Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Thank you. [0:30] Thank you. [1:00] Thank you. [1:30] Thank you. [2:00] Thank you. [2:30] Thank you. [3:00] Thank you. [3:30] Thank you. [4:00] Thank you. [4:30] Thank you. Thank you. [4:59] Thank you. [5:29] Thank you. [5:59] Thank you. Thank you. [6:59] Thank you. [8:01] [11:01] Thank you. [12:01] [14:31] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [14:43] May the Lord. May the Lord bless his word to us. And bless his word to us. And help us to pray. Thank you. Thank you. [14:55] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, and we swipe, for a God and realize still that there is a fullness of grace in Jesus Christ to meet this continuing and increasing need. And oh Lord we pray as we cannot keep from sin and have to realize in our members there is an infection of iniquity and corruption that brings guilt upon our conscience. [16:07] Oh that we may realize through Jesus Christ that what there is in his blood a cleansing sufficiency to make us even whiter than snow. We would come this evening once more thinking upon the atonement of Jesus Christ, the cost of our redemption, the cost of our gospel privileges, the cost of our hopes, the cost of our expectations. Lord there is nothing out of Christ that can bring hope to a sinner. Not a well grounded hope, not a good hope, but Lord there is everything in Christ to give a sinner hope. And oh we pray tonight help us again to cast anchor in that fullness, that wondrous provision of divine wisdom and everlasting love. Truly thou hast laid help upon one that is mighty. Not thou Lord were nothing but weakness and sinfulness in ourselves. Oh how wonderful it is to believe that God, the infinite almighty [17:45] God has seen us in our need. And made a perfect provision against such a perfect need. And we ask oh Lord that thou would help us tonight to draw afresh just a little from that fullness. Lord we feel sometimes it's only but a little we can contain. In this our mortal frame, how soon our little cup begins to flow over when the Lord sheds forth his mercy and his favour are therein. Lord there's no capacity, scarcely in us, in this finite mortal frame. But oh sometimes our souls long for that capacity which we believe to be reserved in heaven. [18:48] When thy people shall be enabled to praise thee as they ought. Lord to sing thy eternal praises with the fullness of understanding. [19:01] And Lord the ceaseless and plow of a pure heart of a continuous desire. Oh that we may be found Lord of thy right hand. [19:17] And this is indeed one of the chief reasons of our gathering together here tonight. We would make our calling and our election sure. [19:29] Lord we would ask Lord that we may find that mark, even that mark upon our foreheads, which is the portion of all thy chosen. [19:43] Lord there are people among the people, a separated people, a chosen people, a redeemed people, a regenerated people, a sanctified people, a glorified people, or to be found among the people of God. [20:08] And how sad to be among the people of God in the flesh, and a stranger to them in the spirit. And if the preaching of thy gospel here tonight, Lord, should make known such a condition, in the conscience of any before them, sanctify that realization, to quicken within them a desire, to be found among the people of God. [20:37] Lord, give them that warning within their own conscience, here and now, Lord, that they may begin to seek the portion of thy people from thine own hand. [20:51] Oh, should there be a daughter of mine, here tonight, Lord, put her among the roofs. May there may be no all-powers found within this congregation, who should turn away from Naomi's portion. [21:09] But grant, Lord, we pray, such a realization of the blessedness, of Naomi's portion through grace, that they may be able to say, Oh, this people shall be my people, and their God, my God. [21:29] We ask thee to come, Lord, in the power of thy blessed Spirit, and attend these simple things, that we attend to in thy name. [21:42] Oh, at times how aptly we find the expression, of the foolishness of preaching. But Lord, it has pleased thee, in thy eternal counsels, to save by the foolishness of preaching. [22:00] And we do ask that salvation may unfold within this congregation. That we may not end tonight, as we met this afternoon. [22:12] But that there may be some marks given. That there may be some powerful experience. [22:24] Realize. That, Lord, it shall be known by signs following. That thou hast appointed these things. That thou hast from eternity. [22:35] Designed and purposed that we should meet. As we are now meeting in thy name. Bless, Lord, the young people. [22:47] Oh, how thankful we feel to be for those young friends that are with us now. Lord, the temptations of our death. [22:58] The alarmants, the arguments. The satanic influences brought to bear upon them. Lord, put a hedge about them. [23:09] Be Daniel's God unto them. Make them willing in the day of thy power. To suffer for thy name's sake. Help them, Lord, that readily. [23:21] That they may take up their cross and follow thee. That they may be made willing to be identified. With a despised Nazarene. [23:34] And possess an inheritance. Rather, Lord, to escape that despising and persecuting. And be lost and perish forever. [23:47] Oh, give to them, Lord. Give to them Moses' wisdom. Who by thy grace received such a portion that he could despise the riches and promises of Egypt. [24:00] And chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God. God. For them to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. [24:11] For he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. Help any that are in a backsliding state. [24:22] Who feel not now the warmth of love. Who are journeying on in coldness. Darkness and indifference. [24:33] Who feel not the benefits of the gospel. As once they did. Who feel the ordinances of the gospel. To be a tiresome and irksome exercise. [24:45] O Lord, bless with the renewings of thy spirit. O thy dear people. Heal thy backslidings. [24:56] Love them freely. Thou art still, Ephraim's God. For thou knowest how many here tonight, Lord. Are his cakes not turned. [25:08] Who have, Lord, hearts. Lord, a sin in character. Neither hot nor cold. O could it please thee. [25:19] Tonight afresh, Lord. Warm their cold hearts with heavenly heat. And set those hearts on fire. And we pray that thou wilt, O Lord. [25:33] Bless our age, friends. O how thankful we feel. For those grey hairs still in the way of righteousness. That speak to us of the faithfulness. [25:45] And power and preservation of God. Lord, that all those enemies. That through the years of the conflict. And through the many temptations and afflictions. [25:57] And even persecutions. That some of our friends have come. That they can still say. Hitherto hath the Lord helped me. Help them tonight, Lord. [26:10] To set up an Ebenezer. Help them to record. Bear witness among the younger people. Of the goodness of God to them. That there may be an encouragement. [26:23] Passing down the generations. That we may be able to say. This God is my God. Forever and ever. [26:34] And will be my God. Even unto death. Lord, we pray. We pray. Again. That together we may thank thee. [26:46] For maintaining thy candlestick in this place. Through yet another year. Of time. Oh, what a mercy. Is that holy oil of the Holy Spirit. [27:00] Whereby a ministry. Is maintained in life. And Lord in nourishment. So that thy living people. [27:13] Can gather together and feed. Upon the good things of the gospel. Give to our dear brother thy servant. That which he may give. [27:25] Unto his people. Service by service. For Lord when thou wast here upon earth. Thou didst bless and break. [27:35] The barley loaves and fishes. And thou didst give to thy disciples. To give to the multitude. So may our dear friend. [27:46] Thy servant. Lord our dear Timothy. In the gospel relationship. Give him a fresh anointing. Again and again. [27:58] As he comes forth to speak in thy name. The Lord his word may not be. In word only. But in power. In demonstration of the spirit. [28:10] And much assurance. And may the living family of God. Who gather together here. Whether statedly. Or are brought here. [28:21] By thy overruling providence. Through the summer months of the year. Grant that they may find this. O Lord. To be as Bethlehem Judah. [28:33] Was in the days of deliverance. As now we heard. That the Lord had visited his people. In giving them rest. As he served them in spiritual things. [29:11] And may they be enabled together. To walk by faith. In that narrow way. Which honours God. And proves. And comforts the hearts of thy people. [29:25] That God is indeed with them. As he provides for them. And supplies. Their every returning need. So enable that thy people here. [29:39] To honour thee O Lord. In supporting thy servant. Thy prayer. And in every practical way. And may there be a continuance. [29:51] Of this relationship. Through many years to come. To the praise, honour and glory. Of thy grace. For thy name's sake. [30:03] And we ask O Lord. For thy servants with us. Of gracious help. Pastors. [30:13] That they may be helped. In the exercise of their influence. Both through the ministry. And in every other way. That Lord thy name may be glorified. [30:27] And thy grace exemplified. And thy people realize. The Lord to be with his servants. [30:38] Owning them and using them. To the extension of his kingdom. And the honour and glory. Of his holy name. And we are anxious. [30:50] For so many. Outside of the walls. Of our sanctuary. Some lost sheep. Of the house of Israel. [31:01] Are there not some other sheep. Which are not of this fold. Whom thou also must bring. O Lord. Could it please thee Lord. [31:13] Make bear thine arm. Gather to thyself. Such as are ordained. To eternal life. Grant O Lord. By the outworkings. [31:25] Of thy overruling providence. That some. Who have no doubt. For the ways of the Lord. Hitherto. [31:36] May be brought into. Gospel concern. And may be enquirers. At the gates of Jerusalem. Lord have mercy in this village. [31:50] If it please thee. Let not Satan's power. So predominate. The Lord a few shall gather. [32:00] While the rest shall harden in sin. Unto destruction. But if it please thee Lord. Grant some. Who yet are dead. [32:12] In trespasses and sins. May hear the voice. Of the Son of God. And live. Help us now. [32:24] All things. To acknowledge thee. Thou art God. And bountiful. In thy ways. And we would thank thee Lord. For maintaining our lot. [32:37] And preserving our unworthy lives. And extending to us. The mercies and privileges. Of home and family. And friends. All these things Lord. [32:49] Which. We are so unworthy of. Yet. They are continued to us. And we would be thankful for them. And we ask that in all our ways. [33:00] We may be directed. By thy infallible guidance. And it may be our burden. To watch closely. The movement. Of the pillar of cloud. [33:12] And pillar of fire. Knowing that in so far. As that cloud. Guides us. The Lord is with us. And we pray. [33:23] That thou wilt. O Lord. Bless thy church. With other ministers. To serve her. Some are made aside. We think of them. [33:34] O Lord. And. We would ask. That their afflictions. May be sanctified. And we ask. That thou wilt. Raise up other labourers. [33:46] To serve thy church. In this. Our generation. And that thou wilt. Bless our young people. Our young men. That there may be. [33:57] O Lord. Those from among them. Equipped. And prepared. Of God. Not only to carry. The vessels. Of the ministry. But to sustain. [34:08] Office within the church. In other ways. As is needful. To the church's. Future God. And we pray. That thou wilt. [34:19] Hear the many prayers. Of put up to thee. In secret. Those praying women. That are such an asset. In Zion. [34:30] Whose labours. In travail. For precious souls. Fine fulfilment. O. Dear Lord. We beseech thee. [34:41] Hear the prayers. Of thy people. Audible. And inaudible. And grant. That we may. Realise. In Zion. The benefit. [34:52] Of many. A hammer. Who came. Into the temple. Of God. With a heavy heart. And was given. A child. A child. That was. [35:02] A benefit. In Zion. For many. Generations. To come. Bless. Thy church. With. Real. Samuels. [35:13] The spirit. Of travail. As Lord. Those in. Zion. Shall travel. For souls. For the kingdom. Of God. [35:25] And of Jesus Christ. We pray. That now. We may be held. As again. We would launch forth. Into this great responsibility. [35:37] We feel again. O Lord. Tonight. Who is sufficient. For these things. To prove once more. Our sufficiency. Is of God. [35:48] Is our humble desire. Would not withhold. Not thy hand. As we pray. For Jesus sake. We ask Lord. [36:00] Thy help tomorrow. We ask safe journeying home. For those that journey. As some of our dear friends. For a long distance. O they travel. [36:12] Grant O Lord. To thy servants help. And to thy people help. On the coming day. May be a good day. In Zion. To the glory of thy name. [36:25] We ask these great favours. With the pardon of our every sin. For Jesus sake. And we would not forget. [36:36] Our beloved country. This country Lord. That seems. So much to resemble. Sodom. And tomorrow. And we marvel. [36:46] We marvel. At thy long suffering mercy. We think. O Lord. Of the things that are done. Now generally accepted. In high places. [36:59] The desecration of the Sabbath. The exercise of our leaders. For the professed well being. Of our country. Show no regard. [37:11] For the sanctity. Of thy holy day. Thou queen. Attending sports events. Lord. These things. Grieve our souls. [37:24] And cause us to marvel. That the Lord does not. Give us into the hand of our enemies. To chasten us. O that thou art. [37:34] O that thou art. Preserved to us. O Lord. Our Christless religious privileges. And grant that that leaven. Yet in our land. May so be sanctified. [37:47] And used. The Lord. There may be again. A spread of thy holy fear. O that we may see a turning. Of our captivity. [37:59] As the streams. In the south. We ask these mercies. Remembering our queen. And our rulers. Feeling for them. Upon the pinnacle of power. [38:12] With so many temptations. Besetting them. Lord. Could it please thee. Open their eyes. And strengthen their spirits. That they may be ready. [38:24] To stand in the evil day. And having done all. To stand. We ask these. Our requests. And the pardon. [38:34] Of our every sin. In the name of Jesus. And for his sake. Amen. Shall we now sing together. [38:47] Hymn 984. To the tomb. Hymn 984. Hymn 343. [39:00] Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. Hymn 984. [39:11] Hymn 984. It is Nan Nanj 7177. And in his boat. View in his boat. To the sea. Ah. Ghost in contraído. Thank you. [39:48] Thank you. [40:18] Thank you. [40:48] Thank you. [41:18] Thank you. [41:48] Thank you. [42:18] Thank you. [42:48] Thank you. [43:18] Thank you. [43:48] Thank you. [44:18] Thank you. [44:48] Thank you. [45:18] Thank you. [45:48] Thank you. [46:18] Thank you. [46:48] Thank you. [47:18] Thank you. [47:48] Thank you. [48:18] Thank you. [48:48] Thank you. [49:18] Thank you. [50:18] Thank you. [50:48] Thank you. [51:18] Thank you. [51:48] Thank you. [52:18] Thank you. [52:48] Thank you. [53:18] Thank you. [53:48] Thank you. [54:18] Thank you. [54:48] Thank you. [55:18] Thank you. [55:48] Thank you. [56:18] Thank you. [56:48] Thank you. [57:48] Thank you. [58:18] Thank you. [58:48] Thank you. [59:18] Thank you. [59:48] Thank you. [60:18] Thank you. [60:48] Thank you. [61:18] Thank you. [61:48] Thank you. [62:18] Thank you. [62:48] Thank you. [63:18] Thank you. [63:48] Thank you. [64:18] Thank you. [64:48] Thank you. [65:18] Thank you. [65:48] Thank you. [66:18] Thank you. [66:48] Thank you. [67:18] Thank you. [67:48] Thank you. [68:18] Thank you. [68:48] Thank you. Thank you. стр fantastания, souls at liberty by love to serve him with all our hearts and all our lives. [69:56] There's only one principle upon which a minister can constructively and usefully exercise his gift in the ministry as the Lord calls him to it and that is in the spirit of love and how sweetly that fits into the kingdom pattern of Jesus Christ being a kingdom of love. Oh he makes his servants willing to serve him as he leaps down a measure of that love from Calvary and Gethsemane into their souls and they begin to say with Isaiah the prophet in chapter 6 here am I send me. [70:40] Yes. My friends sometimes I thought I'll go wherever he sends me while he maintains that fire of love upon the altar of my affections. I want to be willing to go wherever he may send me but whatever it may cost if only he will be glorified. [71:07] He will be glorified thereby for he is worthy. But then the kingdom of Jesus Christ is not made up of ministers is it? [71:20] There are others aren't there? There are others. There are deacons. There are deacons. There are deacons in the church. And the responsibility of the deacons. [71:32] The responsibility of the deaconate occasions sacrifice. Waiting upon the need of the church. Waiting upon the sick of the Lord's people. Waiting upon the lonely. Or whatever other capacity and responsibility and lays according to the word of God at the door of the deaconate. What are they going to do with it? [71:56] Are they going to say well why should I? Why should I put myself there? Why should I make sacrifice in this one? Why should I do this and do that and others do nothing? [72:09] Well my friend, if you are not impelled to shoulder your responsibility, but in the church of Christ in the spirit of love you better not occupy that office. [72:22] You better not occupy that office. I say that let the Lord just take you and do for you what he did to Thomas. [72:34] reach hither thy finger put it into the print of the nails thrust thy hand into my side and my friend I then will ask where will that unruly in this day it'll go like snow in the sand it'll melt and you'll go at the loins of your mind and you'll say yes Lord I'll do whatever thou just call me to do I'll go wherever thou just call me to go I'll make what sacrifices thou just call me to my friends a glimpse of Christ by faith and a gracious involvement in the sacrifice he made will cause our chains to fall and make our hearts willing and obedient in his service but not only so every office in Zion is a privilege everyone if only we can creep inside the kingdom if only the Lord will grant us the privilege of serving him in any humble capacity [73:51] I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness my friends you see the ostentation pride of place that can intrude upon the fellowship of the Lord's people is burnt up as the Lord as the Lord pours forth of his spirit in love upon the souls of his chosen if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the lamb have you been willing and obedient to take the lowest place ambition is not the principle from which Christ's kingdom is established it's love if I your Lord and Master have washed your feet how much more shall ye wash one another's feet if you really love the brethren my friend whatever service you're called to in relation to them you'll be willing to do it you'll be willing to attend to it you won't be looking down upon people you'll be looking up to them because love denies those distinctions which cause man to despise man if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the lamb the prosperity of the soul is endured as this spirit of love finds its way into our hearts and through our lives my friends this is where the prosperity of the soul is realized when you're in a spirit of selfishness spirit of isolation spirit of introspection when you're considering yourself first and others last you're not enjoying the love of God you're not enjoying the comforts of the gospel no it's so contrary to that kingdom of Jesus Christ and the very example and expression of it as we have in the person an example of his beloved son that when my friends the disposition of our heart is to esteem it a privilege to serve him in any capacity in any way shape or form in any humble measure measure and we remember that if we give a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple the Lord has promised us there with a reward [76:56] I say if we've got to get down on bended knee and if we've got to attend to the mean requirements of some old saint it will be nothing but a privilege for us so to do if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land well now so much for the service the willingness so to speak let's come to the obedience if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land the Lord in his grace has given us everything we need to direct us in every situation under every responsibility and in every capacity which his kingdom requires not only spiritual relationships but natural relationships not only within the church but also within the world there's no situation represented in this congregation tonight but what there is a directive in the word of God how you should live under that circumstance and in that relationship and my friends really we need nothing more than the word of God under the illuminating influence of the Holy [78:41] Ghost to serve God in our day and generation whatever our lot may be realizing this is it your prayer sometimes Lord show me thy way and lead me in a plain path because of mine enemies Lord I've got an enemy within yes a man's enemies are the men of his own house and Lord I've got a lot in my house real enemies they tell me not to do this and they tell me why should I do that and so I'm in conflict Lord from within my own breast and there's a host of militant enemies to the prosperity of my soul that indwell my fallen corrupt and ruined nature but my friends when the [79:44] Lord by his spirit and love exercises our souls in the ways of righteousness you know there's a denial of the flesh there's a crucifixion and mortification of the flesh and I delight in the law of God after the inward man says Paul in Romans 7 my friends the law of God is not an imposition it's an expression of a heavenly father's wisdom and care to all his family upon the earth when your natural father tells you to do something does it come home to you exactly the same as if your neighbor next door told you to do the very same thing no it doesn't does it well where does the difference come in you are so persuaded of the affection and good approach of your father to your situation that you know he wouldn't ask you to do anything that wasn't for your welfare so you know by reason of his affectionate relationship with you and his watchful care over your interests that whatsoever he enjoins upon you it is your wisdom to comply my friends what an influence affection has in the area of obedience hasn't it it takes the irksomeness out of it it raises it up from a higher plane so that we can see that the lord hasn't given us directions in his word to grind us down he's given us directions in his word to lift us up from the quagmire of human wisdom with all the wretchedness distortion and perversion of that which is according to the flesh do we not therefore embrace the word do we not therefore love the word do we not therefore rejoice in its dictates do we not take its precepts to our heart and say yes here is [82:22] God's wisdom toward me in my relationships with God and with my fellow men if anything arises to sour the relationships which God has established in our lives and we act contrary to the principles of God's word our souls are in bondage have you ever known your prayers hindered because there's not been a right relationship between husband and wife you haven't known how to pray some of you prayed men at night when you closed the day or prayed in the morning after breakfast with your family because something's existing and the Lord says [83:22] I can't just call it to mind but he says that your prayers be not in you and my friends so it comes in doesn't it it all in the Lord's will is the prime principle when our souls are responding in love and obedience to the call and precept of the heavenly father directing us in our ways and relationships together our souls are in prosperity our souls are through if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land now I don't know anything about your relationships together but if there are two gracious people here tonight that are in bondage together before God I say go home and look at your relationships toward each other in the light of [84:25] God's world and if there's a child here tonight that's feeling as it were the bondage of spirit and shall I say a progressive separation between you and those that are near and dear to you take it home and look at the precepts concerning the relationships of children toward their parents and see if that is the reason for your spirit being in bondage and you dwelling in a dry land my friends the precepts of God's world are not there to be despised and some of you may be serving masters according to the flesh and you find that they impose upon you and you feel they're not giving you a square deal and a bit of the natural and modern reaction is working in your breath well I'm not going to have it I shall put up with it [85:27] I shall strive for I shall tell him that I'm not going to continue in his employment when the word of God says servants obey your masters in all things according to the flesh and when you've taken into the law into your own hand and you've given in your notice and you've gone home what about your spirit before God what about your spirit before God do you know what it is for the rebellious to drown in the dry land and do you know what it is to continue in the dry land until you've repented of your sin until you've made confession before God that word by word condemns me justly condemns me and my spirit into which I fell and only through tears is your soul restored if you shall be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land but if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword my friends we can't afford to despise one syllable of this sacred revelation of God given to us by the patient inspiration of his spirit and the preserving care which he has exercised over his world and midst all his enemies down through to our generation and such a time as this now it's five to seven so I must really leave it but if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land my friends so much concerning our soul prosperity is to be found in here in here [87:20] I close tonight where I commence this afternoon if your spirit is right before God according to his word and among your fellow men you'll eat the good of the land you'll eat the good of the land but my friend if you refuse and rebel if you're living in opposition to the word of God smiting your conscience if you're in a determination of the flesh you're pursuing a wrong path you'll find the truth of that word in its solemnity the rebellious dwell in a dry land may you be helped my dear friends here at South Charles to watch closely and prayerfully the word which the Lord sends through his servant which may well and will if the [88:21] Lord sends him with his message as your messenger it will have a direct bearing upon you and sometimes it will so show your parts up that you'll feel a natural reaction of rebellion to what he's saying but my friends remember this that if he be willing and obedient he shall eat the good of the land but if he refuse and rebel he shall be devoured with the sword and the mouth of the Lord hath spoken amen amen i omitted this afternoon till after the benediction to announce that the collections today are in support of our dear friend and brother mr. [89:19] woodhouse the pastor of this course my friends you appreciate as i appreciate the rising costs of things and the necessity with a family of going to the same shops and markets you know somewhat of the need the Lord knows it the Lord can use you to supply him he can supply him independently of you if you're not used you won't have the reward those that are used receive their reward may the Lord help you in anticipation of his reward to do what you can as unto him amen amen and praise our service this evening by singing things 667 to the children even tied 758 things 667 children even tied 750 out immortal honors rests on [90:36] Jesus head my God my portion and my living in him I live upon him cannot care peace hires from death destruction and despair loud nothing have experienced himொ Thank you. [91:43] Thank you. [92:13] Thank you. Thank you. [93:13] Thank you. Thank you. [94:13] Thank you. Thank you. [95:13] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Forgive everything that is inconsistent with thy glory and our sanctification. [95:44] O Lord, we pray. Follow with thy blessing. Truth delivered in thy name. Bless the continuation of the gospel testimony within these walls. [96:00] We thank thee for the past. We thank thee for the present. And into thy hands we commit the future too. Bless those now that travel. [96:14] Watch over us each as we take our journeys. Remember us on thy day. We would thank thee for the mercies of this day. [96:26] May thy grace, Lord Jesus, the love of God, the sweet communion of the ever-blessed Spirit be with you all. [96:37] Amen.