Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Depending upon the Lord for help, I would direct your attention to the second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 13, and reading verse 5. [0:24] The second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 5. [0:39] Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the face. Prove your own selves. [0:51] Know ye not your own selves? How that Christ is in you? Except ye be reprobates. [1:04] Examine yourselves. Whether ye be in the face. Prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves? [1:17] How that Jesus Christ is in you? Except ye be reprobates. The apostle is answering some that seem to be, desires to put him to the test whether he was really sent of God to preach the gospel. [1:47] For in verse 3, he says, Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to you, Lord, is not weak, but is mighty in you. [2:03] Oh, he says, he writes to them as from a distance. But nevertheless, what grace the apostle gives to them. [2:18] He doesn't say, there's nothing wrong with me. And I don't see why you should find thought with me. But he brings the whole matter together of our own personal needs. [2:36] Oh, for indeed we need to be found right, do we not? Not before man, but to be found right before God. [2:50] Now that is the great test. And that is the all-important matter when we come down to die and are brought to stand before the judgment bar of God. [3:06] So therefore, we see this verse as having a double meaning by proving all things. [3:20] It is indeed a word of warning. Because a profession that is unproved and nothing to be proved is an empty profession. [3:35] And what a solemn thing to have an empty profession at an end. But oh, to have a profession again which is full of Christ. [3:50] Christ in the beginning. Christ in the end. Christ to continue by. And to prove it. I say that is a good profession, is it not? [4:03] It will be to prove that in the day of judgment, he will never leave his people. That he will be their advocate there. [4:16] That he will speak for them in heaven's high courts above. That he will be their witness. To speak on their behalf. [4:26] That he has paid the price of sin. Even with his own heart's blood. And can we know indeed prove that our sins have been forgiven by Jesus Christ without a soft heart. [4:47] Without that spirit. Oh, without indeed shedding those tears of contrition. Without that spirit. [4:58] Oh, dear Peter. Peter. When he said, Lord, thou knowest all things. Thou knowest that I love thee. [5:10] Now let us come more directly to the test. Let us examine yourselves. Let us remember this. [5:22] God will examine us. And when God does examine us. He will be just in his examination. [5:34] For our God is a God of holiness. And of wondrous perfection. Friend, when God examines us. [5:46] There is none like God. He sees into all things. He sees through all things. He surely deserves that. [5:57] Which is his work. And that which is the work of the creature. He does not rubbish us in examination. [6:09] And say, this is all of the flesh. Therefore, most of this is of the flesh. Therefore, I will draw what is of grace. [6:24] No, my friends. Salvation is always all of grace. And nothing but the grace of God. [6:37] Now, as I have said, God will examine us. We also need to remember that Satan will examine us. [6:49] And my friend, he is a cheat. He never examines anything honestly and fairly. [7:00] He orders his rules of examination every time. Not indeed just to destroy the soul. [7:13] But to discredit Almighty God. And indeed to show his enmity against God. As it has been ever since he was turned out of paradise. [7:29] Friend, Satan never changes in his examination. In his examination. He always appears to be so fair and so just. [7:46] He doesn't mind, my friends, how we are, what we are. As long as we are not in Christ Jesus. He doesn't mind how big you are. [7:59] How great you are. Yes, as long as there is no glory for Christ. He doesn't mind how small you are. [8:12] As long as that is wrapped up in his inverted pride. Saying things and making out things. Which we know nothing of at all. [8:25] Oh, friends. What a solemn thing it is. Oh, when people credit that they have salvation. Because they feel not the grace of God within them. [8:41] How dreadful thing that is. That men can lull themselves to sleep. Justifying themselves. [8:53] By their doubts and fears. Friends, there is a judgment day. Awaits for such people as they. As much as those who are puffed up with pride. [9:05] Oh, I see. The apostle Paul. He grasps the matter by the teaching of the Holy Spirit. And therefore he brings these Corinthians. [9:19] That he has had so much to do with. Yes, to those vital points. That really matter. Where he desires still that they should be exercised in. [9:35] That they should continue. Examine yourselves. Whether ye be in the face. [9:47] Friends, examine yourselves. We might well say this. I cannot examine myself. I do not seem to have the light. [10:00] I do not seem to have the sight. And the understanding. My friend, I believe the great thing is this. [10:12] First of all, when we come to examine ourselves. Am I born again? Have I life? Have I life? [10:23] I didn't. It doesn't say, have I sight? Or have I light? Jesus said, ye must be born again. [10:35] And there is that wonderful teaching, isn't there? In that third chapter of John. How can these things be? [10:47] My friend, that she is born of the Spirit. A spirit. Examine yourself. Or did it begin with the work of the Spirit. [11:00] Quickening your soul into divine life. Can you go back to that time. When you first cried, Lord help me. [11:13] Lord help me. Lord help me. Lord I am such in need. Such distress. With myself. And my circumstances. [11:26] About you. Examine yourself. My friend. And did the Lord fail you? Did he cast you aside? And say, oh but you haven't graduated. [11:38] Enough yet. No, he never does. And I do not find such teaching. In the word of God. Or the only growing in grace. [11:51] And in the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ that we know of. Is this. That we do not grow greater. But Christ grows greater. [12:03] And we do but grow smaller. We do not become independent. But we become more dependent. [12:14] Upon him. Examine yourselves. Friend. Isn't this. A wonderful truth. That. When we become more dependent. [12:26] Upon him. Oh when the Lord sets. The poor soul at liberty. They may well. Find this. [12:37] Or have a desire. That they might yet. That they may know. Do better. Than they have done. Here. To for. [12:48] I say. Examine yourselves. Ah. But what have we. How have we. Fared. Do you know what the hymn writer said. [13:01] The more. The more I strove. Against sin's power. I sinned and stumbled. Yet the more. Ah. Until. My friend. [13:13] The Lord. Jesus Christ. Calls you. Do. Unto him. Prove. Examine yourselves. [13:24] Where. Did your troubles. Lead you to. Oh. Did it lead you. To Jesus. The sinner's friend. Or did you. [13:36] Lead it lead you. To examine yourselves. Hoping. Searching. That even yet. You might find. Better things. things within you than you've ever known before friends what a false dream that has been, oh examine yourselves the apostle I think he's writing to the Corinthians I've got nothing, how can I possess all things why if we possess Jesus Christ and he as ours then all the things that we possess are found in him, not in ourselves no, but are found in him and him alone, examine yourselves oh with regards to coming before the judgment bar of God, why there we see what we do possess we possess condemnation but that good hope through grace through the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ examine yourself can we say that we have a good hope through grace if we count the precious blood of Christ as an unacceptable an unholy thing that we are still unable to tread it underfoot by willfully continuing to sin and despise the riches of his grace examine yourselves [15:32] I say where does the difference that the Lord has made within you lead you and bring you to can you communicate with the world and those that fear not God even as once you did friend do we not find that some seem to be just at home with the world as they do with the people of God they find no delight in that hymn numbered with them may I be now and through eternity now examine yourselves no man can serve to masters we read of the apostles we will examine them in this when they were let go what did they do they went to their own company they went with those that feared God that was their company they went to those that loved [16:52] God they went to those my friends who prayed to God I say do you desire to be in the company of those that pray to God and seek his face oh I say examine yourself Jesus said no man can serve two masters I suppose we would all be most offended wouldn't it wouldn't we if someone said to us today you serve the devil and you are the the devil's servant servant though there may be an element of truth in it you wouldn't want it to be discovered and disclosed would you we would certainly seek to hold [17:57] Christ with one hand and the devil in the other but my friends examine yourself through the grace of God as he caused you to let go of the things which belong unto Satan and his company not fear in the wrath of the king no despising the riches of Egypt was Moses examine yourself would you have taken the same course and the same line of things if you had been Moses or the great opportunities that were before him why one day he might well be a pharaoh of Egypt what an opportunity one might say but no my friend oh examine yourself he sought to know and to do the [19:12] Lord's will my friend oh has the Lord brought as it were to a place in our life where he will say like Satan said who will you worship if you worship me oh my friend no no man can serve two masters the prospect may be rosy the prospect may indeed be sound but I say one thing we need to examine will the Lord be with me in these things of such great importance for surely all the engagements in life and all our movements are of great importance many many might think that they can do as they like and when it comes to religion they say oh we venture in faith what examine yourself are you telling [20:29] God what you're going to do and what he has got to do by picking up the pieces friend oh examine yourself how are we treating almighty God who we have sinned against yes and whom we are indebted to already friend what a mercy instead of which are we brought to seek his face and plead with him that he will look to us and plead for us and guide us and direct us by thy counsel examine yourselves shall we be found in that place with the slightest offence against us when our own evil heart rises up in covetousness and jealousy oh say [21:33] I will not stand for these things I will pull up my tent pegs and go friend so we may so we may but I say can we say like Moses if thy presence go not with me carry us not up hence friend what telling words they are examine yourselves surely I believe that Moses by the grace of God he felt the greatest thing for him was to have God's presence God's presence he knew it and he felt it did he not those forty years whilst he was leading the people in the wilderness and we see the endorsement of that when [22:42] Joshua was to take over from Moses God gave him a promise he gave him a promise as I was with Moses so I will be with thee friend oh I shall never forget many of you wouldn't have known him a man called Mr. [23:11] Oxlade preaching from those words oh I when I felt so low and I could not go to do the Lord's will because I was insufficient and I those he just he really dwelt upon those words and as and as oh God was with Moses oh my friends we need to examine ourselves to inquire to look Lord art thou still with me have I forsaken thee have I despised the riches of thy grace have I grown full of pride and kicked against thee thinking now I can manage my own affairs not so my friend examine yourselves we have wondered somewhat you know from the subject but it is whether ye be in the faith or no in the faith or no what faith are we speaking of here we often that word faith often comes up in conversation doesn't it and the world talk about having faith in the thing is one thing indeed will prove whether we are true [24:53] Christians and it's this what is our faith prove what is the origin of your faith what was the beginning of your faith my friend our mercy is that the Lord's people's faith is founded and fixed from all eternity in Christ Jesus their Lord yes oh I say what a blessed faith that is to be delivered from the world and now be brought to believe in Jesus Christ yes examine yourselves ah poor sinner you who may feel to be completely overcome by your own self your thoughts and feelings what is your hope now what is your hope now you say my hope seems to have almost sunk but is it resting upon this sound footing and ledge if ever my poor soul is saved it is [26:16] Christ must be the way friend there's no other way is there examine yourselves you cannot turn you cannot go back you have to go on the Lord Jesus says my sheep they hear my voice and they follow me they follow me as having faith in that voice that voice a stranger will they not follow or a strange voice they will they will not follow they have faith in it but my friend our mercy is we are brought to believe that there is no other way than the Lord Jesus Christ examine yourself has that faith in [27:21] Christ ever led you astray has the faith in Christ ever caused you to err not so my friend oh we may sing and pray that the Lord might give us a stronger face to credit what he said a stronger faith to look within the veil friend examine yourself oh has the Lord so opened your eyes that you're brought to see things differently it may be differently to as you saw them a week ago or a month ago faith indeed to believe in this only Jesus Christ can hold me up and support me in this way examine yourselves [28:29] Jesus has said where your treasure is there will your heart be also the ministry of Christ was full of tests wasn't it to examine ourselves where is your treasure where is your heart what are those things that have taken up your attention what indeed are those things that whereby your mind keeps circulating around them seeking to add unto them and to build prospects of the future before you are they good prospects prospects are they prospects that you can be sure will certainly come to pass my friend there's no certainty is there in anything that your heart and mind is going round that is of this world no guarantee at all but how soon the [29:51] Lord can say thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee examine yourself your prospects all that take up your attention and concern are they not of the things of this world and then shall those who will those things be then we don't know who they will be one thing we know this we shall never take them beyond the grave's mouth will we those things that we have put so much stress upon indeed may be found after our decease upon the scrap heap things that are unwanted by anyone else examine yourselves [30:57] I say what fools we are and how prone we are to turn aside whether be in the faith the faith my friend is this the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into this world is it not and what he come into this world for I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance examine yourselves we come here to a very huge area repentance my friend examine yourselves have we repented before we judge and assess anyone else we need to ask ourselves have we repented there's one thing that is so beautiful about godly repentance is not to be repented of but also it will ever teach us that we have no place wherein we can judge and accuse other people friend [32:35] I believe this examine yourself as the lord brought you to repentance repentance is to hate the sins that we once so loved before and in earnest prove by doing so no more no more this is the exercise is it not of repentance but I say do we not find ourselves sometimes slipping back again slipping back oh mercy if we cry unto him lord give me more repentance bring me to thy feet there's only one place my friend of repentance and that is at the feet of [33:39] Jesus isn't it we don't repent indeed far off and say all right I am coming after I've done this I won't do any more no my friend Jesus exalted a prince and a saviour to give repentance surely then that repentant spirit that he gives to us brings us closer and nearer to him and there it will be repentant still oh wretched man that I am says Paul who shall deliver me from this body of sin and death oh wretched man that I am that I should hold myself into the judgment see it and so indeed assess other people or point the finger of scorn and ridicule others for all their thoughts and failings what a godly man [35:02] John Newton was when he saw that poor wretch going to the gallows he didn't say oh serve him right he deserves every bit of judgment that goes his way he said no there goes I but for the grace of God God I knew I know that phrase is being used by all manner of people today as if well it excuses them of what they're doing taken completely out of context and what that godly man said and felt examine yourselves yes are we like the majority today who use that quotation as if it's a shield and a covering for them when we come to the judgment day friends to stand before almighty [36:12] God we shall need better quotations than that we shall need a better salvation than that if we're still grovelling in our sin examine yourself whether you be in the faith or no that faith that leads us to godly repentance my friend what a mercy if god today gives to us that godly repentance yes that we may see sin as sin really is to see sin in us as we have never seen it before perfection in others never never shall we find it perfection in self indeed there's none but perfection in [37:19] Jesus Christ why it is all perfection a perfect perfection surely his blood and righteousness is that alone which can cleanse us from all sin examine yourselves whether you be in the face examine that hope that we have have we a good hope through grace or how we need to be so careful because my friends oh so many if we approach them and speak to them with regard to dying and how it will be with them then they say well [38:20] I hope so I hope it will be alright but what sort of hope is our hope if Christ is not our hope we have no hope at all we have no foundation for that hope have we my friend our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness that him might have put it so concise for us doesn't he in his teaching that is good teaching isn't it a good hope through grace friend a hope that is not through grace is no hope whatsoever and it is a hope my friends that will be yet to be proved and proved to our grief and to our sorrow if we are put into the balances and there to be found wanting at last my friends what hope is that sure is souls there discover that they hope for all the wrong things they hope indeed that [39:51] God would change his mind they hope indeed that God would provide another way to save their souls but I'm sure that if any think that oh God is able to do such a thing as that they're grossly mistaken yes but what a mercy to have that good hope examine yourself that hope my friend is based upon is it not what Jesus has said as a wonderful hope isn't it so suitable for you and I the vilest the sinners it is come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden what is your position today where are you standing what is your hope where you are standing is your face indeed towards him or turning away from him is there in your hope a desire to receive him or is there hope that which turns its back upon him to reject him out of hand and all that he has so freely given by nature my friend we do not receive him but that good hope through grace it does receive him yes blessed hope is that which draws us closer and nearer unto the saviour examine yourselves examine that hope my friend that hope that has never failed you know we may indeed be in need and we may have knocked at many many doors for help and assistance but all to no avail in other words there's no hope but I say have you knocked at mercy's door solemn thing isn't it so often that is the last door we knock at even that of mercy's door examine yourselves is your hope in [42:46] Jesus Christ for is it knock and it shall be opened unto you ask and ye shall receive I say may the Lord then bid you to examine yourself and oh may by his grace cause you to knock at mercy's door friend that is not hopeless is it it is a good hope a hope my friend that will not be frustrated or disappointed but it will be a hope my friends that should he gives unto such exceeding abundantly above that which they can both ask or think why what a mercy to examine ourselves fearful may be of examine ourselves but examine ourselves we must because [43:54] I say there's so many so much which is force within us by nature so many which is force which would teach us and turn us astray but friends oh that good hope through grace it we believe this that when the soul comes to the end of this journey this straight and narrow way that he has certainly gone to prepare a place for them a place wherein they shall not be disappointed my friend we believe that hope in his mercy yea there'll never be a vacant place in heaven you know there'll never be a hope left behind my friend that hope examine yourself do we come to prayer in hope prayer or think of all the many prayers that are lifted up day by day some to heathen gods they can be discounted at once because they are no gods whatsoever but how many gods how many prayers lifted up in so called in [45:34] Christ Jesus but what is Christ Jesus to so many my friend examine yourself has it brought it to you to the feet of Jesus we read the disciples of John the Baptist when he was beheaded what did they do they came and told it unto Jesus friend they had a good hope had they not in their coming they knew he would understand them they knew he would suck them and support them and take them under his care and keeping a wonderful thing isn't it examine yourself has he ever rejected you and turned you aside in your humble coming unto him by the work of the [46:46] Holy Spirit friend no that is a blessed hope wherein he brings his people prove your own