Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] I would direct your attention to the Gospel of John chapter 17 verse 20. [0:14] The Gospel of John chapter 17 verse 20. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. [0:52] I would like to hear the Gospel of John chapter 17 verse 20. [1:22] The question arose in the mind. If the Lord Jesus presents his intercession so continuously and efficaciously, what then must we think of the prayers of his people? [2:00] And how do they harmonize? And it appears to me that the Lord Jesus Christ, presenting his prayer, both here and as he has ascended on high. [2:26] And as we read, he ever liveth to make intercession for them. [2:38] It appears to me that his prayer and his intercession is that of merit. [2:54] It is of infinite and everlasting merit and value with God. [3:06] And by his prayer, by his offering, by his sacrifice, the blessings in the chapter are secured. [3:24] And laid up as an inheritance for the people of God. [3:37] But his prayer, as we well know, does not exempt the people of God from prayer. [3:52] All through the scriptures, we find that is pressed upon them. And the prayers of prophets and apostles, and down through the ages to this present time, it is an exercising comment upon all who fear God. [4:25] But their prayers are the experimental means of receiving the blessings here enumerated. [4:45] In the Lord Jesus, there is infinite merit. In the prayers of the Lord's people, it is an instrumental way. [5:00] He will be, in both cases, inquired of. And here in this chapter, this text particularly, we have a revelation of the great love of the Lord Jesus to his father, to his father, to the apostles, and then extended to the following generations, as expressed in our text. [5:46] And neither pray I for these alone, but for them also, which shall believe on me through their word. [6:01] And by that expression, he reveals that he has one infinite and everlasting and unchangeable love for the whole company. [6:24] These apostles and those who shall believe on me through their word. [6:36] The text, therefore, raises the question which Jesus asked in one place, dost thou believe on the Son of God? [6:56] And this believing on him is sometimes misunderstood. [7:13] And some think it, as Mr. Hart said, something very, very great. Something that's undiscovered yet. [7:28] But the Lord Jesus himself gives us, likewise the apostles, a clear and simple explanation of what it is to believe on Christ Jesus. [7:51] Some feel it means a full assurance of faith, joy unspeakable, full of glory. [8:06] Some think believing necessarily means that we have a full, complete forgiveness, that we know our election, that we can see our part in his righteousness. [8:28] The apostles and the scriptures teach us that those things, while they are vital and necessary, they are the fruits of believing. [8:45] believing. And they are not the essential route of believing. Everywhere, both the Lord Jesus and the apostles put the question thus, what think ye of Christ, whose Son is he? [9:15] there is where the true believing begins. And he that believeth thus, saith John, is born of God. [9:33] there is a route to this believing, namely, to be awakened, to be made to feel our need, to realize our sinful state, this in various degrees. [10:05] But, each in their measure, made to need, and to hear, of the Lord Jesus Christ, that he was a mighty Savior, to hear of what he has done, to hear the testimony, of who he is, the only begotten, the eternal, the everlasting Son, of God. [10:43] God. And, everywhere, burdens, sinners, are directed, to him. As, in the scriptures, when they cried out, what must we do? [11:03] What must I do? They were directed, to his person. His person first, whom say, ye, that I am. [11:23] He said to Peter, and the answer came, we believe, and are sure, that thou art that Christ, the Son, of the living God, thou hast the words, of eternal life. [11:46] Dost thou believe, on the Son, of God? When, the Lord, spake that man, in the gospel, he did not ask him, a series, of theological, theological questions, but just this, dost thou believe, on the Son, of God? [12:16] He said, who is he, Lord, that I might believe, on him? And the answer came, I that speak, unto thee, am he. [12:29] And there, was a simple, explanation, example, of believing. He said, I believe, and he, worshipped, him. [12:49] So that, in the first, aspect, believing, upon the person, of Christ, is to believe, that he is, the Son, of God. [13:06] And again, that God, hath raised him, from the dead. And the proof, and evidence, of a right, believing, it is, accompanied, with, that, worship, and reverence, and adoration, it is, joined to, repentance, and godly sorrow. [13:40] And also, the heart, is drawn, to him, as he, is revealed, he is made, the desire, of, our soul, and, in proportion, to, the clearness, of, that, revelation, so, will, our soul, follow, hard, after, him. [14:13] And, it is, the work, of the Holy Spirit, to, give, give, a blessed, views, of, of, his, of, his, and, of, his, work, drawing, out, the soul, unto, him, in, a, trust, in, a, dependence, as, one, said, deliver, me, from, my, enemies, I, flee, unto, thee, to, hide, me, is, seen, as, a, hiding, place, as, a, rock, as, a, shelter, is, viewed, as, a, fountain, open, for, sin, and, for, uncleanness, and, thus, in, various, degrees, there, is, this, believing, upon, his, person, his, name, his, work, and, what, he, has, done, we, find, for, instance, that, before, his, um, sufferings, during, his, ministry, there, were, those, who, believed, on, his, name, and, upon, his, person, and, it, was, a, true, believing, but, it, had, to, grow, even, as, he, proceeded, with, his, work, and, went, forward, to, his, sufferings, there, is, no, doubt, those, people, like, the man, that, was, born, blind, and, the woman, who, fell, at his feet, and, washed, them, with, tears, and, was, forgiven, no, doubt, they, were, led, later, into, the, deeper, mysteries, of, his, sufferings, his, precious, blood, and, his, finished, work, and, resurrection, and, his, ascension, but, in, each, case, mostly, we, find, it, is, a, gradual, growth, in, some, cases, like, the, jailer, and, others, like, the, day, of, [17:11] Pentecost, there, was, a, believing, and, joy, and, peace, and, the, cup, ran, over, with, holy, worship, deliverance, forgiveness, righteousness, and, fellowship, but, in, many, other, cases, there is, a, looking, unto, him, a, resting, a, pleading, awaiting, for, the, fruits, and, blessings, of, faith, and, we, feel, that, in, this, prayer, the, petitions, here, offered, are, to, that, end, on, behalf, of, those, which, shall, believe, on, me, through, their, word, can, we, say, that, has, come, to, us, their, word, means, the, four, gospels, and, epistles, the, whole, of, the, new, testament, and, all, their, quotations, from, the, old, testament, expressed, in, their, word, and, now, that, word, has, come, to, us, as, it, is, called, the, word, of, faith, and, faith, cometh, by, hearing, and, hearing, by, the, word, of, [19:10] God, then, that, indicates, an, interest, in, this, remarkable, prayer, prayer, and, so, we may, seek, to, examine, the, wealth, of, matter, that, is, contained, in, this, prayer, it's, not, possible, to, explore, it, deeply, in, this, time, but, we, may, first, notice, the, prayer, is, altogether, unique, unequaled, and, excelling, all, other, on, these, several, accounts, first, the, foundation, of, prayer, father, [20:15] I, have, finished, the, work, thou, gavest, me, to, do, none, other, but, the, blessed, son, of, God, could, present, a, petition, like, this, based, upon, his, finished, work, and, yet, as we, think, of, what lay, immediately, before, him, how much, there, was, to, finish, but, he, viewed, the, matter, as, completed, here, is, the, foundation, then, we, note, breathing, through, the, prayer, tis, unique, in, its, holiness, no, prayer, like, this, these, are, the, words, and, prayer, of, him, never, man, spake, like, this, man, and, then, also, there, there, is, the, spirit, of, love, breathing, through, the, prayer, who, can, estimate, the, love, of, [21:52] Christ, to, the, father, that, is, here, expressed, a, wondrous, inexpressible, bond, between, them, both, but, also, he, expresses, that, that, same, love, flows, toward, the, people, mentioned, these, that, were, given, him, out, of, the, world, those, which, should, believe, on, him, through, their, word, oh, the, love, of, Christ, here, is, uh, beyond, measure, love, which, passeth, knowledge, and, it, rests, upon, every, one, that, believeth, in, him, but, further, there, is, the, fullness, of, the, prayer, we, can, mention, a, few, things, and, the, first, is, this, in, verse, 11, holy, father, keep, through, thine, own, name, those, whom thou hast, given, me, that, they, may, be, one, as, we, are, here, is, the, petition, to, the, father, keep, them, [23:49] I, cannot, think, that, the, Lord, Jesus, was, relinquishing, his, charge, of, them, but, rather, that, in, some, mysterious, way, there, was, a, joint, care, both, the, father, and, son, over, the, church, of, God, and, so, this, keeping, we, find, in, fact, flowed, together, from, the, father, and, the, son, it is, expressed, by, the, apostle, grace, mercy, and, peace, beyond, to, you, from, God, our, father, and, the, [24:50] Lord, Jesus, Christ, to, show, that, this, keeping, and, the, things, that, the, here, prayed, for, proceeded, from, the, father, and, were, flowing, through, the, son, must, be, so, because, we are, taught, he was, made, head, over, all, things, to, the, church, however, this, point, holy, father, keep, through, thine, own, name, that, appears, to, mean, let, thy, fatherly, care, be, manifest, in, them, in, this, keeping, oh, what a word, that is, when you come, to, analyze, it, to, keep, them, would, mean, preserve, them, to, protect, them, to, deliver, them, from, all, evil, to, maintain, their, lot, to, feed, and, nourish, them, with, his, gospel, his, truth, and, by, his, spirit, father, keep, them, it, would, include, all, those, operations, of, [26:48] God, in, the, cleansing, in, refreshing, in, clothing, them, in, righteousness, it, it, would, include, the, keeping, of, them, who, were, preserved, in, uprightness, and, integrity, of, heart, it, would, also, include, um, power, and, grace, to, restore, and, recover, those, that, fall, the, steps, of, the, good, man, are, ordered, by, the, Lord, and, he, delighteth, in, his, way, though, he, fall, you, see, they, do, fall, but, here, is, a, keeper, the, [27:51] Lord, is, thy, keeper, he, shall, preserve, thy, going, out, and, thy, coming, in, from, this, time, forth, and, forever, more, oh, this, word, keep, expresses, the, mind, of, the, son, the, love, of, Christ, the, love, of, the, father, that he, should, be, revealed, as, such, keep, through, thine, own, name, let, them, experience, thy, fatherly, care, my, God, shall, supply, all, your, need, according, to, his, riches, in, glory, by, Christ, Jesus, now, unto, him, that is, able, to, keep, you, from, falling, and, to, present, you, before, his, presence, with, exceeding, joy, and, without, fault, here, is the, prayer, holy, father, keep, through, thy, own, name, great, mystery, this, the, presentation, of, this, petition, to, the, father, as, he, occupied, the, position, of, the, high, priest, over, the, house, of, [29:39] God, and, in, that, sense, was, in, subjection, though, perfectly, equal, one, with, the, father, how, remarkable, is, the, subjection, of, the, Lord, Jesus, even, through, the, gospels, and, recorded, that, at length, he, shall, be, subject, to, the, father, that, God, may, be, all, in, all, father, keep, through, thine, own, name, this, a, petition, being, the, effectual, fervent, prayer, this, holy, righteous, man, ensures, their, keeping, and, their, preservation, both, for, the, apostles, and, for, these, others, who, may, be, very, little, ones, may, be, feeble, folk, those, that, think, upon, his, name, keep, them, also, then, the next, leading point, is this, sanctify, them, through, thy, truth, thy, word, is, truth, and, we, feel, this, to be, a, very, extensive, word, sanctify, means, separate, separate, for a, holy, use, and, in this, case, separate, for, [31:50] God, for, to be, his, treasure, his, jewels, his, people, his, adopted, children, sanctify, then, through, thy, truth, here, is a, prayer, for the, blessing, upon, the truth, of, his, gospel, and, it, means, to, effect, a, a, separation, in, their, heart, by, the, planting, of, that, new, nature, and, to, reveal, to, them, such, truths, as, shall, nourish, them, shall, build, them, up, shall, fortify, them, against, the, power, of, sin, and, the, world, and, all, their, enemies, this, work, of, sanctification, means, an, experimental, separation, for, [33:10] God, it, is, indeed, here, imperfect, and, in, part, that, is, to, say, one, part, of, the, believer, is, a, holy, a, capable, of, receiving, forgiveness, and, enjoy, justification, and, to, say, surely, in, the, Lord, of, thy, righteousness, and, strength, to, experience, his, promise, my, grace, is, sufficient, for, thee, my, strength, is, made, perfect, in, weakness, it, means, to, fortify, them, against, their, adversaries, without, and, their, fallen, nature, within, that, grace, shall, reign, at length, through, righteousness, unto, eternal, life, by, [34:32] Christ, Jesus, sanctify, them, this, prayer, intends, their, perfect, sanctification, it, intends, that, they, shall, be, made, perfectly, holy, in, the, heaven, and, in, the, presence, of, God, about, here, it is, but, in, part, even, the, apostle, who, knew, a, great, deal, of, this, work, he, said, we, know, but, in, part, and, he, makes, it, a, matter, of, prayer, I, pray, the, God, of, peace, sanctify, you, holy, that, your, whole, soul, and, spirit, and, body, be, preserved, blameless, unto, the, day, of, [35:40] Jesus, Christ, so, therefore, this, being, a, part, of, the, prayer, of, the, great, high, priest, and, he, whose, a, prayer, cannot, fail, it, means, to, say, it, will, take, effect, in, every, one, that, believeth, then, further, comes, the, petition, for, their, unity, and, this, may, be, hard, for, us, to, to, understand, that, they, all, may, be, one, as, thou, father, art, in, me, and, I, in, thee, they, also, may, be, one, in, us, that, the, world, may, believe, that, thou, sent, me, we, feel, it, must, mean, that, there, is, a, oneness, throughout, the, church, of, [36:59] God, about, it is, not, as, yet, a, perfect, communion, down, through, the, ages, of, seen, so, many, rifts, and, divisions, and, separations, in, the, professing, church, of, God, yet, here, is, a, prayer, that, they, may, be, one, where, we, must, view it, I, feel, that, they, are, one, in, him, he, that, believeth, hath, union, with, the, father, and, the, son, and, union, with, every, member, though, it, be, not, fully, appreciated, and, lastly, the, prayer, in, the, 24th, father, [38:12] I, will, that, they, also, whom, thou, has, given, me, be, with, me, where, I, am, they, may, behold, my, glory, which, thou, given, me, for, thou, lovest, me, before, the, foundation, of, the, world, two, points, mainly, we, might, just, make, one, is, that, such, a, prayer, guarantees, the, complete, perseverance, and, glorification, of, everyone, that, is, a, favored, to, believe, on, me, through, their, word, means, no, less, than, this, he, that, believeth, on, me, hath, everlasting, life, the, other, point, is, this, that, if, they, are, to, behold, his, glory, then, they, will, behold, it, here, and, now, at, different, times, in, the, holy, scripture, and, this, particular, portion, is, one, which, reveals, the, shining, glory, of, the, [39:49] Lord, Jesus, in, his, sonship, the, only, begotten, the, eternal, divine, son, in, the, communion, with, his, father, and, so, we, do, desire, to, be, found, among, those, who, also, believe, on, me, through, their, word, amen. [40:20] Amen.