Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Our pastors are going to open the service this morning, and they rest in the rescue for a while. Let us begin by singing hymn number 420, to the June 19th, 16. [0:15] So bless the Lord my soul, let all women join, and I let my tongue to bless his name, whose favours are divine. So bless the Lord my soul, and I let his mercies lie forgotten in unpanfulness, and without faces die. [0:49] 420 So bless the Lord my soul, let all women join, and they pray to you, bless his name. [1:24] 520 So bless the Lord my soul, let all women join, and they pray to you, bless his name. [1:54] 1 3 420 421 520 520 520 620 721 621 721 721 721 821 821 821 821 921 821 921 All this heart seems Dist streaming Offing Disease That reveals My sicknesses and raised like a harmony. [3:00] Weởi that I видupiae, Even items of wear to wear, He everived away my soul from Her Can stop and blankly say Here comes aux放 having good Here is the sovereign praise, the Lord has judgment on the earth, and the justice of your grace. [4:26] His marvelous work and grace, in the high burdens of the earth, the sin of the earth is true and grace. [4:57] My ears may have ensured. The reading this morning is from the prophet Isaiah, chapter 58. [5:21] Isaiah, chapter 58. Try aloud, stare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. [5:41] Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, for the nations that bid righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God. They ask of me the ordinances of justice. [5:53] They take delight in approaching to God. Wherefore have we fasted, so they, and thou seeest not? Wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takeest no knowledge? [6:08] Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold, you fast for strife, and to date, and to smite through the fist of wickedness. [6:20] You shall not fast as you do this day, to make your voice, but to be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chosen, that they brought a man to reflect his soul? [6:35] Is it to bow down his head as a borrush, and to spread satan off and ashes under him? Would thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? [6:46] Is not this the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that he break every goat? [7:01] Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor of thy house, cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou covet him, and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh, then shall thy light grow forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily, and thy righteousness shall go before thee, and the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. [7:32] Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer, thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee, the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speak in vanity, and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday. [8:00] And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat by bones. And thou shalt be like a water garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. [8:16] And thy that shall be, or thee shall build the old waste places. Thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations, and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. [8:32] If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable, and shall honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own favour, nor speaking thine own words, then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord, and I will force thee to ride upon the high places of this earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken. [9:08] May the Lord be pleased to have his blessing for this word, for his name's sake. Let us unite together in prayer. Most merciful, everlasting, long-suffering, kind, and gracious God. [9:32] And come before thee, dear Lord, on this, another Sabbath day, wherein that has been pleased to spare us, and bring us together, for public worship. [9:44] We come, dear Lord, in the name of thy dear Son, consiring, O Lord, the help of thy Holy Spirit, as we bow before thee, as we render unto thee praises, as we bring before thee our petitions, whether audible or silent. [10:05] We would acknowledge thy goodness, dear Lord, in bringing us together, in sparing us, running us a measure of health and strength, and that desire, O Lord, to be together and sing my praises, to read thy precious word of truth, and to hear the gospel set forth. [10:26] O Lord, do bless this day for our souls, we pray thee, and this hour of worship in thy cause. And, O Lord, thy Holy Spirit's help, as we hope to hear, O Lord, what thou wilt speak to thy servant. [10:45] Give us a hearing year we receive to thee. Deliver us from the things of time and sense, the times of our everyday lives, and to help us, O Lord, to look to thee and flee. [10:59] That thou grant us a token, grant us a sip, grant us even a handful of purpose, whereby, O Lord, our souls might be fed by the bread of life, and that thy word might be precious for our souls. [11:16] That thou art one desire, O Lord, that thou wilt give us Christ, or else we die. We look to thee, dear Lord, and desire to rest in thee, to hope in thee, and to wait for thee. [11:31] For thou hast a time, dear Lord, when thou dost have tried people, and we would plead with thee that that time, O Lord, might be soon, when thou wilt blow in our hearts with those rivers of water which flow out from the throne of God. [11:52] O Lord, we do pray that thou art bless us this day, and notice our circumstances, now notice our hearts. We do thank you, dear Lord, that thou hast been pleased to bring our loved one and brother, Alan, through an operation during the week, and then you've given him that ability to be able to be with us and worship with us this day. [12:16] to grant, and continue to grant, on this and volley, dear Lord, that we might find that each day he might become better and better and return to his normal strength again. [12:31] we pray to pray for our dear pastor. O Lord, do not know us his weakness, do not know us his pain, do not know us, O Lord, the fears that the enemy puts into his heart from time to time. [12:47] O dear Lord, do not provide you in hand with the seat to be, do not in that strength needed for this day. Do, you know, Lord, this morning what to speak from the precious portion thou hast laid upon his heart and made him feel, O Lord, that thou art in his right hand to give him what to speak and that he might feel that what he has come here for has been of thee and that thou art by blessing upon each one that does hear the source. [13:22] O Lord, do grant him that needed strength in this great work of the ministry we do pray, O Lord. We pray for our loved ones. O so many of them, dear Lord, are forsaken the house of prayer and forsaken by name and by word. [13:40] But dear Lord, we know that nothing is impossible with thee and that I have able to send forth the arrows of conviction to give thy holy will into their hearts. For us, O Lord, to see what sin is and what sin has done and that they might not food has been brought by thy spirit to hunger and thirst after righteousness. [14:04] We pray to thy dear people everywhere around the face of the earth. We pray to thy servants everywhere and especially today, pray for John in Sydney as he ministers to the friends there. [14:20] O do you bless this lady as we pray to and grant, O Lord, that there might be even in that little place of worship signs following and thy word, O Lord, might bring forth that precious fruit unto eternal life. [14:36] We be with him as he comes down to this heart of the history of our new grave. And grant, O Lord, that we might receive him as thy servant and that thy word, O Lord, might go forth and that we might receive thy precious fruit from his works. [14:56] O Lord, we pray for our guilty-landed nation. We know not what to say that the government is upon thy shoulders and those that thou raise up men in authority which I fear in their hearts. [15:11] That, O Lord, many of the evils might be forgotten, that thy word, O Lord, might be in Parliament, that thy word might be searched at for when things of a decision have to be made. [15:27] Thy word might be up and up the most in their hearts. But, O Lord, we are a sinful nation. We are right for judgment. For food of men and mercy upon us, we pray. [15:39] We do thank you for thy mercy, for our daily food, for summer and winter, sea time and harvest, cold and heat. We are not worthy of the least of these things, dear Lord, that we look to thee without running us thy presence and thy help. [15:58] O Lord, we do confess our sins and our sinfulness. We pray that thou forgive us our sins, that thou wash us in thy precious blood, that thou prove us in thy righteousness. [16:12] For us, dear Lord, we pray here, and that run us thy presence, we ask these sins, in and through the precious name of Jesus, and for this sake. [16:25] Amen. Let us sing together again, in the 701, the tune Huntington, 766. [16:43] When my dear Jesus hides his smiling face, nor let seem fear the ocean of his grace, I feel my loss, nor can my spirit rest, till with his lovely presence I am blessed. [16:58] I mourn, I plunder, let regret from home and friend, and I can wonder where the scene I've been. Tortured with anxious care, without repose, I feel as one immersed in gleaming rose. [17:16] seven hundred in palm. [17:38] spelling . Thank you. [18:11] Thank you. [18:41] Thank you. Thank you. [19:13] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [19:25] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [19:37] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [19:49] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [20:01] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [20:13] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. our eyes in place to Jesus and and let me be praise as the Lord may be pleased to help me I would direct you prayerfully to the 59th chapter of Isaiah and reading verse 20 and the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob except the Lord we seem to be very diminished and broken and very low in the state of real religion in the day and age that we live in there is much noise abroad dear friends of this and that thing that is coming to pass but there is one thing that will come to pass and that's the will of God in our walk and our conduct and we would be thankful to have a little faith to put our trust in him and to see here this reading that seems to be laid upon my mind yesterday the Redeemer shall come he has an appointed time we know to come and judge the world in righteousness and though we are living in those solemn and dark times yet he said here he will turn them from transgression in Jacob and it's set the law and this is the great matter concerning you and me what set the law what has he spoken to you and me about has he made us to feel the burden of their transgressions of their iniquities has he given us that new heart that has been brought to repent and believed in him because he is the just judge of the old earth he has redeemed his sheep from the curse of the broken law and he will ultimately come and shine into the hearts of all his chosen people yes even the vileless sinner out of hell that lives to fill his need will know what it is to come in the liberty of the spirit to the throne of grace and find grace to help in that time of need because he said this is my covenant and if your name is in mine in the book of life which is most vital most needful their comings and their goings to God's house will be with a hunger and a thirst to know how the case stands some of us dear friends are very much on borrowed time in our lives our outer man is decaying and we need the inner man to be renewed day by day we need to have those evidences that we are born of God and that our that our treasure is above and so he says they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun and yes this enemy we find very active in the day and age that we live in shall come in like a flood but the spirit of the Lord is still there to lift up a standard against him and we need the spirit of Christ and it is something that you and I desire to know that we are inhabitants of Zion that have been favoured to know and hear his voice and to know that their names are recorded in the book of life the Redeemer shall come and the shall comers dear friends will be waiting there for his coming they'll be looking up unto him from whence cometh their help their whole dependence will be fixed upon him and be delivered from their worthless schemes dear friends which is not profit of the soul we hear so much in the day and age that we live in of those that are continually full of controversy and see to undermine those dear friends and especially undermining the truths that we surely believe in amongst their denomination and what a mercy it will be thus far no farther yes they do come in like a flower they seem to be ready to undermine anything that is of the truth but blessed be the Lord he says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free the Redeemer shall come to Zion what a mercy to be a true [26:02] Zionist looking to the Lord that he will favour you and me with his presence and his help and to be convinced of their sins all this work of conviction is the work of the Spirit and when you and I know something of this we shall be very conscious in our footsteps that we take through life's journey we shall be very much of an inquiring mind to call upon the name of the Lord our troubles might be sanctified our afflictions and our griefs might be looking to him to heal their sicknesses as you sung this morning what a mercy that we see God's hand in healing in restoring and strengthening us in the battles that can fund us in life's journey whether it be health business or calling or whatever it might be that the [27:08] Lord will cause you and me that we have transgressed his ways and we don't need the Lord in his mercy to favour us to know the truth and so to be delivered from this enemy of the souls especially in the day and age that we live in that the Lord shall lift up a standard against him and these blessed truths that we believe in every article is a faith of our denomination are founded on scripture and are very true and very real and very deserving and very searching that I believe the Lord will honour them and honour him the redeemer and what is the redeemer and who is the redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ redeemed pay the price for your sins and mine what a mercy if this is revealed to you and me by his spirit he has bought you with a price he has laid down his life for you this will exercise your soul and mine in our walk and our conduct because we shall be looking unto [28:30] Jesus who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despite him the shame and is now set down at the right hand of God the Father what a saviour what a redeemer he stood in your room place and stayed he went to the end of the Lord magnified he honoured it and suffered the offense and the flesh of man he suffered the the dreadful death upon the cross with two manifest factors with one that was saved and one that was condemned to out of the darkness there will still he be with others that are cast into out of the darkness whether weeping magic these are solemn truths that we need to hold fast two and realise the extreme value of the suffering saviour and see [29:44] God's goodness sent his only begotten son that great sacrifice to stand in the room place and stead to magnify the all to satisfy the just demands not of one commandment but of all ten commands which you will die you will feel to be guilty of for what a mercy then that Jesus reigns and so the Redeemer shall come he touch our hearts he send his word and convince us of their sins he send his word and heal us he raise us up again we shall have these experiences when we realise the faithfulness of God in what he has done for our souls what a saviour and all how we do need him to reveal himself to us to say unto our soul [30:47] I am thy salvation and so here we are favoured to we trust to know something of this filial fear we acknowledge his word is the truth we shall be judged by his word and he is that righteous judge who will take his word and seal it upon your soul and mine and unto them it is that turn from transgression what a blessed mercy to be born again by the spirit of the lord to be quickened into life to have that new heart given you and me where those anxious cares and concerns as to know how it will be with you in the swellings of jordan this is not being satisfied with your religion but this is to be waiting upon the lord for him to reveal himself to you to speak peace and pardon to your soul to say to your soul i am thy salvation he came then to call dear friends his people from all the ends of the earth he knows where they are he knows their down cities their uprisings he knows their thoughts are far and he would pray as promised that i would never leave them i forsake them of whom he had visited what a blessing and mercy to have this real religion things known but things failed a living testament in your soul to those visits those former visits in miser's hill and herman's man as we read of in the word of god those spots and places in the valley of the shadow of death may be and in the pathway here friends when we were full of ourselves and this world's things suddenly convinced of our sin we're led by the spirit and for him to be that shield of faith that sword of the spirit which is the word of god what a teaching we have then in the glorious redeemer who says unto you fear not for i have redeemed thee i called thee by my name a name given to you and me as a chosen vessel what would the prize eternally love how we need these things confirmed in our souls how we need him to say unto our souls i am thy salvation especially in the enemy is so active in the days that we live in he is so many instruments dear friends of destruction of not only this of persuasion to to draw us away from the knowledge of the truth but the lord knoweth the lord knoweth the way that you and i take blessed be his name and so we do would be thankful to see his word recorded here by the prophet isaiah that he said they should unto them that turn from the transgression and jacob this is an answer to prayer in your pathway and mine turn us again o lord god pour thy face to shine upon us we might have a glimpse by faith of the glorious redeemer to see the his hands is feeding his side by faith and what he suffered at the hands of wicked and cruel men and are you and i dear friends free from that condemnation only when the lord visits you and says unto your soul i am thy salvation what a saviour we have and what a mercy that his spirit is found upon you and he gives you a testimony he gives you evidences of being born of god and that you look to him to confirm yourselves because you so desire to know the truth written in the fleshly tables of your new heart that he gives you takes away the heart of stone gives you a heart of flesh a feeling sense of the need of christ of a refuge that the gospel makes known in the merits alone and the redeemer shirvan well as i said earlier in the day and age that you and i live in we don't see much life or life or liberty does that in the peace and the gospel but there'll be here little and there little those that will hold fast to know the lord to know the truth and to realize when he searches you and tries you and sees that any wicked way in you can lead you in the everlasting the redeemer shall come to zion it's his chosen people it's his chosen place a place where his honour truly dwelleth the way of short we seem to come in our worshipping in him but he never he has promised and surely the time will come when he will come and awaken you and me to our great need of him object of my soul's desire jesus crucify to me so shall they fear the day all that filial fear that we are in great need of to tremble at the majesty and holiness of god who has determined to say that whatever will he may use to shaken you and me and awaken you and convince you of me that we are sinners in his sight to tremble at the majesty and holiness of the lord and pray lord when wilt thou pardon when will thou speak peace and pardon to myself when wilt thou say to my soul yea [37:57] I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore will loving kindness have drawn thee there will be those drawings there will be those convictions there will be those desires in your soul to see the redeemer to walk in the paths that he's walked to be led to Calvary to behold that sacred sea Jesus in your good place and still what a sacrifice what a great gift this is to poor sinners that he should reveal himself that he should show you a mere token of his love your whole past or whatever he has shown you and me as he applied to your soul the entrance of his word that giveth life and understanding to your poor simple soul and mine and he says unto your soul and mine [39:02] I am the Lord I chained not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not and sheathed in spite of the transgressions that you have inherited from the time of Jacob what a mercy this is born dear friends in sin and iniquity yet he has caused you and me to know something of the new birth you look to him God manifested in the flesh seen of angels preached on the number Gentiles the great mystery of godliness the great mystery dear friends of this quickening work in yourself it is a great mystery we mustn't delve into these mysteries it's having faith to believe what is recorded in the word of god not be left to the imagination of their own tongue or heart and mind but brought here to fear god to see grace to keep his commandments and to follow him ashamed of jesus that dear friend on whom my hopes of him depend my spirit upon you oh the spirit there this worth of grace that leads you to the throne of grace that seeks that liberty of those that have been redeemed brings you out into a wealthy place where jesus is the object of your soul desire to know him the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his sufferings and be made conformable unto his image the imputed road of christ righteousness covers with the mantle of forgiving love all your sins and all your transgressions what a saviour and what a mercy that he has eternally loved you is this where your hope is set and your mind and mine how you say it would be who desire these evidences that he has begun the good work in your soul though as I say the adamant decayed and at times we get very conscious of this but the inner man the inner man cannot be shaken every the inner man cannot be removed from what the lord has spoken what he's applied what he has revealed to you me the saviour of sinners he makes known his presence in your soul he says my presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest what a mercy to be looking to be saved you pour not on myself lest it sink me love look to [42:09] Jesus kind and strong mercy join you have to say lord open the eyes of my understanding that I might understand the scriptures that I might have a portion here and there applied to my soul that we travel much by night for him to lighten your darkness and lead you to Calvary this is where your hopes begin dear friends hopes built upon nothing less than Jesus' love and righteousness may I not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name what a precious name it is when we think how sorrow and how foolish and ignorant are those that will not have him to reign over them we have to ponder why we have been so faithful to be seeking the lord while he may be found calling upon him while he is near the time he is set you know he will never leave you nor forsake you if he is inside your heart and mind to look to him you may get weird and well do it it is well doing in us to seek the lord to wait upon him and tarry his leisure then wait to the bridegroom of their souls who reveal his love with power what a saviour is he formed in your heart and mine their hopes can only be built upon him but not dear friends persuaded like many religious folk that they know where they're going satisfied with their religion satisfied with their good words satisfied with their attendances know that they've never known the truth in their soul they've never heard his voice this may be an anxiety to you and me in particular but still we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ [44:23] Jesus and he says look I'm a man and we have to pray Lord do separate me from the world that I can look in this my flesh goes after these things my flesh needs to be crucified of the world if only that can do it I can't do it myself I can't determine in my own mind to leave this and that but it's only thine almighty power can arrest me to make me willing to do his power to look for him to come to take his word and seal it upon myself to give me that fear not little flock not a great flock we do mourn over the it's a low state of the churches but it's a little flock compared to the giddy multitude of countless millions that have turned their backs upon the word of God even religious bodies have forsaken the truth dear friends for some fleshly excitable service and make a joyful noise as they think it which is offensive to God and their desires will be Lord don't leave me to offend us but take my word and seal it that I might be favored to know that thou art that one intercessor that intercedes for me before the [45:55] Father's throne because he knoweth my name he knoweth the way that I take and when he had tried me I should come forth the gold blessing redeemer and as redeemer he's paid the price suffering suffering dear friends the hands of wicked and cruel men away with him crucify him not having to reign over him crucify him in our pathway and mine yes we may realize that we may have to go through some deep waters we have to have our trials sanctified to us the blessed will be the Lord will surely come to Zion though we may tremble at the thoughts of eternity without Christ we have to say [47:00] Lord show me it's open as the next chapter says arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you we hold fast to these words dear whom I believe I hope I had it applied at the funeral some years back in down in Wiltshire I think it was or in Oxfordshire it is these things dear friends that cause you in your right minds to realize if the Lord has given you a word from his word then it will stand you in good stead it's brought you remember from time to time though you witnessed truth by this in the land and you see he says he that departed from evil making himself a cry and the [48:11] Lord saw it and it displeased him that there was no judgment he saw there was no man one that there was no intercessor therefore his arm brought salvation you see the wonders of the prophet that is called the prophet of redemption in the prophecy of Isaiah those many years before it came to pass that Jesus came into the world to seek out and to save lost sinners and you and me the word as we were born in darkness went astray and wandered from the gospel way but since my saviour gave me sight I cannot walk without his line and so the redeemer shall part time of refreshing and time of reviving and he says unto their souls yea I have loved good you cannot buy this love you cannot buy good works acquiring it's the gift of [49:22] God and through mercy some of you know this he's loved you with an everlasting love and therefore his loving kindness has drawn you and you know as I said earlier delve into this mystery of godliness which you hold to be a subject of that eternal love because having loved his own that were in the world he loves them to the end and blessed be the Lord if he has chosen you and me in the phase of eviction we must be brought into fellowship these sufferings and these sufferings dear friends make us consider more the latter end and how the phase stand though you may be young and full of health and strength or a middle eye in a moment of time we can be brought dear friends to our knees with that prayer [50:26] Lord have mercy upon myself Lord save me for thy mercy sake reveal to me that thou hast eternally loved me and so to my soul I am thy salvation so we do need to be on our watch tower but we have those evidences that we have been born of God that he has shown your token and that we shall be given grace to serve him with reverence and godly fear but he tells you plainly this is the way walking in it when he turns to the right and to the left he thinks there are many that turn to the left on a smoother passage to heaven but in the weight than they have though when the Lord so reveals to you what it costs him when he reveals to you that he is the way the truth and the life and all that the [51:32] Father given me shall come to me and him that cometh unto me I will no wise cast out he said bring your heart thanks to me all these mysteries it's not it is not conversing one with another it's conversing with your Lord and Saviour who is your one mediator or to be found more at the throne of grace seeking access into his holy ear seeking me he will reveal to you that you're one of the seeds see Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated that I might know the truth of myself that I might have evidences that thou hast bought me laid down thy life for me and you'll feel such unworthiness of that blessed be the Lord we walk with trembling and with fear that we're not left to be mistaken because so many you feel think that they have some ability in themselves and freedom to prepare themselves with the help of the [52:45] Lord to get to heaven it's all of his good work it's all the power of the spirit of Christ to rest upon you to convince of sin and lead you to that path and hope and for sin and unpleasing and we bless the Lord if we've got a little inclination in our heart to call upon him in the day of trouble soul trouble and needy souls we say when the poor and needy seek water living water from the wells of salvation is he what you're seeking doing the fright of yourself and the poor and needy seek water and the tongue fail to thirst I the Lord will hear you'll be groaning at the throne of grace you'll be waiting upon the Lord may the near redeemer come and show me give me some sure promise that it shall be well but meanwhile life shall last and well and good to die to be washed in the blood of the [53:49] Lord Jesus washed and cleansed from all our sins and unrighteousness we should never dear friends be cleansed of the sins of our flesh but the Lord will when your soul is redeemed from the captivity that is under in this present body of sin and death blessed be the Lord Jesus and is able to do far more exceeding upon you and me all we are able to ask your thing blessed Jesus and the redeemer shall come come we cannot escape from the shells and wills of Jehovah he shall come we get so full of doubtful minds how can the Lord come again because he's recorded in his word he will so come again as he parted into heaven that human heart he still retains though thrown in high bliss he has compassion upon sinners because he teaches them to number their days to apply their hearts unto wisdom to observe these things though we cannot steal the blessing as a thief or a robber some other way we wait upon the [55:12] Lord to renew their strength we might mount up with wings eagles we might run and not be weary walk and not faint because he gives power oh do you believe it I hope we do we get in darkness and bondage as you will in the pathway but blessed be the Lord may that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength oh blessed be the Lord for his word may it apply to your soul and the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from the plants fresh and in Jacob saith the Lord oh may we hold fast to what the Lord said and what he applies and though you might not have it applied yet wait upon him tarry his leisure then wait at the appointed hour wait at the bridegroom of your souls reveal his love with power may you pardon all the miss this morning and get to his honour his glory in his name amen let us conclude with hymn 560 the tune is dismissal 671 oh thou mighty god and saviour give us faith thy works to trace heavenly warrior may we never from thee turn away our face may we view thee standing in our wretched place armed with wrath and righteous vengeance justice once unsheathed his sword death of hell were its attendants and [57:03] Jehovah gave the word smite the shepherd that may wrath on him be poured mlברים i God bless you. [58:20] May we hear thee, may we hear thee, stand and redeem in our ancient place. [58:39] God with all and righteous vengeance, trust in his heart, not sheep his soul. [59:01] Yet the helper fears the endless, and dear love gave the soul. [59:23] God with all and righteous vengeance. We thank Goduses. [59:36] there, God, I roam near thee so small. [59:50] для вояния, wipe trên течение'd be grateful to him, All of us dab�led in the词 Seize the Lord and sing the Lord. [60:31] Our revenge is, our revenge is. [60:42] Great, God, my God, when you're near. [60:55] Great, Jesus, grace and wonder. See the mighty, dear God. [61:17] The endless day, grandless day. And completely surplified. [61:37] Yes, this is warrior. Yes, this is warrior. [61:49] God, the earth is from all hell to die. Thou art pues, all습니까? [62:11] Jesus, there quickly showers full. String andb임 To my who's thành頂 All this darkness We will yarn new To God and myake and bring the change in love. [63:10] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest in the Bible of each. [63:23] Amen. Amen.