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[0:00] Lord be pleased to help us and ask your prayerful attention to the words as found in the first book of Chronicles chapter 4 verse 10 the first book of Chronicles chapter 4 verse 10 and Jabez called on the God of Israel saying oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed and enlarge my coast and that thine hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested here Jabez prayer is a mercy to and a solemn injunction to us all to follow that precept for it is our mercy if we are brought in to that great need of prayer and supplication for it is not of the flesh nor of the will of man but through the mercy of a covenant keeping God who doth bring his dear children into that path and into those many and varied circumstances where they would call upon him and so flesh is so strong at times and is self satisfied as it were until and unless the Lord doth graciously take possession of our mind and our thoughts and opens our blind eyes to realize that there is nothing in us to merit esteem or to give the creator delight and so this dear man was perplexed and troubled yet we read he called on Israel's God tis said let us take notice first of that had he to any other prayed to us it had not mattered what for all two [3:35] Israelites adore one God Jehovah and no more and serve the Lord in mercy has opened our eyes to behold the beauty of the salvation and the mercy of covenant keeping God as the word declares so many shall desire to see the things that you see and shall not be able but dear friends are we found among those that are praying souls we cannot pray aright in and of ourselves we might say a lot of pretty prayers and pretty words but it's the Lord alone is the giver of true living prayer prayer and so those that are born of God will come into those changes and into those various dispensations where prayer is one to be made and is in exercise and this is because it cometh from the [5:02] Lord he must give true living prayer and so doth bring that one often into those paths of trial and affliction where prayer is in exercise and where we would call upon him that day and night but solemnly we have to say that prayer is difficult we cannot always pray we might say a lot of words but living prayer is given by the Lord and it is the answer of a good conscience before him he reads the heart and knoweth the inmost thoughts and intents of it and to that one to whom he will show his mercy there will be that preparation of the heart and of the soul to seek him and to fall before him with humility desiring to be led by the spirit of [6:22] God for they are the sons of God and that he we might be able to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure and so it is his good pleasure for he is ever nigh unto his dear people and to hear and hearken unto their words and it is the living alone that do praise him and wait at mercy's door for him because they know that in them in their flesh dwelleth no good thing that living prayer must be given from above and so this dear man [7:27] Jabez asked that blessed prayer and concern that all my sins might be forgiven and friends is that your prayer and mine day by day as we sojourn here as we pass through this wilderness the cares of this dying world do seem to crowd upon us and upon our thoughts and so we need that continuing concern and exercise before our holy God to watch and be sober to watch and pray that we be led not into temptation and Jabez called on the God of Israel oh that thou would bless me indeed oh what a blessed prayer that is and was to ask the [8:38] Lord that thou he would bless indeed and so he knows our frame he remembers that we are dust he reads our fearful heart and the inmost thoughts and intents of it and so there must be surely that right preparation the Lord doth bring his anointed into those sacred solemn paths and trials where there is a beating upon the breast God be merciful to me a sinner and so it is and will be the constant prayer of those living souls you and I if we are found amongst them prayer will want to be made because of our need because of our deep concern over the weight of matters of eternity and here again we shall ask as [9:47] Jabez did that all my sins may be forgiven and what an asking that is oh he was found no doubt in the spirit at that time the Lord's mercy and spirit was upon him to soften his heart and to renew his will and so that is our mercy if we live in souls those times and seasons where we do sigh and cry and yet silently our eyes and our thoughts go up unto the living God that he would draw near and bless us indeed because that is the portion the Lord gives to his anointed and if we are living souls we want to know and want to be assured that we have part and lot in that blessed inheritance altered in all things and sure and so he continues with those words for he called upon [11:08] Israel's God and he take notice first of that that he did seek the living God and so in that exercise as we each have to come into in our measure as we sojourn here the Lord in mercy doth bring his dear people into those changes into those various dispensations and paths it is for their eternal good it is to bring them closer and nearer to him that they might learn of him and walk in his ways and in his precepts as we read it speaks of those that are of the earth earthy they are from [12:18] Adam and so are we all until and unless the Lord doth change our way in his mercy and these will call upon or seek that which satisfies the flesh and the carnal mind but the living soul cannot rest there for we want that sweet assurance we want as we sojourn here to walk in obedience to his word marking out the way before us as the dear Lord often does and brings his people in to those trials to search them to see whether there be any wicked way in them and to lead them in that way everlasting so have we called upon the name of [13:25] God oh that thou would bless me indeed and so the dear man goes on continually such was his need such was his concern is it our concern to lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us we have to be brought friends do we not in to and under the spirit influence and teaching when we can lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and press forward for that mark and prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus it is our mercy and it is of the Lord's giving it is he that prompts it is he that draws enables us to draw near and so he waiteth to be gracious to those that call upon him that call upon him in truth and so here was that dear man [14:47] Jabez waiting and watching his whole desire thoughts and mind was upon eternal realities oh we would bless the Lord for these things of the left on record because it doth reveal to us what needs be there is to hold fast to that which the Lord hath appointed and seek his will his grace his mercy as we sojourn here as we pass through this wilderness one says God's promise is our stay and so it will be but oh if one can speak for others how we become brought into that trial of faith from time to time when we cannot see our signs when we feel much darkness and unbelief within can we pray we may say many pretty prayers but it is the [16:13] Lord alone that indicts living prayer and so every one born of God would desire that and there will be those times when we are given sweet access as the word says the time of love shall come when he shall clearly see not only that he shed his blood but he shall say for me in everything in order that the Lord God almighty hath appointed as we travel through this wilderness and therefore if we are one of his people as Jabez was then there's a fearful will be a fearful looking and gracious waiting upon the [17:16] Lord to hearken unto his voice because of that importance oh is the word is his gracious presence and person so important to us it will be if we are his children if we have tasted handled and felt of the good word of life and felt the unction and savour of his love shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost then we shall from time to time give diligence to make our calling and election sure and our path and our walk will exhibit likewise that we've been with Jesus and learnt of him they that are of the earth that are earthy do seek the things of the earth and of time but those that are of the heavenly calling will seek those things which are above where [18:37] Christ sitteth at the right hand of God and the more so as we see the day approaching there will be with us each that constant warfare as we sojourn here below because the enemy of souls will come in like a flood he hates to see those of the Lord's anointed in prayer and so there will be those temptations those snares and cares that he lays before our eyes but to the living soul it brings us and will bring us closer into the path of prayer and exercise day by day tracing out in our pathway the [19:37] Lord's good hand thus far in delivering us and upholding us and keeping us but as we sojourn here there we desire to be kept and in our exercise and pathway want to hear his our sins are forgiven as Jabez said that thou wouldest what it is to be blessed indeed but to have our sins forgiven and from guilt and terror freed so will be our mercy and so will it be more or less as we continue here because we cannot keep alive our own souls not one day what not one moment our whole dependence is upon the [20:47] Lord to keep us to uphold us and to bless us and our great mercy is to be led in in that path where the spirit of the Lord doth prompt and so again we have there is that needs be we think all may be well but the Lord reads in those thoughts of our heart and may I say that if all was well and we walked always in the light of his countenance would there be that care concern and living prayer oh a living prayer is the answer of a good conscience from the Lord he indicts living prayer in the hearts of his believers and so with that in mind there will be that fearful looking and gracious waiting upon him day by day that we might be kept by the power of [22:07] God through faith unto salvation that indeed he would lead us in that right way and uphold us in the way but prone we are to wander prone to leave the God we profess to love cannot keep alive our own souls one moment nevertheless once in Christ in Christ forever but he hath and will prepare the way mark it well friends if we are to enjoy a period of a blessed estate where our hearts are warmed and a measure of rejoicing! [22:56] and walking with the Lord such will be that cleansing purging influence here to forth the Lord will prepare the heart and the mind whereby we shall come boldly to the throne of grace in times of need to cry to sigh because of the abominations done in the land and to prove to us that we cannot keep alive our souls but nevertheless those that are thus minded will prove that it is the Lord alone that is able to hold us up in times of need for who can but thou says the hymn writer we have to prove it in every change in every dispensation we are and must lean upon our beloved but our mercy is to be mindful of these things how many there are and I speak to myself that have a form of godliness yet deny the power thereof they're satisfied with a formal knowledge with a coming and going now and again to the house of prayer but that will never do those that are truly sons and daughters of the [24:46] Lord will come and be brought into a true thirst and hunger after righteousness oh and therefore it is and will be our mercy to be drawn by the cause of his love to return as it were unto that fold because we have backslidden perhaps men in thought perhaps not in heart but nevertheless the Lord readeth the heart and knoweth in most desires and therefore if we are living souls there will be those seasons those changes will be made manifest we cannot stay in one state we are fickle and therefore subject to many temptations and many sins but the [26:04] Lord knoweth and whilst he cannot look upon sin yet it is our mercy where we are brought to consider and seek through repentance and godly sorrow for our sins as Jabez declares oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed and enlarge my bounds and let thy hand grant every need and so every living soul must come to and into that place where he is daily dependent upon the Lord we may think all is well and truly it may be well but we are sinners proud to wander proud to lead the [27:09] God we profess to love and so this will prove in our pathway that we are subject to changes and to temptations and the devil is strong to apply those temptations ah do not think we can overcome him he is the greatest of foes and doth bring the Lord's people oft into great concern and exercise nevertheless if we are born of God there mastered will be that gracious exercise over the weight of matters of eternity we might consider our latter end next as also as [28:15] Jabez says and enlarge my coast and keep me from evil other words bring me nearer Lord through thy dear self teach me instruct me and bless me with many spiritual blessings in heavenly places oh how solemn it is if there are and there are those people that seemingly are satisfied they come and go but they do not have any changes the Lord's people are brought into many changes to keep them near to the Lord to keep them in the path of prayer and they will feel their sin and unbelief and pant often after the living [29:18] God as Jabez declares oh that thou would bless me indeed and enlarge my coast what is that but the pardon of his sin to bring him and to enable him as it does needful to us all to come nearer and to learn of him and so we have to prove so prone we are to wander prone to leave the God we profess to love but the dear Lord is ever nigh unto his anointed to give them an expected end and every change in the pathway and every affliction and sorrow is to that end to teach them to instruct them to cause them to call upon his name it is in love to their soul it is to put the crooked things straight and the rough places plain to guide and lead them through this dying world do we think we can come and go through this world without divine direction the world do they follow the bent of their nature and solemn it is when we see [30:51] God's so-called people doing the same going hither and thither according to the whims of their flesh but as one said Nehemiah so did not I for the fear of the Lord and if the Lord has planted his grace and truth in your heart and mine he will plant that tender godly fear likewise that trembles at his word that waits and watches at mercy's door day by day seeking fresh supplies of grace fearful to displease the holy god and my dear friends if we know these things and if we have passed that way oh has it not made us tremble because there will be that darkness he hides his face to stain our pride and the living soul is much concerned whether the [32:12] Lord and when the Lord doth hide his face in the pathway nothing is more solemn and searching to us if we know the Lord and have tasted and felt the good word of life felt the unction and savour of his love shed abroad in our hearts from time to time but now oh but now there is an aching void does it trouble you does it trouble me it will if we have tasted handled and felt of that good word and of his gracious presence oh the living soul will mourn an absent God and it will be seen and made manifest that he is mourning and so it was [33:12] Jabez desire to be kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation and you and I as we travel on we'll come into many changes and dispensations many trials by the way trials make the promise sweet trials bring us to his feet and bless us there and so all these changes are for our eternal good as exercise thereby they have a purpose to bring us to his dear feet to humble us under his mighty hand that we might be exalted in due season oh living prayer is the life and substance of true religion and so if we have tasted and felt of that good word and of that prayer and exercise such shall we be fearful fearful to displease him that we might walk again perhaps in some darkness and therefore these truths are left on record for our mercy for our teaching and [35:02] Jabez called on the God of Israel saying oh that thou wouldst bless me indeed and enlarge my coast and that thine hand might be with me oh what a need be there is for his to see his hand going before us in the way prompting us into the path of prayer prompting us to do the will of God such will it be to the believer who waiteth to hear the word of the Lord that he might hand might be with me and that thou wouldst keep me from evil all those blessed attributes that the man of God is fearful of fearful to fall a prey to the enemy of souls to bring us into darkness and into sorrow but the [36:16] Lord is merciful and gracious to his anointed and he doth grant as the word here declares that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested is it with us friends likewise unbelief and prayerlessness we we soon become there if mixed up with our own vain thoughts and desires but the Lord doth cleanse and purge in the pathway to bring his dear people nearer and nearer that there might be with them that continuing prayer and supplication oh that thou would bless me indeed and enlarge my coast and keep me from evil oh what a prayer and what a blessed desire it hath to be given and prompted by and through the spirit of [37:47] God but those that are born of God that are found in that way they will know and have learned in passing through this time state that every mercy and every blessing flows through Jesus name and blood and therefore there will be with us the living if we are that day by day experience to hold fast to those things that the Lord has taught us and that one thing needful to feel our need of him day by day we often say friends and I say it too but how dependent and how deep is that thought that thou would bless me indeed and enlarge my coast that is to walk in union with the lamb from condemnation field free to fill the unction and savour of his love shed abroad in their hearts as they pass through this wilderness will keep us and bless us and enlarge our coast and so prepare us for that great day when he will appear and grant to his anointed that crown of glory which he hath prepared for the saints of [39:49] God may be for you and I for his name sake amen him Thank you.