Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] So Lord may help me and ask your attention to the gospel as recorded by John chapter 10 and verse 9. John chapter 10 and verse 9. [0:13] I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture. [0:30] How in much the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, when he was here upon earth, was conveyed in parables. [0:45] And particularly with this parable that we find in the opening verses of this chapter before us this evening, and the various similitudes the Lord uses with respect to himself and the great end and purpose for which he came into the world. [1:11] We are informed that he spake in parables to them that were without. But it was when he was in private with his disciples that he expounded the meaning of the parables unto them. [1:30] And there is surely, as we have that ear to hear and that heart to receive the same, much that is for the spiritual instruction of the living family of God, in these very words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. [1:53] There is one point particularly before just coming to this verse I want to emphasise. And that is, as we find so often in this gospel as recorded by John, with regard to the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, that those things which he spake and set forth were prefaced, and with these verily, verily, I say unto you, now that we must not overlook the force of those words, verily, verily, oh does it not direct our attention, both to him that thus speaks, and unquestionably of the authority of him that speaks. [2:50] But let us never forget that with regard to our Lord Jesus Christ, is he not the faithful and the true witness? [3:02] Is not what he has spoken that upon which we can implicitly rely? And our great is the mercy, if thus through his grace, our ears are thus open to hear, and our heart to receive in faith and love, both what he has spoken, and what likewise through that gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit, he speaks unto us. [3:35] For is it not still a precious reality, that true, as our Lord Jesus spake, when he was here on earth, how thankful we should always be, for the account that is given us, here, in the Holy Scriptures, let us not overlook either, this important truth, that all that is recorded here, in the record of the Gospels, is that which is wholly reliable, it is a faithful transcript, of all that the Lord spake and did, when he was here on earth. [4:22] Though as John likewise, informs us later, in this Gospel, as recorded by him, not everything, has been recorded, what our Lord Jesus spake, and did, when he was here on earth. [4:41] But what he, what is emphasized is this, that these things were written, that ye might know, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, ye might have life, through his name, are all that is sufficient, with respect to the, with respect to that, which concerns the salvation, of all that his Father hath given him, is fully set before us, in the precious word, of divine truth. [5:19] And again, what I would just notice, is this, yes, we have here, in this record, of the Gospels, the words and works, of our Lord Jesus Christ, when he was here, on earth. [5:36] But oh, what a precious, reality is this, that these things, not only testify, to us, of what Jesus was, but what, he still is. [5:50] But is he not, the same Jesus, yesterday, today, and forever, the same, full of grace, and truth, what he expresses here, both in the presence, of the multitude, and to his own disciples, also personally, is that, which has abiding, relevant still, and how great, is the mercy, wherein, not only, these things, as I have said, are sounded, in our ears, but we have brought, the true exercise, of a God-given faith, to receive, and to believe, of the same, and to believe, on him, whom God, has sent. [6:39] Well, let us just notice, then, has helped, a few things, more particularly, from this verse, that I have read, by way of a text, our Lord Jesus, states here, I am, the door, is this not, that we might, think, a most, unusual, expression, and yet, friends, what precious truth, does it convey, I am, at the door, first of all, to notice this, and I have hinted, already, at the authority, of him, that speaks, see it there, in that very expression, I am, go back, to that scene, there, on the back side, of the desert, when, the Lord, appeared to Moses, in that bush, that burned with fire, and yet, was not consumed, what was it, that the Lord, made known, to Moses, on that occasion, when, [7:51] Moses said, whom shall I say, has sent me, unto them, the Lord, said, I am, that I am, hath sent me, unto you, expressing, expressing, as that does, the very, reality, of the, of the, of the, of the Lord, as he is, the one, and only, true God, the self, existent, holy, just, the true, indeed, the one, and only, true God, and that applies, in the glorious, realization of it, essentially, to the person, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, he is, the great, I am, co-equal, co-eternal, with the Father, and with the Holy Spirit, one God over all, blessed forevermore, let us not overlook this, it is it not lay, at the very foundation, of that which pertains, to the blessings, of salvation, of as sinful men, and women, as we are, that the Lord, [9:10] Jesus Christ, indeed, is God, the eternal, Son of God, as he himself declares, as we have read, in this chapter, this evening, and of that, which provoked, so much opposition, even from, amongst the Jews, particularly the scribes, and Pharisees, accusing him, of blasphemy, because he said, I am, the Son of God, oh friends, where should we be, as if this, was not, what was not true, it is upon, the very foundation, of his deity, that he is God, manifest in the flesh, that all that pertains, of the blessings, of salvation, for ruined sinners, as we are, is surely founded, I am, he says, yes, expressive, as his eternal power, and Godhead, glorious truth, and all, does that not, not speak, to us as well, not only, of what he declares, here, is faithful, and true, but surely, it like, it emphasizes, a blessing, a reality, of this, that he, he declares, [10:36] I am, ah, I say, it sets forth, the blessed, reality, of this, here, is one, that is mighty, at a same, oh, can any less, the one, such, as Jesus Christ is, as he is revealed, to us, in his word, be of any avail, at a sinner, such as you, and I, surely, friends, as if brought, the divine, teaching, of the Holy Spirit, to no outlast, and ruin condition, our very, need as a sinner, ah, the solemn, weight, a reality, of our sins, and the righteous, judgment of God, that it is revealed, in his holy law, with regard, to the same, oh, truly, we shall be brought, to realize, that none less, than he, that is God, and God, manifest in the flesh, will ever do, for such, as we are, for surely, none, but such, as our Lord, [11:49] Jesus Christ, could ever accomplish, that which has, ruined sinners, only, that could meet, the deep needs, of our guilty soul, ah, and this friend, he assures us, here, in this word, when he says, I am, the door, now, what does that, essentially, mean, what is the, spiritual truth, opened up, to us, in this statement, of our Lord, here, well, does not, is not, is not the door, not a door, that, of which gives, access, access, ah, so it is, with regard, to our Lord, Jesus Christ, it is, in him, and, through him, alone, that there, is that way, that access, and not only access, but acceptance, with the Father, as he declares, in a later chapter, in this same, record, of the gospel, [12:57] I am, the way, the truth, and the life, no man, cometh unto the Father, but by me, no, no way, of access, for us, indeed, acceptance, either, but in, and through, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and through, faith, in his name, ah, see how he himself, has both opened, up that way, unto the Father, as he has declared, and not only, has opened up the way, but he is the way, himself, as he, as he, as he graciously, testifies, as he, not open, this access, unto the Father, by, both by, and through, his life, sufferings, death, and resurrection, and glorious ascension, into heaven, and session there, at the right hand, of the majesty, in the heavens, yes, it is thus, he hath opened, this door, or this way, unto the Father, ah, for, the letter, but is not this, the solemn reality, and in short, it is that, which is brought, home to us, under that, teaching of the Holy Spirit, that is, not only, that our sins, have most, and do most, solemnly, separate us, from a holy God, but not only, separate, but, wherein, we are brought, under the curse, of a broken law, and that through, both, original sin, and our own, actual transgressions, oh, is not the way, wholly, closed up, thus, for the sinner, as far as, anything, that can be, accomplished, by themselves, or even, any other, amongst, the fallen, sons, and daughters, of Adam, for them, oh, the utter, folly, and our, is that, not whatever, fallen, human nature, is ever, prone unto, to be found, looking, anywhere, apart, from, from, unto the Lord, [15:31] Jesus Christ, as the only, way of access, and acceptance, with the Father, we find, still in these days, in which we live, how much, friends, religion, of one, form, or another, is in, is in, is in the world, ah, and you know, what, what is a distinguishing, mark, of all, apart, from that, which is made, known to us, in the precious, truth of the gospel, it is this, that whatever, form it may take, it, it always, has, this feature, for it is that, which in a real sense, is a religion, of a natural man, and that is, it is a, religion of works, ah, that something, must be done, something, must be observed, something, must be achieved, with respect, to such, as it were, to commend, that thus, the individual, unto God, [16:39] I say, all the religions, in the world, have that same, a feature, look into, something, in self, or something, that can be achieved, by them, ah, but what, the glorious, gospel, of the grace, of God, testifies, is this, not that, which a sinner, has to do, of themselves, for friends, if it rested, upon this, are we not, utterly lost, and ruined, and undone, unquestionably so, but the glorious, gospel, of the grace, of God, testifies, of this, not what, the sinner must do, but what, the saviour, has done, for them, ah, and, and, not only, what he has done, for them, about the very, blessing, of the same, that imparted, unto them, in all, the fullness, and the freeness, of the same, [17:45] I am the door, says our Lord, Jesus Christ, here, I say, is that way, of access, and acceptance, with God, by, and through, Jesus Christ, his person, and finished work, and that alone, it is as one, of the hymn writers, well expresses it, no other gospel, we can own, but that, which sets, Jesus Christ, upon his throne, he proclaims, salvation, full and free, for ruined, sinners, such as we, ah, would anything, less friends, than this do, for you, and I, I am the door, that says our Lord, Jesus Christ, that said, gave the way, of access, and of that, acceptance, with God, oh, see thus, that way, opened up, as I have said, the person, and atoning work, of the Lord, [18:49] Jesus Christ, he hath entered, into heaven, itself, there, to appear, in the presence, of God, for us, the blessed testimony, of the apostle, to concerns, the one, and true church, of Jesus Christ, I am the door, by me, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, ah, see friends, the, see here, as well, these things, are not put forth, as it were, in a way, well, a way, of if, or a but, or maybe, notice the, the certainty, of the same, he says, if any man, enter in, he shall, be saved, oh, you know, how precious, are the shalls, and the wills, of our God, ah, is it not, surely upon this, and from these things, that all, real, consolation, arises, for the, tried, exercise, and trouble, so, why, not what, as I said, the sinner, can do, but what, [20:09] God in Christ, has, wrought, ah, see, as he, as he said, he says, he shall, if any man, enter in, he shall, be saved, oh, how, how, how blessedly, positive, are those, think this, which is made, known to us, in the truth, of the gospel, but what a word, also is here, if any man, enter in, he, shall be saved, you know, what does this, what does this, blessedly, open up to us, why, is it not expressed, in such language, as this, that the vilest sinner, out of hell, that lives, to feel his need, is welcome, at the throne of grace, the saviour, blood to plead, our friends, none, too, none too, far off, no, none too, deep dined, stained in sin, about that, this glorious gospel, of his grace, according, to the sovereign, purposes of our God, most surely, does, and ever will, avail, oh, what instances, of this, are given us, in the word of God, you know, [21:33] Paul, could testify, of the same, for himself, why, he speaks, of what he was, when the grace, of God, laid hold, upon him, on that, Damascus road, he speaks, of himself, as being, a blasphemer, as injurious, as a persecutor, of the church, of Jesus Christ, as one, that was mad, against, all those, that profess, the very name, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Christ, ah, but see, friends, there, the reality, the sovereign, distinguishing, grace of God, oh, as Paul, could testify, likewise, he says, it is a faithful, saying, worthy, of all, acceptation, that Christ, Jesus, came into the world, to save sinners, of whom, I am chief, ah, our friend, as, wherein, there is, found, in your, within your heart, a concern, and desire, for, and after, [22:47] Jesus Christ, oh, remember, that that is, that which is, the outworking, of the very, gracious, ministry, of the Holy Spirit, yes, you may, find, yourselves, beset, it may, well be so, this evening, beset, with many, things, that crowd in upon, of crowd in, and how active, is the Satan, always, wherein, seeking, to hedge up, the way, of a needy, guilty, burdened sinner, in such suggestions, as this, your case, is such, far beyond, from what, the Lord, the Lord, Jesus, will, can deal with, or even, in such language, as this, how can you expect, how can you think, after what you are, where you have been, what you have done, that there can be, mercy, for such a sinner, as you, our friends, do not, these things, indeed, crowd in, upon the soul, or are they not, those hindrances, are we, meet, are we not, ready to conclude, yes, this, this is, sadly, the case, see what, our Lord, says here, if any man, enter in, he shall, be saved, oh, none, friends, too bad, for Jesus Christ, no sinner, that through his grace, is brought, to cry unto him, is ever sent, empty away, no, he, why, you know, the scribes, and Pharisees, have said, in respect, to our Lord, [24:40] Jesus Christ, and their, whole purpose, in saying it, was to deride him, they said, this man, receiveth sinners, and eateth with them, oh, how offended, they were, at such a concept, but did our Lord, Jesus Christ, our friends, reject that, no, see how, he glories in it, yes, it was, this very end, and purpose, of which he came, as he says himself, to save, he came into this world, to see, and to save, that, of which is lost, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, as you'll go in, and out, and find pasture, what I want, also, just to emphasize here, is see, how, these things, are not friends, left, at a pair of venture, but they are founded, upon, the very, founded upon, the outworking, of the sovereign, of the sovereign, purposes, of our God, any man, enter in, he shall, be saved, and surely, the entering, in, of any, a sinner, that sense, of the sinner, coming, unto the Lord, [26:09] Jesus Christ, oh, this is of his grace, from the very beginning, unto the end, for surely, is not this, borne out, in the experience, of the, the soul, taught of the Holy Spirit, that, it is not, friends, our beginning, with the Lord, but that his, beginning, with us, never, would a sinner, come, unto the Lord, Jesus Christ, only, as that soul, is thus, drawn, through the sovereign, grace, and mercy, of God, the great, for that gracious, ministry, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and what, and what is a precious, truth is this, ah, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, and indeed, that, that, that, that salvation, is sure, and is sure, also in this, that all, that the Father, giveth him, as he has said, shall come to me, and him, that cometh to me, [27:19] I will in no wise, cast out, have often, commented, upon that verse, in this respect, oh, how we see there, that which is ever, the blessed fruit, by the gracious mark, of the sovereign work, of the Holy Spirit, as our Lord says, the Father giveth me, shall come, and him, that cometh, there, friends, is a very, outworking, of the life, of faith, in the soul, thus taught, of the Holy Spirit, and brought, thus, to flee, unto the Lord Jesus, for refuge, why, short is expressed, in this, they shall come, they do come, and that coming, is not an isolated incident, in the life, of that person, it is that, which is a daily reality, the sense, of the realization, of a daily need, that they have, of, surely, that, with, with that, thus I, trust amongst us, tonight, that, know, and know of, the Lord's, gracious, and sovereign, dealings, with us, being brought us, from that, death, in trespasses, and sins, into the, life, and liberty, of the gospel, friend, any less, need, of Jesus Christ, today, than you were, when the Lord, first met with you, any less, the need, as a sinner, any less, the need, to come, and have to come, and to come, daily, to the Lord, [29:09] Jesus Christ, he says, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, know, a daily need, of Jesus Christ, the blessed evidence, of that life of faith, and not only, that need, daily need, but our friends, the realisation, that none, but Jesus, can do, that such sinners, as we are, any real, and lasting good, and all, that pertains, to the spiritual, welfare, of the soul, is that, which is, to be received, out of the fullness, which is, in Christ Jesus, which is, thirdly here, with regard, to this verse, he shall be saved, ah, I love, friends, the certainty, of these things, for sure, it is, that no sinner, that through grace, is brought, to flee, unto the Lord, [30:12] Jesus Christ, for refuge, that soul, could never perish, our Lord, Jesus himself, declares it, in this very chapter, before us, that all, that the Father, giveth me, shall come, he says, he says, my sheep, hear my voice, I know them, they follow me, I give to them, eternal life, and they, shall never perish, but he, shall go in, and out, he says, and find pasture, here, friends, is not only, access, and acceptance, but here, the soul, is brought, the very expression, here, as a believer, through grace, into that, very union, and fellowship, with the Lord, he, shall go, in and out, and find pasture, oh, let, the true sense, as it were, of that blessed, liberty, liberty, the soul, of access, unto the Father, ah, the realisation, that union, and fellowship, with Jesus Christ, and here, in all, that the Lord, [31:32] Jesus is, and all, that he has done, is there found, that, which is the spiritual, meat, and drink, of the living soul, ah, shall go in, and out, and find pasture, what a full provision, is made, of his people, in all, that the Lord, Jesus is, and all, that he has done, was he saying, in an earlier chapter, in this, in this gospel, as recorded, by John, speaking, of himself, and that, similitude, and of that, which so many, even of his, immediate followers, of them, were offended at, so, that they went back, and walked, no more with him, he says, except ye, eat the flesh, of the son of man, and drink his blood, ye have, no life in you, ah, this is a hard saying, who can hear it, they went back, walked, no more with him, oh, friends, what a question, was that, which the Lord, put, to immediate followers, will you also, go away, do these things, offend you, [32:51] Peter says, to whom can we go, thou hast the words, of eternal life, we believe, and are sure, that thou art, that Christ, the son of the living God, oh, Lord, in thee, in all that thou art, in all that thou hast done, is that wherein alone, the very needs, of my soul, are met, both for time, and for eternity, and how fully, and freely, are those, the blessings, of the same, imparted, unto his people, in the blessings, of pardon, peace, and of eternal life, just one other thought, here as well, of this evening, I am the door, as is our Lord here, in that, within the immediate context, he speaks, there is, within the, the open parable, express, but forth in this chapter, there is that, what the Lord describes, as a sheepfold, that is, expressive, [33:58] I believe, of his one, and of his true church, and also that, that, that entrance, into the church, and, and, and, and likewise, friends, as it concerns, the church, of Jesus Christ, here, upon earth, amongst, the very, the very companies, of the Lord's people, of those, that are brought, to know the Lord, to profess his name, and are found, in that union, and fellowship, one with another, as a church, of Jesus Christ, and walk together, in the ordinances, of the Lord, that entrance, into the church, is it not, likewise, indeed, thus, through Jesus Christ, and through, faith in his name, and that is, the profession, of his name, in that, open profession, of, of him, the witness, and testimony, of what he, not only, of who he is, but of what, he has done, for us, now that, wherein, we could desire, to go, to be found, and joined, with those, that love, the Lord Jesus Christ, in sincerity, and in truth, and likewise, in the attendance, upon the ordinances, of his house, [35:24] I am the door, that says, Jesus Christ, yes, as it concerns, a whole, of the salvation, of his people, and in every, aspect, of their lives, both personally, and with regard, to the church, collectively, we, we see, that it is in, and through, or that, that the, that the Lord Jesus is, that both, every blessing, is found, and has flown, I am the door, by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in, and out, and find pasture, oh, blessed access, that access, which is, that, of acceptance, with the Father, and that, freely, into the very, presence of God, you know, see how the Lord, again, expresses this, through his servant, the apostle, those, well-known words, there, in the epistle, to the Hebrews, he says, seeing, we have a great, high priest, over the house, of God, [36:35] Jesus, the son of God, let us, hold fast, our profession, for we have not, an high priest, that cannot be touched, with the feeling, of our infirmities, but was in all points, tempted, like as we are, yet without sin, wherefore, let us, come boldly, oh, see that access, that right of access, that liberty, for access, unto the throne, of grace, that we may, obtain mercy, and find grace, to help, in time of need, but I'll leave, the remarks, there this evening, may the Lord, add his blessing, Amen.