sinner, outside, and apart, from divine, teaching, and also, what is brought, before us, here, is, well, this, that that, which cannot, be known, apart, from the, the blessed, ministry, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, we see, in the, the giving, unto the sinner, of living water, both in their being, brought to us, for that living water, and is that, not in a sense, have found, in this, whereas, taught, where under, the gracious, teaching, of the Holy Spirit, the sinner, is quickened, from that death, in trespasses, and sins, and brought, into the light, and the life, of that, which is indeed, of God, the Holy Spirit, where there is, that very quickening, thus, thus, thus, that the sinner, wherein, the realisation, their very, their very need, has said, thus, as a sinner, so there is, and will be, that cry, thus unto the Lord, for mercy, we see it here, subsequently, with this woman, when the Lord, brings really, home to her, her, she's, known to her, it's known to her, how he's aware, of her whole situation, and condition, and brings, and exposes, our sin, here, that there, exposes, our sin, yes, in one way, she tries, to pass it off, she tries, to start with, to bring, other issues up, but our friends, that conviction, was fixed, fixed, fixed there, upon her, very heart, and all, she, and, and, and, we find, subsequently, when, she says, yes, we know, that when, [28:21] Messiah, cometh, he will tell us, all things, I, that speak, unto thee, am he, oh, what a, manifestation, surely, was there, in those words, of the Lord, to her, of the very, wonder, and reality, of what he speaks, of here, of this living water, and her, receiving it, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, again, important point, just to notice, when the Lord, says, he would, sayeth to him, give, give me to drink, thou wouldst, have asked of him, and he, would have given thee, a living water, we see, friends, how always, it is, as he has displayed, that in person, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, not only, is we, we find, in him, one, that is, mighty, to save, as his word, declares, but our, not only, an able, but a willing, a saviour to, all the fullness, and the freeness, of divine grace, are, and, and what is, ever, and what is, here, likewise is, he would have, given thee, living water, and, and, that surely, blessed, he testifies, as I've already said, on the fullness, but the freeness, of that grace, and mercy, of our God, unto a sinner, given, and given, not friends, because of asking, no, but given, fully, and freely, but what is, the blessed, he fends, the great, the very gracious, ministry, of the Holy Spirit, the heart, and life, of the sinner, that thus, convicted, of their sin, as Jesus, is revealed, unto them, so, they are brought, to cry, unto him, for mercy, or see, the evidences, of this, given us, in the word, go, for one, very blessed, manifestation, of this, in a most, wonderful, and remarkable, way, there, to Calvary, there, to that, dying thing, oh, see, the sovereign, almighty work, divine grace, in the very, heart, and life, of that sinner, there, there, in his, dying hour, well, indeed, as he was, brought friends, to cry, [31:02] Lord, remember me, when thou comest, into thy kingdom, was friends, his cry, turned aside, by the Lord, is ever a sinner, brought, to cry, unto him, the very fruit, and effect, of his grace, and then sent, empty away, no, today, should thou be, with me, in paradise, he would have, given thee, living water, now, to the final, thought, here, this evening, what is, this living water, he would have, given thee, living water, remember, tis the Lord, Jesus alone, from, from whom, and from, from whom, such blessings, is found, and flow, living water, ah, and, and he says, it beats, with a living water, as that, which, that which springeth up, he said, it's a drink of the water, that I shall give him, shall never thirst, the water, that I shall give him, shall be in him, a well of water, springing up, into everlasting life, oh, what wondrous truth, is he had brought, before us, what is this living water, it is Christ, in you, the hope, of glory, ah, this living water, is not only, what our Lord, [32:30] Jesus, has done, and does, for his people, and what in that sense, is most wondrously, appointed, and provided, but it is what he is, in himself, he would have given thee, living water, he gave himself, for his people, he lay down, his life for them, as his word testifies, ah, and he gives himself, unto them likewise, for, in all, that the Lord, makes known, of the wonder, of his grace, his mercy, and his love, unto them, is there not, in a very real sense, whether giving, not of himself, I say, for them, but unto them, and ah, it is as thus, through the riches, of his grace, that thou hast found, in him, one with him, ah, and he with them, yes, he would give thee, living water, and that, living water, which surely, has brought friends, to know, the gracious, reality of, for ourselves, as the Lord, declares here, the well of water, springing up, in them, unto everlasting life, it is as Paul, reminds us, the epistle, to the Philippians, he was persuaded, of it, that he, that he, that hath begun, a good work, in you, will perform it, unto the day, of Jesus Christ, yes, [34:05] Christ, in you, the hope, of glory, no other hope, friends, for us, for the, for the living family, of God, but that, which is found, and centers, in Jesus Christ, in all, that he is, and all, that he has done, for his people, and that is a hope, which never, will never, friends, make ashamed, no, the soul, that on Jesus, has leaned, for repose, he will not, he will not, forsake to, to his foes, that soul, that all hell, should endeavor, to shake, he'll never, no never, no never forsake, but I'll leave, the remarks there, where the Lord, had his blessing, Amen. [34:56] Sing hymn, 1044, in 1044, water, from salvation's, wells, thirsty sinner, come and draw, grace in Jesus, fullness dwells, more than men, or angels know, in 1044, 1044, water, from salvation's, well, water, from salvation's, wells, thirsty, sinner, come and draw, grace in Jesus, fullness dwells, more than men, angels, angels, angels, know, t'was in God, the found supreme, till the day, that Adam fell, then the first, all healing stream, water, [36:03] Eden's, garden, well, far and wide, the cleansing flood, all the sinkers, garden, round, preaching, peace, by Jesus, blood, blissful sounds, to grab, old man, thousands, now around, round the throne, water, from this fountain, drew, fell, their griefs, and sorrows, gone, in disgrace, and why not you, bring, no money, price, or hold, no good deeds, nor pleasing, frames, mercy, heaven, can be brought, grace is free, and all's a land.