Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] In dependence upon the Lord for all needed help, I will venture to draw your prayerful attention to the first epistle of Peter, chapter 2, and verses 20 and 21. [0:28] First epistle Peter, chapter 2, verses 20 and 21. [0:40] A sacred sense and sight of the sufferings of Christ and the love of the Lord Jesus shed abroad in our heart will humble that sinner, will dissolve the hardness of their heart, and will fill with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. [2:26] Pray for this. What greater favor, what more blessed spot but to be kept near the cross, to have before us as in our text, Christ also suffered for us. [2:55] This will give a hatred to sin. This will reveal the holiness and justice of God. [3:10] This will set before us the wonderful love of the Savior in coming to die for sinners. [3:23] This will reveal the preciousness of that blood, that fountain that is open for sin and for uncleanness. [3:39] Lord, take my heart, this worthless heart, and make it holy thine. [4:05] Great mercy to be brought as one of our hymns says, only reserved for Christ that died, surrendered to the crucified. [4:25] Christ also suffered for us. [4:55] Why did Jesus come? Why did he go forth to the cross? Why did he suffer and die the death of the cross, laying down his life? [5:14] It was in love to his dear people. Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends. [5:32] The Lord Jesus came to this earth. He, the eternal Son of God, the Ancient of Days, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, of whom the Father, of whom the Father, of whom the Father spake. [5:57] This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. The Son of God, the Son of God, now taking in union to himself flesh. [6:14] Sinless flesh. Sinless flesh. Sinless flesh. The God-man. Sinless flesh. The Son of God. The Son of God. [6:25] The Son of Man. Lo, I come. In the volume of the book, it is written of me to do thy will. O God, a body hast thou prepared me. [6:41] So that the dear Saviour, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. [6:52] The one that John Baptist speaks of, behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. [7:03] There was none other good enough to pay the price of sin. None other could unlock the gate of heaven and let us in. [7:20] The dear Lord Jesus came to this earth, born as a babe in Bethlehem. And you dear children could tell me where they put the little babe. [7:36] Not in the palace, but in the manger. The place where the cattle ate. Because there was no room for them in the inn. [7:49] O amazing love. For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. That though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor. [8:02] That ye through his poverty might be rich. O wonder of wonders. O wonder of God that he was rich. O wonder of what you say? O wonder of God. For your sakes he became poor. [8:13] The man in Bethlehem. O wonder of God. And the Lord Jesus Christ, O sand. The dear Lord Jesus came to this earth. And in this way, to do his father's business. [8:33] To go to finish the work. The salvation of his dear children. To pay redemption's price. [8:44] To suffer in their room and place. What love. I am trying to speak of this clause in our text. [8:56] Christ also suffered. Great were the sufferings of our dear Lord. Here on this earth. The scriptures speak of him. [9:10] As the man of sorrow. And acquainted with grief. Look dear friend. I anticipate my thoughts for a moment. [9:20] Even here unto where ye call. Call to bear a cross. Call to follow Jesus. Yet he is acquainted with grief. [9:33] He knows the path. He knows what sore temptations mean. For he has felt the same. And we read. And it's a beautiful word. [9:46] In the gospel record. Of our dear Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ. And he was there. In the wilderness. [9:57] Forty days. Tempted of Satan. And was with the wild beasts. And the angels ministered unto him. From his baptism in Jordan by John Baptist. [10:11] With the voice of the voice of the Father from heaven. The emblem of the Holy Spirit as a dove. The Trinity in unity. God the Father. [10:21] God the Son. And God the Holy Spirit. And immediately. The Spirit led him up. Into the wilderness. The mountainous part. The lonely part of the wilderness. [10:33] Whereas he was there. In the wilderness. Forty days. Tempted of Satan. Hungered with a wild beast. [10:45] And angels ministered unto him. For his touch with the feeling of our infirmities. Was tempted in all points like as we are. [10:56] Yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly. To the throne of grace. That we may obtain mercy. And find grace to help. In time of need. [11:08] The dear Lord Jesus. He suffered at the hands of man. Religious man. They rejected him. They despised him. [11:20] They set him at naught. He suffered at the hands of his disciples. For they all forsook him. And fled. [11:32] He suffered. In poverty. For when they came to the Lord Jesus. For tribute money. He bid his servant. Peter. [11:43] Peter go and cast. A hook into the sea. And in. You children would be able to tell me. Would you? In the fishes mouth. [11:55] There was a coin. And it was enough. For the Lord. And his servant. Oh my friend. My dear children. [12:08] You. Have a bed to go to tonight. You have a pillow. You have a pillow. On which you will rest your head. But the dear Lord Jesus. Who created heaven and earth. [12:21] When he was here. On this earth. The foxes have holes. And the birds of the air have nests. But the son of man. [12:33] Hath not where. To lay his head. You and I. Have a comfortable bed. The foxes. Have holes. The little birds. [12:44] Have their nests. But Jesus. Had not where. To lay his head. Suffering. I would then. [12:56] Observe with you. How the dear Lord. Suffered. As he went forth. Into the garden. That is called. Gethsemane. [13:08] There. He went forth. Leaving behind. Eight. And then the three. And that makes. Eleven. Doesn't that? [13:18] Where was the twelve? Who was the twelve? Why wasn't he there? None other. Than Judas Iscariot. [13:32] Filled with Satan. Going out in the dark. Betraying the Lord Jesus Christ. Setting the price of a slave. [13:45] Wapting ear of Christ. My young friend. What do you think. Of Jesus Christ. What value. [13:57] Do you set upon him. Is he in your thoughts. In the desires of your heart. In prayer. In longings. Is he made to you. [14:08] As to some of your older friends here. The chiefest among ten thousand. And the altogether. Lovely one. But Judas. [14:18] Was not there. Judas. Went to betray him. But the Lord Jesus. Went into the garden. And there alone. As stones cast. [14:29] Further on. Prostrate to the earth. Praying to his father. And crying. Father. If it be possible. Let this cup. [14:40] Pass from me. But not. Nevertheless. Not my will. But thine be done. What do we mean. What is meant. By this cup. It means. [14:51] What the Lord Jesus. Was to suffer. And he knew. All that was before him. You and I. Know not what is in front of us. [15:02] Dear child of God. You may rest assured in this. That your steps are ordered. And that all things will work together for good. And you may rest assured that. The Lord will be with thee. [15:15] But we do not know. We cannot see. But the dear Lord knew all that was before him. And oh. What prayer. [15:26] What victory. What a conflict. And what victory. What submission. What an agony. What a sweat. [15:37] As it were great drops of blood. Falling to the ground. The sufferings. Christ also suffered. And yet my friend. [15:49] The victory. Submission. Triumph. Here's my claim. And here alone. None a savior. More can need. Deeds of righteousness. [16:00] I've none. No. Not one good work to plead. Not a glimpse of hope for me. Only in Gethsemane. Christ also. [16:11] At supper. An angel appeared from heaven. To strengthen him. He who was made. A little lower than the angels. For the suffering of death. [16:24] Christ also suffered. And let us just go for a moment. And with the dear Lord. In the word of God. And let us view Judas as he comes. [16:36] And betrays the Lord with a kiss. You see. It's easy for us to say. We love Jesus. And no love to be in our heart at all. But Jesus knows. [16:48] Jesus knows how many in this chapel love him. My friend. Can you say with Peter. Lord thou knowest all things. [17:01] Thou knowest that I love thee. The dear Lord. Was taken first to the chief high priest. Then to Pilate. [17:13] Then to Herod. Back to Pilate. The dear Savior knew no rest. Man had no mercy. Showed no compassion. [17:27] And think of that. Through which the dear Lord had already passed. In the agony of Gethsemane. Behold. [17:38] Forse accusers. They could find nothing. That they could truthfully say. Against Jesus Christ. [17:51] My friend. The scriptures witness. Pilate says. I find no fault in him. Pilate's wife said. Have nothing to do with this just man. [18:04] The dying thief said. This man. Hath done nothing amiss. And yet. What does man say. Away with him. Crucify him. Crucify him. [18:16] Oh my dear friends. I was. Strap most solemnly. At our communion service. Early this month at home. When I read. At the table. [18:27] Of those words of Pilate. First he said. And whom shall I release unto you. And they cried. Barabbas. Barabbas was a thief. Barabbas was a robber. [18:40] What shall I do then. With this Jesus. That is called Christ. Crucify him. What do you say. [18:53] What does your heart say. My natural heart says. I want nothing. Of him. I will not have this man. To reign over me. [19:04] And I do not know. If I speak to any. Young or old. Rebelling. Against. The Lord. And saying. With the multitude. [19:15] Away with him. I want him not. I seek him not. I love him not. I wish to have my. Fling in the world. My friend. The Lord. [19:25] In mercy. Open your eyes. To see. In the despised. Jesus Christ. The beauties of the saviour. The blessings of his grace. The pardon of sin. [19:37] And that inward peace. Christ also suffered. And look. He suffered. In this. That. [19:48] He was scourged. Then bare back. Lashed. With cords. To which. Were tied. Bone. Making the furrows. [19:58] Of the back. The bleeding. Of the back. The crown. Of thorns. The mockery. The reed. [20:08] That was put in his hand. Like a scepter. Mocking him. As a king. Deriding him. Buffeting him. Spitting upon him. [20:20] My friend. Alas. I speak with a dry eye. But I hold. With a feeling spirit. Christ. [20:32] Also suffered. Brethren. I believe this. There's no path. You'll walk. No cup. [20:43] You'll drink. No suffering. You'll endure. No temptation. That you'll come into. But my friend. There's one in heaven. Who's trod the path. [20:55] And knows it all. Was this then. The cup. Partly. [21:07] The cup. But not the full ingredient. Of it. The death of the cross. The dear Lord Jesus. And there. Numbered among the transgressors. [21:21] Jesus in the midst. As man would point and say. There's the worst of all. And look. The cross. [21:31] The cross. Is the place of division. Calvary. We see my friend. The Lord in the midst. And we see heaven. [21:42] And we see heaven. And we see hell. Make no mistake about it. And which side friend. Are you standing. And will you stand. In the great day of judgment. [21:54] I speak. It may sound. Somewhat harsh. And fierce. But I speak with love. To your soul. For one side. [22:05] For the other. You and I. Must appear. Before the judgment seat. Of Christ. What a mercy. [22:16] If you. Have been like that one. Convinced of your sin. Have you come to Jesus. About you young people. Oh my dear friend. [22:27] Do you know what it is to pray. Do you know what it is to come. And ask Jesus. Lord. Remember me. Jesus received sinners. [22:39] Beautiful little hymn. We've just sung. Able to save to the uttermost. I need a saviour. Dear Mr. Stanley Dells used to say. I need a Jesus. A saviour. [22:49] That does all the saving. I can't do anything toward it. It's Jesus that does it all. Blessed be. And he's done it. It is finished. Was the cry. [23:01] Of the cross. But. Let us notice this. Let it never be forgotten. That there was the other thing. [23:12] That never came to Jesus. Never prayed to Jesus. And as far as we gather from scripture. Die. In his sin. [23:27] But. Still yet. The bitterest ingredient of the cup. Still yet. We must go further. To find out. The depth. [23:38] As we may be helped. Though to explore it. We never shall. Plumb it. We shall never. Not this side heaven. But all for a little understanding of it. [23:50] The Lord Jesus. Who his own self. Bear our sins in his own body. On the tree. There he was made to be sin. [24:01] There the sword of divine justice fell. There my friend. He endured. The wrath. Due to his people. As the stroke. [24:12] Fell upon him. He hath. God the father. Laid on him. His dear son. The iniquity. Of us all. And the stroke fell on him. [24:23] The sacrifice. Appointed. And there we read. My God. My God. Why hast thou. Forsaken. [24:34] May Christ. Also. Suffered. For us. And my friend. What proof of you. That those sufferings. [24:45] Were sufficient. All sufficient. What proof of you. That the blood of Jesus Christ. His son. Cleanseth from all sin. The empty tomb. [24:57] Because Christ. Is risen from the dead. The grave. Couldn't hold him. Death. Couldn't hold him. And therefore. My friend. [25:09] There is. The assurance. That he. Who was delivered. For our offenses. Was raised again. For our justification. And now. [25:20] Our dear Lord. In heaven. At the throne of grace. Interceding for sinners. And so. With humble boldness. For sinners venture. [25:32] To that throne. The holy of holies. The veil is rent. From top to bottom. Away is open. And my friend. Come. Whosoever will. [25:44] Is one of our hands. And the spirit of the bride. Say come. Let him that heareth say come. Let him that is a thirst come. And whosoever will. Let him take of the water of life freely. [25:57] And his whole. Every one that thirsteth. Have you a thirst for Christ. You may say. And rightly so. Yes. I believe that Christ suffered. [26:07] But it says for us. Did he die for me? Or my sins forgiven? Well friend. [26:21] Are you seeking it? Are you looking to Jesus? Is Jesus made precious to your soul? Is there an aching void now. [26:32] That the world can never fill? Is it give me Christ. Or else I die? Oh ye who long to know and feel your interest in his blood. [26:44] The thing is proved beyond a doubt. Because you thirst for God. A coming sinner. To the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will never cast out. [26:55] And you'll never come. To Calvary's cross. But. Never the work of the Holy Spirit. And that coming to Christ. Thirsting for Christ. Hungering after him. [27:07] And that longing for him. That venturing to him. Yes. That believing in him. Is all one. As the Abunion says. And I say. [27:19] He'll in no wise. Cast out. No wise. Cast out. Cast out. The life that I now live. I live by the faith of the Son of God. [27:31] Who loved me and gave himself for me. And here you see. Is the precious Redeemer. The precious blood. The exceeding great and precious promises. And precious faith. [27:42] And unto you which believe. He is precious. Christ also suffered for us. I must hasten. Leaving us an example. [27:55] That ye should follow. His steps. Go back then. To the first clause. For even here unto. Were ye called. A coming. [28:07] Sinner to Jesus Christ. That one. That comes. Just as they are. Seeking the Savior. Looking to Jesus. That one. [28:18] That ventures to him. The Lord Jesus. Says. Come unto me. All ye that labor. And are heavy laden. And I will give you rest. [28:29] But not only to come to Jesus. But it is to come after Jesus. It is to follow Jesus. Take. My yoke. [28:41] Upon you. Now if you have. Two animals. Yoke together. They walk together. And so. To take the yoke of Christ. [28:54] Means to walk with Jesus. To walk with Jesus. Is to love Jesus. To do his commandments. To walk in his fear. And my friend. [29:06] The Lord. The Lord will bear. The heavy part. My yoke is easy. And my burden is light. You will find rest. Unto your souls. [29:18] Peace. That the world can never give. Rest. That you'll never find. In earthly things. But a spiritual rest. In the Lord. [29:28] Jesus Christ. So. We are called to this. It is a calling. To take up a cross. It is a calling. [29:40] To deny self. Not to deny. Not only. To deny things. To self. But to deny self. That we've no help in self. [29:51] To be emptied. Of their wretched pride. To be brought. Humbly to the cross. And to take up the cross. [30:03] And to follow Jesus. For even here unto. Were ye called. Let us therefore go unto him. [30:14] Without the camp. Bearing his reproach. A sense. As I said right at the beginning. Of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. To you. An unworthy sinner. [30:26] Will give you such a love. To the Savior. And such a willingness. To deny self. And a willingness. To sacrifice. Of the world. And to count all things. [30:37] But done. That you may win Christ. Be found in him. To know him more. To love him better. And more. And serve him better. And oh. [30:48] That we might be like him. But you see. The Lord Jesus. Has suffered for us. Leaving us. An example. That we should. [31:00] Not just look at it. It's very good to look at it. But it is to follow it. It's to do it. Now that's another thing. [31:11] Isn't it? You may look. At the Lord Jesus. Taking the towel. And girding himself. And washing the disciples feet. You may look at it. [31:21] With wonder. Amazement. And astonishment. But Jesus says. That. That ye should. Leaving us an example. [31:32] That we should follow his steps. That even as I have done unto you. Ye should do. To one another. Leaving us an example. [31:46] That we may be clothed with humility. That we may walk humbly. Leaving us an example. That when the world. [31:58] Is unkind. When. You may be reproached. When. You may be falsely accused. As a sheep before her shearers is done. [32:11] So he opened not his mouth. As we have here. He committed himself. To him that judges righteously. [32:22] The Lord help us to do the same. Leaving us an example. And what thought he had of others. What. [32:33] A heart of tender compassion. Think of the parable. Of the good Samaritan. You children know about it. Don't you. You know about that. [32:44] Poor man. That went down from Jerusalem. To Jericho. And he was beaten. And he was. Oh. He was wounded. He was stripped. He was robbed. He was nearly killed. And he was in the ditch. And he couldn't help himself. [32:56] He was dying. And there was nobody to care for him. A priest comes by. And doesn't even go to the other side. To look. And he just passes by. And ignores him. And a Levite just goes. [33:07] And have a look at him. And leaves him. And doesn't help him. And touch him. But a good Samaritan. Who was an enemy of the Jew. Didn't love the Jew. Or went. [33:19] And had compassion. And bound up his wounds. And poured in oil in the wine. Now you may say to me. And very rightly so. That that's the gospel. That's the Lord Jesus Christ. [33:31] Who came to seek. And to save that which was lost. How true that is. But is that all? What's the teaching of that parable? [33:43] Go. And do thou. Likewise. Let it never be forgotten. Leaving us an example. [33:55] That ye should follow. In his steps. And yet another word. When the dear Lord Jesus. Was taken to Calvary. [34:08] And you children would remember. Who it was. That carried a cross. The cross of Jesus. It was Simon the Cyrenian. But Simon wasn't put to death. On that cross. [34:19] When they came to a place. That is called Calvary. There they crucified Jesus. And to crucify Jesus. They nailed. Those hands. [34:30] And those feet. To the wooden cross. You think for a moment. Of the hands of Jesus. You think of your hands. Your hands. [34:43] My hands. Have done wrong things. But the hands of Jesus. There have been no sin. The hands of Jesus. Had touched the leper. [34:54] Had gathered the little children. Had lifted poor things up. Had broken the bread. The feet of Jesus. Your feet and mine. [35:06] We do wrong things. Go astray. But Jesus went about doing good. He must go. Must needs go through Samaria. Met with a woman that was a sinner. [35:17] Spake to him of the water of life. He must go over. Gather it. There is a man possessed with devils. And he is in the tombs. And no chain can bind him. And no friend can help him. [35:28] Oh my friend. And Jesus goes. And the devils are driven out. And the man is found sitting at the feet of Jesus. And clothed in his right mind. These are. This is the dear Lord Jesus. [35:40] And these are. Those dear feet. That walk this earth. And under which were the waves of the sea. In the tumultuous storm. But they were nailed to the cross. [35:51] And what did you hear Jesus say. When they nailed him to the cross. Did you hear it? Father. Forgive them. [36:03] They know not. What they do. That ye. Ye. Should follow. [36:16] His name. Peter once went to his Lord. And said. Lord how often shall I forgive my brother. Seven times. If he sins against. No Peter. [36:27] Seventy times. Seven. Be ye kind. One to another. Tender hearted. Forgiving one another. Even as God. For Christ's sake. [36:38] Hath forgiven you. To follow the Lord Jesus. Then means. To follow his steps. His example. To follow in his way. In keeping his commandments. [36:50] Is to follow him. Not ashamed of the Lord Jesus. And to follow him. Desiring to know him. More. And to walk more closely with him. [37:00] I come now. To the last consideration. Of our subject. And we go back then. To the 20th verse. For what glory is it. If when ye be buffeted. [37:11] For your faults. Ye shall take it patiently. But if when ye do well. And suffer for it. Ye take it patiently. This is acceptable with God. [37:24] Dear children. Mother. Father. Sometimes have to correct you. Don't they. Because you've got some faults. We've all got them. [37:36] Now what do you do? Do you take it patiently? Or do you resent it? Rebel against it? Certainly parents need to be tender. [37:51] And yet to exert discipline. And what is that word in Ephesians. That the apostle names for us. [38:07] That children are to obey their parents. And ye fathers provoke not your children to roar. But to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of them. But you may say. You know. You may say. When I was a little boy. [38:19] I didn't always value when mother corrected me and father. But now I look back. I thank God for those corrections of those faults. [38:29] You may not like it now. But one day you may go to your father and your mother and say. Thank you. That you didn't let me go my way. [38:40] You didn't let me have my way. But then in love. You corrected me. And you'll thank them. For discipline. So. [38:51] What about members of the church? What about believers? False. Or some don't seem to have any at all. They can. [39:02] And I'm not saying anything here. I mean. This is quite clear. My mind is clear. My conscience is clear. I stand my friend before you. I believe. As a servant. [39:13] Unworthy. Servant of the law. To preach the word. Not to think that. I say false. I believe those that live nearer the cross. [39:27] Will be most conscious of their own faults. And will be most ready to acknowledge it. And most ready to seek forgiveness. I'm sure of it. [39:40] So easy. To see faults in others. So easy. As it behold. That minute speck. In thy brother's eye. [39:52] And forget the beam that is in thine own. For. So it's a good thing. And how do we receive a correction of a fault? [40:05] Do we resent it? Do we fill our hearts with a parisaical pride? And say. I'm not like that. And I don't need such a correction. Or do you say. [40:16] Or do you say. Dear friend. Beloved brother in Christ. Dear sister in the Lord. That you should come and speak to me like this. That you should speak and reveal to me. [40:28] My fault. Lord bless thee. And help me to confess my heart. And to pray for forgiveness. And the strengthening of that bond. [40:39] And faithful. Are the wounds of a friend. They are. And it's a good thing. [40:53] When this is born. Patiently. But my last thought. But if. When ye do well. [41:05] And suffer for it. Ye take it patiently. This is acceptable. Now we've got to be very careful here. I preach to myself. [41:20] We can be at fault. Because. We think. We're right. We think. That we come under the second clause. [41:31] That we're doing well. But are we doing well? Take it to the word of God. Ask the Lord. To search your heart. Ask the Lord. [41:42] My friend. To show. And confirm. That what you are doing. And saying. The path in which you stand. And that for which you contend. Is. Right. And. [41:56] I do fear. And I'm not speaking of anything here at all. I'm quite clear of it. But I have known cases elsewhere. Where people have. Suffered almost like martyrs. [42:07] And said they're suffering for Christ's sake. And yet they're wrong. They're wrong. My friend. We must be very very careful. We must search the matter out. [42:21] But. For all this. We are called. To suffer. We are called. My friend. When the world. [42:31] Will hate us. And divide us. And when man. Will say all kinds of things. Against us. Forcibly. Forcibly. For Christ's sake. [42:43] Take it to the Lord. In prayer. Seek grace. My brethren. To look up. Seek grace. Not to retaliate. Or revenge. Leave the sword. [42:53] In the Lord's hand. Vengeance is mine. Seth the Lord. I will repay. And if. And I close with this. [43:06] And I've often named. A remark. Of the dear late. Mr. George Rose. If. Mud. Mud. [43:17] Is cast at you. And we. Again. Say. That this. Is without. Foundation. That you suffer. Er. [43:29] That you suffer. Doing right. Really doing right. Don't brush it off. What happens. Children. If you get mud. On your clothes. [43:40] Really wet mud. And you. Try and brush it off. With your hand. It will make it worse. Won't it. Now. Mr. Rose. Used to say. Let it dry. [43:51] And it will drop off. So. If. Things are said. Wrongly. About you. Forcely. Against you. Leave it to thy God. It will drop off. [44:04] Thy God. Will cause. No weapon. That is formed. Against thee. Shall prosper. Every tongue. That rises. Against thee. In judgment. Thou shalt condemn. Brethren. [44:16] These are just a few thoughts. It's the cross. And then. It will be the crown. Amen. Amen.