Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Amen. His father called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bear him with sorrow. [0:37] Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, O that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me. [0:58] And God granted him that which he requested. We said this morning that this good man Jabez, very little is spoken about him. [1:17] His name is only mentioned three times in this book, once in chapter two and twice here. And we tried to contain our meditation upon that which was spiritually honourable, found in him. [1:37] Whatever else it was, it was not of any importance, compared to that spiritual work of grace. Here we have the breathings of a living soul. [1:53] Here we have the prayer of a dear saint of God. Here we have the cry and the supplication of one taught by the Spirit. [2:06] When the Spirit of Truth teaches you your need, he will teach you how to pray, that that need be supplied. [2:16] If you have no need, then your prayers are but formal, and carnal, and fleshly. But if you are spiritually taught and led, and the Blessed Spirit reveals the matters of your soul, and the need of your soul, he will also enable you, at times to take these needs and burdens and cares and exercises, and lay them before him in prayer and supplication. [2:51] In other words, like we sing in the hymn, if Solomon for wisdom prayed, the Lord before had made him wise. You can see it in so many things in the Word of God. [3:05] And sometimes you are enabled to see it in your own spiritual experience. We thought then of that dear woman with the issue of blood, who had spent all, but rather grew worse. [3:21] And the Scriptures have it when she heard of Jesus, and hearing of Jesus drew her to Jesus. And faith in her soul rested upon the ability of Jesus Christ, upon the mercy of Jesus Christ, and upon his compassion. [3:44] So she could say, If I may but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole. Well, my friends, Jabez called on the God of Israel, but he called with us, indicted petitions, which indeed reflected the needs that he had. [4:06] What a blessed prayer it is, when you are unable to pray as a needy soul. There is much prayer, much that goes under the name of prayer. But, my friends, if your soul and mine's not in need, then it isn't real prayer. [4:21] When we went to school, and we had assemblies, as we did in those days, then we read out of the Book of Common Prayer. [4:33] And although, of course, the words of those prayers could not be faulted, there was nothing wrong with those written prayers, my friends, but there was something missing. [4:46] And what was missing? Need. My friends, if your prayers and mine are, are, is absent of need, and of the Spirit's indicted, then it's all formality. [5:00] But in this lovely prayer, this simple prayer, and indeed it was simple, but it, it revealed what, was going on in the heart of Jabez. [5:12] And he was enabled to bring what he desired and sought for, unto the God of Israel. There was faith in his prayers. Or faith in the way to God, and faith was given him to express before God what he needed. [5:27] And so again, the Lord helping us, we will look at these desires. And what does the poet say, these desires are, indeed, so weak. [5:41] Tis Jesus inspires, and bids you, still seek. You might do, as I often have to do, have to beg the Lord to forgive the poverty of prayer. [5:53] My friends, if it's real, God-given, indicted by the Spirit, then it will reach the ears of the Lord God of Sabaoth. [6:05] And it is only that that Spirit's talk prayer will, that God granted him that which he requested, was evidently that it had reached his ear. And another thing too, that his prayer was according to the purposes, and will, and appointments of God. [6:22] He asked for nothing, that was contrary to God's order, and appointment for him. And so we have, therefore, the teaching of the Spirit, showing him first his need, enabling him in prayer and supplication, to lay those needs before the Lord. [6:41] Oh, that thou wouldest bless me indeed. I said this morning, I don't wish to go over anything really, but just to bring it into the, into context really this night. [6:55] But such an expression. Oh, that thou wouldest bless me indeed. There was nothing formal about these prayers. There was a sense of need, and there was a sense of urgency, and there was a sense of, one's felt poverty. [7:15] And so the poor man expressed it, with those words. But then we spoke of the greatest of blessings, blessings, that being the forgiveness of sins. [7:29] And it surely is, the greatest of blessings. We said that it is, through the person, and the offering, the death, and the resurrection, of the Son of God, that such a prayer, such a supplication, shall be asked. [7:48] It is also, it is also a very, it is an indication too, of the felt need of forgiveness. The felt need of pardon. [7:59] My friends, it is a grace, if you feel to need pardon. It is a mercy. God be merciful to me, a sinner, as we explained this morning, was all the cry of the publican. [8:11] Whatever else he might have wanted, it surmounted, and was indeed, more important to him, than anything else in the world. Now, my friends, if you cry for mercy, as a sinner, it's because it's been revealed to you, that you are a sinner, and made to feel, that you're a sinner. [8:32] But oh, that blessing of forgiveness, oh, that thou wouldst bless me indeed, that we might have a sight of Christ, at Calvary. [8:44] That we might have a view, of that glorious person, nailed to the tree, at Calvary. That we might see, such a, sufficiency, in his sacrifice. [8:57] That we might have to pray, and we do constantly, I trust, that we might have, the application, of his precious blood, made known to us. [9:09] My friends, that's an indeed blessing. When this day's services are done, when you and I, go to our homes, when we, are found to, on our, before the throne of grace, in, in, our, family altar, I can assure you of this, that, what is needed, above all things, concerning the services, of God's house, it isn't only, his blessing, on his words, you know, that is needed, but his precious blood, is needed, that the services, of his house, might be washed, from all iniquity. [9:49] well, my friends, if he teaches you, anything of yourself, you will, you will seek, for the precious blood, of Christ, to be, applied, to one's heart, and conscience. [10:03] Remembering, what the apostle said, without shedding of blood, there's no remission, you'll find pardon, you'll find pardon, no way, no other way, my friends, you will find forgiveness, no other way, oh, that thou wouldst bless me, indeed, and then, this, that thou, and enlarge my coast, we said, and, I want to just read a verse, from the hymn, 692, more of thy presence, Lord, in part, more of thy image, let me bear, erect thy throne, within my heart, and reign, without a rival there, give me, to read my pardon, sealed, and from thy joy, to draw my strength, to have thy matchless love, revealed, in all its height, and breadth, and length, what you, and I know, we said this morning, what you and I know, of Christ, what you and I know, of the mercy, which was in, which is in Jesus Christ, will only be, as the spirit of truth, reveals it, but if you are, and I am, one of those, blood washed, souls, that are Christ, my friends, you can never know, enough of Jesus Christ, and you can never, be content either, as you travel on, in this pilgrimage way, in the knowledge, of Christ Jesus, there is, only one satisfaction, you know, and that is, when Christ, is revealed, to the soul, and, one would go, a step farther, [11:44] David said, in his psalm, and, really my friends, that is sacred truth, and, deep teaching, but he said, I shall be satisfied, when I awake, in his likeness, and, whilst you and I, travel on, in the world, and if, by divine grace, we fear the Lord, and, following his ways, and walking his pathways, my friends, these blessings, well, they shall indeed, be as, encouragements, they shall be, satisfying, satisfying, to us, but they shall also, be dissatisfying, in this, that you will seek, for an enlargement, of your coast, in other words, more blessing, more visits, more times, of communion, more, more gracious, helps from him, oh, that thou wouldest, bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and then, and that thine hand, might be with me, why do you need his hand, why would a soul, need his hand, but as it teaches, my friends, what it teaches us, will show you, whether you have the need, of this, portion of this, desire, this prayer, and, that thy hand, might be with me, well, we read, first of all, that, those, precious words, in the, next but one, an next but last chapter, of Deuteronomy, underneath, are the everlasting arms, that thy hand, might be with me, to support, and to uphold, and to strengthen, that we might rest, upon those eternal arms, of love and mercy, but there's something, more to that, than those words, you know, and that thy hand, might be with me, that you might find, his support, and, his comfort, that a hand, you know, is a, means of guidance, that you might find, that his hand, is directing you, that you might, follow his footsteps, and, be led in the ways, which he will have you, to go, and that you might, find too, his hand, is to be relied upon, as a support, if you find, you are weak, you find these, dear aged people, that are weak, and are unable, to support themselves, whether it's with, walking sticks, or something, my friends, well, [14:25] I know this, that an arm underneath, holding them up, will support them, will be a comfort, to them, and that thy hand, might be with me, but then I felt, as I looked at these words, too, dear friends, you need the hand, of God, first of all, not first of all, but amongst many ways, that you might have, the hand of God, to prevent you, do you know, what that is, the hand of God, to prevent you, that he as it were, puts his hand, before you, and directs you, in his way, not in your ways, that he might keep you, from going in those paths, of wickedness, and evil, that his hand, might stop you, as well as support you, as well as guide you, as well as direct you, thy hand, might be with me, oh, to lean on his everlasting arms, to be upheld, by the hand of mercy, but also, to have our pathways, directed, by the hand of God, that not only, to direct us, in the way, and have us to go, but also, to keep us, from the way, that we would go, ourselves, my friends, his hand, often prevents, and blessed be God, when he does, that thy hand, might be, with me, and oh, that blessed hand, will never, make a mistake, my friends, we, would say this, too, that word, in Psalm 37, commit thy way, unto the Lord, do you need, his hand, as a guidance, like a signpost, as it were, directing you, to do what's right, indeed, upholding you, supporting you, as you go on, in the way, my friends, what a precious thing, it is, to have the support, and hand, of God, but then we read, also, in the gospels, of those, blessed, occasions, where the Lord, [16:26] Jesus Christ, put forth his hand, and touched in us, there was a man, who had leprosy, and one of the first, one of the, important things, about leprosy, is that you wouldn't, surely touch a person, that got leprosy, because you could possibly, in those days anyway, contract that, leprosy, to yourself, but not Jesus Christ, or the cry of that leper, entered into his heart, and he put forth his hand, and touched him, the hand of healing, the hand of restoration, my friends, have you ever known, and some of you have, and I beg that all of you, may know, the touch of his hand, as to be your comfort, and support, but also, the healing hand, of God, and the supporting, hand of God, and that thy hand, might be with me, in the direction, of the way, I should go, but that restoration, and mercy, and then I thought, of those characters, you know, who were, indeed, brought very low, and they needed, that hand, of Christ, to lift them up, oh, that thou wouldest, bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thou wouldest, and that thy hand, might be with me, there's nothing, more blessed, my friends, in the unknown way, than to have, the guiding hand, of God, what I know, not teach thou me, and he'll teach you, by guiding you, in his counsel, that's the hand, of God, and then he might, use his holy word, as a guide, and a direction, for you too, that thou, at thine hand, might be with me, the word of his grace, spoken, into the soul, by the spirit, guiding you, along life's journey, guiding you, in the ways, of peace, guiding you, into the ways, of wisdom, and knowledge, and understanding, in spiritual things, thy hand, oh, it is important, my friends, what a mercy, it is, [18:39] I find it so, as we read, the word of God, that, that the blessing, of the people, of God, is in the person, of Christ Jesus, in that he goes, before his people, and leads them, they're not driven, they're not, they're not, as, as we would, so consider, that he might, be behind his people, in directing them forward, my friends, he leads, and guides his people, by going before them, and walking, in the way, that they shall walk, before they do, and that, thine hand, might be with me, not, my friends, a hand, that can fail, not a hand, that is weak, but a hand, that is eternal, a hand, that is strength, and comfort, and mercy, oh, my friends, there was many, a sick soul, in the days, of Christ's pilgrimage, that, so valued, the hand, of Jesus Christ, that lifted them up, out of their affliction, that touched, their afflictions, and, that they were, blessed with healing, and restoration, and enlarge my coast, that thy hand, might be with me, both to direct, and both to prevent, the direction, is the way, he'll have his people go, and he'll show you, and he'll guide you, by his hand, what comfort, there is in those words, it brought me, to think of those, lines in the psalm, thou shalt guide me, with thy counsel, and afterward, receive me, to glory, my friends, the hand of God, is there to guide, the hand of Jesus Christ, is there, may the children of God, enjoy that hand, more and more, and may they be, comforted by that hand, of direction, oh that thou, wouldest bless me, indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thy hand, might be with me, and that thou, would keep me, from evil, now we touch, on a subject, my friends, which is, what I was going to say, crucify into the flesh, that thou, would escape me, from evil, what a good prayer, this is, that it might be, the prayer, of your, your soul, and mine, before the Lord, often, a man, that feared the Lord, does he need, does he need, to pray, to be kept, from evil, are they so, well taught, that they have, to still go back, as it were, to the great need, of their soul, and plead, such a word as this, what makes them, so do, and that thou, wouldest keep me, from evil, that I said, about this hand, of God, that he is also, a preventative hand, as well as, a guiding hand, but, what way, would he need, to use, to keep me, that thou, wouldest keep me, from evil, will you say, well surely, when evil is present, the Lord, would remove it, my friends, what we need, to know, is what is evil, what we need, to know, is what is evil, what we have, you know, set before us, our old nature, imbibes, wickedness, and sin, and evil, see such, an attraction, my friends, in the, wickedness, of old nature, we are by nature, sinners, and we are sinners, by birth and practice, unless the light, of the glorious, grace of God, shines in our heart, we don't see things, as evil, that presented to us, as being, indeed, attractive, to nature, but my friends, as this man, feared God, and he not only, feared God, my friends, but he feared sin, and he feared evil, and he prayed against sin, and he prayed against evil, and he knew, he knew too, the outcome, that sin would have, my friends, within him, and upon him, and he knew, what distress, and trouble, it would bring upon him, and upon his spirit, and that thou wouldst, keep me from evil, when one's old nature is, [23:25] I was going to say, so prevalent, and so, that seeks after evil, it cannot see evil, in evil, it cannot see sin, in sin, my friends, it is attractive, it is so attractive, and now we need preserving, what do we need preserving from, that thou wouldst, keep me from evil, I tell you where you must begin, where we always shall begin, my friends, from within, there's many a thing out there, that's evil, and it's not in our nature, to desire after it, or to seek for it, it is, what should we say, so, diverse, from our feelings, we wouldn't be involved in it, and there are many things, which many are left to fall into, and seek after, and in time, which we wouldn't be interested in, because it's not our nature, to do so, but what is your nature, my friends, and what your nature desires, for, may not be, and you, we're all one different, from another this night, in the house of God, [24:34] I'm sure in these things, that thou wouldst, keep me from evil, it is what your nature, goes after, you might look at the habit, of some in the world, and you could truly say, before God, I've got no desire, for it at all, but then again, my friends, those in the world, might not have, any desire, of the evil, that's in your heart either, but that it is, set on evil, a natural heart, and it needs, much grace, to confess it, before God, it is set on evil, because it can do, nothing but evil, so that's what I meant, when I said, it's a word, that really, it is like crucifying self, you know, when you, when you're brought, into the truth, of this prayer, that thou wouldst, keep me from evil, because it's praying, the Lord, will keep us from ourselves, some walk, very quiet, and peaceful, and gracious lives, my friends, you wonder, what the evil is, because they have got, an evil heart, as sure as their bull, so if you come, to talk to them, and realize, my friends, what the hidden evils, of the heart, truly are, then my friends, you will find, that they need, to pray against them, that I will, keep me from evil, well, the Lord, show you and me, what is evil, within us, we need, we need delivering, of course, from outward evils, the evils, that are in the world, the evils, that the world, practice, the evils, that the world, seek after, my friends, the Lord, make them abhorrent to us, may we have a hatred, to sin, an outward sin, particularly, but oh, may the Lord, also graciously, and mercy, reveal, the hidden evils, of our heart, and mind, and I don't say this, to, ever, lift myself, above anyone else, here, my friends, [26:31] I'm, quite often, have to beg, openly, and as well as, privately, that the Lord, would drive out, Satan, and his, and his insinuations, and his attractive sins, that are, so formed, in the mind, by suggestions, keep me, from evil, my friends, you must know, what evil is, therefore, you must be brought, to see, what lies within you, that is evil, that is to be, prayed against, and dear friends, you will not, overcome evil, within you, unless grace, is given you, of God, to do so, sin is so, attractive, you know, and it is, dressed up, as good, I've often said, and you can see it, and feel it, if you fear God, my friends, sin is often, dressed up, wickedness, is dressed up, as good, keep me, from evil, whether it is, in thought, and there is evil, my friends, evil in your thoughts, oh, you don't think, wicked things, do you, people would say, [27:35] I didn't think, it was in you, who fear God, my friends, the wickedness, of the mind, the evil, of the mind, but look at, some of the, evils, that lie, in the hearts, of believers, and surely, my friends, we could, remind you, of one, two, one or two, here, that are, evils, within the heart, you, you'll find, too, my friends, one of the, easiest, evils, I was going to say, to fall into, is the evil, of idolatry, the evil, of idolatry, there's another one, I'm going to mention, in a minute, but idolatry, well, we don't fall down, and worship, something we've made, do we, my friends, idolatry, is, worshiping, something, that comes, before Christ, Christ, and Christ, alone, the God, of all grace, the Father, of all mercies, he shall, indeed, be worshipped, he shall, indeed, be worshipped, him, and him, only, thou shalt have, no other God, but me, he said, in that commandment, what about, the idols, idols, my friends, who can, but, that fear God, have to say, [28:54] Lord, deliver me, from making idols, but the Lord, deliver me, from falling down, before idols too, that we may not be, the subject, of idolatry, you must read, my friends, the word of God, and see how solemn, it is to have an idol, and oh, what mercy it is, that Lord, reveal what an idol is, and you have to pray against it, keep me from evil, that we might not suffer, the sin of idolatry, to reign, and the grace only, my friends, will make the difference, it's not you and I, having any change of mind, or circumstance, but then, pride of heart, to thou wouldest, keep me from evil, what about the pride, of old nature, my friends, you can see it in others, but somehow, you don't see it in yourself, you have to say, thank goodness, they are such proud characters, my friends, but look within your own heart, where pride is, and I'll tell you a sin, that you've got to sing about, in a minute, spiritual pride, would soon come in, and turn the very grace, to sin, spiritual pride, could a believer, who knows so little, of grace, who seems to know, so little, of Jesus Christ, could he suffer, the sin of spiritual pride, indeed he could, by his friends, left to himself, will he boast, of his attainments, and that's what pride, will do, the heart, of the apostle, when he was, in his unregenerate state, was a, was a heart, of pride, he was a proud, arrogant, [30:35] Pharisee, and he was proud, of his self-righteousness, of his goodness, and he walked, shoulders high, above most people, and they looked down, as sinners, you know, you read that account, in Luke, where the two men, went to the temple, to pray, well that Pharisee, in his utterances, said, that he was not, as other men, and not like this, not like this publican, oh the pride, of his heart, my friends, recognize, the Lord show you, the Lord make it, and bring it home, to you and me, that in our nature, we suffer with pride, but what a solemn thing, to be proud spiritually, I thought of those words, then when the dear apostle, was suffering, under the thorn, in the flesh, and the messenger, of Satan, and we find his words, as being very simple, and clear, but right to the point, aren't they, lest I should be, exalted above measure, there was given unto me, a thorn in the flesh, a messenger, of Satan, to buffet, lest I should be, exalted above measure, the Lord knows, your nature, and mine, though, and I hope, and pray, that each in time, will be, indeed found, to be, possessors, of the fear of God, my friends, what a solemn thing, it is, if you, if you're left, to believe, that your old nature, is no more trouble, do you, but whilst you're, a child of God, my friends, you'll find it, that there is, a constant warfare, between, the old man, and the new, and a part, of that warfare, is the, the opposite, of grace, to sin, and a part, of that sin, is the sin, of pride within, both naturally, and spiritually, oh, to be proud, of attainment, my friends, [32:38] I can remember, back years ago, when you heard, two men, who were gracious men, used to speak, one of another, of the things, of God, and you know, if, if grace didn't, didn't, if grace didn't, overthrow, they would be, start, they would start, trying to, enforce their, possessions, in grace, upon one another, that they were taught, better than one, than the other was, my friends, oh, that the Lord, may make us, tender in spirit, tender in spirit, that thou would, escape me from evil, and he'll show you, what that evil, is, and he'll show you, that you are, totally, that you're totally, unable in yourself, to keep you, from evil, but, that you'll seek grace, that he will, so enable you, to recognize, and to mourn over, and to pray against, such inward evils, of the old nature, and that his grace, will keep you from it, there's a lovely word, you know, in the second chapter, of the Philippians, that you're, and if you and I, were in possession, of that blessing there, my friends, you would, rejoice, with joy unspeakable, and what's that blessing, let this mind, be in you, which was also, in Christ Jesus, that's the pattern, my friends, that grace, that is needed, my friends, was seen, in the walk, and pathway, of Christ, one of the most, evident, fruit of grace, you know, if you possess it, and how little, we have to mourn, in the possession, of it, my friends, is the grace, of humility, the grace, of humility, and the hidden, evil of the heart, is pride, the Lord, keep us from pride, the Lord, grants us, the grace, of humility, though I be nothing, the apostle said, my friends, it is no, mild boasting, of the mind, my friends, grace, will bring you, to possess, in your field, or to be, in the right, place that you would be, my friends, to be nothing, in the eyes, of yourself, and everything, in the eyes, of Jesus Christ, and that thou, would escape me, from evil, that not only, may it be shown, to us, what in hidden, evils, lie in the heart, but then, there's nothing else, that thou, would keep this, that thou, would escape me, from evil, from covetous, from covetous, desires, and that one, one's eyes, may be turned off, covet, covet, earnestly, the best gifts, oh, by as much, grace as the Lord, will give you, may you and I, seek for the best gifts, but not covetousness, as far as, the natural mind, and heart, of man is concerned, the Lord, deliver us, from, such covetousness, that would gain, and gain, and gain, as much as one could, my friends, as you travel on, the Lord, grants you a looser, a hand on time things, not a more earnest, desire for time things, having, food and raiment, there with, to be content, and that I, would escape me, from evil, but then, we have to, that word, in the 12th of Hebrews, where the apostle, writing to the, believing Jews, says, wherefore seeing, we are compassed about, with so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside, every weight, and the sin, which does, so, easily, beset us, and let us, run with patience, the race, that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher, of our faith, the sin, which does, so easily, beset us, before you look, at this, leading, or leaning, or that, before you, try and discover, what it is, that is your, besetting sin, my friend, [37:01] I have to say this, the sin of unbelief, is the common, besetting sin, of the people of God, unbelief, that thou will escape, me from evil, that the Lord, so blessed me, with faith, living, vital faith, in the person, of Christ, and in his, finished work, my friends, unbelief, will rob you, of many joys, and many pleasures, but then, this, and that thou, will escape me, from evil, from the power, of the tempter, the power, of the tempter, you know, there's, very sadly, you have to prove this, if you fear God, you have to prove this, dear friends, that the tempter, and the nature, that you were born with, are so, one with each other, and so, the tempter, would attract, would try, to cause, that the, child of grace, might fall, into outward sin, or you'll have to pray, against the powers, of evil, that are not only within, but also, from without, but then too, my friends, let not the world, be so attractive, that it steals, our heart, and our affections, either, to thou, willest keep me, from evil, the word of God, says this, you know, it's the apostles words, set your affections, on things above, not on things, of this earth, oh, only grace, will bring you there, pray for the grace, my friends, that sees, such attractions, in Christ, such a drawing, unto Christ, may be your, blessed lot, keep me, from evil, that it may not, grieve me, and that's one thing, you know, which puts a difference, between the professor, and the possessor, it's one glorious truth, you know, that makes the difference, between a child of God, and a child of the devil, and you'll say, what that then, my friends, is this, that sin, will grieve you, sin will grieve you, don't look at, other sin, other people's sins, oh, that'll grieve you, of course, and it'll make you, stand up in your own pride, and arrogance, and condemn them, for their sins, and iniquity, the Lord, enable you to look, within your heart, and, that the Lord, will so, answer such prayers, and, indeed, preserve you, from these inward evils, as well as, these outward evils, that it may not grieve me, but what a mercy it is, when sin grieves, as I said, this is where, there's such a, gracious difference, between the world, the flesh, my friends, and, the child of grace, evil does not grieve, the world, and evil really, doesn't grieve, your old nature, like it ought to, pricks of conscience, you might have, might have disturbed, seasons in your mind, because of some evil, that you are guilty of, my friends, but it's not grieving, like it is to a child of God, but, there is one thing too, which is very precious, you know, that the, [40:32] Holy Spirit, has, made a blessed way, for those, who are grieved, over sin, and, that is the grace, of repentance, oh, the pathway, my friends, which they must walk, a child of God, is surrounded, by evil, it's on every side, and it's on inside, as well, as what outside, and there's traps, and snares, set by the enemy, and, such is the, inclination, you know, there's a wonderful word, in the word of God, just dropped in, kept, kept, and who, but the child of God, has to pray, to be kept, because his own, natural heart, doesn't desire, to be kept, to be kept, but he has to pray, that the Lord, will keep him, and from doing, those things, which will, ultimately, grieve them, and hurt their conscience, but blessed be God, my friends, there is that, sacred, provision, in the person, of Christ, and by the blessed, [41:37] Holy Spirit's, divine teaching, my friends, there is a place, of pardon, and forgiveness, oh, that thou wouldst, bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thy might, thy hand might, be with me, well, my friends, some of us have, but a few steps, more to go, a few steps, more to go, you young people, might have, a long life, before you, might have, it's necessary, to say you will have, and your occupation, and profession, and calling, might be, so important, as it surely must be, so important, to you, oh, may these words, stay with you, from now onwards, my friends, and these dear, young people, especially, that they, that it might be, within their hearts, and be within, their supplication, and cry unto, unto God, that thy hand, might be with me, oh, [42:42] I would say this, if his hand's not with you, don't go in that direction, I've learned, a little in time, things, you know, and I bless God, for his guiding hand, paths in providence, friends in grace, future pathways, future friends, future wives, and husbands, whatever it might be, my friends, may the Lord, guide you, in these things, and then it will be well, then it will, you will have his smile, and his approbation, look to his hand, to guide, look to the word, of his grace, for direction, and stand upon, that blessed word, of direction, you heard, as we read this morning, in the 32nd of Genesis, where, where Jacob, was to meet, his brother Esau, and what fear, he had in his heart, that, that it might be, despair, and destruction, and, and downfall, for them, but you know, Jacob had something, my friends, [43:43] I wish you all had, I truly wish you all had, Jacob had the promise, of God to plead, you read that 32nd, chapter again, and it says, and thou saidst, and my friends, these young people here, seek divine direction, seek the leading, of his hand, ask for the guidance, of God, in the matters, of your providence, and in your friendships, and follow, his divine direction, and my friends, he can only lead, those that cry unto him, the right way, that the time's gone again, and that thou will escape me, from evil, that it may not grieve me, and God granted him, that which he requested, and so therefore, we must, indeed, conclude this, poor discourse, with this then, that what he prayed for, was according to the will of God, what he prayed for, what was indicted, by the spirit in his heart, pray the Lord, for his spirit, to instruct you, in prayer, and supplication, and God granted him, that which he requested, [44:58] Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Notices today, are that God willing, there will be a prayer meeting, on Wednesday evening, and our pastor, will preach, next Lord's day, let us, close the services, with him, 790, and 90, and 90. [45:44] Amen, A saint there was, in days of old, though we but little of him hear on a high of whom is told a short but an effectual prayer. This prayer my brethren, let us view and try if we can pray so too. [46:22] He called on Israel's God to say let us take notice first of that had he to any other prayed to us it had not mattered what for all true Israelites adore one God, Jehovah and no more. We'll sing from verse 3, hymn 790 , hymn 790 And ye ready for the 19th century The camel says not only And he has said not only But they He aims... [47:17] To be continued... [47:47] My son, my son. [48:12] My son. My son. Thank you. [48:47] Thank you. [49:17] Thank you. Thank you. [50:17] Thank you. Thank you. [51:17] Thank you. Thank you. [52:17] Thank you. Thank you. [52:49] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [53:01] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For my interest in the world, I want to be left and conscious. [53:26] DRAMATE CHRISTORSHI amis, hope to join the youth of minded Statechen. [53:37] Our God Boysland Voting hearts In our Facebook pages And ourOMV And ourApple Peter Name Oh same the same of our highest Blessing [54:41] Lord, we thank thee for the record of Scripture. [55:02] And we bless thee for the good prayer that we have read this day. Lord, it was therefore inspired of the Spirit, for the Lord answered it. [55:17] May we be blessed with that same teacher, that same instructor, that our prayers may be true prayer. Lord, we seek thy honour and glory in our prayers, in our own soul's good. [55:32] Lord, now forgive and pardon everything that's wrong in the services of this house today. Take us under thy care, bring us each to our homes in peace and abide with us. [55:46] And may the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the communion, fellowship of the Holy Spirit, remain with us each, both now and forever. [56:04] Amen.