Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The End Depending upon the Lord for help, I direct your attention to the 13th chapter of Hebrews and reading verse 8. [0:49] Hebrews chapter 13, verse 8. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. [1:09] Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. [1:22] We come to the opening of another year and we are up to look back on the past. [1:37] The older we get, the more we reminisce on the past. And if God in his infinite mercy has begun to work in our heart, we will think on those things that he has done for us. [2:01] Now there is something very clear in the epistle to the Hebrews. And it's this, that there are two things that never change. [2:18] Never change. That is man's nature and his sinfulness. For we are told that the wages of sin is death. [2:36] And that can never, never be altered. You'll trace that right back to Genesis. [2:48] When thus Adam and Eve were so tempted That they died in the epistle of God's holy law. [3:23] We read that grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Now that was never altered. Jesus, his teaching, his gospel, will never, never alter. [3:37] I'm sure of this. You may discover from time to time That our own wicked heart And the hearts and mind of others Like to try and revise These facts about sin and salvation. [3:59] Good Mr. Philpott said this once That wrong views of salvation And error with regards to salvation Arise because there has been wrong views of sin. [4:23] Just a word on the side here You young people might say Oh but we don't read such things as Mr. Philpott Far too deep Far too hard Have you ever tried? [4:42] Have you ever tried? Have you ever tried? Forget what other people have said And I'm sure of this You may find It's totally different That his writing, his teaching Is not only It's straight and to the point Friend, we can say this It is Jesus Christ The same yesterday And today And forever That is a good thing for us To remember Not with regards to just Mr. J. C. Philpott But through many men They may well be blackmailed They may well be slated And slandered Because they preached Jesus Christ And him crucified [5:43] Now when you hear such things as this May God give you this grace To ask this question Did these men speak the truth? [5:59] Was there light in what they said? Or was it wrapped up in darkness And mystique? Was there something hidden And sly about it? [6:13] I say We need to look at these things As God might give us grace In the light of the word of God Jesus Christ And you say What is light? [6:30] What is truth? That's exactly what Pilate said Friends, he didn't know But my friend Jesus Christ Is forever the same And he tells us I am the way I'm sure of this That there's nothing hard And complicated About that, is there? [6:56] Jesus Christ Said I am the way You may well say But Jesus Christ Is now gone And But my friend He still Is the way I like the words Of that hymn Which reads like this Jesus Jesus my all To heaven Is gone And whom I put My hopes upon His track I see And I'll pursue The narrow way Till him I view Friend, Jesus Christ This is the way In which all God's people Have walked in Ever since Man Fell into sin When he saved them [7:57] By his grace He fell into darkness But friends He quickens them By his Holy Spirit That they might be Brought out Into the light Well I may speak In this way But what I want to Emphasize Here tonight That this isn't just A matter to teach In a broad sense But friends It's a personal matter Between my soul And God Your soul And God And so we need To ask the question As it was put to you This afternoon How stands The case My soul With thee For heaven Are thy Credentials clear Friend If they're unclear Then indeed [8:58] Are we not Standing In a matter Of uncertainty Oh I say Jesus Christ The same Yesterday And forever His I came not To call The righteous And who are The righteous Before we go round Looking at other people Do we come into that Category Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I [9:59] Am I to Jesus by night said, what must I do to inherit eternal life? My friend, Nicodemus came to him also. [10:15] Ah, Jesus said to him, ye must be born again. What did Jesus mean by that? [10:27] He said, it is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh, it profiteth nothing. In other words, it is all of my blessed spirit. [10:44] And it doesn't matter who we are, and how good we might look, in the eyes of other people, if our beginning has not got this foundation, Jesus Christ sending his Holy Spirit into our souls, then surely there is something very dubious, doubtful about our profession. [11:13] I hope I'm not hurting folk this night, but I say it because I trust I have a love for souls. And oh, it's a solemn thing, to stand before a people, and to think that some of those people, one day might perish, and be lost into eternal perdition. [11:38] But I say, oh, a blessed thing, if by the power of the Holy Spirit, such souls are born again, and find salvation, through no other than the Lord Jesus Christ. [11:57] You see, Jesus Christ never orders. We've heard people say, well, of course we have more wisdom, we have more knowledge, we have more light today. [12:10] You may have more knowledge. You may walk in the sparks of your own kindling, and call it light. [12:22] But I say, how great, says the word, is their darkness. I say, but Jesus, my friends, is eternally the same. [12:34] And I say, what a mercy that is. Now, first of all, I do want to just speak, Jesus Christ, in his teaching, it never orders, it never changes. [12:52] As I said, man never changes, in his sin. This word that Jesus spoke, he says, love not the world, neither the things of the world. [13:12] Again, he says, no man can serve two masters. Jesus had no need to change it. He had no need to revise it. [13:26] Because Jesus never discovers something he didn't know before. And he compelled to order his word. Jesus is the eternal Son of God. [13:40] And therefore, he sees all things, and he knows all things. He is the same forever. So when he said, love not the world, neither the things of the world. [13:57] Surely, that is just the same, to die as ever it was. You may say to me then, what is the world? [14:08] I say this, the things of the world, those things, those things, that take, more of our attention, those things of more concern, and trouble to us, than our own, never dying soul. [14:28] And, of loving the Lord Jesus Christ, seeking earnestly, to know, and do, and do his will. [14:40] I say, he came, to, Peter, after his conversion, and said, Simon Bar Jonas, lovest thou me? [14:55] And three times, he said that to him, didn't he? And Peter answered, and said, Lord, thou knowest all things. [15:08] He learnt that lesson, friend. Have you and I, learnt that lesson? Thou knowest all things. Thou knowest that, I love thee. [15:20] He was not boasting, indeed not. He had proved, the love, of Jesus Christ, in the fiery furnace. [15:34] Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The fiery furnace, friends, is often that, is when God comes, and separates us, from the world. [15:52] Oh, I say, what we understand, by the world, I put it to you, another way. What are your thoughts, when you wake up, in the morning? [16:06] What is the first thing, you are concerned about? I can't imagine, entirely, what you might be, thinking about. [16:17] The thing, that is most important, and most, dear to you, is it the Lord, Jesus Christ? Shall I offend him? [16:30] Shall I trouble him? friend, friend, in great mercy, if the Lord, has given you, a concern, to bow your knee, before him, and cry unto him, Lord, guide me, and direct me, by thy counsel, Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever, his call, unto the church, right down, through the ages, has ever been, follow, thou me, here, I believe, that when I was here, last year, I, spake from those words, in, Jeremiah, 3, verse 12, go, and proclaim, these words, to, his people, and say, return, return unto God, my friends, what a mercy, that is, that though, another 12 months, has passed, and we have, backslidden, yet he still, says, return, have you ever, heard him say to you, that's all right, you can carry on, just as you've been doing, [17:59] I will own, I own that, I will bless it, I will indeed, cause it to prosper, my friend, God will never, never, never, cause that to prosper, which is sinful, he'll never own it, friends, his great purpose, here, below, was to purge, away sin, because, my friend, in Jesus Christ, there never has been found, a trace, of sin, Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, today, and forever, put away, those thoughts, all this night, concerning, the future, he will not bless, that which is of your own, production, which comes forth, from sin, no, no, oh, I say, the awful sin, of free will, [19:03] I know, people do not like, to speak about, free will, and, the free grace, but what do we mean, by, free will, well, the way, which we choose, of our own, inclination, to our own, fallen desires, choose, on the grounds, that we choose, friends, Jesus has never, never, appointed out, a way, of salvation, like that, and he, never, never, never will, but my friends, we are told, so, clearly, that by grace, are ye saved, and that not, of yourself, it is, listen, the gift, of God, so, therefore, we cannot, buy it, by our own, merit, by our own, ability, by giving, ourselves, to God, being dedicated, to him, that will, achieve nothing, friend, because, if we are, dedicated, truly, to God, we'll seek, indeed, in all things, to know, and to do, his will, [20:34] I say, Jesus Christ, that is, forever, the same, therefore, with regards, to thoughts, of the future, I exhort you, to abandon, them now, if we are, resting, and relying, upon, our own, thoughts, our own, way, my friend, God, has never, countenanced, sin, and neither, has, the Lord, Jesus Christ, and no, he, never, never, will, we need, to bear, these things, in mind, I want, to just, speak, another word, as, children, have been, included, much, today, and it's, this, we might, often, say, well, you can't, expect, the young, of today, to, accept, the same, ideas, that we do, friends, we never, accepted them, indeed not, do we not, recall, that very, spirit, in us, which said, [21:50] I will not, have, this, man, to reign, over me, Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, and today, friend, did he not, empty us out, and in his mercy, has he not, filled us, with himself, therefore, I say, it will be, the same, salvation, for our, offspring, and the, generation, to come, friend, is it, are we not living, witnesses, to this, that God is, able, I love those words, he is able, to do, exceeding, abundantly, above that, which we can, both ask, or think, he is able, I defy anybody, this night, to say, God, is not, is not able, [22:52] I know, of only one thing, that God cannot do, and that is, he cannot, forsake his covenant, his promise, he cannot, forsake his people, no, my friend, he said, can a woman, forget, her sucking child, well yes, she may forget, but he said, I, I will not, forget thee, I will not, revise, my law, my thoughts, my attitude, to sin, never, never, he came, for this one purpose, to purge, why I sin, friend, it cost him, so much, it cost him, his life, it cost him, his all, it cost him, such pain, and shame, and agony, that when he stood, in the sinner's, place, instead, and surely, that is the way, it's got to, ever be, therefore, my friend, our encouragement, of the future, and for, you young people, is, that God, never, never, changes, he's made, by the prophet, saying, these simple words, [24:22] I am the Lord, I change not, therefore, the sons, of Jacob, are not consumed, and when the children, of Israel, returned, to build the temple, you remember, in the days, of Nehemiah, and Haggai, they run into, great trouble, and one of the biggest troubles, they run into, was themselves, they got tired of it, and, they, had a love, to their own things, yet, they wanted to build, their own houses, so, the, house of God, and Jerusalem, ceased, from being, rebuild, did God, smile, upon it, no, my friends, it didn't, he, he blasted their, he blasted their, crops, did he not, and sent, meldue, he also sent, drought, and with regards, to their money, they put it, it reads, as in, bags with, holes in, and what does that mean, well, it came in, easy enough, and it went away, just as quick, in other words, there was not, prosperity, [25:53] God, my friends, did not, smile upon it, so, some might, well said, what can we do now, you can't do anything, about, a situation, like this, but God said, not by might, or by power, but by my spirit, says, the Lord of hosts, we might be thinking, about might, and power, but that will never, achieve anything, is there not, sometimes, an element, when people think, and say, might is right, oh yes, let's look to ourselves, are we exercising, that spirit, I have might, and power, and they're going to, knuckle down, under me, that will not, achieve anything, but what will achieve, something, and be effective, is the work, of his spirit, oh yes, it is when he, changes the heart, renews the will, and turns our feet, to Zion's hill, and I say, it must be, [27:13] Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to die, and forever, now I want to, continue, by speaking more, with regards to the, way of salvation, setting forth, that we have, an unchanging, and unalterable God, and why, because the mercy, of the Lord, endures, forever, where would we be, but for the, mercy, of the Lord, my friend, will be cast out, of his, sight forever, we read, that God, did not even, spare, his own, dear son, but offered him up, for us all, that is his people, what a lesson, to learn, he did not spare, what are we, sparing, should we be, sparing, everything, if he gave all, for our salvation, ought not we, to be ready, to give our all, for him, we live, in a world, where there is, mass need, and poverty, [28:47] I say, it is not, the Christian church, on the main, walking by, on the other side, completely ignoring, the need of others, Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, and forever, he is the perfect, example, we must not think, of other people, as being, our example, we have the Lord, Jesus Christ, being our, example, do not understand, that the language, of the hymn writer, when he said, he saw me ruined, in the fall, and loved me, notwithstanding all, he saw me, in my, lost estate, his loving, kindness, oh, how great, my friends, we might speak, of those, in days, gone past, who, what, in the very fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel, of the Lord, [30:05] Jesus Christ, we dare not say, that is different, today, there is nothing, different, our state, our condition, is like, those of old, ruined, in the fall, he spoke, did he not, and by the prophet, Ezekiel, is it in that day, when he shall cause, his people, to return, he'll take away, the heart of stone, and give to, us, a heart of flesh, has thou examined, thy heart of late, is it a heart of stone, or is it a heart of flesh, is it indeed, a heart, that is full of all, self interest, or is it a heart of flesh, that brings us, to, the feet of Jesus, to say, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven, by Jesus, and his wondrous love, he has the same effect, upon, poor sinners, as ever, he did, [31:29] Jesus Christ, declared, when he came, here on earth, the reason, for which, he came, and nothing, has altered, since that time, I came, to call, I came, not to call, the righteous, but sinners, to repentance, I say, what of repentance, friend, to die, have we repented, have we changed, or have we oughted, what is repentance, repentance, oh, God forbid, that we should ever, put, repentance, and, remorse, in the same, bracket, I only ever heard, George Rose, preach once, and I believe, I learned, a lesson that day, I haven't forgotten, and it was this, he said, in his preaching, that repentance, and remorse, are poles about, for, repentance, drives a poor, sinner, to Christ, remorse, will drive him, from Christ, then we need, ask the question ourselves, which way, have events, in our life, affected us, is it remorse, and driven us, from Christ, murmuring, complaining, why should I have this, why should I bear that, or has it brought, us to, repentance, a complete, change of heart, and mind, fresh views, of ourself, surely give us, fresh views, of the Lord, [33:26] Jesus Christ, oh, I think that, hymn writer, must have had, repentance, actively, working in, his soul, when he wrote, his way, was far, darker, and rougher, than mine, and did my Lord, suffer, and shall, I repine, sin, oh, I say, what a mercy, that is, but my friends, the Lord, does not lay down, these things, without, promise, help, and merciful, support, does he, no, for Jesus said, I give, unto, my sheep, eternal life, and they, shall, never perish, never perish, now, we know, what is, for what a thing, perishes, you can see, it deteriorating, don't you, until, it completely, useless, [34:35] Solomon, if our, our, our religion, our faith, is like that, begins, very well, and apparently, sounds good, but as we go on, in life's journey, it fights away, oh, I feel that to be, a sad thing, as from, time to time, we come in, contact, with this, when, men become, competent, and full of, their own knowledge, and thus, they're not, indeed, the soft heart, before the Lord, when their prayers, is not asking the Lord, for anything, but telling him, everything, but Jesus points out, I give unto, my sheep, eternal life, he will guard them, and he will, protect them, does he not, work all things, after the counsel, of his own will, not to drive you, from him, sinner, but to bring you, closer, to him, do we not, find this, as we go on, in life's journey, that that short, but effectual, prayer, grows, more frequent, [36:05] Lord, help me, I say, what a wonderful thing, that is, we read, that dear woman, she came and, worshipped him, and I believe, this is real, worship, the only form, of worship, that the Christian, church, will ever know, Lord, help me, I say, what a wonder, it is, that oh, today he waits, that he might be gracious, that he might, help us, why do we seem, to come to that, position, is that everything, seems, hopeless, and helpless, things, say, they go from, bad to worse, I can't do, anything, for there, we are brought, to look to the Lord, Jesus Christ, Lord, help me, [37:07] Lord, thou canst do, anything, I do not seek, to be some great one, I do not seek, to magnify myself, but Lord, the dogs eat, of the crumbs, that fall, from the master's table, I say, Jesus does not alter, her, he does not change, poor sinner, and if the Lord, has brought thee, this day, whether you are young, or old, down to bedrock, bottom, yes, then you can, truly come in here, Lord, help me, surely, he must, that help afford, in his own way, and in his own time, he is still, able to do, exceeding, abundantly, above that, which you can ask, or think, I say, think of those words, we think a lot, we may ask a lot, we may think, oh, [38:13] I've asked too much, but my friends, we can never ask too much, for his grace, and love, power is such, no, my friend, he is able, to do exceeding, abundantly, are you too vile, too sinful, to be found, amongst the people, of God, yes, you might think so, and others, might think so, but Jesus, has never, told you that, hasn't that, become a burden, to you, is it a heavy load, that weighs you down, day by day, Lord, I cannot do it, I cannot do it, in love myself, he said, come, unto me, oh, I say, what a wonder, that is, he's ever the same, he says, to poor, and needy, sinners, come, unto me, have you come, to that, breaking point, [39:19] I cannot go on, I cannot continue, no, you can't, but friends, I've been thankful, for, that word, that promise, thy shoes, shall be as, iron and brass, and as thy days, so shall, thy strength be, friend, what a mercy, that is, Jesus, is forever, the same, and our sin, I say, is the same, is it not, I say, how often, than, many errands, will be, to the throne, of grace, on account, of your sins, you may, at this time, be thinking, well, I suppose, I shouldn't be, doing this, or that, but, it doesn't matter, much, but as you go on, in, a life's journey, do we not, come to this place, the more, [40:27] I strive, against, sin's power, I sin and stumble, yet the more, the hymn writer, speaks, as if he got, over that style, but some of us, I believe, know, that it goes on, but friends, he brings us, to his feet, to confess, our sins, he is forever, the same, Jesus said, if we, confess, our sins, he is faithful, and just, to forgive us, our sins, blesses, dear, and I, my friend, if the love, of Christ, has made us, loathe, our sins, more, and more, a, a, a, heavenly desire, to be distant, from them, here below, to give, ourselves, as it were, a time, in, meditating, upon his love, and his mercy, yes, [41:36] Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, and forever, friends, in other words, it could be said, Jesus Christ, who is continuously, the same, oh, the wonderful, word, forgiveness, oh, in the scriptures, there is forgiveness, with thee, that thou mayest be feared, forgiveness, friends, is this what we desire, you can't buy it, can you, but my friend, it's a good job, we can't, because we'd be bankrupt, by now, wouldn't we, but he gives forgiveness, when he gives it, I say, just think of this, oh, he is forever, the same, the disciples inquired, how often, we should forgive, our brother, to seven times, he said, no, [42:43] I go beyond, to 70 times seven, endless, continuous, forgiveness, forgiveness, when if we, need such forgiveness, from Jesus, it is made, that we should forgive, everyone, that trespasses, against us, when peace, cannot exist, where forgiveness, doesn't abound, can it, something, has to be changed, something, has to be altered, this, can only be done, by, Jesus Christ, bless his dear name, my friends, he is forever, the same, we may be emotional, naturally speaking, we may feel quite softened, over various things, but friends, there's no, softness of heart, but the softening, of all that, Jesus brings, no, what a wonder, that is, do you know, a better place, a sweeter place, on earth, than when you find, that Jesus, is the same, when you creep, beside him, as a worm, when you come, like Hannah, and are brought, to pour out, your soul, unto the Lord, when he is, forever, the same, the teaching, of the church, down through the ages, is based upon, [44:23] Jesus Christ, forever, being the same, the strength, and the power, of salvation, where does it lie, it lies here in, in the love of God, in the love of Jesus Christ, and the love of the Holy Ghost, to poor, and needy sinners, take away that love, there would not be, such a thing, as salvation, our prospect, would be unbearable, but what a mercy, to have a prospect, that is beyond, this world, it will only be found, in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, but, I cannot leave, this word tonight, now, we're just referring, to, the eternal, sonship, of Christ, a deep mystery, a mystery, that's been, argued, and contradicted, down through the ages, [45:34] I say, let not, controversies, spoil your sweetness, and knowledge of it, no, Jesus Christ, is forever, the same, when he was with, God, the Father, in the creation, of this world, he was with, God the Father, when that wonderful, covenant, of grace, was drawn up, to save, and to rescue, ruined man, or, nothing has altered, nothing has changed, when he came, into this world, and we find him, there, in Gethsemane, in the sacred, humanity, we find him saying, Father, if it be possible, let this cup, pass from me, but not my will, but thy will, I say, listen to those words, if it was me, for Jesus, so to speak, and continuously so, is it not for us also, to seek that grace, [46:48] Lord, oh, so to know, and to do, his will, oh, the sacred, humanity, of Christ, then he said this, Jesus, I have power, to lay down, my life, and I have power, to take it again, we find, no other, that is able, and capable, and capable, of this, but Jesus Christ, did my friends, he lay down, his life, for his sheep, that they might live, that they might be his, forever, and forever, yes, Jesus Christ, is, forever, the same, he is, the eternal, son of God, and now, do we not remember this, that he ascended up, on high, and he said, ye men of Galilee, why gaze ye up, into heaven, that same Jesus, will come again, the same Jesus, oh Jesus, the same forever, he'll come again, yes, and he'll, take his people, home to glory, he'll save them, my friend, he knows, that they could not, do anything, friend, if he left, the last step, into heaven, upon our shoulders, our responsibility, we'd fail, we'd fail, but so dear, my friends, with the cost, of salvation, he would never leave, that to, his people, having, loved his own, he loved them, until the end, but I must, draw a close, to these few thoughts, tonight, but oh I say, [48:52] I hope these thoughts, these simple thoughts, might remain with you, and may indeed, the Holy Spirit, favour your soul, with them, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever, amen, amen, after the benediction, we will sing, the doxology, but first, we will sing, hymn 667, 667, to the tune, Huntington, 766, Immortal honors, blessed on Jesus' head, my God, my portion, and my living bread, in him I live, upon him, curse my care, he saves from death, destruction, and despair, he is, my refuge, in each deep distress, the Lord, my strength, and glorious righteousness, through, the floods, and flames, he leads me, safely on, and daily, makes his sovereign, the goodness, known, hymn 667, hymn 67 ten, the glory, and high star, and victory three山, but not entirely, anywhere, as life, becauseiens, and Cemal, [51:13] And why you may an end Be går attention to me And why you will wait Because Jesus' name And he are told in this In anger and matter to me, In anger and dear voice shameful Thank you. [52:36] He sawIKO's flesh for blood. I can'tOoh! [52:50] He will be king, Christian will sigh Oh, this Man is doing great and holy объrammel and holy God. [53:15] Amen. My Body of spreading gl 2015 My own answers break down the earth To the earth andabolical knitted In his Kernan's place, righteousness he had for. [54:12] Thank you. [54:42] Thank you. [55:12] Holy Spirit, abide with us now and forevermore. Amen. Amen. Amen. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. [55:30] Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. [55:44] Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. [55:58] Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. [56:19] Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Praise God. [56:30] Praise God. Praise God.�지.